Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1896, p. 4

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(F.B. BENNETT,' Solicitor, CHANCERY NOTICE. STATE OK ILLINOIS,L> «9 MCHENRY COUNTY, (B ' Circuit Court ot McHenry Oountr, January Term, A. ;I>., 1807. - C P. Barnes vs. the unknown hcira or de­ visees of Henry EDJek, deceased; the un known hoira or : devisees of Lucius val'ibs, deceased; the unknown" heire or devisees of In> Dickson, deceased; the unknown heirs or rfcvinees of P^ter H. Park, deceased; th« unknown heirs or devisees of Charlotte Park, deceased; anil the unknown heirs or devisees of Jerimia Edick, deceased, in Ohancerv. Affidavit that the above defendants are all unknown, and that their residence is un known, havirijr been filed in the office of thr Cierk of -said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the saM Unknown defendants, that the complainant filed his bill oi complaint in said < ourt on tbr Chancery side thereof on the 2Sth day of November, A. D., 1896, and that a summon* thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendants, returnable on the 11th day of January, A. D , 1897, as is by law required, > Saw, therefore, unless you, the said un­ known heirs or devisees ot Henry Edjck, de­ ceased; .the unknown heirs or devisees of Lucius H. Gibbs, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Ira Dickson, deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Peter G. Park, deceased; the unknown heirs or de viseosof Charlotte Park, deceased; and the unknown .heirs or devisees of Jeriroia Ediok. deceased, shall personally be and appear be tore the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on the flrst day of the next term thereof, to be hoiden at the Court Hbuse in theOity of Woodstock in said County, on the 11th day of January, A. D, 1897, and plead answer or demur to said complainant's bill ot complaint, the same and the matters' and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree en tered against you according. to the prayer of said bill.'", • .• - „ „ • • In testimony whereof I;have hereunto set my httnd and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office.Ua Woodstock, this 2$tl) aay of No vernber, A, D,,'189ii. • W. P. IVIORBE, Clerk. T. B. BENNETT, Complainant's Solicitor, Nov. 28th, A, D.,. 1890. ' 2Mw ^ W W ^1 WW % .t.w. AT THE EAST SIDE (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) Season Is almost at hand and almost every woman and child will want a new Wrap, Jacket or Dress. We have some good Bargains to off'^r in the latest ' ffEW STTfLES of ROCKERS* Suitable for Christmas Presents, Remember, I will meet all prices of my competitors on any and all goods in my line. I Will ^(bt be Undersold, : Call and see me before purchasing, • JACOB jusriaN. McHenry, III,, Dec., 1896. u JACKETS for Women and Children Also a large line of ready-made Flannelette Wrappers for women A good Dress Pattern makes a very acceptable Christmas Gift, and we offer special values in this1 line. Don't fail to call and examine them before purchasing. n Clothing and Overcoats v c, P. BARNES, Solicitor. Ciiaiicery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) 1 . Vss • " MCHENRY COUNTY,, ) Circuit Court of McHenry County, Jauuary Term, A, D. 1897. Julia E,.Harrison vs. Clara E. Spitzer, J. W. Spitzer, Roswell M. Spit/.er, Mis. M. Living­ ston, M. McKet>, Otto Kutzner, G. W. Sanders, Mrs. H, B, Jackson, A. It. Parkhurst, Miss Anna 'Venard, J. F. Tilander. and B. A. Wy- Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence of John W. Spitzerand Clara E. Spitzer. defendants a hove named, having been-filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said nonresident defendants, that the complain­ ant Hied her bill of complaint in sairt Court <>D the Chancery side thereof on the 30th day of November, A. D., l8bP, and that a summons thereupon issued oui. of said court against said defendants, returnable on the 11th day of Janutry, A. D., 1697, as is by law required Now, therefore, unless you, the said John W, Spitzer and Clara E. Spitzer shall person­ ally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day oi the next Term thereof, 10 be hoMen at the Court House in the city of Woodstock in 3a;d County, on the 11th day of January, A. D., 1897, and plead anBwer "or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taiton as confessed, and a de­ cree entered against you according to the praye rof said bill. In Testimony Whereof I have "hereunto set my hand aad allxed the seal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock this 30th day of No- veinbe, A. D., 18yC. W. P. MORSE. Clerk. -- C.-P. &ARNES, GompIaiiittht'B Solicitor. Nor. 30th A. D. 1896 SHIPPERS ATTENTION ! We have, without a doubt, the largest and best assortment in town. These goods are cheaper than ever before, and for from $6 to $10 we can sell you a Suit or Overcoat that will make you you wonder how they can be got up for that money. We will consider it a faver if you will call and examine them before buying as we know we can save you money. v We also have some great values in Underwear to offer. A sani­ tary, all wool garment, in natural color, for 60c, that ig worth 75c or more. Scotch mixed goods at 45c, sold everywhere for 50c to 60c each. Men's extra heavy all wool grey sanitary, 90c, formerly sold for $1. Men's extra heavy Royal Rib, in tan color, strictly all wool and fine, $1 each, formerly $1.25. Also white and grey Merino Shirts. ^=»^£aCHICAS0 COMMISSION HOUSES upon by numerous „ v v . To forward them your consignments of Poultry, Veal, Game, Butter & Eggs, For their Holiday Trade. They will throw all -kinds of inducements to get your goods. It is better to take no chances but ship direct to the old established firm J. A. McCUTCHEON & CO., 222 South Water St., Chicago. They will give you top prices and quick Returns'.1 Write to them for quotations. Reference: First National Bank, Chicago, 111. 21 fim THE McHENRY Don?t forget that we are agents for *' Snag Proof" Rubber goods, Washburne Crosby's Superlative Flour, Chase & Sanborn's cele­ brated Coffees, and Pingree & Smith's Shoes, all of which have a reputation second to none. In Groceries we always have a large and fresh stock. A good light Syrup, 25c per graL Corn Starch, 5c per pkg. Nice loose Muscatel Raisins. 5c per lb. Fine Muscatel Raisins, seeded, 1 lb pkgs, 15c per pkg. Lucky Leaf Tea, uucolored Japan, 25c per lb An elegant combination Coffee, 17c per lb. Best lVijxed Candy, for-Holidays, -12i per lb. And a great many other Bargains. , We want your trade, and remember we will not be undersold All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prides A FULL LINE OF FINISHED VT ORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and Amcî iegin Granite a Specialty McHENRY, ILL OWEN & CHAPELli McHenry, 1896 As the season is advancing I am Cutting Prices in Suits Pants and Overcoats. $20 Suits for $17. $5 Pants for $3.50. $22 Overcoats for $18. Strictly band-made, and workmanship guaranteed in every particular, as before. --MY STOCK OF-- Gents' Furnishing Goods Is complete, and my prices cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Heavy Camel-Hair UNDERWEAR from 50 cents upward. Dress Shirts 50 cents and up. Neckties, big assortment, 15c up. Everything elso in proportion. Has Again Opened Headquarters at GEORGE W. BESLEY'S, WEST McHENRY, ILL. In making our annual bow to the buying public we would inform them that we are better than ever prepared this season to meet their wants in IN EVEPY VARSETY. THE - FINEST - LINE - OF- LAMPS , It costs nothing to look at my goods. Gome and see me; I can save you dollars. looks for Young, Books for Old, Blocks, Etc. In short if you want a present for your wife, daughter, son or your beat girl, vou caunot fail of finding what you want ty calling at our Btore, Come and take your fir»t pick. Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry, N. B.--A full Assortment of Christmas Novelties. Goods superior to any that have ever been shown in McHenry in this line. Styles the very latest. West McHenry, Dec,, 1896 Santa Claus is making masterly efforts to pfcase the customers*. Visit the Store and be convinced. Wi-jterish merchandise is to the front, and this week's store news is bright with interest for every customer in the town and vicinity. Holiday influence has touched ever.y bit of stock in our store. An elegant display of usetul and appropriate Xtnaa gifts for economical cash buyers. A Great Reduction on Blankets, Shawls, warm lined Shoes, Gloves and Mitts, boys' Overcoats. Perhaps some of them may be needed for the Holidays? Great variety of men's Mufflers at correct prices. S % g r Made from J5 the best and purest R SME TIME HUMOR. \ | Costs no more than other soaps, j p but goes twice as far. A A trial will convince you of its great A M merit. Will please the most fastidious, A Woolen goods are left soft and like new. A m Linen goods white as snow A when washed with F We also make PURE WAX SOAP and M J UNCLE TOM'S WONDERFUL Zk A TAR SOAP. " a A For sale by leading grocers. K • • Manufactured by • • 5 Ml ZWICKY'S SONS, * jj SFTOragiD, lUu JOHN J. BTJCH, THE OPENING SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS begins Saturday, Dec. 19. Great efforts are being made to make this sale profitable for youv It will be an entire new, clean stock, and better value for 5c, 10c and 15c than you have ever seen before. HOLIDAY HOSIERY for the youngsters, ip wool and heavy- cotton, with fleece lining is you wish. Come to Santa Claus' headquarters. t Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, V NICE LINE OF ROW BOATS AT MY LANDING. for rent by the hour or day, at reasonable rates. Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Oigars always on hand •WFreshLairer Beer ootantly on dr&nght Good StablinR for Horses. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped bands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds and burns are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, It is at present the article njost used tor piles, and it alwajs cures them. J. A. Story. DOUBLE ACTING ! FORCE PUMP. ' Constructed on the •• GET THERE " # principle. The Latest, Best and Handsomest l I FORCE PUMP made. a ' Ask your dealer for it, '1 MOLDME PUMP CO., 4 Moline, Ills.

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