Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1896, p. 4

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|Je]J§aff JlaMellw. WEDNESDAY. MAt 27, 1896. YAN 8LYKE. Editor. --FOR PRESIDENT,-- HON. WlLLiAM rntKiNtEY; Subject to the decision of the Repub­ lican National Convention. THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE. HON. VVM. E. MASON, : OK CHICAGO,' » --r • " > • Our Candidate for U- S. Senator. REPUBLICAN TICKET.' For Governor, JQHS Ii . TANNEE. Tor Lieut-Governor, W.A, NGETHCOTT. For Secretary of State, ) JOHN A. ROSE. For Auditor, JAMES R. McCULLOUGH. For Treasurer, HENBY L. HERTZ. For Attorney General , EDWARD C. AKIN. For University Trustees^ MRS. MARY T, OARRILL, F. M. MoK AY, T. J . SMITB. For Clerk of Supreme Court , North Division, CHRIS MAMER. For Clerk of Appellate Court , C. C. DUFFY. McKINLEY'S OBIx'ICS. Lots of people in this United States aw making themselves real sick over their solicitude for the position held , by lion. William McKinley on the money question and some other questions. The most violent symptoms are §een among Dem- crats who vtant to see a Democrat nomi­ nated and elected. President. In the ^Heauimie-SfeKiiiiey in koepinK "iiis "Ojriti- ions to himself and affiording his enemies little political power. And McKinley is doing, just what any man. with a good deal of common sense would do. He is a candidate for a nomi­ nation that is the highest gitt m the party. He wants friends and he twants votes. Tf he should rush into print with his opinions his words would be twisted and turned, and even if reported straight he would make no more friends and ad­ mirers than he now has, and he might make enemies. McKinley is going to stand squarely on the platform adopted at St. Louis, and that platform must be no straddle, neither must it be a -free silver platform. No one thinks for a moment that it will be either of these, neither is there a nian, woman or child in the union who is not satisfied that McKinley stands for honest money- The free silver states are for him -becauee he stands for protection. The half silver states are for him because he stands for protection, and in spite of the importun­ ities of a.horde of men who. desire him to talk he is not throwing stones at any of these states just at present. Neither does he seem to be doing the other thing ana firing sugar pellets at them to attract their votes. But he is just keeping quiet. He has confidence in the people, and he has confidence in himself, and when the time comes to act and speak he will do both, in unmistakable and acceptable terms. The PLAINDEALER long ago declared for Major McKinley as its choice for nominee, and it has seen no reason to change that choice. The demand for him is insistent and strong, and a man were blind who could not see the trend o) public opinion and desire. FOJ* Member of Congress. ALBERT J. HOPKINS. For Member f ' tate Board of Equalization, T. S. ROGERS. For State Senator, FLAVEL K, GRANGER. For Representatives, (1)£ vote* each), GEO. R. LYON, D. A. FULLER, For Circuit Clerk, GEORGE B. RICHARDS. For State 's Attorney, VINCENT S. LCMLEY. For Coroner, SPENCER C. WERNHAM. For Surveyor, CHARLES H. TRYON, ttS?"In a speech made in. the Ohio cam­ paign of 1893 Major McKinley said "Whatever dollars we have in this country must he equal in purchasing power, whether they be paper dollars, gold dollars, silver dollars or treasury notes, each convertible into the other Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was in good demand and although many tubs were withdrawn they were afterwards sold at better pri ces. Offerings were 83,820 pounds.-- Sales were 12,600 pounds at 15c. : 41, 220 pounds at 15%c ; 30,000 pounds at 16c. Butter last week sold at 15%c, and one year ago at 18c. {©"Cleveland must be an arrant cow ard or he would neyer allow the Ameri can flag to be humiliated and our inter ests threatened at the hands of Spain There should be in Congress some spirit bold enough to move a vote of censure for not according to the poor Cuban patriots belligerent rights. So says an exchange. tST" The New York Herald thus tabu lates the status of the St. Louis conven tion; McKinley, 546; Reed, 120; Mor ton, 69; Allison, 39; Quay, 58 ; Cullom 9; Bradley, 1G ; doubtful, 63: total num ber of delegates, 918; necessary to choice, 459. General Clarkson on the other hand, credits McKinley with 384 delegates, all others with 452, with 82 seats contested. THE TARIFF IS THE ISSUE. Undoubtedly the tariff will be the prin­ cipal issue of the presidential campaign this year. The democrats, who recog­ nize the weakness of their party's posi­ tion on the tariff are trying the money question to the front, but they will not be able to pull the wool over the eyes of the people. The assaults upon the pro­ tective system have been the cause of the business depression during the present administration. The wage earners real­ ize this fact, and they want a president who will fully represent their convictions on the tariff. The money question is im­ portant, but will hardly be an issue SI 50 00 IN COLD GIVEN For Selling "Story of Spain and Cuba " The International News & Book Co., Baltimore, Md., offer §150 to anyone selling in three months 175 . copies of their new book, "Story of Spains and Cuba." Premium and liberal commis­ sion given for any quantity sold. This is one of the greatest selling books .out. Many agflnta rr if lJrn f rom, £n_toi- $10 a.: day. A graphic account of the present war and the struggle for liberty is given, 100 beautiful illustrations, 500 pages. Freight paid and credit given; 50 cent outfit free jf 10 cents is sent for postage. Write them immediately.. Rich Discoveries of Cold. At Cripple Creek, Col., and elsewhere, we being made daily, and the production for 1886 will be the largest ever known, estimated at Two Hundred Million Dol­ lars. Cripple Creek alone is producing over One Million Dollars a month, and steadily increasing. Minings Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any other Stocks, and many pay divi­ dends of 35 to 50 per cent. They offer the best opportunity to make a large profit on a small investment - JOHN I. TALLMAX & Co., 45 Broadway, New York, are financial agents for the Prudential Gold Mining Co., and others in the. famous. Cripple Creek district. They will send you free, interesting par­ ticulars of the Mining companies they represent also their book on speculation in stocks, grain and cotton, containing many new and important features. Send for the'se books at once if you are interested in any form of speculation or investments. They will prove profit­ able to you .'* . : ' " i 9-ly Kenwood and Elgin Bicycles, . Bicycle Repairs and Sundries at;F. L. McOmber'e. The handsomest Flower Pots ever seen in this section, and at about half the usual price at Geo. W. Besley's, West McHenry. FOR SALE, A House and four Lots, in this village. For particulars inquire at this office. FURNITURE v nr«.uic, Of the right kind and cut prices, in abundance. Black and Colored Suitings, Wash Fabrics, Sateens, Gapes, Lawns,^ Parasols. Fans, Mitts, Laces, Embroidery, Mulls, White Goods, Hosiery, Furnishing Goods, Fur and Straw Hats, Golf and Yachting Caps. A full stock of the BEXFIE^B C?JwFES A M P U N I O N J A C K E T S , ' . • All sizes, right prices,.correct styles. Uniteel Brand Fancy Shirts,ln s"ze8 OWEN & CHAPE LL ! (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) . • . . . Give us a call at the old stand and you will be 'convinced that wo carry one of the WEST tiMB General - In McHenry. Have increased the stock over $4 000 00 since Jan. 1st; We aim to buy the best, make quick sales and small profits, us we are here to stay if square and honorable dealings will pay. •.SUMMER CLOTHING, For men, boys and children. Over 100 new suits just received from Kuh, Nathan & Fuller. Sacks, square cuts, frocks, Prince Alberts, in black, navy, gray, and mixed. Pricos are surprisingly low, DUTCHESS TROUSERS. In all sizes and over twenty styles, all fully warranted and price lower than you will expect. Fine Waif Paper, Shades, Curtains, Poles etc. A full supply of reliable garden and field seeds. F U I i l ] O R O C E R I E ^ , Best Flour. SIMON Fancy Dress Goods,. In ail the latest styles and patterns, at lowest prices.. Shirt Waists & Wrappers. Hive a full line of these made <up in all the latest styles and patterns, with Bishop sleeves, etc. These goods are all very stylish­ ly made, of the best qualities of prints and percales. A fine assortment of Lace Collars and Summer Silks for fancy waists, in all colors. Now is the time to select your FURNITURE Fori Two unTessThe^democratic national conven­ tion declares for free silver. In that, event the Republicans wili have all the more advantage. The confidence which the masses put in the Republican party is of itself sufficient to go a long way to­ ward reviving business, and a revision of the tariff will give adequate protec­ tion to American labor and will restore the prosperity of former days. The real issue is protection. The Re­ publican party is and always has been for sound money--and so it will continue to be. It took charge of national affairs when the government was bankrupt through the manipulations of a treason­ able cabinet and could borrow small sums of money for necessary purposes only at extortionate rates of interest It created a new currency system, fought the war of the rebellion to a successful conclusion and raised billions of dollars for * he purpose. It resumed specie pay­ ments, brought the national credit to a higher level than had ever before been known, and paid off the public debt at a rate which astonished the world. -AND- CARPETS! H He West Side Furniture Store, As they arc being sold at a closcr margin than ever. My stoc£ Ts more complete than heretofore, and Prices Lower than Ever. SST" One of tjhe severest storms of the season, consisting of wind, rain, thun­ der and and lightning, passed over this region about two o'clock on Monday morning. At Elgin the Factory of the Elgin Sewing Machine and Bicycle Com­ pany, which employed over 300 hands, was blown down and almost totally de­ stroyed. At Norwood Park two churches and several dwellings were blown down and persons severely injured, although no lives are reported lost In Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin the storm is report­ ed more severe, and many lives are re­ ported lost. In Chicago the street car tunnels, under the river, were Hooded and the basements were deluged .with from three to five feet of water. The. thunder and lightning was terrific, and the people were aroused from their sleep in great alarm. It was one of the worst etorms known for years. IST" Aurora is something of a political porker. Not satisfied with having a gub­ ernatorial candidate in Congressman Hopkins to whom his congressional dis­ trict gave a Bolid vote, it presented him for renomination for Congress when he was defeated in his aspirations in state politics. Then Aurora presented Col. Ira C. Copley for reelection as a member of the'state central committee, and that was also accorded by the Republicans. Still unsatisfied, Aurora asked for a na­ tional delegateship, and H. D. Judson will go to the St. Louis convention. That Aurora should be able to grab BO much is somewhat surprising, especially when it is in the same county aa Elgin. It shows that Aurora possesses some politicians. That city should remember the fate of Bloomington, however. Time was when the home of "Private Joe gobbled every thing in sight and looked ior more. Now there is against it a cold­ blooded combination which would not permit it to have even an assistant sec- retaryshipin a congressional convention. 0--Bockford Republic, i • FOR SOUND MONEY, ALWAYS. Now, here is Major Handy, an avowed expert on McKinleyisia. Perhaps he knows whether Major McKinley is for a gold standard or for a double stand­ ard, or for free silver coinage. Perhaps Handy knows where McKinley stands. Perhaps Major Handy will tell us.---A7. 7, Sun. Certainly. To my certain knowledge Major McKinley's voice; and influence "are in favor of the best money that the ingenuity of man has devised." (Speech in reply to ex-Governor Camp­ bell, Ohio campaign, 189:3.) He believes that " whatever dollars we have in this country must be equal in purchasing power, whether they be paper dollars, gold dollars, silver dollars, or treasury notes,^each convertible into the other." (Speech in fifty-first cODgress.) He be­ lieves that " the people are not prepared to indulge in the speculation of free and unlimited coinage." (Reply to ex-Gov- ernor Campbell.) In short, he stands with his party, now as ever, or now nfore than ever, as shown by twenty-five state Republican platforms, for honest money, good the world over, "good not by law- alone, but good because the whole com­ mercial world recognizes its inherent and unquestioned value.--Moses P. Handy in Times-Herald. Undertaking! A SPECIALTY, And so are the prices on Caskets a specialty, as the union on Un­ dertaking Goods is broken, and profit is all cut to pieces from ST" The following is the Democratic County Ticket, nominated at their County Convention, held at Woodstock on Wednesday of last week, the 20th: For Circuit Clerk--Frank Howden, of Richmond. ««?- For States Attorney--C7S. Northrop, of Woodstock. For Coroner--Dr. C. M. Johnson, of Harvard. For Surveyor--Thos. McD. Richards, of Woodstock. Honorable usage. D STOFFEL. Cents A Day HHWI A new Method of Home Study Study at Home. .... THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL. All the latest Spring and Summer styles in straw and felt hats for men and boys, at live and let live prices. Also a fine assort­ ment of light cork stiff hats for men, the latest thing out. Amw 1 CLOTHING. Our Clothing department is in first cTass shape; can fit any age from one year to the oldest, at any price to suit the buyer, ^ SHOES. Just received, a fine line of Ox for Is and light weight shoes for spring and summer wear, of the br-st quality, for childreg, misses and ladies, in black and tan of the latest styles. Also a fine assort­ ment of men's shoes in pointed and square too, in black and tan, and at prices that will surprise you. If Choice Fresh Family Groceries arriving Daily. The following courses are ottered: Literature. History, Composit ion, Rhetoric, i?ioluK>'. L.angu'ges, Arithmetic, Grammar, Civil Govern­ ment B ok keeping, Shorthan i, , e tc. , under the direction of a strong atsi l 'of teachers, w ho are specialists in their various l ines. The Heme Stud y ion assipns lessons, pives aavice and suggestions in re gard to methiSda of s tuoy, \nd supervises the work 01 individual stud­ ents, Tbe Association aims to meet the needs of those wjio have been com pel I dd to abandon study at an early age. as well as of more ad vam od students. T ie lessons have a freshness and an interest that will make them attractive to al l , and are the only text books required. Per Circular of Informaticn and full part iculars ad i rese , TIIE HOME WTLDY ASSOCIATION, Ann Arbor. Michigan. ojcfflN SANSON'S CLOSING WEEK. In last week's PLAINDEALER we told you how we intend to set apart the last week in each month for the purpose of closing up odds and ends, surplus stock, etc. This is the first week, and here is an indication as to how it is done: Best Shirting Prints, 3£c per yd. Best Sheeting, 5£c per yd. Good Ginghams, 4c per yd. Best blue Prints, 5c per yd. now on. Will Next week I such a discount Goods as will astonish you announce on Undertaking N. J. JUSTEN, NEAR THE DEPOT, West McHenry, O R F R U T H S n - - x t v ' f l U • S a t u r d a y , un.rnuino May 30, Woodsto'k H use, 10 to i. Low Rate to Peoria, III. On account of the Illinois Stat Saen- gerfest, the Northwestern Line will, on June 12 to 15, sell excursion tickets to Peoria and return at very low rates, tickets good returning until June 17 1890, inclusive. For tickets and full in­ formation apply to agents" Chicago & Northwestern li'y. ' 47w3 FOR SALK. We have now "listed several residences and a number of very desirable building lots, in this village, for sale* For funther particulars inquire at this office. . ULFT»_8VI>HILITLC'TAIRI£8 oiBpn of every nature. DOCTOR FRUTH so well and favorably known as CHICAGO'S LEADlNCr CQpA| • a inai &MOST SUCCESSFUL drCvlALI ST a for his many and wonderful cures of flATARRH throat, lun(?a, liver, dyspepsia, indigos Urt I nllllll tion, all diseases of stomach and bowels BLOOD AND SKIN uirf7Phii°mo'^nples'Bcrof tet ter , EOZEMA and Blood PoiRon of every i KIDNEY AND URINARY abdomen, 'bladder, eodl' rnent in tirjne. brU'K-cnist or white, painful urinations, Wright's disease and all diseases at the bladder. PRIVATP leases -- Gleet, Gonorrho;a, Inflamma- t 111 V ft I L tions, Discharges, Strictures, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Varicoelo and kindred troubles quickly cured. I n^T MANlfnnn !lnd a11 ,tB attending ailments. LUol WftNHUUU bot» of Young, Mlddlc-Ajfcd and Old Men. The awful offects of early indiscretions, producing weakness, NERVOUS DEBILITY, night em­ issions,exhausting drains, pimples, bashfulness, loss of energy and weakness of both body and brain. Extra quality Tennis Flannels, 5c per yd. Best Percales Apron Checks, 5 to 7c per yd. Ladies' arid Gents' Underwear. Ladies1 Vests, 2 for 9c. Ladies' Vests, 10 to 50c. Gents1 # ;hole Suits, extra quaality, 50c, Ladies1 Wrappers, 69c. One lot men's Hats, worth up to §3.50; your choice for $1. 2 pairs ladies1 fast black Hose, 9c. Misses' low Shoes, worth up to §1,25; your choice for 50c. Children's Shoes have been up to 75c; your choice for 35c. 100 pairs men's Shoes at big discounta. Those §3,50 Tan Shoes arc now §2,90. Pants, Shirts, Overalls, are going also. JOHN EVA1S0N & CO. WEST McIIENUY, ILL, In addition to our usual stock of LTJIttKER, FE'ED, Wo have just added a large invoice of r.•:' : THE OTMHJBATMP WHITE; iWU Jssionfl','exhausting ^Ukl'DITF your troubles if out of city. Tlionn. .. . B ands cured by oorrespottdwice a<vt> piealcines sent secretly. PB.D.O.FBUTH, ^ - 1U3S Masonic Temple. Chicago A large stock of Canned Goods of kinds at Owen & Chapell'e. all PATENT |si?ringfield.min|| From the Roller Miljs of Springfield, IVIInn. Every sack of this Flour is Guaranteed, and wi.ll be sold aa Low or Lower than any other Good Flour on the market. Call, tey-a sack and be convinced. ! VV WILBUR LUMBER CO, West McHenry, May 12, 1890. McHenry, 1896. Yoiu's very truly£ OWEN & CHAPELL. 1 ELGIN, ILL. THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE Between our prices- and those of the average dealer. Note the following: PILLOW CASES, (ready-made), 8c, 12c, 15c. SHEETS, (ready-made), 43e, 49c, 53c. BED SPREADS, 59c, 73c, 89c. LACE CURTAINS, 79c. 98c, $1.19, $1.49, $1.98 to $4.98-' per pair. PORTIERS, $2,49, $2.98, $3.49, $3.93 per pair. 0 WINDOW SHADES, 6 or 7 It, felt, plain OP deeorated, com­ plete with fixtures. 10c. WINDOW SHADES, opaque, 6 or 7 ft .plain or decorated, corapleto with fixtures, 29c. EXTENSION CURTAIN RODS, brass, Icr sash curtains, all we ask is 13c. CARPET SWEEPERS, the very best, $1.09; $1 98, $2 49. THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGI^, ILL,

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