Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1898, p. 4

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WORK OJF THE LEGISLATURE. Tbe special session of the Illinois state legislature adjourned sine die on Feb. 25, after having been together since Dec. 7, 1897, a period of eighty days. While there may be a disposition to criticize some of its acts, the general feeling among those of our people who are really in earnest in favor of necessary reform measures is commendation of the work accomplished. It is an easy matter to find fault with our representatives, but with the varied interests that come in conflict at 'Springfield the • bed of an Illinois legislature is by no means strewn with roses, and his lot is in no wise the most enviable in the universe. At the session just closed the unfair apportion­ ment of the state, which none but the most extreme partisans ever defended, was corrected and none but these same partisans are inclined to find any fault. The law for the regulation of primary elections is commendable. It was made compulsory and of immediate effect in Cook county, but other portions of the state are given the privilege of adopting it by popular vote. The revenue coda of the state has been thoroughly revised, providing new methods for the assessment of property, which promise a more equitable assess­ ment than has been in vogue. This measure is not perfect but it is in closer touch with the present conditions than the old law on the statute books, and may be easily completed by amendments when necessary. It is at least worthy of and entitled to an impartial trial. It will be in effect an and after July 1st next. Appropriation bills to correct errors made at the regular session were passed and various joint resolutions were adopted, among the most promi­ nent being an offer of "moral and ma­ terial support" to the National Govern­ ment in case of war with Spain. J, C. CHOATE O W E N & WEDNESDAY. MAR. 9, 1898, Woodstock, Illinois*. THE OPENING OF OUR ART ROOM I®"" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was steady at 19%c, all offer­ ings, 108 tubs, being taken at that price, though bidding was slow. Butter last week, 20c; one year ago, 18c; sales re­ ported for the week, 9,661 tubs. KyThe Republican state committee has called an early state convention at Springfield, June 14, 1898, and from then on to November when the election takes p^Se, there will be campaigning. The people will be called upon to elect a state treasurer, three trustees for the university of Illinois, congressmen, and members of the legislature. 8&" At the village of Douglas. Knox county, a little station three miles west of Yates City, an auction sale Of Poland China; hogs was held Feb. 2. A one- ninth interest in the celebrated hog, "Klever'a Model," brought $705, equal to $7,155 for the animal. This hog was sold at Springfield last August to nine men for $5,100. and six months brought his owners §10,000, A nice small female, weighing less than 100 pounds, brought $280. Other females brought §130 each, and down to $40. I@"One par cent, a week is a pretty rapid fluctuation for a money metal That is about the rate, however, at which silver has depreciated in the laet eight weeks or so,: Silver bullion was quoted in New York markets early in December at 60.3 cents per ounce, and by February 1 it had fallen to 55.75 cents, with a prospect of going still lower. The New York World market report quotes as follows: "Weak at 55.75." This must be rather discouraging to the people who propose to make the use of silver as a money metal the sole basis of their claim for support in the coming Congressional campaign. I®" In adopting a resolution provid­ ing for the erection of a bronze memorial tablet at the Capitol, to commemorate the officers and sailors who lost their liveB on the battleship Maine, in Havana harbOr, Congress did a just and fitting thing, for, as Senator Perkins so aptly said, "When death came in awful shape it took in the harbor of Havana, the dead are no less heroes than if they had fallen before hostile guns. The living have shown the heroic mold in which all were cast. If it were ever fitting to re­ cognize the devotion to the country of brave men, it is now fitting to erect a tablet in memory of those who lost their lives in the destruction of the Maine." Under the management of Mrs. Emily Sherwood; [we will open our Art Room on ((SUCCESSORS TO PERRYQ&(OWEN.) Our opening display will delightjill visitors. Mrs. Sbeiwood, needs no introduction from us She is known as the . The mistress of the art of Embroidery. Her displays at our County Eairs have attracted crowds. At the World's Fair and Columbian Exposition she received honorable mention and high commenda­ tion for her work on exhibition in the Illinois Building. She will give special attention to Embroidery and Infant's Wardrobes. All interested are invited to call and see the new creations and learn how to make the little wardrobes in the latest approved ways and not expensive. „ Hours of Instruction from 1 to 6 P. M Each Days. We can Save You Money on these Goods.! All Merchandise damaged by smoke and water, at our store Feb. 22, must be closed out At Once for Gash. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTORNEY, Notice of Sale of Real* Estate* By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry county, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, Joseph Justen. Executor of the estate of Nicholas P Schaefer deceased, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, at the Janu­ ary term A D 1898 of said couit, to-wit: On the 3d day of January. 1898. Notice is hereby given that en Friday, the first day of April next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit: Two o'clock P M. at the east door of the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, county «f McHenrj and state of Illinois, the lollowing described real estate belonging to the estate of Nicholas P Schaefer, deceased, to-wit; The undivided one-half interest In the south half of the northeast quarter and a strip of land two rods wide fr«m the north side of the southwest quarter, m section number thirty- five, township number forty-six (46), north range eight (8), east of third P M, containing eighty (80) acres more or less, will be sold Jto t he highest and best bidder, TERMS, CASH. 36-4W JOSEPH JUSTBF, Executor. THE SALE IS NOW ON ! We are in a position to promise you Bargains. JOHN EVANSON & CO. LOitG DISTANCE TELEPHONE STATION OWEN & McHenry, Illinois. V, S. LUMLEY, ATTOTNBT. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I ,« MCHENRY COUNTY. I Estate of Franeis Brady Sr., deceased. To all whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1898, the executor of the last Will and Testa­ ment of laid deceased will present to tbe County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, Illinois, his final report of his aots and doings as such cxecutor, and ask the Court to be discharged trom any and all farther duties and respon sibillties connected with said estate and his administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such ap­ plication if you choose so to do. 36w4 JAMBS 9. HOWARD Executor. MV LINE: GENERAL HARDWARE • It is radically Republican, advocating it can always be relied on® p the cardinal doctrines oi that party for fair and honest reports of all po- • w i t h a b i l i t y a n d e a r n e s t n e s s l i i i c a l 9 THE WEEKLY 8PITER GGEAS SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AMD BEST CURRSWT LITERATURE Paints and Oils, Cutlery, a Bicycles and Sporting Goods It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of its columns is equal to thai of the best m&ga* zines. It is interesting to the chil­ dren as well as the parents.. Advertising does not necessarily sell goods, but it makes it easier to sell them. Quality, Price and Industry must supplement adver- t sing, then the combination • T'HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, a S I ant I while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF § Tt.IE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest • discussions all questions of the day it is in full sympathy • H with the i. ieas and aspirations oi Western people and B 1 discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.^*?® JM1MJ ,,.00-F.UCE 0« DQLU3 PEB TEM-JLOO I'SJS'S • [R I • THE D £ILY ANSISTODATEDITIOITS OF THE FG IB 1 2 @ 1 © INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. O JK { O Is Price of Dally by mall $4.00 per year | | j | I 2 U JL 2 Price of Sunday by mail $2 OO per year S Jl S J n Q Daily and Sunday by mail $6.00 per year 0 11 g IS A WINNER! We possess this combination. Watch our advertisement, for your own interest. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER West S'de Hardware Store ARKANSAS! The World's Orchard, For beautifully illustrated pam­ phlet and map write toj DEALER Itt W. PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. Of all Kinds and 8heet Music. West McHenry, - Illinois Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung ST. L. I. M. & S. R'Y LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low-priced it\\ "7 S j| by the gallon and be extravagant H J I Jf to use owing to the poor covering Power an<* wearing . quality. After v V jypA f the paint is applied it's too late to Start right and use •s5lSB ̂ THE ' '•JSPF SHERWIN-WILLIAMS F PAINT Made to paint buildings with. Ask your dealer for it. A booklet about good and bad paint free. THE SHE RWIN-WILLIAMS CO., PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. 100 Canal Street, Cleveland. 2629 Stewart Avenue, Chicago. 897 Washington Street, New York. 21 SkjAptpine Street, Montreal. Naturally. A growing girl who has no Piano misses a great deal or enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at low prices. Our stock is all-- embracing--we exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equal satisfaction in extremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise You. There broad plantations withabundance smile Uioh as the famous Delta of the Nile, Cotton ia King, Yet every pro^uctof the Temperate Zone, In great abundance as was over shown. The soil will bring. There grows the oak the walnut and the pine, The fig, ths peach, the apple and the vine, In every section No fruit on earth can with that fruit compare In beauty, flavor, quali les most rare, All tn perfection, Forests with game, rivers with fish abound, Klch vegetation covers all the ground Spontaneously A l^nd or plenty, liberty and 'ax*; Such is the matchless state of Arkansas, Go there and see, • Pianos Tuned and Repaired, On short notice ar d satisfac­ tion guaranteed. MIL.O U HOWE' E. B, PERKINS, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House VVE sell the celebrated .Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices thaj; are beyond competition.. " * Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a. first-class job guaranteed. Call apd see me, No trouble to give estimates on work. 1 " E, B. PERKINS. 'Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-i ient business conducted for MODERATE FEES, j 'OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE< [and we can secure patent in less time than those < (remote from Washington. _ J Send model, drawing or photo., with dcscrip-( [tl^n. We advise, if patentable or not, free of1 icnarge. Our fee not aue till patent is secured. j 'A PAMPHLET, " How to Obtain Patents," with. |cost of same 'in the U.S. and foreign countries' i sent free. Address, TRADE MARKS DESIGNS RRTM^ COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Executor's Notice* Estate of Caroline B, Phelps, deceased. The undersigned b.aving heen appointed Executor of the Wat Will and T^snunent of Caroline B Phelps, deceased. late of the county of McHenry ana sta^w.of Illinois, hereby gives notico that be w ill appear before the O >unty Court of Mo^enry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at tho April Term., "on the first Monday in April next at which time- all persons having claims against said estate aro notified and requested to attend for tbe 'purpose of having the. same adjusted. All v ersons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ­ ment to the undersigned, Dpted this 7th tl»y of February. A. D. 1898, 32w4 Vv 8. IIIDMLEY, Kxecutor. C.A.SNOW&CO OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, O. C, After years of untold Buffering from piles. B. W. Pureell, of Knitnersville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rasb, pimples and obsti­ nate sores are readily cured by this far mousremedy. J.A.Story. Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. Now is the time to buy well paper cheap of S. Stoffel, \

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