Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1898, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." ANNUAL TOWN MEETING! NOTICE is hereby given to the citfzens, legal voters of the town of McHenry, m tho county of McHenry an<! State of Illinois, that tlio Annual Town Meeting of said town will bo held at the old Congregational Cbu'rch, at Ringwood, for the First District, at the Village Hall, in the Viilage-of McHenry for the Second District, in said town, on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, Next, being the firel Tuesday of the month for the purposes following, viz: To elect, Ore Town Clerk, one Assessor, one Collect­ or. and ono Oo-nmissloner of Highways. Also to transact the miscellaneons business of the town and to act upon any additional subjects w hich may, in pursuance of law, como before suid meeting when convened. Polls will be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon and closed at live o'olock in the afternoon of the samn day. Given under my hand at West McHenry, 111, this First day Of March, 18US. M. J. WALSH, Town Clerk. __ - j_ A R K A N S A S ! The World's Orchard, For beautifully illustrated pam­ phlet and map write toj G.l, D EANE, Laiifl Coimis'r, ST. L. B. M. & S. R'Y LITTLE ROCK; ARKANSAS. ARKANSAS. There broad plantations with abundance smile Rioh as the famous Delta of the Nile, Cotton is King, • Vet every product of tho Temperate Zone, in great abundance as was over shown, The soil will bring. There grows the oak the walnut and the pine, The tig, tha peac:>. the apple and the vine, In every secti m No fruit on earth can with that fruit compare In beau ty, flavor, quati ies most rare, All in perfection. Forests with game, rivers with flsh abound, Rich vegetation • overs all the ground Spontaneously. A Mnd of plenty, liberty and law; Such is the matchless state of Arkansas, Go there and see. isfliiillsi i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-<[ J !ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. | ! OUR OFFICE is OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE 1 and we can secure patent in less time than thosejj \ remote from Washington. J> Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-p 1 |tivn. We advise, if patentable or not, free of< ]icnarge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S <'A PAMPHLET "HOW to Obtain Patents," with# ' [cost of same 'in the U.S. and foreign countries? J isent free. Address, <> O.A.SNOW&OO. JI OPR. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, O. C. #VVVVVWViVVVVVV»'VWVV»WlVVVV4'tVV« A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to reliet after One\\linute Cough Cure has been administered. Safe and harmless for children. J. A. Story my JlakWef. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY - J . V A N S L Y K E , -- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North Owen & Chapell's Store, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (In advance)...... $1 60 If No* Paid within Three Months.. 2 «) Subscription* received for three or atx months in the same proportion- 5 00 10 00 16 00 80 00 60 00 100 00 . r . . RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announoe liberal rates for.advertising In the PLAINDEALEB, ancl endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un­ derstood. They are as follows: 1 Inoh one year 2 Inches one year - 3 Inches one year - K Column one year • V Column one year- - 1 Column one year - One incn means the measurement of one inoh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at theaoove rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often as they choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notioes at the rata of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per line the first week, and 6 cents per me for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the flrstissue.and 5 cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will oost 91.00 for one week, |1.B0 for two weeks, $S.OO for three weeks, and so on. The PiiAiVDXALBR will be liberal in giving o Utoriai notioes, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for peouniary gain. All Foreign Advertising payable .rterly, in advance, These terms will be strictly adhered to. BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. GILLMOItE, TTORNEY. Probate work a specialty. L Office in Kenual block, Woodstock, 111. KNIGHT & BROWN, AXXOENSTS AT. 10! Street, CHICAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 80--132 Clark St., Uhlcago. O. P. BARNES, a TTOBNEY, solicitor, andi Oonnselor, Dollectlonsia specialty. WOODBTOOK, ILLINOIS FRANK R. JACRMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELOB AT LAW. Prompt ani careful attention to all mat ters left in my hands, Money to loan, Offloe in Hoy Block, Woodstock, 111. Telephone-- office, 56, residence, 69. 35yl O. H. FEGER8, M, D- PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, MoHenry Ills. Offloe at Resldenoe. JOS, L. ABT, M, D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office, McHenry Telephone No 4 DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door west of A. P. Baer'e store, West McHenry, 111. Residenoe, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at- tended to JOHN P. SMITH, W atobmaker & Jeweler MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stook of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention Iven to repairing fine watohes. Give me JOHN P. SMITH. W. A. CRISTY, Justice of tlie Peace. WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENBY, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance, NUNDA, III- A. M. CHURCH, Watoluua-lcer and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Rpeolal attention given to repairing Fine Watches an t Chronometers. 49* A Fnll Assortment of Goods in his line. West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E, J. HANLT . Prop'*-. WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates- Parties taken f> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, nd we shall spare no pains to please our ens omers at all times, Give us a call, E. J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15,-1806. United Ste_WarCIaioi Apcy w. H. COW LIN, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Prosecutes all classes and khids of claims again it the United States for ex-soldlers, their Avlves. dependent relatives, or heira. A specia ty is made in prosecuting old ant re­ jected claims, All communications promptly answers i it postage stamps are enclosed for r6ply* WM. H5 CO WLIN, Office at residence Madison St., Woodstock, ielophpae No. 23. Or. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WEST McHENRY. Office at Geo. W. Btsley's | Drag Store, | Examinations free MILO J. L, HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN ) Tuner & Repairer, f All Orders Promptly Attended to, McHenry. DR. BAECHLER. DENTIST. Plate Work, and everything per­ taining to Dentistry. Parties ffo.m a distance should drop a card a day or two before coming. Office. McHenry. C. F. BOLEY, Projrielor of McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer, SMOKERS! When in Wait of a Good Cipr! CALL AT THE OLD RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. PEB&Y & OWEN, Bankers. MoHENRY, - ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, buyi and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex ohange, and does a Gineral Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN? On Real Estate and \ ther first class security. Special attention given to co- lections , INSURANCE In first Class Companies at tht Lowest Rates. Tourt Resvectfuly PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Call and see me. I have a very fine stock of Light and Heavy SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elBewhere and war­ ranted as represented. Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. And in a WorkmanikeManner. Yours Respectfully, CUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., Feb. 1, 1898. NEW HOTEL -AND- Boarding House Water Street. McHenry,- ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed ray new building I am now prepared to take Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them 'the best accommo­ dations, and at .REASONABLE RATES.} My Rooms are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire I'roof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONY ENGELN. i McHenry, 111., 1897, Solo Agency for the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! x. an ufactured at ISew'Prague, inn ., ills, are located ?n the fin^t hard wheat country. Are supplied with most modern machinery. The Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the market. Bought in car lots only and sold on lowest pos­ sible terms by SIMON ST0FFEL, WESTJMeHENRY, ILL. Always in stock at Volo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHAKDSON, HEIMER '8 BLOCK. Opposite J. A. Story's Uruj Store. ---- MCHENRY. ILLINOIS The undersigned, having leased the store at the above location has opened therein a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY Where he will keep on hand at all times fresh baked Wheat, Graham and Rye Bread, CAKES. PIES, ETC. With a practical experience in the business I am confldent t can please all who will favor me with their patrouage. WeiiiCata, Cream Puffs. Etc. MADE To ORDER. The patronage of the public is respectfully 80 Cite~jOHN HAUPKISCH, McHenry, Feb. 15,1898. WONDERFUL Agents Will Get Rich. Soientifially speaking, this is a stereo- 3"ore; and yet it is very unlike the ordinary instrumentcalled bythat name. Tho ntereo- icope, heretofore In common use, although a pleasing instrument and givmga "tolld view" as its name indicates, does not give a correct perspective, the depth of the view belngmuch exagerated; but the new instrnment. which is called the PERSPECTOSCOPE, not only gives the "solid view," but the true perspsc- tive. e This Is no doubt the most brilliant discovery in this line of optics since Prof. Wheatstone'a time; 70 years ago. The inventor of the Per- sbectoscope began investigations and opera- tions or. the theory of obtaining a perfect per­ spective from two reflected image* of n'stngle picture. The Perspectoscope is a binocular instrument which uses in its construction two ground glass lenses and two mirrors of oerfect refloctin surface, and is constructed on scientific principals just discovered by its inventor, Its use is the same as the orlinary stereo­ scope, but;*vitli tho following differences and advantages: 1st As above noted, it gives a true perspeo- tive. An yon look at a picture through the Perspeotiscop* you behold a scene, in every resprct preci«ely lik« tbe ono compassed by tho camera which took tho picture. 2nd A Perspoctoscope requires but a single picture and that of any size The numerous Kodak pictures and other ptntographs to be found in almof t any home, and which would bo useless with a stereoscope, are already adapted louse w'th the Perspectoscope. 3d In vlewiDg the pictures with the Per spectoscope the eyes assume the natural position, as they look forward in parallel lines: there is, therefore, no pain attending the effort, as in the stereoscope, which rtquiref the beholder to cross the vision at a point which, toBcme eyes, is unbearable. Everybody that is interested in the Kodak, vill want a Perspisctoicope. Any body possessing views taken by- a cam. era or other photographic instrument will want a Perspectoscope. We guarantee the article !to be exactly as we describe it, and if you |flnd it in anywise different, yon ran return it within 30days and the money will be refunded. ItisCheop. We sel1 H to purchasers direct or through an agent, for }2 00, free of express or other chnrpes. Full particular* In reg-ard to the instrument or its sale will be sent free on application. Drafts, money orders, etc., should be made payable to the o-der of Honry H Hill. Remittances in currency will be at sender's risk. The manufacturers lexpect to sell several million of these things, and a good apent would do well to write them lor agents terms, ADDRESS THE Parliament PoWislE Co., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago. A NEW STOCK Oi the Celebrated DOUGLAS SHOES, The most stylish and desirable Shoe on the market just received at SIMON STOFFEL'S West McHenry; VOL. 23. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1898. RINGWOOD. A. L. Francisco was a Woodstock call­ er the first, of this week. J. H. Kemerling transacted} business at Elgin on Monday. : Rev. Cockerel!, of Greenwood, filled the pulpit here Sunday. Mrs. J. Bennett is entertaining a friend from Mound Prairie. , Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding are both sick with the Grippe. Frank Hess and wife spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Elgin. H. W. Allen weDt to the City on Monday. . ' i" George Lurnley of Greenwood ,was call­ ing hero the first of the week. Mrs. E. F. Harrison entertained a coufein from Richmond on Thursday. Miss Calla Thomas spent part of last week with friends here. W. H. Kelly and C. H. Stephenson were Chicago visitors the last of the week. Grandma Brown, who has been suffer­ ing with the Grippe, is slowly improving. Fred Coates and wife were visiting here Sunday. P. S. Harrison atttended the Princi­ pals meeting at Woodstock Saturday. Warren Foss left tor Harvard .Monday morniug where he has secured j/positiou as clerk. A number of ladies frOm this place attended the "Mothers meeting" at Mc LIenry on Monday. Misses Mabel and Myrtle Stevens en­ tertained a number of their friends at a Euchre party, Tuesday evening. On Monday, a committee, from Rich­ mond, came to examine the Farmer's Factory here, as the farmers of that place talk of building a factory. Mrs. J. Kemerling and Mrs. A. L Francisco will entertain the Ladies Aid Society, next Thursday afternoon, atthe home of Mrs. Kemerling. A part of the furnishings of the fac­ tory of Oatinan Bro's.,' will be sold at public auction by Constable Stephenson, on Friday March 19th, commencing at niue o'clock. THE following is the statement of the Uingsvood Butter Co., for February: Amount milk received 540,998 lbs Amount Butter made 24,876 lbs. Amount money received $4,692.02 Average price ree'd for butter 18.86c Average yield per 100 lbs milk 4 59 Average cost of manufacturing ,.lc Average price paid for 100 lbs milk...82c •J« H; Kkmep.LL^O, F(jrsniar, Friday March 11, 1898. was a red letter day for Camp No. 597, M. W . A. Woodman Hall was cleared for action during the d 'y, and when Camp was opened at 8 o'clock more than a hundred neighbors had gathered to pass the even­ ing and witness the initiaton of seven candidates, viz: John Cary, O. A, Tabor, Warren Thomas, Patrick Enright', YV. Holbrook, N. D. Stevens and James Conway. The work was carried through to the satis action of all and at each successive trip of the goat a new name was added to the list of those who would leave something to cheer life's rujrged way, for those that are entrusted to their care. Pebble Camp is proud of its Foresters and the able manner in which they did their work substantiates all claims made by their neighbors. After the initiations were over the Camp, listened to remarks by Consnl Geer and Advisor Throop, of Xunda, then followed such a flood of song and anecdotes that the Camp was in au uproar for an hour, when luncheon was served, after which the neighbors began to depart. Wood­ stock, Greenwood, Hebron, Spring Grove, Nunda, llockford and Elkhorn were represented. « R I D G E F I E L D . W. Morey was in Woodstock Saturday. Dwight Smith was a Woodstock caller on Monday. Mr. Parks was a Crystal Lake visitor on Saturday. Rev. Wood was in Woodstock on busi­ ness Thursday last. Ilarley Thayer and Jim Weeterman were in Elgin Saturday. Lola Lynch was a Harvard visitor on Saturday lust. Mrs. Dufield was in Crystal Lake the latter part of last week. Delmer Dufield went to Elgin to call on his best,girl recently. Mrs. Dr. Morse and Mrs. W. H. Mun- ros are quite ill Jim Robinson and Daughter, Myrtle, were in Dundee last week Wednesday. Mrs. Terwilliger. of Crystal Lake, visi'- ed with Mrs. N. Jacobs for a few days the past week. D. Peck, and Mrs. Peck's mother, Mrs. Navel, are quite ill. Dr. Watson, of Crystal Lake is in attendance. Miss Anna Morse, who has been here tiking care of her mother, who has been very ill, has returned to her school at Oiik Park. Mrs. Eckhoff, who has been very ill for the past few weeks, died at her home last week Saturday and was buried in the Ridgefield Cemetery. The deceased leaves a husband, one son and two daughters, besides brothers and sisters to mourn her death. There has been at large for some time past, a hideous monster, in Ridgefield. Fleeter by far than a deer, and more poisonous and deadly than a cobra. Some people gave it a lively chase Isst week down through Palatine and around through Elgin, but it stopped in neither placa however, but came flying back to Ridgefield where it was lost track of. As it was very badly crippled and its death was certain, it was left to creep into its den and die in all its degradation and wickedness. * LA GRIPPE. Since La Grippe has been prevalent in this country, there has been found but one Specific, Dr. Humphreys' "77". For Sale by all druggists, 25 cents. On the morning of Feb 20, 1895,1 was sick with rheumatism and lay in bed un­ til May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first ap­ plication of it relieved me almostentirely from the pain and the sefiond afforded complete relief. In a short time 1 was able to be up and about again.--A T. MOHEAUX, Luverne, Minn. Sold by J. A. Story, Druggist What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and billiousness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using De- Witt's Little Early Risers the famous liltle pills. J. A. Story. GREENWOOD. Wm. Kinney visited his old home at Elkhorn, Wis., one day recently. Next week will occur the regular spring vacation of our public school. H. J. Dygert was a Woodstock visitor on Thursday and Saturday of the past week. About twenty of pur local Woodmen visited the Ringwood Camp last Friday night and were royally entertained. Bert Garrison, of Dundee, drove up on Saturday and spent the Sabbath with his Grandparents. Union Memorial Services in honor of Frances E. Willard, Will be held in the M. E. Church next Sunday morning. Chas. Ambler was called to Chicago last week Tuesday on account of the sickness of his mother. - M. J. Dassow, Miss Stocking and Mr«i Lizzie Mansfield visited friends at Mc­ Henry last week Tuesday. Libbie, Rine and Richard Carr and Myrtle and Lysle Freeman have been suffering with La Grippe since our last report. The high water washed a large hole in the mill dam Saturday morning but prompt work saved the dam from any serious damage. The Ladies M. E. Aid Society will give a Social and programme at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cruikshank this week Thursday night. Come out and enjoy yourself. The Cinque Club had their Oyster supper at Mrs. Wilson's last Saturday night and had a very enjo.vaM? time. The prizes were awarded to Rdy Colby, Chas. Toles, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. W. Goddard. The Caucus Saturday passed off very quietly although the offices of Assessor, Collector and Commissioner of Highways were hotly contested. The work had, been done previous to the < 'aucus. Following are the nominees: Supervisor. S. J. Clark; Town Clerk, Will Dailey; Assessor, M. J. Dassow; Collector, Charles Willis; Commissioner, Chas. Thompson; Justice, J. N Barber; School Trustee, Burton Wright. All of the above are the old officers,which shows that a majority of people are satisfied with the service they have been gettiug. NUNDA. J . J W i l s o n w a s a N u n d a v i s i t o r l a s t week Friday. -> W. E. Wire was a Nunda callor, last 1- %l J JlUUUtt^V. Mr. Beatty was a Chicago visitor last week Friday. L. D. Lowell was at Algonquin Mon­ day attending to legal business. Mrs. Spence, of the Algonquin Arrow, spent a short time at Nunda Monday. Mrs. C. M. Vermilya, of Barrington, was a Nunda visitor Thursday of last week. Jerome Thompson has moved to W. R Austin's farm, in the town .of Greenwood. Considerable interest is being manifep- ted in town politics in the town of Al­ gonquin. Nunda is quiet and serene politically. Mr. Patton, who has bsen basking in the mild climate and orange groyes of Florida-the past two or three months, returned to Nunda Saturday. A Tough Colored Man. A recent railroad wreck in North Caro­ lina was caused in a peculiar way. A colored man wanted to get a ride and tried to jump a train of empty flat cars. He missed the car and fell across the track, where the wheels of several cars passed directly over him. His body threw two of the cars off the track, and the strangest part of it is that after the cars had run over him the man was able to get up and walk away. As he looked around him he was heard to exclaim: "Well, well! 1 never see de like sence I wus bo'n. I'll bet my week's wages dat railroad'll sue me fer damages."-^tlanta Constitution. t®* The price of shoe leather does not seem to have advanced by reason of the duty which the Dingley law placed upon hides. It will bo remembered that the opponents of that measure dolefully predicted a great increase in the price < f shoes as a result of the tariff on hides, but they seem to have been wrong, as they usually are, when they attempt to discuss the tariff. A table published in Dun's Review, of February 27, giving prices of boots and shoes at various dates from 1895 down to the present time shows prices in 1898 on many lines of shoes and boots to be from five to ten per cent below those of one year earlier under the Wilson law, which admitted hides free of duty, and also shows that the February sales and shipments were the heaviest ever known in that month. A VAST DIFFERENCE. The United States has 73,000,000, peo­ ple; Spain has 17,500,000. The United States has 3,603,000 square miles of territoy; Spain 196,173. The United States is in her prime; Spain has long been in her decadence. The United States is wealthy beyond computation, her resources are ex- haustless. Spain is bankrupt, her re­ sources exhausted by long-continued wars. Hostilities would mean a feeble pigmy in the grasp of a young giant. After years of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Pursell, of Knitnersville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obsti­ nate sores are readily cured by this fa­ mous remedy. J. A. Story. Whooping cough is the most distress­ ing malady; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bron­ chial troubles. J. A. Story. " Fish for the Lenten Season, AU kinds of fish, domestic and import­ ed in large or small quantities at lowest prices. Call on S. Stoffel. McGhea's Murderers Caught. The police of Chicago "have captured the persons who are alleged to have planned and executed the murder of A. F. McGhee. By the confession of one of the men, and by the admissBion of the women, the polioe have been convinced that the blow that killed the aged collector WM struck by Geo. H. Jacks, once chief of police and deputy .United States marshal at Muskegon, Mich., but latterly a dar­ ing robber, whose misdeeds have beeu re­ corded in many Btates and cities. The other persons under arrest, charged with guilty knowledge of the circumstances that led to McGhee's death, are William J. Willows, Belle Steinhelber, James Steinhelber, James Nugent and Edward ROSS. • ;; Wiilowjj has made a detailed confession implicating all five of the prisoners, and asserting that Jacks dealt the fatal blow to McGhee and then robbed him, while Willows was watching on the outside of the building. Willows directed McGhee into the building, where Jacks was lying in wait. He thought Jacks' purpose was merely to get the roll of money which, he says, Belle Steinhelber had asserted the milkman always carried around with him. Howard Will Enlist Agalnl , Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard, retired, who commanded the Army of the Tennessee after the death of that grand soldier. Gen. James B. McPhereson, and who marched with Sherman to the sea, is ready to lead once more, if his services are required, to whip the Spanish forces in case of war. General Howard has only one arm and has reached nearly three­ score and ten, nevertheless he says: "We don't want war. The people don't want war. War means much. It means broken homes, separated families, and hospitals filled with wounded and dying. War is a terrible thing. I have been through one; yes through several. The Spanish government does not want a war any more than we do. We are fighters, though, if it comes to that. We are not as defenseless as some people would like to have us believe, All our • large coast cities are well protected. The only cities a Spanish fleet conld bom­ bard would be the smaller towns on the coast. If there is a war I will enlist, if they will take me. I served from 1862 until I was retired, with only one arm. GOOD FOB UBS. HOBABT. The heir apparent to the Belgian throne is about to visit Washington. As usual under the circumstances he will be enterthined at the White House, also by Vice President and Mrs. Hobart. Word to this effect was sent to the Bel­ gian minister who expressed his satisfac­ tion and asked if Sunday evening would suit them for the date of a dinner party. To this Mrs, Hobart at once gave a prompt refusal. The European fashion of giving din­ ners and receptions on Sunday even­ ing is not one she has cared to follow, nor one she cared to adopt, even when it entertaining a prince of royal blood. So the Tioe President and Mrs. Hobart will dine the prince on the evening of March 12, after which the Belgian minister will give a large recep­ tion in his honor at Rauscher's. All Together Now. Gen. Wade Hampton's advice to southern men to stay at home and lefe the north furnish the troops, if war is declared against Spain, is narrow section­ al, and wholly repugnent to the feelings of the brave followers of Lee and Stone­ wall Jackson. We are one great country under one flag, and it is admitted by patriots all over the land that a dec­ laration of war would have the effect of abolishing sectional lines, and that in the future there would be no north, no south, no east, no west, but one great re­ united nation, standing shoulder to shoulder in defence of a common cause. We are surprised at Wade Hampton.-- Roanoke News. A slick duck was in town last week and swindled three of our grocers out of nearly §60 worth of butter. He repre­ sented himself as traveling for B. L. Newman & Co., commission merchants, and paid the top market price for the stuff, giving drafts on the firm. To make the game work, he had tags "and stencils, drafts and recommendations by the pocketful. The stuff he bought he wanted sent to the depot the same day. The merchants never tumbled until the drafts came back with the information of no such firm in the city. He was an expert at handling butter and would de­ ceived the best of them. Our exchanges would do well to expose this individual and run him down as soon as possible. --Ex* Two Beautiful Pictures Free Two large beautiful colored pictures for framing free; also four copies free of the famous illustrated magazine, Up To Date, to anyone who wants them. Each issue of Up To Date has beautiful colored front and back, and from forty to fifty large humorous pictures by the famous artists of America. Will keep all the family in good humor for a month. Your two pictures or any other two of six you may select, set Lin gold frames, will be sent you free of charge if desired after seeing them. Enclose 10 cents in stamps or silver to pay postage and and packing. Address Up To l)at99 " Chicago. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTOBNET. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of an order and decree of the Cownty'Court of McHenry county, Illinois, madeon the petition ot the undersigned, Jo?j JuPten, Guardian of Mathias, Henry, Robert, Simon, Elizabeth, Margaret, Catherine &n«t Gertrude Schaefer, minor heirs of Nicholas P 3c hue fer, dec a9ed, for leave to sell veal estato of said minors, at .the March term, A, r).»18!i8, of said Court, to-wit: On the 7th day ot March 1893. •"Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the flrst dftj of April next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon and 5 o'clock in the . afternoon of said day, tp-wit: At 2 o'clock i\ M. lit the east door of the Court Houae in the city of Woodstock, county of McHenry and State of Illinois, the folio Wing described real estate bolonging to.tho estate of said minora, to-wit: ' . ; . .. • 1 . - , - The undivided one-half interest in the south half of the. northeast .quarter and a 'strip, of land two ro la wide from the north sideot tho southwest quarter, in section number thirty- Ave, township number forty.six, (40), north range eight (8). cast of third P M., containing eighty (80) acres more or less, will be sold to the highest and best bidder, TERMS. OA3H. JOSEPH JUSTEN, Guardian. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTORNET, Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Bv virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry county, Illinois, made on the petition of the uudersigned, Joseph Justen. Executor of the estate ol Nicholas P .-chaoftr deceased, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, at the jan«. ary term &. t) lt!JS of said couit, to wit: On tho 3d day of January. 18J8 Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the first day"of April next, between tho hours ol lo o'clock in the torenoou and live o'clock in the afternoon ot said day, to-wit: Two o'clock R M. at tho east door of the Court House, in tho city of W oodstock, sounty ot McHenrj and state of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to tho estate of Nicholas P Schaeler, deceased, to-wit: The undivided one-half interest in the south half of the northeast quarter and a strip ol land two rous wide from the north side of the southwest quarter, in section number thirty- flve, township number forty-six (40), north range eight (8), east of third P M, containing eighty t8U; acres more or loss, will be sold ,to the highest and best bidder, TERMS, CASH. 36-4W JOSEPH JUSTEN, Executor. V. 6 . LUMLEY, ATTOTNBY. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I MCHENKY COUNTY, t Estate of Brady Sr., deceased. To all whom it may concern : You are hereby notitlod tliaton Monday, tho4th day of April, 1898, the executor of the last Will and Testa­ ment of said deceased will present to the County Court ot McHenry County, at tho Court House, in Woodstock, Illinois, his llnal report of his acts and doings as such executor, and ask tho Uourt to bo discharged from any and all further duties and reepon sihilitiet connected with said estate and his administration thereof, at waich time and place you may be present and resist.such-ap­ plication it you choose so to do. $• 30w4 JAMKS S. IlowAKi) Executor. Executor's Notice, ESTATE of Jacob Meurer, doceased. The undersiguea having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Jacob Meurer. deceased, late of the Countv of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that ho will appear be­ fore the County Cvurt of McHenry County at the Court House in W'oo<1stock, at the May Term, on tho first Monday in Mfiy next, at which timo all persons having claims against said estate are notified and re quosted to attend for the purpose of havlnar the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, Hated the 12th day cf March, A. D , 1S9S. 37w4 WILL AM J. MEURER, Executor.

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