(ConiinnSd from T< irst Page;) I lars (486), the amount due the euper- ioteudunt. All of which ie respectfully submitted. W. D. CoftKCE, Chm. GEO. McCoNNfiLL, H. F. joNKS, E. D.SHURTLEFF, > I F. \\. HATCH. The committee on claims made the following report, which was adopted, td-wit: ' \ • Mr. Chairman apd Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors : Your committee on claims would beg. leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to thern and recommend the payment Of the following,.atod that the clerk be di rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: CLAIMS ALLOWED. W. E- ^ire, for record book......7 $ 1 25 Same,stationery.... ... .. 170 Same, postal cards.......... 60 Same, stamps............. . 200 Same, treasurer's blink «upplies. 80 CO Same, envelopes -- .. 116 Same, postal cards 65 Same, stamps*... .:. 200 Same, atamps--i'..... i oo Same, stationery........ ... 50 Same, letter Heads and envelopes,........ *00 Same, stamps --. ......... ... --,...... 2 00 Mrs. W« W. Jones, butial of W. W. Jones., deeesseci veteran ....... ...«;......... 35 00 Total. .... :-...fl3t S6 All of which is respectfully submitted. . : R. .1. BECK, l?hm, U ' : , F. E. STEVESS, X. BKOTZMAX, XV. D. CORXUE, v"; . •" G. MCCOXXELL,. S^up. Cristy offered the following reso lution, which on his motion was adopted to-wit : . /••. Resolved. That each of the newspapers published in McHenry county and print ed in tin town from Which, they derive their names, be allowed twenty-five dol lars ($25) for printing the correct, com plete.proceedings of the Board of Super visors for the ensuing year, and that a copy of each paper containing such proceedings be furnished the county clerk to be placed on file. The board selected the following named persons to serve as grand jurors at the May term of the Circuit ('curt of said county, and directed the clerk to certify the same to the Circuit Clerk: Mark Bates Riley Riley JasCleary..' .• Marengo J F Wilson Marengo Robt O Hecke Dunham ELObuich. Chemung J O Lewis Chemuns Fred Rector Alden J C Ballisy Hartlaml Henry Meyer Seneei John Williams Coral D M Williams Grafton Robt Forrest Dorr FredSchuett Dorr H N Thompson Gi eenwood E F Hewes Hebron Richard Cole Richmond Win Pierce... Burton John M Walsh McHenry Simeon Ooville McHenry J D Starrett Nunda M H Fitzsimmons Nundi WB FUch Algonquin Edward Morton. Jr Algonquin Sup. lioy moved to adjourn. Carried. F. F. AXTELL, Chairman. G. F. RUSHTOX, Clerk. Warm - Weather - Goods ! In Endless Variety, at Ring wood, i*-u West McHenry, HI, 1 wo good things for the ladies, ShirtWaists and Wrappers. W e have the largest stock in town, and at prices that will satisfy the closest cash buyers. Call and see what we have before buying, Dress Goods, Lawns, Dimities, Challies, Percales, White Goods Clothing, Pants, Overalls, Jackets, Shirts. Department Our Dry Goods department is' complete, and our low prices are making them move right along. / Corsets, Laces, Embroideries Fine Shoes and Slippers. HATS, newest, best and cheapest Shirt Waists, 50c to $1,50. 1Ci Calico • W rappers, ' ' s 50c to $1.50... --•-------------, ----^--• \~r\- Straw Hats and TAIN O'^LIANTERS Collars, Cuffs, Neck Scarfs, Fancy Shirts. BOOTS & SHOES, endless assortm't NEW DRESS GOODS, WALL Pi^PER, the most fastidious Hosiery, In all gn Try a pair of our black Bicycle Hose Hats, Caps, and Gent's Furnishings Gloves & Mittens of all kinds Lace Curtains From 65c to $2.50. M. D. W ells & Oo, still leads the procession in quality, perfect fit and wear, at less price than any other first class goods. Woven Wire Fencing, any width FLOUR Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers Table Linens and Napkins We would be pleased to name you price on any items you may need. If our price is not right we will cheer fully step aside for the better man. FLOUR Besley's Sareaparilia Compound. The great Blood purifier. Try a bottle. All desiring Jaijdineers Vases, and all varieties of Flower Pots, call and see the large assortment at Julia A. Story's. Besley's Reliable Heave Powder. The best remedy of the kind now on the mar ket. Try a package. New line of men's black and brown Stiff and Fedorah Hats at Owen <t Chapell's. English breakfast arid eunpowder teas. 20c per lb, 2 lbs for 35c. At Owen & Chapell's. I have made a specialty of the prose cution of all kinds of damage cases against Groceries, Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Flour, Corn Meal and Graham. If you bake your own bread or cake you are fully aware of the importance of having the ingredients fresh and pure. Flour, of course, being the basis of both cake and bread, should be absolutely the best procurable. We have the old reliable Sleepy-Eye Flour that will just suit your wants. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. Garden and Field Seeds, CRIST Y'S, Ringwood, 111 West McHenry, 111., 1897 THE McHENRY ^ UllEiI AND wL. GBANITH ill pji J. H. MILLER, Prop. Crown Cottage Colors RAILROADS other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. MtlHBJ. DRUGS and MEDICINES C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock 111, 3TTAVE you ever tested a can of CROWN COTTAGE ~^r~ COLORS? If not, do so now, and you will find that it is unquestionably, the BEST mixed paint on the market. It will positively cover more surface and last longer, thus giving better satisfaction than any thing you have ever tried before. It is an absolutely PUKE PAINT, without any Adult eration whatsoever, and in any case where it is fouud to be different than represented, the goods are forfeited. Remember, you need not pay for CROW N COTTAGE COLORS it the guarantee we give is not found good in every respect. , ! E. E. Turner, of Compton, Mo., writes us that alter suffering from piles for sev enteen years, he completely cured them by using three boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It. cures eczema and severe skin diseases. J. A. ctory. For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; and to use each one in such a way as to derive the great est benefit is a question every one must solve for himself. We believe, however, that no better use could be made ot one of these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with. For sale by J. A. Story. J. A. Story, the Leading Druggist Has the sale in McHenry of Brown's Cure, a perfect Family Medicine, used in more homes and better liked by both parents and children, than any other remedy. Owing to its marvelous power as a tonic and nervine, it positively cures all diseases of .the stomach, liver md kidneys, giving new life and strength and affording welcome relief to all sufferers from dyspepsia, constipation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nervousness and sick headache. Brown's Cure gives to weak women the clear skin, rosy cheeks and the rich blood they so much desire. Keep a bottle of it in the house and save yourself and family many spells of sick ness and heavy doctor's bills. It is pleas ant to take. Price, 75 cents. A FULL LINE OF All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. McHENRY, ILL Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. (D * ^ THE GREAT & & 1 ENGLISH DISINFECTANT. y Q'0000030Q'C?OCO OO C-OGOO DEAD SHOT, FOR -HOG GHOLERR. Never Fails to do its Work Well Jf Cannon's Sheep=Dip, and Cattle Dressing*. The very best on earth for SCAB, FOOT ROT. Kills ticks, lice, and keeps off flies. Try it once and be convinced. See that you get Can non's and take none other. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE IN THE U. S. WRITE FOR TERMS. CANNON CHEMICAL COMPANY, 913 Pine Street, - ST. H-OXJIS, MO. FULL LIHB OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, & Stationery and Druggists'. Sundries. aysicians trescnptions * Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. m* - •JULIA A, STORY One Door West of Riverside Souse, McHenry, 111. F L. MCOMBER West S'de Hardware St ore CLOTHING ! CLOTHING JACOB JUSTEN DR.FRUTH'S House 10 to ? next visit, Thursdayi June 10. Woodstock We are not fighting the department stores by asking our state senators and legislators to enact such laws as would drive them out ot business, but simply by showing you the best line ot low and medium priced AT THE EAST SIDE Now is the time to move to get the Best Corn Planters, viz: Ever shown by any one to the wearer. The largo assortment of spring Btyles just arrived, and the prices we are offering them at, should attract your attention our way when looking lor clothing We never saw the time that so little money bought such good clothing. McHENRY ILL, Has just received a new stock of goods in his line, to which he invites the attention of the public, Remember, I will meet all prices of my competitors on any and all goods in my line. Our line ot ^hoes and rubbers will interest you, in style, quality and price, if you will give us a look. In buying your spring Hat of us you will have the latest styles and correct shapes, the highest quality and the lowest prices, The finest Dress Shirts, flollars and Cull's, fancy and plain. See our Overalls and working Shirts. • Will have a car ol Flour in a few days, Gret our prices, A full line of choice fresh Groceries. your Clover, Timothy, and all kinds of field and garden Seeds ot us. Yours for spring trade. - WE CAKIiY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. They are the Planters to have. Each have more good features than any live Planters combined. . ' FOK SALE 33Y Y T. J. WALSH McHenry, 111., April, 18971 - w WfibT MotlENiiY, III., 1897