Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1897, p. 5

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Probate Business For the two weeks gilding- Oct. 18th. Estate Jas. Hogan petition for hearing proof of heirship set for Mar. 1897. Estate Jas. Hogan allowed $250 for monument. Estate Alfred Holmes, widows relin­ quishment and selection. Estate Michael Farley proof of heir­ ship. Final report. Estate Walter Cooney, report. Estate Alfred Holmes, petition for public sale of personal property. Estate Anna Steber, minor child of Lena Steber. Report. Estate Leonard Lockwood proof of death and petition to probate will. Estate Loretta Spaulding, report of inventory. Estate Jas. Dooley, proof of death and publication of notices. Will recorded. Estate Henry Leseberg. Will filed proof of death and pub. of notices. Estate Albert Doyle. Guardian and surities removed. Estate John Slavin. Final report. Estate Hiland Copeland, same. Estate John Kennebeck. Report, Sstate Cornelius Shanaon. Proof of death. Petition for letters and bond approved. Estate E'ioha G »rnue. Report; Fat ate Chas. Hill, Claim < f Adalinr Hill dismissed. E <tate Mai*y Tabor. Final report. Estate,of Elston Hunt. Claim of P. F Hunt, f136 50 dismissed. Estate of Melissa Ferris. Petition to probate will. Estate of Henry Keller. Petition to probate will. Estate of Peter Sill. Inventory ap­ proved, Estate of W. P. Morris. Report of sale of personal property approved. Estate of John K n e'je;k. Exhibition of receipts. Report approved. Estate ot Henry Keller. Petition for settlement with heirs of estate. Marriage Licenses, Jas. McLaughlin McHenr.v Lura Stewart..... .Woodstock Carl Schuett Harmony Emma Bofchart ..Chemung Earnest Hahn Huntley Emma Behmer Huntley 1 •f. W. Lockhart Marengo Moliie Mead . Marengo Lewis Dean .Harmony Esther St. John Harmony < M. 8. Aid ridge Elgin ' Florence Brandon .Alden Chas. Richards Woodstock Rose Lee Woodstock 0. F. Hildreth Bisr Foot Stella Boughton .-...Hebron Chas. Sinding...... Hartland Katie Delehanty Hartland Real Estate Transfers. Cor two weeks ending Oot. 18,1697, Louis Nulle and w to John Hlnz Its 3 and 4 blk 10, Union ...... 1 600 00 Kate Clark and h to T Farley, 80a being eX »eK Grattoa 100 00 Lena Schmidt to Win Pchmidt 28a in nejtf Algonquin 2000 CO J Stme and w to Reval Carney 5a In wX nw X Hebion....' 75 00 Aaron Rowe to Nelson Gates 5a in sec 19 Hebron 150 00 Dr O H Feftars to Anton Schneider, lta land 2 blk * Fegcra'adn McHenry 100 CO Clara frpltzer et at to JuIIj Hxrrifon, pt Its land2, Liu 1 Spencer'a adn Marengo 1 00 Ida Kelly and h to W Wallace, Its 1,8, S, 4.5,«, 7, blk. 5, Pierson's adn to Crystal Lake 800 00 Unknown heirs R Stantin'b6r«r et ai to Ella Lamphere, It 1 blk 21 McHAnry 1 CO It Bonner to W Peet et al, ptltCblkG Walkup's &dn Nunda 500 00 J H Parks and w lo Win Harbaek, It 11 Ringwood 1200 0" Wni Harback to J H Parks, 152tfa being pt of It 19 Ridgelio;d 2200 00 O P Rosenblat to Nellie Bygren, & It 4 Pistaqua Cottage Grounds 1 00 R H Stewart and w to Wm Wire, 83 eq rds in se cc-r Bwjisw^seo9Hebron 2C00 00 Jos Seanor and w to C Biichte, e)i nX swjtf neii Coral, 10a 1200 00 Win Ormsby to Rlohard Reed &X& in wX nwjtf Dorr ...4180 00 Wm Walsh to John Stoffel|jlt 1) blk 2 McHenry 800 00 AG.erkcto Elgin Creamery Co, 2}tfa in no cor wjjf seX Oorai 500 00 II W Mead to Village of Hebron, 60 ft for street In sw* swjtf sec 9Hebron! 100 H W Meftd and w to Haltie Chandler pc in swJ4 swjf aec 9 Hebron loOO 00 M Cooney to School Directors Dist 3, Hartland, pc innwX sec 13 50 fO P Kinnefeck aad w to W Fen ton, w# Its 1 and 2, nejtf sec 13 Hartland .... 100 E Ballon and w to F E Mc3ollum, It In blk 2 Ellsworth's adn Numl®, ..... 300 00 W Deyine and w to Cbas Raddaitz, It on Vine St in blk 8 tfullin's adn to Huntley .. 1 00 Eliza Sewell to Geo Hanlon nw)C nejf and pt nelf nffX sec 21, alto pt eX w* nwitf sec 28 and sefc nwjtf sec 21 also pc n nw cor swV neX sec 21, in all 88X& in Coral. Also pt tw& nejtf sec 21 ex la in se cor, Coral.... 500 00 A W ^rissey and w J W Crissey nefc' swk sec 10 Riley, 40a 2000 00 J Forn to A Forn, se* swM setf sec 31 Algonquin 753 00 Anna Gray to G McConnelt, {It on Hill and Mait sis, Richmond ... 800 CO P Thompson per mas to L PflHutchin- son, so if seX sec 23 Chemung 1 00 HD Crumb ito A Whoples, ltl blk 45 Harvard -- 300 00 Chas Gelster and w to Cbas Krambocr nwX sec 18 MoHenry, ex s 10a of It 1 said quarter sec .. 4000 00 A Tnompion and w to J Mllier.s pt wjtf nek sec2S Greenwood 16 00> bAVB an exchange: "A few mornings ago, in order to cheer myself up, 1 took a stroll through a neighboring cemetery. Just inside the gates 1 saw a ladj-- u widow by her dress--watering a newly made grave. Curiosity prompted me to ask her why she did it. She told me it was the grave of her husband, who recently died, and that she made a vow on his death-bed not to marry again until his grave was green. She had recently received a very good offer, she said, and wm trying to hurry up the grass." SOME boys hearing a guileless old Scotch minister say what lesson in scrip .ure he was going to read in church glued together the connecting pages. The next day the preacher read to his astoni.hed congregation that when Noah was 120 years old he took unto himself a wife who WBB (then turning the pagf) 130 cubit* long, 40 cubits wide, built of gopher wood and covered with pit jh in and out. Pnzzled with' this, he read again and said; "My friends, this if the first time I have ever read this in tb* Bible, but I accept it as evidence of the assertion that we are feai fully and wonderfully made." FOR SALE. A one-horse wagon and harness. As good as new.. Inquire of HABHY E. Wightman, 14tf At Riverside Barn. A big assortment in 2 and 3 piece , Knee Pant Suits and odd KneePa:its at 8. Stofiel'fl. Prices way down on them. McHENRY, ILL., "WIX-.L BE -R-E-OZRE^IEID Sunday Next, October 24th. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 20. 1897 Railway TlmelTable. Taking effect Sunday, Oct, 10, 1896 ••'clock A. M. Trains will pass jt Station as follows: coma south. D Lake Geneva Passenger. ] E Williams Bay Express « E Williams Bay Passenger ...a K Lake Geneva Freight..... a going kobth. K Williams Bay Passenger « N Irfik. tteneva Freight. 11 E Williams Bay Express 4 b Lake Geneva Passenger 4, E WUlums Bay Passenger 6 » BXPLAHATIOH. D--Daily.; E--Daily except Sunday. H Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, MoHenry, 111. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. J. H. Clark, <••••„• Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 r. m. Sunday School, U: fi A. *• ^ t Dr. A, E. Auringer,.... Superintendent Epworth League, 6:6 P. Bev J- R Olark, President. v Prayer Meeting. Wednesday* 7:30 p. m. Ladies' Aid Soolety each alternate week, Mrs. M. E. Howe, President. A Cordial Invitation is extended to~all Universalist Church 0lr®ctory. j. Walsh, ... ....... .............President F. L. MoOmber................... ... ...Clerk James B. Perry Treasurer Bev. J. Straab, D.D.... ..Pastor The Willing Workers, (the lsdlee organ- cation.) Mrs. Jas. B, Perry President Mrs, L. H. Owen Secretary Bupt, of Sunday School, O. N. Owen Assistant, ...........Mrs. O. N. Owen ••-The pastor's" Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7;30 p, H. A cordial invitation to all. ' - J.V'jk New Advertisement* This Week, Mrs. E. W. Howe, McHenry. John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. The McHenry M. E. Church will be re- and Abigal Harvey. Freeman Harvey opened next Sunday,. October 24, Rev. was itsfirstclaBs leader. There were seven F. A. Hardin, D. D. officiating. The appointments on the circuit at that time •hurch has undergone repairs to the and they had preaching once in four amount of about $800 and baa now one weeks. Its services were held in the Court of the finest audience roomB in the House part of tbe time and at other conference. _ times in Ira Colby's log house. The ' ( present building was erected in 1859. Freeman Harvey, Frank Gale, Ira Colby, " Wm. Page, J. E. Bassett, A. Ward and Wm. Hudson, Sr. were then its active W v It is rather amusing to see how much '-vM'i interest the members then took in the issues of the day. I notice that the sec­ ond Quarterly Conference oi 1860 passed a resolution asking the General Confer- IK ence to so change the rule on "slavery as to make it prohibitory." 1 ^ T h e c h u r c h a t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e i s i n a growing condition and will enter upon Rev. J. K. Clark, Pastor. the work of the new year with renewed This church was organized in 1840. zeal. Dr. Hardin will preach at 10:30 The first members were Ira and Mrs. and at 7:30. The Quarterly Conference vfary Colby, Darius and Mrp, L. Rey- will be held Monday, the 25th, at 10:30. uolds, Alden and Mrs. Harvey, Freeman RINGWOOD. Clara Thompson aftd Wild, r Sterrett, oj Barreville were up on their wheels, Sunday., Miss Lizzie Turner, of Spring Grove .vas sewing far Mrs. Cary the past week. Agnes and Florence Carey and Grace Oarey, of EDglish Prairie went to Elgin >n Saturday to visit relatives. John Curey and James Rouark went Blgin Sunday, Charles Kimball is visiting friends in this section. Mr. Waterman has returned'from his visit in Minnesota. Remember the overcoat sale atCristy's this week, . Ed. Dodge will run his mill every day aow as business is increasing. There will be no services here next Sun- lay on account of the dedication exer­ cises at Mc Henry. All are cordially invited to attend. J. B. Bell has placed a monument on his lot in the cemetery. James Kemerling spent Tuesday in Elgin. , Mrs J, E. Frisby andsister, Miss Bowe, called on friends here Wednesday A concert will be given next Tuesday evening, Oct. 26,-at Woodman Hall for the benefit of the sidewalk fund. The following is the programme: Italia Beloved Donnizetta, Messrs Hess and Fay, Mesdames ltich and Hess. Song--School clats with obligato solo Miss Hilda Kemerling. Recitation ..Miss Nancy Kirk. The Little Old Home on the Rhine, Bennieand Willie French, Joe and Ollie Lawrence, Fred Coates. " McCarty's Widow .......... ...Miss Sarah, Master George Havens. Recitation... Miss Myrtle Stevens, Class Song..... .C. E. Leslie Hail to our Beautiful Queen--With Obli­ gato duet by Mesdames Rich and Hess, Miss Winifred Grimolby personating the Beautiful Queen Whistling Solo .Miss Ida Malach Kathleen Aroon... ...Franz Abt Mrs. T. R Hess. The Modern Belle Scott Harrison. Our House Was Haunted Mies Agnes Stevens with chorus. Song-Rocking on th i Billows of the Deep Williejand Bennie French, Joeand Ollie Lawrence, Fred Coates. Recitation Miss Mabel Stevens Only a Dream of the Old Home...... MesdameB Rich and Hess, Messrs Hess amd Fay. Recitation .....Miss Ellen Morgan Hunting Chorus...... Mesdames3 Rich and Hess, Messrs Fay and Cristy. GREENWOOD. Harry Wilson took in the show at Ringwood, Saturday night. O. Garrison was a Ridgefleld visitor Tuesday last. • E. F. Harrison, of Ringwood, was seen on our streets last Thursday. M. J. Cole, of Hebron, was here Thurs­ day afternoon. Mrs. M. J. Dassow and mother visited at Woodstock on Thursday last. Marshall Booth and wife, of Elgin, took dinner at 0. Garrison's last Sunday. McDonald & Dassow are at work graveling the pike across the Fosdick flat. r . N. J.Garrison and wife, of Ridgefleld, were visiting at Mother Westerman's on Sunday last. Miss Mattie Austin, of Woodstock, is visiting with Mrs. E. G. Westerman. Mrs. B. M. Porter has returned to her home at 0. Garrison's after a peven Wdeks visit with.her daughters at Wood- i-tick and Mrs. Wm. and Miss Ada Cruikshank visited friends at Richmond Friday. E. G. Westerman * heeled oyer to Hebron Sunday. Geo. Lumley moved his family into the Toles house last we k and is now a full fledged Greenwood1'e. The Harmonie Quartette drew its usual large jrowd last Tuesday nighf. .fe think this one of the best troops on the road.. G. L. Cowdry and Eddie Dassow were Ringwood visitors Sunday. RIDGEFIELD. Mrs. B. Westerman and daughter were in town Friday. Miss Etla Len is, of Dundee, visited Mrs. W. H.Munroe, the last of the week. Mrs.Iva Jaynes of Algonquiu, visited her parents here, W. II. Munroe and wife. Mies Mabell Lynch is on the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Jackman, of Wood­ stock, viRited with the latter's parents, W. H, Munroe and wife, of this place, one day recently. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and several others in t his place are Buff* ring from severe colds The McHenry county Convention Y. P. S. C. E. which was held Saturday at the Presbyterian church here, was well at­ tended. Mr. Hunt, of Minneapolis, gave a very interest! g address which was ap­ preciated by all. Among the other inter­ esting speakers were Miss Renich, of Woodstock, and Miss Alice Wyant, cl Harvard. At the close of the afternoon service Mips Renich took charge of th«' coneecratiou meeting. A great many I eople from surrounding towns were present. W. H. Harback was a Batavia caller Thursday. Miss Flora Harback, of Elgin, visited parents and friends a couple of days last week. Mis Josie and Elstone Punt, of Elgiu, are visiting friends > ere. Herbert Randall, wife and children are visiting with friends here. The McHenry county convention of T O G. T. will meet with the Cary Lodge Nov. 6, 1897. J. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, says bbat when he has a spell of indigestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he taken two of DeWitt's Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same rhiug. Do you ? J. A. Story. Do you want to dress warm this win­ ter? See our ad. J. E. Cbisty. -FOR RENT -- The Riverside Hotel, McHenry. The Riverside Hotel, at McHenry, III, A UO ill TU1 DIUv LiUlClj Of U UlLLiOUl Jf j ill} is offered For Rent, partially Furnished. The bilance of the Furniture will be *o!d at a reasonable price. For further particulars inquire of JOHN I. STORY. At the above named Hotel. McHenry, 111., Sept, 15, 1897 For Sale Cheapt Two good Boats, one a Clinker Built. Tnquire at Riverside House. Wahnikg --Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save thems.e'ves eufferj <ng and fatal results by using One Mib> ute rough Cure. It is an infallible rem­ edy for coughs, colds, croup aDd all throat and lung troubles. J. A. Story. Boys if you want the latest style ia a Hat go to O wen & Ch a pell's. Planos^to Rent, Two good Pianos to rout. Inquire of O.W.Owen., DR. CALDWELL'S |YRUP PEPS CURES INDIGESTION. VETERINARY BOOK FREE. Hr. Humphreys' Veterinary Manual on the treatment of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dogs and Poultry, mailed free up­ on request. Address the Humphreys' Company, New York. Hotel Arrivals. The following ate the names registered at the Hotel Riverside from Oct. 11 to Oct. 19, inclusive: M§E>dfiy, Oct.. --A. Andercon Geo Tru«8dell H. a Keith, Ob cago; Fred Uenlob, Wood­ stock Tuesdav. Oct , 12--G, 8. French, B. Durland Chicago; H. G. Street and -wife, Hebron. We-inefrtav. Oct., 13--H. F. Waterman, Rock ford; B Durland, Chlciigo ' Thurtray.Oct, 14.-Ernnk Hort n, Elg n; J. M. Ruesel, Mllwaube^, K, W. Hill,Ohie»go. Friday, Oct, 15,--W F. Frenke), Peoria; W R Pcllard, Geo G, Parker and wife, H A. Keith, Ohicng : O Miller, Indiariapolla. Saturday, Oct. 16 -- I. D. Pollard, James T. Edwards, J. H. Thompson, Chicago Monday . Oct. 18.--^ S Packard^ Chicago; M J. Daniels, Dubuque, la. - Tuesday. Oct., 19-- Ben Aokerman, A. Ailen- & jrf, Geo Koster, H. £, Franolaco Chieaao.

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