Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1898, p. 7

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O^tfOU The best-dressed man in the House 1«,« beyond question, Harry Bingham, who carries the Republican party of Philadel­ phia in the palm of his hand. Though 57 years old, and with ao record of service ' in ten Congresses, he has all the air and activity of a youthful beau. His earnest rival is a Cincinnati member---Jacob EL Bromxvell. It may be declared, without any reserve, that, the Worst-.dressed man in the House is liomulus Z. Linney of North Carolina. For some reason he ap­ pears in a very much dressed up condi­ tion on rare occasions, but the phenome­ non is purely spasmodic, and immediately he relapses into his accustomed disorder ly aspect. Customarily he looks as if lie had on his wedding suit of 50 years ear­ lier--shiny and buttoned awry. Neverthe­ less, he is a brilliant orator, in the old-time florid style, impetuous and earnest. Speaking of oratory, it is surprising to find that there are no great orators in the Hotise of Representatives to-day--no men to tkke the place of Crisp and Bourke Coekran. Such orators as there are sit among.; the Republicans, and the only three of any note as such are all of them Iowa men, oddly enough. There is Hen­ derson of Iowa, fervid arid impressive; Dolliver of Iowa, smooth and mellifluous, and Cousins of -Iowa, who has a fine voice and prepares his speeches carefully. All three are eloquent men, and Dolliver is a wit of the first water. Oh -the Democratic, side no tririn is to be considered sseriously as an orator, unless Bailey be so termed. The Republicans have a rising man in Moody, from the old Esse* district of Massachusetts; but* among the leaders of the House at pres­ ent there is remarkably little oratorical ability. At the Senate end of the Capitol, Frye and Wolcott arc the best orators. Wol- cott is the wittiest' man in the upper house, and is always sure of attention when he talks. Aldich of'Rhode Island is the most expert debater. Stewart, of tlie silver tongue and silver hair, talks the most. ° MILLIONS TO PAY OLD CLAIMS. Bills Reported to the Serinte for Ap­ propriation of $9,705,253. Senator Teller, chairman of the Senate Committee on Claims, introduced two bills in the Senate embodying the results of the committee's investigation under the provision of the general deficiency act of last session authorizing that committee to investigate and report upon meritorious claims against the Government which are before the committee. One of the bills refers numerous claims to the Court of Claiips, and the other is an Omnibus measure providing appro­ priations under general heads, as fol­ lows : Court of claims cases (mostly uuder the Bowman act).. $1,840,003 French spoliation claims 1.043.117 'tJnaer'naval contracts". 792,500 On account of churches and schools 365,974 Claims of state ....... j, 4,(593,128 Miscellaneous claims S97.204 For adjustment and settlement (in part) 130,359 Total $9,765,253 All but about $2,000 of .the claims of States allowed are for the refunding of niwuey* advanced for raising troops dur­ ing the war of the rebellion by California, Oregon and Nevada. Provision is made for the investigation by competent tribu­ nals of the claims of Florida and Tennes­ see against the United States and the counter claims of the general Government against those States. Both these conten­ tions are of long standing. Provision is also made for the adjust­ ment of claims of fifteen other States amounting in the aggregate to §195,200, which are the results of expenditures made by the various States in equipping troops during the war of the rebellion, f 'A Perfect Type of the Highest Orderaf Excellence in Manufacture*" , SOMET ARE MADE CONSPICUOUS BY PECULIARITIES. Among the Members of the Two Houses Spraguels the Richest, Seed the Big­ gest, Sulloway the Tallest, Cockrell the Homeliest, Penrose Handsomest. Absolutely Pare, Delicious, Nutritious. ( h Be sure that ,ydu get the Genuine Article. . i v. made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by , f - • .< • WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. < ' . ESTABLISHED :78C. ' " » Most of the 'fime She Was Confined, to Bed. good old Irish and Scotch stock, we did not think it was that. Our doctor called the disease by an odd name, which, as I afterward learned, meant lack of blood. • It is impossible to "describe the feeling John, and I had as we noticed our daugh­ ter slowly passing away- from us. We finally found, however, a medicine that seemed to help, her, and from the first we noticed a decided change for the better," and after three months' treatment her health was so greatly improved you would not have recognized her. She gained in flesh rapidly and soon was in perfect health. The medicine used was Dr. Will­ iams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I have always kept these pills in the house since and have recommended them to many people. I have told many mothers about them and they have effected some won­ derful cures. "Every mother in this land should keep these pills in the house, as they are good for many ailments, particularly those arising from impoverished or diseased blood, and weakened nerve force." 9 I-argest growers of Grun and Clover ft A In America. 5000 acres. Our tirasg Mixtures bata, A a lifetime. Meadows Sown in April will giro 2J rousing crop in July. Prices dirt cheap! Itw* ® moth catalogue ana 11 pkgs. Grass and Grain.0 0 FKKE for but 10c. and this notice. C&talogaeAk^ • JOHN A. SALZKR SEED CO., LACROSSE, WIS. (C.K.J& 999999999999999999999^9-- Mrs. Pinkham's Urgent Appeal to Suffering Women. Exercises to Develop Gracefulness. "The of a woman" should sur­ mount a body, graceful and easy; and it Is these waist-muscles which have the power to give grace," writes Kath­ arine Eggleston Junkertpann in the Woman's Home Companion. "If they are kept free and strong by exercise, the wearing of a well-fitted corset can do them little injury, but some exercise should be taken to set the blood circu­ lating freely, and the following is sug­ gested: "liaise the outstretched arms above the bead, the body retaining its erect liosition, then bend slowly forward from the waist, so that the fingers come as near touching the floor as possible without straining. This is done with­ out bending the knees. In recovering position, let the arms relax and sink down as the body straightens up. This exercise also lengthens the waist. "The exercise known as waist-rolling is one of the best for attaining freedom of the waist tsuscie-s. With hands lightly placed on the hips, the lingers pointing forward and down, let the body drop forward easily so that it is bent at the waist. This must be done gently, as by jerking it more harm than good is done." She Asks Them to Seek Permanent Cures and Not Mere Temporary Relief From Pain. largest growers of fresh, live Grasses and Clover Seeds in the world--hence our seeds are guaranteed. V ou can bet oh our Clover and Grass Seeds growing! \ nd such yields--6 tons of liay per acre! VEGETABLES. Finest, earliest to be had. Our Wisconsin Seed can't be beat. Why buy your seeds in stores when for less money, you can buy them delivered free of us ? 35 i>kgs. Karliost Vegeta­ bles StA.OO, postpaid. Special forms of suffering lead many a woman to acquire the mor­ phine habit. One of these forms of suffering is a dull, persistent pain iatiie side, accompanied by heat and throbbing. There is disinclinatioa to work, because work only increases the pain. "riQr.. This is only one symptom of a chain of troubles; she has others she cannot bear to confide to her physician? for fear of 7^7 an examination, the terror of all sen- 'Tv sitive, modest women.; / ( If \\ The physician, meantime, knows BwKgA .1 her condition, but cannot combat her (VvVT// shrinking terror. He yields to her Bw J J supplication for something to re^gve ̂ the pain. He gives her a few mor- phine tablets, with very grave cau- tion as to their use. Foolish wo- man! She thinks morphine will I help her right along; she becomes its slave! \ A wise and a generous physician had such a case; he told his patient he could do nothing for her, as she was too nervous to undergo » I / I an examination. In despair, she went to I if 1 visit a friend. - She said to her, " Don't give ; J\rV yourself up; just go to the nearest druggist's >- and buy a bottle of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will build you up. You will begin to feel better with the first bottle." She did so, and after the fifth bottle her health was re­ established. Here is her own letter about it: "I was very miserable; was so weak that I could hardly get around the house, could not do any work without feeling tired out. My monthly T Per'oc^s stopped and I was so tired and nerv- jllif %A ousall of the time. I was troubled very much with ^ W VJ falling of the womb and bearing-down pains. A y frienc^ advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; I have taken five bot- ^es' anc* th'nk it is the best medicine I ever * ..used. Now I can work, and feel like myself. I used to be troubled greatly with my head, x but I have had no bad headadhes or palpita­ tion of the heart, womb trouble or bearing-down pains, since I com­ menced to take Mrs. Pinkham's medicine. I gladly recommend the Vegetable Compound to every suffering woman. The use of one bottle will prove what it can do."--MRS. LUCY PEASLEY, Derby, Center, Vt. ' - Wf For 10c Stamp (C.N.) and THIS NOTICE S&a&B Ri VtsBr we will send you II Rare ITS' Kami Seed Samples and sssx lw our Great SEED jj§{ BOOK. J®"Send SB**^ BfJ tice along. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., N.) ' LA CKOSSE, WIS. Tlie One Thing Needful. Guest (in restaurant)--What does the cook use in cutting these chops? Waiter--I believe he used an ax, sir. Guest--Well, go ask him to lend it to me for au hour, will you? OH, WHAT SPLENDID COFFEE. Mr. Goodman. Williams County, 111., writes: "From one package Salzer's German Coffee Berry costing 15 cents I grew 300 pounds of better coffee than I can buy in stores at 30 cents a pound." A package of this and big seed cata­ logue is sent you by John A. Salzer Seed Co., LaCros«e, Wis.; upon receipt of 15 cents stamps and this notice, c.n. There Ik a Ctfcss of People Wlio are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRATJi-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most -delicate stomach receives it without dis­ tress, and but few can tell it from cof­ fee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15c. and 25c. per package. Try it- Ask for GRAIN-O. The New Director of the Mint Is an Iowa Newspaper Man. George E: Roberts, nominated to be di­ rector of the mint, lives at Fort Dodge, Iowa, is a noted writer on economic top­ ics and a warm advocate of the gold standard. Mr. Roberts began his career as a printer in the office of the Fort Dodge Messenger, and before he had arrived at his majority he was part owner of the plant, and a few years afterward its sole owner. Mr. Roberts won a reputation Willing to Be Engaged. Lady (to applicant for place)--Are you married or single? Applicant--Naythur, mum. It's a lone widdy lookin' for an engagement that O'i do be. Cotton. The Amerirem bale of cotton averages 450 pounds, the Indian bale 400 and flie Egyptian bale 717. Some idea of the vast extent of the world's cotton area, says an Atlanta paper, may be gathered from the /act that in the United States alone it covers over 20,000,000 acres. In 1830 the world's total output Of cot­ ton aggregated only 037,000,000 pounds, or eleven times less than in 1895. With­ in a single decade, however, the prod­ uct almost doubled, amounting in 1840 to 1,192,000,000 pounds. Since thou the world's product lias been as follows: 2,391,000,000 pounds in 1800, 4,039.000,- (XX) ]M>unds in 18S0 and 7,280,000,000 in 1895. It Cures Colds, Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup, Influ­ enza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain euro for Consumption ia first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the flrnt done. Sold by dealers everywhere. 26c and 60c Per Bottle. It Keeps the Feet Wnrm ftnd Dry And is the only cure for Chilblains, Frost Bites, Damp, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alien's i Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into 1* the shoes. At all druggists and shoe ^ stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad- gj? dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. If. Kg1 The water that has no taste is pur- est; the air that has no odor is freshest; fg and of all the modifications of manner gL the most generally pleasing is simplic- Flfteen million dollars in gold, silvef-, and gem^ are reported found on the Island of Coros, treasures of tue older Spanish colo lies in South America. It rains on an average 20S days in th? year in Ireland, about 150 in England, at Kezan about 90 days, and iu Siberia only GO days. Don't think because hope makes a good breakfast that it will make a„sat- isfactory supper. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25a Success--The prize at the top of a, No. 8 -93 greased pole. There, Is more catarrh In this section of tho country than all other diseases put together, and until tlie lai-t few years was supjwsed to be In­ curable. For a great many years doctors pro­ nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, anil by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis­ ease. and therefore requires constitutional treat­ ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the onlv con­ stitutional core on the market It is taken in­ ternally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts dlreeUy on the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials., Address, K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you want a coat that will keep you dry in the hard­ est stonn buy the Fish Brand Slickeri If not for sale In your town,'write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston, Mass. A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful of Shame." Keep Your House Clean with S A POLIO ĴfE HAVE NO AGENTS "TT"H IENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. 'JOHN W. MORRIS, WASHINGTON.D. t L»t« Principal Examiner TJ. 8. Pension Burets. 3 ja. in lost war, IS adjudicating claims, uttj. tiuofe GEORGE E. ROBERTS. flare OI(l Liquors. About l.r>20 the Irish usquebagh began to acquire reputation in England. Be­ fore 1601 "brand wine" had begun to be distilled iu the low countries from apples, pears and malt; and in that year an ordinance was passed at Tour­ ney forbidding the sale of liquor, ex­ cept by apothecaries, "partly because of the dearness of corn, and partly be­ cause of the drunkenness." during the last presidential campaign by his reply to Harvey's "Coin's Financial School," and more than 150,000 copies of his book were bought by the people. He has occupied prominent public positions in Iowa and has been a political leader for several years. AFTER NEARLY -Coughing to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go„to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan­ gerous. A Fashionable Practitioner.' "I wonder why It is that Dr. Bonney has such a big practice. Everybody seems to be patronizing him lately." "Yes, he's very clever. All his pa­ tients are told that they have the gout." Liane'H Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acta geutiy on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 sind 50c. They All Do It. Lady--Don't you do anything for a living? ' . 1 Tramp--yes m; I canvass. Lady--What do you canvass for? Tramp--My livin'. i. ' Piso's Cnre for Consumption is our only medicine for coughs and colds.--Mrs. C. Beltz, 439 Sth ave., Denver, Col., Nov! 8, ,1895. v * . , In St. Louis. Guest,(in restaurant)--Here, waiter, bring me a napkin. Waiter--Sorry, boss,' but de gent, at de odder table's usin' it. Yo' turn nex", sah. Mrs. IVinsiow's SOOTHJKQ Sllur tor Children "teething: aottena the cuius, reaacM Inflammation, Allays jjua, carta wind colic. KcettU a bottle. The record is unbroken. The record still goes on ST. JACOBS OIL CURE YOURSELF? f / OBK8I\ | Big *3 for aoM&atf / I discharges, UitUmmatMxs. it£W U irritations or ulcSatiM* ^rn,'aU ViuleM? aSdTiTtSS (oettTHEtVAMS GhEHIOALCO. K®Wt or poiconoua. r AdmCWNATI.O.i "J S*ld by iWpyirf. \ \ p. S. A. 7 P or aent tn plain xnsn, V -XA I by exprett, prenudi tor ft ^.orSbottlwTltJS. 1 1 Vv Circular sent on r«qaeat. Is the Master Cure for ' RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO. Cutler's Carbolate of Iodine FoeketlnhaaJtee Ouaranteed to cure CATAKKH and iironcbilia AUdruKglsu. By mall $1.00. Address >V. 11. SMITH & CO., Frops., Buffalo, K. *. CANDY CATHARTIC IN writiaj to Adrertiars, please ,do «o< tail to 1 tloa yoa saw tin Advertisement in tkla paper. CURE CONSTIPATION Qest Couch »yru] SEEaansBODBasn

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