Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1896, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1896. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, May 26, 1895, at six D'clock A. M. Traina will .pass ilottonry station as follows:- i •GOING SOUTH D Lake Geneva Passenger,... X Williams Bay Express X Williams Bay Passenger _ GOING NORTE. X Williams Bay Passenger... 8 Lake.Geneva Passenger .... X Williams Bay Express X Williams Bay Passenger J EXPLANATION.® D--Daily. X--Daily except Sunday. b Sun-Jay * only. Agent, McHenry, 111, ....7:14 AM ....8:25 " ...3;25 P M -9:48 A M 5:03 P M 4:55 " ± 6:51 •' Universal ist Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, ... ...... P. L. McOmber James B. Perry .. Rev. J. Straub, D, D.. President . . . . : C l e r k ...Treasurer Pastor The Willing Workers, (the ladies organ. Ization.) ' : ' ~ " Mrs. Jaa. B. Perry .". ... President Mrs. L.- 11, Owen, i Secretary 3upt,: of Sunday School,...., O." N.- .Owen A8«iatanrt,-....... Mrd. O. N. Owen -jS®?The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address Is Burnside Crossing, • • / - , . - ' Preaching services at 10:30 A. MJ and at 7:30 £*. si. ' A c'ordsal invitation to all. Methodist Kpiscopat Church. Rev. V. C. Cook. .....................Pastor, Preaching Sunday, 1&30 k. M. arid 7 :30 p. 5l.'a Sunilav School, 11:45 A. H. Dr. A, E. Auringer, Superintendent Epworth League, 6:45 F, M., Wayne Wood burn, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:50 p. M. Ladies' Aid Poriety each alternate week, Mrs. C. E. Lamphere, President, 0 &3TA Coriiial invitation is extended to all. K. O. T. M. MCHENRY I.ODGB NO. 7 7 , K. o. T. M --Reg- alar meetings second and fourth,Tuesday evenings of each month , at K, O. T, M. Hall. GEO HAN-LEV ,Coin, J. J. BISHOP, R. It. >? MASONIC. MCHENRT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. H.-- Regular Communications the " Becond and fourth Mondays in each month. W, A. CRISTY. W. M. MAJOR TOBY and Aunt Judy will be at Riverside Flail, on Friday and Saturday evenings, May 8th and 9th. gl THE front of the Pekovsky Block has received a new coat of paint which mucb- improves its appearance. DIJ. ABT is prepared to test eyes accur­ ately, at his office, over the PLAINDEALER office. . HON. A. J. HOPKINS will accept thanks for a copy of the Congressional Directory and other public documents just received. THROW in yoirr mite by att^nding t-hf entertainment, at the City Hall, on Fri­ day evening of this week for the benefit of the Public School Library. FRED KAMHOLTZ'S West Side Barber Shop has been newly papered and paint­ ed and presents a neat and tasty appearance. ARBOR DAY wasobservLd by our Pub­ lic School by appropriate exercises in all the rooms and general exercises on the grounds in the afternoon. THE beautiful Four Act Drama, enti­ tled '"In the Web." at Riverside Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings, May 8th and 9th. R. A. HOWARD, of the West Side Mar­ ket, came out this week with a brand new top carriage and a new delivery wagOD. c FINE, warm rains almost every day is bringing on vegetation with remarka­ ble rapidity in this section. The country never looked finer at this time of year than now. A. ENGLENIS putting up a new build­ ing, on the bank of the river, north of John Neisen's shop, which is to be used for a cold storage, carriage and boat house. It is 18x30 and two stories high. IF you want to see the finest line of Flower Pots, Jardineers, etc., call at the store of G. W. Besley, on the West bide. They are beauties and something never before kept iu this section. G. F. BOLEY, of the McHenry Brewery, came out on Saturday with a brand new Delivery Wagon. It was manufactured by Nordquest & Weber; of this village, and is a handsome and substantial wagon. THE Epworth League meeting will be held in the M. E. church next Sunday evening at 7:00. Subject, "The Guide Divine" Luke 10:25-^8; John 5:39. Prof. Harley will lead. All are cordially •invited. - WAITED.--A reliable lady or gentle tnan to distribute samples and make a house-to-house canvass for our Vegeta­ ble Toilet Soaps and Pure Flavoring Extracts! §40 to $75 a month easily made. Address Crofts & Reed, Chicago. THERE are two kinds of items in news, papers. Good items about people and bad items about people. If you print good items all the time, the people will sneer at you as a gusher. If you print bad items and they are untrue you make the decent mad, but if they are true lots of people jump up ap.d defend a scoun­ drel a ad damn the LapW. editor gets the worst of it whatever he does. An editor must develop corns on his sen­ sibilities early in life. "SHALL I advertise with space or .lo­ cals?" asked the business man of the editor of an established paper. "If you are going to advertise a shoat for sale, a few-lines of local are enough. If you have a $5,000 or ?10,000 stock of goods two lines will not convey the impression that you want conveyed. Greatest stock on earth at Smith's would lead one to ask why Smith did not take an ad in proportion to his stock. Take space to •correspond with the Business you con- duet and you will create an impression on the purchasing public that will be a lasting benefit. It has been truthfully said that the effects of good advertising pever die."--Ex. PE6S0NAL HARRY FULLER an^d wife, ofWaueonda, spent Sunday with friends in this village. GOING made a business trip to Chicago oh Thursday last. JACOB J USTEN attended to business in Chicago on Tuesday. MRS. H. S. GREGORY, of Chicago, was calling on friends here last week. MRS. Jos. HEIMER spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Miss NELLIE KNOX spent Sunday at Richmond with !her friend, Miss Kate Laughlin. - . MRS . WiLL WALL and Mrp. Jas. Wall, of Elgin, were visiting at Mrs. Knox's last week. WALTER BESLEY, who has been attend­ ing Dental College in Chicago, is" heme for the summer vacation, „ F, A. HEBARD has been very sick the past week, but at this writing seems a little better. „ , C. C. CHAPELL, of Milwaukee spent Sunday with friends here and at Johns- burgh. , .- - " MRS. MARIA HILL and daughter, of Spokane, Washington, were the guests of Mrs. R. Stebbins last week. DR. H. T. BROWN and wife returned on Tuesday from an extended visit in Chicago. . WM, DAVIS is reported as lying -quite sick, at his home, west of the railroad, in thisvillage, and his friends are very fear­ ful of the result. MRS. JOHNSON and daughter, Mrs. Rey­ nolds, of San Francisco, Cal., were the guests of Wm. Walsh and wife, in this village, the past week. Mrs. Johnson is a sister of Mrs. Walsh. MRS. M. A. SEASLES has returned to her home at McHenry and opened her store with a new stock of Fasnionable Spring Millinery. All the latest styles. Will be pleased to see old friends. THE Board of Education will meet Thursday evening at eight o'clock. J. B. PERRY, President. THE Ladies' Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, will meet with Mrs. Wm. Smith, on Friday afternoon, April 24th, at the usual hour. Everybody invited. SECRETARY. THE Willing Workers will meet on Thursday afternoon of this week with Mrs. E. M. Owen. A general attendance is requested. MRS. J. B. PERRY, Pres. MRS. L. H. OWEN, Sec, *, DON'T stand on the corner and kick and find fault with others because every­ thing is not as you want it hut take off your coat and go to work, and you will feel like a man with strong muscl es and a healthy brain. THE Premier Dramatic Company will give their last play of the season at Riverside Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings, May 8th and 9th, at which time they will bring out the Four Act Drama entitled "In the Web.' - Don't fail to attend. THAT G. F. Boley, of the McHenry Brewery, is now making a first-class article of Beer is evidenced by a letter which he received from Chicago on Tues­ day night, asking him his price on one or two car loads daily, to be shipped to that city. He, however, has market for all he can make nearer home, and does not think it will pay to enlarge his works for this most flattering offer. THE train rushed through Normal at the rate of seventy miles an hour. As the conductor came through the smoker, collecting tickets, he announced there would be no stops until they reached Chicago. A young man offered histicket and asked if he could not get off at Lex­ ington. "Yes," answered the conductor, "you can, but God knows where you'll land." THE Rosedale Floral Company, in thi# village, are making extensive improve­ ments, on their grounds, on the east side of the river, enlarging buildings, building new ones, setting out shrubbery and otherwise making everything beautiful and attractive. When completed they will have one of the most attractive places in this section. We shall have more to say in relation thereto in the near future. THIS is the season of the yeir when man is deserving of all the sympathy you can bestow. He goes home at noon to find all thefurniture out in the yard .eat*5 a cold dinner from the top of the .wood- box, finds his Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes hung out in the woodshed, the sharp poiuts of numerous carpet tacks when he undresses his feet at night, be sides other little inconveniences not men tioned. It is house cleaning time you know.- " THE Lincoln paper in* the May McClure's will contain some very inter­ esting unpublished letters and anecdotes, showing Lincoln's rare tact and sagacity as a political manager, even as a young man. It will also describe Lincoln's life in Washington as a member of Congress in 1847-1849, and reproduce from the newspaper in which it was reported at the time an important but now unknown speech of Lincoln's made in New England in 1848. A number of rare pictures will appear with the paper WHEtf a hog gets an ear of corn, every other hog will trot along behind him and squeal and whine and beg and toady for a bite, but let the front hog get in a tight place, with his head fast in a crack, and every son of a sow will jump on him and tear him to pieces. Just so with men. As long as a man is prosperous and has money, he can't keep friends off with a base-ball bat. The moment he is unfortunate and his wealth is gone, be is 1 not only snubbed by his former alleged friends, but they at once begin to do him all the harm possible. When a man fifc&ttfi.up grade. the world falls in behind and Dushes. When he starts down grade the world steps to one side and greases the track.--£x. A large line of Canned Goods at Owen & Chapell's. Benefit of School Library. Aft entertainment for the benefit of the Public School Library, will be held at City Hall, on Friday evening of this week, April 24, in which the following artists will appear: MRS. V. C. COOK, McHenry, reader and vocalist; Prof. J. I. Sears, Barrington, violinist:!; Miss Smythe, Chicago, pianist; Ladies Quartette, Nunda, Dickinson, Wheaton, England, Baldwin; Miss Maud Otis, Barrington, accompanist, PROGRAMME--PART I. Son g. ............. „ i Ladies' Qu artet •Reading Mrs. Cook Violin Solo Prof. Sears Reading. ... .Mrs. Cook PART II. T piano Miss Smythe Vocal Solo...„. . .Mrs. Cook Violin Solo..,.. Prof. Sears Reading.... *. .Mrs. Cook R 1 PART III. Piano Solo Miss Smythe Reading Mrs. Cook Spng .... Ladies'" Quartet Violin Solo .........Prof. Sears ; Admission, 15 and 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, eoncert at 8. Let all turn out and give them arousing benefit. JL'HE VILLAGE ELECTION. The Election, in. this village, on Tues­ day, passed off in the most quiet land orderly manner: There was but one reg­ ular ticket in the field, aiid two names by Petition, one for Trustee andorie for Clerk. Two hundred and, twenty votes were polled,' the election of President, John Evanson; Trustees, John H. Miller, John Heimer, Peter J. Freund, the latter defeating R. Waite, who was on the regular ticket. II. C. Mead, the regular nominee for Clerk, was defeated by the treachery of profess­ ed friends. The members of the Board who hold over from last year are R. A. Howard, C. H. Granger, Isaac Went- worth, who, with the new members named above will comprise the Board for the coming year. THE Election for a President and two Members of the Board of Education, in this District, on Saturday last, proved one of the most exciting of the season. There were two tickets in the field and nearly three hundred votes were polled, and in the heat of the cbntost methods were used that reflected no credit upon those using them, and which we hope never to see brought into a like contest again. Our school elections, a f least, should be free from these tricky po­ litical methods. The following is the ticket elected: President, James, B. Perry. Members of Board, T. J. Walsh, John I. Story. Mr, Perry had no oppo­ sition, being at the head of both tickets. AT a meeting of the Woodstock Driv­ ing Association the following officers were elected for the ensuing.year: Presi­ dent, A. S. Wright; Secretary, G. B. Richards; Treasurer, A. F. Field; Super­ intendent, C. F. Dike; Superintendent of peed, M. W, Lake. It was voted to nave a spring racing meeting, June 26th and 27th, with the following classes: .U NE 26. 3-year-old, mixed race Purse $100 00 2:10 trot " 100 00 2:25 pace " 150 00 JUNE 27. 3-minute trot Purse $100 00 2:30 trot " 100 00 2:40 pace " lOOOO 2:25 trot " 150 00 The following committee were elected: Riley, N. Brotzman; Marengo, 1. H. Lin­ coln; Dunham, Geo. Lanning; Chemung, David Bentley; Alden, Ed. Smith': Hart- land T. II. Brown; Hebron, M. W. Merry; Greenwood, Chas. Thompson; Seneca. O, N. Brass; Coral, Emmett Wilcox: Dorr, W. Hill; Grafton, Jas. Lawson; Nunda, T. F. Leonard, Algonquin, Don- Thoiuas; McHenry, Chas. Granger; Richmond, R. W. Overton; Burton, Geo. \ ogle. GEO. B. RICHARDS, Secretary. Grand and Pe t i t Ju rors . Sheriff Eokert has been commanded to summon the following named persons to serve as grand and petit jurors at the May term of the McHenry county Circuit Court, which convenes at Woodstock on Monday, May 25: GRAND. Jas. Edwards Riley 0. 11. Lincoln Marengo Kd. Nolan Marengo Oscar Burr Chemung J. C. Blake Chemung J. E. Cunningham Dunham 1. N. Muzzy ....Coral N. Webber ..Seneca E. Holligas Grafton .1. 1). Donovan Dorr Geo, F. Eckert Dorr Thos. Charles Greenwood Frank Rowe Hebron W. C. Hyde. Hebron John McConnell Richmond Win. Burger Richmond Walter Carey Burton Jas. M. Carr Mciienry ('. W. Harrison McHenry Charles Parks Nunda J. 11. Palmer... Nunda (' E. Chapell Algonquin Geo. Davis Algonquin PETIT. Fred Griebel - Riley M. B. Metcalf ....: Riley Geo. Simpkins Marengo rha>. Talhott Marengo Robt. McComb Dunham Hompr Whipple Dunham Geo. Young. ..Dunham Geo. Carmack Marengo V. R. Dutton Chemung W. J. Scott.: "...Chemung A. L. Darling Chemung Burr Clawson Alden Joseph Rowbottam Alden Albert Knopp.. Alden P. ,J. Cooney Hartland Dennis Shfeban Hartland Dennis McGee Hartland E. O. Joslyn ....Seneca Elmer Standish..., Seneca Marl Bigelow... Seneca C. A. Dunham........ Coral S. R. Grimes ..Coral Jos. Lou den beck • •Coral James Hadlev Graftoq Thomas Miller ...Grafton Chas. H. Dufield Dorr Ed f Sondericker ••••••• Green wood C. W. Stratton .Greenwood Henry Earle Hebron Eben Weeks Richmond Edwin Dodge.,.. McHenry Walter Wright McHenry John Brown...... Nunda Andrew Henderson..r.^....v7..77.^:T.Njjnda James Crichton Algonquin J. C. Lamkee... .....Algonquin New Wall Paper and Shades at Stoffel's. RINGWOOD April shoysrers make May flowete.- Mr. Bennett's people are enjoying a visit from father and mother. Miss Matie Clatk spent Saiiday with Mr, and Mrs. Allen. Miss Mildred Lawson spent, Saturday anil Sunday at honje. James Neish, of Spring Grove, was in t o w n t h e f i r s t o f t h e w e e k , J • • Henry Peet is pushing the work on his new ghop and will soon be ready to do your blacksmithTiig, Messrs. Matthews and Ingalls were carrying a stove down stairs, one morn­ ing this week, and the whole stairway went down to the ground. Ingalls sat on the lauding, but Matthews went along with the stove. No one injured. The cemetery has . receiyed the usual spring attention aiid presents a very neat appearance. Mr. Chase ie ready to make any alteration in your lot that you wish. Any one having a lot to raise and sod cannot find a better time to have the work done. School meeting passed off very pleas­ antly, Forty votes were polled," thirty- seven of which were for Wm. Coates, the others being divided- among as many candidates. But- do.n't I e dishearted gentlemen. Remember that when Gar­ field was nominated for the presidency he received but one vote; for a starter. G. A: Stevens has one of the simplest corn huRkers ever invented.- This attach? ment placed onyiur feed cutter will.savggj you many dollars. It shells the feast corn and t,akes every husk. It makes no differefise. whether it be wet,' or dry., If in ueex} of anything of the kind call on" him and you wiU'be sure to purchase. - " ' One.of Chas!. Bacon's boys came .very neat . 'being seriously injured last week. It appears that the bay. was driving the team on the harrow with the lines tied together and looped around his waist. In turning from the fence corner the team, harrow and boy became mixed, the team started to run. and as the boy- was being dragged along the teeth of the harrow punctured several holes in his clothing. He freed himself at last. The team also escaped with 'very few scratches. B icyctesT Bicycles! We have taken the agency in this dis­ trict for the celebrated Featherstone Bicycles anijl can show you samples. of their King, Queen and Duke Wheels. There wheels are warranted to be free from any defective material or workman­ ship and we will make good, free of charge, any such defects found if return­ ed to us within one year from date of purchase. They-•areiitted with.the Mor­ gan & Wright quick repair Tiroes, which are also warranted. Also with wood or steel rime, tangent spokes, barrel hubs, drop or upturned handle bars or adjust­ able if preferred, ball bearing in every part, rat trap or rubber pedals, Gartord saddle, any gear from 60 to 76, finished in black or maroon. They have all the latest and best improvements and are as good a wheel as there is on the market for the same money. Call and look them over before purchasing. OWEN & CHAPELL. G R E E N W O O D . Mr. and Mrs. Rudd are both sick at present writing. Mamie McDonald was over from Ring- wood to spend the Sabbath. Geo. Mansfield came up from Elgin to spend a few days with parents and friends. Our harness maker and cobbler is also a good barber and will shave you or cut your hair in the latest style. School election was a very quiet affair, 12 votes being polled, of which M. Dassow received 7. The Woodmen took in two new mem­ bers at their regular meeting Wednesday night, and have two or three more applications. M^s. Roberts and Myrtie were calling on ffiends Saturday. They expect to start for Iowa Tuesday to spend the summer. A letter from Earl Toles says that he has secured a position at LaGrange. All of Earl's friends, and they are legion, will be glad to hear oHiis good fortune; The store of Mansfield & Andrus has been undergoing a thorough cleaning and renovating, preparatory to putting in a new stock of-goods. G. L. Cowd'rv aud Dr. Clifford went fishing one day last week,, over near Spring (irov.e, and they--well the boys got home all right. Wm. Westerman was brought home from Woodstock Saturday, His many friends will be glad to learn that he is much better, and unless something un­ expected sets in, will be around among us in a few days. WOODSTOCK. The Woodstock Driving Association will hold a two days' meeting in this city J tine 20 and - 7. School election last Saturday resulted in the election of Dr. E. V. Anderson for president and Henry Herman and Frank Bunker for members of the Board ol Education. The infant child of Albert McLean died at his home, southwest of this city on Friday. The funeral services were held from his home Sunday and the remains laid at rest in Oakland cemetery. Guardian Lodge No. 00, and Sherman Encampment No. 56, I. (», (). P., will ob­ serve the 77th anniversary of the order at the City Hall, April 20, at 2:30. Rev. Sunderlin will preach.the sermon., Will Giles died at his home, in Chicago, on Friday last, after a long illness, of consumption. The remains were brought to this city Monday. The funeral ser­ vices were held from the Presbyterian church, Rev. S. C. Hay officiating, and the interment took place iu Oakland cemetery. James Miles has resigned his pof-ition at the brewery and accepted a position as night watchman at the typewriter factory. Jim is an honest, energetic and capable man in whom his employers can safely place the utmost reliance, and he will carefully look after the interests of the factory at all times. Money to t o a n . On McHenry county Farms, and terms to suit borrowers. App this office. 1 ime v at The New Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors for the com­ ing year will be constituted as follows: ; Riley N. Brotzman Marengo E. D. Shurtleff Dunham R- J - Beck Chemung F. F. Axtel1 Alden v W. D. Connie Hartland Wm. Desmond Seneca. w G. B. Richards Coral F. E. Stevens Grafton lohn WeltZien Dorr E. T. Hoy Greenwood S. E. Clark Hebron II. F. Jones Richmond George McConnell Burton M. Wray McHenry W. A. Cristy Nunda T. H. Graey Algonquin W. P. Thompson SUMMER MILLINERY. - Mrs. J. H. Spaulding and -daughter will receive a full line of Summer Millinery this week, and also fresl# supplies of goods once a week during the season, to which they invite all ladns wishing any­ thing in that line to call and examine be­ fore purchasing their summer Hats and Bonnets. We shall endeavor to keep a large supply of Trimmed Hats on hand to select from. Also ladies bonnets, children's hats, caps and mull goods. At our place in est McHenry, opposite jthe Parker House grounds. I MRS. J. H. SPAULDING & DAUGHTER. West McHenry, April 22, 1890. It 's just as easy to try One Minute Coughj Cure as anything else. It 's easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it, for a 3dugh be One Minute Cough £ure. Bet.'er medi-' cine; better result; better try it. J. A. Story. - ^ ~ See the^ancy Collars, Belts and-Rib­ bons at Owen & Chapell'e. FOR SALE. We have now listed several residences and a number of very desirable building 'lots, in this village, for sale. For further particulars inquire-at this office. PASTURE. I can.accommodate about ten head of stock with first-class Pasture. .Young stock, dry cows or horses., Good water. Terms, 2'5 cents per week., inquire of ,C.. H. Wright, oh the Reading farm, three n'lileq southwest of McHenry. - We might tell you mote atoijt One Minute-Cough Cure, -btit you probably know that it cure# a cough. Every one d oes who h as. used. I t is a' perfect retn- edy for cough.s, 'eolds;' hoaraness. It is a-n especial -faviirite for children, " being pleasant to take-and. quick in- curing. I.A. Storv. . ' ' FOR SALE, A House and four Lots, in this village, For particulars inquire-at this office. All fish for Lent at cost at Stoffel's. New car of fine Salt at S. Stoffel's. Bicycle Shoes, in tail and black, for men, women and children at Stoffel's. Monarch Mixed Paint, the best on market, at Owen & Chapell's. the See the Stiff Hats at §1, 15 cents at Evanson's. Suspenders at The famous Duchess Trousers in the latest styles, at Stoffel's. See the large assortment of Dress (ioods at Owen & Chapells. A full stock of fresh Groceries, always or. hand at Owen & Chapell's. 100 bushels Onions 40 cents per bushel this and next week, at Eyanson's. Kenwood and Elgin Bicycles, Bicycle Repairs and Sundries at F. L. McOmber's A large stock of Canned Goods of kinds at Owen A: Chapell's. . all Nothing yet equal to the l'an-ka-ko self rising liour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer'fe. You think some of buying a Bicycle? See thedvenwood and Elgin before doing so, at F. L. McOmber's. Wall Paper! Paper! Wall Paper! At Owen & Chapell's. Wall New spring styles of Hats and Caps for Men, Boys an Children, just received at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry. Buy yourself a Kenwood or an Elgin Bicycle and have one you can depend on, at F. L. McOmber's. The handsomest Flower Pots ever seen in this section, and at about half the usual price at Geo. W. Besloy's, West McHenry. See the fancy Collars, Belts and Rib­ bons at Owen & Chapell's. Choice Seed Potatoes Utah, Burbanks and Early Ohio. The bent seed in the county. For sale by M. A. Howell, McHenry. Timothy Seed and Hay For Sale. I have a choice lot of Timothy Seed, free f rom al l noxious weeds, for sale at my farm, southwest of McHenry. Also about 40 tons of fine Timothy Hay. 30w4 . J t''s CLEMENS. Business L*ocals. Have you tried the new Pan-ka-ko at A. P. Baer's? Insure your property with S. and be insured. Stoffel If you want a keg of nice Syrup go to A. P. Baer'e, on the West Siie, and get a keg of Baer's Choice. It has no superior on the marKet. • A. P Baer is discounting his prices on Blankets, Shawls, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. It's all the same, a slight cold, congest ad lungs or severe cfiugh. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. J. A. Story NOTICE! All persons indebted to the firm of Perry & Owen are requested to call and settle at once. We desire to have all ac­ counts closed without delay. PERRY &• OWEN, Just received, another car of Sleepy Eye Flour. It costs nothing to try a 9aok- A. P. BAER. CATARRH "AY FEVER OR ASTHMA Tk . cure-l by nature's roots ami" herbs or no pay. Send 10® poetaire for ten sample treatments, COLORADO MBD- tCINB Co., Denver. Col. -- A. P, Baer is giving some great bar­ gains in Rubber and Warm Goods. Call and see what cheap goods they are. If you want a new Harness, single or double, call on Gua Carlson, He is sure to please you both in quality and price. See* those Black-Clay Worsted Suits, in -sack and cutaway at J. J. Miller's. All the latest spring styles in Hats and Caps, for Men and Boys, at Owen & Chapell's. We hare one of the largest stocks of Wall Paper, with ceilings and borders to match, ever in McHenry. Samples are now ready. Get our prices. OWEN & CHAPELII. :i • .It's Free I Do not fail to, send for a free sampe copy oi the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. The Q-olden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stock i.. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real EB-„ tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. THE HABITS OF CHILDREN Should je closely watched and regulated by mothers. Carelessness in childhood often leads to serious troubles in after- life. The digestive organs aiid bowels should be kept in the' best possible con­ dition to insure good hetflth,. not only for the present but for years to come. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a harmless but potent remedy, corrects all' such evils in. children.,, Twenty doses (for children) 10 cents. At J.A.Story's. WANTED--Old U. S. Postage, Keyenae and • Department, Stamps, Envelopes, and old Collections. Send.-on-approval with-price; if satisfijctoiy wilf remit by return mail., .*' : . C. H. SMITH, 393 Raymond St.," Elgin, III Reference, Home National Bank, Elgin> 111. A little ill, then a little pill. The ill is gone the pill has won. DeWitt'8 Little Early Risers the little pills that cure great ills. J. A. Story. FOOTWEAR. We are headquarters for stylish and common sense Shoes. JOHN J. MILLER. Clothing for Easter at Stoffel's. FOR RENT. The Simes Store and Living Rooms, in West McHenry. Inquire of 37w4 H. C. MEAD. If you could see those Wrappers which we have had made up especially for our trade, you will agree with us that they are nice garments. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Don't fail to call and see the new spring styles of Hats and Caps at the Farmers Store, West McHenry. A. P. BAER. United brand fine Shirts at Stoffel's. Busy people have no time and sensible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent results. J. A. Story. See the Kenwood and Elgin Bicycles, the best machines in the market for the money F. L. MGGMBER. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. We have taken great pains in selecting our seeds to have them clean and pure. JOHN J. MILLER. -p--»----- I have made a specialty of the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS, other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock, III. We are agents for the famous Feather- stone Bicycles and have samples of Road King, Road Queen andl) uke. Come.and examine. Easy terms. OWEN & CHAPELL. All the latest. Patterns in Dress Goods .at Owen & Chapell's. Call and see the latest styles in Spring Hats at Owen & Chapell's. - - The finest stock of Wall Paper ever brought to this town, will be on exhibi­ tion at the new store of E. B. Perkins, on and after April 1st.. Do not fail to call and examine it before you buy. THE NEW YORK LEDGER America's Greatest Story Paper; Always publishes the best and most in­ teresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re­ gardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the family. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. For sale in this town by Charles Slimpin. a 1. PERKINS -HAS-- The Only Exclusive Wall Paper and Faint Bouse in the County. Burns are absolutely painless when DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is promptly applied. This statement is true. A per­ fect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, and never fails to cure piles. J. A. Story. Those* who arc ii ouukui with rheuma­ tism should try a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If that does not bring relief dampen a piece of flannel with Pain Balm and bind it over the seat of pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For sale by J. A. Story. For the Next Thirty Days; 1 will put in new Main Springs, of the best quality made, and warranted, for 50 cents. All other work in proportion. Repairing of all kinds promptly done and guaranteed to be done in a work­ manlike manner. Call and see me. J. P. SMITH, The Jeweler. HAVE Y01" A COLD? If so, hen, instead of taking so much quinine and other strong medicines, take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel remedy, which will cleane^pthe system, and you will be surprised how quickly the cold will leave you. Dr. Caldwell's .syrup Pepsin will do this better than any other. Trial size 10c. (10 doses 10 cents) larger sizes 50c aud $ 1. At J. A. Story's. Take a dnse of DeWitt's Little Early Risers just for the good they will do you These little pills are good forindigestion, good for headache, good foi liver com­ plaint good for constipation. They are good. J. A. Story. AN AFFIDAVIT. This is to certify that on May 11th I walked to Melick's drug store On a pair of crutches and bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for inflamma­ tory rheumatism which had crippled me up. After using three bottles I am com­ pletely cured. I can cheerfully recom­ mend it.--Chas. H. Wetzel, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before me on August 10,1894.--WalterS':ipman, J. P. For sale at- 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story'. Over One Hundred Poultry Pictures, Of Poultry House, Incubators, Brood­ ers and Brooder Appliances, in Poultry Keeper Illustrator Quarterly No. 1, Price 25 cents postpaid, or 75 cents for the four numbers of 1896. That leading poultry magazine, The Poultry Keeper, one year 50 cents, or both the Pbultry Keeper and Illustrator one year to new subscribers for only eighty cents. Sample Poultry Keeper free. Address Poultry Keeper Co., Parkesburg, Chester county, Penn. Call and see the large line ol spring and summer Clothing for men and boys, at Owen & Chapell's. COLLARS, cuffs, suspenders and hand­ kerchiefs, at cost for the next ten days, at J. D. Lodtz's. Get your Spring Hat at J. J.Miller's and have the right style. It is not a miracle. It won't cure every­ thing, but it will cure piles. That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will do, be­ cause it has done it in hundreds of cases. J. A. Story. WE must have help. We pay men and women $10 to $18 per week for easy home work. No books or peddling. Steady employment guaranteed. Send stamp for work and particulars at once. HERMANN & SEYMOUR, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 30-m3 , CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA, AND DIARRHtEA REMEDY. This is the best medicine in the world for bowel complaints. It acts quickly and can always be depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. Try it, and like many others you will recommend it to your friends. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. FEMALE LOVELINESS May be obtained by intelligent women. A well regulated system must of necessity show its fruit in the face.--To regulate the system and keep it in perfect condi­ tion there is nothing so good as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--constipation and indigestion absolutely cureu--10 doses 10c. (large size 50c. and §1.) At J. A. Story's. Something New. L. E. BENNETT, Photographer, has just commenced making something new in the Picture line, which is neat, hand­ some and cheap. It is called the Man- tello Photograph. It is a beauty. Call at his Gallery and see a sample. For tfie NEXT THIRTY DAYS he will make these Photographs at the low price of $1 PER DOZEN. Remember this is a SO days offer and call at once. II you see them you are sure to order a dozen. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR; *WC£jr W CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD* We are here to stay and intend to give our customers prices and a quality of goods unsurpassed. We challenge the world to pro­ duce a better article in the Paint line than the Sherwin W illiams Paint, or Wall Paper of finer de­ sign or better quality than Alfred Peats' paper, from 3 cents per single roll up. Well glazed white blank paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, low as the lowest, quality con­ sidered. Call and learn my prices and see my goods. UglTTaper Hanging, Graining, House Painting, Carriage & Sign Painting, all specialties. Work done in a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaran­ teed. UURFHY & PHILLIPS, Howe Block, Water Street, DEALERS IN Choice Family Groceries, Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Fresh Bread, Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rockford Bakery are absolutely fresh every day. Bread, Buns, Biscuit, Cookies, etc, always on hand, Canned Goods hnd all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, which will be offered to the buying public at the Lowest .Living Prices, tor Cash. Our goods are-all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a fair 6f public patronage, A fine new Delivery Wagon will run to the Lakes daily, Goods delivered in the Corporation free of charge, MURPHY & PHILLIPS McHenry, April 7, 1896. NOTICE. All you men and boy3 that want to Save from $2: to $5 rPants OR :suits: Don't̂ Miss this Cbance On any kind of good,3 sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHeury. lA/fT MA VP NO AGENTS W Jtm llAVEi bUt sell direct to W B PUATT, Secy consumer at w tiolcsnlo prices- Ship anywtsere for examination before sale. Kverr tains warranted. lOO'stylesof Carrtu|«a. - VOstylesof k(»r*eu. 41 styles Bldlor jgaddtoa. rf*nri»8sn>.

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