Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1896, p. 8

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iSiis Agents Wanted.10^ LIFE of NfcKINLEY „ NEAU THE DEPOT, WE61 Keeps open for the *enow»m/ •j;*' .Public a FlxBt Clio DEALER' IN ALL KINDS OF OOD,l»-*- ' i : 6 AND •v,r " > • •'.: V',. -' ' --Y. ^ Restaurant -- --̂ * Where he wlU at ail timet keep the bast brands of Wiueii, Llquora and Oigars to be found in the market. iK' i -J'. ' . PABST'S : >„ ° : At Wholesale and Retail. ~ i Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail, ty considered. ' ' l- »\,V' ^ In great variety «TCall and see ENGELNS Good and Cheap ""I Restaurant, MoHEVBY. ILL. Wholesale and Retail Agent for SOUUTZ SHOES, Shoes, SHOES THE BEST MADE. In any quantity, from, a Snitz Glass to a hundred barrels. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ALSO. ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bjttors. choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonab'e prices. N. B. ROB1NSQN & CO'S Ale & Porter, bj the Keg and on Draught, Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, III., 1896. THE NEW YORK LEDGER America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in­ teresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re­ gardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be fouud every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the family. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. _ For sale in this town by Charles Rlimpifl. Endless Variety, Canned Goods, Green and Dried Fruits. &c. V v; i To which he invites the attention of the buying public, confident that he can give you good goods for as little money as any other store in the county. ANOTHER CAR OF . SURRIES JUST RECEIVED ALSO CALE AND OTHER CULTIVATORS, D. M. Osborne & Co.'s Twine Binders, Mowers and Corn Harvesters. Having just completed a first class new Oven and secured theservices of MR. Lee, one of the best Bakers in the state, I am prepared to furnish you Bakery Supplies of all kinds, of the best quality and guarantee satisfaction. A share of - public patronage respect­ fully solicited, f V' C. E^AMPIIEHR. Don't buy your BINDER TWINE Best brands and lowest prices Till you see ours 14,1890. BIDDING TWINE IIV .A.IV V" QUANTITY And Cheaper than any other dealer. IT BUYING ONE OF TKOSE Now on exhibition at our shop. We also have a full line of Dusters, "Whips, etc., to which we invite your at­ tention, and will guarantee to please you in quality, style and price. Ringwood, 111 A Good Whip for 10c. A fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to, I>o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains.} CUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., June 23, 189G. When Looking for Bargains in FARMERS You are invitod to call in at the warehouse of T. J. Walsh and take a look at the -v V „ BEs>T wide out mower evek pkoduced, O- . / vVf S1 Viz: the STANDARD. Absolutely no side draft. This is only found by removing the neek yoke, which can be done and the result as stated above: No side draft. Look at our line of Mo wors, viz CHAMPION, IMS* CROWN. STANDARD. All leaders and prices right. Old binders-taken in exchange for new. tailing to the Gents' Furnishing Goods it will pay you to call at the IN, ILI West McHenry Shoe and Clothing Store, Fine Light Suits, Ladies' Fine Shoes Straw Hats, Ladies' Oxfords, Fine Shoes, Black and Tan, Fine Shirts, Silk Parasols, ' . '.V * /g f ' i^eckties, cellars*. Fans, Handkerchiefs Near the Depot, West McHenry. JOHN J. MXLS.EB. UNIVERSAL PROV. • • • I CALL AT ' Cigar and THE OLD - , RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES. - Having disposed of one plcnished my stock and ca Road wagons, Harness, I Henry.. Call in and take i Make your selections and for this elass of work. Ti Yours for honest goqc • . • • ir load of Peabody Buggies I have re- still show the best display of Buggies, isters and whips,, ever brought to Mc- look at the long distance axle buggies. ie prices will be made as low as poasiblc our fine machine Oil. and value received. : lift MONEY SM MM m- McHenry, Illinois. SILVER OR GOLD. We take either--no distinction made between the two metals. Treasury Notes, Bank Notes, and Silver Certificates are all inter­ changeable at our store, and the buying qualities of each are inflated 1 to the highest extreme. Our Ribbon Department in teeming with the choicest colorings and creations of the season,--Dresden, Gros Grain, Satin and Moire all combine to malice this the Ribbon Department of the town. One elance at the prices quoted on our Ribbons proves that the Money Question--Silvfer or Gold--bring the s«tme value at all times, and especially when comparing our prices on Dresden Rib­ bons with the prices elsewhere. • v.: . %'Jii ' : . Inquire of F. L. McOMBER, Who n in a position to explain it in a thorough manner He is also in a position to seller oil a summer stove, either oil or gasoline, at prices lower than ever and stoves far better than ever. Blue flame ) Oil Stove. These stoves have no rivals on the market. They are from three to five years ahead of any other stove in new and valuable im­ provement s,^ v • ' •-r. The main advantage of Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves overall e thers, is the simplicity and ease with which it can be opeued, closed and regulated. > M Process ^ue Oil Stove, is one, in the operation oi which there cannot be the slightest fear ol accident. It works ^ Without the slightest smoke or odor. 860 ^°?e. ®^oves* they are a handsome piece of goods, '/iii D© on oxniDiuon constantlv. 1 Blame Oil perfect Oil fet F. L. % see it. , • V- .. - •' • w'.' V" "

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