Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1896, p. 5

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V - J - - 1 km WEDNESDAY, AUG., 12, 1896. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, May 26, 1895, at six o'clock A. M. Trains wiH ;pass jloHenry station as follows: OUNG SOUTH B Lake Geneva Passenger,. . . . , X Williams Bay Express . . X Willitkna Bay Passenger. X Lake Geneva Freight j. X l.ake Geneva Paspengep.'. . . , 8 Williams Bay Passenger.;. . . . \ GOING NORTH.1 X~~Williams Bay Passenger X Lake Geneva Freight. 8 Lake Genevi Passenger.. . . . . 8 Lake Geneva Passenger X Williams Bay Express X Williams Bay Passenger.. , . . .7:43 AM ...v8;33 • " .. . .3:30 P M .. . 3:30 •« , . . . <1:17 •' 7;22 « « . . 9:47 U1 . l l :<i5 •« .10:39 " . 5:10 P M <}:45 2:52 X Williams Bay Passenger . . . . . . . 6:56 •• EXPLANATION. D--Daily. X--Daily except Sunday. b Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. GIRL WANTED.--Inquire at the River­ side House, WE learn that Henry McOmber bad the misfortune to smash one of his hands quite severely on Monday. DEATH does not end all by a basket full. There is the undertaker and the livery man and the probate court. : ... DR. AHT is prepared to test eyes accur­ ately, at his office, over the PLAINDEALEK office. DURING the thunder storm on Wednes­ day night last, S. S. Sherman had two valuable cows killed by lightning, on his farm west of this village. BEAR in mind the Annual Picnic, for the benefit of the German Church, of Johusburgh, which will take place at Columbia Park, Aug. 23. AT the Ball game, in Harvard, on Fri­ day last, between the Algonquin Indians and the Harvard club, the Algonquins were victorious by a 6core of 7 to 6. F WANTED, by a young lady, a place to work for her board and go to school the \ coming winter. Word can be left at Vthis office. THERE will be a Grand Picnic at Col­ umbia Park, Johnsburgh. on Sunday, Aug. 2>3d. The usual Speaking, Music, Games, etc. All are cordially invited. A PLEASANT ride, a good, short pro­ gramme, ic'9 cream and cake. Be suie and go to the Wheeler farm Friday evening. C. E. LawiMiERis (has sold out his Gro­ cery business, in the Kelter block, to John Lee, the Baker, who has taken possession of the same! NEW advertisements this week from Owen & Chapell, John Kvansou & Co., and Theo. F. Swan. Do not fail to read them. FRED HUEMANN, of Johnsburgh, had the misfortune to lose his valuableyoung horse, "^roncho H," by a runaway ac­ cident, on Tuesday;, August 4th. OWING to the crowded state of our columns the W. C. T. U. Department has been crowded out for the past few weeks. It will appear again in its proper place soon. Miss JULIA A. STORY gave a pleasant Progressive Euchre Party, at her resi­ dence on Friday evening, which, notwith­ standing the excessively warm weather, was attended by a goodly number. THE Third Annual Picnic of the Con­ gregation of the German Catholic Church, will be held at Woodlawn Park, near McHenry, on Aug. lGth and 17th. Be sure aud attend. NOTWITHSTANDING the extreme hot weather the Woodmen's Picnic, at Wau- conda, on Thursday last, was attended by a large crowd and all report a very enjoyable time. MRS. ALFORD TREHHIN, of Chicago, aged about 24 years, died at Stilling's Hotel, Pistaqua Bay, on Saturday last, of Consumption. Her remains were taken to Chicago on the Sundayevening train. THE ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a Lawn Social at the Wheeler farm, Friday evenimr, Aug. 14. If the weather should not be pleasant it will be at the City Hall. DR. BAECHLER, Dentist, guarantees satisfaction in all work done. He cures abscessed teeth and does everything else pertaining to dentistry. Office in Bon- slett building, near red bridge, McHenry. JOHN J. Burn has just put in a new set of Scales, in front of his building near the Iron Bridge. This will be a great con­ venience for farmers and others, as at present there are no other scales on this side of town. WE are again asked to warn persons who are shooting prairie chickens that they must discontinue this law breaking. Watchful eyes are looking for these vio­ lators and they will surely be caught if they continue. WHEN gentle, pleasant, reasonable rid­ ing is indulged in bicycle riding is a healthful, enjoyable, glorious form of exercise. When people become slaves to the number of miles they can run on their cyclometers, the bicycle is a cur|e. IF parties contemplating attending the G. A. It. Encampment at St. Paul, Sept. 1st to 5tb, will send their names imme­ diately to F. B. Doran, 201 Congress. St, St. Paul, he will secure accommodations for them at reasonable rates. There will be a large crowd and it is the part of prudence and safety to secure lodgings in advance. H. H. SI'OONER, ex-President of fhe Illinois Christian Endeavor Onion, will apeak at a Christian Endeavor Rally, at the Greenwood Baptist church, Satur­ day evening, August 15. Mr. Spooner is «a prominent business man of Chicago .and has been connected with the C. E. Society for a number of years. He has rare gifts as a speaker and an enthusias­ tic meeting is anticipated. All are cor­ dially invited to attend. PERSONAL WALTER FAY, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day with friends in this village. MISS ELLA KELTER, of Chicago, was palling on friends here last week. F.E. HOLMES, of the Richmond Gazette, attended the Races here Saturday. JOHN BUSS was a Chicago visitor on Sunday last. * ... '•*.. Miss LURA OWEN, of Chicago, is visit- with friends here this week, Miss MAMIE BROWN, of Avondale was the guest of Ella-Ervun the past week. F. J. BARBIAN attended to business at Woodstock and Harvard on Saturday last. ' MRS. JOS. PEKOVSKY, of Chicago, is vis­ iting with friends in this village and vicinity this week. WM. ERWIN, of Moore Bros., Chicago, is spending his vacdition with relatives south of this village. T. F. CONNOR, of Avondale, took in,the races on Saturday last and called on his . many friends over Sunday* L. KUHNERT and family, of Chicago, were the guests of Jos. Heimer arid wife over Sunday. . MRS. J. C. FITZSIMMOXS, of Chicago, was calling on friends here a few days last week, : F. L. CARR, of the Wauconda Leader, was on Our streets on Saturday and took in the Races at the Driving Park. . MRS. FRANK SMITH and children, of Nunda, were the guests of R. Sherburne and family, in this village, a few days last week. RUBT. SCHIMMIN and Jay Going, who have been rusticating here for two months, returned to their home in Chi­ cago the first of the week. | ROUT. SHERBURNE, JR., of Akron, Neb., is visiting with his parents, R. Sherburne and wife, in this village, this week. This is his first visit here for twelve years. DIED.--At her home, at Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., July 31st, 1<S9(>, after a long aud painful illness, Mrs. Aaron Sharp, aged 54 years. Mrs. Sharp was a sister of J. Van Sly ke, editor of this paper. WE learn that there were one hundred ami four guests registered at Hen Stil­ ling's Summer Resort Hotel, Pistaqna Bay, on Sunday last. These were mostly Chicago parties, who came out on Satur- dao to get a little fresh air, returning to the city on Monday. THE grounds aiuund the Public School building have been handsomely graded and leveled up the past week,aud now present a much improved appear­ ance. The work was done under the supervision of Jan.itorJBrentfi,_wJiich-is-a- sure guarantee that it is well done. THE RACES AT THE DRIVING PARK. DR. JAMES NouTiiiioi'died at his home, in Woodstock, on Sunday morning last, aged 71 years, He had been in contin­ uous practice in this county for about forty years. He leaves a widow and one son, the latter, Charles S. Northrop, being a practicing attorney in Wood­ stock. HARRY B^CON put down a Drive Well on H. C.^fiad's farm, just west of this village, last week, and at the depth of nineteen feet struck what proved to be a flowing welJ. He put down an iuch and a half pipe, leaving it three feet above the ground, and the water came with such force as to displace a stone larger than a hen's egg, placed on top of the pipe. The water is cold and pure spring water. It is thought that when com­ pleted it will throw a stream fully six feet above the surface of the ground. It is well worth going to see. THE next time a traveling peddler calls at your door and tries to sell you goods, ask him if he will take your butter, eggs, a,nd other farm produce; ask him if when your neighborhood gets ready to build a road or bridge over a creek or slough he will be willing to donate a few dollars to help it along. Tell him there is a poor widow down the road who would be very thankful if he would donate a few- pro­ visions; ask him if ho will contribute to an enterprise just starting. If he agrees to do this, then patronize him. Your home merchant does all this and more. FOR the past eight days humanity has b;en suffering under a temperature of from 90 to 105 degrees in the shade with scarcely any let up, night or day. Dur­ ing this time thunder showers have been frequent, but each time when it clears up the heat is more intense than ever. In the large cities the suffering is even more severe, hundreds being prostrated and many deaths occurring daily. At this writing there is no prospect of a let up aud the question is how long can we stand it? It is said that "the prayers of the righteous availeth much." If there are any such in this section let them commence at once. WHITE RIBBONURS. Of McHenry Co. and Elsewhere, Please TAKE NOTICE. The W. C. T. I J., of Woodstock, will establish a headquarters tent on the Fair grounds during l air week, where they will serve tea, coffee, sandwiches, ice cream, cake, etc. A check stand will be in charge of a responsible person, and literature will be kept for free distribution. CLARA ALLEN, Woodstock. President W. C. T. U. For Rent. Nine f irst-class rooms. Good cistern in the house, good well and a good cellar. One door south of Uaiverealiet Church. Inquire of MRS. E. HUBBARD. Gampaigrn Song- Books for 1896. We have just received from the music publishing house of The S. Brainard's Sons Co., 151 Wabash Ave., Chicago, copies of the "True Blue Republican" and "Red Hot Democratic" Campaign Song Books for 1896. They are not cheap word editions, but contain solos, duets, mixed and male quartets, and are espec­ ially arranged for campaign ^lubs. They are sold at the low price of 10 cents each or $1- per dozen. 1 2 2 3 3 1 4 t The races at the Driving Park, on Skturday last, were decidedly the best ever held here, every race being closely contested from start to finish. Especial­ ly was this the case in the 2:32 class and the first division of Gents' Drivers. In the 2:32 class Centeryille, Smithsonian, Col. Hutchinson and Topsey E, fought every inch in each heat from wire to wire. The crowd oa the. ground was large and all went away confident that for once they had seen a horse race that was for blood. _ The following is the summary: SPECIAL RACE--GENTS' DRIVERS. Billy Burke ..V.... 12 2 12 Tribulation 2 1 1 2 1 Lillie H ......... S 3 3 3 3 Time--3:18, 8:17^, 3:13^', 3:13,3:14. 2:32 CLASS. Centerville 1 Smithsonian ! 3 Col. Hutchinson,... 4. Topsev E 2 Time--2:31^, 2:31^, 2:32K, 2-33. SECOND SECTION--GENTS' DRIVERS,- Reuben Michol 11 1 Dick Backman .......................... 2 2 4 Daisy B...... 3 3 2 Kobert C. .... 4 4„3 Lady Byron;. .... 5 5 dr. Carrie 6' G 5 Time--3:01, 3:01%, 3:00. -The Match Running Race, which whs next called, was between a horse owned by Whiting,, of this .town, and one owned by Wood, of Solon. It was a half mile dash and was won easily by the Whiting horse, in 58 Beconde, the Wood horse boltiug the track at the quarter pole. The latter was clearly the fastest horse of the two had he kept the track. The Bicycle Race drew out only two contestants, Paul Gates, said to have been from Chicago, and therefore under protest, but who registered as, from Terra Cotta, and C. Sizer, of Barrington. It was for mile heats, best two in three, and was wou by Sizer, taking the first and third heats. We did not get the Lime. This closed the programme of the day. Driving Park for August 22d. Arrangements have been made for another day's sport at Gage's Driving Park, in this village, which will take place 011 Saturdi y, Aug. 22d. There will be three Trotting and one Running Race, as follows: 3:00 MIXED RACE--PURSE $50. For which there has already been four entries made. 2:27 CLASS TROTTING--PURSE $100. For which the following well known horses have been entered and more are expected: Hanger 11 , Geo. G. Smith Ben T H. B. Throop Centerville John Heimer tol. Hutchinson .~. t>. Langmau MATCH TROTTING RACE,5 MILES. Between horses owned by Phil Webber, of Keystone 111., aud John Wirfs, of McHenry. SWEEPSTAKE RUNNING--% MILE DASH. This gives a programme for a fine days sport. The 2:27 trot will be the most interesting ever seen in McHenry county. Do not fail to come. You are sure to tret the worth of your money. r Races at Richmond. From the Richmond Gazette we learn of the following Paces which will take place 011 the Richmond Driving Park, on Saturday next, August 15: 2:30 stake, trotting. Two^year-old stake, trotting. Three-year-old stake, trotting. Five mile handicap bicycle race. The horse races bid fair to be crack­ ajacks and the handicap will be a hum­ mer. The stakes closed with the follow­ ing nominations. STAKE NO. 2--TWO YR-OLDS. Jessie Swigert.. .11 S Bcnsor. Genoa Junct on . . N J Sc.humaker, Trevor U W Elitredge, Ricbmon' Frank Smith, Antincb 0 E Kelly, Antiocli .G G Smith. West Mcllenrj Geo Vogel, Riotamonc M W Merry, Hebron Tony S Viola- Tliorne.. . Silver King... . Mona's L ie I'early G \ Uee I'rescott. D nele Al STAKE NO. 3-- TUREE-Yll-OLDS. Men'lola ,E P Hasting;), Uliicagt i.i/.zio Bonlen.... Sylvia Loll .Senator llopkiae. Crystal 1. l.aneibiirg ,G W Eldredgc. Kiclimond Gus \ oitz, Trevor .G G Smith, West McHenry T F Leonard, Nu"da H B Throop, Ninula STAKE NO 6-2:30 CLASS. K remap. Wm McGaw, Richmond Centerville John Heimer, McHenry Ben 11 .AM Wli te, Elgin Chickadee H B Throop, Nundu Mark M W Merry, Hebron Minnesota "'At Home." Miune^bta will be "at home" to all the people of her sister states during the week commencing Monday, August 31, and ending Saturday, November 5. Dur­ ing this time the National Encampment of the Graud Army of the Republic will occur in St. Paul, an Encampment of the Knights of Pythias will be held in Minne- auolis and upon the grounds of the State Agricultural Society, midway between these cities, the State Fair will provide entertainment for everybody. Low pas­ senger rates, available to everyone, are announced upon all railways and the number of visitors is expectep to be very large. For this reason the scope of the Fair is being materially widened. Not only will the products of Minnesota be lavishly displayed, but Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and the Dako- tas will make comprebene-ive exhibits of their agricultural, forestry and mineral wealth as well. Visitors wjjl be ricbly en­ tertained and will find spread out before them for inspection the resources of this wonderful section of the country. Traction Engines. We have been requested to call the at­ tention of owners of traction engines, to the law regarding running engines over bridges-on the highway. The statute reads at follows: "It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a 'steam engine over any bridge or culvert, on any public highway in this state, without using four sound, strong planks, each not to be less than twelve feet long, one foot wide and two inches thick, two of said plank to be continuously under the wheels of said, engine whils, crossing said bridge or culvert." The penalty for violating this law is a fine of no#l;38s than Ten Dollars (f 10) and not more than Fifty Dollars (50.) United brand fine Shirts at Stoffel's. McKINLEY AND HOBABT CLUB. Pursuant to call a meeting was held in the City Hall on Friday evening last, for the purpose of taking stepstoward fprm- a McKinley and Hobart Club in this town." On motiou J. Van Slyke was ap­ pointed temporary chairman and II. C. Mead temporary.secretary: Motion made are carried that the chair appoint a committee of five to formulate a plan of organization and present names for the different officers of the Club,- to be acted upon at the next meeting. The chair appointed as such committee James B. P^rry, W. A. Cristy, F. K. Granger, Isaac Went worth and Adolph Fischer. . , On motion duly seconded theehairman and secretary were instructed to procure one or more speakers for the next meet­ ing. Also that W. A. Cristy provide music for the occasion. Moved and seconded that when this meeting adjourn it adjourn to the call of the chairman, and if possible to call the same within the next two weeks. On motion adjourned. J, VAN SLYKE, Chairman. H. C. MEAD, Secretary. Business Locals. Have you tried the new Pan-lca-ko at A. P. Baer's? . Place your Insurance with S. Stoffel. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. All the latest spring styles in Hate and Gaps, for Men and Boys, at Owen & Chapell's. yi , x -7- # / • ' A large stock o? fine new Clothing, for M H/>RIA HUH OHILHRAN TMIF O HLO for men, boys and children, suitablfe Summer trade, at S. Stoffel's. White Swan Flour now leads them. all. Try a sack. For sale by the Wilbur Lumber Co. 3 00 93 50 3 00 70 32 00 1 (>2 Proceeding's, of the Board of Trustees COUNCIL ROOM, Aug. 3, 1896.. Board met pursuant, to adjournment. Present full board. , " * . Minutes of previous meeting read- and approved. The following bills were presented, aud ited and order paid : A. P. B,aer, mdse <$ -2 78 A. C. Friedley, mdse 7 71 •John Walsh, police services, etc.... 40 25 VI. Niesen, police services 10 00 •lohn Fare, cutting weeds... W. I). Wentworth, et. sprinkling.. P. J. Freuud, rep. bridge....:......... (i. W. Besley, paint Wm. Schreiner, st. com.... Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.... , Wentworth moved that the lamp post in front of Leonard Bonslett's house be moved north to the corner across the street. Seconded by Freund and carried. Heimer moved that the sidewalk com­ mittee be instructed to examine the side­ walks on the main street of ihe village, and they they be empowered to make a contract for concrete walks to be con­ structed at such places as they may deem necessary. Seconded by Granger and carried. On motiou by Howard the board voted that the boards to be taken up from the sidewalks be used in building sidewalks prayed for by the various petitions. The street committee was, on motion of Heimer, given authority to act in the matter of graveling the streets described in the petition of Peter Leickem and others. The report of Simon Stoffel. which www Don't fail to cal l and see the new spring styles of Hats and Caps at the Farmers Store, West McHenry. A. P. BAER. Newest ideas in Hats for old and young men at S. Stoffel's. A. P Baer is discounting his prices,, on Blankets, Sfuiwis, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. NOTICE! «All person's indebted to the firm of Perry & Owen are requested to call and settle at once. We desire to have all ac­ counts closed without delay. - PEKUY &- OWEN, Just received, another car of Sleepy Eye,Flour, it costs nothing to ;try a sack., _______ A. P. BAER. HAY FEVER OU ASTHMA positively cure f by nature's roots and herbs or too pay. S«yid 1O0. postage for ten sample treatmenls , COLORADO MKD- rCtNB Co., Denver. Col. /, Grand Festival! Third annual Picnic of the German Catholic Congregation of McHenry, on the beautiful banks of Fox river in Woodlawn Park, near McHenry, Sunday and Moticlay,'August 16 and 1.7, 1896 All kinds of Games during-the day and in the evening. The McHenry Military Band will furnish music for the occasion. Grand display of Fireworks. Italian Night. Are you going to the Grand Fee tival? If not, why not. You will be sorry if you miss it. PER ORDER COMMITTEE. CATARRH Greatly reduced prices on all Summer Clothing at Stoffel's. Every sack of the celebrated White Swan Flour guaranteed. For sale atthe warehouse of the Wilbur Lumber Co. Take care of the Teeth. Mastication is necessary. Call on W. C. Besley, I). D. S. 'Office in rear of G. W. Besley's Drug Store, West Side. All kinds of stylish and serviceable Shoes, of the Fargo and Douglas makes, at S. Stoffel's. 1 have made a specialty of the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS, other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful.' Call or write me. C. P accepted on motion of Granger, showed that there was, on August 1, 1896, a balance of $786.86 in the hands of the treasurer. The park committee was given power to let the contract for the painting of the park fence. Heimer,moved that the street com­ mittee repair the bridge 011 the Wood­ stock road, or build a new one as they may think fit. Motiou seconded by Freund and carried. On motion the board adjourned. JOHN EVANSON, President, A. O. RI IM ', Clerk. HORSES WANTED. We want four good Work Horses, to weight about 1200 pounds, young and sound. Inquire of BONSLETT BROS., West McHenry, 111. to paint RINGWOOD J. S. Brown has the contract the Farmers factory. E. W. Robbing and family have been spending a lew days with friends in King wood. Miss Mildred Lawson returned from Englewood on Sunday, where she has been attending school. The machinery for the Farmers Fac­ tory is being placed in position this week. The prospects are that everything will be in running order inside of ten days. Positive, hot. Comparative, hotter. Superlative, hottest. The weather the past week has been in the superlative degree. Should it continue thus a few days longer a fourth degree will be in order. On Monday morning, as our threshers »vere being collected, "Old Bill" took a turn around the 6quaro and landed the rig on the fence at E. Ingalls' corner. "Old Bill" has always been such a relia­ ble horse we were at loss to account for his actions till we heard he had been fed some of those Lincoln Oats down at Smith Bros. There are many who have an interest in our cemetery whom we have been unable to see, therefore we give below the wording of the paper which has been in circulation, on which has been sub­ scribed if 13 6: - Knowing that but few of the lots in the Kingwoo'1 Cemetery are now unoccupied and ;hat former citizens of our village have here tofore maintained a public burying ground, wherein lots were BO be hail without money anil without price, and realizing that more r om will soon be needed, that we of to day being desirous of following their example, do contribute the sums se'. opposite our respect - ivo na lies, lor the purpose of extending the iimits of said Ringwood Cemetery. We would request that you drop us a line stating the amount you wish to give toward the fund. • that we may know what amount can be obtained in this way. We need forty-five dollars to make out the two hundred. . Let us hear from you at once. Respectfully, P. S, HARRISON, Ringwood, 111. President Cemetery Association. WOODSTOCK. Another heavy wind and rain storm on Saturday night. The month of August is surely a rec­ ord breaker this year. Wild grapes are ripening and a good many have been gathered. The Methodist Sunday-school picnick­ ed at Crystal Lake on Tuesday. A good many of our people attended the camp meeting near Marengo the past week. The Presbyterian Sunday-school held their, picnic at Crystal Lake on Friday of last week. The Hartland ball club came to this city on Sunday and defeated our boys in a hotly contested game, the score being 9 to 10. The barn on the farm of Mrs. Bosler, about two and one-half miles north-east of this city, was struck by lightning on Saturday afternoon and burned together with most of its contents and two stacks ot hay. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock 111. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Wanted- fln Idea Protect jour ideas: they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDEIIDURN & CO., Patent Attor­ neys, Washington, t> C., for their $1,800 prlee offer and list of two hundred inventions wanted. J ust received, a large invoice of the United Brand fancy Dress Shirts, at S. Stoffel's, It's Free I Do not fail to send for a tree sampe copy ol the Weekly Globe, box 510. Den- r, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. Be sure to read and profit son's Special Sale Days, Monday, July 20. by Evan- beginning Be sure to rend and profit by Evan- son's Special Sale Days, beginning Mon­ day, July 20. Among all. Gasoline Stoves the "Quick Meal" is the best. Sold by 1'VLfMcOm- ber, West McHenry.^ The whole system is drained and un­ dermined by indolent ulcers and open Horcs. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve speedily heals them. It is the best pile cure known. .1. A. Story. I am now prepared to do all classes of Dental work, h <ving a neat office in the rear of G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Call. W. (I BESLEY, D. D. S. The latest thing out in fancy Shirts and Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. "Boys will be boys," but you can't afford to loose any of them. Be ready lor the green apple season by having DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure in the house. J. A. Story. Excursion to Waukesha: There will be an Excursion from Mc­ Henry to Waukesha, Wis., on Tuesday, Aug. 25th, going by way0of Milwaukee. Round Trip only §1.25. Half Rate to Milwaukee, On account of National Convention Republican League, August 26 and 27, the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets to Milwaukee and return at one fare for the round trip. For dates of pale and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. Half &at63 to Omaha, Via the Northwestn Line (Chicago ,& Northwestern R'y) August 15, 17 ancjl'8 1896--one.fare for the round trip. On August 24 excursion tickets at very low rates will also be sold from Omaha to Denver and the famous Hot Springs of South Dakota; " v F or tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. Lake Bluff Camp Meeting. The North-Western Line will, from •rune 29 to September 1, 1896, sell ex­ cursion tickets to Lake Bluff and re­ turn at very low rates, tickets limited to return to 50 days from date of sale. For tickets and full inforpiation apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. l-4w •3Heap Excursions to the West and Northwest On August -t, 18, September 1, 15, 29, October 6 and 20, 1896, the Northwest­ ern Line (Chicago & Northwestern R'y) will sell Home Seekers' excursion tickets at very low rates to a large number of points in the West aud Northwest. For tickets and lull information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y, 4w7 New Dutchess Trousers for fall trade at S. Stoffel's. New stock of Wall faper, Shades and Mirpets at S. Stoffel's. Tall and see the fancy line of Gold and Silver Dress Shirts at Owen & Chapell's. New stock of Fall Dr?ss Goods and Do­ mestics at S. Stoffel's. Campaign hats and caps at Owen A- Chapell's. Try Besley's Electric Fly Paper. Kills •very time. At Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. Buy a pound of Starch and get, a chance to draw a Silver Water Pitcher at S. Stoffel's. Try Besley'B Electric Fly Paper. Kills every time. At Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. Great slaughter in summer Dress Goods, Wrappers, Shirt Waists, etc., at Owen & Chapell's. It doesn't matter much whether sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and constipation are caused by neglect or by unuvoidadle circumstances, DeWitts Lit­ tle Early Risers will speedily cure them all. J. A. Story, TIIF GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made oy judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stocks. Send i stamp for lull particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) All work guaranteed. FOR SALE. The Brick House in West Mc­ Henry, occupied by Mrs. C. N> Culver; .Will be sold reasonable. Inquire of MRS. W. PARKEK, „ West McHenry. BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE, We have a quantity of choice Buckwheat for sale, at the Brick Mills, West McHenry. < HANLT BROS. -^hne stock of the famous W. L. Doug­ las Fine Shoes just received at Simon Stoffel's. Nothing yet ecpial to the Pan-ka-ko self rising flour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer B. 4 , New spring styles of Hats and Caps for Men, Boys an Children, just received at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry. . >', completed by me fully W. C. BESLEY, D. D. ». Fargo's fully warranted Shoes for men women and children, in spring and sum­ mer styles, at S. Stoffel's. A sure fit or -no pay. I make plate work a specialty. Call. ' r DR. W. C. BESLEY. The Sleepy-Eye ,Flour has no superior on the market. This ie the verdict of every one who uses it, Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try a sack. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physiciaus,. but the sufferers want quick relief; and One Minute Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe cure for children. It is "the only harmless rem­ edy that produces immediate results." J. A. Story. PERSONAL. Free--6-1 page medical reference book to any person atfiicted with any special, chronic or delicate disease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physi­ cians and surgeons of the United Statc-s, Dr. Hathaway & Co., 70 Dearborn street Chicago. Cider Miil. Nick Winkels' Cider Mill, on the Rich­ mond Road, nearly opposite the McHen­ ry Cemetery, is now better prepared for business than ever before. Bring along your Apples and carry your Cider home with you on the same day. We guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Quick and good work is our otto. NICK WINKELS. McHenry, Aug. -1th, 1896. YOU CAN PAY MORE MONEY If you want to, for the same results ob­ tained by the use of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Fifty cents for a prescription, and fifty cents to a dollar for filling it. A ten cent bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will bring about the same results, more gently and effectively. Have you tried it? At J, A. Story's. My little boy, when two years of age, was taken If FARMS FOR SALE, you want to farm why not go to Call and see the large line of spring and summer Clothing for men and boys, at Owen & Chapell's. Try a sack of the celebrated Marvel Flour, for sale by Owen & Chapell. Try Besley's Electric Fly Paper. Kills every time. At Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. A WORD IN VOI R EAR. The secret of good health is found in the perfect action of the stomach and di- gostive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a perfect condition and good health results. Try it. Sold in 10c (10 doses 10c) 50c and $1 sizes. Of J. A. Story. - Try a sack of the celebrated Marvel Flour, for sale by Owen Chapell. Buy only the famous Fancy Flour S. Stoffel's. at MALE HELP WANTED. Wanted, salesmen ̂ o sell a first-class specialty to the bicycle trade. An en­ tirely new article which sells on sight. Salesmen can make from $10 to $25 per day. Write for particulars. Garland Novelty Mfg. Co., Cleveland,-0. If you have ever seen a little child in the agony of summer complaint,you can realize the danger of the trouble and ap­ preciate the value of instantaneous relief afforded by DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. For dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless- it were a cure. ' ̂ Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR. CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free frpm Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Iowa, where you can buy farms that will double your money in ten years, and live in the best State in the Union. If you will write me 1 will send you our cata­ logue aud try and locate you where you will have a sure investment. DesMoines N. W. Land Co., DesMoines, Iowa. W. H. Foiti), Manager Chicago Office. No. 333 E. 63rd St., Chicago. Six weeks ago 1 suffered with a very severe cold ; was almost unable to speak. My friends advised me to consult a physi­ cian. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised in the St. Paul Volks Zoitung I procured a bottle, and after raking it a short while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suffering with a cold Wm. Keil, 678 Selby Av., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by- J. A, Story. $200 in Gold Given. THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS AND BOOK Co., of Baltimore, Md., offer $200 to any agent who will sell in three months 225 copies of their book, "Campaign and Issues of '96." A full, graphic and com­ plete account of the Campaign--all sides given. Beautifully illustrated. Biogra­ phies of the leading men in each party: The book of all others to sell now. Freight paid and creditgiven. Complete outfit 15 cents. Write them immediately A gold watch given in addition to com­ mission for selling 70 copies in 30 days. Agents wanted also for other books and Bibles. 2w8 WESTWARD HO! A Reg-ion Abounding- in Mountains ol Gold and Streams of Silver. During the past quarter of a century the Rocky mountains of Colorado have produced millions upon millions of dol­ lars in gold and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold mines in the world have been discovered during the past year and there is no end to the lucky strikes being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is uneaualed in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has been publish­ ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week­ ly family newspaper which gives all the most important mining news a.nd illus­ trates each week the very choicest of this maivelous scenery, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers aye given gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated pa­ per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. Men­ tion the PLAINDEALEK and address Illus­ trated Weekly, Denver, Col. Don't trifle away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for results, they are instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in a healthy condi­ tion. J. A. Story. was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy, and luck­ ily procured part of a bottle. I carefully read the directions and gave it accord­ ingly. He was very low, but slowly and surely he began ro improve, gradually recovered, and is now as strong as ever. I feel sure it saved his life. 1 never can praise the Remedy half its worth. I am sorry every one in the world does not know how good it is, as I do. Mrs. Lina S. Hinton, Grahamsville, Marion Co., Florida. For sale by J. A. Story. TEN CTS. WORTH OF PREVENTION. If you are subject to coldd, the very best thing you can do is to to keep your system in as open and perfect condition us possible. If you do this you are much less liable to take cold. Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin is as pleasant to take as pure maple syrup and is the nost effective stomach remedy to be had. i Trial sizes, 10c (10 doses 19c); large sizes, 50c and $1. At J. A. Story's. Many a days work is lost by sick head­ ache, caused by indigestipn»and stomach troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most effectual pill for overcoming such difficulties. J. A. Story. $150 00 IN COLD C1VEN Fcr Selling "Story of Spain and Cuba." The International News & Book Co., Baltimore, Md., offer $150 to anyone selling in three months 175 copies of their new book, "Story of Spain and Cuba." Premium and liberal commis­ sion given for any qnantity sold. This is one of tfie greatest selling books out. Many agents make from $5 to $10 a day. A graphic account of the present war and the struggle for liberty is given. 100 beautiful illustrations, 500 pages. Freight paid and credit given : 50 cent outfit free if 10 cents is sent for postage. Write them immediately. Since 1878 there have been nine epi­ demics of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severeand danger­ ous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying condi­ tions, which proves it to be the best med­ icine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by J. A. Story. E. B. PERKINS --HAS-- The Only Exclusive Wall Pacer and Faint House in the County. W e arc here to stay and intend to give our customers prices and a<quality of goods unsurpassed. We challenge the world to pro­ duce a better article in the Paint line than the Sherwin Williams Paint, or Wall Paper of liner de­ sign or better quality than Alfred Peats' paper, from 3 cents per single roll up. . Well glazed white blank paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, low as the lowest, quality con sidored. Call and learn my prices and see my goods. Paper Hanging, Graining,% House Painting, Carriage & Sign Painting, all specialties/ Work done in a workmanlike c manner and satisfaction guar an teed. •' : J

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