Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1897, p. 4

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Tvick s monthly magazine WEDNESDAY. FEB. 24, 1897 Of Chicago, have sentjto K, I1LA.WIL.XJS, TAILOR, The Handsomest Lint of Republican Judicial Ticket, For Judges bf-tfee 12th Judicial Circuit '•* HENRY B. WILLIS, of Elgin. GBOR«R TlROWX, of Wheaton. OHAltf.ES H. BISHOP, of Sycamore. Interesting reading for those who have waited •for bargains. This is not a clearing up of bad merchandise?. . We haven't got any. It is selling new goods that you want, for much less than you usually have to pay. Ever seen in the county to take orders from, at theic„ WONDERFUL LOJV PRICES 2(> suits \and not one misfit. People here know it is first class Tailoring in every respect. SATURDAY WINDS IT UP E. LAWLUS. . Nearly opposite the Riverside House. Dress Flannels, the 25c quality at 17c. Shirting Flannels, 35c quality at 23c. Blankets; $3 25 to $3.75 quality at $2.50 OR. FROTH'S next visit. Thursday. Mar 18 Woodstock We have just received a part of the . " SPfelNG SMOE STOCK. Men's calf and horse hide top, stylish, coin or razor toe, lace or Congress. ' • , Ladies' fine button or lace shoes, patent tips, very latest toes. Ladies' Oxfords, black, tan, brown and chocolate. Boys' latest toes, lace and button. In order to introduce this line with all possible speed and that you may secure a bargain we have arranged a ' T. J. WALSH. Pennsylvania Goods! ALEONE OIL AND PEERLESS G A S O L I N E , . . . . . . McHenry, 111., Feb., 1897 Special Shoe Sale, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 We give you choice in any of these Shoes, Saturday, for $1,25 ladies', gents' and boys' included. Are each high grade, Odorless and smokeless, produced from the heart ot the best Penn. crude, and are the best goods on top of the earth. No deception, No such goods have ever been offered tor sale in this section of the country. New Spring Dry Goods Are in, in reasonably large quantities. Good brown Sheeting 3£c per yard. 45 inch bleached, very best, 11c. Arbuckle's Coffee, 15c per pound. Best snow white Oil, 10c. 12 lbs best rolled Oats, 25c. Be sure and attend the Shoe Sale Saturday. This Oil and Gasoline WILL BE DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR, at a lees price than interior oils have been sold tor. Guaranteed to gitre satisfaction. Can be obtained only through * 0. A. DOUGLAS, West McHenry, 4 I^SIMON STQI-I-'KI. 1|)i WEST McHENRY, I» L. JD.LODTZJr Merchant Tailor. As the season is advancing I am Cutting Prices in Suits Pants and . Overcoats. §20 Suits for $17. $5 Pants for $3.50. $22 Overcoats for $18. Strictly baud-made, and workmanship guaranteed in every particular, as before. --MY STOCK OR-- Sents' Furnishing Goods Is complete, and my prices cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Heavy Camel-Hair UNDERWEAR from 50 cents upward. Dress Shirts 50 cents and up. Neckties, big assortment, 15c up. Everything else in proportion. It costs nothing to look at my goods. Come and see me; I can save you dollars. The clothing trade is opening up quite satisfactory, and with your co-operation we can do still more. No doubt as spring wears over and the weather gets finer your wants will be increased in the Clothing line. We were never in better shape to take care of you than now. We invite you to look. As the frost comes out and mud takes its place your feet will have to be looked after. A splendid line of Spring Shoes now in. We have all sizes and kinds of Rubbers. Overalls, Jackets and Working Shirts. We have made a special stLdy of the working clothing for hired men of this fcection, and know we can please you both in quality nnd price. I INGE ADAM ^ DISCARDED FIG LEAF The merchant tailor lias always b^en aad always will be the authority on fast ion---creators of garments that FIT--full of tone and dignity. The fact that the When Ignorance is Bliss. A lady in Marengo, 111., has two sone one of whom is employed by the govern­ ment. This lady is of English birth and a short time ago ia writing to her sister, who resides near London, stated that •'Edgar is in the employ of Uncle Sam " Soon after a letter was received in answer which said, "it must be that 1 do not remember Uncle Sam, perhaps he is one of Uncle George's boys." Which goes to show every one is not acquainted with A s. Of all kinds for the Lenten Season. 20 lbs extra fine Pears for $1. 2 doz choice Oranges for 25c. The best Flour, Graham, Corn Meal, Rye Flour, and Pure Buckwheat. , Yours tor Spring Trade} Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry. N. B.--A lull Assortment of Christmas Novelties. Goods superior to any that have ever been shown in McHenry in this line. Styles the very latest. custom make is the standard by which ui fashionable clothing is now measured, is sufficient guarantee for superior "Style-- Service -Satisfaction"--exclusive textures not shouted around town by every dealer in "cheap and quicjc" productions. WEST MCHENRY, III., 1897 OUR SPRING AND SUMMER ALBUM OF SAMPLES is now in; come and look through its pages--learn our prices--then we know you will Let us . take your measure. Standard Seed and Plant Catalogue. Contains all that's New and Good. Always Reliable... PAINTand WALL PAPER HOUSE The Queen of Fashion Magazine FOR, THREE MONTHS and A McCall Bazar Pattern of this stylish waist will be mailed to you FREE, provided you cut out this advertisement and send with the stamps arid bust measure. We offer this simply to further introduce our magazine and pat­ terns. Not more than one-order will be accepted for any on? address. 16T" Looked upon in the most charita­ ble light possible the Bradley Martin ball was little more than a vulgar show. As a social event it 'was a failure; few found pleasure there as is shown it the eager­ ness of the guests to get away; its chief attraction was the supper table, whicb the guests patronized so freely that many got disgustingly and vulgarly drunk. A half million dollars spent on an affair of that kind portraysthe idiocy of social plutocracy. Anent the Martin affair, strange as it may appear, quite a number of society swells were willing to pay $200 each for their portraits to ap­ pear in a second clasB New York paper, as attendants o > the show -- Ex. IST The rumor that President Cleve­ land after his retirement will devote much time to the st^dy of theology doubtless originated in the popular idea that nothing short of the consolations of religion will avail to ease him of the great burden of failure the last four years have placed upon his shoulders. The American people, not President Cleveland, would seem to be bearing the burden. He will retire from office a wealthy man and will be able to pass the rest of his life in luxury." It will be easy for him to meditate, in the Beclusion of a well appointed and well stocked library upon the problems of the hereafter. But the people who, as a consequence of his blundering and disastrous policy, find the struggle for existence almost beyond tjbeir strength, are not likely to be up- Jifted by his growth in spirituality. The Guide and your choice OUR NEW AND LARGE STOCK OF WALL. RARER And ceiling ahd borders to match, is now in. Pnccs arc lower than ever. Call and examine. * W I N D O W S H A D E S , In good cloth, mounted complete for hanging, 25c to 75c. Al styles and colorings. One packet either "Wonderful Branching Aster, New Japan Morning Glory or Pansy choice mixed for 15 OtS. Two packets 25 c., three packets 3Qc. Full retail price -15 eta. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine which tells how to grow Plants, Flowers a^id I Vegetables and is up to date on these subjects, for three months, the Guide, and One Packet pf Seeds, (named above), for 25 cents. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WALL PAPER DOUBLE ACTING FORCE PUMP. Constructed on the " GET THERE " principle. The Latest, Best and Handsomest FORCE PUMP made. M o Ask your dealer for It. MOLINE PUMP CO., Moline, Ills, . Paper Hanging HOUSE, SIGN and CARRIAGE PAINTING tn all the Utest Novelties, with Tsimoiings to match New Ginghams. Calicos, Percales, and outiDg Flannels received t.his week. Done on short notice and satis faction guaranteed. E B. PERKINS. McHenry, Feb. 1,1897. Every tenth person sending an Ord(ir as above will re­ ceive a coupon good for 50 cents' worth of Seeds. When ordering state -where you saw this a<ly. and we will send a packet of Flower Seeds free. FinfrShoes and all kiuds of Footwear, received daily. All the new styles and lasts. , erx «11 and examine our large stock i f HATS and CAPS, all the latest styles and shades for spring -- gSHTBest grade Flour, Groceries, etc, always on hand, No. 4574 5 sizes, 32,34, 36,38 and 40 inches bust measufc. The Queen of Fashion is the brightest, tndSt Select and strictly Up-To-Date Fashion and House- bold Magazine published. Contains each month 34 pages of interesting reading matter and from 25 to 30 ABSOLL'TEI.V NEW and.original pattern designs for Ladies, Misses and Children. Handsome wood engravings. The ricCall Bazar Patterns have been known for 27 years as "The Reliable Patterns." Un­ equalled for elegance of style and fit. Address, THE McCALL CO., 144-146 W. 14th St., New York. JAMES VICK'S SONS ROCHESTER, N. V. Call and examine the large line of new books just purchased by J ulia A,. Story. Place your Insurance with S. Stoffel. Get a Velveteen Waist, in all colors, at Owen & Chapell's. West McHenrv, III.. 1897

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