liipiif: Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1897. flsgk Or. Walter C. Besley, DEM TX8T WEST McHENUTt Office a* Geo. W. Be-ley's | Drag Store, | Examinations free Sole Agency fbr the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! HARDER THAN A DIAMOND. Henri Moissan, the distinguished , French chemist who created a sensa tion a few years ago by producing small tfhite diamonds in his electric furnace, Isynow credited with another interesting^ achievement,, says the New • York Tribune. This latter piece of work while perhaps not quite so stat- tling as the other, will probably prove of more practical benefit to mankind , and hence a source of greater revenue to M. Moissan. Hitherto the diamond has been con sidered the hardest thing in nature. The closest approach to it, until recent- 1 ly, was made by the ruby; Something halfway between them, in this respect, was discovered only two or three years ago by E. C. Acheson of Pittsburg, who was experimenting with an electric furnace for an entirely different pur pose. He, too, was trying to make artificial jewels, and succeeded in get ting a lot of small crystals which.were neither diamonds nor rubles, but were harder than the latter. They were composed of sixty-nine parts of silica and thirty-one parts of carbon. Tech nically the substance is a "carbide of silicon." The discoverer, however,gave to it the name carborundum, and is now manufacturing about two tons of it daily at Niagara Falls for chemical purposes. It is used for the same pur pose as emery. Moissan's new product is carbide of the rare metal titanium. The proper materials having been deposited in a small crucible made of lime, an electric current of large volume and low volt age is turned on, a temperature of 4,000 or 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit is devel oped, and, then the stuff is allowed to cool. The resulting crystals are said to be harder than diamonds,which now take the second place. Carborundum comes next and the ruby drops to the fourth rank. The carbide of titanium is as much harder than carborundum as carborun dum is harder than emery. The latter two are only good for abrasive service; that- is, they are employed only for grinding and polishing other very hard substances. It is probable that car bide of titanium will have a much more extensive use. There are many rock- cutting drills which consist of a tube, in one edge of which are embedded brown or black diamonds. M. Mois- san's new product will be both cheaper and more efficient than these. It may also be substituted for real jewels in watches, delicate balances and in other mechanism where small bits of partic ularly hard material are needed as bearings. The discoverer has applied for patents on his invention in this country as well as Europe, and it is thought probable that the French aca demy will award him a certain $10,000 prize offered some time ago for a sat isfactory substitute for black diamonds. Titanium, when pure, is white, and about half as heavy as iron. It is al most impossible to buy any because there is no demand, and consequently no production. However, it Is not so very scarce. An oxide of titanium, found in the form of small black stones that give a red mark, is picked up in some newly plowed fields in Pennsyl vania and sells for $4 a pound. The metal is frequently found in combina tion with iron, but hitherto has been regarded as a nuisance, because it ren ders an ore refractory. A recent writ er says: "Millions of tons of Iron ore in Virginia and New York are made worthless by the presence of 5 or 6 per cent of titanium." PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY r . V A . N S L Y K E " EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Who wants at wholesale market quo tations to put away for winter use. MILO J. L, HOWS, PIANO & ORGAN ) M<[5;nr„ Tuner & Repairer, f -- Manufactured at New Prague, Minn., All Orders Promptly Attended to, _ _ _ _ ZtrTTZTZir Mill?, are located :n the finest hard DR. BAEGHLER, DENTIST, wheat country. Are supplied with niost modern machinery. OFFICE IN THE NICH0LS BLOCK Two DoGre Northof Perry & Owen'a Store, On delivery of which cash, in gold, silver, or greenbacks will be paid, hut to accommodate, will allow a part to be paid in e CHOICE and FANCY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Subscription© recervurt for three or •months in the eame proportion. Plato Work* and everything per taining jtoDentrstry. Parties from a distance should drop a oard a day or two beiore coming. Office. McHenry. A. C. SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, West McHenry, HI. Special attention given to the treat ment of Cows. Office at residence on Waukegan street, one rinnr noot I . n. ..i. JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant -- THE OI.D RELIABLE MCHENRY, ILL, Always on Band with the Best Beer. West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E* J. HANLY, Prop'r. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. First clasB rigs, with or without drivers, furn ehed at reasonable rates- Parties taken f> and from the I.akes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains Our Rigs will bo kept in flrst class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our CUB tomers at all times, Give us a call, „ ' E J. HANLY, Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by 'the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, 1 NICE LINE OF Row BOATS AT MT LANDING, for rent by the hoar or day, at reasonable rates. Pure Wines. Liquors and Ohoioe Cigars always on hand. w*n»hL»Mr Beer constantly on draught Good Stabling f)r Horses. Mosey SiTiijybnt) Earn! J.D.LODTZJr. Merchant Tailor. Has just received hip fall samples, direct from the manufacturers, and can Save you from $2.50 to $4.00 On every suit. In short will save you the profit usually paid to middlemen Every suit he turns out is first class and a fit warranted. Suits, $ 16 00 and upwards, Pants, from $3.50 to $4 . . . . . . Strictly hand made and guaranteed in eveiy particular. Gents' Furnishing Goods." Am now offering my entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Ne<ktios, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles. At from 10 to "40 per cent below cost, as I wish to close them out. Come and inspect my goods. I can save you dollars and cents. Very Respectfully, J. D. LODTZ, Jr. Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry. BUSINESS OAKDS O. H GILLMOUE, TTOKKEY. Fiobate work a specialty. . office in Kenual ilotk, WoocSiotk, 111. KNIGHT & BEOWN, TTOBNJSY8 AT LAW. 100 Washington . S t r e e t , . . . CHICAGO. ILL. FBANK L. SHEPABD, iOUNSELLOB AT LAW. Suite 80--182 > Ola k Kt.. Chicago. O. P. BARNES, TTOBNEY, Solicitor, and Counselor, . Oolleotlons ft specialty. WOODSTOCK, 1LLIKOIB. FK ANK R. JACEMAK, ATTORNEY AM) CODPSILOB AT LAW* Prompt an 1 careful attention t > »li mat • xers left in my hands, Money to loan, Office m Hoy Rnxk, W oustock, 111. Telephone-- offioe, D6, Te«idence. 69. S5yl O. H. TEGER8, M, D IHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ills. Office at Residenoe. JOS, L. ABT, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCCLIST, Office in Nichols Bl< ck, over Pialndealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 (SMMMff! Tho joint at each --lirF" J I--m Intersection of the wires iJililJfc" makesnn adjm table fence •••WI and prevents stay wires IJ liorn bending Crlmn and Joint. The crimp in the strand wir* provi es fir exrpan- -Ion ami contraction and preven ts stay w re from moving out of place. This Bank receives deposits, bxtyi and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner ano upon ie.tns entirely satisfactory to out customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to eo- lection? t INSURANCE In first Class Oompanies at the Lowest Rites. Yours Remectfuly PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Artists' Materials. PAINTING, GRAINING, KALSOMINING SIGN WRITING, ETC. Don© on short notice, and cheap as good work can be done!! JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing line watehea. Give ma a call. JOHN P. SMITH. WALL PAPER! Justice of the Peace. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. At greatly Red licedj;Rates, to close out Spring stock. A. ENGKLN S I Safoon ApD / Restaurant, MoHENRT, ILL. Whoiesalei and Retail Agent fa SCULITZ E. B. PERKINS McHenry, June 30,1897. H. C„ MEAD* Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent Including Accident and Life Insurance. WBBT MCHENRY, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance KUNDA, I I I . THE BEST MADE. In any quantity, 'rom a Snitz Glass to a hunr/i'd la rtls. Orders by it a promptly attended to. ALSO, ALWAYS OH HAND v Fine Kentucky Liquors* French Bitters, choice Ales. Wlnas Cigars, Etc.: I buy none but the best and ^ell at reasonable prices. N. B. ROBINSON & GO'S Ale & Porter, by the^Seir and on Draught, Call and see me and I wiJl UB« yon w«ll. ANTONY ENGELtf. McHenry, 111., 1896, A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler " No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Rpeclal attention given to repairing Fine Watches an Chronometers. «r A Fill Assortment of Goods in bis line. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, III., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiottsness, sick headache, Boor stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but wsis disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf faring frqm above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. , Attend the Shoe Clearing Sale at Owen & Chapell's. An Unfallios. Indication. She--"Mr. Wilder is a great 1 the beautiful." He--"Yes; I nc always orders fancy drinks."