Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1896, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe. = M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1896.. A. C. SPURLINC, Veterinary - Surgeon, v West MeHenry,Ill. ' The White Trout Legehd. In county Tipperary, Ireland, there is a holy well in which swims a white trout with a red spot on its side. Lady Wilde, mother of the poet, tells the fol­ lowing legend of how this strange fish originated: When Cromwell's army was passing through Ireland, it bivouacked in the neighborhood of this well. A sol­ dier, hearing of the splendid white trout in it, swore he would have it for his next meal. With a scoop net he managed to capture the fish, and when he reached home laid it in the frying pan. Immediately it leaped out on the floor. Several times this was repeated. Finally the soldier put the lid on the pan and a great stone upon it to hold it down. When he thought the fish cook­ ed, ho transferred it to a plate. The moment, however, he stuck his fork in­ to it there was a great shriek, the trout leaped, to the floor, and there instead of a fish lay a beautiful young girl with blood streaming from her side where the fork had entered. The girl reproach­ ed the soldier with his cruelty and com­ manded him to put her in the well, where she was obliged to stay until the last day under the spell of enchantment. This the soldier did, and the enchanted one is still there, in the form of a white trout, with a blood red mark upon its side. The legend does not tell what be­ came of the soldier. Wanted Too Much For Earth. The janitor had conducted her through the building, and she seemed not altogether displeased with some of the apartments. "I hope," she- said, "that none of the people here keep dogs." ' 'Some of them do," replied the truth­ ful employee. "Are there any children?" "There ain't any use of insistin on folks bein born growed up." "The style of the decorations doesn't exactly please me." "They're all brand new, and I'm afraid the landlord wouldn't change 'em." "Does anybody in the building play the piano:" "No, ma'am. But two or three peo­ ple is learnin." "That's too bad. I dislike noises. It'f? a very nice place in many respects. But dogs bark, and children cry, and pianos- jangle, and I'm very particular about decorations." « "Well, ma'am, there's only one thing I can say."-- "What is it?" "You can't expect to rent heaven for $60 a month."--Washington Star. An Old Country Superstition, In some of the southern counties of England queer superstitions are current about eating blaokberries after Michael­ mas day. The country people say that on Michaelmas eve the old gentleman "plants his cloven foot" on all the blackberries as yet ungathered. After this date, Sept. 29, it is unlucky to pick or eat the fruit. The date upon which the devil "puts his foot down" against blackberry eat ing varies in* different districts. In some it is as late as Oct. 10, by which time one would naturally suppose there wore no blackberries left to stamp out. But the story of his prohibition is told in many places. Great misfortune,,sick­ ness or deatli "will surely follow disobe­ dience to his orders. But why his satanio majesty should concern himself so particularly, about blackberries, when so many greater mat­ ters might be said to claim his atten­ tion, none of the stories states. It may be that ho considers blackberries too healthy and wishes to limit the consump­ tion. Useful Member of a Family. The Portuguese say that no man can be a good husband who does not eat a good breakfast, which leads the Water- bury American to say this is a mean way of throwing upon the wife all the responsibility for the husband's good­ ness, for without, a good wife there can be no good breakfast for him to eat. That may be right in theory, but it is wrong in practice. Wo know a man who has cooked breakfast the greater part of the time for tho past 15 yews Jor his family. And we violate no con fidehce^'hen we say it is a good break­ fast too. Ho is a man who loves good living, and he knows how to prepare a meal with the best of women. Yet he is a workingmau who puts in from 10 to 15 hours a day of hard work and the kind of work that is exhausting.--An- sonia (Conn.) Sentinel. Her Application. The study of definitions presents many obstacles and difficulties to child­ ish minds. "Spell ferment and give its defini­ tion," requested the schoolteacher. "F-e-r-m-e-n-t, ferment, to work," responded a diminutive maiden. "Now place it in a sentenoe, so that I may be sure you understand its mean­ ing," said the teacher. "In summer I would rather play out of doors than ferment in the school- house," returned the small scholar with such doleful frankness and unconscious humor that the teacher found it hard to suppress a smile.--Youth's Companion. Wooden Spoons. In the district of Semenovsk, where wooden spoons chiefly come from, about 7,000 men make a living at the trade. The spoons are generally made from birchwoc*!, and a skillful workman can turn out several hundreds a day. No fewer than i2,000,000 spoons are man­ ufactured during the coursa of the jear, which are sold at 6 to 8 rubles (12, shil­ lings to 16 shillings)' per thousand. They find a ready market and pene­ trate as far as Persia, Khiva, Bokhara and Khokand. r* West McHsnry, Id, X-- HOLIDAY - GOODS! OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doora North of Perry & Owen's Stor*, «5T Office at Hanly's Livery Stable. West UcMenry, 111. ; West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES Come baforc the assortment is broken Ladies' Japan Silk Handkerchiefs, with initial, only ICe, Gents' Japan Silk, plain white, 19c; fancy border, 23c. L idies' linen Ba idkeichiefs, 2c up. l adies wool Fascinators, in pink, whit© and bl«ck* ' ; " . . ; ? v Fonner price, 98, Xmas price 89c, E, J. HANLY, Pfop'r. WEST McHENEY, ILL* First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished; at reasonable rales. Parties taken to and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains, . Our Rigs will be kept in first ciaes shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tome re at all times, Give us a call, E d . H A N L Y , West McHenry, III,, Aug. 15, 1894. Ice wool Fascinators, black former price $1 37, Xmas pri Great reduction in ladies' Hosie ry Gloves and Mitts prices on all kinds of Dry Goods for Xmas Lrade. ROSED&Lfi Floral Company McHENRY,\ ILL. O, T. E8HILSON, - MANAGER. Crockery and Fancy China For tho Holiday trade in endless variety. 4-piece China set, (But­ ter Dish, (./reamer, Spoon Holder, Sugar Bowl,) for 87c, worth $1.25. China Cupa and Saucers, Cuspidors, Celery Holders, Rose Bowls Salts and Peppers, Toothpick holders, Lamps of all kinds Glassware, and many articles too numerous to mention. BOOTS AN1> SHOE^, M. D Wells & Oo.'s Boots and Shoes are now on top. * hy? Because you can pet better value for the sime money than you can in any other poods. They fit perfect, wear good, audarejnst what jou need. A Fatal Omelet. Ignorance of cooking is not often the direct cause of a man's death, but such an instance is related by Miss Edith Lichel in a recent volume entitled, "The Story of Two Salons." In the time of the French revolution one M. Condorcet, upon whose head as an aris­ tocrat a price was set, sought refuge with a friend, M. Suard, who bade him return at nightfall, when means of es­ cape would be provided. • Unhappily Condorcet, being unable to exist without tobacco, went into a tavern to buy some. Still prostrate from fatigue, he thought he would take ad­ vantage of this opportunity to get some dinner and ordered an omelet. "How many eggs do you wish to be used?" inquired the landlord, who had been eying him suspiciously. The inno­ cent Condorcet was at his wits' end. He reflected on the size of the ordinary omelet. "Twelve," he boldly replied. His fate was sealed. None but an aristocrat could be so ignorant or so ex­ travagant. He was arrested and led away to prison, from which he never emerged. Entirely Different. "Is not my performance different from that of any other actor?" asked the inflated Thespian ajb the 6tage door of the Detroit Opera House. "It is indeed." T "Is not my conce/tion entirely origi­ nal and different frftm all others?" "No doubt aboujpat.". * " "Is not the reamng of the lines dif­ ferent from the reading of alleged ac­ tors?" "Unquestionably." "Are not my stage postures different from those of many who masquerade as actors?" "Of course." t "And my make up--it is different from tho inartistic make up of most Thespians?" v "Very different." "I have been told I resemble Edwin Booth"-- "Yes." " You have noticed? In what way do I resemble him, sir?" "You are so differen fc.' '--Detroit Free Press. All kinds of Cut Flowers, and Funeral i>e- signs to be had at all times at Reasonable Rates. Carnations in bud and other potted plants for sale. Orders taken now for bedding plants da- sired in the spring. Will have all kinds of plants for fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. • Address, ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, MCHENRY, III. BUSINESS CARDS, L. N. WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Office at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Office hours, 9 to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 v. M. Residence over Barbian Bros , McHenry. 111. We kre headquarters for Gro ceries because we handle them in large lots and have them tresh every few days. Have you tried a k^g ot "Bat r's Choice" Syrup? If not why not? We are selling it at $! per keg. None to equal it Pankako, the great;? health restorer, for pincake^. Golden har­ vest Breakfast Fjod, only 10c per package. O. H. FEGER8, M, D- •HrslOlAN AND SURGEON, Ills. Office ,at Residence. PEBRY Sc OWES, Banker*. JOS, L. ABT, M. D. QHYSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, L^Officein Hichois lllock, ovcriMaiiiCtefiier Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 This Bank t eceives deposits, buy 6 and sells Foreign and Domestic- Ex change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit iht public patronage. It takes a strange woman to IjMEMPafl misay that it came trom the Bakery when she uses'S!cepy:Eye Flour' as it makes better bread than bakera make. Every sack war- ranted, °*°SUEPYE<<£ Buy your Christmas f ?ards at the Farmers Store at half price. DR. BAECHLER, DENJIST, Plate Work, and everything per­ taining toDentisiry. Parties from a distance should drop a card a day or two before comiug. , Office. McHenry. On Heal Estate and other first c os» security. Special attention given t co lections, HVfeURAISrCJE DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door weet of A, P. Baer'e store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at­ tended to, ELGIN, ILL We have arranged to Provide the Universe with Uniform Size of Circns Sings. The one ring circus of our grandfath­ ers' day had a ring no larger than each of the three used by the big shows to­ day. Circus horses are trained to per­ form in a standard ring 42 feet in diam­ eter. In a larger or a smaller ring their pace becomes uneven, irregular and un­ reliable, and the riders in turning som­ ersaults are liable to miscalculate the curve and miss their footing. One of the "greatest shows on earth"--there are several--gave a series of perform­ ances in Madison Square Garden, New York. By mistake the rings were made 42 feet 6 inches in diameter. On the first performance three riders fell, and one was severely hurt. Before the sec­ ond performance the rings were reduced to the regular size.--Chicago Times. Herald. ' HOLIDAY GOODS! We are tie Aclnoilekei (hipators of Lowest Prices. There are about 1,000,000 Italians in the United States. One-third of them are sottled in the principal cities. Half of these are laborers. Fifty per cent are illiterate. They are hard and steady workers, very saving and anxious to im­ prove themselves. When they have no chance to work at their own trade, they will accept any other kind of Work and any wages. The Italians hate begging. Has any reader of this ever been stop­ ped by an Italian asking for a "nickel?" In the records of charitable institutions are very few Italian names.--Newark (N. J.) Luce Evaugelica. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent Jncludinjj Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHenby. III. CALL AT THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers, w. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public heal Estate and Insurance KUNDA, III* OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram? 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker stud Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an t Chronometers. aw A Full Assortment of Goods in his line; NOTICE All you men and boys that want to out SUITS. Don't Miss this Chance On any kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. pposlte Riverside Hoke], McHenry. McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer. The first submarine telegraph wire in this country was from Governors island to the Battery in New York, laid in 1842. • . •; Charles VH of France was the Vic­ torious. He won 47 battlea

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