• -- ? ^ -- iditor A Goon RESOLUTION.--"I am deter, mined," says l>r, Rush, " that no man • mil rise, and say 'Dr. Rusk made me a drunka.d!If Dr. Rusk feared to meet a throng of liquor-drinking patients in the day of judgment what will be the condition of these doctors who prescribe spirituous liquors for almost any dis ease, or those nostrum makera^vvho sell thousanus of barrels of ardent spirits nnder the form of patent medieines; or of those religious editors whose papers advertise -these mixtures far and wideb and thus lure thousands of th% unwary to intemperance and perdition? INTEMPERANCE.--Intemperance steals upon man by degrees. Is there now a drunkard on the face of the earth who began to. drink intoxicating drinks with the intention of beiDg a drunkard? Evfery young man when he begins to drink means ̂ to drink moderately. He has no suspicion that he will ever become a drunkard. All drunkenness begins with temperate drinking. If you should say to a young man who was just begin ning his carreer of drinking, "'Sir, you may die a drunkard," he would resent it. "Do you think I need a guar dian? Do you think I don't know when I get enough?" He has no suspicion he will ever be a drunkard., And yet we ;|l . know that he is now taking the steps that every drunkard has taken, and which, if he had not taken, he would never have been a drunkard. Temperate drinking is the cause of all the drunken ness there is in the world. BE? ysa mUgmj FIPF| MCHENRY, ILL. # Has just received a new stock o: goods in his line, to which he invites the attention of the public VILL .BE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. Beginning January 2d ia©7, Remember, I will meet all prices of my competitors on any ' and all goods in my line. We propose making Our Store the leading trading place in McHenry county for 1897. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc, We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and sec me before purchasing, ' By aiming to please you, by selling the best of everything, by . making the lowest prices. These shall be our leading points for the coming year* ' "We shall offer remnants in every department at prices which cannot be duplicated. lUSf'IN WE HAVE A HEAVY STOCK'OP Overcoats,. Jackets, • -:- Underwear, (Blankets, Warm Foot Wear and Flannels, Whioli we will close out at K eduoed Prices for next SO days jWSffly '<m> mm ---- iftw inn NEW STOCK OF WALL PAPER & BORDERS. McHenry, III., Jan., 1897 Wanted-An Idea SSS Protect your ideas: ther may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO.. Patent Attor neys. Washington, D C„ for their #1.800 prize offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. Some of Our New Year Resolutions : To carry as complete a line of General Hardware, House-furnishing goods and Stoves, as can be found in the county. To have in their respective Reasons, a line of Bicycles, Guns, Fishing Tackle and general Sporting Goods. To offer to the public a line of Mixed Paints. Oils and Varnishes, that are of the best. To take the lead in Jobbing and Repairing in Tin, Copper, or any Sheet Metals. To start the yeiras we can finish it, by giving you at all times the Lowest Prices po&sible, and to continue to expect your trade, being thankful for small deals, and larger ones accordingly. We are ready for your New Year Call. Yours Respectfully, WE SHALL MAKE THIS A New Dress Goods Just received, in endless variety. All the latest Novelties with Trimmings to match. HUMPHREYS No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. & No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " w Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for $1. DA. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OP DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St., N. Y. G. H. FARGO & CO S SHOES prices, Of all the loose ends otstock preparatory to stock taking. Call in. At J. W. CRISTY & SON'S Ringwood, 111. P. L. MCQMBER A complete line of Groceries anc> Canned Goods always on hand Call, inspect our goods and learn prices before you buy. West Side Hardware Store. West MoHenrv, 111.. 1897 Administrator's Notice. IfTATE of Martin May, rlceeaserJ. ? J The undersigned liavng been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Martin May, defeased, late of the Oountv of McIIenry and State of Illinois herebv (rive* notice that he wilt appear before tho Com ty Court of MM'enry County, at th»s Coi'rt House in Woodstock, at the March term, on Ue flr=.t Monday in March next, at which time all pertons having claims against said estate are notified and reques-'ed to attend for the pur- pore of havinsr the same adjusted. All per- s^ns indei ted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, Dated this l»th day of D-cember, A D. 1896. 26W4 JOHN HKUMANN. Adminirt: ator Wall Paper NOTICE PAINT HOUSE! All you men and boys that want to Now is the time to select }.our Furniture DR.FRUTH'S next riett, Thursdays Jan. 21. Woodstock New Paper, just in. Prices Lower than ever. Try C ur "Floor Paints. Trjr Our Outside Colors, The Best in the Market. OILS, LEADS, BRUSHES, In fact everything in the paint or paper line cheaper than ever DEALER IN OBt SUITS. Don't Miss this Chance On any kind of goods sold in m> store, at Chicago's lowest prices, 4 E. LAW LOS. DDOStte RlvprsJdn Hot*], Mf-Honrv. TI • 8OTTSSI 'btS JRl UWCERTAKING I Near the Depot. We will sell Cheaper than ever before. We sell Bedroom Suits at $11 " Couches at $6. Plush Lounges at $4. Largest stock in the county, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FOLL LINB OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Carriage Paintingr, House Painting, Paper Hanging* And all kinds of work done in a first class paint shop, promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. All work warranted as represented. E. B. PEBKINS. McHenry, Oct. 5,1896. UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING We will give when in need m this line, 20 per cent off on all Cloth Goods. Embalming: Free of Charsre IIS1F3We will not be Undersold. Get prices elsewhere, and then come and get ours. Satisfaction guaranteed. nysiGians rrescripuons i^^ur&di<!.lby a Your Patronage Is respectfully aoliolted. .. --1 -- JULIA A. STORY One Door West of Rilerside Bouse, McHenry, 111 N. J. JUSTEN A. ENGELN S I Safoon West McHenry, Nov. 25th, 1897 **»/ Restaurant, MCHENBY, ILL. Wholesale and Retail Agent for SCULITZ SHIPPERS ATTENTION! West McHenry Owing to the continued mild weather in December we find we have too many warm goods left on our hands to carry over, hence we will make you prices in accordance on the following lines of ot goods, it you call, uutil sold; Overcoats, Heavy Suits, Fur Coats. Fur Robes» Plush Robes. Woolen Horse Blankets. Plush Caps, Woolen Underwear, Woolen Hosiery« Woolen Mittens* Duck Goats and Woolen Pants. Illinois, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE VINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, WOOLEN, RUBBER, and LEATHER FOOT-WEAR. We have an exceptionally large line of the very best as well as ihe cheaper lines of Foot-wear, and especially invite your attention our way when in want of anything in this line. Sure we can please you both in quality and price. , GROCERIES.--Our Grocery department is getting unusual at tention just now. If you have not tried our 40c Tea for SOc'it is time you did, it can not be beat. FLOUR --We expect a car of Flour in the last of the week and will name you prices that are right. Graham and Corn Meal, Pure Buckwheat Flour. $2,40 per 100. 32 lbs Rolled Oats, $1, THE McHENRY Also, Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To bacco always on hand. -- * Physicians' Prescriptions '.'arefu'ly compounded Give me call. • ANTONY ENGELN McHenry, 111., 1896. J. H. MILLER. Prop'r. A WORD IN YOUR EAR. The secret of good health is found in the perfect action of the stomach and di gestive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a perfect condition and good health results; Try it. Sold in 10c (10 doses 10c) 50o and $1 sizes. Of J. A. Story. I All kinds of Cemetery Work at Lo,v^riceS A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign anil American I M«UCIIDV II I Granite a Specialty* j WCHfcHlf T, ILL WEST MCHICNBY, III., 1897 West McHenry, J7n„ 1897,