Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1896, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1896. Railway Time^Fable. 1395, at si:; J UIWI A. ill. i'~~ ®~ ™ "" station as follows: Taking oflTpt-.t, Sunday. May_2S, "^clotk A. M. Trains will ;pass McHenry n as foliow GOING SOUTH. D Lake Geneva Passenger 7;UAM X Williams Bay Express t.. . ...8;25 " X Williams Bay Passenger. 3,;25 P M GOING NORTH. F • X Williams Bay Passenger 9:48 AM $ Lake Geneva Passenger 5;03 P M X Williams Bay Express 4:55 «• X Williams Bay Passenger . G:51 •• JJBXPLANATION. • D--Bftily. X--Daily except Sunday, b Sundaysoniy. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. - PERSONAL. T. J,. WALSH and wife spent Sunday with friendB in Elgin. H. L. HERTZ the next State Treasurer, passed through here on Thursday last. MRS. COOK, of Kansas, is visiting with her son, Rev. V. C. Cook, in this village. Universalis!: Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, ... President F. I/. McUmbej, Clerk James B. Perry.... .•.. '....Treasurer Rev. J. Sjtraab, D. O. ....Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladies organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry....... ...President Mrs. L. H. Owen. ; .Secretary 3upt, of Sunday School,O. N. Offk Assistant,...,.... ... ...Mrs. G. N. Owen •sr The tor's Chicago Telegraph Address Grand Crossing, Preaching" services at 10:30 A. M. and a,t 7:30 P.m. A cordial, invitation to all. W5ethod!st" Episcopal Church* Rev. V. C. Cook, ;..................... Pastor, Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. ,M. and 7:30 p. M. Sundav School, 11:45 A.M. Dr. A, E. Auringer ...Superintendent Epworth League, 6:4& p, M., Wayne Wood bura, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week, Mrs. C. E. Lamphere, President, S3" A Cordial invitation is extended to all, K. O. T. M. •MCBKNKT LODGB NO. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg­ ular meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month , at K, O. T, M. Ball. GEO. HANLEY,iCom, J. J. BISHOP, R. K. MASONIC. MCHENRT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and [ourth Mondays in each month. W, A. CBI5TY, W. M. E. LAWLUS has been treating the front of his store to a coat of paint. MRS. LIZZIE WINKELShas been painting her residence, which much improves its appearance. DR. ART is prepared to test eyes accur­ ately, at his office, over the PLAINDEALER oflice. GEO. G. SMITH now has his string of trotters at Nunda, where he can have them under his immediate supervision while wording them preparatory to the June Races. IN some sections rye and wheat are heading out; this means a harvest four or five weeks earlier than usual, and all other crops will be much in advance of last year. are dying in large numbers in the Kislnvaukee river at Belvidere. The cause is unknown. The dead fish lying along the banks are a menace to health. State Fish Warden Blow has been notified. AN Elgin man was made a grass wid­ ower some months ago by reason of his wife having secured a divorce from him. He has now begun suit against her for $3,000 for services rendered as her hus­ band during three years. Miss LENA M. MORROW will leeture at the City Hall, on Monday evening, June 1st. Miss Morrow is Assistant State Superintendent of Scientific Temperance Instruction, and is highly recommended as a speaker. Let all turn out and fill the house. Oi 'R genial and popular hardware mer­ chant, on the West side, F. L. McOmber, rejoices over anew nine pound daughter, which arrived at his home on Thursday last. Mother and child are doing well, and Frank was giving away hardware for a few days last week. THE Epworth League meeting of the M. E. church, will be held next Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock. Subject, "TheSec­ ond Clause of the Epworth League Pledge." John 2:1-2; 15:11. Flora Shirburne will lead. All are cordially invited. THE McHenry and Wauconda Base Ball Clubs crossed buts the first of the week and the result was a victory for McHenry by a score of 29 to 13. The McHenry ball tossers are bad men to tackle, not having lost a game this year, and are now waiting for more worlas to conquer. C. H. OSTKANDER, of the Nippersink Club, Fox Lake, came out last week with a handsome brand new four seater, which will be used in connection with the •Club House, for the accommodation of its guests, We predict that Ostrander will be a popular manager of that splen­ did summer resort. THE grass is being cut in the cemetery and private lots are being fixed up in fine shape preparatory to Decoration Day, which occurs Saturday of this week. Many shrubs and plants are being set out. These efforts of loving hands add additional beauty to the natural loveli­ ness of the resting place for the dead. AN Eurlville Oihner recently made the statement thai't every year the gophers and ground squirrels took the first two rows of corn around the outside of his field, but he had a scheme that he thought would fool them, and that he wasn't going to plant the first two rows See ? n. C. SMITH IIRS just re papered, painted and otherwise refitted his Bil­ liard and Pool Boom and Ten Pin Alley, had the Tables newly covered and re­ fitted, and now hai one of the finest Billiard and Pool Rooms to be found in the county, where a social game of Bil­ liards or Pool can be enjoyed in a quiet manner by lovers of the game. They were opened on Saturday evening for the first time this season. , , Chicago, speiit Satur- day*§nd Sunday with her husband, Rev. J. Straub, in this village. Miss ANNA WINKLES,' of Algonquin, spent Sunday with her mother, in this village. v MASTER JAY GOING, of Chicago, is spending the summer vacation with his grandparents, in this village. F MRS. DORA LONG spent.a few days last week here with her parents, George W. Besley and wife. Miss AGGIE COLBY, of Chicago, was calling on friends" here the latter part of last week. H. MCOMBER and wife and Miss Irene McOmber were Waukegan visitors the, first of the week. ; MR. TRAPP, of Chicago, has been the guest of John and Joseph Heimer the past week, • , Miss HELEN FORREST, of Woodstock,- has been the guest of Miss Bernice Perry the past week. . MRS. HEIMER, mother of John and Joseph Heimer, went to Elgin on Mon­ day to visit a few, days with friends. A. G.'ELDREDGE has accepted a posi­ tion in the Condensing Works, at Algon­ quin, and commenced his duties on Monday. MRS. E. LAMPHERE, her daughter Hattie, and Miss Mamie Granger, of Elgin, have been visiting hero the past week. MRS. JACOB WENT WORTH and cbilcjn^i, of Pingree Grove, have been visiting friends here the past week. Mr. Went- worth, who is engaged in Chicago, came out and spent Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NEIL, of St. Patrick's Church, in this village, will make a trip to the old country, leaving here tile first part of June. He intends making a tour of Europe, ending up in Ireland. We have not learned how long he expects to be absent. MEMORIAL, DAY. . The preparatibns for Memorial Day services, which will be held in this village on Saturday, May 30th, under the direc­ tion of McHenry Post, No. C43, ^re all completed. Members of the- Post, old soldiers, sailors, sous of veterans, to getber with the general public, will meet at the City Hall at 1:30 P. XL, and listen to the following PROGRAMME. Music by the Band. Singing by the school. Reading of Orders by the Adjutant. Singing by the male quartet. Prayer by Rev. J. Straub. Recitation. 0 Singing. imitation. Address, by C. P. Barnes, of Wood­ stock. Singing. Music by the Band. At the conclusion of the services at the Lity Hall the lines will be formed and proceed" to the Cemetfery,. where, under the supervision of the decoration com. mittee the choicest flowers will be scat tered over the graves of the patriotic dead. " Our citizens .are earnestly requested to turn out, bring, all the flowers, they-can, and assist the veterans in commemo­ rating the day in honor of the heroic dead, • THE May Party, at the McHenry House, on Wednesday, evening last, was attended by about fifty couple and all report a splendid time. THE second Elocutionary Recital, by Mrs. Cook and her Pupils, will be given in the City Hall, Friday evening of this week, May 29th. THE ladies of the W. C. T. lT. will meet with Mrs. W. F. Gallaher, On Thursday af­ ternoon, May 28, at 2:.'!0 o'clock. MRS. T. J. WALSH, President. MRS. W. F. GALLAHER, Secretary. NOTWITHSTANDING the unfavorable weather the Ice Cream Festival and So­ cial, by the ladies of the Willing Workers Society, at the City Hall, on Friday exening last, was well attended and highly enjoyed by all present. The pro- gramnie WafTfine and the Ice Cream and Cake the best, while in the Social part the ladies never make a failure. The net receipts were about $37. AT a special meeting of the Board of Education, held on Saturday eveninp last JolinS. Brazier, A. B.of Herscher.lll.? was engaged as Principal for the coming year. Prof. Brazier comes highly rec­ ommended as a teacher of experience, and the Board have confidence that they havermade no mistake. We trust that he may prove the right man in the right place. All the positions are now filled with the exception of teacher in the Grammar Department. IT is now proposed to authorize post­ masters and their deputies to open let ters on which postage stamps have not been placed, to learn the name of the writer and avoid sending it to the dead letter office. This would be a snap for the postoffice clerks who like to nose into other people's affairs. If all who wijite would have their names and addresses printed on the envelopes they use, as the postoffice department requests, such trouble would not arise. WE hear the Memorial Sermon, deliv­ ered at the M. E. Church, on Sunday morning last, by the Pastor, Rev. V. C. Conk, very highly spoken of by all who had the pleasure of listening to it. In fact so well pleased were some of the old veterans that they drove to Yolo in the afternoon, where it was again delivered by Mr. Cook, and they have no hesita­ tion in pronouncing it one of the best Memorial Sermons they ever listened to. His remarks were clear, forcible and patriotic, and went straight to the hearts of his hearers. While there was a good congregation who had the pleas­ ure of listening to it, there should have been many more. ^ ANY one who has ridden a bicyle knows the irresistible tendency of a ma­ chine in the hands of a beginner to run- directly at any living object it meets. This inclination is stronger toward other bicycles than toward anything else. The first time a beginner rides alone in the street his bike insists upon darting at every other one that appears and no ex­ ercise of wit or judgment can control it. People who have had no experience laugh at this and say it is all nonsense, but every persou who ever learned to ride will agree that the total depravity of the ordinary bicycle is beyond compar­ ison with all other inanimate objects, and that its combative instincts are highly developed. EXTRAORDINARY SHOE SELLING AT EVANSON'S STORE. Extraordinary shoe selling at Evan- son' store, Saturday, May 30. We have 500 pairs from a busted Milwaukee job­ ber, at prices you have never seen before for such good stuVf. A lot of child's shoes included in this sale at low figures. Ladies' high button and Oxfords. Men's lace and Congress. Come for shoes, on Saturday, to EvansOn's store. WANTED.--Twenty or thirty head of Cattle and Horses for pasturing, on the Salisbury farm, about four or five miles from Ridgefield, Nunda, Woodstock and McHenry. Are now ready lo receive stock. Don't ask your wife to darn that old stocking when you can buy new ones so cheap at. , J. W. CRISTY &*SON'S, WOODMEN'S PICNIC. Only §1.25 the Round Trip to Janes- ville, on Wednesday, June 10th. Leave Ringwood 7:00 A. M., McHenry 7:14, Terra Cotta 7:26, Crystal Lake 8 A. M. Reach Janesville 9:35 A. M. Leave Janes- viHe 8 p. M. Tickets for sale by Station Ag«nts. ST. MARY'S COI UT, NO. 594, Catholic Order of Forresters, was organized in this village on Sunday afternoon last, with twenty charter members, and the following officers elected: High Chief Ranger--Mat Weber. I'icc Chief Ranger-- Mike Winkles. Recording Secretary--John Stoffel. Financial Secretary--N. A. Ileman. Treasurer--Peter B. Freund. Trustees--Anton Barbian, John Reg- ner, Martin Thalen. Conductors--Wm. Rothermel, Martin AdaniK Guards--Fred Karges, Theo. Winkels. I)ehgate--Simon StoffeL..... .1 iternate--Adolph Fischer. Medical C.xaminer--\)r . C. II. Fegers. High Secretary Theo. B. Thiele, of Chicago, was present and installed the officers of the Court. After the organi­ zation a Banquet was held in Heitner's Hall, which was partaken of by the mem­ bers, their families and friends, and a highly enjoyable evening was spent. The Catholic Order of Forresters was organ­ ized thirteen years ago and is now over 40,000 strong. They Don't See It. A county superintendent in a neighbor­ ing county recently asked every teacher at the county institute who took their local paper to hold Up their ha,nds, and out of about one hundred present only six responded, at which he expressed great surprise and said: "You don't spend one dollar a year with those pa­ pers, yet you expect *hem to print, free of charge, notices of institutes, insert long programmes of same, and full re­ ports of what you say and do on those occasions, and thus expect them to ad­ vertise you and your abilities in profes­ sion, thus assisting you to climb the ladder to higher and betterlsalaries with­ out a cent postage in return." He closed by saying: ' Your condition in this matter would lead me, were I an editor of these papers, to promptly throw into the waste basket any communication sent in by any society, the members of which were too proud or too stingy to take a paper, or if inserting it to demand full advertising rates for every line published." Want Memorial Day Held Sacred. The opinion prevails quite strongly throughout the country that Memorial or Decoration Day should not be made use of as a day of recreation and sport. Recently the Logansport, Ind., G. A. R. Post passed resolutions protesting against the growing places to desecrate the 30fh-of May as Memorial day, by using it as a day for various sports, such as base ball games, bicycle meets, races, foot ball, picnics, and other pleasures harmful to the solemn and patriotic purpose for which the day has been lawfully appointed and set apart, and invoking the public senti­ ment of the citizens of Logansport, and the State of Indiana>to array itself against any attempt that may be thoughtlessly or purposely made to dis­ turb the solemnity of that day on which it is the solemn duty of all to think of their beloved dead and pay tribute t$ their memory, and declare that such sports arenas much out. of place as a dance would be at the funeral of a near and dear friend. School Exhibit at .County Fair, First and second diplomas will be awarded as follows : : , Exhibit of high school work. Not less than five papers in any one subject, or in case the class has less than six members the papers from the whole class . Sweepstakes exhibit,, from all grades from any graded school. Not less than five papers in any one grade in each subject. County maps, 11x14 size on cardboard. State maps 14x22 size on cardboard. County maps from 3d to 4th grades. State maps from 4th to 5th grades. Not less than five of each. Maps of Europe or North America. Size, 14x22. From 5th to Gth grades. Not less than five from auy one school. Sweepstakes exhibit from country school. Not less than five paoers from *ny class, or papers from all the class if less thau six. Sweepstakes exhibit from village schools. Not less than five papers in any subject, or work of whole class, if less than six members. These schools to employ not more than three teachers. \\ e respectfully invite all schools in the county to take part in this exhibit. W. E. \\ IRE, CO. Supt. Attention, Comrades of the Fifteenth Illinois Infantry. The committee of arrangements is obliged to announce that the annual re­ union of the Fifteenth Illinois Regiment usually held on May 24, at Belvidere, 111. has, for the present year, as to that time ind place, been abandoned. Correspond­ ence with all the comrades on this eub- jecthas resulted in the expression h To the Insuring Public. This is to certify that I sustained a loss of $1400, March 24, 189G, and being insured in the Phenix of Brooklyn, by Simon Stoffel, its agent at West Mc­ Henry, III., I take pleasure in recom­ mending both the company and agent, for the prompt and honorable adjust­ ment of my loss in full. 0. W. OWEN, Assured. West McHenry, May 20, 1890. SEALED BIDS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of the Ringwood But­ ter Company until May 30, 189G, for the building of their Factory. Plans and specifications can be had of C. W. Har­ rison, John Carey and Amos Smith. Carpenter work and mason work let separate. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. SEALED BIDS. Sealed Bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, 111., at their next regular meet­ ing. to be held on the first Monday iq June, 1890, (which will be the first day of June) for Sprinkling the streets of McHenry for the coming year. Bids to be at so much per day. The Board re­ serve the right to reject any and all bids. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. McHenry, May 19th, 1890. IF you want to see the finest line of Flower Pots, Jardineers, etc., call at the store of G. W. Besley, on the West Side. They are beauties and something never before seen here. Modern Woodmen's Picnic at Janesville, For tho above occasion the Northwest­ ern Line will sell' excursion tickets on June 9th and 10th at very low rates. For tickets and full information apply to Agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. *47 w2 least ninety-five per cent of their number in favor of July 7 as the time and Chi­ cago as the place for meeting this year. The secretary will confer further with the comrades on this subject. Southern California- To any persou desiring information regarding Southern California, a beauti­ fully illustrated booklet descriptive of the fairest portion of this semi-tropic region will be mailed free. Address. OBSERVER, Ontario, California. Too much for Him. A young lady of Peterson, who was rather delicate thusly applied to a mar- lied clerk-for a pair of garters: "It is my desire to obtain a jyiir of circular elastic appendages, capable of being con­ tracted or expanded by means of oscil­ lating burnished steel appliances that sparkle like particles of gold leaf set with Alaska diamonds and which are utilized for retaining in proper position the habiliments of the lower extremities which inate delicacy forbids me to men­ tion."' They buried the clerk the follow­ ing day. Mrs. Grundy Says. That the'":mercury is doing better by degrees. That the point is well taken regarding Tillman's pitchfork. That the scorcher must be suppressed. Let us begin with Old |k>l. That " is it hot enough for you ?" The question must be barred, for II. H. Holmes is not here to answer. That an exchange perpetrates the fol­ lowing: "It was a fizzical impossibility to resist the soda fountain yesterday. That incidentally, the truly wise man not only knows what to say, but when to say what he has to be said. That the trouble with the democratic party is that each of its wings is trying to fly in opposite directions. Half Kates to Pittsburg. The Northwestern Line will, on May 24 and 25, sell excursion tickets to Pitts­ burg, Pa,, and return at one fare for the round trip, limited to return until May 30, 1896. For tickets and full informa­ tion apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y.. Parisian Auctions. At a Parisian auction the auctioneer is provided with a lot of little tapers, each of which will burn for abont five minutes. When a bid is made, one of these tapers is lighted in full view of the interested parties. If, before it ex­ pires, another bid is offered, it is imme- ;inguished and a fresh taper placed in its stead, and so on until one flickers and dies out of itself-, when the last bid becomes irrevocable. This sim­ ple plan prevents all contention among rival bidders and affords a reasonable time for reflection before making a high­ er bid than the one preceding. By this means, too, the auctioneer is prevented from exercising undue influence upon the bidders or hastily accepting the bid of a favorite.. i STOLEN from the flowers; not secretly and at night, but in broad daylight and by honest legitimate scientific means. Obtaiued from various flowers, the dif­ ferent characteristic properties of all are combined into one harmonious whole, forming one of the most delicious per­ fume boquets appropriately named "Stolen Sweets." §300 reward wil be paid by A. J. Ililbert & Co., Milwaukee, Wis., manufacturers of this perfume, to anyone who can disprove the claim that "Stolen Sweets" is a true flower odor and that it is used by the most fastid­ ious buyers of fine perfumery. If you wish to try this newest, latest, most last­ ing and most refined odor, ask for it at G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, 111. SUMMER MILLINERY. MRS. E. W. HOWE has just received a full line of Summer Millinery, to which* she invites the attention of the ladies of McHenry and vicinity. She makes a specialty of Trimmed Hats, and can now show the finest stock ever brought to this county. Call at her shop and in­ spect the new goods. MRS. E, W. HOWE. Grand Army Suits for at S. Stoffel's. Memorial Day See the new stock of Ribbons at Owen & Chapell's. Knew His Men. During the training of the militia in Campbeltown a company was ordered off for ball firing, including a game­ keeper from Amnamurchan, who was singled out as marker. The sergeant took up the iieldglass to see if all was ready, when to liis horror .he saw the marker standing in front of the target Thinking tho man iuSane, the sergeant at once hastened to the rescue and in an authoritative voice demanded the meaning of -such reckless conduct, at the samo timp describing the marker as a fooL "I'm no sic a fool as you think," was the retort. "1 ken the safest place Weel eneuch. I've marked for your com pany afore. "~Dnudee News. : - : A JJule For Book Reviewer's. A prominent journalist, had the great advantage of early training as a review- fir under Bret Harte on Tho Overland Monthly. She says that tho following was his invariable rule for dealing with the criticism of books: "If it is a young writer or tho first work of an author, lean on tho side of mercy. Spare the rod. But if it is by an old hand, lay on 1" A Reminiscence of the Maria. The famous yacht Maria once loafed around Newport harbor with a big iron chain suspended from her centerboard box in order to get up the courage of her competitors, but on the day when it meant for keeps and for the cup she let it go and left the whole fleet hull down and out of sight.--Boston Globe. Clearing prices are done about in this style: 10 bars' soup 25c, finest lemons 1 ic per doz.. Armour's cottoline 25c for 3 lb pail, best salt pork 7c,, 2 pair ladies' fast black hose for 9c, child's $1,25 Ox­ ford shoes 50c, and such fs the price re­ duction all along. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Our Stock of Ladies Summer Shoes is complete. Prices never lower. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. WANTED.--A reliable lady or--gentle­ man to distribute samples and make a house-to-house canvass for our Vegeta­ ble Toilet Soaps and Pure Flavoring Kxtracts. $40 to $75 a month easily ross C-rofts <& Retd, Chicago. PERSONAL. Free--G4 page medical reference book to any person aliiicted with any special, chronic or delicate disease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physi­ cians and surgeons of the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co., 70 Dearborn street Chicago. VVe just received a consignment of ladies' sjioes, chocolate and black, very latest toes, its something very tony, price £3 and $3.50 per pair for regular $5,00 goods. Please examine. JOHN EVANSON & Co. That 100 piece dinner set (best Eng­ lish ware), for $10 is a snap, and you never saw a better bargain. We have a dinner set of 100 pieces for $0,98 that is commonly sold for $10. J. W. CRISTY Si SON, Ringwood, New Wall Pamper nnd Shades atStoffel's We are agents for the famous Feather- Ktone Bicycles and have samples of Road King, Road Queen and Duke. Come and examine. Easy terms. OWEN & CHAPELL. PASTURE. The undersigned has pasture for 10 or 15 Horses or Cattle. Terms, $1 per month. DONALD SIMPSON. On TJowe farm, 1 mile east McHenry. United brand fine Shirts at Stoffel's. We would bo happy to show you our line of dress goods noyelt-ies for hot weather. Our selections will please your taste and gladden your purse. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. We might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that it cures a cough. Every one does who has used. It is a perfect rem- ;dy tor coughs, colds, hoarsness. It is an especial favorite for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing. I.A.Story. New Straw Hats and Golf Caps, in great variety and cut prices, at Simon Stoffel's. A fine stock of tho famous W. L. Doug­ las Fine Shoes just received at Simon Stoffel's. Nothing yet equal to the Pan-ka-ko self rising flour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer's. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Wall Paper! At Owen & Chapell's. ^ New spring styles of Hats and Caps for Men, Boys an Children, just received at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry.. Fargo's fully warranted Shoes for men women and children, in spring and sum­ mer styles, at S. Stoffel's. Buy yourself a Kenwood or an Elgin Bicycle and have one you can depend on, at F. L. McOmber's. MRS. MAGGIE MYERS. Williamsport, Ind., writes: "I suffered for months of severe stomach troubles, caused by indigestion and constipation. My trouble seemed almost unendurable. I purchased a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin of Armstrong & Swank and as soon as I had taken i ts contents I was like a new person, and I now feel bet­ ter and weigh more than I have in years. It is sold in 10c, 50c and $1 sizes at .1. A. Story's. A large line of Canned Goods at Owen & Chapell's. Something New. L. E. BENNETT, Photographer, has just commenced making something new in the Picture line, which is neat, hand­ some and cheap. It is called the Man- tello Photograph. It is a beauty. Call a$ his Gallery and see a sample. 'For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS he will make these Photographs at the low price of $1 PER DOZEN. Remember this ie» a 30 days offer and call at once. If you see them you are sure to order a dozen. Business Locals. Have you tried the new Pan-ka-ko at A. P. Baer's? Insure your .property with S. Stoffel and be insured. w nice syrup go to A. P. Baer's, on the West Side, and get a keg of Baer's Choice. It has no superior on the market. A. P Baer is discounting his prices on Blankets, Shawls, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. It's all the same, 9 slight cold, congest­ ed lungs or severe cough. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. J. A. Story. NOTICE! All persons indebted to the firm of Perry & Owen are requested to call and settle at once. We desire to have all ac­ counts closed without delay. PERRY & OWEN, t Just received, another car of Sleepy Eye Flour. It costs nothing to try a 8ack- A. P. BAER. CATARRH HAY FEV-ER OR ASTHMA . . . . p o s i t i v e l y c u r e ! b y n a t u r e ' s roots and herbs or iSo way Seo<i 10c poitaire for tfep sample treatmghts, (.3oi.Oii.vDo MED­ ICINE Oo.i Denver. Col. A; P, Baer is giving soin& great bar­ gains in Rubber and Warrn Goods. Call and see what cheap goods they are. Htft'e you tried a sack of the celebrated White Swan Flour, for sale by the 'Wil­ bur Lumber Comnany ? If not do so at once and you will use no other. See those. Black Clay Worsted Suits, in sack and cutaway at J. J. Miller's. All the latest spring styles in Hats and Caps, for Men and Boys, at Owen & Chapell's. x A little ill, then a little pill. The ill is gone the pill has won. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the little pills that cure great ills. J.A.Story. FOOTWEAR. Wegje headquarters for stylish and common sense Shoes. JOHN J. MILLER. A large stock of fine new Clothing, for men, boys and children, suitable for summer trade, at S. Stoffel's. Get your Spring Hat at J. J. Miller's and have the right style. It is not a miracle. It won't cure every­ thing, but it will cure piles. That's what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will do, be­ cause it has done it in hundreds of cases. J. A. Story. White Swan Flour now leads them all. Try a sack. For sale by the Wilbur Lumber Co. Don't fail to call and see the new spring styles of Hats and Caps at the Farmers Store, West McHenry. A. P. BAER. Busy people have no time and sensible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent results. J. A. Story. See the Kenwood and Elgin Bicycles, the best machines in the market for the money. F. L. MCGMBER. Come and examine the new line of Straw Hats at Owen & Chapell's. Every sack of the celebrated White Swan Flour guaranteed. For sale at the warehouse of the Wilbur Lumber Co. The finest assortment of Flower Pots, Jardineers, etc., to be found in the county, rtt Geo. W. Besley's, on the West Side. Call and i-ee them. Monarch Mixed Paint, the best on the market, at Owen & Chapell's. Buy your German Millet, Hungarian, Unsilage corn, Field corn, Pumpkin seed, Sweet corn, etc., of S. Stoffel. I have made a specialty of the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS, other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock, 111. HAYE YOU A COLD? If so, then, instead of taking so much quinine and other strong medicines, take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel remedy, which will cleanse your system, and you will be surprised, how quickly the cold will leaye you. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will do this better than any other. Trial size 10c (10 doses 10c) larger sizes 50c and $1, at J. A. gtory's. .It's Free I Do not fail to send for a free sauipe copy of the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. Thoso who are troubled with rheuma­ tism should try a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain "Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. II that does not bring relief dampen a piece of flannel with Pain Balm and bind it over the seat of pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For sale by J. A. Story. Take a dose of DeWjtt's Little Early Risers just for the'good they will do you These little pills are good for indigestion, good for headache, good foi liver com­ plaint good for constipation. They are good. J. A. Story. Call and see the large line of spring and summer Clothing for men and boys, at Owen & Chapell's. Burns are absolutely painless when DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is promptly applied. ThiB statement is true. A per­ fect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, and never fails to cure piles. J. A. Story. HO W TO TREAT A WIFE. » First, get a wife; second, ba patient. You may have great trials and perplexi­ ties in your business, but do not there­ fore, carry to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may have trials, which, though of less magnitude may„hahatd tor her to bcari--A- kmd Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair," DR * CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE-STANDARD. word, a tender loqk, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your "wife will then know you really care for her and wish to protect her hSalth, For sale by J. A. Story. IT GROWS. As a cure for constipation and indi­ gestion Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin grows rapidly in favor where introduced. Children love its taste, it is so pleasant. Trial size 10c. Regular size 50c and $1 of J. A. Story. A CURE FOR MUSCULAR RHEU­ MATISM. Mrs. R. L. Lamson, Fairmourit, 111., says: "My sister used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for muscular rheumatism and it effected a complete cure, 1 keep it in the house at all times and have always found it beneficial for aches and pains. It is the quickest cure for rheumatism, muscular pains, and lameness I have ever seen." For sale by J. A. Story. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as any thing else. It's easier to care a severe cough or cold with it. Let your nest purchase for a xmgh be Oue Minute Cough Cure. Better ; medi­ cine:. better result; better' try it. J. A Story. GEORGE O, Will be fonnd at bis barns at McHenry for the sea son 6118%. He is sire of Ren H 2:3fi^ 1 Smithsonian 2 EthH B, pacer.. 2:lSif Harry D, 2 Henry o. paCer,.2:20)5 | Volnev, G-eon .2 Mary.Lee 21 Chicaiee, 3 yrs, 2 Prince T 2:29>£ Uentervilis 2 Algonquin , 2:875^ I.McHenrv 2 And a number below 2.-10. Three of the abovs below 2 -30 are tho first six colts George O ever sired, (hU-.cro\>-af 'Sl.) Services of George 0, 2:21^, §25. GEO. W. OWEN. McHenry, 111., May, 1896, , HI 31K :30 ;19X :31X ;37 NEW ! New Summer Shirts, New SummerTies, New Styles of Collars. LARGE SALE On New Neckties. Within 24 Hours I can supply you with any size in Shirts that 1 have not got in the store. Complete Stock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Biggest Run On Merchant Tailoring since I have been in McHenry. Latest style and best goods, at prices never before offered in McHenry. Come and be convinced. Thanking you for past patronage, I am Yours Truly, J. D. LODTZ, Jr. McHenry, 111., May 12, 1S9G. R. Schiessle, NEAR THE DEPO-T, WEST McHENRY, Keeps open for tlje *000111 nidation of tne Public^ Flrst-Ol^fts X aloon AXD Restaurant, PThere he will at all times keep the beat brands of Wine», Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABST'S Milwaukee Lag?? Beet At Wholesale and Retail. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles AU <ray» on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Ord«r« by mall promptly attended to. WOall and'see us. Robert Schiessie. West MoHenrr, 111., May, 1*96. A. ENGELNS Saloon ANI>/ Restaurant, McIIEVBY, ILL. Wholesale and Retail Agent for SCIIXjIT^ Milwaiilee Breiii Co.'s Beef, THE BEST MADE. In any quantity, from a Suits Glass to a hundred barrels. Orders by mall promptly attended to. AL8£>. ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors> French Bitters, choice Alesi Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best anci sell at reasonab^ prices. N, B. ROBINSON & CO*3 Ale «Se Porter, by the Keg ami 011 Draught, Call and see rue and I will me you well. ;f v.*, ANTONY ENGELN. McReury, 111., 1896»

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