From the Nunda Herald. Didn't Bead What They Signed "A.few weeks ago this part of the coun ty was flooded witli advertising matter advertising the Howell Medical Institute located at the Auditorium ^building, in Chicago, and also stating that in the in terests of humanity Dr. Howell and his 'corps of able assistants* from the afore said institute, would be at Nunda and Algonquin on certain dates for consul tation. On the dates named the parties appeared and located here for several days, and worke 1 the surrounding coun try, evidently with great success, for a few days after they had left, Dr. Howell was in Nunda, offering for Bale a number of judgment notes signed by various parties in the townships of Nunda and Algonquin for different amounts, in some cases as high as $200, and amounting in all to over $1,500. The parties to whom the notes were submitted, not wishing to buy notes of strangers, took the pre caution to investigate the matter, and notified some of the parties whose names appear on the notes. In every case the party notified has appeared and denied having ever signed a note of any kind in favor of Dr. Howell. They have each made the statement that the doctor agreed to furnish them treatment for a certain length of time, guaranteeing a complete Cure, and when such a cure was affected they were to pay him a certain sum of money, That they signed an agreement to this effect, which distinctly stated that there wa9 to be no payment unless and until perfectly cured. That the doctor left this contract with them, he taking a duplicate copy, which they also signed. That they did not read the duplicate before signing, but it had the same appearance as the original contract they retained. We have taken some trouble to in vestigate the doctor's record and v.e find that he graduated from the Rush Medical College, of Chicago, in the claes of '6L, and at that time was going by the name of John W. Sulivan. He has probably married since for on his litera ture his name is J. W. S. Howell, and on ais business card it appears as Dr. Sullivan Howell. To the parties concerned we can offer this consolation in their time of trouble, that 'the Lord loveth a cheerful sucker' and that in another column of this issue can be found the cards of reliable and reputable^physicians." TOFF EL I WEDNESDAY. DEC. 29, 1897, Calhoun county, Illinois, is the only county in'the state that is without a foot of railroad or a single telegraph office. Its jail has been without a prisoner in the last five years and is at present used as a corn crib by their sheriff. I®" There was a light offering of But terHon3«^ dnTheTIIgin ̂ 'BoaridoTTfaaer but 201 tubs being placed on sale. Bid ding opened at 21c, and the market® closed with 83 tubs sold at that price. The quotation committee made the offi cial market firm at 21c. (6®°" The Chicago Republican "manipu lators" have already commenced laying lines for the nomination of a candidate for State Treasurer, next year. It be hooves the country members of the party to wake up to the dangers! of "boss" rule and'disreputable manipulation, and see that the mistakes of 1896 are not re peated, There will be no McKinley to pull these dead, weights through in 1898. According to The Financial Chronicle the increase of railroad earn ings for November, 1897, over those of November, 1896, on 131 railroads was nearly $9,000,000, or about 20 per cent. The Northern Pacific and the Ca nadian Pacific showed the greatest in crease, about 50 per cent. The North western lines showed a gain of 25 par cent. There was a general increase of earnings on the railroads in the country. There is no mistaking the significance oi this unfailing index of increasing busi ness activity. Ex- Secretary of Agriculture Morton, who spent his four yerrs in de vising ways and means to prey en t the distribution of seeds to the farmers of the country, is looking with surprise upon the course of his successor, Secre tary Wilson, who, having put the beet sugar proposition upon its feet and opened the way to an intelligent distri bution of seeds to farmers, is now mak ing a tour of the South with the idea of introducing new agricultural ideas and plans which will benefit the farmers of that section and result in the needed diversification of industries among them. (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) We will from now oil offer our prudently selected stock cf Ladies Misses' and Children's ,* At a piscount oi SO per cent froin our already low " prices, AJsO SO per cent off on all Clothing, Overcoats, Fur and Duck Coats, Blankets, Wool Underwear, Mittens, Wool Hosiery, Yarn, Caps, Warm Shoes, We are bound to make lots of room for ^HOLIDAY GOODS-- Now arriving at p ices we will n ime . Santa Clans ard New Year's Souvenirs, Fully adapted to our patrons wishes and at prices within reach of all Stock !>bun<lant. PaK5iiiato>s in silk and wool, silk and silk and wool Handkerchiefs aiid Mufflers in black and tashiorab'e col ore, Initial bandkerchiei's in silk aud linen for ladies and gnnts, EmVroidered Handkerchief , Plush boxes, perfumery glove bixa*, and jewelry boxes To be happy and prosperous do your buying wh^re you can get the best an I most for your money. And as Poor Richard said: "Don't. 1 uy what you don't ne d bccause it is cheap."^But if you Of the latest stylo and the best goods here is the pLce to buy it re are offering for a tew days until closed out about 100 New Overcoats and Ulsters, At a Reduction of 15 Per Cent These G-oods are new and up to date, having been bought in October, 1897. ELEGANT NECK WEAK Teck scarfs, four in hands, bows etc in light aad dark colors Faucy Suspenders Silk and Fur luitts. can be overcome in almost all cases >y the use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, in Thankij g ou all for past patronage and hoping share oi h in 1^9H, we remain, receive a Tea sets, dinner sets, manicure and toilet set, water set, Fancy stand, table and hanging lamps. Decocated plates, trays, cups and saucers, decanters, c jlery dishes etc, Stand Covers, Linens, Damask Napkins, Towels, Collars, Cuffs. Choice Candies and Fruits, «• Nuts nwd Candies. Fur Boas, Plush Caps, Stylish Hats, Etc. AND IN CONCLUSION LET US SAY It is no Longer a Question Of calculating as to the probable return of good times. It is a question of where you can get the Best Goods for the Least Money. Did you ever know a man to refuse an opportunity 10 get r ch? The best chance totave money, which is the secret oi weiltb, io to LET US SELL YOU GOODS. We Mean What We Say. rCall and See. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenrv. III.. 1897. SCOTT'S EMULSION OWEN & OHAPELL it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready : or immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with f the hypophosphites, which supply a food not only for the tissues of the body, but for the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and fish are on the wrapper. All druggists; 50c. and $1 .00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. V. S. LUMLKT, ATTORNEY. Administrator's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, [ „ McHenry County, ' | Estate of Gleorpe Fill weber deceased. To whom it may concern and to the heirs and distributes of said estate, you are hereby notified .that on the 25lh day of October. 1897, the Administrator of said estate will present to the County court of MeHonrv county, at the Court House In Woodstock, 111., his final report of his acts and doings as 6uch Administrator wid ask the Court to be discharged from a^y and all fur ther duties and responsibilities connected with said estate and his admlnis tration there of, at which time ami place you may be present and resist such application if you choose BO to do. V. S. LUMLKT, Administrator, McHenry, Illinois, Happy New Year hands on this proposition: We wish you all well. Let's start with a clean slate. Not an enemy or quarrel in sight. LET'S SHAKE also any old shoes that r-- got us ill-tempered in this year of grace 1897. ®EE LET'S RESOLVE to have foot comfort §BIZ OnfheSOIG and foot happiness during 1898, by wearing shoes that wear long enough to pay for their purchase money. Shoes that are guaranteed. We are resolved to supply only that kind of shoes and to sell them to you for the ma|C6 yOUT f66f glad least money for high grade. ol the shoes that you buy. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTOTNBY". Executrix Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ MCHENRY COUNTY. ( Estate of Thomas W. Killoy deceased. To the Heirs distributee* ahd creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that on Monday the 7th day of February, 1898, the executrix of the last Will and Testament of'jaid deceased will present to the Oounty Court of McHenry County, at the C urt House in Woodstock, Illinois, her final report of her acts and doings as such executrix, and ask the Court to be discharged from any find all further duties and respon eihilitieB connected with said estate and her administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such ap plication if you choose so to do. 20w4 LOTTIE KILLEY, Executrix. CLOTHING, « OVERCOATS NEW MUSIC STORE! See our Men's Suits, ranging in price from $3,75 to $10. They are hummers. Our entire stock of Overcoats at Cost until sold. PDnPTPDlPQ ! 21 good Raisins, $1 ; 21 fbs. large Prunes, $1; trnUuiliilizJu ! 16 lbs. fine Blackberries, $1 ; 4 qts. fine Carnberries, 25c ; seeded and cleaned Raisins, evaporated Apples, dryed Peaches, Oranges, Lemons, Canned Fruit, 3 Silver Plated Spoons Free with 25c worth of Soap, self raising Buckwheat, Corn Meal, Graham, Rye, Best Patent Flour. Thanking you. for past favors and hoping to receive a share of your valued patronage during the year 1898, we are T? ours fox* Business, Mll_<p l_. HOWE, Having Leased tfri/East Store In StcflfaPs Block x ^ WESrJF ILUIVOFSi Has opened therein a First C^ais Music Store, where at all timca can be found PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, ZITHERS, Auto harps, Music Boxes, And in short all kinds of Musical Instruments, Sheet Mu-ic. etc. Our Pianos and Organs are the best made, and will be sold as low- as any first-clavs Instrument can be bought anywhere. - | The public are cordially invited to call and look over our stoclt whe ther they want to purchase or not ^ Instruments sold on the Installment Plan if desired. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED On Short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. . ' RESPECTFULLY, . Notice of Application for Pro bate of Will. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County \ g ' To Nicholas Schaefer, Gertrude Schaefer, Catnolic Church of Johnsburg, 111,, Joseph Sohaefer, Annie Maria Kennebeck. John Schaefer, Elizabeth Kennebeck ana Annie Justen heirs at, law and legatees, so far as known, ol' Nicholas Schaefer, ir, deceased, late of McHenry Connty. Illinois You are hereby notified thatapplication has been made to the County Court of said » oun. ty for the probate of the will of Nicholas Schaefer deceased, and that the hearing of »he proof[of said will has been set by said Court for the 3rd day of January A. D., 1898, . t. the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House in vVoodetock, in said County, wh«n and wboro you can appear, If you fee lit, and show cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitted to pro- b<vte. * G. F. KUSHTON, County Clerk. December 4, 1897- 23w4 WEST MCHENRY, III., 1897 VANSON'S Administrator's Notice of Filing Final Settlement STATE OF ILLINOIS, | McHenry County, | Estate of Julius A, Thomas, deceased. To whom it may concern, heirs and distrib utees of said estate. You are hereby notified that on Monday, the third day of January, 18!i8, the Adminis tratrix of said estate will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, Illinois, her final report of her acts and doing* as such admin istratrix and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsi bilities connected with said Estate and her administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such ap plication tf you choose so to do. . ' LTJ3Y H. THOMAS, Administratrix. FOR NEW YEAR'S Crushing and Grinding MILO L. HOWE West McHenry, Dec, 28, 1897 Some items at one ha^ leas, others at ODG third lees previous prices to THE McHENRY m MABBKil AIB W ©MAIfMM mk wobi§;^T> MM J. H. MILLER, Prep. WAUCONBA MILL, 5cts Per Bag, Cash J. SPENCER. December 15, 1897. Executor's Notice, Estate of John Muldoon, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the Ust Will and Testament of John Muldoon, deceased, late of the county of McHenry and state of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the 0>unty Court of McHenry County, at the f ,ourt House in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February netft at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the fame adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of i)eveember. A. D, 1897, 24WL ' TIMOTHY LEONARD, Executor. SPECIAL HOSIERY SELLING Fifty dozen Ladies' and Men's highest grade Wool Hose, 20 Cents per Pair. Wishing you a happy -eod prosperous New Year, JOHN EVANSON & CO. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED YV O^K CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , < Foreign and American Granite a[Specialty. G. W. BKBIJEY'S Condition Powders,for Horses, Cattle and Hogs, is the finest article of the kind on the market. Every horse owner should try a package. They never would be without it. McHENRY ILL