Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1896, p. 8

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Horse Talk. Give the horiaee less heavy feed and more wheat bran. The feed costs less and the horseB will do better. Give the colts plenty of wheat bran and let them have a run in a° paddock every day, and they will never have unsound legs unless by accident. Blemishes will notdevelop trom weak­ ness if properly fed and cared for. Weak food makes weak and unsound joints. No one can afford to raise a colt in that way. The market has never been dead for a Teally good horse. 7 W>3 are already feeling the scarcity of well-bred young horses. Before the colts of 1896 are ready for market there will be a great demand unsupplied. The common plugs and nudges will never be worth any more than they are now. They can never be sold for what it costs to raise them. Nursing goes a long way and eo many men disreg&rd it. O W E N * TOFFEL I T A BULKS (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) By buying your needed tail and winter merchandise of If you don't believe that our store Isthe place to do your trading this Fall just glance over a few of the prices quoted below, then caJJ jmd look over the goods and you will be con­ vinced that this is the place. >'• HPARS TABULES WW is now receiving a Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly on the liver stomxrch and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually; eure dyspepsia, habitual ceustipation, offensive breath and headache. Oue Tabule taken at the first indication of in­ digestion, billiousness, dizziness, distress alter eating or depression of spirits, wil l surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. Ripans Tabules are prcp?jr« d from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, :».nd. are presented in the iorm most approved by modern science, It given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are economical, very large and carefully selected stock of Dress Goods, Suitings. Flannels, Domestics, Shawls, Underwear,; Gloves, Hosiery, Yarns, Blankets. Caps, Mittens, Remember, that, we do not handle cheao shoddy trash, and all prices quoted below a^e for good honest goosd. jk Best flake Tapioca, / 5c lb Gape Cod Cranberries, per qt, 8c Armour's shield brand lard, in 3-lb pails, per pail, ,25c Sun cured Japan Tea, uncol­ ored, worth 35c, per lb, 25c Fine baked beans, 3 lb can, ' 10c Best gran. Sugar, A combination Santos and Rio Coffee, a good drink, 15c Corn Starch, pound pkg, 5c Armour's boneless pig Fork that costs almost double what his mess pork docs, 8c Fine loose Muscatel Raisins 5c Good clean Carolina Rice, 5c Cents' Furnishing Goods, And by far the largest stock in the county of the very newest and most practicable styles in ladies', misses'and children's One Gives Relief PAINT HOUSE A box will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 cts b. RIPAWS CHEMICAL GO., 10 Spruce Si„ New York Loaal'druggists everywhere will supply the abules if requested to do so. : They are Easy to Ta£e, Quick to Act and Save many a Ddct> r's Bill. And a great many other bar gains in this dep't. New Paper, j.i/st in. Prices Lower than ever. Try Our Floor Paints. Try Our Outside Colors. The Best in the Market. OILS, LEADS, BRUSHES In fact everything in the paint or paper line cheaper than ever Direct-from Jos. Beifeld & Co. Special colors and shapes in all shapes and ages: Special salesroom. OUR FALL CLOTHING! DRESS GOODS Before purchasing elsewhere. It won't cost you anything them over, and we are satisfied we can do you some good. Is all from the renowned firm of Kuh, Nathan and Fischer, and comprise proper cloth, all sizes and correct styles, in both Suits and Overcoats. New and Specially Fine Fall aod Winter Overcoats and Suits. Carriage Paintingr, House Painting, Paper Hanging* And all kinds of work done in a first class paint shop, promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. All work warranted as represented. E. B. PERKINS. ifcHenry, Oct. 5,1896. Standard Prints, per yard, Good bleached Sheeting, Lonsdale, or Fruit of the Loom Sheeting, per yd. * Louisiane Dress Prints, double width, per yard, All wool red Flannel twilled (worth 25c), per yard, 18c Manchester apron Ginghams yd wide with border, * 10c A beautiful wool knap cider down Flannel, per yd. 35c DEALER IN In various furs and in all sizes, and low prices. W arm Well Wearing1 Underwear, Of all kinds and agreeable prices. DRUGS , MEDICINES , PAINS , OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AlIS LIQOOES FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Fall styles in Hats and Caps, Cotton and Wool Hosiery. Duck Coats, ̂ Overalls, Shirts, Dutchess warranted Trousers | We also ask you to call and examine our Clothing, Overcoats, Underwear, Bcots and Shoes, Rubbers, and all Winter Goods, Before buying.--We know we can-save you money . Remember we are agents for the celebrated Washburn, Crosby Co.'s Superlative Flour, that has a world reputation, and cannot be beaten. We also handle the Marvel and Pillsbury's Best. Also, Bottled Ale and Porler tor Medical Use, The best brande of Cigars and Smokiug and Chewing To­ bacco i lways on hand. Physieians, Prescript ions Fargo & Douglas' warranted Leather Boots and Shoes. Special low prices on WALL PAPER, Only the Best GROCER E8 Careful'y compounded Give me call OWEN & CHAPELL West McHenry, Jan, 1, 1896 McHenry, 1896 West McHenry, III., 1896 FARMERS You are invitod to call in at the warehouse of T. J. Walsh and take a look at the The Coal you bought last iall ? The Clothing question is now a seRfonable one i' doubt the largest assortment of BEST WIDE CUT MOWER EVER PRODUCED, OVERCOATS AND SUITS Viz: the STANDARD. Absolutely no side draft. This is only found by removing the neek yoke, which can be done and the result as stated above: No side draft. Look at our line of Mo wers, viz mammm CHAMPION, fiWr CROWN. STANDARD. All leaders and prices right. Old binders taken in exchange for new. You can get more of me at Bottom Prices. ELGIN, ILL THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. We are the ORIGINATORS of FARMERS IN BUCCIES WE SHINE We wish to say to those farmers who contemplate bnying » pair of Horse Blankets, or a Fur or Plush Robe, to turn their attention our way; we will make it pay you. Duck Coats, men's Pants, Jersey and Flannel Shirts, Gloves and Mittens, Plush Caps, wool Hosiery &c. Groceries, Flour, Graham and fresh Corn Meal, All the Lapt Car ot Feed ? Having disposed of one car load of Peabody Buggies I have re­ plenished my stock and can still show the best display of Buggies, Road wagons, Harness, Dusters and whips, ever brought to Mc­ Henry. Call in and take a look at the long distance axle buggies. Make your selections and the prices will be made as low as poasible for this elass of work.. Try our'fine machine Oil. Yours for honest goods and value received. Get my prices before buying more. BARGAIN BULLETIN FOE MONDAY, WEST MCHENRY, III., 1896 WJES1 McBLNB P, ILL CANDY DEPARTMEOT. Gum Drops, por lb, 5c A large lot ot Gents' Neckties, Tecks. Bows. etc. worth 50c for 21c McHenry, Illinois. JACOB JUSTEN, A • .A FURNITURE, 4 SL MMMto UNDERTAKING, A. ENGELNS • I S& loonrfvwuww» DRESS STAYS SMOKERS 1 When in Want of a Coot Cipr! Dress Goods Department, 3;000 yds. 40 in. Fancy Mix­ tures you would consider cheap at 75e, 43c per yd DRUG DEPT. Mdme Paradise's Peach Blos­ som. for the complexion, in­ stead of 75c, 15c. AND J 1 Restaurant, . *, . McHENBY, ILL. Wholesale and Retail Agent for BLANKETS* Large size, white or grey, per pair, 39c EMBALMING PAINT DEPT. Boydell's mixed Paint . gal. 99c, SHEET MUSIC. The 10c kind, for DRESS GOODS DEPT. 54 in. Beaver Cloaking, instead of $2.50, $9.49 per yard. „ ASBfCSTOS Stove Mats Spa Baking Powder. Per lb can, Clark's Mile End Cotton shade, 3c. THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ULGIiV, II-JL,, ' Jacob Ju&Tsur McHenry, 111., Dec., 1895

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