WEDNESDAY, MAY 26; 1897. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, Sept, 20, 1896, at shx 3'cloct A. M. Trains Will pass ilcHenry 3 tajiojn as follows: GOING 8O0TH. I> Lake Geneva Passenger,,.... X Williams Bay fixpress X Williams Bay Passenger X Lake Geneva Freight GOING NOBTH. ' X Williams Bay Passenger X Lake Geneva Freight... Lake Geneva Passenger ...7;34 AM ...8;S5 ...3;2S P il .. 3:26 1 . 9:47 A M ll:oo •« 4 ;60 P M X Williams Bay Express...... 4:55 X Williams Bay Passenger ... 6:56 BXPLANATIOK. D--Daily.; X--Daily except Sunday. B Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. J. R. Clark,.. ..." .Pastor; Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. m'j Sundav School, 11:6 A. M. _ Dr.'A, E. Atiringer,.... .... ...Superintendent Epworth, League, 6; 6 P,, m., *Revt .J. K. Clark,'President. ' Prayer Mpoting. Wedneie'Jayj 7:30 P. M. Ladies' Aid society each alternate week, Mm M. K.JBlowe, President, » 49* A Cordial invitation is extended tp all. Unlversnlist Church Directory. . 1'. J. WaVshe ... ...-.Preeident F; L. -Mb'Onijber.v '.1.'...'. Jaro&s B, ^erry,... ...... Treasurer Bey. J. Straub, D, D......Pastor The Willing Workers;, (the ladles organ tzation.) * ^ Mrs. Jas. B, Perry i President Mrs, L. H. Owen Secretary 9upt, of Sunday School, ....O. N. Owen Assistant, Mrs. O. N. Owen oaTThe Pastor's Ohicigo Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7;30 p. H. A cordial invitation to all. MASONIC. Mo HENRY LODGB, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- iegular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W, A. CRI3TY, W. M. M. W. A. Kogular Meetinsre every second and'fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, over Evanson & Oo.'s store. W, P. STEVENS, Consul. J. KIMBALL, Clerk. . K. O. T. M. MCBENKY LODGE NO. 77, K. O..T. M.--Reg ular meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of erich month, at K.O T, M. Hall. GEO. HANLEY, Com, J. J. BISHOP. R. K. New Advertisements This Week, John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. THE PLAINDEALER and the Weekly Inter-Ocean one year for $2. SIXTEEN children are to' be confirmed at the Lutheran church next Sunday. A LARGE stock o? Sailor Hats, from 50 cents up, at Mrs, M, A, Searles'. LOOK out for and prepare for a treat soon, to be given by the Modern Wood smen, in our village. G. F. BOLEY has been making some extensive and much needed repairs on his barn, at the Brewery. FRANK WATTLES shipped about sixty hogs and several head of cattle on Tuesday. QUITE a number from this village and vicinity were attending Court, at Wood stock, on Tuesday. FREUND & BARHIAN are putting a new Pool Table into their place of business this week.' . MRS. M. A, SEAKLES has just received a full line of Summer Millinery. All the latest styles in hats and trimmings. ABOUT fifty couples attended the May Party, at the McHenry House, on Tues day evening, and all report a pleasant time. TnE city of Harvard owns an electric light plant and operates it in connection with their water works plant. They find it economical. FOUND, on the streets of McHenry, a fine Gold King. The owner can have the same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. JOHN H^.MILLER put up a handsome Monument in the Richmond cemetery on Tuesday, to the memory of the late Josiah Andrews. MRS. H. NORDQUEST will please acceDt the thanks of the editor's better half for a handsome boquet of Roses, left; at our residence a few evenings since. CIRCUIT COURT is in session at Wood stock this week, Judge Kellum presiding. There are on the Docket 22 Criminal, 212 Common Law and 110 Chancery Cases. MEMORIAL services will be held at the Universalist church next Sabbath morn ing. The church will be appropriately decorated for the occasion. All interested are cordially invited to attend. THE McHenry County Convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the City Hall, in this village, on Friday and Sat urday of this week, the 28th and 29th. See programme in another column. C. F. DACY will sell at auction, at Woodstock, III., on Tuesday, June 1st, his entire stock of Phoenix, Imperial and Road King Bicycles, and a Dayton Double Diamond Tandem. Terms, cash. < WORD has bteen received here that Master Jim Fitzsimmons, son of Jos. Fitzsimmons, was severely injured by an electric car, in Chicago, the first of the week. Full particulars have not been received. ~ PA^'ICK COURTNEY, an old and high ly respected citizen of Lake county, died at the home of his son-in-law, Thos. Daley», in the township of Algonquin, on Friday last, ag«;d 87 years. His funeral was held on Monday. THE many friends of Mrs. Vallow, (hee Maude Colby,) who lives at Columbus Junction, Iowa, will be painad to learn that she had the misfortune, a few days since, to fall down stairs, breaking her arm, and otherwise bruising herself quite severely. Her friends here hope that her injuries may not prove of a serious nature. & PERSONAL. A. L. HOWE was a Woodstock (visitor on Thursday last. V DR. DAWSON, ol Wauconda, was on our streets on Saturday last. ' Miss JOSIE BOLEY spent Saturday and Sunday with friepds in Elgin. A. J. CANNON and frife, of Woodstock, were calling on friends here Sunday. D, T. SMILEY, of Woodstock, was on our streets one day last week: F. C. BAXTER, solicitor far the Chicago Daily News, was a caller on Monday. HENRY SCHOMER, of Chicago, was the guest of Barbian Bros; over Sunday. ISAAC WENT WORTH and wife were Elgin visitors the latter part of last week. MRS. E. W. HOWE was a Chicago visit or on Thursday last. GEO. BOLGER, of Woodstock, was on our streets the first of the week. Miss BARBARA SCHREINER was visiting friends in Elgin the first of the week: MRS. C. A. DOUGLAS is visiting relatives ih Lake county this week. BEN STILLING, of Pistaqua Bay, was a Woodstock visitor on Thursday last. MRS. C. H. FEVERS was a Chicago vis itor on Tuesday. MRS. RICHARD OVERTON and daughter, of Solon, were on our streets on Tuesday. EX-ALDERMAN DEITZ, of Chicago^ and a party of friends are stopping at the McHenry House this week. G, L. HUBBARD" and wife, of Nunda, were the guests of E. Hubbard and wife, in this village, one day last week. SIMON STOFFEL and L. H. Owen at tended to business in Chicago on Thurs day last. P. J. SCHOEWER and wife attended to business in the County Court one day last week. S. S. ?HEPARD and wife, of Barreville, were callers on Elisha Hnbbard and wife, in this village, on Friday lasc. F. E. HOLMES, of the Richmond Gazette made our sanctum a pleasant call on Saturday last. Sorry we were not in. MRS. H. S. GREGORY, of Chicago, was calling on old friends here the latter part of last week. ROUT. PATTERSON, of Chicago, who some years ago ran a bakery here, was on our streets a few days last week. FRANK GILLES and a friend, from Elgin, were McHenry visitors one day last week. Gus CARLSON and J. M. Van Slyke at tended the entertainment at Richmond on Friday night last. ALBERT FRANKS and wife, of Barre- viile, were tbe guestFot Frank Ward and wife on Sunday. DR. C. R. LEIUIG, John Metzger and F. L. Renich, of Woodstock, were on our streets on Sunday. MRS. F. C. COLBY, of Parsons, Kan., visited with friends in this village on Sunday last. DR. H. T. BROWN has been quite sick the past week but'is now reported as on the mend. ANDREW MILLER and wife and John J. Bishop and wife were Lake visitors on Sunday. CHET. HOWARD and J. D. Lodtz took in the shoot at Long L%ke the first of the week. R. SHERBURNE and wife visited with relatives and friends at Libertyville the first of the week. W. A. CRISTY and F. L. McOmber re turned from Springfield on Friday last, and report a very pleasant trip. MRS. C. E. LAMPHERE, of Elgin, is vis iting with her parents, lsahc Wentworth and wife, in this village. MRS. J. ALEXANDER, of Mayfair, 111., is the guest of H. E. Wightman and wife, in this village, this week. Miss MARY FRISBY was an Elgin visitor the first of the week, returning here on Tuesday evening. JOHN STRONER, Sam T. Jack's adver tising agent, attended an entertainment at that place recently. BERNARD HARRISON and Chas. Page started for Springfield on Tuesday morning. JOHN EVANSON and wife and Walter Evanson and wife visited with friends at Palatine on Sunday last. ED. GRANGER, accompanied by" a friend, Mr. Reily, from Springfield, spent a few days in McHenry last week. DR. A. E. BAECHLER, Miss Kate Howe, Thos. Walsh and Miss Fanny Osborne were Wauconda visitors on Sunday. Miss HATTIE MARSH and her mother, of Richmond, were calling^on friends here on Saturday. MRS. L. E. BENNETT has been confined to her bed for tne past week. She has been wrestling with la grippe, but will be around soon. Miss KATE HOWE, Miss Fannie Osborne and Miss Jessie Baldwin attended the Teacher's meeting, at Harvard, on Sat urday last. C. C. HARRISON and wife, of Ringwood, were the guests of Mrs. Harrison's par ents, R. Sherburne and wife, in this village, on Sundayi HARRY ELDREDGE and Newell Colby, Jr., took in the skating rink at Nunda, on Saturday evening last. They report a heavy dew falling during the trip. MRS. NEWTON ROBB, of Marengo, and daughter, Mrs. H. Hogan, of Lake county, we^e calling on McHenry friends last Thursday. HOWARD MERRIS, of the Merris Beef Co., of Pennsylvania, a nephew of Mrs. J. P. Going, will spend a few weeks with her in this village. MRS. DR. H. T. BROWN and Mrs. John I. Story are attending the meeting of the Lniversaliet Wpmen'a Association, which is being held at Chicago this week. Miss MARY BRAHAN, of 400 Pearl street, Elgin, formerly of this village, is reported quite sick. Her many friends here hope for her. speedy recovery. -- LYNN SHERMAN, of Woodstock, came 4 over on his wheel Monday and spent the day with Dr. W, C, Besley, returning home Tuesday morning. L. E. BENNETT has been on the sick list for the past six weeVB. and for the last ten dachas been confined to the house. He expects to be able to attend to business shortly. A. LUNDQUIST and son, oi Kenosha, Wis., were visiting with the family of B. Nordquest, in this village, the first of the week. Mr. Lundquist is a brother of Mrs. Nordquest. MRS, J. \ AN SLYKE will start to-mor row, Thursday, for New York state, where she will spend the summer with her father. She will be accompanied by her two children. LIEUT. HOWARD R. PERRY, 17th Reg., U. S. A., on leave from (Joluihbus, Ohio, with his wife and daughter, will arrive in McHenry on Thursday of this week for a visit of a month or more with his parents. ' FRED Rosso, of Dundee, who furnishes the ornamental wood Work for buildings, Was here a day or two last week and will do the" furnishing for A. Englen's new building. He is said to have no superior in that line. .1 F. E. RITCHCOX; of Pipestone, Minn., visited with his brother, A. B. Hitchcox, in this village, a few days the latter part of last week. He wft& on his way to Warsaw, Ind., where he was sent to rep resent the Presbyterians of Minnesota, in a general ..convention being held in that city this week. Miss FLORENCE SEARLES has lately come out with a new Bicycle. It is called the " Farragut," and is one of the hand somest in town. We believe there is not another here like it. ' THE Antioch News had to republish the delinquent tax list, owing to an error made in the date of the sale. An almost insignificant mistake caused Messrs. Burke & Storms all kinds of extra trouble and expense. Now let us catch you boring holes into your dime, dollar and other silver pieces. A law recently enacted provides for a fine of $2,000 or five years imprison ment for the man who defaces gold or silver coin of the United States. THE young people got up a surprise on Miss Maggie Sutton, at the residence of her father, Robt. Sutton, one mile south east of this village, on Tuesday evening. About twenty-five were present and a royal good time is reported by all. THE many friends in this village and vicinity of Miss Maude McKinley, will be painad to learn that she is lying at the point ordeath, at the home of her aunt in Chicago, of that dread disease, con sumption. Her mother and sister both died of this disease. , HON. F. K. GRANGER'S trotting horse, " McHenry," by " George 0," got cast in his stall one night last week and injured himself so badly that he died from the effects on Thursday. He was a valuable animal and his loss is greatly regretted by his owner. GEO. S. BOUGHTON, editor and publish er of the Hebron Tribune since February 1896, has leased the paper and business to an attache of the office, J. 0. Denham, of Lake Geneva. Mr. Boughton will move to Elgin, where he has secured a position. , OUR Public School will close on Friday, June 11th. The Commencement Exer cises will be held at Riverside Hall on Saturday evening, June 12th. A full programme of these exercises will appear in these columns later. Miss Bernice Perry, we believe, is the only graduate this year. THE Strawberry and Ice Cream Festi val, by the ladies of the Willing Workers Society, at the City Hall, on Friday evening last, was, notwithstanding the cool weather, well attended and a very enjoyable gathering, as all the entertain ments gotten up by the ladies are. The receipts were about $23. THE first of this week was cold and dis agreeable, something unusual in this section at this time of year. Overcoats outside and good fires in-doors were the order of the day. Those who had taken off their heavy underwear, were mur muring "a little warmer, please, Mr. Weather Clerk." THE Catholic Order of Forresters, of this village, held their annual social gathering at John Heimer's Hall, on Monday evening. Once a year the mem bers of this order, with their wives and daughters, meet and spend an evening in a social manner. They report a pleasant time on Monday evening. THE foundation for A. Engeln's new building is completed and the carpenters have comenced work. E, W. Howe has the contract. It is expected the build ing will be completed and ready for oc cupancy before July 4th. Mr. Howe also has the contract to erect a hand some residence for Mrs. Jane Carr, at Ringwood. A PARTY who was supposed to be on their way for an outing at the Lakes, had one of their borses die on the Nunda road, near the farm of John Ralston, on Monday last. They left the carcass lying on the side of the road and went on their way, but whether rejoicing or not we did not learn. The town authorities were obliged to hire a man to draw it off and bury it. LOST.--On Saturday, May 8th, 1897, an English Setter Dog. Color, lemon and white. Answers to the name of "Skip." The finder^will be^ suitably re warded by returning the same to me or letting me know where he may be found. CHET. HOWARD, McHenry, 111. Get Tour Pianos and Org&i^s Tt&ed. R. H. Owen will be in McHenry the first of next week, ready to do. Tuning. Orders left with O. W. Owen will receive prompt attention. Those interested should bear this in mind, as his time will be limited. AN exchange says that it is generally thought that thunder turns milk sour, but, as a matter of fact, eleetricity iB it self has no effect upon the fluid. It is the warm, sultry atmosphere preceding the thunder storm which favors bacterial growth and hastens the souring of the milk. ^ -- 43 THE country editor is a remarkable encyclopedia. A subscriber sent him this query recently: "What ails my hens? Every morning I find one or more of them keeled over to rise no more." The reply was': "The fowls are dead. It is an old complaint and nothing can be done except to bury them." AN Iowa editor tells his readers, in the following explicit words, how to find the planet Mercury: "Look right up St. Joe street toward the gap and a kittle to the right over the .hill by the electric light plant, about 8 o'clock." If we happen tq^be in Iowa about 8 o'clock some night we shall make a point of seeing Mercury. THE following officers of Star Lodge, No. 784, were installed by L. D. Thos Walsh, on Tuesday evening: C. T., Ella Spaulding; Y. T„ Jessie Baldwin; F, Sec. Harry Eldredge; Sec.Ben Smith; Treas. Albert Holly ; Marshal, Frances Osborne; Guard, Clayton Wilson; Sentinel, Ida Wilson. r> SEC. E. B. PERKINS has just5 .finished paint ing and varnishing a buggy' for Wm. Laugblin, and it is one of the finest jobs of the kind we ever inspected. The buggy was badly marred and scratched, but after it came froni Perkins' skillful hands it looked as though it had just come out of the shop new. He is a first-class workman in every particular and never makes a mistake on anything in his line. J. 1). LODTZ,'JR., of this village, made a good showing at the shoot, at Long Lake, the first of the week. He won fourth prize in the ten bird shoot, and tied for fourth prize in the twenty bird shoot. His tie was with Will Dunnill, one of the best shots at the Lakes. When we take into consideration that Mr. Lodtz was competing with professionals, as we said before, he made a good showing. THIS was Emerson's advice to his daughter: "Finish every day, and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tc-morrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations to waste a mc^ment on the yesterdays. A STORY is told of a Kansas blood hound who was given the following triai: He was first given a smell of musk and at the end of two hours returned to his master with a muskrat. The second trial was more difficult. A man lost a poodle dog; the bloodhound was engaged. He was given a sniff of poodle's collar. He started out and wound up at a meat market. Giving loud and prolonged howls he siezed a bologna sausage and tore away to his master. This happened in Kansas. E. J. HANLY, having purchased the principal steamer of the Fox River Steamboat Line, has had her completely overhauled, put in a new twelve horse power engine and a fifteen horse power boiler, painted her up in fine shape and expects to have her in running order the last of this week. With the improve ments made there is no good reason why passengers cannot be taken too and from the lakes in a comfortable and speedy manner. When she is ready to make regular trips we will publish her time table complete. THE Nunda Herald of last week says: "Edward IJmberger, 27 years of age, died Sunday last a|> the home of Albert Frank, two and a half miles east of Nunda. He had been in the employ of Mr. Frank for about one year and was taken sick about one week before his death. He had relatives in Chicago and in Pennsylvania who were informed of his death but no word was received from them. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon, conducted by W. H. Locke and the burial was in Prairie Grove cemetery." Irl R. Hicks' Paper 6 Months for 35o The publishers propose to send a copy of Word and Works five months, from June to October inclusive, to new sub scribers only as a trial order for 25 cents, and ih addition thereto, give each trial subscriber free, a copy of a little book of 64 pages, which contains select chapters of a work by Rev. Irl B. Hicks, which is to be the crowning work of his life. This is a rare opportunity for any one to study the storm forecasts throughout the coming season, besides the many other good "things in Word and Works of interest to each member of the family. The regular price of this little book is 25 cents. Send 25 cents and your address, to Word and Works Pub. Co., 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. AN exchange has the following: "Some people are continually howling about hard times. They never stop to consider that they have a home, are making a fair living, and, in fact, pros pering a"little better than the neighbor whp has no home and fails sometimes to measure out the necessities of nature in just proportions. The surest way to keep hard times is to howl hard time&. Times gwy be a little close, but extrava gance iptiving was never intended by the Creator. Be satisfied with what you have and talk satisfaction and the times will.certainly improve. The imagination can do more to destroy the'prosperity of your business than all of your competi tors. You need to take a sensible view of the situation and howl better times." Gasoline Stove for Sale. A second hand Quick Meal Gasoline, Stoye for salev Has been, used only one" season. Is as good as new. For further particulars inquire at t^iis office. New line of men'?, boys' and children's spring Hats and Caps at Owen & Chapell'e. MEMORIAL DAY IN McHENRT. The-Order of Exercises for Memorial Day in McHenry, under the auspices of McHenry Post G. A. R., will be as'fol- lows: Th6 procession will, form in front of the City Hall on Sunday at half-past twelve o'clock, and march toSJthe ceme tery and decorate the graves. The pro cession will then reform and march to the Riverside Hall, where the exercises will comsist of Music, vocal and instru mental, Recitations, and an Address by Hop. O. H. Gilmore, of Woodstock. Mr. Gilmore is one of the ablest and most patriotic speakers in the county, and no one should fail to hear him on this oc casion. Our schools and citizens gen erally are cordially invited to turn out and help the Post in honoring the mem ory of our soldier dead. Mrs L. S. Rounds. The State President of the W. C. T. U., if re. L. S. Rounds, will lecture before the McHenry County Convention of that order, at the City Hall, in this village, on Friday evenin&'next, and no one should fail to hear her. Mrs. Rounds is a rt" markkble woman, well posted in every detail of the subject of which she speaks, and being a fine speaker carries her aiv dience, spell bound from the beginning to the end of her lecture. She is doing good wcjrk throughout the state. We have heard Mrs. Rounds on two former occa sions apd can truly say that her lectures are not only instructive but highly in teresting from beginning to end Let her have a good audience on this ec- caeion. THE creamery building of B. A. Stevens in the town of Burton, was totally con sumed by fire, together with all the con tents, early one morning last week. The origin of the blaze is a mystery, as thert- had been no fire in the building for sev eral hours and the place was a mass of flames when discovered. Mr. Stevens run a private creamery and has estab lished an excellent reputation as a but ter manufacturer. The loss was heavy and almost total, there being no insur anoe on the machinery and but little on the building. The latter was in Home, John Hendricks, of Woodstock, agent, and the claim was settled promptly.--Richmond Gazette. MEMORIAL DAY will be observed at W auconda Saturday, May 29th. Chap lain J. M. Green, of Chicago, will deliver the Memorial address. ^Members of the G. A. R., W! R. C., teachers and pupils ol the public schools and other societies will forn>4fl procession in front of G. A. R. Hall^m one o'plock and march to the cemetery, led by the Wauconda Martial Band, where the usual Post ceremony will take place, and will be followed by decorating the graves with flower^' Then the procession will form-and march to Oakland Hall where the programme will be concluded. Memorial services will be held at Yolo, Sunday, May 30. THE following are the names Register ed at the Hotel Riverside, from May 17th to 22d, inclusive: H, Haff, F. Rainier, Jas. T. Edwards, L. D. Mallard, S. J. Murphy, E. H Fahrney, W. M. Shumway, W. T. Main. Thos. L. Stark, A. Anderson, W\ J. Ruh, F. H. DeLang, Geo. Koster, G.S. French, W. G. French, J. Fraukhauser, C. S. L. Reece, J. Wamser, H. M. Gunton, Chi cago. D T. Smiley, Ira Slocum, Fred Slocum, A. J. Cannon and wife, John Metzger, C. A. Leidtz, F. G. Renich, Woodstock. W. H. Lerks, Elgin. Mrs. F. C. Colby, Parsons, Kan. F. J. Schuyler and wife,»Hiusdale. L. Brainard, Burliugton, Wis. Geo. W. Coon, Milwaukee. Jas. G. Remer, Boston. IN New Jersey they vote with ballots enclosed in envelopes. W hen the election officers of Madison township were count ing the ballots recently, they found in one envelope a dollar bill. One member of the board thought it must betaken at a rejected ballot and strung as such. The other members thought differently, and after some discussion it was decided to create a~precedent and spend the dol lar for cigars and other things. AT a meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Board, held pursuant to a call by Secretary D. T. Smiley, it was voted to issue no complimentary tickets to the Fair this year except to officials of other county Fairs. A NUMBER of Lake county horses will participate in the races at Woodstock, June 25 and 26. F. Dusenberry, of Lib- ertyrille, enters Lady, Deck Wilkes and Robin Wilkes; L. II. Beall, of Antioch, enters ('lara C, and Dell-Field; J. J. Mor- ley, of the same place enters J. C. M.; A. H. Muhlke, of Deerfield, enters Venus; A. E. Hawley, of Barrington, enters Manager T. So says the Waukegan Gazette. Now is the Time to get a Heme. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway has just published a newspapercalled the Northwestern Home-Seeker, giving facts about the great state of South Dakota and the advantages it possesses for the pursuits of agriculture, dairying and cattle raising. Lands can be had at present upon most favorable terms, and there is every indication of large immi gration into the state this sseasoP. Cor respondence is solicited from intending 'settlers, and a copy of the paper will be mailed free upon application to W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fifth Av., Chicago. 45w4 CHOICE SEED CORN. IOWA SILVER MINE Field Corn, the very earliest and best corn. IOWA GOLD MINE Field Corn, a choice early variety. Pride of Columbia. Pride of the North, White Dent, Field 0o"rn. Manfmoth Southern Ensilage Corn. Red Cob Ensilage Corn. Mammoth Sweet Corn for Ensilage. Early Minnesota Sweet Corn for Ensilage. "*towell's Evergreen Corn for Ensilage. Field Peas, Hungarian Millet, Timothy Clover, lawn and orchard Grasses of all kinds and of standard varieties. SIMON STORFEL. One Minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal.experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. J. A. Story. DYSPEPSIA. Business Locals. Besley's Fig Syrup, the market: ^ Nothing better in Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. Try the Red Dragon tea, in half and pound packages, never mlmlk. 50c pet lb. At Owen & Chapell's. Bargains in every department at the Farmers Store,. A. P. Baer, proprietor.* A fine line of. Spring Dress Goods, at bottom prices, at Owen & Chapell's. Have your clothes cleaned and dyed. Must come Satur4ay or Monday. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside House. ' 15tf The finest line of Neckties ever shown at Owen & Chapell's. " I. Call at Owen & Chapell's and see the new line of Black, Tan and Ox Blood, for ladies and misses'. . New line Suspenders, Neckties and Summer Shirts at Owen & Chapell's. Ladies' Shirt Waists, the finest assort ment in town at A. P. Baer's. Call at Owen & Chapell's and see the new line of Oxfords. . Finest line of Oxfords and Shoes in town at Owen & Chapell's. See the new line of Shirtwaists from 60 cents to $1 at 0 wen & Chapell's. ^ Another car of the Celebrated Sleepy Eye Flour' expected this week. Beats anything on the market. Try a sack. At A. P. Baer's. For Sale; Choicest building lots in McHenry. Also lots and acres to rent for garden purposes. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at Bank of McHenry. DR. HUMPHREY SAYS! Dr. Humphrey says, as "77" is to Grip, so is No. 10 to Dyspepsia. The first dose relieves--its persistent use cures--25c at all druggists. Our bargain tree contains some items you need, and no article can go on the tree that is not extra good quality. J. E. CRISTY, Ringwood. Ready-made Dress Skirts, The finest line of these goods to be found in McHenry county. Call and see tnem at the Farmers Store. A. P. BAER. Let me give you a pointer. Simon Stoffel has the largest stock of Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods in the county. „ BESLEY'S Soda Fountain is now in running order. Call aud get a cool and refreshing drink. All kinds of syrups to suit the taste. Dutchess all wool Pants, in all grades and sizes to fit the small and the large man, sizes from 24 to 50 waist, just re ceived direct from the manufacturer, bi' Simon Stoffel. Ladies' Wrappers, all sizes and styles, from the best to the cheapest, at the Farmers Store. A. P. BAER. • FOR SALE, c Forty acres of land, situated on the Greenwood road, between McHenry and Greenwood. Timber and pasture. For further particulars inquire of J. W. GRIMOLDBY, Ringwood, 111. Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup tions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. J. A. Story. Pillsbury's Best, and Washburn & Crosby's Gold Medal Flour, are the lead ing brands, and we can sell them as low as others ask for inferior goods. J. E. CRISTY, Ringwood. Lost--A dear little child who made home happy by its smiles. And to think it might have been saved had the par ents only kept in the house One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible remedy for croup. J. A. Story. Minutes seem like hours when a life is at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives instant re lief and insures recovery. The only tiarmless remedy that produces imme diate results. J. A. Story. For 8ale or Rent. The Ostrander buildings and lot, in West McHenry, III. Dwelling rooms overhead. Ground floor occupied at present as a saloon. Inquire of H. C. Mead, West McHenry, III. A WORD UN YOtJR EAR. The secret of good health is found in the perfect action of the stomach and di gestive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin produces a perfect condition and good health results. Try it. Sold in 10c (10 doses 10c) 50c and $1 sizes. Of J. A. Story. FEMALE LOYELINESS. May be obtained by intelligent women A well regulated system mustof necessity show its fruit in the face. To regulate the system and keep it in perfect con dition there is nothing so good as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepBin--Constipation and indigestion absolutely cured. 10 doses 10c. Large size 50c and $ 1, at J. A. Story's. AGENTS.--§25 to $50 per week easy. You work right around home. A brand aew thing. Write to us quick. You will be surprised at how easy it can be done. Send us your address anyway. It will be to your interest to investigate. Write to-day. Address, PEOPLES, 3941 Market St., Philadelphia. .Tt's Free I Do not fail to send for a tree sampe copy of the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. • ' • YI-KI cures corns and warts. 15 cents. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR. im w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. You have tried' "77" for Grip" and ' A pure Grape Criam" Of Tartar Powder.1 Free Colds--now try "10" for Dyspepsia. For ! fr°m Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, sale by all druggists--35 cents. , . 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. HOW TO FIND OUT. *• . . Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine and' let it stand twenty-four hourB ; a sediment or settling indicated a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in thfeknowlege so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfill every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladdfer, and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inabil ity to, hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists," price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bot tle and pamphlet/both sent free by mail; mention PEAINDEALER and send your full post-office address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton; N. Y.v The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of the offer.' • , • . .For Stile Cheap. One second-hand Seeder and, one Pul verizer, nearly new. Inquire of- O. N.' Owen, at Bank of McHenry^ Ladies' Shirt Waists, in^ all the new colors and styles, at Owen & Chapell'B. English breakfast ,and gunpowder teas, 20c per lb, 2 lbs for 35c. At Owen & Chapell's. Don't .allow the lungs to be impaired- by the'ebntinuous irritation of a cough. It is easier to prevent consumption than to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure taken early wilt ward off any lung trouble. J. A. Story. Many casses of "Grippe" have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapt ed to the cure of this disease. It actB quickly thus preventing serious compli cations and bad effects in which this disease often leaves the patient. HAVE YOU A COLD? If so, tnen, instead of taking so much quinine and other strong medicines, take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel remedy, which will cleanse the system, and you will be surprised how quickly che cold will leave you. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will do this better than any other. Trial size 10c (10 doses 10c), larger sizes 50c and $1, at J. A. Story's. THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for tunes have been made oy judicious in vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for lull particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es tate Company, (Incorporated,) It is surprising wnac a "wee bit of a thiflg" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach,: dizziness, are quickly banished by De- , Witt's Little Early Risers. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. J. A. Story. 1 Q CTS. ten weeks, and then stopped. • W The old reliable Yankee Blade, 16 pages weekly, tilled with stories of fun, love, aud thrilling talse of adventure. Send 10 cents in stamps for ten weeks trial to Yatikee Blade, Brooks, Me. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup, you cau appreciate the gratitude of the mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is administer-. ed. Many homes in the city are never without it. J.A.Story. Chicora, Pa., lleraiu: R; Yensel re ports One Minute Cough Cure the great est success of medical science. He told us that it cured his whole family of ter- nbie coughs and colds, after all other so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. Ven t-el said it assisted his children through a very bad siege ot measles. One Minute Cough Cure makes "expectoration very easy and rapid. J. A. Story. MRS. M. P. O'BRIEN, Iveedale, 111., writes : " 1 have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as a family med icine with the best of results. For de rangements of the stomach and a gen eral laxative' 1 like it better than any thing I have used. It is so pleasant to taste my children are always anxious to take it." At J. A. Story's. D. P. Da,vis, a prominent liveryman and merchant of Goshen, Va.. has this to say on the subject of rheumatism "I take pleasure in recommendiugChamber- lain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as I know from personal experience that it will do all that is claimed for it A year ago this Spring my brother was laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first appli cation of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain and the use of one bottle com- , pletely cured him." For sale by Julia A. Story... ^ . Cemetery Work* The undersigned is prepared to fix up Cemetery lots, set out plants, spdding,, and in short do all work in that line at reasonable prices and guarantee satisfac tion. Graves decorated with flowers in a neat and tasty manner when desired. For particulars and price call on C. ESKILSON. At Rosedale Floral Co. 44w4 They are so small that the most sen sitive persons take them, they are so ef fective that the most obstinate cases of :0 constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Little Early R'sers are known as the famous little pills, J.A.Story. Wanted-An Idea Who can thtntr of some etmpl* thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring yoa wealth. Write JOHN WKDDERBtXRN & CO.. Patent Attor neys, Washington, D. C.. tor their $1,800 prise offer and list of two hundred inventions wanted. HOWr TO TREAT A WIFE. First, get a Wife ; second be patient. You may have greait trials and perplexi ties in your business, but do not there fore, carry to your home a cloudy or contracted brow. Y ur ^ife inay have trials, which, though ol less magnitude, may be hiard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in casing from her brow all clouds of gloom.---To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy in the house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will theb know that you really care'for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by J. A. Story. Who can think of gome sunplo thing to patent? neys. Washington. D. C for their «1.S00 priae ofler and list ot two hundred inventions wanted. Wanted-An Idea nATADDU HAY rnyjB W ASTHMA v" 1 positively cure l bi nature » roots and herbs or no pay Send li*o pOstapo lor ten sarnole treatments, UOLO&ADO JUlU* 1KB Oo.,i>eny«r.Cok