Commencing at 1 O'Clock P. M These lots are beautifully located, bordering on the Corporation line on the North, with regulation streets and full sized Lots, are within half a block of prospect ive Water Hydrants, and less than ten minutes walk from the Post Office. These Lots are high and dry & from them a fine view is obtained of both Fox River and McCollum's Lake. In short no pleasanter building site can be found anywhere. Good wells can be easily secured at small depth. 'Tlici'c qi<c s^ocfs i^is l^l^t too'fl] So-ql^l sides. E^:qrqii|G (1]C qcco£qpqi\3^ii|S sclcc j; oqc oi< fvTo LiO^s, \±\e sqle qqtl ID113- "jlleill <\\ yox}i( o\i i| pi<iec. TERMS OF SALE.--One-third Cash, one-third in one year, and balance in two years, at 6 per cent interest. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer If you want rich, red blood, new health j and strength; if you want your wife or daughter to forget there are such things as nerves, headaches, despondency and weakness and to see them have rosy cheeks and bright eyes; if .you want to have the pale, weak children restored to the cheerful, natural health they should enjoy, get a bottle of Brown's Cure, a perfect family medicine. It is pleasant to take and is the greatest remedy known for all troubles of the liver, kidneys and and bowels. A certain cure for dyspep sia and all stomach troubles, sickhead- ache, nervousness, constipation and loss of sleep. If you or any of your family are suffering try this great remedy now and find happiness in its cure. Sold by .T.A.Story, the leading druggist, Mc- Henry. Price, 75 cent's, l'i Ivi cures corns and warts, 15 cents. (i*SIMON STOFFEL I £#ap"Ê For the next 30 da>s we will offer all kinds of Summer Goods at extremely Low Prices. If in need of anything in the line of He Carries a Full and Complete Line of Bedroom Suit*, Parlor Suits :tggg^, ^0UDSes» Couches, Tables, Fancy 'BEf l5i K°ckeis, Iron Beds, Hall Trees, J E p & \ Wardrobes, Side Boards, Kitchen Cupboard-", Trunks, Feathers, IT" '"^TI Pillows, Mattresses, Carpets, Car- I ^ ' r® 1 || P pet Sweepers, Rugs, Foot Mats. » Hassocks, Easels,, Pictures and Room Moulding, Window Shados and Curtain Fixtures, Baby and Doll Carriages. ~ - (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) Do not fail to look over our stock CORSETS Royal Worcester, A REALKABLE I IT.EOF CHRONIC " DIARRHOEA. In 1802, when I served my country aB a private in Company A, 167th Pennsyl vania Volunteers, 1 contracted chronic diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal of trouble ever since. I have tried a dozen different medicines and several prominent doctors without any perma nent relief. Not long ago a friend sent me _ a sample bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after that I bought and took a 50 cent bottle; and now I can say that I an? entirely cured. I cannot be thankful enough to you for this great Remedy, and recommend it to all suffering vet erans. If in doubt write me. Yours gratefully, Henry Stginberger, Allentown Pa. Sold by J. A. Story. Finest line of Oxfords and Shoes in town at Owen & Chapell's. . New line of men's black and brown Stiff and Fedorah Hats at Owen & Chapell's. "The sweetest thing on earth." O * n xtr T J „ PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS FANS, All Colors AVE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc, We guarantee first class work in every respect. CSd5« IttlSfUIlC* X of our entire stock of Shoes to be sacrificed at below cost. Call and see me before purchasing In order to make room for our large Fall stock of Shoes, we will, for the next thirty days, sell all blacks, tans, Oxford, and broken lots of men's, ladies', misses' and child ren's shoes at McHenry, 111., 1897 on the hooks of a circus page advertisement. Ask your friends about our Clothing-- we're not afraid of their verdict. The good will of our patrons is the kind of 'ad' every "Tom, Dick and Harry" cannot buy for so many dollars a column. We figure on a steady customer every time we sell a Suit or. Overcoat bearing this label... GEO. W. BESLEY "KiByou," at G. W. Besley's. Try a package. THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for tunes have been made Dy judicious in vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak mining and Real Es tate Company, (Incorporated,) 1 0 tea weeks, and then^ stopped. * W The old reliable Yankee Blade, 16 pages weekly, filled with stories of fun, love, and thrilling tales of adventure. Send 10 cents in stamps for ten weeks trial to Yankee Blade, Brooks, Me. One inute is all the time necessary to de de from personal experience that One ci inute/Cough Cure does what its name implies. J. A.Story. _ Bssley's Reliable Heave Powder. The pest remedy of the kind now on the mar ket. Try a package. G. W. BESIJEY'S Condition Powders, for , Horses, Cattle and Hogs, is the finest 1 article of the kind on the market. Every horse owner should try a package They never would be withoutlt. DB. HESS' Poultry Pan-a-ge a, posi tively guaranteed to cure Gapes, Cholera Rpup, and make hens lay. Also destroys Lice, Ticks and Fleas. It is a universal remedy'for all diseases of the poultry yard. Try a package. At G. W. Besley's All desiring Jardineers Vases, and all Varieties of Flower Pots, call and see the /arge assortment at Julia A. Story's. West McHenry, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS We are determined to close out the bulk of our Shoes now on hand, and have put a price on them that will move them quick. It's guaranteed." Remember we badger no one into purchasing, you know what you want and you're entitled to it here. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter tor Medical Use, Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, if you do you will miss some rare bargains you will never get again. CALL EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To bacco always on hand. Physicians1 Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. And extra covers and rubber rings. GROCERIES, FLOUR, ETC., of the best quality, always in stock. ' ° Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. OWEN & CHAPELL West McHenry, J7n„ 1897 West McHenry, Illti 1897 McHenry, 1897