Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1897, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1897. -- J, VAN §LYKE, Editor. - CHRISTMAS. •, Tl'e s$8»on of Christmas ie once mon> close upon UR, deetined to bring joyful- nese and mirth to millions of hearts, bu< letter Badness and a sense of utter loneliness to the forlorn. Hea en pitj those who at this festive period have no smiling faces of dear ones at their board, or, worse still, possess neither home nor means, nor friends, When most families axe annually gathered together in loving comunion, it is meet that the common sympathies of humanity should be most strongly stirred on behalf of the wretched and the out cast. Chrsstmastide has a two fold interest, B material and a spiritual. Some love it because it comes, "but once a year and when it comes it brings good cheer;" others because it is pre-eminently the eea&on of universal reconciliation, of •'peace on earth and good will towards men." Families may be ecattered during the rest of the year, but. at this time their members strive to unite, and, where this is impossible, the exiled ones turn tieir faces lonsingly towards hearths aid homes. And so at this festive sea Bon.all who can--and Heaven pity those who cannot-gather around the blaz ing fire and enjoy cheerful communion and interchange of loving kindness. Pres ents and fond messages from those who are remote, help to remind friends and relations of mutual affections, and to knit ail hearts more closely together. What matters it how the festival arose, or when, whether one century after Christ or five, so long as it forms a means for all those pleasant and human­ izing courtesies? What does it matter whether the legends of Christmas are true or false, whether its customs ar.^ Pagan or Christian, so that the season brings "Peace on earth and good uil toward? men?" May the coming Christmas be like the ••three ships" of the old Uarol--freighted with love and mercy, so that all may sing as of old: "Without the door let sorrow lie, And if for cold it hap to die. We'll bury it in a Christmas pie, And evermore be merry!" . , BsT'The butter market on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was steady at 21c. The offerings were 411 tubs and the sales 180 tubs. The treasurer's an­ nual report showed §1,508 expenses for 1897 and $355 cash on hand. 16?"The faith of the Republican party is sealed to the fact that if the Dingloy tariff bill is left alone it will not be many months until it will provide suffi­ cient revenue. The plethoric importa­ tions in the German-Wilson monstrosi­ ty are almost exhausted and new im­ portations must follow or consumer? muet use American products. G-B13A.T WINTER IT AIR. With the openiug of the Fair and Amusement Carnival i t the Coliseum on Saturday, December 18th, Chicago will, in a way, revive the old Inter-Statb In­ dustrial exhibit of the Lake Front, which for twenty years was a famous enter­ prise throughout the middle and north­ western states. There is but one builds ing in the World at pre-ent, large enough (o Bhelter a project of this character, and this edifice ha« been engaged . for a Period of five months, ending May 15, 1898. It is the plan of the projectors to oiake, in a comprehensive way, an ex­ hibit* of some of the leading industries of commerce and manufacturing arts ot the great central states. To this eud -in the neighborhood of half a million feet of floor space has been devoted to booths suitable for the display of wares of various sorts. These booths hate been arranged on thive sides of the enor­ mous grouud floor of the Coliseum. A space 140x250 t<e^ in the center of tie main floor has been coveied with the Br­ est quality Of rock maple and will be used for a^noisless cycle skating riiffe, the firs of its kind in the world. The manage­ ment hesitated some time before expend ing §5,000 for this floor, but, the active renew <1 of the vogue for roller skating which is sweeping the country, decided the fate of this scheme; In the north end of the building will be found relax­ ation from the fatigue of sigh-seeing. Here are located the rifle range, menage­ rie, Congress of beauty, bowling alley, billard hall, and the Venetian land gon­ dolas. Over on the east side of the structure and directly in the rear Of one of the band stands are placed the ait gallery, which will contain several hun­ dred of the iamous paintings exhibited at the World's Fair; smoking room and French Cafe. Persons who desire some­ thing more substantial in the way of vi­ ands will be accommodated in the din­ ing room which is located in the south­ west corner of the building. A visit to the huge gallery will carry one back to the halcyon days of tleMid- way, for here are located many of the sterling attractions of that gay thor­ oughfare. La Bolle Sadia, the principal dancer ol the Streets of ('airo, four years ago, will renew acquaintances with her < Id admirers. It is not generally known that she is a priestess of lsis, and that her dance, instead of being characteris­ tic of the Egyptian, is of a wholly devo tional character. Then there will be Tur­ kish, Chinese. Japanese, Cuban, Greek, Armenian and other villages, with an occasional oriental theater thrown in for good measure. There are other excel­ lent attractions to be found in the gal­ lery. The management has decided to set aside certain days and weeks for cer- t&in attractions find orgdni2iitioD8; at which period special programs will be arranged. Phinney's United States Band will render afternoon and even ing concerts, duriug the entire five months. Doors will be open at 9:30 A M. and will close at 10:30 P. M. Ad mission to the building will be 25 cents. Modern Treatment of ill The latest work oil the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American; physicians, says: "Cod-liver oil has done more for the con­ sumptive than all other reme- dies put together." It also | says: " The hypophosphites of lime and soda are regarded jj> by many English observers as $ specifics for consumption," I Scott's Emulsion $ contains the best cod-liver oil $ in a partially digested form, combined with the Hypophos- | phttes of Lime and Soda., This ® remedy, a Standard for a quarter of a century, is in $ exact accord with the latest $ views of the medicalprofession. % Be sure you get SCOTT'S | Emulsion. v All druggists'; 50c. and $1 .00. fh SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Administrator's Notice. EINSTATE of Peter Kemp, deceased. U The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the estnie of fetcr Kemp, deceased, lato of Ithe county ol McHenrv and state ot Illinois, hereby gives notice that ho will appear before thf County Court ol Mc.Henry county, at the Court House. In Woodstock, Illinois, •it the January term, on *ho first Mon- day in January next, at which time all persona having claims against paid estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur. pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the . undorsigned Dated this 15th day of November, A. I>. 1897. 21w4 1 JOHN HUEMANN, Administrator. Executor's Notice, ESTATE of Mftthins l,ay, deceased. The underslgnea having boen appoicted Executors of the last Will and Testament ol Mathias Lay. deceased, late of Uie Countv of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give notice that tlicv will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Cr>urt House in Woodstock, at tin- January Term, on the first Monday in Januarj next, at whion time all persons having claims agalns*. said estate are notified and re­ quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to «aid estate are requested to make immediate pa\ment to the undersigned, Dated the 17th day of Nov,, A. D., 1897. limiNLAT. | Executors, l j O W E N & (SUCCESSORS TO PEBBT «fe OWEN.) HOLIDAY We have but a week to sell them in and so have put a very CLOSE MARK fx SIMON STOFF EI WEST MeHENRY, I I_. BEFORE - REMOVING On January 1st, 1898, We will from now on offer our prudently selected stock of Ladies Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Capes & Jackets At a Discount of 80 por cent from oiir already low prices, AJiso SO jier cent off on all I®" Gen. ThomaB G. Lawler, of Rock- ford, well known to all Grand Army men, was elected commander of the G. L. Nevins poet of Rockford for thf thirty-first time last week. His record is without a parallel in the annals of the organization. The post is the old e-it one in existence, being No, 1 which always has the right to lead the entire line at the encampments. NEW STYLE IPIOTOGRSM. Portraits Like Old Paintings. IST1 Divorce laws are fearful and won­ derful combinations in most of the Uni­ ted States. For instance, if a married couple detest the sight of each other and both are dying for a divorce so as to get apart forever, the law says they shan't have it. This is collusion, says the law, and hostile to the social order. But if only one of the couple wants a divorce while the other is bitterly op­ posed to it, and moves heaven and earth to prevent it, then the law says, Oh, yes, here is divorce for you! Take it and go. The leading photographers of the country are now lighting the faces of their sitters in the style followed by the great­ est portrait painters the world ever saw. It gives a perfect likeness and preserves all the character in the face. It is highly artistic and needs only to be seen to be ap­ preciated. WE ARE EIGHT UP TO DATE Notice of Application for Pro­ bate of Will. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County | To Nicholas Schaefer, Gertrude Schatfer, Catholic Church of Johnsburg. 111.. Joseph 3ohaef«r. Annie Maria Kennebeck, John Schaefer, Elizabeth Kennebeck and Annie Justen heirs at law and legatees, so far as known, of Nicholas Schaefer, *r, deceased, lato of McHenry Connty. Illinois You are hereby notified thatapplication has been matle to the County Court of said < oun ty for the probate of the will.of Nicholas Schaefer deceased, and that the hearing ol ihe prooffof said will has '>een set by sai>. Court for the 3rd day of January A. D., 1898. .t the hour of 10 o'clock in the torenoon, at the Court House in Woodstock, In eaid County, wh^n and where you can appear, If you fee lit, and fhow cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitted to pro- bite. G. F. UUSHTON, County Clerk. December 4, 1897- 23w4 Administrator's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, | McHenry County, | " Estate of Julius A, Thomas, deceased. To whom it may concern, heirs and di»trib. utees of saul estate. You are hereby notified. that on Monday, the third day of January, 18^8, the Adminis tratrix of said estate will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, Illinois, her final report of her acts and doing. as such admin­ istratrix and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsi­ bilities connected with said Estate and her administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present ant resist such ap. plication If you choose so to <lo. f LU3Y H, THOMAS, Administratrix. AMD CAN DO IT. C O M E . S E E A N D B E C O N V I N C E D . JL,. E. BENNETT. PHOTOGRAPHER. exchange says: Now and then a judge shakes himself free from legal tradition and precedent, and announces a plain everyday truth. Speaking the other day to a lawyer who was en­ deavoring to arrest the progress of his client toward Sing Sing, Judge Lawrence of New York remarked: "1 sympathize with your zeal, but I think the time has arrived when we should realize that law is not made solely for the protection o criminals," This utterance should be posted in every judicial hat in the coun­ try. If it were borne in mind we should have fewer lynchings or none at all. The defect in our system of criminal judica­ ture is that the law has been so consider­ ate of the rights of the criminal that it has pratically ceased to protect those o! the community. State University Astronomical Observ­ atory The recent construction of the astro­ nomical observatory in Urbana.has very clearly stimulated interest in astronomi­ cal study. The observatory has been open to the public this fall on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month, with an average attendance of oyer fifty for each evening. In addition to the work of college instruction, Pro­ fessor Myers has given some attention to research. The comet discovered by Perrine, of the Lick observatory, in Oc tober, 1897, was followed as long as pos­ sible and preparations were made for ob­ serving the November meteoric swarm, though the cloudy weather prevented any pratical results. The preliminary work necessary for determining the longitude of the observatory has already been begun, and it is expected that in the near future the Western Union Tel- graph company will grant the University the use of their lines for the purpose of exchanging the requisite signals with the Washburn observatory of Madison. The finest line of Collar Boxes, Cuff Boxes, and Handkerchief Boxes, all suit­ able for Holiday Presents, to be found in town, at G. W.' Beeley'a. THE R E A S O N WHY "P'TWTTTVI" Pianos are viUWll warranted for ten years is because they are huilt to last and to KEEP their aigh quality of tone and touch and they do. There was a time when all that could be had in a piano was the regular piano tone. 'Tis different now. The "CROWN" piano contains the ORCHESTRAL ATTACHMENT, which enables the player to imi­ tate sixteen different instru­ ments. It is worth the price of the piano extra~bu^costs noth­ ing more. A Practice Clavier is ^lso fur­ nished in this piano. The attachments save the piano from wear. They make the "CROWN" the most desirable piano even man­ ufactured. If there is such a thing as PERFECT satisfaction with a musical instrument, you are enabled to enjoy that kind of satisfaction with The "Crown" Piano, O W.OWEN.Agent McHenry. Executor's Notice-. state of John MuMoon, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the U st Will and Testament of John Muldoon, deceased, late of the county 1 McHenry and state of Illinois, hereoy vne notice that he will appea r before the O.'unty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February next at which time all persons having claimf against said estate are notified and requested attend for the purpose of having the *ame adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. Dated thif 0th day of <>eeomber. A. D. 1897, 24W4 TIMOTHY LEONARD, Executor. G. W. BESLEY'S Condition Powders, for Horses, Cattle and Hogs, is the finest article of the kind on the market. Every horse owner should try * a package They never would be without it. Wool Hosiery, Yarn, Caps, make lots of room for On the them all. You will find this B iST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY Come in and see what we have to offer. OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. IN ENDLESS VARIETY. In looking for a substantial Holiday Present turn your attention our way, where you can find the largest assortment at moderate prices, Toilet Cases, Jewelry Cases, Collar and Cuff Cases Work Box "3, Glove and Hand&erchief Boxes, Shaving Sets Whisk Broom Holders, Mirrors, Music Rolls, Music Boxes, S-rap Books Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Toilet Cases, Hand Bags, Mouth Organs, Perfumes, Games, Books for children, Tool Chests for boys Sets of Dishes for \>he young. • A fine assortment of Neckties Mufflers, in silk, worsted and cotton. Initial Handkerchiefs, in silk, inen,cambric and cotton. Crushing and Grinding AT THE WAUCONSAMILL. Sets Per Bag, Cash. J. SPENCER. December 15, 1897. SPECIAL High Grade Carpets, At Low Grade Prices. We have secured just in time for the Holiday trade rare bar­ gains in Axminster, Mouquettes, Velvets, and Brussels, which will be sold at the price of ordinary goods. Here is a chance to se­ cure goods of real merit. Bugs of Every Description. At low prices. This is the place to buy Holiday Goods. Im­ mense stock. J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock. III. Suits and Overcoats. Our clothing will go during the Holidayl at January prices Footwear ot all kinds, Flour, Groceries.\ Yours for Holiday^Trade. JOHN or. WEST MCHENBY, III., 1897, • • -- 0 JOHN M ANSON'S THE STORE XS TIS HOLIDAY ATTIRE! Plenty of Holiday Goods <>f many kinds, suitable for useful gift? Fancy (ioodn, T< y^ end suchistufF to make little folks glad are here in abundance. It will pay you to call* Should you prefer to b ,y a CHRISTMAS PRESENT, For Tour Wife. Best Girl or Friend, In the way ot a Drees Pattern, a Shawls or even a Blanket, or any ot the daily necessities (he price cutter has been here with his price ax and toned off the profits on many things. We have made great preparations in Fancy Groceries, Oannec and Dried Fruits. See our Holiday display of useful items, JOHN EVANSON & CO. Fur and Duck Coats, Blankets, Wool Underwear, Mitten*, Warm Shoes, We are bound to HOLIDAY GOODS Now arriving at prices we will name; Saata Clans and New Year's Souvenirs, Fully adapted to our patrons wishes and at prices within reach of 1 Stock abundant. Fascinators in silk and wool, &ilk and {-ilk nd wool Handkerchiefs and Muflbrs in black and fashionable coi­ rs, Initial handkerchiefs in silk and linen for ladies and grants. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Plush boxes, peiturnery glove boxes, and jewelry boxe3 ' _ ELEGANT NECK WE AH. Te» k scarfs, four in hands, bow-? etc Fancy Suspenders Silk and Fur iuittes in light and dark colors. Tea sets, dinner sets, manicure and toilet set, water set, Fancy stand, table and hanging lamps. Decorated plates, trays, caps and saucers, djcintera, ce'ery dishes etc, Stand Covers, Linens, Damask Napkins, Towels, Collars, Cuffs. Choice Candies and Fruits, Nuts and Candies. Fur Boas, Plush Caps, Stylish Hats, Etc. AND IN CONCLUSION LET US SAY It is no Longer a Question Of calculating as to the probable return ot good times. It is a question ot where you can get the • f Best Goods for the Least Money. Did you ever know a man to refuse an opportunity to get rich? The best chance to save money, which is the secret of we ilth. i* to LET US SELL YOU GOODS. We Mean What We Say. Call and See. Long Distance T^ephone, Toll Station. SIMOXT ST07F3SL. West McHenrr. IH.. 189T.

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