Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Oct 1896, p. 7

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CURE C©H5TIPATI0M DRUGGI5J5 SURPRISED HIS PHYSICIAN. From the Courier-Journal, Louisville, A'y. "Yes, "toy name is A. J, Nicholson, and my sddress is the Bull Block, Louisville, Ky., and I am the man you have heard of Hb so persistently and so enthusiastical­ ly proclaiming the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. , "Up to the first of last March I can truthfully say that for twenty years I ha 1 suffered all the agonies of an inferno, and death would have at times been a welcome visitor. I had muscular rheuma­ tism in its most vicious form, supplement­ ed by what the doctors called tuberculosis of the bones. 1 was aimost constantly under the treatment of a physician and spent a Considerable portion of my time in the hospital. In 1S93 I spent three months in that institution where I under­ went severe surgical operations for relief. Almost all the money I could raise from whatever source went for medicines in one way or another. I •could tey any and every remedy that was suggested, but I finally concluded that the doctors were right in saying there was no cure for such a case as mine. My right leg became rigid and stiff, the joints refusing to per­ form their functions in any degree. At length the pains attacked my left leg also, and it was fast becoming as bad as the other. I also suffered in the shoul­ ders and arms, though not-so badly as in the lower limbs. "About the first of March last, I read an article on Pink Pills, and while very dubious as to the r6sult, 1 concluded to give them a trial. I used one box without deriving any benefits, as I could see. and was about to abandon them when, at the Urgent solicitation of my wife, .1 concluded to try one more, box anyhow. Before .the second box was used up. I thought I could experience some slight improvement in my condition. Like a drowning man I speedily grasped at that one straw of hope. T ordered other boxes and contin­ ued the .systematic Use of the pills as. directed, my improvement, firoifi­ ginning of the third box. beingmost mark­ ed and rapid. The rigidity and stiffness soon began to disappear from my leg,, the excruciating pains became gradually less, my drooping spirits revived under the ex­ hilarating prospect of gettinc well, and before a great while I was able to KO to work. I have not yet discontinued the pills. I have just ordered the sixth box, which 1 think will be Ihe'lrst." I feel that I owe my life to this extraordinary prep­ aration. for 1 don't see how 1 could have lived under the almost incessant torture I was enduring. It is not strange, under the' circumstances, that I should lose no opportunity to tell my friends about this remedy and to urge upon all afflicted as I was to give it a t¥iai. (Signed) "A.J. NICHOLSON." Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Sth day of May, 189(5. J. PETTUS, Notary Public. The physician who attended Mr. Nich­ olson is Dr. Jas. S. Chenowith. 20."> West Broadway. The doctor remembered the case and corroborated what Mr. Nichol­ son said in regard to the Matter's deplora­ ble condition and about the operation per­ formed on him at the hospital, The doc­ tor seemef,! surprised to learn that lijs former patient was now almost entirely well, since he did not believe when he last saw him that lie would ever he well again. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. and may be had of all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com­ pany, Schenectady, N. Y. Reforms Need More than a Day To bring them about, and are always more complete and lasting when they proceed with steady regularity to a consummation. Pew of the observant among us can have failed to notice that permanently healthful changes in the human system are not wrought by abrupt and violent means, and that those are the most salutary medicines which are pro­ gressive. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is the chief of these. Dyspepsia, a disease ,of ob­ stinate character, is obliterated by it. Birds are able to work at a higher rate than any other animal--that is, they can develop more energy in pro­ portion to their weight by working at a higher temperature! and this necessi­ tates a warm coating of feathers as it protection from the cold atmosphere. That Joyful Feeling, With the exhilarating Bense of re­ newed health and strength and internal cleanliness, whieli follows the use of Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to the few wfyo have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substi­ tutes sometimes offered but never ac­ cepted by the well-informed. Never ask to be intrusted with youn friend's _ secret, for, no matter hoWi faithfully you may keep it, you will be liable in a thousand contingencies to the suspicion of having betrayed it % Mrs. Winslow's 8OOTHI*G STSTTP for Children' teething: softens the trams, reduces Inflammation,: allays pain, cores wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. Care of your health at this season. See that your blood is pure, appetite good and all the organs in a healthy condition. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the gteat building- up and blood - purifying medicine, and therefore it is the best medicine to take in the fall, when the atmosphere is laden with disease germs from decaying vegeta­ tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents colds, pneumonia, bronchitis and fevers. i When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret, candy cathartic: cure guaranteed"; 10,25c. • r-- ij--i : --. Praise is a skillful, iijdden, and deli­ cate flattery which ^ttjsfies differently him who gives it and him who receives Sarsaparilla Is the best--in fact, the One True Blood Purifier, st Cough Syrup. Taasuw in time. < Sold br dm aasBMSM Hnnri'c Pillc best family cathartic r"*s and liver stimulant. 25c. SERVANTS SUPPLIED?6^rs» New York City, near 3rd Ave. Licensed Emplo ment • Office;>6ta llshed 1883. We surpl. <«rt!e> all over the United States W'th very rrspectab'e senant gflrlfl of *11 nations, with fln-t-class references; also German and EnirJUh gins lately landed.. 1 ; ,, -- ... nirCDQT TUMORS! CASCERSi Mlacabi UnnuLtfu! Vegetable Cancer Remedy and bioodi Purifier cures Cancers, Tumors. Scrofula, Rheumatism and oil BloodDiseases, at home! Not lo t a single c*wl! Greatest Modern Discovery! Only perfect Cure. Wr.ta, lor Circulars. MIZPAH MED. Co., Saratoga Springs JtV.. The Duke of Veragua's Pension. Among the people who find it difficult to sympathize with the Cuban rebels is the Duke of Veragua, that lineal de­ scendant of Columbus who visited this country in the World's t>ir days. He i$ entitled to draw upon the Spanish Government the perpetual pension of £4,000 a year, which was charged upon the Cuban revenue, and was granted to the famous discoverer and his heirs forever. If Cuba is loM to Spain the Duke is likely to lose his pension. IN writing to Advertisers, please do not fall! to mention this paper. Advertisers Ulu to know what mediums pajr tlwun best. A Household Xeoessifcy. Cascatets, Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery. of the age, pleasaut and refreshing to the taste, acts gently and positively on kidneys, s liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispels colds, cures headache, fever, ha­ bitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold aud guaranteed to cure by all druggists. A Centennial Relic. „ The spiral irou stairway on which President Grant stood and touched the electric button that started the ponder­ ous Machinery and opeiied the centen- ni$^ estiibipon in 187G, WSs yesterday sold to a ;junk dealer for a small sum. For years the" stairway had been in use in the police'station at Trenton ave­ nue and Dauphin street. A new build­ ing has been erected, and that portion of the ojd building was torn down on Tuesday.' Contractor Doalc offered the stairway to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, but the latter could not receive it, owing to lack of room. HER HAPPY DAY, A CHARMING STORY OF MEDICINE AND MARRIAGE. The New Woman, Two Open letters From a Chicago Girl •-How Happiness Camo to Her. Among the tens of thousands of Women who apply to Mrs. Pinkham for advice and are cured, are many w.h.o_ wish the facts in their cases made public, but do not L ^*ve Permission to publish their ^\ names for reasons j. aS °^)v^ous a® i11 WA antl no name is iW her so much pood." fjp I am desperate. Am nine­ teen years of ag-e, tall, and weighed 138 pounds a year ago. I am now a lUere skeleton. From your little book I think my trouble is firofuse menstruation. My symptoms are * * * * etc. Our doctor (my uncle) tells father that I am In consumption, and wants to take me to Florida. Please help me! Tell me what to do, and tell me quickly. I am engaged to be mar­ ried in September. Shall I live to see the day? • • • • LUCY E. W. Chicago, June 16th, '95. My dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- .This is a happy day. I am well and gaining •weight daily, but shall continue the treatment and Vegetable Compound during the summer, as you suggest. Uncle knows nothing about what you have done for me, because it would make tilings very unpleasant in tho family. I would like to give youatestimonialtopublish, but father would not allow it. * * * * I shall be married in September, and as we go to Boston, will call upon you. How can I prove my gratitude? * * * * LUCY E. W. Just such cases as the above leak out in women's circles, and that is why tho confidence of the women of America is bestowed upon Mrs. Pinkham. Why are not physicians more candid with women when suffering from such ailments ? . Women want the truth, and if they cannot get it from their doctor, will seek it elsewhere. The "new woman" favors economy, and she always buys "Battle Ax" for her sweetheart. She knows that a 5-cent piece of " Battle Ax" is nearly twice as large as a JO-cent piece of other nigh grade brands. Try it yourself and you will see why "Battle Ax" is such a popular favorite all over the United States. Hard Times in fteddville. "Last Monday," writes the editor of the Deddvllle Recorder, "we went out to collect $100 due us 011 subscription from 100 delinquent subscribers. We put in the whole day at it. How much does the reader think we collected'.' Not a darned cent, reader; not a darned cent. We have been running a paper in this town seven years and we never saw times half as hard «s they are now except the year we had triplets at our house." With a " Cincinnati Flyer.* The Monon has put on a fast flyer for Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The train leaves Chicago, Dearborn Station, at 11:50 a. m., reaches Indianapolis at 4:37 and Cincinnati at 7:45 p. 111.. tlms making the run, Chicago to Indianapolis, in four hours and forty-seven minutes, and Cin­ cinnati in seven hours and fifty-five min­ utes. This is the fastest time ,made her tween Chicago and.Indianapolis and Cin­ cinnati by any line. The "Cincinnati Flyer" is equipped with elegant day coaches, the Monon celebrated high-back­ ed seats, parlor Mt and dining car. City Ticket Office, 232 Clark street, Chicago,. William the Conqueror, like the oth­ er Normans of his time, shaved his face clean. The Normans also had a fashion of partially shaving the head, which made the Saxons just before Hastings imagine they were about to fight an army of monks. Don't Tobacco Spit nnd Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, regain lost manhood, be made tvell, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bae, the won­ der-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy-No-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample free. Address Ster­ ling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. France's Wheat Yield. The yield of wheat in France, owing to the careful cultivation of the soil and the-large quantities of guano and other fertilizers employed, is seventeen bush­ els per acre. If you hear a bad story,.make a short stop of yourself. Don't let it pass you. The one who tells it will no doubt tell It to others, and pass it on. but don't let it pass you. „ An Experiment In Profit-Sharing. An Ohio manufacturing concern, which has been experimenting with profit-sharing plans fo" eleven years, has finally evolved a plan radically dif­ ferent from profit sharing and more like a permanent wage increase, with a provision for withholding the in­ crease from the more negligent work­ men. At first the commonly talked of plan of dividing a certain portion of the profits among the workmen was fried, each employe sharing according to his earnings. The first dividend to em­ ployes was declared at the end of six months, and was at the rate of 13.47 per cent on the wages paid. One work­ man recoived $2751 dividend. But it was found the men did not take much interest in this plan, so it was modified and the men were arbitrarily classified according to the interest they were un­ derstood to show in their work and their efficiency, the most active, receiv­ ing a larger.share than tlio others, and all dividends being'withheld from those who were noticeably careless. The money so withheld did Jjot go to the firm, but was added to the part allotted to the workmen and divided among them. Then the firm became a corpora­ tion, and the plan was changed. The average amount paid had been a 12 per cent dividend, so it was decided to pay a uniform rate of 12 per cent on wages, the right to withhold dividends for neglect being retained. Employes are helped to buy stock if they wish. Employers and employes are said fo be satisfied with this arrangement.--New York Tribune. JLBQUlatp THE UVEJi The Cyclist's Necessity. In the third pair back of a tenement house in Lambeth a girl was kneeling by the side of a bed. A paper bag was lying on the coverlet, and some cher­ ries had fallen on the floor. On the bed lay the body of a man. The room reek­ ed with the fumes of whisky. The long, lithe fingers of the girl's1 right hand were clasped convulsively round the hand of the motionless figure extended on the bed. "Joe!" she moaned; "Joe, lad, ye've" got yer wish. The ole rnan'li never rile yer any more. I love yer, mate, dearer than life; but it's thim words o' yourn as I shall hear, an' not parson's, on the day yer takes me inter church."--St. James' Budget. IDC AT IITCI V fMIHPftNTPan to cure any cane of constipation, Cascarets are the Ideal L*xs» ADuvLUluLI 1 uul/ tire, nerer erip or aripe.bnt cause eaay natural results. San* pie and booklet free.' Ad. STEBMXfl BEMEPT CO., Chicago, Montreal. Can., or Sew York. Sic. BOTTLE TUTTLEc^.rD A ENGINE Economical, Safe. Cleanly, Relia­ ble, Simple. Available for Uraln Elevators, Creameries. Cider Mills, Printing Offices, Grinding Mills. Ventilating Fans, Dyuanios.Laun- dries, SmallFactories,Foundries. Machine Shops, etc. will run with natural fas, artificial gas. gasoline or kerosene as fuel. Always ready lor work; requires no attention. Send for descriptive circular, and state your wants. Hall's Catarrh Care. Is taken Internally. Price 75 cents. Is the REPAIR KIT for all ACCIDENTS. CJnequaled for Quickly Healing Lameness and Soreness of riuscles, Wounds, Bruises, Stiffness, Rheumatism, Kub thoroughly with POND'S EXTRACT after cacli ride to keep muscles supple, pliaut, strong. I would much rather that posterity should inquire why no statues were erected to me than why, they* were. If afflicted with scalp diseases, hair falling out, and premature baldness, do not use grease or alcoholic preparations, but apply Hall's Hair Kenewer. • . A. L. Barber, a well-known New- Yorker, is building a $1,000,000 house iu Washington. Piso'sGure for Consumption has been a' ifamily medicine with us since 1SG5.--J. R. Madison, 2400 42d ave.. Chicago. 111. There is a hole in the Yellowstone Park which is only six inches in diame­ ter, but which is over 3,000 feet deep. Just try a 10c, box of Cascarets, the fin­ est liver and bowel regulator ever made. Chicago Newspaper Union, > 93 S. Jefferson St.. CHICAGO. 76 Clinton St., FORT WAYNE. INB. 212 Pearl St.. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. He Was Tender-Hearted. The wife of a certain vicar died, to the vicar's great grief, and amid the deep sympathies of the congregation. The curate, who was a tender hearted man, was to preach on the following Suuday morning in the vicar's .pres­ ence. This was his text: "Lo! I will send you another comforter." The la­ dies of the congregation could hardly control their emotion. An old man never knows how spright­ ly he can be until his hat blows oft his head, and skips off in the direction of a mud puddle. He that Works Easily Works Sue cessfully." Tis Ve ry Easy to Clean House With - waru't allays so, Joe." 1 ~ "O! if you likes to put tip wiv 'im, 'Liza, so do. 'Tain't no concern o* mine--is it?" he added moodily. "I can't sen' 'im to the workus, Joe." "But ye can sen' me to the devil!" he snapped sharply; and an ugly look leapt out of his eyes. They parsed under the railway Avoid Substitutes--Weak, Watery. Worthless. POND'S EXTHACT Co., 76 Fifth Avenue. NEW York Every man Is privately of the opinion that his wife saves the bulk of her week's housework to do on Sunday worning. , ROW IS YOUR CHANCE painless me $75 to be cured; now you can have the formula, a pa'nless cure (free) tor 10c, with 2j for oostase. - Address MKS. D. E. MOBGA>\ dtrard,

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