Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1896, p. 8

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' "• •--:---r Rich Discoveries of Cold. At Cripple Creek, Col., and elsewhere, aire being made daily, add the production • for 1886 will be the largest ever known, estimated at Two Hundred Million Dol­ lars. Cripple Creek alone is producing over One Million Dollars-a month, and Steadily increasing. Mining Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any other Stocks, and many pay divi^ dends of 35 to 50 per cent. They offer the best opportunity to make a large profit on a small investment. JOHN I. TALI-MAN & Co., 14 Pacific A v., PkirtOrt-A ofn tinnnmnl VCICUISO) UI U »IUUU*,IUI» IVI UUC Prudential Gold Mining Co., and others in the famous Cripple Creek district. They will send you free, interesting par­ ticulars of the Mining companies they represent also their-^ook on speculation in stocks, grain and cotton, containing many new and important'features. «, Send for these books at once if you are interested in any form of speculation or investments. They will prove profit­ able to you. . 9-1 y $150 00 IN COLD GIVEN For Selling "Story of Spain and Cuba " The International News & Book Co., Baltimore, Md., offer. $ 150 to anyone! selling in three months 175 copies of their, new book, "Story of Spain and Cuba." Premium and liberal; commis­ sion given for any quantity sold. This is one of the greatest selling books outs Many agents make from §5 to §10 a day. A graphic account of the present war and the struggle for liberty is given, 100 beautiful IHUBtrations.-50Q oages,- Freisrht paid and credit given; 50 cent outfit free if 10 cents is sent for postage- Write them immediately. IvenWqod and Elgin Bicycles, Bicycle , Repairs and Sundries at F. L. McQmber's. The handsomest Flower Pots ever seen in this section, and at about half the usual price at Geo. W. Lesley's, West McHenry. Try a package of Caboola Tea. This is a Ceylon Tea and something entirely new. It comes in half and pound pack­ ages. A half pound will go as far as one pound of any China or Japan Tea. OWEN & CHAPELL. 1B. FEUS --HAS © I f f B A L I 5 ?(WCWOOD, Towels for 3 cents, worth 5. Towels for 5 cents, worth 10. Better grades in proportion. We cannot duplicate this stock at these prices, so if wish any of these goods call early. rm The Only Exclusive Wall Paper and Faint louse in the County. We arc here to stay and intend to give our customers prices and a quality of goods unsurpassed. We challenge the world to pro­ duce a better article in the Paint line than the Sherwin --Williams Paint, or Wall Paper of liner de­ sign or better quality than Alfred Peats' paper, from 3 cents per single roll up. Hi Well glazed white blank paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, low as the lowest, quality eon sidered. Call and learn my prices and see my goods. f^jPPaper Hanging, Graining, House Painting, Carriage & Sign Painting, all specialties. Work done in a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaran teed. A HUMMER! Croquet Set for 59 cts. Don't see how they can be made for the money, but they will go for that price while they last. J, W. CRISTY &; SON, , Ringwood, 111. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. A FULL LINE OF FINISHED VYORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. J. P. SMITH, The Jeweler, Has just received the finest line of Clocks to be found in McHenry County, to twhich he invites the attention of the buying public. Replugs, Bronze Clocls, Alarm CLOCKS, And in short Clocks of all kinds in endless variety, and at Prices that will astonish the Natives. CALL AND HE CONVINCED that he can sell you a better Clock ior LESS MONEY than any other house in McHenry Co. I ALSO HAVE A FINE LINE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, Which will be sold 50 per cent below former prices. REPAIRING Promptly done and in a workmanlike manner. JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, April 28, 189G. MURPHY & PHILLIPS Howe Block,LWater Street, DEALERS IN Ghoics Family Groc&ries, Kerosene Gasoline, .Potatoes, Fresh Coffees S' 1>encile> new Teas, new Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rockford Bakerv are absolutely fresh every day. Bread, Buns Biscuit, Cookies, etc, always on hand, Canned Goods and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store which will be'offered to the buyingpub"< at the Lowest Living Prices, tor Cash Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a fair of public patronage, A fine new Delivery Wagon will run to the Lakes daily, Goods delivered in the Corporation free of charge, MURPHY & PHILLIPS McHeery, April 7,1896, Of the right kind and cut prices, in abundance, «. Black and Colored Suitings, Wash Fabrics, Sateens, Gapes, Lawns, Parasols. Fans, Mitts, Laces, Embroidery, Mulls, "White Goods, Hosiery, Furnishing Goods, Fur and Straw Hats, Golf and Yachting Gaps. A full stock of the FAMOUS^ BEIFIELD CAPES :-x AND UftlORI JACKETS, ^ All sizes, right prices, correct styles;, United Brand Fancy Shirts,ln es SUMMER CLOTHING, For men, hoys and children. Over 100 new suits just received from Kuh, Nathan & Fuller. Sacks, square cuts, frocks, Princc Alberts, in black, navy, gray, and mixed. Prices arc surprisingly low, DUTCHESS TROUSERS. In all sizes and over twenty styles, all fully warranted and pric^ lower than you will expect. • • RIPANS TABULES Disease commonly comrs on with plight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you suffer from Headache, Dys- T3TT5 A TvTff Ml A %TT1? TtW Depia or Indigestion.. TAKE JHFaSS TABULES If you are Billious, Constipated-or ----- nrm have a Disordered Liver TAKE HIPAHsl liLBULBS If your Complexion is Sallow, or • . ' . you Suffer distress after eating, TAKE alPiLWS * fABULES For Offensive Breath and all I)is- ord-TS of thr Stomach TAKE KIPAIS 1&NJLIS Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly on the liver ; stomech and intestines; cleanse the system effectually veure dyspepsia, habitual censtipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first 1 ad'cation of in­ digestion, billiousness, dizziness, distress atter eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the. whole difficulty. - ' : : Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians- and are presented in the form most approved by modern science. It given a fair trial. Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; thty contain nothing, injurious and are economical, One Gives Relief* ' A box will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50.cts by RIPANS CHEMICAL GO , iQ Spruce S1„ Mew York. 0 Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules it requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. n JACOB McHenry, Illinois. Fine Wall Paper* Shades, Curtains, Poles etc. A full supply of reliable garden and field seeds. PURE GROCERIES, Best Flour. Honorable usage. SIMON STOFFEL SH Will be kept up in future# V'< ill-visit the city every. Thursday an will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON HTOFPEL. ItffcHENRY MILLER, Foreigu and Amei*ica.ii Granite a Specialty. McHENRY, ILL. IGYGLES. pighegt of {lightjradeg. Arc built in the Largest and Best Equipped - Factory in the World. BUILT FOR SERV|QE= They are built to stand for year8. We have a roputation established and to maintain, henoe can not afford to supp'.v anything but the best that brains and monev can produce. The Waverley.s show it Scorcher (3 he gbts) |85 00, Belle (28 aud 28 inch) $75 O.i and $S5. Call and see them, | N. A. HEM AN, A gent, McHenry. III. Made by INDIANA BICYCLE CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Four Big Rri:z©s ! HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? TO BE GIVEN AWAY. H £ bt) a HOW? With each purchase of Twenty-five Cents worth of Jewelry or any goods in our store, we will present you with a Souvenir Check, and on the 24th day of December* 189G, will present the party holding the greatest amount of Checks, with the above beautiful box. We also present each purchaser of One Dollar's worth of .leweiry with a Five Dollar Rsbate Card, which they can use as payment at the rate of five per cent on each and every purchase in our store. All our Jewelry not giving reasonable eat- lsfation for a period of five years can be returned and duplicate articles given in ex­ change for same. lJo l d i DK the second largest ainonntof checks wil be presented with a fine triple UP . . i ^t worth 36 The party holding the 3d largest m ount of checks will fourth Inrcpst nmdni^t t n , ) l e . l ) l a l° Pi^klo cantor worth 14.50, The party holding the wino sot Ifa.o o 2 0 UZe n i r 8 W J l 1 , , e presented "with afcundsome gold decorated glass wine set, glass tray and pitcher, worth f3. as ladteV'BwatHfp IifqLaC |O I 1 ) 1 , ,^ t? ! l n° "? f f i n e satin spar and cat'seyo jewelry, such as^iaaies watch chains, bracelets, stick pins, hair ornaments, etc. belt^lfuck?eBU y l n^ B U r C a n d 8 0 0 o u r l a r8C stock In the latest ladles'hair ornaments and ^U g h ti )^u s a r e warranted to give reasonable aatlstaction, if not they mayjbo returned ana changed for new ones, ' . J J HEM AN & SCHNEIDER. ELGIN, ILL. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES, THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE Between our prices and those of the average dealer. Note the following: PILLOW CASES, (ready-made), <SE, 12c, 15c. SHEETS, (ready-made), 43e, 49e, 53c. BED SPREADS, .5/9c, 73c, 89e. LACE CURTAINS, 79c, 98c, $1*19, $1.49, $1.98 to $4,98 per pair. PORTIER3, $2,49, $2.98, $3.49, $3 93 per pair. WINDOW SHADES : 6 or 7 It, felt, plain or decorated, com. plete with fixtures. l(5c. WINDOW SHADES, opaque, 0 or 7 ft , plain or decorated, complete with fixtures, 29c. EXTENSION CURTAIN RODS, brass, tor sash curtains, all we ask is 13c. ••v / CARPET S WEEPERS, the very best, $1,69, $1 98,-$2 49. THEO, F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE . > Ejucurs, IXJL,, •' J LISTEN, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of •f FURNITURE! | KITCHEN, PARLOR, ! BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Wc have a fine line of goods and would he pleased to show them to you. Call and see our line before buying and we will do as well by you as anyone. We solicit your trade. y. v-- WE CARRY' A FULL STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc, We guarantee first-class work in every respect. McHenry, 111., Dec., 1895. • * t - .4*. « BICYCLES! There are Bicycles and Bicycles, But if you ^ ant a Bicycle that is a Bicy le, one that you can depend on, one that is not only built on honor but built to stand 2rood hard usage, is light in weight, easy of adjustment, and the handsomest machine on the road, you must buy a Kenwood or an Elgin. These wheels arc at the head of their class and you are running no risk in purchasing one. As to prieo. 1 can.and will sell you a Bicycle of equal grade as cheap as you can buy one anywhere. These machines 1 carry in stock, you can judge best of ttieir merits by seeing them. I carry a line of Bicycle Sundries, Repairs, Etc., IN ADDITION TO MV LINE OF G E N E R A L H A R D W A R E , SPOHTIJNG GOODS, ETC, F. L. McOMBER, West McHenry. WE HAVE THE F BPS EST LIME OF II TO BE OBTAINED. AXTELL CULTIVATORS In 4, (i and 8 Shovels. ALBION SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS. These are the best cultivators on the market and will be sold as low as the lowest. • The World's Famous McCORMICK BINDERS, MOWERS AND CORN HARVESTERS. Agents for the. Steel Wei) Picket Farm and Garden Picket Fence, with Steel cb Picket Double Drive Gates. tSgPAlso have the celebrated Hcnney Buggy Co.'s Buggies, Road Wagons," Spring Wagons and Surreys. In Farm Wagons wc have the Weber, and Fish Bros', the two very best farm wagons made. JACOB BONSLETT,

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