Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Nov 1896, p. 5

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Business Locals. AUTUMN MONTHS. next visit, Saturdayi isov. 14, Woodstock DR.FRUTH'S 1033 Masonic Temple. Obicago. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS 'THE STANDARD. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, 189G. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, Sept 20. 1896, at six 'i clock a. M. Trains will pass jlcHenry station as follows: GOING SOTTTH. • •' •S Kako 3eneva Passenger, .7:28 AM X Williams Bay Express,- 8;25 " X Williams Bay Passenger.... 3;S0 P M X Xake Geneva Freight............ 3:30 " ; GOING NOKTH.fl . X Williams Bay Passenger........ 9:47 AM X Lake Geneva Freight...../.. .. ll:(i5 8 Lake Geneva Passenger ........ 4:50 P M X Williams Bay Express,.;./...... 4:55" " , X WiUiaais Bay Pa»senger 6:56 •' - BXPtANATIOK.2 . D--Dally. * • '• X--Daily except Sunday, B Sundays only. . • . B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Nlothodlot'Episcopal Church. Rev. J R. Clark. . Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 K. M. and 7:30 p. M.£ Sunda? School, 11:45 A. m. Dr. A, E. Auringcr,... Superintendent Epworth League, 6:45 p, M., Wayne Wood burn, Pre»idont. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Ladies' Aid ?oeiety each alternate week, Mrs. C. E, Lamphere, President. 4S"A Cordial invitation is extended to all. Unlvorsa'.ist Church Directory. T.J. Walsh, President F. L. McOmber Clerk James B. Perry ....Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, D. D ....Pastor 'i'he Willing Workers, (the ladies organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry ...President Mrs. L. H. Owen Secretary 3upt, of Sunday School, . .O. N. Owen Assistant, ....Mrs. O. N. Owen J5®"The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address 8 Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. A cordial invit-it.ion to all. SEE Theo. F. page. Swan's ad. on another Miss ELLA SPAULDING leads the Y. P. C. U. devotional meeting Sunday even­ ing. Subject, "Our Sunday Schools." ---- ̂ A FEW enthusiastic individuals went to Elgin on Thursday last to see W. J. JBryan and his Free Silver train. OUR method of instruction by mail is the best. Our patronB say so. American Business College, Omaha, Neb. DR. ART is prepared to test eyes accur­ ately, at his office, over the PLAINDEALER office. TIIE election returns were received at the Depot, H. C. Smith's, Ed. Long's, Henry Smith's, John Heimer's arid Owen & Chapell's. TUESDAY was an ideal McKinley day throughout the entire United States. The day was fine until towards evening when the copious tears of the defeated Bryanites caused a dampness in the air. THE store of John Evanson & Co., on the West Side, is receiving a coat of paint on the outside, which much im­ proves its appearance. John Neish is doing the work. FLAG DAY was generally observed m this village on Saturday last, most of the business houses and a large number of private residences being handsomely decorated with bunting, pictures, etc. 4$BEMAN & SCHNEIDER, the Jewelers, have Life Size Busts of President elect Wm. McKinley for sale. They are fine and an ornament to either parlor or office. Call and see theft). S. S. CHAPELL., of the firm of Owen & Chapell, had %he misfortune to run n rusty nail in^o his foot on Tuesday morning, making a painful wound. He is around on crutches to-day, but will be all right again soon. CIIAUNCEY DEPEW has hit something better than the presidency. He is soon to wed a .voting lady worth three million dollars. Chauncey is a great lawyer, but that's the largest fee he ever obtained in any suit. AMONG the recent inventions is a de­ vice to prevent gas from escaping when it is blown out. The crying demand, however is a contrivance which will pre­ vent money from escaping when it is blown in. A thorough course of lessons in Book­ keeping and business methods by mail free with the American Business College, Omaha, Neb. Read their offer in this issue. Young men and women who .,de sire to acquire a practical knowledge of these UBtful branches can now do so with­ out charge and without leaving home. THE French, in the olden time, delight; ed to try the spirit of their children by a kind of riddles. Here is one which we hope will puzzle our young friends as much as it did them: "A man had a lit­ tle boat in which he must carry from one side of the riyer to the o'her a wolf, a goat and a cabbage; and mustnot carry mot e than one of them at once. Which must he take first without the, risk -that during one of his navigations, the wolf may devour the goat, or the goat the cBbbage? Suppose he carry the wolf the cabbage is lost; if the cabbage the goat is devoured; if the goat the embarrass­ ment is equal, for he must risk his goat or bis cabbage on the other side of the river." Improve y our spare moments. Takeja course of instruction in the Mail Depart- ' ment of the American Business College, Omaha, Neb. Avail yourself of this un­ equalled offer of free course by mail. -- -- PERSONAL. HENRY GOLDING, of Wauconda, calling on friends here Sunday. G. L. HUBBARD and wife, of Nunda, were calling on friends here Sunday. R Ji HONEY, of Wauconda, was on our streets one day last.week. Miss ANNA MCGEE, of Woodstock, was the guest of. her sister, Mrs. C. H. Fegera, over Sunday. REV. FATHER FEGERS, of Stirling, lli., is spending a week with his brother, Dr. C. H. Fegers, in this village. HARRY HOLMES came over trOm Wood­ stock 0*1 Tuesday and put in a straight McKinley and Tanner vote. H. T. FULLER and wife, of Wauconda, were calling on friends here on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. BERT COLBY, wife and children, of Nunda, were the guests of R. Sherburne and family one day last week. JAMES B. PERRY has been sick and confined to the house for the past week, but is now reported better. C. A. WELLS, who is attending school at Valparaiso, came home to vote on Tuesday. J. J. BISHOP was on the sick list the first of the week, but is now able to be around again. •IOHN LODTZ, SR., who has been in Wis­ consin for the past month or six weeks, returned to his home here on Saturday last. Miss MINNIE THURSTON, of Woodstock, and Mrs. Theodore Wirtz, ot Yolo, were the guests, of E. Hubbard and wife one day last week. Miss JENNIE SMITH is quite sick at her home, near this village. She contracted a hard cold at school'and it has settled in her throat. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. THE Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet with Mrs. Hutson on Friday afternoon of this week, at the usual hour. A ten cent tea will be served. All are invited. CORA WILSON, Sec. --TUEBE-will be SUGame Dinner and Pig Killing, at Nippersink Club, Fox Lake, Sunday next, Nov. 8th. Tickets, 75 cents per plate. Yourself and lady are cordially invited. C. H. OSTRANDER, Proprietor. MARRIED.--•'Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1896, at Burlington, Wis., Annie Swadish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swadish, Of this village, to William Waldman, of Washington, D. C. They will reside at Lake Geneva, Wis. A GERMAN is going around among those of his own nationality in Cook and Lake counties soliciting for a charitable institution in Evanston. A prominent German citizen who has taken pains to intorm himself relative thereto says the institution he claims to represent is a myth, his story a falsehood and the man an unmitigatedJFraud. He asks that we warn Germans and others to be on the lookout for him and not be swindled. SOMEBODY oncel wrote a song to Lorena" in which/he or she regretted years creep slowly bv:" We should like to have lived in some period of time when "tHe years creep slowly by" ior at this raresent age the years kick dust off their heels at such a lively gate that one hardly gets acquainted with a date line until it is time to change it to the next year. iTcommenced snowing here early this Thursday morning, and at the time of going to press,,at noon, fully a foot has fallen and it is still snowing. It looks as though winter had come in earnest. \ REV. H. SLADE, of Elgin, will deliver a Lecture under the auspices of the Y. P. C. U, at the City Hall, McHenry, on Friday evening, Oct. 20th. Subject: "California, the climate, people, etc." Further particulars next week. MARSH MERKIMAN met with a severe and painful accident on Tuesday morn­ ing last, which will lay him up for some time. He was doing some work in the upper story of his new barn, when in some manner he fell a distance of about ten feet, striking on the upper floor. As he is a man who weighs in the neighbor­ hood of two hundred and fifty pounds it can be imagined that the fall was no slight one. He was injured across the back and otherwise badly shaken up. and on Tuesday suffered considerable pain and was unable to move himself in bed. He is under the care of Dr. Fegers, and hopes to get around again soon. OWING to the severe rain storm on Monday evening the speakers from Elgin advertised for the Republican Rally, at Riverside Hall, did not put in an appear­ ance, much to the disappointment ol those having the matter in charge Speakers who will allow a little shower of rain to deter them from keeping an appointment are certainly not very en­ thusiastic in the cause, to day the least The audience assembled, however, were not losers by the disappointment, as Hon. F. K. Granger andH. C. Mead were substituted in their place, and we must say that we have not listened to two better speeches this year, and their effects were plainly noticeable ot the election Tuesday. The last rally was certainly a grand success. THE address of Hon. W. A. Northcott, at the Republican Rally, at Riverside Hall, on Wednesday afternoon last, was one of the best of the campaign. Being in the afternoon and a busy time with the farmers, it was not as well attended aslt dtherwise would have been, butT nevertheless the hall was comfortably well filled by an intelligent and appre­ ciative audience. As we said before the speech was one of the best of the cam­ paign and one that could truthfully be called a vote getter. It was clear, plain, forcible and truthful, and while his crit­ icism of the popocrats was keen and cut­ ting it was at the same time gentlemanly and courteous. He is indeed an able and powerful speaker. The McHenry Quartette was present and rendered some of their choicest songs. Children Should Sleep in Dark Booms Children should be accustomed as soon as possible to sleep in a dark room. Unless they have learned to be afraid of it the darkness is soothing to the nerves, and the rest is more profound and. re­ freshing than when there is the uncon­ scious stimulation of light. It is partic­ ularly desirable for children of a nervous temperament that light should be ex­ cluded, yet it is most often that the ne.EF.aus-. sensitive child is one - whose imagination has been filled with fears of the shapes the dark may hide -- November Ladies' Home Journal. IF our readers find the local page this week rather meager they will bear with us. Politics has been our regular diet, for the past week and therefore little else has been looked after. Now that the battle is over and the victory won, as soon as the coroner does his duty and the remains of the defunct Popocrats are shipped to their final resting pln^e up Salt River, we shall resume the even tenor of our way and attend more strictly to local matters. WE inadvertently omitted to notice last week the Recital by Miss Browne and her pupils., which took place at fhe City Hall on Friday evening, Oct. 24th. The programme was a fine musical treat and proved her to be an excellent teacher and her scholars apt pupils. The Piano Solos by Mrs. Browne, her mother, a lady 70 years of age, were pronounced by good musicians to be the finest ever heard in this section. Alto gether the Recital was a grand success. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the P. O. at McHenry, 111., on the 1st day of November, 1896: Julius Munson, Wm. Hoyerman, Miss Belle Nelthorp, John Reid, Gus Reiser, I. K. Welcher, Miss B. Kohler, Miss Luella Lawr'ce Frank Hopkins, Joe Garlagher, Peter Golick, W. W. Dilingham, Mrs. Clark, J, W. Biever, Mrs. G. A. Clark. Please say advertised when calling for above letters. ALBERT SNOW, Post Master, This is Worth Reading. To advertise our college we will give a thorough course of instruction in double and singfe entry Bookkeeping and Com mercial Arithmetic by mail, free of charge to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed in forty lessons. No charge for Diplomas. Address: The American Business College, Omaha, Neb Farm for Rent. The old John Freund Farm is for rent. For more information apply to John Huemann, Johnsburgb, 111. It Will I Interest You. The Anniversary Sale at Theo. F. Swan's Great Department Store, Elgin, during the week commencing NTov. 9th. Rare values in every department. ©"On the Elgin Board of Trade Mon­ day the market opened with a large at­ tendance aud liberal offerings. Bids of 18%c were quickly accepted. Buyers and sellers were both conservative. Sales were made at 18%c, with several lots un­ sold on bids Of 18c. RINGWOOD The fading year has wrapt the earth In Autumn's gown, In nature's robes of sombre hue, - The gold and brown. The wiud is sighing and the year is dying, While the leaves come Drifting Gently Down. Dance Friday night. Mrs. F. E. Fay and Mrs. W. Dodge are on the sick list. \ R. Lawson was a Chicago visitor Sat­ urday. . N. D. Stevens is moving into his new house. . . ,x'. Miss Mattie Dwelly visited friends in Elgin last week. > Our " little bo^s " celebrated . Hallow­ e'en by removing gates. Charles Shales took a trip to Chicago the first of the week. ' f H. C. Allen transacted business in Chi­ cago last Thursday. 1" • Rev. Van Hqrne conducted meetings in the M. E. Church last Snnday. Richard Carr and sister, of Greenwood, called on friends the first of the week. W. McCannon and wife, and Miss F. Inga'.ls, visited friends south of McHenry, Sunday. Flag day was observed in Rmgwood, almost every residence having at least one flag thrown to the breeze. On account of the storm last Friday evening, the masquerade, which was to be held at B. Lawson's, was postponed till Nov. 13. BORN--To C. E. Fay and wife, a son, Oct 29. To C. N. Thompon and wife, a daughter, Nov. 2. There came into port the other day, The queerest little craft, Without a stitch of rigging on, I looked and looked and laughed. It seemed so strange that she should come. Across the stormy water And anchor there, right in my room, My daughter, oh, my daughter. A REQUEST.--When you attend church please remember that most people go to hear the sermon and do 8ot wish to be disturbed by a silly hoy or girl. A young man or lady that hasn't common Jecency enough about them to behave *n such a p4ac^, would please the audience far more if they had never shown their "smiling faces." WOODSTOCK. v County court was in session Monday. Next horse sale Wednesday, Nov. 11th. Some of the farmers haye completed their corn husking. October closejkwith a cold, drizzling rain on FridayTfollowed by a cold wave. Halloween passed off quietly in this city although the small boy had the usual amount of sport. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.Stafford in this city was gladdened on Sunday by the arrival of a bouncing boy. Flag Day, Saturday, Oct. 31, was fit­ tingly observed in this city. Every busi­ ness house and many residences were beautifully decorated. The Fox and Rock River District revi­ val meeting of the Free Methodist church was held in this city beginning Thursday and continuing over Sunday. The funeral of Collins Clark was held from his late residence Friday morning, and the remains were taken to Franklin- ville for interment. ( A large delegation of our Republicans accompanied by the Oliver Typewriter Band, went to Harvard on Friday even­ ing to attend the rally and to hear ex- Governor Fifer speak. Judge Gilmore closed the campaign in this city with an address in favor of sound money in the City Hall on Mori day evening. He was greeted by a large audience who very much enjoyed his remarks. The funeral of Henry Dellenbach;' who committee suicide at his home in Seneca on Thursday, was held from the German church, in this city, on Saturday, Rev. Benzing officiating, and the remains laid at rest in Oakland cemetery. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. Some Reading that will prove Interest­ ing to Young Mothers. How to guard against the Disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the cause, first symptoms and treatment is the ob­ ject of this item. The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are sub­ ject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symp­ tom is hoarseness. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which is eas­ ily recognized and wilt never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to a ct is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy if freely given all tendency to croup will soon "dis­ appear. Even after 'the eroupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by J. A. Story. n COOK STOVE FOR SALE. A second hand Cook Stove, No. 9, with reservoir. Will be sold cheap if taken soon. Inquire at this office. . Place your Insurance with S. Stoffel. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. Reduced prices on all Summer Goods. at S. .Stoffei's. Tetter, eczema, and all similar skin troubles are cured by the use of DeWitt's Witc^ Hazel Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never fails to cure piles. J. A. Story. One of the largest and best assort­ ments of Cloaks and Capes ever in town at Owen & Chapell's. Election day. Evanson's: Special sale day at Latest styles in (Japes and Cloaks at Owen & Chapell's. Bargains in every department at the Farmers Store, A. T. Baer, proprietor. Good advice: Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy. For sale by J. A. Story. Call and see the new noiseless Wheeler & Wilsou Sewing Machines at Heman & Schneider. If you wish to receive one of the prizes next Christmas, trade with Heman & Schneider and get your coupons. Election day. Evanson's. Special sale day at Now is yaiw^time to secure a practical course ofinstruction in Bookkeeping and businesgfeethods at home free of charge. Read the announcer^ent of the American Business College, Omaha,^feb. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion; on the Peter Wagner farm, on the McHenry and Volo road, one mile west of Volo, on Thursday, Nov. 12, 1896, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. the fol­ lowing property: 7 choice cows, new iirriilch and springers, 1 two-year-old heifer, 1 yearling heifer, 10 tons tame hay, 1 seeder, 1 plow,l cultivator, 1 hay rake, 1 Champion mower. 1 cutter, 2 sows with pigs, 5 shoats 2 months old, 22 spring pigs, 600 bushels corn in crib, and a lot of farming tools not enum­ e r a t e d . . - - • • • FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS.--Sums of F 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year On approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for caph. FRANK WAGNER. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. If you wish to be enrolled as a free stu­ dent in the Mail Department of tjhe Amer­ ican Business College, Omaha, Neb., send in your application at once. The offef will be open for a limited time only. Millinery! Mrs. M. A. dearies is now prepared to show you all the latest styles in Winter Fashions. Triihmed Hats a specialty. We do as we advertise. A' 'complete course of lessons in Bookkeeping and business methods by mail free of tuition. The American Business feollege, Omaha, •Neb.. __________ r Before buying be sure and see the new noiseless Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Ma­ chine at Heman & Schneider. * N U N D A . Election bulletins will be received at Crystal Lake on Tuesday night, after election- F. R. Jackman, of Woodstock, was in -Nunda Tuesday. Very tew Nundaites went to Elgin to aee Mr. Bryan Tuesday. Mrs. W. P. St. Slair was a Chicago vis­ itor Saturday. The insult, and assault made upon two prominent men of this country, at Paris and Fayette, Mo., last Friday, by an anarchist mob, reminds one of what might be expected if that element was in power in this country. Every business, house in Nunda and many residence were decorated with flags and bunting Saturday. Wm. Hill went to Chicago Friday on business. C. P. Barnes, of Woodstock, was a Nunda visitor Monday. •Tud Thompson has been selling a car of apples the past week, at this station. As fine a lot as was ever brought her, at $1.75 per barrel. G R E E N W O O D . Our sick are all reported better. Mrs. Geo. Garrison visited her son and daughter, at Dundee, the past week. School in the lower room commenced Monday morning. A. Hay ward and a lad.v friend came over from Woodstock and attended ser­ vices at the Baptist church on Sunday evening. One would think from the condition of things Sunday morning that our boys had lots of fun Saturday night. Messrs. Barber, Marble, Adarris, Hart- well, Moore, Dassow and Robbins went to Richmond Saturday night to hear Congressman Hopkins. Mrs. Chas. Bacon and Miss Mattie Dwelly, of Ringwood, were visiting friends in Greenwood last week. -- Lee Andrus, wife and ehildren visited in Richmond Saturday aud Sunday. The revival services, held in the M. E church the past week, were the result of muchgood. See the new fall and winter Capes ari(| Jackets direct from the well known house of Jos. Beifeld & Co., at Stoffei's. All the latest styles in Hats and Cape, v at the Farmers Store, West McHenry. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Cape. Mittens, etc. at Stoffei's. Call at Owen & Chapell's and see the new line of CapesV Have your clothes cleaned and dyed. Must come Saturday or Monday. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside House. lotf The latest styles in Capes and Cloaks at Owen & Chapell's. Call and examine the large line of new books just purchased by Julia A. Story. Second hand Cook and Heating Stoves cheap. E. LAWLUS. The wife of Leonard Wells, East Brim- field, Mass., had been suffering from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Hoi den the merchant there sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he was told that she was all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the b ottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 if it could not be had for less. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. Real fstate. I have three fine,Residence and several choice Buildiug Lots in town for sale at very reasonable rates.. Terms to suit purchasers. All centrally located. Call at Bank of McHenry. 13tf 0. N. OWEN. If your children are subject to croup watch for the first symptom of the dis­ ease -- hoarseness. If Chamberlajn's Cough Remedy is gi ven as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack. Even after the croupy cough has appeared the attack can always be prevented by giving this remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough. For sale by J. A. Story. MILLINERY. Mrs. J. H. Spaulding & Daughter have received their stock of Fall and Winter Millinery, this week, which we wish to invite the ladies of McHenry and vicinity to call and examine before purchasing. We will also receive fresh supplies of woods every week during the season and will thus be able to furnish you with late styles and at very reasonable prices. Respectfully, MRS. J. H. SPAULDING & DAUGHTER. On the West Side, opposite the Parker House Lot. ; . 14w6 CALIFORNIA ! If you are going there By all means inquire about the Burling­ ton Route Personally Conducted Excur­ sions to San Francisco and Los Angeles, which leave Obicago every Wednesday with a Pullman Palace Tourist Car through to destination. The route is via Denver, the Denver & Rio Grande K'y (Scenic Line) and Salt Lake City. The cars are fitted with carpets, upholstered seats, mattresses, pillows, blankets, bed linen, berth curtains, toilet rooms, heat and light, and, in fact, all the convenien­ ces of a standard Pullmrn Palace car; they lack only some of the expensive finish of the Pullmans run on the limited express trains, while the cost per berth is only about one-third- (%) of the price. Write for full particulars to T, A. GRADY, Exursion Manager, C. B. & Q. R. R., 211 Clark street, Chicago. 10 I have made a specialty of the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage cases against " RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. ~C. P. BARNES. ATTORNEY. Woodstock 111. New fur and-cloth Overcoats, in all sizes at S. Stoffei's. ' V Call and see the; new line of Fall and Winter Dress Goods at Owen & Chapell's. All desired sizes and kinds of Candee Rubber Gooacs at S. Stoffei's. , Fargo's and Douglas' fully warranted Boots and Shoes at S; Stoffei's. Just received, one car fancy Flour to be sold at low prices at S, Stoffei's. Try a sack of the celebrated Marvel Flour, for sale by Owen & Chapell. # Buy only the famous Fancy Flour at S. Stoffei's. See the new line of fall Hats at Owen & Chapell's. Fall and winter Dress Goods in the newest styles at S. Stoffei's. Wall paper, oil cloth, etc. at Stoffei's. The largest line of Shoes in the latest styles at Owen & Chapell's. Our new stock of cloaks, capes and jackets will arrive soon. S. STOFFEL. New clothing to suit hard times and close buyers at S. Stoffei's. Try the Lucky Leaf Tea, 25 cents per pound at Owen & Chapell's. Fall styles Hats and caps just received at S. Stoffei's. All our Fargo Boots and Shoes will be sold regardless of cost on account of fac­ tory failing. S. STOFFEL, A fine large line of the famous United Brand fancy Shirts at S. Stoffei's. Fall stock of Badger State Overalls, Jackets, Shirts and Pants at Stoffei's. }all and see the fancy line of Dress Shirts and Ties at Owen & Chapell's., One car of the famous "Fancy" Flour just received at S. Stoffei's. Call and see the new line of Fall and W inter Dress Goods at O wen & Chapell's, Don't fail to call and see thenew spring styles of Hats and Caps at the Faririers Store, West McHenry. ______ A. P. BAER. Speed and safety are the watchwords of the age; One Minute Cough Cure acts speedily, safely and never fails. Asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds are cured by it. J. A. Story. NOTICE! All persons indebted to the firm of Perry & Owen are'requesteid to call and settle at once. We desire to have all ac­ counts closed without delay. PERRY Sr. OWEN, Just received, another car of Sleepy Eye Flour. It costs nothing to try a sack. _______ Besley's Reliable Heave Powder. The best remedy of the kind now on the mar­ ket. Try a package.-^-. Many lives of usefulness haye been cut short by neglect to break up an ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption can be averted by the prompt use of One Minute Cough Cure. J. A. Story. _____ Call at the Farmers Store and see the fresh arrivals of Fall and Winter Goods. Prices to suit the tiitaes. A. P. BAER. Many political speakers, clergymen, singers and Others who use the voice ex­ cessively, rely upon One Minute Cough Cure to prevent huskinessaud laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is only equaled by it power to afford instantaneous re­ lief. J. A. Story. Try a sack of the celebrated Sleepy Eye Flour, at thei Farmers Store, West McHenry. . Call and see the new line of Fa3l and Winter Dress Goods at Owen & ChapieU's. New stock of fall and winter Dutchess Trousers, from $1.50,to $4,5.0 just re­ ceived at S. Stoffel's,1 ' '• v ' v^ r ; . . • <"- v ' • Besley's Sarsaparilla Compound. The great Blood purifier. Try a bottle. A hacking cough is not only annoying _ , to others, but is dangerous to the persoa who has it.' One. Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to st. J. A. Story. Dr. Humphreys' Specific "77" used in September, October and November, will keep you free from colds all winter long. Pfice, 25 cents. At all drug stores. They are so little you hardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping yet they act quickly and most thorough­ ly. Such are the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Small in size, great in results. J. A. Story. PERSONAL. Free--64 page medical reference book to any person afflicted with any special, chronic or delicate disease peculiar to their sex. Address th,e leading physi­ cians and surgeons of 'the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co., 70 Dearborn street Chicago. - THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made oy judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stockB. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near'Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) IT IS A CURSE. Constipation is a :urse, and afflicts too great a proportion of the American people. It robs men of their energy, women of their beauty, children of their life ana playfulness. Do you want re­ lief? Then try Dr. Caldwell's Syrnp Pep­ sin--as-pleasant to take as pure maple syrup and pleasing in its action. 10 doses 10c, (large sizes 50c and $1) of J. A. Story. A PROMINENT LAWYER, Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa­ tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf­ fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. Remember that Heman & Schneider will giye four prizes amounting tp $100 to the persons holding the most coupon on December next. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? bring you wealth. CO., Patent Attor t your Write JOHN WEDDEBBunn o. v/v., *»»£»- neys, Washington, D C., for their #1.800 prlee offer and list of twp hundred Inventions wanted. See the new Douglas Snoes at Stoffei's. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve in an anti­ septic, soothing and healing application for burns, scalds, cut?,' bruises, etc., and cures. piles like magic. It instantly stops pain. J. A. Story Chronic constipation is a painful, disa­ greeable and life-shortening difficulty. It deranges the system, causes sick head­ ache, bad breath and poisons the blood. It can be readily overcome by DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These little pills are great regulators. J. A. Story. WAR Waged upon the lesser ills. We have often prevented greater troubles. As a weapon against Constipation, Indiges­ tion and Sick-headache. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin leads in importance. 10 doses 10 cents. Regular sizes 50c and §1. Of J. A. Story. ' A WORD IN YOUR EAR. The secret of good health is found in the perfect action of the stomach and di gestive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a perfect condition and good health results. Try it. Sold in 10c (10 doses 10c) 50c and $ 1 sizes. Of J. A. Story. » C. F. BOLEY, Purielor of McHenry Brewery, MCHENRY, ILL. Alway8 on Hand with the " Best Beer. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, •OR; HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. 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