Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1898, p. 4

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mrrn WEDNESDAY, MAR; 16. 1898. J, VAN SLYKE, Editor. (fiT* Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was steady; offerings, 405 tubs; sales, 140 tubB at 18%"; with­ draw/!, 200 tubs; sales reported last week, 9,772 tubs; price last week, 19%°; one year ago, 18c. charitable American physician, peeing the distress and sickness among the pOor of Havana, offered to give hii- services free to the suffering during hi.- three weeks'stay. The Spanish,author­ ities informed him he could do so "b.v paying $400 into theSpanish treasury.'- ThattoSpam! " * 'At a meeting of the Republican Senatorial Committee for this District, held at the Great Northern Hotel on Tuesday, the 8th inst., it was voted to hold the Senatorial Convention in Wood­ stock June 4. There was some talk of the advisability of nominating three re­ publican candidates, but the feeling seems to be against it. flST'A Waukegan Dispatch fay*: "Political matters are growing lively in Lake County, 6s candidates are coming forward numerously. For the demo­ cratic nomination for representative in Iheeigth district S. F. Knox, of High­ land Park, has announced his candidacy. D. A. Grady, of Waukegan, and George Wait, of Grant, are also mentioned. William Stoffel, of McHenry, and J. C. Donnely, of Woodstock, would also like 1he nomination. t&"In eight yearB the best sugar in­ dustries have increased from eight to forty-five, and ten new beet sugar fac­ tories are now in course of construction in the United States. Like the tin-plate industry, which has been so well estab­ lished in this country^ that shipments abroad are now made, the best sugar in­ dustry not only promises to supply the demand for home consumption, but in the course of time a surplus for export may develop by the proper application of the principle of protection. physician in Philadelphia recent­ ly made a stir by the public statement that one out of every three women in that city is adorned with a mustache. He added that the adornment would be still more noticeable if women did not take the trouble to eradicate the hirsuite growth. A German scientist declares that mustaches are more common among women of the present day than those of the past. He observed while in Constantinople that among the unveiled women one out of every ten possesses an unmistakable covering of down on the upper lip; and the same fact is notice­ able in Spain. 16?" Dire disasters have befallen tho people of certain parts of Australia on account of the extreme heat which has prevailed in that part of the world re cently. The water in wells and streams has dried up and large tracts of land have been burned over by bush fires, cattle ani sheep perished and people are hurrying to the towns and cities in a half starved and naked condition, having lost all their property by the terrible heat. Storms, tornadoes and epidemics followed in the wake of the hot period and the harvest and pasturage have been destroyed, which means the lost, of sheep. The people of the island will have to purchase wheat and are already sending their gold to San Francisco for that purpose. (J nder favorable conditions they are exporters of that cereal. OLD GLORY IN EVIDENCE. "Old Glory" was never more in evidence than right n.>w. Behind the $50,000,- 000, by the unanimous vote of both branches of Congress--a vote of con­ fidence in a President unparulled in the history of this or any other country placed at the disposal of President VlcKinley, to be used as ho may deem best in putting the country in a position to defend ittelf, is unlimited money and an army of ten millions of the best fight­ ing men who ever shouldered a gun, which the President can have whenever in his judgment he needs them. The United States is seeking no war with Spain, or any other country, and as Representative Cannon,, of Illinois, sa truly said, "Would not if it could, trench upon the rights of any other nation," but it will uphold its own national honor regardless of who attacks it, and regard­ less of what blood and money it may cost. Even if the $50.000,000 just ap­ propriated by Congress were to be dump­ ed into the middle of the Atlantic the manner in which that appropriation was made would be worth every dollar of the money as an object 1. sson to the rest of the world on the danger of try- ng to presume too far upbn the peace- loving disposition of the American peo-, pie. , Its effect will be seen for years to come in increased respect shown to the American flag by the nations of the world. • It is too early to speak with certainty of the effect of this prompt and unani­ mous action of Congress on our relations with Spain, but it will largely depend upon Spain. This government is now ready for either peace or wdr. The re­ port of the Maine court of inquiry is yet to be received by the President and acted upon, and the question as to whether wo shall intervene, peaceably, if possibly, or by force, to bring about peace in Cuba, is yet to be determined, and as either may bring war the administration is going ahead preparing for war just as though war was a certainty. The pres­ ence of the U. S. Cruiser Montgomery in the harbor of Havana is an indication that no backward steps are to be taken by President McKinley. Spain has made several clean backdowns,jnotably in with­ drawing its request for the recall of Consul General Lee, after McKinley had refused it, and officially announcing that it had been made under a misapprehen­ sion. This indicates that it may follow the same line of tactics in meeting any future demands of the President and consequently that war may be avoided, although it may mean that Spain is "playing possum," because it isn't ready to fight yet. Thanks to the Dingley tariff and Jto Secretary Gage's able management of the country's finances, the Treasury is not only in a condition to pay out the money appropriated by Congress at once but to pay every dollar of it in gold, and what is better to pay out as much more, without in the slightest degree hampering its own or the business of the country, a thing which would have been impossible at any time during the last administration. In as much as a consid­ erable portion of this money may be spent in Europe for ships and munitions of war, the ability to pay gold is a good thing for us. The U. S. Treasury now has $168,500,000 in gold in its vaults. None of the short speeches which pre­ ceded the unanimous appropriation of $50,000,000 by the House to be expend­ ed at the discretion of the President were received with quite as much enthu­ siasm as that made by Gen. Grosvenor, of Ohio, and no portion of his speech aroused quite as much enthusiasm as the following reference to the President and the united country behind him: J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock, Illinois^ we have a great exhibition of Fancy Embroideries. Commenced and finished pieces representing the highest degree of the art of Needlework. We offer to the people of McHenry county free in­ structions on this work, None too young and none too old, if they can handle a needle and take a stitch to receive instruction. Hburs from 3 to 6. Wall Paper--Thousands of Rolls. Just received, representing the latest patterns and colorings, from the cheapest to high grades. ? Thousands of yards just added to our stock. Ingrains, Brussels, Axminstcrs, Oaipetlllg . Velvets, \A iltons, Moquettes. . •/ ^ I challenge competition and shall try to suit every visitor. An unusual array of bargains is on exhibition daily, Lace Curtains from the cheapest to the best grades. Hoor and Table Oi'cloth, Chinese Matting, just what is wanted teis time of year. The latest things in Ribbons and Laces, and Garnitures for Dress Trimmings. Our silk window is worth your notice. O W E N HERE are a few testimonials that pa­ tent medicine men might use: "I have been unable to walk without crutclifes for many years, but after using your lini ment I ran for office."* "I lost my eye­ sight four years ago, f used a bottle of eye-wash and I saw wood." "I have been dumb ever since 1 was married, but the day after using your remedy I bad a speaking likeuess taken at the photo­ grapher's." Some time ago I lost use of both arms. Shortly after buying a box of your pills I struck a man for ten dol­ lars." "I have been deaf for many years but after using your ointment I heard that my aunt ]had died and left me ten thousand dollars. J O H N J . M I L L E R . DAVID WARD, the lucky gold miner, who brought back the news of a rich find of gold on the American side of Alaska, and who says that the rush next spring will be far down the Yukon on the American side, spent three years prospecting in Alaska, and in that time only received seven letters from home. Since his re­ turn he has had more than that many thousands of letters from would-be argonauts in three months. He is now in Philadelphia, Pa., and tries to answer every inquiry concerning the Far North, its perils, rigors of climate and wonder­ ful riches. His practical experience makes his advice highly valuable, and anyone interested in Alaska should avail them­ selves of his knowledge by writing to him. Dissolution Notice. Horace Tilden has sold his interest in the Lakeside Hotel at Fox Lake to A. B. Winne. The latter will continue the business. He assumes all indebtedness and all bills due are payable to him. H. P. TILDEN, March 8. 1898. A. B. WINNE. We do not exaggerate when we say that this spring we have put in one of the 'arrest, best and cheapest liaes ot Ready-Mtide Cloth­ ing, quality con si dered, that h^s over been shown in McHenry, i not in the county To those.wishing a Suit or Pants made to older we are showing 300 samples of the best and very latest styles at $13 to $35 a suit. We absolutely savo all cash discounts, and our stock being so large you should in justice ti- yours If give us a look before buying afl you may see somntniug he e you < ould not liod elsewhere. We are ready to either meet or undersell a'l competitors. The lates! styles and correct shapes in (SUCCESSOBS TO rERRY^A OWEN.) SHOES FOR SPRING! Just arrived, a large and up to date line of the celebrated Pingree & Smith Shoes for men, boys, ladies, misses and children. You all know what the quality of these Shoes are. We have never had a complaint on a pair. If they do not give satisfaction let us know and we will always ma' right. New Neckwear! , Just. in. Prices and quality right. The most complete c utfits for hired men in Overalls, Jackets, Shirts, Boots and Shoss. Just in. All the latest novelties and and pick out a colors. Come" on boys S P R I N G H A T A N D N E C K T I E , TIIAT IS IN STYLE. I.®®®®™ One pound cans good Rod Salmon, Twenty-one pounds Prunes, Twenty-one pounds Raisins, Twenty pounds Sugar, 10 cents. $1,00. $1.00. $1.00. 0 Best Flour 3t Right Prices. Clover, Timothy, acd all other Field and Garden Seeds. JOHV or. BI11iX.ES . WEST MCHT:NRY, III., 1898, t®"The Supreme Court of the United States has rendered a decision in the Nebraska maximum freight rate case The law regulating local freight rates was passed five years ago when the Pop­ ulists controlled the Nebraska State Legislature, and the evident object was to injure the business of the railroads. But the law, like so many passed b.v that inconsistent party, could not stand the test, the Supreme Court holding that the law is contrary to the constitution in that it authorizes "the takiDg of prop­ erty without due process of law." That is the maximum rates established by the law are unreasonably low. The full text of the decision will appear soon and no doubt will be read with interest. I®" The gentlemen who carefully pre­ served their campaign speeches in 1896 with the idea that they could use them again in 1898 are going to have a hard time in fitting them to conditions or in squaring their record with the people to whom they made their assertions in that campaign. They claimed that prices could not advance without the free coin­ age of silver, yet they face upon the stump in'98 an advanced figure in practi­ cally every article of farm produce. They claimed that* a protective tariff would not improve the conditions of the work­ men, yet they find factories running where smokeless chimneys were visible in 1896, and „wages increased and employ ment plentiful. They insisted when the Dingley tariff bill was under discussion in Congress that it would cut down our sales abroad and would be insufficient to produce the necessary revenue at home, set they find that our sales abroad in­ creased, and that the new law is now producing revenue at the rate of over a million dollars a day, sufficient to keep pace with the average expense of the Government. What will they do about it? What will they say now? Thus far he has made no mistakr. Thus far he has exhibited to the who e world what an American President is when he represents the best sent ment of the American people. Calmly and de­ liberately has he weighed every measure. Calmly and deliberated has he consider­ ed every threatening circumstance, and calmly and deliberately behind him have stood seventy-five millions of people, confident in him, in *he patrotism of the peoDle, true and faithful to the loyalty that has come to us from a thousand battle fields that saved the Union. How magnificent it is! I said some davs ago that I had longed to live until I knew this people was a united people. I have always felt that the actions of 1861 and 1865 were poorly done; that the blood was ill-expended, if at the end of this period we had not a united nation Thank God! I have lived to see the hour come, the day dawn, the sun of unity rise and shine, and universal loyalty the watchword of every man, woman and child. The American people will arise to any emergency in the future. MoneyJ beyond estimate, men beyond the dreams of Napolean or Hannibal will march to protect the flag whenever it is assailed. MURDER WILL OUT. Several years ago the rush was for un improved farm land that was cheap Many people are looking for the satm chance now. C. S, Graves, Janesville, Wis., hai an advertisement in this paper offering land well supplied with fuel and good water, centrally located for all the Kreat markets north, south, east and west, with good school privileges. The best of farm land can be had at $10 per acre and on easy terms. It will pay you to write him. REV. HORN, of the M. E. Church, of De Kalb, preaehed a strong sermon a few Sundays since says the Review. The trend of his remarks was on truth tell­ ing. He bore heavily on the tendency to overlook lying and the failure to punish perjury. "Men pro to the county seat," said he, "and deliberately swear to a lie." He condemed in strong term1* the habit of the times to not only condone the acts of falsifiers and perjurers but to greet them the same as if they were truthful, decpnt men. Lying and per­ jury will go on probably until it is some­ body's particular business to see that they are punished. It is the grand jury's business to indict perjurers but the duty is unpleasant; besides, they must have their attention officially called to the matter before they can act. Meantime the abominable class of Puny. (Children j Who would prescribe only < tonics and bitters for a weak, < puny child ? Its muscles and * ! nerves are so thoroughly ex- ! hausted that they cannot be ' whipped into activity. The ; child needs food ; a blood- J making, nerve-strengthening 1 and muscle-building food* ' Scott's Emulsion i of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, $ and you still have a tonic in $ the hypophosphites of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion* 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. ^ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ^ RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have in stock 2,000 Norway Spruce and Scotch Pine, running from 3 to 7 feet, all first-class stock, two to three times trans­ planted and well rooted. They are just the thing for wind-breaks, hedges, screens, etc. I will sell the above at greatly reduced prices, as they Must Go at Some Price. Come and see stock for your­ self and get prices, or write for special prices, Also have a good stock in Fruit Trees, Shade Trees Grape Vines. Roses,! Hardy Flowering Shrubs, etc. Price List sent on application,' Address, : D | : ' . . . t h e IMi WEEKLY INT 1 m ©OO0ODO "" ' O0©OO3G • LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IS THE WESTS It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal' doctrines of that party with ability and earnestness«£<^<^<i* <^But it can always be relied on® for fair and honest reports of all po- a l i t i c a l m o v e m e n t s ® THE WEEKLY IPJTESS OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND CEST CUKREWT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper is Without § The Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best maga­ zines. It is interesting to the chil­ dren as well as the parents T HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations ot Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.^./* $1.00--PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO THE DAILY AWD^TODAY^DITIOWS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. Price of Daily by mail $4.00 per year I'rioe of Sunday by mail ....$!! OO per year Daily and Sunday by mail $6.00 per year MILO L. HOWB, Farms for Sale! Cal: in and sec them. Also do not forget to see our new stock of Laccs. Two hundred new picces. OWEN & CHAPELL. McMenry, iMinois. . MY LINE: GENERAL HARDWARE, S T O V H 8 , Paints and Oils, Cutlery, Bicycles and Sporting Goods. Advertising docs not necessarily sell goods, but it makes it easier to sell them. Quality, Pri^e and Industry must supplement adver­ ting, then the combination I S A W I N N E R ! We po. sesi this combination. Watch our advertisem nt, for your own interest. Eespeetlully Yours, F. L. McOMBER. West S'de Hardware Store DEALER IN f PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. Of all Kinds and Sheet Music. West McHenry, - Illinois Choice Agricultural Lands in Wisconsin and other B.I'BS Tate to Piano Stools J. V. Rln^wood. Ill* BUCKLAND, Nurseryman. Naturally. A growing girl who has no Piano misses a great deal or enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. Wc make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at low prices. Our stock is all-- { embracing--wc exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equal satisfaction in extremely low-priced instruments. You are an economical housewife ? Then you are interested in | Pjanos Tuned Sherer s Tea in Pails. Just see maiutactora I what you get for 50 cents I A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise You known as perjurers go ecot-frop. Not I nly that, but they hold up their hearts n the community, and look men in the I e, and offer their dirty hande and ask for j the suffrages of their "fellow-citi/.ensi." No wonder the preacher is indignant. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. On short notice tion guaranteed. and RepaireJ. anjl satistao- C Li ARK, WOOD Counties In I,YON, VELLOW MEDICINE MinnflPfttq and other Counties In UllliUObUU BROOKINGS, CODINGTON nflVftta and other Counties iu I/tllkUltt Improved Farms, $15 to $25 per acre Unimproved Land, $10 per acre. mnnuo Improved Farms, % to % down. 1 ElIV111U Unimproved Land, one fifth down. Here is an opportunity to obtain a farm in the healthiest section of the U. S. at A very low l'rice and which is sure to soon increase in value. These Landsare Desirable, ®' The Terms are Easy. CO The Soli is Rich and Fertile. fl Of Rapid Increase in Value. gj Of Excellent Market Facilities. O Of Pure Water and no Drouths. Q3 Of Good Roads, Schools nnd, Churches. pQ In the vicinity of neighbors and friends You can soon own a farm, raise as good crops, and get as good prices as in SonthernWisconsin or Northern Illinois, We know you will be pleased if you .will investigate. Address, 0.8. GKAVES, Janesville, Wis. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IVI2LO L, HOWE. "Fancy Flour", pure groceries and pro­ visions at S. Stoffel's. Geo, J. Lobdell, merschant, Fowler rnd., wnteB of Last Resort:--"It is splea dip for coughs and lung troubles. Don't think there is anything equal to it." Cures coughs, croup, consumption an l La Grippe. For sale by FIRST--a pound of excellent Tea, new crop, rich flavor and strong. SECOND--a one quart covered tin pail containing the tea. THIRD-a genuine imported china . TeaCup and Saucer, full size, gold TTin ofl Wflf ClBllIl AfffiUCV band, decorated and very hand-I uulcu 0ACim some. Large assortment. Our offer to furnish free this ex­ ceptionally fine cup and saucer can only be continued for a short time. If no dealer near yon keeps it or will order it send us 65 cent* in stamps and we will send Pail, Tea, Cup and Sauoer by express to your rail­ road station prepaid. Sherer Brothers, 24 Years at 37 River Street* Chicago* -OF W. H. CGWLIN. WOODS TOO If. ILL. , prosecutes all cina»08 and kinds of claims against the Lnltc<l States for cx-«o Idlers, th«lr wives, dependent rolative*, or heirs. A specialty i» made in prosecuting o'.d nnt re­ jected claims, AM communications promptly answered li postage stamps are enclosed ior reply. WW.h COLLIN , Office at residence Madison St., ' Woodstock. Telephone No. 23. PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents seat free. Oldest npency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36'B""a"" New York Branch Office, G25 F St., Washington, D. C. Now is the time to buy wnll paper cheap of S. Stoffel. 66 Points 9 9 is the title of a little book with a big purpose. Its mission is to enlighten everybody on the use of paint and the best particular paint for each use, from thei enamelling of a table to the painting of a house. One off the best things it does is to make you acquainted with I THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS They cover the most surface, look best, last longest and are most economical. If you are going to paint it will pay you to send for this little book. It's free for the asking. JHE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., PAINT MAKERS. 100 Canal St.t Cleveland. 307 Washington St., N. Y. 620 Stewart Ave., C'hlenge. > St., Montreal. 21 St. Antolne i EI. B. PERKINS, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House Wo sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing'the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. » . 1 Room Mculdirgs to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing, first-class job guaranteed. O ill and see me. estimates on work. All specialties and a No trouble to give E, B. PERKINS,

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