Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1897, p. 8

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ONE OS TWO WATS ? The bladder was created for one pur- »f»e, namely, a receptacle for the urine id as each it is not liable to any form I diseaftee except by one of two ways, be first way is from imperfect action of ie kidneys. The second way is frotn ire.ees local treatment of other disease. CHIEF CAUSE, Unhealthy nrine^lrom unhealthy kid ey* is the chief cause of bladder •oubley. ho the womb, like the bladder as| created' for one purpose, and if not octored too much is not liable to weak- ess or disease, except in rare cases. It i situated back of and very close to the ladder, therefore any pain, disease 01 ^convenience manifested in the kid eys, back, blahder, or urinary passage, t often, bv mistake, attributed to fe- H O L I D A Y ^CwdOD, II-1- All kinds of Fruits, in their season, Bakery Supplies, fresh every day. Choice Confectionery, etc., alwayi on hand. 1 MRS. C. B. MURPHY, j Weat McHenfy, Oct. 26,1897. ,le weakness or womb trouble of le sort. The error is easily made may be easily avoided. To find out correcctly set your urine aside for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordi­ nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the very best. At druggists, 50 cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men­ tion The I'ioaikdealer and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- ton, Nl Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Buy Fancy and Sleepy Eye Flour of S. Stoffel. __i_ ' i'*»ley's Reliable Heave Powder. The best remedy of the kind now on the mar- W ket. Try a package. Fall and winter Overcoats and Suits, for men and boys, all new and direct irom the manufacturer. Call on Simon Stoffel. WANTED--TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladies to travel or responsible, established house in Illinois. Monthly $65 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope. The Dominion Company. Dept. Y Chicago Rubber Goods, bought before the ad­ vance, at S. Stoffel'e. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says, "My child is worth million to me; I would have lost her by croup had i not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure," It cures colds, coughs and all throat and lung troubles J. A. Story. It is easy to catch cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, cold, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles, It pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. J, A. Story. RIGHT IN IT. That's where Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is. The greatest remedy for the stomach that was ever put together Absolutely vegetable with the exception of the Pepsin. Are you constipated? Then try Syrup Pepsin. Have vou in­ digestion or sick headache? Then use Syrup Pepsin. Spend 10c for a trial bottle and you will bo convinced. .Large sizes 50c and $1.00. A true family rem­ edy. At Julia A. Story's. THF. GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made oy judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) f * How to Prevent Pneumonia At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if let to run its course without the aid of some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction.--Oola- gah, Ind. Ter Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it for colds and la grippe we have never yet learned of a single case having resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep the remedy at hand- The 25 and 50 cent Bizes for sale by J. A. Story, Druggist We are prepared to show you a Complete Assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS. Please call and see our large col lection of USEFUL, ORNMNTAL AND PLEASING Our prices are the lowest. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, West McHenry, III. ORIGINATOR OF LOWEST PRICES There never was a time in the history of McHenry when the stocks of Holiday Goods were larger and the Prices lower than this -[ yearT-aBd-t-be^Earmei-s^StarjS-ia-iicyBr^behind^ either in quality of goods or variety in stock. IN THE The past year stands as a record* breaker at Span's Great De­ partment Store, but it is the aim and determination to make the year 1898 eclipse all past records. So while we with you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. And extend our hearty thanks tor your past favors thown uj by your keen appreciation of our efforts to serve you, we turn con fidently to tne new year with assurance that no effort will be spared on our part to make it the greatest year ot our history in the flerings of First We -will Mention, Dry Goods and Notions In this aepartment can be found as fine an assortment as at any | store in McHenry county. Dress Goods, of the Latest Patterns. Ready-Made Skirts, Ready-Made Wrappers, And in short everything in the Dry Goods and Noiion line can be | found at our store and at bargains that will astonish you. Call and look this Department over. You are sure to find something for Christmas Presents that will be both useful and pleasing. CENT'S PARTY TIES. The finest line of these handsome Ties ever brought to this town. Be sure and see them, Money Saving Quotations, Underwear for Everybody. Backed by first-class goods. No baits to lure and hookn to catch trade, but Bargains--honest big Bargains, that draw trade because >f their intrinsic merit, both in the quality Of the goods and in the prices at which they are offered. We point to the past with pride and ask you. as you hive found us reliable in 1897 and in the years that proceeded it, to put your] trust in us in the years to come. We shall never cease to aretully and closely GUARD YOUR INTERESTS We have the best stock in the county for the money and it will pay you to look it over before purchasing. iOOTS AWD S.HQ: AT o NEW HOTEL AND Boarding House Water Street. McHenry, ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor Having completed my new building I am now prepared to take Boarders by the Day or Week Give them the best accommo dations, and at KEASONABLE RATES. My Rooms are all newly fur nisbed, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. & ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1897. New Restaurant MRS C. B. MURPHY, DZALEB IN FRUITS,: CONFECTIONERY Bakery Supplies. Etc. bstrander Block* West McHenry Very Truly, J. E. OR1STY, Ring wood, 111. .And cater to your wants. C u • aim is to first merit, then win, and then retain your confidence. We hereby wish the people of I E gin and surrounding country A Prosperous and Happy Now Year. THEOs Jh\ SWA.IV, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE. ELGIN, TT^I-u Remember we handle M . D. Wells & Co.'s Boots and Shoes. None to equal them in price and wear. When you buy a pair of M. D. Wells & Co.'s Shoes you know you get good value for your money. Until January I, 1898, I will offer for sale at absolute cost to me, everything in the line of HEATING STOVES! NOW ON MY FLOOR. ; This is a sale you cannot afford to miss as it means a saving to you of from two to five dollars on a puichase. I have a full line of both Coal and Wood Heaters in a variety of styles, and wish to convert them into cash. " Yours-Respectfully, F. L. McOMBER. "West S'de Hardware Store^ TO HAVE A WELL FURNISHED HOUSE .CALL ON. He Carries a Full and Comolete Line of Bedroom Suit-*, Parlor Suits Lounges, Couches. Tables, Fancy Rockers, Iron Beds Hall Trees Wardrobes, Side Boards, Kitchen Cupboard v Trunks, Feathers Pillows, Mattresses, Carpets, Car pet Swfepers, Rugs, Foot Mats Hatsocka, Easels, Pictures and Room Moulding, Window Shad is and Curtain Fixtures, Baby and Doll Carriages. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, BuriaS Robes, Etc., Etc We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing, Jacob JimrinN. - • j m J SPBOTA& AffBA€fIONi The large stock of Boots shoes, Rubbers, Felts, Ladies' and Children's Footwear, Hats and Winter Caps, Gloves and Mittens, we will sell lower than ever any Department Stores have sold. Our stock was never more complete nor our prices lower. Do/ not go with wet or cold feet, but call and we are sure to give yoi " satisfaction in every particular, i > Gloves and Mittens, f Wc can suit any one in this line from the finest Kid Glove the common Yarn Mitten. Sf " V j CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Every woman who has a desire for a fane table will be more than satisfied with our stock of China and Glassware, We hava 50 Sets Cups and Saucers, far C H R I S T M A S P R E S E N T S . Your choice for 10 cents. Former price 25 to 35 cents. Also Cake Stands, Berry Dishes, and a great many other things very useful for presents. Fiae BIPck Plush Caps, iormer- ly $S 1.50 now 75^ Fine Hats former^ $1.50 now.. 75e Fine 10 oz Duck Coats wool lin­ ed formerly $2.50 now $1 60 Men's Felt Boote 88 " every day grain leather Mioes 98 Boys'every day grain leather ' /Shoes 50 Ladies' Felt Slioea 1 20 Baraains in Untlerwesr & Overdlls Oatmeal Green Pe&6 Corn Mea., yellow bolted Bohemian Rye Flour M Dnesota Pateut Flour Graham Flour Buckwheat, per sack Finest Honey l<rl,j /Syiup per Best Kerosene Oil, per g&l .... Lantern Glob* s Sardines, 6 cans for Jnpnn Tea, formerly 50c now, Best^jjairnetPmilk Bctft Blaik Pepper, per lb 25c 25c 8c 6c 25c 25o 10c 13c Coriander seeds, per lb 8c Allspice, per lb 13c Cloves, p»r lb.... 13c Snleratus ;....> 7c .Matches, 2400,12 boxes 15c We keep Butter, Eggs, Cheese al­ ways at thebotlom. HARDWARE. No 9 copper Wash Boilers 92 Oo 60 79 65 9 12 14 00 37 25 25 All Steel Axes Wash Wringers 1 Carpet Sweepers 1 Stove Elbows Srove Pipe, extra heavy Bushel Corn Basket 16x30 PcrcelHin lined Alnke 2 Large Stove Boards.. Neckyokes W hippie trees. And bargaios in Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Woodenware, Gronitewt^re Galvanized FPaeb Tubs. We keep Twine, Fishing Tackle, Oars, Oar Locks, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Carpenter's Toole, Garden Toole, GlasB nnd Putty. The above will be sold at the lowest net cash prices. It will pay yoij to call and examine our goods and prices. Every axe and handle bought of us will be hung free of charge. Having no expense, no rent or clerk to pay, we are able to under­ sell any and all competitors. Thankful for past patronage and hop­ ing for a continuance, I remain Very Truly Yours, „ „ ,,, n . EHOELII. McHenry, 111., Dec. 7, 1897, HURRAH FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GEORGE W. BESLEY'S, WEST McHENRY, ILL., In making our annual bow to the buying public we would inform them that we are better than ever prepared this season to meet their wants in " IN EVERY VARIETY, Finest Line of Lamps, Books for Yourg, Books for Old, Blocks, Etc. In short if you want a present for your wife, daughter, son or jour best girl, you cannot fail of finding what you want by calling at our store. Come and take your first pick. GEO. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, Dec. 8, 1897. GROCERIES. Our goods in this line are bought at the best advantage, and sold right. "Live and Let Live" is an excellent motto and we aim to follow it. The past has been very satisfactory and to you. who have patronized this store, more or less, we are greatly indebted. No man can do business without customers and friends, and we trust you will accept our thanks for past favors as well as what you are giving us at the present time. Golden Harvest Breakfast Food makes the nicest dish for breakfast. Nothing equal to it. SLEEPY EYE FLOUR. Why certainly we can suit you with Sleepy Eye Flour. If you try a sack and it is not as represented yor mruy will L>s cheer fully refunded. Pankako> the Great Health Restorer. GroocIn Delivered to any part ot McHenry, West McHenry. Illinois. On the West Side, near the Depot. There is the place to trade and get tha worth of your money. Best selected stock ot FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, In the county, and prices are the lowest. Undertaking and Embalming, Up to date. Largest assortment of Caskets and Robes con- stantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Yours for Business, N. J. JUSTE] I

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