Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1896, p. 7

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~ Gypsyi^ltiperstiuons. If a gypsy meets a woman upoa en­ tering a town, he looks upon it as,, a piece of good luck and a sign that he will collect plenty of alms. If, on the contrary, he encounters a man, he will get nothing, and will probably meet with misfortune besides. No gypsy girl wouldi;listen to a night­ ingale singing when in company with her loVer; if she did, it would denote a separation. To see a wolf both at the same time is the greatest luck that ciin befall a gypsy pair. Birds seem,' as a rule, to bring mts^ fortune. . 4 If a cock crows when a marriage pro­ cession is passing, it denotes that the couple will always be quarreling. If geese or ducks fly across the path, the husband will be ground under the heel of his wife and her female rela­ tives. A flock of sparrows is a sign that the love of the bride and the bridegroom --FAITH FU L.TOD EATH;™=^= ------y hy a Doe's Statue Stands in .m. Brboklyn Cemetery. _~" - All who have entered the main «ate of Cypress Hills Cemetery, at Brook­ lyn, during the last few weeks have had their attention arrested by the life- size statue of a dog standing A few /'l&ees in front of a massive and hand­ some vault. Inquiries revealed a pa­ thetic story thus perpetuated. The vault, which }s of granite, per­ haps 10 by 15 feet and l2; feet high, has just been erected by the widow of J. 'George Burckle. Mr. Burckle died just two years ago at the age of 65. He had been a raiich- man in the Dakotas, removing to Brooklyn several years ago. He, his wife and daughter were a devoted fain- NO FIGHT liN INDIANA The Rock of Gibraltar Is not steadier than a system liberated from the shackles of chills anil fever, bilious re­ mittent or dumb ague by Hostetter's Stom­ ach Bitters^, a perfect antidote to malarial poison In air or water. It is also an unexam­ pled remedy for bHIous. rheumatic or kidney complaints, dyspepsia and nervousness. It improves 0 appetite and sleep and hastens Convalescence. " / " Various Mile Records. The various mile records forip an in­ teresting list. Taken together, the fast and slow champions have a wide range. Light travels 196,000 miles a second: electricity, 288,000. miles; rail- v\vay train, mile in 32 seconds; man Skating, mile in 2 minutes 12 3-5 sec­ onds; horse trotting^ mile in 2 mint, utes 3% seconds; man running, mile in 4 minutes 12% seconds; bicycle; 1 min­ ute 40 3-5 seconds; crow flying, mile iu 2 .minutes 40 seconds; cannon ball, mile in 1 6-10 seconds.--Chicago News. Discouraging to Tailors. There is no record of the costumes of the Syrian Arabs having changed dur­ ing the period covered by human his­ tory; either as regards mala, or female dress or adornment. Saving only for his firearms, there is no reason to be­ lieve that the Bedouin of the desert does not clothe and adorn himself ex­ actly as he did in the days of the patri­ archs. Arabs in the desert have Con­ tracted a strange prejudice against running water, and they will only drink what they find in some stagnant pool. So much lias this become, a matter of habit1 with them that, while the most poisonous-looking water agrees with them admirably, pure rupniifg water will make them violently si'*ky THE MOST CRITICAL HERrbt) "IN THE LIFE OF A WOMAN: HARRISON'S STATE INSTRUCTS FOR M'KINLEY. The iron grasp of scrofula has no mercy upon its victims. This demon of the blood is often hot satisfied with causing dreadful sores, but racks the body with the pains of rheumatism un­ til Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. "Nearly four years ago I became af­ flicted 'with scrofula and rheumatism. Experience of Mrs. Kelly, of Patchogue, long Island. ° There is ho period in woman's earthly career which she approaches with-^jr much anxiety as the " change of life.'; Y e t d u r i n g t h e ^ « v \ . past twenty years w o m e n h a v e learned much from "X-© } a woman. TwW It is safe to say y \£> that women who prepare THEMSELVES^^^^^^P^W^^p^L than in Instructions Are Carried Through by a Viva Voce Vote--Free Coinage of Silver Vigorously Opposed--James A. Mount Named for Governor. Hoosier Republicans. Indiana Republicans nominated a com­ plete State ticket aud elected delegates to the national convention at St. Lbuis, who are instructed to vote for.McKiuley. '>i:i Jaines A. Mount is the nominee for Governor and R. ytvt Vl) ^ - Thompson u'£• . _Y heads the delega- tion to St. Louis. TV * The convention V I . instructed its dele- ")• gates for McKin ley, with scarcely a show opposition |SV '« and the long im-, ' ' V. /pi/"** pending battle with ; -V '• »-• ' iiileged';' Harrison R. w. TIKKMI'SON. forces ended iu commonplace peace. .The phitform' em-; bodying the instructions ..was* adopted by a viva voce vote and without division, tlie •chairman's decision that the motion to adopt had carried being received without a challenge! Geo.; Harrison did not make his eagerly expecte*. speech to the dele­ gates and diil not .Visit the co'iiveiition at "all. The platform ..declares for "simfid money." favors the pse of both sold a-pd silver iit a parity. ur^es, bimetallism -on"' an international basis, and.condemns the free and unlimited coinage of. silver at a ratio of Hi to.,1. It was 10:15 o'clock when the State chairman, ,T. Iv. Gowdy, began calling the convention to order in Tomlinson hall, and it was fifteen minutes later when he announced the hardl'y self-evident fact that the gathering had been called to order. After the invocation by Rev. D. Made Running sores broke out on my thighs. Pieces of bone came out and ah"bperation was|eontemplated. I had rheumatism in my legs, drawn up out of shape. I lost appetite, could not sleep. I was a perfect wreck. I continued to grow worse and •finally gave up tlie doctor's treatment to Hall's Catarrh Cure. Is a constitutional euro.. Price "5 cents. -will soon ^vauish; :' » • Ravens or crows at a wedding deuote -apKoaching poverty. ' - If the birds fly to the right, the wife will Soon tire of the onion! if to the left, the husband will tire of the wife. A tioek of sheep brings luck; a herd of goats, misfortune. " " ... . A dog, a dSnkey. a cow are all signs of good fortune, ? . - Doves or swallows crossing the path of a' young pair;, are a sign of great, riches;, "j. •* / .• •"'"L / If a gypsy girl wishes to know how soon she will inarry., -slie< whispers in the ear of the first donkey she meets, "Shall I soon have a husband?" If the donkey moves its ears, the girl knows that she will marry almost im­ mediately. If. on the contrary, the animal shakes its head, it will lie some time before she gets a husband. Three ounces of sugar are sufficient.' to every quart of milk for custards of j any kind,. A pinch of salt added to the white of< eggs will make them beat up quicker and lighter. - . / ~ ' '. . take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon appetite came back; the sores commenced to heal. My limbs straightened -out and I threw away my crutches. 1 am now stout and hearty and am farming, whereas four years ago I was a cripple. - I gladly rec­ ommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." URBAN; HAMMOND, Table Grove, Illinois. nervous com- » plications, I and prepare • "* I the systein. ! \ for the change. Lydia E. Pmkhanrs Vegetable Compound should; be used. It- is well for those approaching this time, to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She has the experience of years to aid her in advising. She will charge you nothing. She^helped this woman, who says:-- "I hove used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in my family ten years'^ with the best results. Some time ago my daughter had catarrh of the womb, and it entirely cured her. I was approaching the " chang-e of life," and was in a deplorable condi­ tion. My womb had fallen, and the bearing-down pains and backache were terrible, and kidneys affected "I began taking the Compound, and my pains ceased. I consider it the strong bridge between sickness and health, and recommend it to everybody I meet who needs it.'"--MRS. L. KELLY. Patchogue, L. I. CT l AfftteC ATI DOES NOT "FOOL *R0TJHDMj UJLLIT GOES STRAIGHT TO EHSSAHBSSFFL&^ WORK ON PAIN AND DRIVES IT OUT AND "SHUTS IT OFF" FROM RETURNING. THAT'S BUSINESS^-- HOW A DOG'S DEVOTION IS HONORED. My. but there was as much affection lav­ ished qp a pet collie dog. he brought from his ranclras upon any member of the family. After Mr. Burekle's demise the animal was inconsolable and wan­ dered about vainly searching for the old famaliar hand that caressed him daily. He found his way to his mas­ ter's grave and was often d^s^yered lying near it. Finally, the poor, crea­ ture died, heart broken at Mr. Burekle's decease. This devotion that even death could not daunt nor diminish, sp ̂ puched the family that it was decided to repro­ duce the dog in statuary. So there the faithful collie stands in life-like alti­ tude steadily gazing at the last resting place, of all that was mortal of his master. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. HI nnH' c. Pi lie cure liver ills, easy to take, i iuv/u «i5 i 11to e>asy to operate. 25 cents. A Fresh Definition. Old Squire Prince, of Franklin Coun­ ty. Tennessee, was the "larned" man of the community. Many an illiterate one came tojuive him write and read their letters. On one occasion a man asked him to decipher an epistle lie had received from Texas. In it occurred the word "emigrant." "What is an iuii- graut?" asked the dumfounded tan- hark hauler. "Wall," stuttered the Squire, scratch­ ing his white hair with his spectacles for inspiration. "An imigrant is a. is an animile, suthin twixt a possum and a coon, an powerful hard on corn." FSELD AND HOC FENCE WIRE. 20, 33, 4-2, SO, or S8 inches high. Quality and workmanship the best. Nothing on the market to compare with it. Write for full information. UNION FENCE COMPANY. DE KALB. LLLi. Thoughtless Foiks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Witted People Use %f*m a n Ciirrent Condensations. After a man' is old enough to have whiskers he should „pot be' seen on the streets earn ing a pair of skates. A woman never thinks a man is mak­ ing a true confession until he tells her something it breaks her heart to hear. Xo difference how rich a man is. or how prominent, a woman . can throw him by accusing him of trying to kiss her. The first iron bridges were erected from about 1777 to 1700. The same general principles apply to the con­ struction of iron as of stone bridges, but. the greater cohesion and adapta­ bility of the material give more liberty to the architect and much greater width of span is possible. A flying machine that will fly '.s said to have been exhibited recently by a man named Lanison in Portland. Me. The machine has wings like a bird and is said to be about as difficult to oper­ ate as a bicycle. The inventor moved about with considerable facility at a distance of twenty feet from the ground. . The port of St. Petersburg will be ex­ cavated to the depth of twenty two feet, to correspond with the depth of the canal leading to it. The harbor is also to be enlarged, so as to hold at least twenty-four large steamers at. a time. These proposed operations are the result of the fact that the port of Cronstadt is to be closed to merchant vessels. Manager Al Spink of "The Derby Winner" has among the other noted steeds in the. troupe the smallest horse in the world. Baby Ruth was foaled in Houston, Texas, is 3 years old. nine­ teen inches high, and can stand on an ordinary dinner plate. She is remark­ ably pretty, and her owner. Col. J. H. Wood, of Texas, has been offered and declined $5,000 for her. The tail of the crawfish serves that animal as an oar. By a peculiar jerk of the tail the animal can retire from a dangerous object with almost incredi­ ble swiftness. The tail is much more effective in moving the animal back­ ward than forward, a singular instance of adaptation to its situation, for by means of its tail it can withdraw into its hole with such swiftness as iu an instant to place it out of danger. Arizona women are out after political privileges equal to those enjoyed by the men, and recently a woman suffrage association was organized in Phoenix. For some years a few representatives of advanc.-d womanhood have cham­ pioned the cause in Arizona, and each successive- Territorial Legislature has been asked to pass an equal suffrage bill. Once or twice the bill has passed one branch" and has been treated as a joke in the other. But Statehood is almost in sight now, and the women are stirring themselves to greater ef­ forts looking toward enfranchisement. The Governor of the Territory has ex­ pressed himself as strongly in favor of woman suffrage. Treasure-trove means in law money or other treasure found hidden and the owner unknown, in which case it be­ longs to the crown. Troye is from the French word trouver, to find. R. I jticas of Indianapolis, the report of the Committee on Rules and Permanent Or­ ganization was read. Ex-Secretary of the Navy Richard W. Thompson was re­ ported for permanent chairman, with a mousing cheer, af&d G. R. Stormont was named for secretary. The report was unanimously adopted. When white-haired "Fucle Diek" Thompson assumed the gavel he was greeted with a rousing reception. De­ spite his 8S years, the-ex-Secretary deliv­ ered a stirring speech, which disposed of the Democratic party to the entire satis­ faction of the crowd, and vigorously pre­ dicted a sweeping victory for Republican principles in the coming election. At the conclusion of Col. Thompson's speech there were loud cries of "Harri­ son," but the ex-President did not appear, and the report of the Committee on Cre­ dentials was submitted and accepted without contest. Then came the reading of the platform and resolutions. With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys­ ical ills which vanish before proper ef­ forts--gentle efforts--pleasant efforts-- rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis­ ease, but simply to a constipated condi­ tion of the system,-'which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt­ ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial" effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, withoutdebilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene­ ficial effects, to note when you pur­ chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California "Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep­ utable druggists. If in the enjoyment of g-ood health, and the system is regular, then laxa­ tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if >, need of a laxative, then one should 1:J.^C the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most, general satisfaction. DOLLARS To be Given Away in Articles of Real Value to the Users of The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, in the Himalays--twen­ ty-nine thousand feet, or five and three- fourths miles. We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our yuh- l'lshed testimonials--age- proven to be not genuine. THE 1'ISO CO.. Warren, Pa. Out of 100 men you run against, you will find ninety-five worrying them­ selves into low spirits and indigestion about troubles that will never-come. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is a popular preparation in oue bottle, and colors evenly a brown or black. Any per sou can easily apply it at home.' Fifteen bridges cross the Thames in the London limits. "Chewing and Smoking" (The Only ANTI-NERVOUS and ANTI-DYSPEPTIC) M I C H I G A N R E P U B L I C A N S . Indorse McKinley for President--Ani­ mated Fijjrht Over Money. An animated fight over the money ques­ tion was the most striking feature of tlie Michigan Republican convention at De­ troit. It resulted in squelching both the gold plank offered by the majority and the silver plank submitted by the minority of the resolutions committee, and the sub­ stitution tnerefor of the money plank of the Minneapolis platform of 1S^2. Mc­ Kinley was indorsed most unequivocally and the delegate! were strongly instruct­ ed in his favor. Four delegates-at-large were elected, two of them without con­ tests. The financial plank was as follows: We are unyielding and uncompromising In our demands for sound and honest money. We are iu favor of the use of gold and silver and paper dollars in our currency, all to be maintained at a parity as to their purchasing and debt-paying power. We are opposed to any provision that will Invite depreciation of any potion of our currency, and, therefore, we are opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver by this country alone under present conditions, and we believe that such a course would destroy the parity of and contract the currency. A Fearful Weapon. The t bullet of the Ivrag-Jorgeuseu rifle, now adopted by the United States Government, has an initial velocity of two thousand feet per second, and has been regarded as a very humane weapon, because, at a range varying from four hundred to fifteen hundred yards, it pierces bone and flesh as cleanly as a drill goes through steel, leaving a small hole that disables a combatant, but does not necessarily maim him permanently. But recent experiments'have shown that within the four-liundred-yard range, or be­ yond fifteen hundred and up to the limit of its trajectory, which is two miles, it is a terribly destructive en­ gine of war. At the shorter range it has an explosive effect. Iu a recent experiment, a skull, stuffed with po­ tato, which is of about the same con­ sistency as brain matter, was hit by a bullet from the new gun at short range and shattered to pieces, the po­ tato being strewn for half a dozen yards about. A dog shot in the chest, also at short range, was torn open as if by tin explosive bullet. At the long­ er range, too. flesh hit by the Krag- Jorgensen bullet is frightfully torn, while bone is reduced to a pulp. Iu such wounds, quick amputation is nec­ essary to save life, and yet tlie range of the rifle is such that the Sanitary Corps, to be out of danger, must re­ main two miles away from the fight­ ing. He Was Hanged to Slow Music. "In the early days of Wyoming, when there were but a few churches and many infractions of law, a man by the name of Barstow. who never knew fear, and was a devout Chris­ tian, was elected to the office of sher­ iff," said a citizen of that State to a Star reporter. "Soon after Barstow entered upon the duties of his office a man was convicted for a capital crime. "The fact that there was no minister within reach preyed upon the mind of the sheriff, who undertook to supply the lack by holding an hour's Bible reading in the condemned man's cell and praying with him. As the time for the hanging approached Barstow be­ came possessed of the fear that he had uot acquitted himself of the spiritual responsibility devolving upon him. and devised a prograip that was new and unique. After the victim to. the law's mandate was placed upon the plat­ form and everything was in readiness, the sheriff prayed long and fervently. Then he called for some one to start a hymn, and a man near the platform began the only one he knew: 'I Want to Be an Angel,' in which the prisoner joined. "As the last verse was sung the sher­ iff busied himself adjusting the noos®. and immediately upon its conclusion the'trap was sprung." W * 1 Here is a day now before me; a day Ig a fortune, and an estate.--Emerson. To introduce quickly, on re­ ceipt of $8 will send nuy two sections yon may select. Kx- amiile, for S-.OOO bouse send $3 for Son. 3 and 4, etc., ctc. Returnable i f not satisfactory. Address the Co-operative Building Plan Ass'n, Architects, 106 & 10S Fulton St., New York City. Mrs. E. F, Patterson, writing from Bridgeport, Jacks n County, Alabama. June 3. 1895, i ays: "Being a Northerner by birth, it is not an easy thing to eat comfortably food prepared in Southern style, and consequently one suffers frouy it One day, feeling great discomfort from that cause, an old negro re­ tainer said to me; 'Souse me, ^ Missey, but my old woman knows something powerfu' good for dem pains. I disreuieinbers the name, but it's Rip sometin". aud it just rips the pain out. Old Milly "111 tell you 'bout it.' To please bim I called on his wife iu their little cabin, aud will try and give you her account. 'You know all fall aud winter I was powerfu' weak and couldn't eat nothin", and ona day I was a lyin' yere in terrible 'stress and gentium knocked at da door and says: "Mammy. eaa» I £• have some water tor myself and i'~ horse?" "Deed you cau. Marsa; but l'se too sick to. get the thiugs, I hab such awftf 'stress all over." "Why. .Mammy." Ue says, "I've just the thing for you that 1 bought in Washington for just such pains." So he gave that medsiu and de 'stress.aui all gone and 1 eats ebervthing, and 1 goes eborywhere; so, Missey, I knows day will help you.' So after writing down the name Hipaus Tabules." I bade her good day and went home. Milly's name is Mrs. John Jackson, care of T. B. I'attersou. Bridgeport, Ala." Klpans Tabules are sold by druggists, or bj mall If trie price (50 cents :i box) h> sent to The Hipaus Cfoero1 cal Company, No. 10 Sprue* Street. New Yorfc. Saui> vial, 10 cents. SUN'S TOTAL ECLIPSE. A Party of 1200 Americana to View It from Bodo. The groat event of the year 189G is the total eclipse of the sun, visible only in the extreme portion of.Japau, A moor river, Siberia, Nova Zembla and the northern part of Norway, within the Arctic circle. It is estimated that there will be many expeditions from various points in Eu­ rope, England, Germany and France. On June 27 a party of 200 Americans will leave Philadelphia to view the eclipse at Bodo, on the morning of Aug. 8. It will also be possible to get a glimpse of /the midnight sun. which is seen at the North Gape above the horizon at mid­ night. and a few days later a morning midnight. The expedition will be accom­ panied by many astronomers and students of astronomy. ICRICIAiyi^HN W.MORRIS, lCllOIUIl Washington, D.C. 'Successfully Prosecutes Clauris. La to Principal Exftmlnar U.S. Panslon Bureau, 3yraiu last war, 15 adjudicating claims, atty since. Told in n Few Lines. The jewelry store of M. ,T. Cohen, Pitts­ burg, I'a., was robbed of $7,000 worth of diamonds by three, men and a woman. . Philip D. Borden, the oldest active man­ ufacturer in Fall River, Mass., and wide­ ly known in textile circles, is dead, aged SO years. A letter from Smyrna. Western Tur­ key, says that Armenian reliuf funds are diminishing while the number of destitute is increasing. > The schooner Viking, which left San Francisco oil Nov. lo for the South sea, is a month overdue and fears are express­ ed for lier safety. The Viking carried a crew of eight men. It is said that the Spanish Government has declined the Pope's mediation in Cuban affairs, on the ground that the acceptance would be tantamount to rec­ ognizing Americans,right to interfere. Fire destrojVa the Adirondack Hotel, Emerson Bank, the music hall and sev­ eral residences and stores at Warrens- burg, Warren County, N. Y., entailing a loss of $.">0,000, which is partially in­ sured. The Moulton Leather Company, having factories at Lynn, Mass., assigned to A. W. Pope & Co.. of Boston, fpr $135,000. Most of the claims againat the corpora­ tion are held in New York and Philadel­ phia. Engineer Fanning of a cattle train was killed and his fireiiian, P. McClellan, En­ gineer De Groat, Fireman McClairville, a sleeping car porter and others were bad­ ly injured in a Northern Pacific wreck near Livingston, Moat, KIDOER'8 PA8TII1E8, " I km / duly too glad to tes-\ / tify to the great value \ I Of Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1 / which has been a house-1 / hold companion in ourl J family for years. I take! . J from 3 to 5 bottles of it every I I Spring, generally beginning! I about the first of April, AfterV I that I feel like a two year old,\ I for it tones up my system, gives \ r me an excellent appetite and l\ sleep like a top. As a blood medi-) cine it has no superior, at least that is my opinion of it.--H. R. WILOEV, Philadelphia, Pa., March 20,1896. ' 5 Prices of all commodities % c have been reduced except tobacco* £ V "Battle Ax ff is up to date* £ \ Low Price; High Grade; Delicious ^ f! Flavor* For JO cents you get % C almost twice as much "Battle Axft ^ % as of ofher high grade goods* The v \ 5 cent piece is nearly as large as ^ ^ other J O cent pieces of equal quality* | PATENTS. TRADE-MARK Examination tind julvtc® as to Patentability al tux. tions. Send for ISYKNTORS' Ut tOK. t>K HO# TO '" PATENT. FarrU-k o'JtVrrt'U. Washtugrtim. ju.t,- X X. I'. NIK 3©-!H» IN writing; ten Advertisers, plea<<» do not fall to mention this paper. Att>ertlsera like to know what mediums pay them best. WEIGHTY WORDS M * FOR \ Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In tlma. 8oM by

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