WEDNESDAY. DEC. 22. 1897. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, Oct, 10, 1896. at six • ) ' c l o c k A . M . T r a i n s w i l l ^ Station as follows: GOING SOTFTH. D Lake Qenevfi Passenger. 7.34 A,» E Williams Bay Express E Williams Bay Passenger a.n r m E Lake Geneva Freight...... 3:27 GOING NOKTB. K Williams Bay Passenger 10:00 A M E Lake Geneva Freight 11:05 • E Williams Bay Express... 4:66 PM 8 Lake Geneva Passenger 4;55 " E Williams Bay Passenger 6:56 •' i BXFLANATION. D--Daily. E--Daily except Sunday. 8 Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Methodist Episcopal Church.) Bev.! J. Clark,.. Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. an,d 7 :30 p. M. Sunday School, 11: 6 A. M. . Dr. A, E. Auringer,..:..... -..Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 r, m., Bev. J. B. Clark, President, : a Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week Mrs. J. K.Oiarb, President. OTA Cordial invitation is extended to all UnSversalist Church Directory. T.J. Walsh,: . i . F . L . M c O m b e r . . . . . , i . , James B. Perry.... .... Rev. J. Straub, D. D-- ...President ... ...Olerk ...Treasurer .. ....Pastor >. The Willing Workers., (the ladies organ isation.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry President Mrs. L. B. Owen .Secretary Bupt, of Sunday School .....0. N. Owen Assistant .....Mrs. O. N. Owen 49*The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address s Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 p. M. A cordial invitation to all. MASONIC. MOHBNBT LODGE, NO. 168 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W, A. ,CRISTT, W. M. W. C. O. F. St. Patricia Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F, meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall, MRS. MARY COBB. Chief Banger, CHARLOTTE MADDEN* Secretary, M. W. A. Kagular Meetings every second and [fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, over Evanson & Co.'s store. ROBT. B. BOWARD, Consul. J. KIMBALL, Clerk. AN "UNPARALLELED OFFER. From now until January 1st, we make the following unparalleled offer: To all new subscribers, and those who pay one year in advance from this date we will give the PLAINDEALER one year and a Volume of Webster's Unabridged Dic tionary, for the low price of $2. To show you that this is not a Cheap John edi tion we give you the following description: "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, an American edition of the English lan guage, containing the whole vocabulary, flags of all nations, over twelve thou sand synonyms? over 1400 pages; 76 pages of illustrations; 10% inches long, 8 inches wide and 4 inches thick; bound in English silk cloth; weight 7 pounds. We are able to make this unparalleled offer from the fact that we have come into possession of a large number of Vol umes, direct from the printer, at a very low figure and propose to give our read ers the benefit of the same. It is your chance to get an un abridged Dictionary almost for nothing. Bemember the time is limited to January 1st, and that if you take advantage of it you get both the PLAINDEALER and the Dictionary for only $2 a New Advertisements This Week, L. E. Bennett, McHenry. 0. W. Owen, " John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. Milo Howe, , " Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. FRANK WATTLES shipped a car of hogs on Thursday last and a mixed car of hogs and cattle on Monday. C. T. ELDREDGE shipped a ton of Dressed Poultry to the Boston market on Friday last. MILO HOWE has his Music Store hand somely decorated for the Holidays. Call and see it. J. W. BANSTEAD, of Elgin, has our thanks for a handsome new calendar for 1898. It is indeed a beauty. LYLE HOWE had the misfortune to get the fore finger on his right hand badly squeezed in a Feed Cutter one day last week. DON'T forget to dance the old year out and the new year in, at the Banquet and Ball, to be given by the Woodmen, at Stoffel's Hall, on New Year's eve, Dec. 31. Buy your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of Hemari &Schneider and get your cou pon for the Gold Watch and Silverware Contest Christmas Eve. MABBIED.--At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Peter Martin, on Saturday evening, Dec. 18, 1897, by the Bev. J. B. Clark, Eber Bassett and Miss Cora Martin. Lost --Somewhere in this village, a small open face Silver Watch, witbSilver Chain and Pin. The Underbill be suit ably rewarded by leaving the same at the Biverside House. ARE you going to attend the New Year's Party, at Stoffel's Hall, oh Fri- evening of next week, Dec. 31 ? If not why not? You will miss a rare treat if you do not attend. AN exchange has the following: "A man arrived in San Francisco on a jack ass the other day, having ridden the ani mal all the way from New York on a bet on Bryan's ekction. both jackasses are well, though somewhat weary." THE orders for the PLAINDEALER and the Unabridged Dictionary are coming in rapidly. Many have already been taken and more orders are being received every day. We expect to deliver three hundred of them before January 1st. THE Christmas Exercises at the M. E. Church promises to be of the most in teresting character. There will be a fine Christmas Tree and Santa Claus is ex pected to be there in person, iaud of course will make the children happy. A set of swindlers are sending out cir culars promising "in order to introduce its goods," to send to any address, post paid, ten yards of red, brown or green silk for $1. The eager victims, who are many, receive ten yards of silk thread cut from the spool. THKRE will be a Christmas Tree at the Universalist Church, on Friday evening. A fine programe has been prepared and the Ladies are sparing no pains to make it one of the most interesting Christmas Eve. entertainments ever held in the Church. All are cordially invited. THE following officers were elected for the ensuing year by Wauconda Camp^ M. W. A , at their last meeting; Q. C. Roberts, Consul; M. S. Ford, W. A.; E. Green, E. B ; J. B. Turnbull, Clerk; F. L. Carr, Escort; W. Harris, Watchman; H. Hicks, Secretary; Dr. J. Dawson* Physician. B. C. Hill, Manager. The Beloit Daily News says that the following problem has been presented to a number of business men and not one of them gave the correct answer: "A bottle and a cork cost $2.10. The bottle cost $2.00 more than the cork. How much did the cork cost?" Can you an swer it? THE Waukegan Daily Sun, by all odds the most readable Daily ever published in that city, camc in holiday attire one day last week. The cover was a fine piece of workmanship and the inside pages were embellished with cuts of per sons, scenes and prominent buildings of the city. The edition is a credit to the paper and its enterprising publishers. AT a regular meeting of St. Mary's Court, No ETO4, C. 0. F. held on Sunday evening Dec. 19th, the following officers were elected: Wm. Stoffel, Chief Banger. John Neiss, Vice Chief Ranger. Peter Englen, Financial Secretary. John J. Barbian, Treasurer. John Heimer, A. Englen, Ben Laurer, Directors. 'Peter Weber, Junior Marshall. Martin Thelen, Senior Marshall. THE McHENRY GUN CLUB The McHenry Gun Club will hold another shoot on New Year's day, Sat urday, Jan. 1st. This will be a handi cap shoot, so that all shooters will have an equal chance, whether in practice or not. During the day there will be a Match Shoot between members of the club. They will choope Nine on a side and the winners will enjoy an Oyster Supper at the expense of the other fellows. A fine days sport may be expected. THE preparations for the Woodmen's New Year's Party are completed and the dancing public are assured that noth ing has been left undone that will tend to their comfort and pleasure on that occasion. Baymond's celebrated Orch estra, of Elgin, will furnish the music, and the supper will be served by Mrs. Dermont, and both facts are sure guar antees that nothing will be lackiug in either line. When making out your card for New Year's, be sure and put down the Woodman's Party for Friday evening, Dec. 31st, at Stoffel's Hall. Lost--Somewhere in this village, a small open face Silver Watch, with Silver Chain and Pin. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the Biverside House. Lost.-1Somewhere in this village, a small open face Silver Watch, with Silver Chaih and Pin. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the Riverside House. JOHN OEFELING had the misfortune to cut his foot quite badly, while chopping wood at Ben Stilling's, one day last week. Dr. Abt was called and dressed the wound. THE McHenry PLAINDEALER, Word and Works, the Irl R, Hicks Almanac for 1898, and the weekly Inter Ocean, each piper one year, all for $2.25. Send in your orders. . "I don't like^ living in Aurora 'very well," remarked Mrs. Waffles. "Where we lived people were so close you couldn't even borrow trouble. One woman re fused to lend me her ear, and my right We learn of a new brand of cigarettes that is on the market' known as the "musical cigarettes." Everytime you take one from the package, a minute music box plays "Nearer My God to Tbee." This is the season of the year whrn everyone wishes he ha5 more money to spend for Christmas presents, and every one wants to know where he can find the best bargains. Our merchants have put in unusually large and inviting stocks of holiday goods this year, ex pecting a good trade//in this line of goods. You need not go abroad to make yonr selections. Read the bar gains presented in the PLAIN'DEALER ad vertising columns. A number of new advertisements appear in this number of the PLAIN- DEALER. To the advertiser who adver tises judiciously we wish to say that they will find no better medium through which to tell of the merits of their several stocks of goods. To the consumer we wish to say that a careful house wife is always a careful reader of advertise incuts. There is no article, no matter how sensational or important in the great papers of Chicago read more carefully than are the advertisements Every article in every ad is read with the greatest care, not of one ad but of all, and Monday morning the great stores are crowded with customers seeking the bargains which they have seen advertised in the Sunday papers. It is not neces sary to go to Chicago to find these bar gains. The merchants of McHenry offer in to-days paper bargains, which no one will attempt to duplicate in Chicago or elsewhere. A Sad and P&lnfu) Acc'dent. Miss Florence Searles met with a sad and painful accident on Thursday of last week, and one which will keep her in doors for some time to come. It ap pears she was going down the basement stairs, at her mother's residence, in this village, when in some unaccountable way a boiler full of hot water, whiL-h was standing on the stove in the upper room was tipped over, the water strik ing her on the right shoulder completely saturating her to her feet, burning her in a frightful manner. Dr. Fegers waf- immediately called and did all that could be done to alleviate her sufferings, and at this writing she is reported as getting along as well as could be expected, con sidering how serious were her injuries. Miss Searles has the sympathy of this entire community in her misfortune. SONQS AND TRAVELS. The Aid Society, connected with the M. E. Church have secured the seryices of G. L. Surrick and wife, for an entertain ment, to be given at Stoffel's Hall, West McHenry, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th. This entertainment will consist of Songs and Travels, Elocution, and the attraction of the hour "The Klon- dykeand scenes on the iukon, " richly portrayed and aided by Calcium lights, introducing the wonderful Motion Pic tures of rare excellence, which are the reigning sensation of the amusement world. The Surrick entertainments are pronounced by Press end public every where as being absolutely the grandest of their kind. They are classic, new, unique, novel, and instructive. Mabel Scott Surrick is too well known here to need any encomiums from us. As Vocalist, Elocutionist and Pianist she has few equals and no superiors. We predict for them a rousing house on this occasion. Remember the place and date, Dec. 29th, at Stoffel's Hall. G-RAND NEW TEAR'S BANQUET AND BALL. All are cordially invited to attend the Grand New Years Banquet and Ball, at Stoffel's New Hall, West McHenry, Fri day evening, Dec. 31st 1897. Given un der the auspices of Valley Camp No, 97, Modern Woodmen of America. This Hall has been fitted with Steel Panel Ceiling, making it the finest Dancing Hall in the County. Music by Raymond's Celebrated orchestra, of Elgin, which is considered one of the finest in the state. FLOOR MANAGERS.--Chas. H. Granger, West McHenry. J. J. Barbian, McHenry, W. P. Stevens, Richmond; J. V. Buckland Ringwood; Jas. Murry, Volo; Ben. Baue, Nunda; Wilder Starritt, Terra Cotta; Robt. Matthews, Barreville; W. L. Farrier, Lake Villa; Geo. Thompson, Gray's Lake. W. D. Wentworth, Wau- conda. No pains will be spared >by the man agement to make this the finest event of the season. Tickets, $1.00. Supper served by Mrs. Dermont. Good stabling near by. PER ORDER COM. IN McClure's Magazine for Janauary will appear the first of a series of articled by Herbert E. Hamblen describing, from fifteen years' personal experience, the daily life and disasters of railroad work man. Mr. Hamblen is the author of "On Many Seas," a record of his own sailor adventures and experiences that has had a [great sale. He knows the life of the railroad as thoroughly as he knows the life of the sea, and his forthcoming pa pers can not fail to be interesting. The first will give his experience as a brake- man in the yard and ou the road. The papers will be illustrated with drawings froni life by W. D. Stevens. To Whom It May Concern, It is not often a music teacher can honestly give recommendations to his pupils as teachers. To become a music teacher, one must be a thorough musi cian, and must be able to explain in the simplest manner all the rules pertaining to music and to the instruments the pu pils are studying. Messrs A. ai)d M. Bryhn began with me the studies of the mandolin and guitar respectively five years ago, and being exceptionally studious and also talented they made wonderful progress, not only in performing on their instru ments, but mastered the theory of music as well, so well in fact that I feel safe to recommend them as teachers of music of the highest order. Sincerely hoping they may succeed in their adopted profession I remain, Truly Yours PROF. CHAS. N. HORN, Teacher of Music, B om 51, Schroeder Bldg. Chicago, 111. Now is the Time to go South. Do not fail to see the Exhibit of the Bennitt Land Company, consisting of the products of our country. It will be on exhibition in West McHenry, Tues day, Dec. 28. Call and let Mr. Junk ex plain the advantages that country^ has over this and see how you can own a farm. PERSONAL. JAMES B. PERRY- was a Chicago visitor on Thursday last. SIMON STOFFEL attended to business in Chicago on Thured <y of last week. • J. D, LODTZ was a Chicago visitor on Monday. T. J. WALSH was a visitor at the Coun ty seat on Thursday la9t. ' DR. J. L. ABT was a Chicago visitor on Friday last. MILO HOWE was in Chicago on business on Thursday last. JOHN BALSTON was a Chicago visitor one day last week, Gus FISCHER, of Lake County, was call ing on old friends here, on Saturday last. MATT NEIBEN was attending to busi ness in Chicago on Monday. GEO. YAGER, of EvansoD, was calling on friends here on Monday. F. L. MCOMBER was in Chicago on Monday. HARRY ELDIIEDGE was calling on friends at Algonquin on Sunday. O N . O W E N and wife were Chicago vis itors on Thursday last. ED KENAELLY, of Elgin, is visiting with friends in this village this week. HON. G. W. ELDREDGE. of Richmond, was on our streets on Thursday last, ' WM. WATTS, who lives near Spring Grove, was in town the first of the week RAY LAMPHERE, of Wauconda, was calling on friends here on Sunday. A.K. BUNKER, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Tuesday. S. S. CHAPRLI, made a business trip to Chicago on Tuesday. MRS. E. W. HOWE attended to business in Chicago on Tuesday. FRANK WATTLES' children are reported quite sick at this writing. A. P. BAER made his regular weekly business trip to Chicago on Tuesday. DR. A. K, BAEOHLER was a Chicago vis itor on Tuesday, E. J. HANLY spent" Sunday and Mon day in Chicago. MRS. MAGGIE JILLES and son, Harold, are visiting relatives in Elgin this week. S. MCGEE, of Hartland, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Dr. Fegers, one day last week. HARRY FAY went to Chicago on Mon day, where he will visit with friends until after Christmas. DR. A. C. SPURLING and family came to McHenry to-day, Wednesday, to spend the Holidays. FRED BRAND came out to look after the Ice interests at McCollums Lake the first of the week. ' Miss DELIA WEI CR, of Moreland, came home Thursday to spend the Holidays with her parents. C. H. GRANGER wa« on the sick list for a few days last week, but is now able to be around ngnin. JAY GILBERT, of the firm of Gilbert Bros, took the train for Chicago on Monday morning. Miss KATE HOWE WAS viewing the' sights in the big city by the Lake, on Saturday last. Miss JOSIE GAGE, of Wilmette, III., will be the guest of friends in this village and vicinity during the Holidays. CARL RALSTON, of Chicago, spent Sun day last with his parents, soutl of this village. S. S. CHAPELL and wife visited with friends at Triumph, 111., for a few days last week. MRS. C. C. COLBY and daughter, Miss Carrie, were Chicago visitors one day last week. MRS. L. H. OWEN visited with friends at Chicago and Wilmette for a few days last week. Jos. FITZSIMMONS, of Chicago, has been shaking hands with friends here the past week. LIZZIE FOLTZ will spend the Holidays with her parents, after which she will re turn to Elgin with Mrs. Geo. Smith. MRS. E. J. HANLY is reported very sick at the present time, at her home in Chi cago. Mr. Hanly was called in last week. EDSON BRESEE is visiting with his neice, Mrs. Annie Beckley, at Riverside, III. He xpects to remain until after the Holi days. TH s. BURKE and wife returned from their trip to Spencer, Iowa, on Tuesday of last week. They report a very pleas- a )t time. F. A. HEBARD was confined to bis bed for two or three days last week, but is now better and able to be up around the house. Miss AGNES PERRY, who is attending the Wisconsin State University, at Madi son, will spend the Holidays with her oarents, in this village. She is expected home on Friday. SENATOR F. K. GRANGER came home from Springfield the middle of last week, somewhat under the weather, but was able to return on Monday. He thinks the special session may be able to com plete their work and adjourn about the first of February. hand neighbor sail to be «o penori- g ©us he wouldn't even give a little advice goods warranted. Your Holiday Trip Can be made via the North-Western Line on excursion tickets which will be sold at reduced rates December 24, 25 and 31. 1897. and January 1, 1898, i limited to January 4,1898, to points on or gents The person holding the^cond ! fchS No'th-Western system within 200 largest nnmher c, «eta wiff I & North-Western R'y. 24w3 The contest for Christmas Eve will be for the person holding the largste amount ofjickets one Gold Watch ladies son holding the second tickets will receive one to a poor widow? HE MAN & BCHNETOEB. Webster's Standard. Unabridged Die tionary only $ I, at Miss Story's Drug Store. ' Bound Books, all standard works, for only 15 cents. At Miss J. A. Story's. Photo Holders, something new, at Besley's. HELLO! What's This to Farm ers? S. Reynolds, at McHenry Mills, is crushing and grinding and at reduces prices. He also has a new 6heller so that he can crush or Shell your corn and grind it He begs to thank you for past favors and hopes for a continuation of same. Straight Business. Buck wheat Flour, wholesale and retail. (Genuine.). Go to S. Stoffel and Baye 20 percent on your cloaks, clothing, overcoats, under wear, woolens etc. For appropriate Holiday gifts call on ' S. Stoffel. RINGWOOD. •FoMy bonsrh and Holly l>erry, Tnke from ma a message merry, Take remembrance ami a rhyme For the Merry Christmas time." .1. E. Cristy made his usual trip to the city on Tuesday. Mrs. 0. N. Rich has returned from a visit at Elgin. * * Miss Francis Ingalls is visiting friends in Greenwtoi. Christmas exercises will be held in the M. E. Church on Christmas eve. Another shipment of Holsteins has just been made from Meadow Lawn Herd, by C. W. Harrisou, consisting of heifer calves from three weeks to three months old, taking every animal in the herd coming under this head. They belong to the Pietertje family, all being Bired by Pietertje No. 20482, H. F, H. B. and were fold to W. R. Gates, of Ft. Atkin son, Wis., ATTEMPTED TRAIN WRECK--An at tempt was made to wreck the Williams Bay express, about a half mile north of tlifs station, on Wednesday evening of last week. A rail had been placed across the track seme distance below the bridge on the Dodge farm/which was struck by the trucks aud shoved along on the track plowing in the dirt and grinding along between the track and wheels The train passed safely under the bridge and stop ped at the north end of the cut, where the rail was removed and the train steamed on toward Richmond. Why it was done or who did it appeared to be a mjstery until s-ispicion Dointed to a young fellow living near Lake Geneva* He,was arrested but many thc$|ght he could not have done the deed, or if he had that it was owing to a foolish im pulse which took possession of him a? he was passing along the track. Accord ing to his own story he placed the rail on the track, returned to Ringwood boarded the train slipped into the closet of the smoker and awaited developments. When the train stopped he put in his appearance but as things were not satis factory he secreted himself again till the train pulled into Richmond, when he purchased a ticket for Lake Geneva where he was arrested on Friday and brought to Richmond. Ho was given a hearing on Saturday and placed under three thousand dollar bonds, which he was unable to furnish, and is now in the county jail awaiting the action of the grand jury. When arrested he was carry ing a huge revolver but had money enough to pay his board till spring. Why le was so foolish or what his mo tive seems as much a mystery as before. NUNDA. Ed Lowell has gone to Mississippi to work for a lumber firm. Miss Mabel Philp was a Chicago vis itor on Soturday last. Miss Mary Ballou is reported not quite so well. D. T. {Smiley, of Woodstock, was n caller Monday last. Judge Sherwood, of Elgin, was in Nunda Monday last attending to legal business. W. A. Van Auken, who has been east the past few weeks, returned to Nunda last Friday. W. S. Shales was taken violently sick last Friday. Dr. Burr was called to attend him. He is much better. Dr, Watson has been quite indisposed for several days but is feeling a little better at this writiug. Mrs. Wakefield, of Ridgefleld, attended the meeting of the W. R. C. on Saturday last. Quite a railroad wreck occurred at Crystal Lake Thursday night, Dec. 16. Two or three cars were demolished and an engine badly disabled. Prof. Smith, of the Nunda and Crystal Lake High school, attended the Teachers meeting at Marengo last Saturday. The milk shippers of this vicinity formed a Milk Shippers Union hereSatur- day and elected C. E. Rowley, President and W. O. Keller, Secretary. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Locke recently adopted, passed away Sunday morning and its remains were placed in the Union Cemetery. The play that was to have been ren dered in Colby's Opera House, by home talent, during the Holidays, will very likely have to be postponed on account of one of the characters leaving town. The C. & N-W. R'y had another wreck near Barrington Sunday night which de layed the Monday morning trains two or three hours. Some of the pasenger trains were run via Elgin and West Chicago. GREENWOOD. Miss Florence Brown, of Ringwood, was canvassing our town for a music book one day last week. Mrs. N. J. Garrison, of Ridgefleld, vis ited with relatives here last Wednesday. Mrs Geo. Garrison is confined to her bed by rheumatism. Dr. Windmueller is attending her. Mrs, uhas. Stratton is visiting her brother, J. Q. Adams, at Marengo. Clarence Carr, of Chicago, visited with his parents, Wright Carr and wife, the past week. Miss Mabel Mentzer returned the latter part of the week from a visit with her sister at Park Ridge. The people of the M. E. churoh will hold a reception for Rev. Cockrell, Tuesday evening, Dec. 28, at the home of H. Murphy. The committeo appointed by the M. E. Sunday school met Tuesday night and made all necessary arrangements for a Christmas tree to be held Christmas eve. There will be a "clay pigeon" shoot in Greenwood Saturday, Dec. 25, under the management of the Greenwood Gun Club. Open to the world. Misses Mary and Julia Barber returned from Chicago Saturday, where they had been to consult Dr. Dowie in regard to lulia's health. Her many friends will be glad to learn that she is greatly im proved. Jas. Westerman, of the firm of Wester- uian & Garrison, at Ridgefleld, spent the Sabbath with Greenwood relatives. J. Adams and Chas. Standish came over from Marengo and joined Warren and C. V. Goddard, B. B. Marble and Art Pierce in a wolf hunt on Saturday last. The boys succeeded in baugingone wolf, Pierce getting the lucky shot. We have no doubt that the largest mail that ever left our post office left last Saturday morning, when 1,395 letters, each bearing a two cent stamp, was put up and delivered to the carrier by the postmaster. The next M. E. Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Johu Mansfield Thursday afternoon. Dec. 30, and will be followed •*by an entertaiument. in the evening. We have not learned what theentertainment is to be, but if you are there no pains will be spared to have you enjoy your self. Rl DGEFI ELD. Mrs. Mason was a Chicago caller the first of the week. Mrs. L Landon was in Nunda on Tuesday. Mrs Chas. Kiltz, of Cary, is visiting at the home of her son, A. W. Kiltz. Clark Jr-cobs, of Nunda, was in town the first of the week. Geo. Wood was a Crystal Lake caller the first of the week. Lowel Walkup and wife and Miss Mary Cooper spent Saturday in Chicago. Chas. Keeler,wife and son were Chicago visitors the last of the week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Blanch, were in Chicago on business - the first of the week. There, will be Christmas exercises held in the church Friday evening. Besides songs and recitations there will be a nice Christmas tree. The Y. P. S. C. E. sociable, which was held at the parsonage, on Tuesday even ing, was largely attended. After picking out puzzles and playing games, ice cream cake and coffee were served in the parlor. Acgeneral good time was had by all. The guests departed for their homes about 10:30. Through Cars to California- Persons contemplating a trip to Cali fornia should be particular to see that their tickets read via The North-Western Line, and th us avoid unnecessary changes of cars and delays enroute. Personally conducted excursions to California leave every Thursday. For lowest rates, sleep ing car reservations, maps, printed mat ter and detailed information, inquire of agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 20-6 w A full line of Holiday Goods, all kinds, from the cheapest toy to the finest China at Miss J. A. Story's, Ladies silk mitts just received from the Amsterdam Silk mills. Price 65 cents at Evanson's. We are showing the best asHortment of Holiday goods ever brought to this section and think you will agree with us if you will call and inspect. J. E. CRISTY. Fine plush caps and cloth caps for Xmas at Evanson's. FOR SALE. A house and six- Acres of land, near this village. Time will be given ou part of the purchase morey if desired. In quire at this office. Special sale of wool and cotton under wear, Rockford wool hose, Thursday and Friday of this week. It will pay you to improve this opportunity. JOHN EVANSON & Co. The best Standard Works, handsomely bound for 25 cents, at Miss J. A.Story's As fine a stock of Lamps as can be found in the County, all suitable for Hol iday presents. At Misa J. A. Story's. With every 25 cents worth of goods you buy of us we will give you a coupon t wards the Gold Watch or Silverware Contest. HEMAN & SCHNEIDER. Fine wool Blankets at wholesale price? for Xmas gifts at Evansou's. Fur coats, Fur robes, Fur lin^d Duck storm coats at Simon Stoffel's. We have selected our holiday stock with great care and think we can pleaei vou in goods and prices. J. E. CRISTY Elegant new Cloaks, Capes and Jack ots from America's leading mannfacturet l os. Beifeld & Co. A large stock to suir and fit ladies, misses and children, at A. Stoffel's. Nice assortment of chamber sets at lowest, prices Buch goods have ever been sold for. J, E. CRISTY. Miss \llie Hughes, Norfolk, Ya. was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the n- jury with out leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. J. A. Story. Buy the celebrated Natural woo) louble breasted a id backed wool under wear of S. Stoffel. If you want a nice Album tor a Christ mas Present Besley has them, and will supply you at bed rock prices. For a good Five Cent Cigar, try the 'Delmonica" at Besley's Drug Store. Men's and women's warm foot wear of nil kinds at S. Stoffel's. Don't fail to call at Besley's before selecting your Holiday presents; Now is the time to buy wall paper cheap of S. Stoffel. Mrs. M^y Bird, Liarrisburg, Pa., says, "My child is worth million to me; j would have lost her by croup had I noi invested twenty-five cents in a bottle ol One Minute Cough Cure," It cures colds, coughs and all throat and lung troubles I. A. Story.,.,, It is easy to catch cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to us>e One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, cold, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and luug troubles, - It is pleasant to take, safe to U6e aud sure to cure. J, A. Story. RIGHT IN IT. That's where Dr. Caldwell's SyrUp Pepsin is. The greatest remedy for the stomach that was ever put together. Absolutely vegetable with the exception of the Pepsin. Are you constipated? Then try Syrup Pepsin. Have you in digestion or sick headache? Then use Syrup Pepsin. Spend 10c for a trial bottle and you will bo convinced. Largf sizes 50c and $1.00. A true family rem edy. At Julia A. Story's. Anything in the Holiday Goods line, from a Penny Whistle to a corner lot if Alaska, can be found at Besley's, on tht West Sdia. THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for tunes have been made Dy judicious in vestments in gold mining stockB. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak mining and Real Es tate Company, (Incorporated,) Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR; ?WC£y * CREAM BAKING nmm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free fr<im Ammonia, Alum ot any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. * Business Locals. Latest novelties Owen & Chapell'e. in Dress Goods at Besley's Fig Syrup, the market. Nothing better in S. Stoffel WELL'S f&l P E P S B g V 5TIPATION. 8 1 Insure your property with and be insured. Bargains in every department at the Farmers Store, A. P. Baer, proprietor. See the Children's Cloaks at Owen & Chapell's. - When you want a real good article in Rubber Goods don't forget the "SnBg Proof." They will outwear frqtfr* 2 to 4 pairs of other-brands. • G OWEN & CHAPELL Agants. SDR. CALDWELL'S Y R U P CURES CONSTIPATION. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Jackets at Owen & Chapell's. Ladies' Shirt Waists, the finest assoiti- ment in town at A. P. Baer'8. Peabody Buggies are sold by T. J. Walsh. We sell the celebrated Red Dragon Tea. A. P. Baer, at the Farmers Store. Holiday Goods, all kinds, can be found at. Besley's. A full car of the famous Flour received asi Saturday by S. Stoffel. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cures billiouspesp, constipation, sick headache. J. A, Story. Ladies' Wrappers, all sizes and styles, frOm the best to the cheapest, at the Farmers Store. A. P. BAER. Get a pair of Pingree & Smith Shoes of Owen & Chapell. If they are not right take them back. Ready-made Dress Skirts, The finest line of these goods to be found in McHenry county. Call and see them at the Farmers Store. A. P. BAER. You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. J. A. Story. Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. J. A. Story. The finest stock of Underwear in town, and prices right. A. P. BAER. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Rnddell's 111, suffered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cored by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. J. A. Story. After hearing some friends continually praising Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as en thusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. A. Storv. Druggist. FOR SALE. 500 acre Stock Farm in McHenry Co. Plenty of water, good Wind Mills, tanks, etc. Will take small farm of 100 acres or less as part payment Easy terms. Address Wm. Stoffel, McHenry, 111. Red Dragon Japan Tea, the finest un- colored Japan that can be obtained. Sold only in packages--25c per % pound and 50c for a pound package. OWEN & CHAPELL, Agents. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge; O., says: •'After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using Oue Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and mose certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. J. A. Story. FOR SALE. A one-horse wagon. As good as new. Inquire ot HA-RRY E, WlGnTMAN, 14tf At Riverside Barn. For Sale or Rent. A first class improved 120 acre Dairy Farm, 2% miles south west of Crystal Lake and Nunda. MARK L. RILEY, 204 Dearborn St. Room 751. Chicago. 111. Ready-made Dress Skirts and Wrap pers, all colors, at A. P. Baer's, the Farmers Store. Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition. De Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pilla for constipation, billiousntss, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. J. A. Story. Pianos to Rent, Two good Pianos to rent. Inquire of O. W. Owen. _________ * DR. CALDWELL'S •• P E P S l t y SY R U P CURES II INDIGESTION. Blankets, Yarns aud Flannels of all kinds at S. Stoffel's. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without reputation or merit- Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more, aud its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following frqjnJL. G. Bagley, Hueneme, California, are constantly being received: "The best remedy for pain 1 have ever used is rhamberlain's Pain Balm, and I my so after having used it in my family for several years." It cures lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by J. A. Story. "1 Was Weak Nervous mid Bun Down.,, I want to testify to the good Brown's Cure has done me. I was weak, nervous and run down iu vitality when I com menced taking it; it has done everything fur me and now I am a new being. A number of my friends also speak with gratitude of the good your medicme has ifone them--it is indeed a grand remedy. Yours gratefully, Mrs. L. V. Craig, 907 Mass. Ave , Indianapolis. Ind. Such is the testimony of thousands concerning Brown's Cure, a Perfect Fam ily Medicine, the best remedy known for the liver, kidneys and bowels, a positive cure for dyspepsia and all stomach troubles, sick headache, nervousness, constipation and loss of sl6ep. If you suffer, try this gieat remedy and find health and happiness. Sold by Julia A. Story. Price 75 cents, YI-KI cures corns and warts. 15 cents The verj best Eosene Oil only 8c at Stoffel's. A GREAT DEAL Of unnecessary expenditure of time and money may be saved if you will only keep a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in the house. Nine-tenths of all ordinary sickness is from the stomach; keep that organ in proper condition and all will be* wt'll. Syrup Pepsin is a specific. Trial size bottles 10c, large sizes 50c and $1.00; of Julia A. Story. "