Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1896, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY. AUG, 12, 1896. Jk VAN SLYKE, Editor. -FOlt PRESIDENT,-- HON. WILLIAM McKINLEY, OF OHIO. , -FOR VICE PRESIDENT,- GARRET A. HOBART, OF NEW JERSEY. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Governor, JOHN R. TANNER. For Lieut-Governor, W. A. NORTUCOTT. For; Secreiary^^tatOi J ; JOHN A. ROSE. For Auditor, - JAMES R. McpU'LLOUGH. For Treasurer, *•> • • - HENRY L. HERTZ. •For Attorney General," - EDWARD A AKIN. For University Trustees. 1 < MRS. MARY T. ^ARRILL, ('•'Z . "• ' F. M. McKAV, , - ' ' - ; • • *; • T. J. SMITH. For Clerk cfSupreme Court, North Division . CHRIS HI AM BR, _ For Clerk{of'Appellate Oourt., . •••••* " " .»'* " C. C. I)UFF Y.. . 1 For Member of Gongrese. •. ALBERT J. HOPKINS. For Member I'tate Board of Equalization, T. S. ROGERS. For State Senator, FLAVEL K. GRANGER. For Representatives, votes each), GEO. R LYON, I>. A. FULLER, For^Circuit Clerk.i GEORGE B. RICHARDS. For State's Attorney, VINCENT S. LCMLEY. For Coroner, ^.SP^s'CER C. WERNHAM. For 'Ct^VRl.ES H. Tit YON, THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK. Copservative free silver leaders secretly concede that Bryan stands little chance ol carrying any of the states enst of the Mississippi and north o^ the Ohio, with the possible exception of Delaware, where the Republicans are divided and^ haife two sets of presidential electors in the field, This is not very much of a con­ cession after all. The states in question consist of the New England group, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mary­ land, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, all of which were swept by the Republicans in 1804" on sound money platforms. Together they cast 213 electoral votes, only 11 short of a m a j o r i t y . ~ ' • i But it is nonsense to suppose that if the right kind of an effort is put forth Iowa, with its 13 electoral votes, and Minnesota, with its 9 electoral vo es, will not go for Mckinley. The same may be safely said of.West Virgiuia, with its G electoral votes, and probably of North and South Dakota, with their 7 electoral votes. In addition Kentucky and Ten­ nessee, with their- 25 electoral votes, may be fairly considered debatable ground. All of these states haye been carried by the Republicans in the' last two years. Excellent authority even denies that Bryan can win in Nebraska, his own state. Although Kansas was carried by Weaver, Populist, 1892, the Republicans in 1895 had more votes than the Popu­ lists'and Democrats combined, and its ten electoral votes will doubtless be found in the Republican column this year. While the prospegt for the election of Mc Kin ley is bright, his majority should be made so overwhelming and decisive as to crush out forever the vicious princi­ ples, preposterous theories and crazy "isms" incarnated in Bryan. In this pa triotic task every good citizen should re­ joice to be able to take part. Push the fighting all along the line! Rich Discoveries of Cold. At Cripple Creek, Col., and elsewhere, are being made daily, and the production for 1896 will be the biggest ever known, estimated at Two. Hundred MillionDol­ lars. -Cripple Creek alone is producing over One Million Dollars a month auU steadily increaBiag."" Miniug Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any other Stocks, and many pay divi­ dends of 35 to 50 per cent. They offer the best opportunity to make a large profit on a small investment. John I. Tallman vV: Co., 11 Pacific Av., Chicago, are financial agents for. the Prudential (void Mining Co., and others in the famous Cripple Creek district, They will send you free,, interesting par­ ticulars of the Mining companies they represent also their book on speculation' in stocks, grain and eOtton, contaiuing many new and^niportant features. ( Send for these books at once if yQU are interested in any form of speculation or investments. They will prove profit- abb'for you. 9-iy Wlio can think of some simple, tlilug to patent? Wanted-An Idea . , Protect your Ideas; they may bring you Wealth Write JOHN WEDDKRBCRN & CO . Patent Attor­ neys Washington, D C , for their «1.800 prize oiler and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. Butter on the Elgin Roard of Trade Monday was steady; offerings, 21,300 lbs; sales, 3,400 lbs at 15c, 20,820 lbs at 15%c. Butter last week sold for 14 to 14%c; last year, 20c. t®" Some years hence when all these Populists have their course in 1896 brought up before them, the chances are the most of them will endeavor to get off on tjie old plea of emotional insanity. Every pensioner wants to get one dollar's worth of necessaries for every dollar of his pension money he pays out, and not 50 rents worth, such as he would with a dollar under free silver. 1 2 14 We would direct the attention of Republican voters to an article to be found on the inside pages of this paper headed "TO ALL REPUBLICANS." No Republican should fail to read it, and not only read it carefully but act upon its suggestions. IST'The finest clips of wool are now be­ ing sold in Michigan for 12% cents a pound. The farmers of that state who voted for Cleveland and tariff reform are now experiencing the beauties of their nice theories. Oats at 8 and 9 cents and the prospect of having to pay wagoners to haul corn away in Illinois Bhow the gains of reform and the Democratic pol­ icy, By all means continue the party in power and at the present rate of decrease in values products of all kinds will be hawked about the streets without sale and there will be no money to buy. "'Sixteen to one" means, says the Philadelphia Bulletin, that salaries and wages would be worth only half of their nominal amount. It means that the many millions of deposits of the wage earners in the savings banks of the coun­ try would be cut in two. It means that the obligations payable in gold would be strictly enforced, and that the purchas­ ing power with which to pay them also would be lessened by half. It means uni­ versal distrust, growing out of a debased and continually debasing currency. More than all, and including all, it means the dishonor of the nation. It means that every silver dollar issued by the gov­ ernment shall be stamped with a lie. 16?" Hon. Allan L. McDermott is an able Democratic boss in New Jersey. But on thegfubject of gold and silver and the Chicago convention Mr. McDermott is sound. "The talk about the debtor class," he says, "is worthy only of the most contemptible demagogues. It will not deceive the intelligent workmen of this country. Every -iaan who does a fitioke of work becomes a creditor the moment he labors, and nothing has been proved more thoroughly than that the marke value of labor cannot keep step with inflation. When any political con vention nails to the mast of the Demo­ cratic ship the black flag of piracy-- when a platform is adopted that puts a premium on dishonesty--it is the duty of those who are true to the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy to repudiate the candidates nominated by that con vention." WHY ? It is claimed by many of our "free sil­ ver" ? advocates that silver was coined free at the mints of the United States from 1792 to 1873; and that is 1873 silver was demonetized. For the sake of argument, suppose we admit the above statement. "Free silver" advocates now desin that silver be placed back where it was prior to 1873. Let us look at the facts in the case :j[ From 1792 to 11S73 the mint records show that £8,000,000, in round numbers were coined in silver. This carries us over a period of 81 years. Since 1S73 the mint records show that $450,(>00,000, in round numbers, were coined in silver. This us carries over a per­ iod of only 23 years, a little over one- fourth of the time from 1792 to 1873. It can readily be seen by any candid thinker that this country has coined more than sixty-two times the amount of silver doMrs since the so-called "crime of'73," than was coined from 1792 to 1873. Further, every silver dollar coin­ ed since 1873 has been maintained at a parity with gold in payment of all public and private debts. We Bee that, though we have coined more than sixty-two times as many sil­ ver dollars since 1873 as was coined from 1792 to 1873, silver has gone down in market value, owing to the increased product. This needs no argument, for the above statements are self-evident truths. Under present conditions every dollar in circulation is worth 100 cents. Now ourquestion, "Why?" is in order Since we have coined over sixty-two times as many silver dollars eiuce 187,* as was coined from 1792 to 1873, in one fourth of the time, and every dollar made as good as the standard gold dol lar, the recognized money of the world WHY?" do the "free silver" advocates ant the coinage of silver placed back where it was prior to 1873, with no guarantee that the silver dollar will be as good as every other dollar. What we need in this present campaign is careful thinking. Visionary schemes ill not do. -Ponce de Leon believed that he could find a fabled fountain outh, in whose waters, if he bathed outh and vigor would be restored- was charming while he was looking for he fountain; but how sad was his dis- ppointment when he failed to find it! It may be pleasant to weave fine spun heories regarding the coinage of "free silver," but let us take facts and not theories. We all want good government, good money and good people. Let us strive for all. Cures Fever. " Worms. " Infants' Diseases. , " Diarrhea. 8 " Neuralgia. 9 Cures Headache, Dyspepsia, Delayed Periods. Leuchorrea. Skin Diseases. 15 Cures Rheumatism. Malaria. Whooping Cough Kidney Diseases. Urinary Diseases Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for SI. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED. FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St., N. Y. No. 1 No. '2 NO." • 3 No. 4 No. --8 No. No. lO No., 1 1 No. No. No. No. 16 No. 20 No. 27 No. SO No. 77 Notions entertained by free silver ites are, eome of them, ludicrous in the extreme. A silver shouter on the streets of Chicago was challenged to explain what was meant bylG to 1. He prompt ly replied that it meant that should you take a gold dollar to the United States treasury you would get sixteen silver dollars for it. Another free silver advo ' cate defined 16 to 1 to mean that the silver dollar should contain 1G parts of pure silver to 1 of "ally" as he called it. And a large number of people actually believe that free coinage of silver means free distribution among the masses The word "free" captures them. Free trade was a similar cry--the "free" was enticing. So there is a sort of attractio in the "free coinage of silver;" whether it conveys the idea thiat everyone can coin silver dollars, or that when coined the silver dollars will be free to every. Your Orders fbrlOWEN ,& CHAPELL ! (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) • " ws. WITH-- A IN ALL OUR BWlil ift We receive Peaches direct from orchard in Michigan and can fur­ nish strictly first class stock at low prices. t Absolutely ̂ PURE1 ~ ' Made from We arc receiving these shipments per week now as desirable for canning as it will be a little later. la it stock is not SUMMER DRESS GOODS, LAWNS, DIMITIES, ORGANDIES, WRAPPERS, SHIRT WAISTS, | ETC., Canning varieties will be riper about August loth to 20th, and we would be pleased to take your order. the best and purest fj VEGETABLE OILS p SAVE TIME AND LABOR. Costs no more than other soaps, J but goes twice as far. ^ A trial will convince you of its great ^ merit. Will please the most fastidious. ^ Woolen goods are left soft and like new. | Linen goods white as snow when washed with We will quality. guarantee prices against any peddler's prices for same The owners of peach orchards will notify us when the best canning varieties at^ripe and we will advise you in advance of shipment. Drop us a line stat poaches to your door ing amount you can use and we will deliver J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. All Going at Your Own Price. OUR LARGE FALL STOCK H LS commenced to arrive and we must make room. convince you that we moan business and A call will Will sell Regardless of Price. Fresls G roceries Arriving- 3 >ailye YouiS very truly t OWEN & CHAPELL. ^ We also make PURE WAX SOAP and A UNCLE TOM'S WONDERFUL. TAR SOAP, For sale by leading grocers. • - Manufactured by - • Ml jZWICKY'S SONS, VA r4 - Mi'&iULS. Ilk ' J 1896 FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL 1896 flltHIBI COIII Fill 1ST1 BourkeCochran, Tammany's silver tongued orator, han come out for Mc- Kinley and Hobart, and favors the di- •ect endorsement of the McKinley elec­ tors by the sound money Democrats. Mr. Cochran says that he regards the present issue between sound money and free silver as "the gravest in the history of the country, exceeding in importance the crisis of 18G0. The secession move­ ment was but an attempt to divide this country between two governments, each of tlifta designed to protect property within the limits of its jurisdiction. The movement launched at Chicago is an at­ tempt to paralyze industry by using all the powers of government tp take prop­ erty from the hands of those who created it, and place it in the hands of those who covet it.. This is a question of morals as well as politics. No political conven­ tion can issue a valid license to commit offenses against morality, and I decline to follow Mr. Bryan in a crusade against h^neBty and the rights of labor." McHcnry, 1896. HE Illlil'S STORE! SPECIAL SALE. AT WOODSTOCK, DOUBLE ACTING FORCE PUMP. Constructed on the " GET THERE" principle. The Latest, Best and Handsomest FORCE PUMP made. Ask your dealer for it. MOLINE PUMP CO., Molinc, Ills, MFG. BY HR £ RIlTH'S n e x t v i 8 U ' Wed'day, un.rnuin O Aug. 19, Wood8look II use, 10 to i vaf The crown of thorns and cross of gold were entirely original figures oi speech with Mr, Bryan, except that some­ body else happened to think of them first. "It is entirely original with me," eays one of the characters in Sheridan's Critic, '"but -Shakespeare happened to think of it first." If you want a keg of nice Syrup go to A, P. Baer's, on the West Siie, and get a keg of Baer's Choice. It hae no superior on the in&r&et. DOCTOR FRUTH so well and favoraM v known as CHICAGO'S LEADING A I &HOSTSUCCKSSKCL ortvlALId I 9 for lils many and wonderful cures of PATARRll t'iroa':. liver, dyspepsia, Indices UH I Hnnfl tion, all diseases of eto'maen and bowels D| nnn AWfl CVIU diseases, sores, pi'nples, scrof DLUUll Hill) OMll ula, syphilitic taints, tumora tetter, ECZEMA and lilood Poison of every nature. YinfJEV AMFl IIDIMAQV Weak back, pain in side, MUrtlli ANU UnlNAn I abdomen, bladder, nedi- t or white, painful urinations, ' " t i l ' - ' - - Premium Lists are'now ready for distr ibution. Any inform­ ation cheerful ly given on application to G. B. RICHARDS, Sec., Woodstock, I I S . ofOHN pVANSON'S serines of the blodder. nient in urine, briok ftiiifht'B dibease and PRIVATE UiflcaHOB -- Uleet, Oonorrhorja. Inllamma- ini f H I L tionn, Discharges, Stricture**, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Varicoele and kindred troubles quickly cured. I HCT UAMUnnn unfl its attending ailments. LUol lYlANnUUlJ botji of Vounjr, Mtildlc-Atfcd nnd Old Mm. The awful effects of early indiscretions, producing weaknens, NEK' OU8 DEBILITY, niffht em­ issions, exhausting drains, pimples, bashrulness, losb of enerpry and weakness of both body and brain. U[f your troubles if out of city. Thous. if m\ I. I Ei ands cured by correspondence autf medicines sent secretly. DH. D. O. FBUO'H. * 1033 Masonic Totnplc. Chicago. AVIMS.aK« received and loaned on carefully •«- looted real estate securities and tha interest collectedT /A A XT C5 i and remitted without-!. J\J Jrx. O • charge. Loans made on time and term* _ to suit borrower. J. W. RJLNttXltAJL), a DuFm street, &Uan. lllinoU. *• Here is what wil! Please You. FANCY FLOWER POTS, CUSPIDORES, And Other Attractive HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, They must so quick. Direct tiom Ohio's Famous Potteiias. V Special Sale Friday & Saturday, This week. Remarkable Bar«uins tot v.1abh, in every corner ot the store, Immense Shoe Selling. rvAN Dress Plaid, former price, Henrietta Dress Goods, former price, Percales, " " Wiish Dress Goods, " " Standard Prints, good style, " Indigo blue Prints, standard, Standard Sheeting, 1 yard wide, 5c, by the full holt 4;}c 20e now 25c " 14c " 12c " 7c " 11 10 8 5 to •1 5c 1 would rather have your money than prices below cost. the jars, so 1 have cut the 1 pt. Mason's Jars, best in the market, 1 qt. " " " 2 qt. " " " 50c per doz. 60c " 70c " M. D. Wells & Co.'s make are taking the lead; why? Because they tit perfect, and wear longer than any others and cost no more than inferior goods. Our stock is complete. Call and see us. " The season for Crockery and Glassware is here and we have the largest stock in town and some big bargains. Lamps; well, call and select what you want and wc will guarantee prices. , GROCERIES, Do you know that wc are headquarters for good, fresh groceries. Call and see our big assortment of canned goods of all kins, and everything in the line of groceries, at prices that will suit you. Old Sleepy Eye Flour has won the good will of every person who has used it, and on its merits has worked its way to the fop. try a sack. It costs (nothing to West McHcnry, Tllinoifs.

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