Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1896, p. 1

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• • • i : 11 VOL. 21. Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1896. NO. 44. HeJeif|; ̂ lanforier. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY -- J . V A N S L Y H E , - EDITOK AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doore North of Perry & Owen's Stori, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ooe year tin advance);... . . . . . . V 55 M Sot Pasd within Three Months... }K> Sobscription» receive for three or six months in the same proportion- ' _ • ' • - IDE F&RHER S STUB I t RATES OF ADVERTISING '. • We anattnnee liberal rates for advertising in the PLAIWPKALKR, and endeavor,to state them so plainly that, they will.toe reuiiily un­ derstood. They are *9 follows; i Inch one year r ' . - a Inches one yeiar - 8 Inches one year ^ Column one year - • ' - Column one year- •- - Column one year 6 0(1 10 00 15 00 30 00 60 Oo 100 Oo One ncn means the measurement of one Iteh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they ehoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having •tanaing cards) will be entitled to insertion ef local notioes at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 oents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIKDKALBB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPAIID, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 614--80 La * Salle St., Uhio&go. O. H. FKGERS, M, D- PIIYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, MoHenry Ills. Office at Residence. JOS, L. ART, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office. AloHeory Telephone No 4. wiarsr JSTQY? Trade where you can get the roost good goods for the money. We are making every endeavor to piease cur customers and give them what they want.- • • • •• -•" • ... r Dry Goods and Notions In Dry Goods and Notions we have sortie good bargains that won't4ast long. Come soon or you will he too late, - : BOOTS AK1 SHOMfSe V Never such an opportunity to get what you want at very little more than they cost. Still making a leader of Rubber goods, PEEEY & OWES, Bankers. McHENRY, - - SILLSNOIS, This Bank receives deposits, buyt and sells Foreign and1 Domestic Ex- change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our eare in a manner and upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our eustomers. and' respectfully solicit the public patronage. ..... : ' - \ MQMEY TO LOAN; ; On Ileal Estate and other first o asa Security. Special attention given t •> co« lections, In First ClaSs Companies at Lowest Hales. Your8 Beipectfulli, PERRY * OWED * "OTARV PUBLIC. Crockery and Glassware. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, anything you may want at State street prices. Grocries are necessaries of life, and "why not \>uy where you can ^et the freshest and best in the market. We have a full line and fresh goods arriving daily. Remember "Baer's Choice" Syrup is the best Syrup in market DR. A. E AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door wefet of A. P. Bier'e store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr Osborne, All professional calls promptly at­ tended,to, * J. B HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Ofllce hours 1 to 2 P. M. daily, (jails promptly at­ tended to. Deserving poor treatea tree of charge at ofllce, Including medicine Monday and Friday. F. C. COLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock, 111. Special aten-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Mam street and I'ublioSq arc C. P. BARNES, A TTORNEY, Solicitor, and| Counselor, , i\. Collections'.a specialty- WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. 9. Express Oo.'s Building, 37 and 89 Washington 3t. CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention g iven to repai r ing f lno watches . Give me & °al1' JOEN P- SMITH. H. C. MEAD, Justice of ths Peace and General In­ surance Agent, Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENRY, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Eatate and Insurance, NUNDA, I I I . A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an i Chronometers. | A Full Assortment of Goods in nls line. JOEL H, JOHNSON, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Spec ia l Agent for the Northwestern Mutual Lilc Insurance Oo. Hyl Of Milwaukee, Wis. SlEEPY.E^* STILL THE OLD STANDARD Every household will sing our praise after they have tried Old Sleepy Eye Flour. It beats every other flour, aslt <roes further, makes whiter biead, and is healthful,' Cost nothing to try a sack. PAV-KA-KO, The <zreat self-rising pancake Flour. Helps digestion, and no distressed feeling after you have ate it. Goods delivered to any part of the city. A. ~ West McHenry, Illinois. JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, & Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENTi MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions Isswsrsst "y * Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. --JULIA A. 8STORY One\Door West of Riverside Bouse, McHenry, III. Westerman & Son, HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS. MCHENRT, ILLINOIS. We are prepared to do all work in our line on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. Prices reasonable and work promptly done . WESTERMAN & SON. McHenry. January 30, 1894. - NOTICE. All you men and boys that want to Save from $2 to $5 on Pants , OR ;SUITS. Don't^Miss this Chance On any kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. -'Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry, SPRING CLOTHING! Why you should buy your Clothing of us: We carry tne best assortment. Buy of the largest and best manufacturers. Our prices are always the lowest. In dressing up for spring investigate-our prices, look over our mammoth stock of new Clothing just put on our counters. Men's Good Cotton Suits, $3.75. Men's Good Wool Suits, $5 to $20- Our Shoe stock wi llinterest You. Style quality and prices right. To get the latest shapes of spring Hats look over our line. Men's Overalls and Shirts; largest assortment, lowest prices. Just received, another car of Jersey Lily Flour. Quatity the highest, prices the lowest. - ; FRESH GROCERIES, Apples, Oranges and Lemons. Clover, Timotby and all kinds of Field apcl Garden Seeds. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. C. F. BOLEY, 'rourielor of McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the Bast Beer, A.C.SPURLING Veterinary Surgeon, MoIIenry. Makes a speclalt CASTRATION, 83~ Ofllce at Hanly's Livery Stable. West McHenry, 111, eels It AV1NGS. ITHjTC MO N ao<l Bisrpl'is him revived and lotuibd ,on carefully »• lected real esmtn eecuntiw nn«i tl. s _ L jf oharge. Loans made on time and tern to suit borrowsr. J. W. EAN6HilAl', il DliPajra street. Ehnn. Illinoia. interest collect^dy (\ \ T\T C land remittedwithonUL<Vy 1 O. The Coal you bought last fall ? You can g;et more of me at Bottom Prices. A l l t h e L a s t C a L - o l F e e d ? Get my prices beforej buying more,'t > W. A. CR1STY, WEST McllLNR Y, ILL WANTED SAtE8MENZeor^ TT GOOD MEN in each County to take or .orafora choice line of Nursery Stock and Seed Potatoes, stock and Seed guaranteed. We can Rive you steady employment with good pay. It cost you nothing to give it a trial. State when writing which you prefer to sell. Address. THE HAWKES NURSERY CO,, Km6 MILWAUKEE, .WIS. We Want A Few Men To represent us in cities and towns, solici ing orders for our high grade ami completo line of Ornamental Shrubs, Trees, Hardy Hoses, etc. etc. Also, men to work country trado on sale of our famous NORTHERN GROWN SEED POTATOES, and full line of Nursery Stock. Apply- at osce. stating age. L. L. MAY & CO.,' Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, ST* PAUL, MINN. rosedale Floral Company McHENRY, ILL C, T. ESKILSON, - MANAGER. That you should bu) yo ur Bicycle of us ? Wo sell "the test me­ dium grades. (We 'sell, grades. the finest high Wo have 30 Bicycles now in stock, compris- seven makes. Easy to pick a winner. Prices defy competition. ICY, T. J. DA, BIM 1 CLES. WOODSTOCK, ILL. HARNESS! GUS CARLSON, At Lis Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has now in Btock the finest as­ sortment of LIGHT SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Farm Harness, etc.j Ever shown in this county, which he is offering at Hard Times. Prices, and guar- anteeB them as represented. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. . Proceedings, of Special April Meeting. 1896. Tho Honorable Doard of Supervisors of McHenry County, met in Bpecial ses­ sion, at the Court House, in Woodstock, 111., April 23d, 1896. The Board was called to order by the Clerk, and the following named Supervi­ sors answered at roll oall : N. Brotzman, R. J. Beck, F. F. Axtell, W. D. Cornue, Geo. * B. Richards, John Weltzein, S. E. Clark, H. F.Jones, A. M. Wray. W. A. Cristy, J. H. Gracy,. W* P. Thompson a n d L . T , H o y , . . • • . ' , . - • - The Clerk then announced the first in order of business would be the election of a chairman for the ensuing year. Supervisor Beck moved that F. F. Ax­ tell" be chosen chairman for the eueuing yetir, whiph was Supervisor Cristy. Vote being taken Supervisor Axtell was unanimously chosen. Supervisor Axtell, upon taking the chair, thanked the Supervisors for the honor conferred upon him and announc­ ed the Board ready to transact such business as might-come before it. - Sup. Hoy moved that the Board be governed by the same rules as in 1S95, and that the same number and the same committees be appointed. Carried. Sup. Gracy moved that §35 be allowed the township of Nunda for the burial of Wm. Harnish, indigent soldier of the late rebellion. Carried. Sup. Beck moved to adjourn until 1 o'cloek^T. m; Carried. ONE O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present except Supervisor McConnell. The chairman announced the following committees for the ensuing year : < Lands--J. H. Gracy, S.« E. Clark, N. Brotzman, W. A. Cristy, R. .1. Beck. Town and City Lots--Geo. McConnell, W. P. Thompson, E. D. Shurtleff, L. T. Hoy, H. F. Jones. Personal Property--John Weltzein, F. E.Stevens, A.M. Wray, Win. Desmond, Geo. B. Richards. Railroads--A. M. Wray, William Des­ mond;, Samuel These Harness are all made of the best of material, by lirst class workmen, and if in want of anything in this line you will save money by giving him a call, A full line of Dustors and Wh Ips always on hand. REPAIR i lVCi Prom ptl y Attended to. Do not fail to call at once and got the benefit of our bargains.5 GUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., April 14.1896. NEAR rHE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL. Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a Flrst-Cliioa Saloon and Restaurant, SVhere he will at all times beep the bees brands of Wlnee, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABST'S KiSw&ttksg Lags? Bssr At Wholesale and Retail. Beer in Large or Small Keg# or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Ord«r» by mail promptly attended to. GOQirSTABLING FOR HORSFS. a®*Call and'see us. Robert Sohiessle. THOS. BURKE, iplft Meat Market. W Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. All kinds of Cut Flowers, and funeral i>e- signe to be bad at all times at Keasonable Bates. Carnations in bud and other ̂ potted plants for sale. ' Orders taken now for beddjng plants de­ sired in the ejiring. Will have all kinds of plants for fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, MCHENBY, III. Having again taken possession of my Market, in this village, 1 am now pre­ pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat Sausage etc Of the beet quality and at Living Prices! I shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving notjMPg undone to meet the wants of my customers. Vegetables of all kinds in their season. K^"Cash paid for Hides, Tallow, Veal, Poultry, etc. A share of the public patronage is re- spectfvlly solicited. THOMAS BURKE. McHenry, 111., Oct. 1. 1895. West Sid© Livery, FEED AND 8ALE STABLES. E. J. HANLY, Prop'r. . " WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furni8hed!at reasenable rates- Parties taken to and from the La&es in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tomers at all times, Give us a call, E J. HANL.Y, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. lo, 1894. New styles in stiff and soft Hats Golf Cape at S. Stoffel's. and McConnell, P. Thomp- R. J. Beck. Finance -- F. E. Stevens, L. T. Hoy, Geo. B. Richards, W. A. Cristy, John Weltzein. Education--W. D. Cornue, H. F. Jones W. P. Thompson, E. D. Shurtleff, A. M. Wray. Roads and Bridges--W. P. Thompson, N. Brotzman, John Weltzein, J. H. Gra­ cy, S. E. Clurk. Fees and Salaries--Wm. Desmond, G B. Richards, John Weltzein, R. J. Beck, Geo. McConnell. Public Buildings--E. D. Shurtleff, W. I). Cornue, Wm. Desmond, L. T. Hoy, Geo. B. Richards. Claims--Robert J. Beck, Geo. McCon­ nell, F. E. Stevens, N. Brotzman, W. D. Cornue. To Settle With Treasurer--W, A. Cris­ ty, J. H. Gracy, John Weltzein, S. E. Clark, W. D. Cornue. Poor Farm--L. T. Hoy, W7. A. Cristy, R. ,1. Beck, F. E. Stevens, W. P. Thomp­ son. * Elections--H. F. Jones, W. A. Cristy, A. M. Wray, W. D. Cornue, F. E. Ste­ vens. Tcwn Accounts--S. E. Clark, N. Brotz­ man, E. D. Shurtleff, H. F. Jones, A. M Wray. Rules--N. Brotzman, Geo. L. T. Hoy, J. H. Gracy, W. son. The following petition and contract for right-of-way, from the Chicago Tele­ phone Company was read to the Board, to-wit : To the Honorable Board at Supervisors of McHeury Qouiity, State of Illinois Your petitioner, the Chicago,Telephone Company, respectfully represents to your honorable body that a demand ex­ ists for telephonic communication be­ tween Woodstock and various towns in Mciienry County and adjoining counties and desiring to meet this demand ask your approval therefor, and that you grant us the right to place and maintain poles and wires along the highways of xMcIIenry county as may froui time to time be found necessary. Said poles to be so placed as not to interfere with the proper use of said highways for travel or repairs of the same; also not to inter­ fere with the flow of water in any public or private ditch, gutter or drain ; and your honorable body reserving the right to grant like consent to any other tele­ phone company. Provided, said telephone company will furnish, free of charge and with exchange service, while'said compainy operates lines in said county, one telephone for county business only, in the county building, in the city of Woodstock. And provided further, that said com­ pany shall allow the county officials the free use of said company's toll lines in connections with said telephone to the extent of Twenty-live Dollars (§25) per annum as long as said company oper­ ates lines in said county. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY. By A. S. Hibbard, fianager. April 23d, 1896. On motion of Supervisor Hoy it was referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. Petition of A. B. Wager for right-of- way between the city of Woodstock and the village of Greenwood, was read to the Board, to-wit : To the Chairman and Members of the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, in ths State of Illinois : Gentlemen The undersigned petition­ er, A. B. Wager, of the city of Wood­ stock, in said county of McHenry, would state unto your honorable body that he has a telephone system now in full oper­ ation in said city of Woodstock ; that the parties that use said telephone sys , tem, as well as the residents of the vil­ lage of Greenwood, in said county, and your petitioner, are desirous of connect­ ing said village of Greenwood with the said city of Woodstock by a telephone line, and that said connection is a public necessity and would be a grelai'benefit and convenience to the people of the vil­ lage of Greenwood and the surrounding country, as well as those of the city of . Woodstock. Your- petitioner would therefore ask this honorable board to consent, in writing (under the statute in such case made and provided) to allow your petitioner to erect, along or upon the road or highway leading from the said city of Woodstock to said village of Greenwood, the necessary1 poles, posts, wiras.and other fixtures for the posed telephone line connecting said eity and village. - . - , . Dated this 20th day of April, A, D.1896. v A . B . WAGER- • On motion of Supervisor Hoy it wae "referred to the committee on roade and bridges. Thq quarterly report of W. E. Wire was read to the board and referred to the committee on education. Petition of fifty-seven legal voters of the town of Dorr, requesting a polling place be established at Ridgefield, 111,, was read to the board, and, on motion of Supervisor Beck, was referred to the committee on elections, with instruct­ ions to report at the July meeting. Supervisor Cristy offered the following resolution, which was adopted, to.wit: Resolved. That each, of the newspapers published in McHenry county, and print­ ed in the towns from which they derive their names, be allowed twenty-five dol- lors for printing a correct, complete pro­ ceedings of the board of supervisors for the ensuing year, and that a copy of each paper containing such proceedings be furnished the county clerk to be plac­ ed on file. The committee on roads and bridges made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whotn was referred the petition of the Chicago Telephone Co. would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined said petition and would recommend that the board grant thp petition as now modified.; On the petition of A. B. Wager we would report that we also examined said petition and would also recommend that ~te board granl said petition; T All of which is respectfully submitted. W. P. THOMPSON, Chm. J. H. GRACY, SAMUEL E, CLARK, N. BROTZMAN. The committe on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the quarterly re­ port of W, E. Wire, county superinten­ dent of schools, would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters before them: Your committee have examined said report and vouchers attached ^thereto, tind the same correct and recommend its acceptance, and the payment of the amount, four hundred and ninety dol­ lars ($490). All of which is respectfully submitted. W. D. CORNUE, Chm. A. M. WRAY, E. I). SHURTLEFF, H. F. JONES. on claims made the which was adopted, The committee following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the claim of W. E. Wire, superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them : For office supplies, Dec. 1, 1895, to April 1, 1895, allowed ? 75 13 All of which is respectfully submitted. R, J. BECK, Chm. N. BROTZMAN, F. E. STEVENS. W. D. CORNUE. Supervisor Shurtleff offered the follow­ ing resolution which was adopted, to-wit: Resolved. That each mittimus accom­ panying any prisoner to be confined in the county jail of McHenry county for the violation of any ordinance of any incorporated city or village in, said county shall be accompanied by the written agreement of the mayor or other presiding officer in said city to pay to the county treasurer the costs of board­ ing and detaining said prisoner at the rate of not to exceed 75 cents per day, accordingto the requisition of thecounty clerk. * ' Supervisor Beck moved that the chair­ man appoint a committee of three to act as a purchasing committee for the ensu­ ing year. Carried. The chair announced the following members as such committee, to-wit: L. T. Hoy, R. J. Beck and F. E. Stevens. Supervisor Brotzman moved to ad­ journ at call of the clerk. Carried. F. F. AXTELL, Chairman. GEO. F. RI SHTON, Clerk. Get your Spring Hat at J.J. Miller's and have the right style. It is not a miracle. It won't cure every­ thing, but it will cure piles. That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will do, be­ cause it has done it in hundreds of cases. J. A. Story. FEMALE LOVELINESS' May be obtained by intelligent women. A well regulated system must-of necessity show its fruit in the face.--To regulate the system and keep it in perfect condi­ tion there is nothing so good as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin--constipation and. indigestion absolutely cureu--10 doses 10c. (large size 50c. and §1.) At J. A. Story's. ______ Something New. L. E. BENNETT, Photographer, has just commenced making something new in the Picture line, which is neat, hand­ some and cheap. It is called the Man­ tel] o Photograph. It is a beauty. Call nt his Gallery and see a sample, ror tie NEXT THIRTY DAYS he will moke these Photographs at the low price of #1 PER DOZEN. Remember this is a 30 davs offer and call at once; If yoli see them you are sure to order a dozeu. (

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