THE PEOPLE'S, CHOICE VANSON'S (i OWEN |& WEDNESDAY, NOV. .11, 1896 NOVEMBER REDUCTIO N SALE Begins Monday Morning, Nov. 16. (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) HON, WM; E. MASON DKESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, SHAWLS. 10 yards Gingham 39c. 10 yards blue Prints 39c. Men's heavy gray wool Shaker Socks 19c. ^ (Ladies' warm lined Or Dongola pat. tip shoes, $1.18. Ladies' fleece lined Underwear 35c per suit, vest and pants. 50 doz. pairs gloves and mitts, at cost of the skin. £00 pairs gray or white Blankets, 47c per pair. Good Rio Coffee, roasted 6r ground,'15c per lb. 1 can Salmon 5c. 3 lb pail of Lard,25c. 10 bars. Soap 25c. In fact the entire stock must be converted into cash at once to make room for Holiday goods soon to arrive, and close eash buyers are especially invited to attend this sale. . --OF CHICAGO,-- Candidate for U. S. Senator. If there is any man in the State of Illi nois who is entitled to recognition by the Republican Party, for services ren dered, that man is William E. Mason, of Chicago. In every campaign he is found upon the stump, early and late, doinc yeoman's service in the Republican cause. We venture to say that, in the late campaign ho man has done inore or better work for. ttte' entire Republican ticket, than has Mr. Mason, and it is but justice that he should receive the unani mous Republican vote for the office of United States Senator, at the coming session o? our'State Legislature. He is able, efficient, honest, and the peer of any man in the State, and if faithful and unselfish work in the cause is to be re warded, Hon. Will. E. Mason should be unanimously elected to the high office to which he aspires. The weather makes you think of buying your winter goods, and we want to sell them to you. We have a select stock in every de partment, especially in Overcoats, Clothing and Jackets, and we have marked them at a price that will move them at once. Clothing was never known to be as cheap. HUMPHREYS No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 '• " infants' Diseases. No;' 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. ; No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia^ „v; " , No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No, 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. . - - No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for $1. DB. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St.,N. Y. .'s Suits, from $5.00 to $12 a year or two ago would have cost from $8 to $20 per suit Boys' Suits, from $1.25 per suit up, Men's Overcoats, from $2 to $12.50. Men's Ulsters, $6, $8, $8 50, $10 Governor-Elects C A FT. JO H No R. TANNER Elected by the largest majority ever given a Governor in the State" of Illinois. JglP' Also a full line of Children's Overcoats, with or without Capes. , Major McKinley carried his ward, ,city and county. All are usually Demo cratic. > The young man Hoover, whom the Popocrats reported " Mr, Hopkins was afraid to meet," resides at Aurora. His strange delusion is explained by people there by the fact he recently came there from Colorado. Ladies' and Children's JACKETS, iHE RESULT Oar Standard Bearer, +he Hon. Wm. McKinley, was elected by the largest popular vote ever given a President. The extreme West joins the Republican ranks and the solid South is broken. Altgeld is rebuked in Illinois^ and his career of anarchy and misrule is at an end in this state. Both houses of Con gress will be Republican by safe majori ties. This is the grand result briefiy summed up. In all the popular styles and colors, very cheap Watch Next this Space Week for {grin setting apart Thursday, Nov, 26, as a day of National Thanksgiving Grover Cleveland feelingly, indeed from the very bottom of his heart, takes oc casion to thank and congratulate the country on the result of the election. He says: "The people of the United States should never be unmindful of the gratitude they owe the God of nations -for his watchful care which has shielded them from disaster and pointed out to them the way of peace and happiness. 'Nor should they ever refuse to acknowl edge with contrite hearts their proneness to turn away from God's teaching and to follow with sinful pride after their own devices. To the end that these thoughts may be quickened it is fitting that on a day especially appointed we should join together in approaching the throne of grace with praise and supplication." The main object of this advertisement is to warn you against the many imitations that are now on the market of the 'SNAG PROOF" RUBBER BOOTS AND OVERS, Almost every Rubber Co. is making an imitation of the Snag Proof Rubber Footwear. The only genuine Snag goods are manu factured by the Lambertville Rubber Co., of Lambertville, N. J., and all others are imitations: The Lambertville Rubber Co. have the words " Snag Proof " copyrighted, therefore, the other man ufacturers cannot use these words, but put their goods on the market undernames very similar, such as 'Non-Snag,' 4No Snag,' 'Can't Snag,' and many others. T'ue"very fact that all other Rubber Cos. are imitating the "Snag Proof" goods is evidence enough that they are the very best. The "Snag Proof " goods have worked up a reputation in this locality far beyond all our expectations, and we want to warn vou to be sure and get the genuine article. Take no other than the "Snag proot," manufactured by the Lambertville Rubber Co. of Lambertville, N.J. You will see their stamD on the heels of every pair. Remember we are sole agents for this vicinity, and you cannot buy them anywhere else in this town. When you want Felt or Knit Boots 3onrt buy until you have seen ours. We have something entirely new. & McHENSY COUNTY OFFICIAL, McKinley Brj Riley 168 Marengo ...546 1 Dunham 157 Chemung 669 1 Seneca 210 Coral 212 Dorr _ 591 ; i Richmond 301 Alden 170 Hartland 80 1 Grafton 192 ] Greenwood 160 ......... "Hebron 321 , Burton 56 McHenry 331 ' Nunda 351 1 Algonquin 530 j * i&pr Made from Tr the best and purest VEGETABLE OILS N. J. JITSTEN SAVE TIME AND LABOR. J Costs no more than other soaps, but goes twice as far. ^ A trial will convince you of its great ^ merit. Will please the most fastidious. ^ Woolen goods are left soft and iike new. Linen goods white as snow when washed with 4 We^alsoT^kT^URE'^W^^OAP^and 3 UNCLE TOM'S WONDERFUL TAR SOAP. For sale by leading grocers. • • Manufactured by - • g M, ZWICKY'S SONS, 5 c/ Depew on the Political Situation, Chauncey M. Depew has commented on the Republican victory as follows: "The country has gone overwhelming ly Republican and talk of free silver will soon disappear. The result of«the election has disproved the emphatic statement so often made by the Euro pean public that it is impossible to sub mit a complicated financial question to the popular vote and secure a verdic in favor of sound, economic reasoning. The result proves morever. and to me this-is the most important feature in our vic tory, that the American people are honest. It is a great thing for a people so diverse and so numerous as ours to be universally honest, and the election has fully demonstrated that the people ol this country held the national honor as dear as their individual repute. I foresee in the immediate future the disappear ance of the silver question from our politics." West McHenry, Nov. 10th, 1896 OWEN & CHAPELL Total .1910 McHenry, 1896 HON. A. J. HOPKINS. Our present able end efficient Congress man was re-elected Nov. 3 by the largest majority ever given in the District. ,We have not seen the official figures but his majority will be over 20,000. JajJULIA A. STORY, (©"On the Elgin Board of Trade, Mon day. Butter offerings at the opening were small, but later increased. The first bids at 18%c were soon raised to 19c. Several lots sold early in the session at 18%c. Later bidding was more general at 19e. Heavy 6ales at 19e were made. i What is the True and Logical Reason You will never find it by reading McKinley and Bryan booms. Experience proves that the great r«diatiugp sur face, combined with sufficient ornamentation, and weight enough to irsure strength and durability, and at a price to bring it within the reach ot all, is the TRUE RATIO lor a successful Heating Stove. A Word of Fifty-Three Letters. We think we have some pretty long words in the English language, but they are nothing compared with certain Ger man words. . CONSTANTLY OK HAND. Fjttt.I. LIME OF It is not too much to say that ovtr a million Democratic were castfo McKinley and that they saved his election. The great Democratic strongholds like New York City, Boston aud Baltimore the states of Maryland, Delaware, Ken tucky,- Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, where the battle was fought, all show that the sound money democracy voted almott unanimously for the Republican ticket, while the defections from the Re publican vote are most apparent in the rural districts. Fortunately for the country the Republican desertions did not equal in nnmber the new allies gain ed, though it was upon those Republican deserters that Bryan most confidently counted. For so magnificent a display of pa triotism the gold standard Democracy deserve the plaudits of their countrymen. It was an exception of civic virtue that will long be remembered in the annals of the republic.--Times-HeraJd. Not long ago a little electrical device was invented and given the name " auto- m atischespiegeglassplatten blit zsc huz vo- rrichtung." This long word requires thirteen Eng lish words for its translation. It means an "apparatusforprotectionagainstligh- tningconsistingofplatesofmirrorglassact- ingautomactically." Did you evei hear of a longer word. PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Represents the true and logical ratio in the stove line. 1 have a larger assortment of these wonderful stoves than ever before, aud respectfully ask you to call and see them. It is no trouble to show them, they speak tor themselves. Now if you are contemplating the purchase of a Cook Stove, Rtngo or Heater, don't throw away your money by buying an inferior stove. The matter of expense is a big item now to all, and 1 can save vou dollars on a stove deal. Respectfully Yours, NY SIUM rrBsunpLionsj Carefully compounded by a Your Patronige Is respectfully solicited mm • -JULIA A. STORY One Door West of Awersile House, McHenry, 111 Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds and burns are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the article most used lor piles, and it always cures them. J. A. Story. F. L. MCOMBER West S>de Hardware Store, DOUBLE ACTING FORCE PUMP. Constructed on the «' GET THERE" principle. ,The Latest, Best and Handsomest FORCE PUMP made. ,, „ Ask your deafer for it. MFG. BY MOLINE PUMP CO., Moline, Ills. ° McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer. NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! WHAT? i Watch and Jewelry Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First Olass SMOKERS I When in Want of a Gooi Ciar! AND Restaurant. DR FRllTH'S n c x t v i 8 l t . Saturday, un.rnuino Kov. 14. Woodstock H use, 10 to 2. CALL AT fi&RBIAN BROS ^ Cigar and Where he will at all time* keep the bast brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABST'S Uhravku Lager Ben THE OLD RELIABLE OF ALL. KINDS, j From now "ntil further notice we will gfive you the following LOW PRICES and warrant everything jfirst class. Main Springs, the best, warranted, and put in while you wait, 50 cents. Cleaning all kinds of watches, 50 cents. ! ' . . Watch Crystals 10 cents each; when in connection with other^ work, free. All ordinary Balance Staffs, complete, §1. No charge for clean ing at same time. Eight-Pay Clocks, $2.75. Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. At Wholesale and Retail Beer lii Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail ty considered. Ordsrs by mall promptly attended to. •WCall and see us. Robert Schiessle. West McHenry, 111., May, 1R96. JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant -- Wanted--An Idea Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO . Patent Attor neys, Washington, D. p., for their $1,800 prise offer and list of, two hundred Inventions wanted.® Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week a* Reasonable rates, A NICE LINK OF ROW BOATS AT MT LANDING, for rent by the hour or day, at reasonable rates. Pure Wines, Liquors and Choicc Cigars *- always on hand. •^-FreshLfcger Beer ootantly on draushi Good Stabling for Horses. * We also have a large and well selected stocb.of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. Silver atid Plated ware, to which we invite your atten tion. confident we can save you money. Conie and see us. |5GR°Before buyiug bo sure and «ee the NEWNOISELESS WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, at our store. ° A HERMAN & SCHNEIDER. McHenry, July 14, 1896. S nuuw uoxn or noting, miame.AfreV T4t , The awful effects of earlv indiKcretionft, \Z B xreei akness, NKRVOUS DEBILITY, night em- Do tn apTid foi* A frop RATTITIP sting drain#, pimples, toaRhfnlneSw, lot* u%3 , r ^ J5»™pe weakness of both body and brain. copy oi the Weekly Globe* box 540, Den- E anda cured ver, ColoradoJ an illustrated home and OsFRU% ' family paper, devoted to temperaoee, pure western stories, mining news, etc. 1033 Maionic Temple. Chicago^ Fifty cents per year. Send to-day.