Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1896, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1, 1896. jr. VAN SLYKE, Editor. Republican Senatorial Convention,! The Republican voters of Boone, Lake and McHenry counties of the State of Illinois, comprising the Eighth Senator­ ial District, are requested to send dele­ gates to the Republican District Conven­ tion, to be held at the Marengo Opera House, in Marengo, McHenry county, Illinois, on Wednesday the eighth (8) of April, 1896, atone (1) o'clock P. M., for the purpose of placing in nomination two (2) candidates for the General As­ sembly and one (1) candidate for the State Senate, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come before it. The representation will be on the basis of one delegate for every one hundred and fifty (150) Republican votes cast for president in 1892 and one delegate for every fraction of seventv- five votes. On,this basis Roone tonnty will be en-: titled to thirteen (13) delegates. Lake coanty to twenty (20) delegates and McHenry county to, ^twenty-one (21) delegates. / JOHN C. FOOTE, ) . SAM'L BATES, [- Boone County. . - A. W. ROBINSON. ; : G. N. BlRNETTK, } S. C, WELSH,." > Lake County. . A;'W5-WHIT-MORE ) *• ; F. K. GRANGER 4 A. S WRIGHT, > McHenry County. J. B. BIBCOCK: • ; 'Kepublican Senatorial Compiittee. Mr. Howard, member of the Ken­ tucky legislature, moved that "the session be dissolved everlastingly, eter­ nally and forever." The motion was carried with a yell and the doxology was sung. Thus ended the attempt to elect a successor to U. S. Senator Blackburn. tST'Hon. W. A. Northcott is meeting . with such success in his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor, that unless some­ thing unforseen occurs he will be nomi­ nated on the first ballot. His nomina­ tion will be highly gratifying to his hun­ dreds of friends in McHenry -county as well as the thousands all over Northern Illinois. tS^The McKinley "boom." sweeps along gathering fresn impetus* every day as conventions art being held and dele­ gates chosen to the National convention. It looks as if there might be nothing to do to make it unanimous for the Ohio man when the convention meets June 16. This will be in accord with the wish of the people. Ksi^The attendance upon the Elgin Board oi Trade Monday was not large, REPUBLICAN .COUNTY^CON VENTION The Republicans of McHeury county met in constituent convention at the Court House, in Woodstock, On Friday, Merch 27, 1896. The convention was called to order at 1:30 p. k. by L. T. Hoy, chairman of the County C6mmittee, who read the-call, and, on recommendation of the commit­ tee, named S. H. Callender, of Harvard, for temporary ehairman, and that gen­ tleman was elected without opposition, accepting with .thanks for the honor conferred. On motionC- A. Lemmers was elected' secretary, and the editors of, the Republi­ can papers of the county assistant sec­ retaries. It was moved and carried that the chairmen of the respective delegations hand their credentials to the secretary, and that, if no contests be found, the parties named in such credentials be declared entitled to seats in the eonV vention. , . - On^motion the "temporary .organiza­ tion was made permanent. M. F. Walsh moved that the chairman appoint a committee ot five on resolu­ tions, and that all resolutions, be pre­ sented to said committee without read­ ing. Carried. • The chairman appointed C»;VH. Don­ nelly, M. F, Walsh, W..A. Cristy, R. J. Beck and M. W* Merry as such .com-' mittee. W. A. Cristy- presented the following list of names-and moved that the parties named be elected as delegates to the state convention. 0 , C. H. Donnelly, Delegate-at-Large. L. T. Hov, A.S.Wright,* R. J. Beck, M. F. Walsh, W. E. Wire, F. K. Granger, Jas. Nigh, ' L. D. Lowell, Jr. J. Q. Adams, E. D,.Shu,rtlfcff. The motion was put and declared carried. It was moved and carried that each of the towns select a member of the county central committee for the ensuing two yesrs and report to the secretary. The roll of towns Deing called, the following named were announced as county com­ mitteemen: Riley, N. Brotzman, Maren­ go, Geo. Crego; Dunham, R. J. .Beck; Chemung, H. D. Crumb; Alden, E. S. Smith; Hartland, T. H. Brown; Seneca, C. W. Deitz; Coral, Eminett Wilcox; Grafton, E. H. Cook ; Dorr, L. T. Hoy; Greenwood, M. Long; Hebron, W. £. Wire; Richmond, Wm. McGaw ; Burton, John Cole; McHenry, H.C.Mead; Nunda, W. H. Harrison ; Algonquin, Jas. Nishj The committee on resolntions present­ ed the following, and on motion the re­ port was adopted as read, as follows: Resolved, That the delegates to the senatorial and representative conven­ tions be, and they hereby are, instructed may occur in the nomination of county offices, by -death, resignation or other­ wise. • W HE RE AS, There is now imprisoned by the Spanish government aa a rebel s]py, in the island of Cuba, one Walter Grant Dygert, a,resident of McHenry county and a citizen o* the United States, and WHEREAS, Said imprisonment is with­ out cause, improper and unlawful, there­ fore be it Resolved, By this convention that we condemn the action Of the Spanish au­ thorities in thus unla wfully depriving an American citizen of his liberty, and re­ quest the government of the United States to demand his immediate and un­ conditional release and restoration to liberty, find, if necessary, enforce such demand by force of arms. Be it further Resolved, That a copy of this resolu­ tion be immediately forwarded to the state department at Washington. Moved and carried that the chairman appoint a co Jimittee of five, who, with Hons. H. S. Williams and F. K. Granger should select the delegates to the con­ gressional and senatorial conventions. The chairman appointed Hi B. Crumb. Geo. F„ Rushton, J. W. Cristy, J. H. Gracyand J. Q, Adams as such com­ mittee. , - The committee ret ired and soon return­ ed, presenting the following lists of names, and their report was adopted without a di«senting vote: CONGRESSIONAL. but the butter market was steady, with perhaps a downward tendency as to price. All sales were made at 20 cents, but large quantities were withdrawn, only 18 and 19 cents being bid. The total sales were 15,900 pounds for $3,180. A year ago butter sold readily for 20 cents. Let the Democratic party adopt at Chicago a true, sound money platform, and it can go to the country with an as­ surance of victory.--Ex. Not this year. The country has had enough of Democratic platform assur­ ances, Democratic gilt-edge promises and. Democratic administration to last it a crood while. The country has learned that it is a good thing to place no de­ pendence on Democracy, whatever the issue raised. IS" In their platform adopted in the New York state convention the Republi­ cans declare a firm and unyielding adher­ ence to the doctrine of protection to American industries, the products of the farm and labor; for a tariff while provid­ ing an income sufficient to meet the ex­ pense of the" government honestly and economically administered and at the same time secures home labor and home capitaf from unequal foreign competi­ tion ; for reciprocity with other nations, and against the free coinage of silver. Da?* Senator Blackburn's friends are denouncing Gov. Bradley for calling out the Kentucky militia guarding the capi- tol and maintaining the peace, dignity and good order of the state against the bowie knives and slung shots of chivalric gentlemen and statesmen. To keep him­ self in a §5,000 office where his party does not want him this man Blackburn has disgraced his state as did Gasman Addicks the state of Delaware. These men who would grab office or hold it by main strength are safe men to keep out of office even by aid of the militia. Chan. Wand rack.. Geo. Crego, . J. V. Aldrich, H. C. Mead, H.. J. Dygert, J. A. Ba.yrd, N. Brotzman. Ira R. ("urtis, F. F. Ax tell, A sad Udell, L. M. Lillibridge, Geo. F. Rushton, C. F. Renich, Fred Rector, W. P. St. Clair, Frank Rowe, SENATORIAL. Wm.Mallory, D. T. Smiley, F. Wilson, John Weltzien, Lester Barber, Emrnett Wilcox, F. C. Wells, F. E. Holmes, A. W. Young, J. B. Ferry, Chas. Waite, W. A. Cristy, W. D. Cornue, Wm! Hill, G. W. Conn, D. W. Thomas, 'has. Thompson, John Nihan, A. K. Bunker, George Eckert, T. H. Brown. The following nominations were made for county offices: Circuit clerk--George B. Richards, of Seneca. State's Attorney-- Y. S. Lumley, of Woodstock. Surveyor--Captain C. H. Tryon, of Woodstock. Coroner--Dr. S. Wernham, of Ma­ rengo. All the above nominations, with the exception of Circuit Clerk, were made by acclamation. IST1 There promises to be quite a con­ test at the Eighth District Congressional Convention when it meets, over the nom­ ination of a member for State Board of Equalization. McHenry county has held its convention and instructed for H. S. Williams, a former member of the board in the old fifth district; DuPage county backs up Captain Rogers, who is one of the popular men of this part of the state. The other candidate mentioned is R. W. Willett, of Kendall county, who has oc­ cupied the position for the past four years for the old eighth district, and who has made a good record. As it appearg) io us, Kendall county should have the place. We get no place probably on the legislative ticket, and have no r spirants for state offices, and this nomination should be assigned this county without a question. It will take some help from Kane and DeKalb, but those counties are our natural allies, as now districted and will probably cast their votes for Mr. Willett. They ought to, at least.-- Kendall County Record. Satisfaction, The C.'S. Graves Land Company, R. 311, 56 Fifth Avenue, Chicago is offering land at from §5 to $10 per acre. This land Is recommended by the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors of Clark county, Wisconsin, where land is located and by over one hundred actual purchas- to vote for ancTuse all honorable means to secure the nomination of Hon. F. K Granger for Senator of the Eighth sena­ torial district, and that the vote of the delegates shall be cast by the chairman of the delegation as a majority of the delegates shall decide, on all questions ihat may come before the convention, and that the delegation may fill any va cancy or vacancies that may occur, or cast the entire vote of the delegation, as it may elect. Resolved, That the delegates to the congressional convention be, and they hereby are, instructed to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the nomination of Hon. H. S. Williams for member of the state board of equaliza­ tion for the Eighth congressional dis trict, and that the vote of the delegates shall be cast by the chairman of the del­ egation as a majority of the delegates shall decide, on all questions that may come before the convention, and that the delegation may fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur, or cast the entire-vote of the delegation as it may elect. Believing in the principle of reciprocity and recognizing the fact that t'-e Repub licanismof the voters of McHenry county has never been disputed, their fealty to the party questioned or their loyalty to its principles surpassed, and further be lieving that that Republicanism, fealty and loyalty should be recognized and re warded, we, the representatives of the Republicans of McHenry county, in con vention assembled, demand recognition for the Eighth congressional district with its 12,000 Republican majority and WHEREAS, Our congressman is an as pirant for the nomination for governor and believing that in' him we have a can­ didate who truly represents the princi­ ples of the Republican party, whose ability and long familiarity with the bus­ iness of Congress and intimate relations with the people of his district and state, honesty and fairness makes him a desir­ able candidate and one whose nomina­ tion would insure the success of the party at the polls at the next election, and his election give to us one of the best gov­ ernors the state has ever had, impels us to demand his nomination by the state convention for governor. Be it there­ fore Resolved, That the delegates to the state convention be, and they hereby are, instructed to vote for and use all honorable meins to secure the nomina­ tion of Hon. A. J. Hopkins for governor, and that the vote of the delegation upon all questions that may come before the convention shall be cast by the chairman as a majority of the delegates shall de­ cide. WHEREAS, One of the cardinal princi­ ples ot the Republican party has been and now is "Protection to home indus­ tries and American labor," and WHEREAS, During the past two years under a Democratic administration, our country and people have experienced a period of financial and commercial de­ pression which has crippled and destroy­ ed many of our industries. • And WHEREAS, We believe this condition is directly attributable to the so called "free trade policy" of the Democratic party, and WHEREAS, The people demand a res­ toration of the good times and prosper­ ity which they enjoyed under a protect­ ive tariff, and "WHEREAS, There has never been any uncertainty about' the position which he occupied on this important question, and we recognize in him an able advocate of protection and ihe champion of American interests, and be­ lieving that he is nearer to the hearts of the Republican voters of the county than any other candidate whose name has been mentioned for the presidency, and that he more nearly represents the senti­ ment of the people upon the great and absorbing question of protection to home industries and American labor, we, the representatives of the Republican party of McHenry county, in convention assembled, most, heartily endorse the candidacy of Major Wm. McKinley for president of the United States. Resolved, That the county central committee be, and it hereby is, author- Illinois State Prohibition Convention* For the above occasion the Northwest­ ern Line, will, on April 7, 8 and 9, 1886, sell excursion tickets to Springfield and return at reduced rates. For tickets and full information apply to Agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 39wl THE Exacting, economical and critical buyers included, are urgently requested to call and examine our late arrivals of I . • • • NEW & SEASONABLE STYLES In Collars, Cuffs, gents Ilose,' Braces, Handkerchiefs and Shirts, of . . every description. ' ' I have just received a full line of gents' NECKTIES for spring and summer wear. WE LEAD XH QUALITY : : r ; - p m c s . Careful comparison cannot fail to con vince you-of this fact. We simply ask you to come and see our g'yods, assuring all high grades and one. uniform low pricc will be found in every department. ' : Have just received a full line of . .* Spring and Summer Suitings And Overcoatings, aii4Jjvril i| guarantee, to -satisfy alb who will favor me with their patronage;. - . Good-Fits and workmanship guaranteed, and prices to satisfy the people. Thanking you all for past favors. J. D. LODTZ. for By Trading on the West Side. wwWBVWV>m.~ Special - Easter - Offerings OF GREAT INTEREST TO THE CASH BUYER. Immense £ot ofSprimg l^ercharsdise just in and E. I. PHIS Will Open his New Paint and Paper House To-day, WEDNESDAY, * Aj>ril 1st: Call in, look around, and then watch for his new advertisment next .week, in which he will tell you some­ thing that $ Will Save You Monty, HIS That you should your Bicycle of us? buy ers. All who make a thorough examina­ tion are satisfied. Write for particulars.' ized to fill any and aU vacancies" which We sell the test me­ dium grades. We sell the finest high grades. Wo have 30 Bicycles now in stock, compris- seven makes. Easy to pick a winner. Prices defy competition CY, T, J. Bsk BlW" JL. GLB& ^WOODSTOCK, ILL. W vr HAVE NO AGENTS Ma G W k hnr, KPII direct to the A W, B PiiATTi Secy. but sell direct to the consumer at wholesale prices. Ship anywhere for examination" before sale. Everything warranted. lOO stylesof CarrluRes, OOstylesol Harntmi, 41 Styles Hiding Saddles. Write for catalogiu f ELKHART Carriage & Harness Mtg.Co, Elkhart, Ind WORK USEFUL, . . . PLEASANT, . . REMUNERATIVE t STEADY, . . . For an Army of Active, In­ telligent Men and Women, in the introduction of our {FAMILY BIBLES! ! Seven Styles of Binding, each one a marvel of Beauty A and Cheapness. THEY WILL, • SEU* AT SIGHT! THIS LINE OF BIBLES CONTAINS The Most ValuabEe Aids and Helps. . . . The Largest Number of New Features. . . The Largest Number of Fine Illustrations. . The Most Attractive and Reliable Bindings. WRITE US FOR OUR LIBERAL TERMS TO AGENTS. CRANSTON & CURTS, 220-222 W." FOURTH STREET, CINOINIVATI, O. BICYCLES! ii SUITINGS AND TRIMMINGS. In black and fashionable shades. Scotch and domestic Ginghams, - • • Satteens, Prints. Gents'Furnishing Goods. United Brand fine Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Stylish Neckwear The latest in soft and stiff Hats for spring wear" Golf Cap^, Gloves.- MT SPRING GAPES! S3RW At lower prices than ever heard of before, Here is the greatest bargains in Tablq Linen, Napkins, Lineu Crashes you have eVer soon in this or any other town: Extra heavy half bleached Damask, 54 inche wide, 2yc. Very best Turkey red Damask, (>0 inches wide, 50c per yard. Twiled all Linen Crash, 18 inches wide, 8c per yard, bleached or unbleached. 0 . Extra fine Napkins, 23 inches square, only $1 per doz. Fancy Caps for boys and girls. Boys' rew square cut suits, 4 to 14 yrs. New Knee Pants for the kids, extra, at 35e. New Shoes for Easter, ladies' and gents', at great bargains. Special Easter Hat Sale this week, Friday and Saturday. --Two lots.--One lot-yxxur choice at SI ; one lot your choice at $1.50 You shall have all of our stiff and soft hats of the $2 to $2.50 quality, Saturday, at $1.50, remember Special Ribbon sale Friday and Saturday. 3 lots. 5, 8 and 10c A e want to furnish all the girls, big and small, with tHeir ribbons for E-ister Sunday. Be sure and look us over. Never had as fine a spring stock be­ fore. Never so much before. If we have any gilt iiidt 25c for the 50c kind. Just received, 200 pairs Dutchess Trousers direct from the factory, all warrarted and now in stock, Rubber Goods, Mackintoshes, Big stock of Fargo's and Douglas Shoes for the spring trade just received, Fargo's famous Bicycle Shcesand Boots, black & tan. ftlEW CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. W Over 200 styles W all Paper, with ceilings and borders to match. 30 patterns in new Shades, all mounted, from 30c to 80c. Beloit Shirts, Pants, Jackets and Overalls, GROCERIES, Garden and Field Seeds. Pillsbury, Chick and Fancy Flour, SIMON STOFFEL. left Saturday they shall be yours for There are Bicycles and Bicycles, But if you -want a Bicycle that is a Bicycle, one that you can depend on, one that is not only built on honor but built to stand good hard usage, is light iu weight, easy of adjustment, and the handsomest machine on the road, you must buy a Kenwood or an Elgin. S- 0 These wheels are at the head of their class and you are running no risk in purchasing one. As to price, I can and will Sell you a Bicycle of equal grade as cheap as you can buy one anywhere. These machines 1 carry in stock, you can judge best of their merits by seeing them,.' I carry a line of Bicycle Sundries, Repairs, Etc., IN ADDITION TO MY LINE OF GENERAL. HARDWARE, SPORTING GOODS, ETC. F. L. McQMBER, West McHenry. IzfBuiKAif€ns Business- Will be kept up in future. ill visit the city every Thursday an will till all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL. Four Big Rrlzes I HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? TO BE GIVEN AWAY. g g O 3 fe P-> BC a '£» ci £ SSjJJKgft V ,S j ^ f1 o IIOW With each purchase of Twenty-five Cents worth of Jewelry or any goods in our store, we will present you with a Souvenir Check, and on the 24th day of December, 189G, will present the party holding the greatest amount of Checks, with the above.beautiful box. We also present each purchaser of One Dollar's worth of Jewelry with a Five Dollar Rebate Card, which they can use as payment at the rate of five per cent on each and every purchase in our store. All our Jewelry not giving reasonable sat- isfation for a period of five years can be returned and duplicate articles given in ex­ change for same. The party holding the second largest amount of checks wil he presented with a f ine tr iple plate s i lver caKe basket worth 56 The party holding the 3d largest ir , ountof checks wil l he presented with a f ino triple plaie pickle castor worth M 50, The party holding the fourth largest amount of sou venirs w i l l t>e presented with a handsome gold decorated glass wino set , glass tray and pitcher, worth | . '5 . We also hcvenow a complete l ine ef f ine genuine sf i t in spar and cat's eyo jewelry, such as ladies' watch.chains, brace lets , st ick pins, hair ornaments , etc . Before buying be sure and see our large stock in the latest ladies' hair ornaments and belt buckles , Al l goods bought of us are warranted to give reasonable sat isfact ion, i f not they maybe returned and changed for new ones. HEMAIT& SCHNEIDER. Spring is here and so are wc, and here to stay, and most complete line of with a brand new TO 15E OBTAINED. Roc\Ufqord>Norwogian ') Plows of all styles, all Carpcntorviiic star, ( sizes, Lowest prices. Moline, '• 1 Keystone Shearcut and Disc Harrows. The strongest and best Lever Harrows made: Star all-steel Lever Harrows, in 2 and 3#sections. Star wood beam Lever Har­ rows, in 2, 3 and -1 sections. ; Genuine Gorham and Buckeye Seeders and Drills. Axtcll Cultivators, in 4, 0, and 8 shovels. Albian Spring Tooth Cultivators. Haworth's Corn Planter. I Standard Corn Planter. Scandia " " 1 I Imperial " The World's Famous McCORMICK BINDERS. MOWERS AND CORN HARVESTERS. |qgT"Also have the celebrated Hcnney Buggy. Co.'s Buggies, lload Wagons, Spring Wagons and Surreys. In Farm Wagons we have very best farm wagons made. the Weber, and Fish Bros', the two JACOB BONSLETT. A

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