Pledged but to Truth ,<$o Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and nO Fear Shall Awe, M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1896, Due township officers... 728 95 Total on hand f 11819 15 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. H. GRACY, Chm. W. D. CORJTTJE, JOHN WELTZIEN, SAM'L E. CLARK. On motion of Sup. Beck the committee to settle with the treasurer was instruct ed to destroy the/vouchers for bills paid during the fiscal year. (Concluded next week.) 4. C. SPURLINC, Veterinary - Surgeon, Weyt McHenry, Jll. MAKES A SPECIALTY OF CASTRATION. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY r / T A N S L Y K E EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. West McHenry, III, OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen's Store, JHr Office at Hanly's Livery Stable. West McHenry, 111. A Be&l Bargain. *Dear," she said, and her sweetest and most engaging smile illumined her face, "if you had a handsome lap robe, could you use it?" "Certainly not," he replied. "You know very well that we haven't a vehi cle of any description;," "That's what I thought," she return* ed, "so I have packed it away. Later, When we are wealthy and keep horses, we can"-- - . - "Packed it away!" he exclaimed, in terrupting her. "Packed what away?" "Why, the lap robe," she answered sweetly. "But we haven't a lap robe," he pro tested. "Oh, yes, we have," she returned. "I happened to stumble into that de partment of one of the big stores today, and they had mbrked tbem down so low that I felt I ought to get one of them before the opportunity slipped away." "But we don't need"-- "Not now, but we may," she inter rupted. "It's just as well to get these things when they can be had at a bar gain, and this was a real bargain. You men are very thoughtless about such things. You would^-never have thought of buying this robe now. You wouldn't have the foresight, but would have waited Until you had a horse, and then, , very likely, you would have to pay a dollar more for it"--Mercantile Jour nal. Photography Beats the Fakirs. The Indian "mango" trick, in which a plant is' seen to grow up from the seed in a few minutes, has been'done in a new way by M. Michael Corday of the Ecole Polytechnique in France. M. Corday employs the well known cine matograph, or apparatus for producing "living phcftograph"--that is to say, photographic images endowed with movement and apparently with life. A rose plant is photographed at intervals during its growth until the flower buds and blooms. The photographs thus taken are combined by the cinemato graph and projected on a screen, so as to represent the development of the plant in a short time. The number,of photographs taken in six months should be equal to the number which the sen sitive band of the cinematograph will continue. Obviously the same plan will be able to show the changing aspects-of the country during the seasons in one progressive illusion, and we venture to suggest that it might be employed with advantage in illustrating various soien- tifio experiments and natural processes of an evolutionary or gradual sort- London Globe. West Side Livery,, FEED AND SALE STABLES E* J. HANLY, Prop'r. WEST McHENBY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates- Parties taken to and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first.class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our ens tomers at all times, Give us a call, E J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1894. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (in advance)-- -- <..$150 If Not Paid within Three Months. 2 00 Subscriptions received for three or six months in the same proportion. Floral Company McHENRY, ILL. C, T. ESKILSON, - MANAGER. All kinds of Cut Flowers, and Funeral De signs to be had at all times at Reasonable Rates. Carnations in bud and other potted plants for sale. Orders taken now for bedding plants de sired in the spring. Will have all kinds of plants for fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, MCHENRY, 111. BUSINESS CARDS L. N. WCOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Office at G W. Besley's Drug Store. Office hours, 9 to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 p. M. ReBidenoe over Barbian Bros , McHenry. 111. O. H. FEGER8, M. D (HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Ills. Office at Residence. JOS, L. ABT, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCOLIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 This Jtsank receives deposits, buy* and seUs Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a General Banking Busines* We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner anv upon terns entirely satisfactory to ow customers and respectfully solicit th- public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first c os- security. Special attention given t cc lections, INbUBANCE in first Class Companies at th Lowest Rites. Tours Re ipectfulli PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public It takes a straDga woman to '|||H say that it came from the Bakery "when 8he uses 'Sleepy-Eye Flour' aPUM ab it makes better bread than * bakers make. Every sack war- ranted* ^SIEEPY^ Buy your Christmas (lards at the Farmers Store at half price DR. BAECHLER, DENTIST, Plate Worn, and everything per taining toDentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a card .a day or two beiore coming. Office. McHenry. DR. A. F. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ASD8URGEON. Office in the Htroner building, one door we«t of A, P. Baec*s store, West McHenry,111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at tended to, O. B. HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offi-ie and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours 1 to 2 P. M. daily. cails promptly at tended to. Deserving poor treated tree oi charge at office, including medicine Monday and Friday. A Money Saver! * FOR YOU- CUS CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red Bridge, has now in stock the finest as sortment of Robes, Blankets and Whips To be found in McHenry County. I can sell you a I Blanket from 75c to $5 And guaranteed as represented. If you want to save money call and see me. Also a fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than'the same I goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON. McHenry, HI., Sept. 30, 1896. F. C. COLBY, D, D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock, 111. Special aten-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance, will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and 1'ublioSq are KNIGHT A BROWN, TTORNBYS AT, LAW. 100, Washington . Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, [GUNS EL LOR AT LAW. Suite 804--182 ' Clack St., Chicago. O. P. BARNES, 'TORNEY, Solicitor, andi Counselor, Collectlonsia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. HOLIDAY - GIFTS! JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker 4c Jeweler McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew-elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watches. Give me * Cal" JOHN JP- SMITH. W. A. CRISTY, Justice of the Peace. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. SMOKERS 1 When ii Want of a Good Citar! H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENBT. III. CALL AT Cigar and THE OLD RELIABLE Total DISBURSEMENTS. Twp officers State treas County orders Bounty orders Cir. court jurors County court jurors Coroner's jurors Iusane jurors C. E. Cook, cororer Court reporter Teachers' meeting Error poor bill (Hebron)..... Unknown heirs W. E. Wire, inst. fund Pub. del. tax list........ .... Witnesses Treasurer's salary Clerk salary «... Expense ........ On hand to balance Tobacco Dealers. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance NUNDA, lll< ,|25801 77 . 30084 37 • 18287 35 . 1734 62 . 1338 40 238 90 102 00 246 00 33678 60 00 25 00 41 80 . 3618 87 . 292 00 64 50 36 33 . 1500 00 . 200 00 15 00 . 1181915 Set of Fine Dishes New Parlor Stove OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. A. M. CHURCH, 9 • o Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an x Chronometers. A Fill Assortment of Goods in his line. NOTICE - A l l y o u m e n a n d b o y s t h a t want to Save from $2 to $5 on Pants Oi^^UITS. Don't Miss this Chance , ^ On any kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, £. LAWLUS. fposit* Riverside Hotel, McHenry. . McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer. DEPARTMENT ELGIA, ILL, GREAT