Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1897, p. 8

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iM'tttgl Bbott In Siberia. Warm - Weather - Goods ! In Endless Variety, at (1̂ SIMON STOFFEL | Mr. Gknjrge Ktnmuu Wills a Siberian ghO«t story in St. ifi^blas. After de­ scribing the first visitation of the mys-> terious ghost (it afterward proved to be a.half starved dog) Mr. Kennah says: for tvro or three days after this, Yegor took refuge at night in the house of a neighboring friend and left me to tackle the ghost alone, but neither in the gar­ ret nor in the kitchen did I hear the faintest sound to indicate that the mys­ terious somebody who walked in dark­ ness and left no .tracks was abroad Meantime, however, the news that a ghost had appeared to Yegor in the barin's kitchen, and that even the1 skep­ tical barm himself had heard the "un­ clean spirit" pacing the floor of the gar­ ret at midnight, spread to ever)' house in the village, and the next Sunday aft­ ernoon who should appear at my door but a Russian priest, dressed in all liis robes and followed by one of the church choir boys, with a basin of water aud a email bundle of long, flexible twigs. ̂ The reverend father came in swinging a smoking censer and,reciting sonorously a selection from the old Slavonic psalter. He marched solemnly around the entry,, the kitchen and the sitting room, fumi­ gating every nook and corner where a ghost might *lurk, and then took the basin and the brush.of twigs and sprin­ kled the whole" ifcuse with water after the manner of the Greek church. Hay­ ing thus performed his official duty, he greeted me courteously, apologized for: the intrusion and said that it was his Custom to conduct: a ceremony of that kind once a year in every house, in the Village. I was not, of course, a member of his church. But he had taken the lib­ erty, he said, of coming to my house be­ cause there were reports in circulation that mysterious noises had been heard in it, and the minds of his parishioners were disturbed. G WOOD, U-L (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) Dress Goods, Lawns, Dimities, Challies, Percales, White Goods Clothing, Pants, Overalls, Jackets, Shirts. In Every Department Corsets, V Laces, Embroideries Fine Shoes and Slippers. , SPRING GOODS! HATS, newest, best and cheapest We have a laige line on hand and invite you to come in and ex­ a m i n e t h e m . ' ' v . * A very large assortment of Shirt Waists, in the latest patterns and styles, with detachable collars and cuffs, from 60c to $1.40 cach. Shirt Waists, <- « 50c to $1.1)0. Calico Wrappers, 50c to $1.50. Straw Hats and Tam OVShanters Collars, Cuffs, Neck Scarfs, , Fancy Shirts., BOOTS & SHOES, endless assortm NEW DRESS GOODS, Summer Underwear From 5c to $1. e think we have the largest and finest line of Shoes ever shown in this city. All the latest styles in blacks, tans, chocolates and ox- bloods, both high shoes and Oxfords. Don't buy a shoe until you have examined our stock. If vou do vou will be sorrv. WALL PAPER, the most fastidious Hosiery, In all gn Try a pair of our black Bicycle Hose Hats, Caps, and Gent's Furnishings Gloves & Mittens DR.FRUTHfS Hmse 10 to? 1 next visit. Thursdavt May 13. Woodstock of all kinds Lace Curtains From. 65c to $2.50. In our new Grocery department we are offering some rare bar­ gains in Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Cookies, Crackers, and a great many other things. Washburn, Crosby's superlative Flour, at lowest market prices. Woven Wire Fencing, any width Carpets ai Straw llattii. Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers Table Linens and Napkins MIXED PAINTS, guaranteed absolutely pure. Don't buy anj other as wo have handled this paint for years and know it is as re presented. - We would be pleased to-name you price on any items you may need. If our price is not right we will cheer­ fully step aside for the better man. Groceries, Canned Goods, Garden and Flour, ̂ Corr^Meal ^ield Seeds, and Graham. SIMON E5TOFFE3 West McHenry, 111., 1897. Do your trading with us, wc will make it an object for you. Thanking you for past patronage remain, Yours Very Truly At J. E. CRISTY'S, Ringwood, 111 OWEN & CHAPELL McHenry, 1897 THE McHENRY MABBLB AN© jL, ©BAWITH •jl IBl J. H. MILLER, Prop. Crown Cottage Colors DEALBB IN DRUGS and MEDICINES If AYE you ever testrd a can of CROWN COTTAGE ~aC~ COLORS? If not, do so now, and you will find • that it is unquestionably, the BESf mixed paint or the market. It will positively cover more surfac* and last longer, Ihus giving better satisfaction than any­ thing you have ever tried before. It is an absolutely PURE PAINT, without any .Adult eration whatsoever, and in any case where it is found t< be different than represented, the goods are forfeited. Remember, you need not pay for CROW N COTTAGE COLORS it the guarantee we give is not found good ir every respect. A FULL LINE OF All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS McHENRY, ILL Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. shows just how your house would look if painted any-one of 20,000 artistic com­ binations of colors. Designed and made only for the manufacturers of PAT- TON'S PURE LIQUID PAINTS. Sent postpaid upon receipt of 10 cts. "How to Increase the Size of Your House With Paintn mailed free. JAS. E. PATT0N CO., Dep't X. MILWAUKEE, WIS., U.S.A FOLL LIKE OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. There's a CUSHION DEVICE IS HEBE. 8̂ - nysicians prescriptions issssi^fss^sii^a Your Patronage 1b respectfully solicited. --JULIA A, STORY One Door West of Riverside Bouse, McEenry, 111 F L. MCOMBER CUSHION FRAME BICYCLE W// / \\V#3T %V/| l\\\^ . prevents jolt% jar and strains. » / \ U/ 9 why ride a Rigid Frame, # A with its injurious effects, when i i you can buy a, wheel giving * Every Wheel Warranted# Jt EASE AND COMFORT. L--_____ Lines of Wheel Unchanged. Durability Increased. Send for catalogue of our Rigid and Cushion Frame Bicycle. _ RICHMOND BICYCLE CO., Richmond, Ind EASTERN BRANCH, 97 Chambers St., New York. - ' , West Side Hardware St ore y has been recently purchased by the under- "j J signed, and will be run as a high grade J Normal and Business University. 4 .*• COURSES: «• J Classical, Scientific, Teachers, 4 J Business, Shorthand, Music, Etc. 4 rj Write for SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TJ ' How to obtain a free scholarship, .«• Box 20a, G. W. BOUCHER, Marion, Ind. 2 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING JACOB JUSTEN A. ENGELN S { S a l o o n -- - We are not fighting the department stores by asking our state senators and legislators to enact such laws as would drive them out ot business, but simply by showing you the best line of low and medium priced GEO. W. BESLEY AT THE EAST SIDE Restaurant AND MoHENtEY, ILL. Wholesale! and (Retail Agent for SCOLITZ West McHenry Illinois Ever shown by any one to the wearer. The largo assortment of spring styles just arrived, and the prices we are offering them at, should attract your attention our way when looking for clothing We never saw the time that so little money bought such good clothing. McHENRY ILL, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE f INKS AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Rememberj I will meet all priccs of my competitors on any and all goods in my line. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use. §3fF° The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. * Physicians' IPjresojriptioiis Carefully compounded Give me call. . WEST MCHENBY, III., 1897 West McHenry, J7nt, 1897.

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