Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1897, p. 8

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; • "• 7- •' 'v • .'vv- JACOB Articles and Notices under the above head ire fursUhcd by iho Ladies of the W, O, T. U mdthe editor claims no part or credit for the AT THE EAST SIDE A Preacher Made a Drunkard by* Cigar I knew a young clergyman whose ora­ tory obtained for him the admiration of , many influential person*, among whom was a gentleman of fortune who courted his company and taught him to smoke. The young minister was warned of his danger, but could not be persuaded to renounce what he considered a harmless indulgence, and claimed that his cigar soothed bis mind and composed his feelings. A friend, in reply, told him the mind sever wanted composing, when in health by artificial means, but when^diecorapos- ' ed by improper eaused, or the feelings soothed but when they should not be ir­ ritated; and added, "Bewarehow you in dulge in a bad habit." I mpatient under the rebuke the clergyman rejoined. "I smoke but seldom and could almost do without it." Seldom and almost are two fatally ominous words. Seldom will be­ come regular, and almost be - converted Into always. And as smoking and drink­ ing are sworn companions. "Let me be­ seech you," said hie friend, "not to make them yours. Ministers should be a fence ground the pit of perdi tion. Some inex­ perienced youth may see you smoke, and imitate your example,'and become a con­ firmed smoker, and sooner or later a confirmed drunkard." Little did this young preacher suppose this to be a picture of his own mournful rase. But, by his habits, his splendid talents soon became dim, his hearers for­ sook him. His wealthy host, who first taught him to smoke, witnessed his growing desire for stimulants, and with a look more expressive than words, would say of him, "that in spite of pray­ ing and preaching, professors of religion like the good things of this life as well as others; and that, after all, saints and sinners are pretty much alike." The days of this eloquent young clergy­ man were ended in ignominy. Around a once most promising, talented preacher a gloomy curtain was drawn; and a life which promised to be happy and illus­ trious, was early brought to a miserable close. His intemperate habits, it wae supposed, killed his young wife and made a beggar of his child. He died in a mad­ house, blaspheming the very Savior he had preached. ft'NCWOOD, It-1-' IT WILL BE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. |]PR^ MI MCHENRY, ILL. Has just received a new stock oj goods in his line, to which he invites the attention of the publicl Beginning January ie©7,§lii? Remember, I will meet all prices of my competitors on any and all goods in my line. H5F" We propose making Our Store the leading trading place in McHenry county for 1897. WE -GARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing, * By aiming to please you, by selling the best of everything, by making the lowest prices. These shall be our leading points for the coming year. ' WE AAVE A HEAVY BTGCK OP Overcoats, Jackets, Underwear, Blankets, Warm Foot Wear and Flannles, Wliiel. we will close ou| «,t Reduoed Prices fo^ next 30 days i mniB ^h'n iii^h.i, mm nam* Htmipsggl ^. y NEW STOCK OF V WALL-PAPER & BORDERS. We shall offer remnants in every department at prices which cannot be duplicated. McHenry, 111., Jan., 1897 Some of Our New Year Resolutions : To carry as complete a line of General Hardware, House-furnishing goods and Stoves, as can be found in the county. To have in their respective seasons, a line of Bicycles, Guns, Fishing Tackle and general Sporting Goods. To offer to the public a line of Mixed Paints. Oils and Varnishes, that are of the best. To take the lead in Jobbing and Repairing in Tin, Copper, or any Sheet Metals. To start the yeir as we can finish it, by giving you at al! times the Lowest Prices possible, and to continue to expect your trade, being thankful for small deals, and larger ones accordingly. We are ready for your New Year Call. Yours Respectfully, WE SHALL MAKE THIS A New Dress Goods, Just received, in endless variety. All the latest Novelties with Trimmings to match. G. H. FARGO & CO S SHOES, At low prices, until sold out, F. X. MCQMBER. Of all the loose ends of stock . preparatory to stock taking. Call in. At J. W. CRISTY & SON'S Bingwood, 111. A complete line of Groceries and Canned Goods always on hand, Call, inspect our goods and learn prices before you buy. West Side Hardware Store. The Coal you bought last fall ? West McHenry, III., 1897 Administrator's Notice. « " T*TATE of Marttn May, r toceased. ' . JJ The undersigned having linen appointed Administrator of the Estate ot« Martin May, deceased, late of the Oountv of McHenry and Stale of I l l inois hereby eive" notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Oorrt House in Woodstock, at the March terra, on the first Monday in Match next, at which t ime all pertons having claims against said estate are notif ied and reqnes 'oi to at tend for the pur- po'e of havnir the same adjusted. All per­ sons indei ted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, Dated this lUth day of D^cf mher, A D. 1896. 2(i W4 JOHN Hi UM ANN. Admini-1 ator HUMPHREYS You can get more of me at Bottom Prices. Tax Payers & Rent Payers EATING and WEARING BILL. No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 15 Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25o., or 5 for $1. DB. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL or DISEASES MAILED FREE. Humphreys' lied, Co., Ill William St., N.Y. Clay Worsted Suits, worth $13.50, for $9.75 Business Suits, worth 7.50, for \ 4.90 Three-fourths wool Suit, worth 5.50, for 3.90 Best Chin. Overcoat, worth 7, for 4.00 2-years wear Corduroy Pants, worth $4, for $2.90 " " " light colors, 2.25 Boys Corduroy Suits, worth 3.75, for 2.00 All boys' Suits from $1 to 3.00 Men's fleece lined wool Undershirts, worth 70,for 50c Knit Shirts and drawers, 25c each, or 1 50c Nobby Oversliirts, worth 1.00, for 70c Silk Plush Caps, worth 1.75, for 90c Heave cloth Bicycle Caps, worth 65c, for 30c 3-ply Linen Cuffs, 15c. Best silk lined Tie in stock, 40c, Ladies' Black Stockings, 8 and 10c. Farmers, bring in your wood in exchange for goods, DR.FRUTH'S ppxr visir. Thursday! Feb 18. Wooilbiock All the Laft Car oi Feed|? Get my prices before buying more. W. A. CRISTY, WEST McHENItY, ILL You are an economical housewife ? Then you are interested in "Sherer's Tea" in Pails. Just see what you get for 50 cents I FIRST--a pound of excellen t Tea, new crop, rich flavor and sti ing. SECOND--a one quart coveted tin pail oontainlng the tea. THIRD--a genuine imported china Tea Cup and Saucer, full size, gold band, decorated and very hand­ sale. > Large assortment. oflOwr to furnish free this ex- "eition nally fine cup and saucer can wereae continued for a short time. jflko dealer near yon keeps it or frill us 65 cents in stamps and will send Pail, Tea, Cap and by express to your rail- station prepaid. m^Bherer B rot hers, 24 Years at Street, Chicago* Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Wanted-An Idea Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN & CO., Patent Attor­ neys, Washington, D C., for their $1,800 prize oiler and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. •> Chieora, Pa, Herald: R. Vensel re­ ports One Minute Cough Cure the great­ est success pf medical science. He told us that it cured his whole family of ter­ rible coughs and colds, after all other so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. Yen- hel said it aseinted his children through a very bad siege of measles. One Minute Cough Cure makes expectoration very easy and rapid. J. A. Story. Wanted--An Idea Protect your Id^v they may bring you wealth- Write JOHN Wi> WERBURN ft CO . Patent Attor­ neys. Washington, D. C , for their $1,800 prise offer and list of two hupdred inventions wanted. FCLL LINE OF PATEKT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. 2 lljs steel cut Oatmeal -. 5c 1 lb English Raisins, seedless, in sugar 6c 3 lbs flue Bag Salt 4c 1 Dunham Cocoanut 6c Gage Plums, worth 18c, for .11c 3 lbs Bartlett Pears, best 12c 3 lbs Apricots, good > Baked Beans, hand picked Salt Pork, dry.....*: .i Best Bacon Snow white Oil Lots of other goods at cost, at iiysiciaiis rrescripuons by a Your Patronage 1b respectfully solicited. --JULIA A. 8TORY One Door West of Rwtrtide bovtt, Mrhenry, 111 THE BOSTON STORE Nearly opposite the Riverside House McHenry, HI 'WRITE nodithuis sent jwetlr . OH. D. O. KRHTH. 1033 MHSHHC. T'mpie. Cnlf.v RO GEO. W. BESLEY GELNS J i oo n "•>1 Restaurant, MOHENBY. ILL. Wholesale and Retail Agent for SCUUTZ West McHenry, Owing to the continued mild weather in December we find we have too many warm goods left on our hands to carry over, hence we will make you prices in accordance on the following lines tf ot goods, it you call, uutil sold; ; , Overcoats, Heavy Suits, Fur Coats. Fur Robes* Plush Fobes. Woolen Horse Blankets, Plush Caps, Woolen Underwear, Woolen Hosiery* Woolen Mittens* Dnck Coats and Woolen Pants. J- H- MILLER, Prop'r. Ify*- HSBtittSiu All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American I Granite a Specialty. | McHENRY, ILL DEALER IN DRUGS, ' MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PORE WINES AND L1Q0QRS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. THE BEST MADE. In any quantity, jrorn a Snitz Glass to d hundred barrels Orders by mail promptly attended to ALSO, ALWAYS C»N HAND Fin© Kentucky Liquors* French Bitters, choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc. I b ly none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. N. B. KOBINSON & GO'S Ale & Porter, by the Ke<r and on draught, Call and see me and I will use -yea well . ~ ~ . . ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 189$. WOOLEN, RUBBER, and LEATHER FOOT-WEAR. We have an exceptionally large line of the very best as well as the cheaper lines of Foot-wear, and especially invite your attention our way when in want of anything in this line. Sure we can please you both in quality and price. GROCERIES.--Our Grocery department^ getting unusual at­ tention just now. If you have not tried our 40c Tea for 30c it is time you did, it can not be beat. * FLOUR--We expect a car of Flour in the last of the week and will name you prices that are right. Graham and Corn Meal, Pure Buckwheat Flour, $2,40 per 100. 32 Iba Rolled Oats, $ 1. NOTICE All you men and -boys that want to Also, Bottled Al© and Porter tor Medical Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To- bacco always on hand. ^Physicians' Presorlptions Carefully compounded Give me call. OR SUITS. Don't Miss this Chance On any kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. •ppoaite R1 vera!de Hotel, McHenry. Call and examine the large line of new books juat purchased by Julia A. Story. All our Fargo Boots and Shoes will be sold regardless of cost on account of fac­ tory failing. ° S. STOFFEL, WEST MCHENBY, III., 1$97 West McHenry, J7n„ 1897

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