Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1898, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law) No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe, M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1898 Sole Agency for the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! £&H|l Dr. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WEST McHENRV. Office at Geo. W. Bealey's I Drugstore, | Examination^ free THE TERRORS OF FUTURE WAR. It vet remains for actual war between tvro great naval powers to test the war machinery of today, The war between Japan and China made some little show of what it may be, but nothing conclu­ sive. The instantaneous loss of the Maine is au example of what may be expected. Whether sunk from within or without, her destruction was due to a high explo­ sive unknown iu previous wars. The loss of life about 260, would have been enor­ mous in a single engagemeut in any war hitherto, between vessels or between ves­ sels and forts. In the famous fight of the Constitution and the Gueriere, in the war of 1812, the total number of killed on both ships was 70, and 23 wounded; in the terrific battle between the Constitution and the Java, the loss of life on both ships was but 78, counting the wounded who died within a few hours, and 118 were wound­ ed. Yet the crew of each one of these vessels was larger than the Maine's crew by fifty to a hundred; and the vessels fought but a few rods distant from each o'her. When Farragut's fleet of about twenty vessels passed between the forts below New Orleans, and was under fire from them for about two nours, fighting also several rebel ironclads, the total number of killed on all his vessels was considerably less than were killed when the Maine was destroyed in aninstjjjitby some modern explosive. RINGWOOD. C. E. Fay was a City visitor Saturday. Miss Katie McDonald, of Greenwood, is visiting her sister here. J. fl. Kemerling was at Chicago on Saturday. •* The Concert for the benefit of the side­ walk fund will be given Thursday even­ ing of this week, Mrs. 0. N. Rich spent Monday and Tuesday in Elgin and Chicago purchas­ ing Spring Millinery. Miss Rose Miller, of Crystal Lake, visit ed with Mrs. H. P. Buckland Saturday and Sunday. Miss Hilda Kemerling will ride to school hereafter, as she now owns on© ol the finest wheels in town. | Geo. Hutson has now opened his Meat Market; and we trust he will receive a /liberal share of the patronage of the ipeople of Ringwood and vicinity. Epworth League will give a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett, on Friday evening, March 25th. Ail are cordially invited. The time is drawing near when the good house wife will begin "to turn the house bottom side up" and the poor husband will go home to dinner and find it spread out in the wood shed on a barrel. . GREENWOOD. Is this Spring? Will Allen spent the pist week with his father in Chicago. Geo. Lurnley transacted business in Chicago on Thursday last. Messrs. Westerman and Robbing spent the first of the week in the windy city. W. J. Cruikshank had his foot badly bruised one day last week, by being step­ ped on by a horse. A. Pveatt is the only Greenwood hunter that has been lucky enough to get a wild goose this spring. Don't forget the social at Cruikahank's this week Tharsday evening. A good time is assured. E. F. Harrison, of Greenwood, was calling on Greenwood friends last week Thursday. Mrs. Thos. Walkington spent the past week in Chicago, with her father, who had to have a second operation perform­ ed on his foot for necrosis. There will be a blue rock shoot in Greenwood. Saturday, March 26th. commencing at 10 o'clock, under the management of the Greenwood Gun Club. Purses to be divided to suit contestants. One day last week a three year old child of L. Yan Hoozen and wife, fell into a cistern, and Lysle sprang in after him. The water was up to Lysle's chin, but he held the little fellow above water until one of the girls ran to the neighbors nearly a quarter of a mile away for help. It was a brave act for a nine year old boy. - RIDGEFIELD. Harley Thayer was in the city Monday. Miss Rose Bardon, of Chicago, is visit­ ing relatives and friends here. Dell Omstead, of Woodstock, visited relatives here Saturday last. D wight Smith was in Dundee on busi­ ness Saturday. W. H. Munroe was a Woodstock visi­ tor the last of the week. Fred Hartman was a Woodstock caller on Saturday last, R. H. Conant was called to Woodstock on business Saturday. J. B. Fisk called on Woodstock friends Thursday. ^ Miss Anna Morse, of Oak Park, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Chas Keelerand son Marvin, who have been visiting friends at Woodstock, returned home on Friday. Mrs. Heakox, of Woodstock was the. guest of her sister, Mrs. Norman Jacobs, of this place, on Sunday. Chas. Keeler, wife and son, Marvin, were attending to business in Chicago on Monday. There was a social and a donation for the pastor and family which was held in the basement of the Church Tuesday evening. A great many were present and a general good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. Luck, of Chicago, was here Satur­ day, Sunday and Monday evenings with some very fine Sterreoscoptic views of the Bible which drew very many people to the church on those evenings. No admission fee was asked for butageneral collection was taken to Day his expenses. SPRING IS WITH PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY J . V A N 8 L Y K E EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. MILO J . L. HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN ) . " -- Tuner & Repairer. I ®_JIW Alt Orders Promptly Attended to, THE ALMANAC SAYS SO anufactured at.New Prague, irr. , * ills, are located :n the finest hard wheat country. v Are Bupplied with most modern machinery. The Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the market. Bought in car lots only and sold on lowest pos­ sible terms bv SIMON STOFFEL, WESTjMeHENUY, ILL. Always in stock at Yolo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHARDSON, OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North Owen & Chapell 's Store, And the few balmy days of last week convince us that we are freed from winter's embrace. Spring is with us and we are ready for it with an unusually well selected assortment of seasonable merchandise. Our store has been gradually filling up with new spring staples and novelties, every department has taken on a spring-like air, on every hand is noticeable a freshness and brightness of the season's stocks appreciated better after months of dreary, dismal winter's reign. DR. BAECHLER. DENTIST, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: i®. One year (in advance).; . .".$1 50 If Not Paid within Three Months.. . . . . . . 2 (X) Subscriptions received for three or six months in the same proportion. RATES OF-AI» TERTISING: \ v-X We announoe liberal rates for advertising In the PLAINI>EA.LEH , an<i endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un- derstood. They are as follows: l lnohone year - • BOO 2 Inches one year - 10 00 8 Inches one year - - 15 00 ii Column one year - . - - 80 00 V Column one year 60 00 1 Column one year 100 00 One incn means the measurement of one inch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at theaoove rates, nave the privilege of ohanging as often as they choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notioes at the rata of 5 cents per line caoh week. All others will be charged 10 eeats per line the first week, and 5 cents per me for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first issue, and 5 cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will oost $ 1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $8.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIHDEALEB will be liberal In giving e tutorial notioes, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeding the use of Its columns for peonniary gain. J®5" All Foreign Advertising payable Quarterly, in advance, These terms will be stiictly adhered to. Plate Work, and everything per­ taining to Dentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a card a day or two beiore coming. • Office. McHpnryj You're thinking of that gay Easter gown. There's just about time to make it up. W have the material, any weave, style or color you want. New novelties and style,? that arc indescribably pretty and we are confident they will please you. In Wash goods, Organdies, Lawns, Diminties, Ginghams and Madras cloths, dainty tints and designs, latest novelties in Floral and Dresden effects, they'll pass your expectations MCHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the Best Beer, HEIMER'8 BLOCK. Opposite J. A. Story's Drug; Store. McHENRY. ILLINOIS SMOKERS! \ When iD Want of a Good Cigar! The undersigned, having leased the store at the above location has opened therein a CALL AT You find here advanced styles. All with that perfect style, cut and finish, impossible in home made garments. Real Estate Transfers. For tho two weeks ending Mirch 21,1S93, Francis Rrady to B1 O Schroeder swtf uci£ sec 17 Greenwood '$11)50 . . A Westerman to F C,"Schroeder ua& sec 45 Greenwood J950 . . Elizabeth Oo&gdon and h to Jacob Jus- ten 6# it land pt )t2blk23McHonry 2000 . . O Ohrlstensen to H O McCiellan It 6 blk 2 Richmond 1800.. 0 KYuse and w to Joachin Deitrick 54 20-100 a in sec 6 and 7 Algonquin 4050 . . Jonn Haldeman to Mary Haldeman J£a in ne>i nwj£ bee 20 Richmond 100 . . Same to same n pt nwX sec 2<j and lots 3, 4, 7, Mil 8 Solon 100 . . Uhas Thompson to James Kemerling It In Simmon's adn Ringwood 1500.. W Webster etal to F H Opfergelt 5 *2- " lOuain sec25 Uartland.. 27i . . Olias Harrington to John Pierce 20a in sec 10 Ilartland 15C0 . . M Smith et al to Wm Connell et al ; i t 1 and 2 blk 10 R R adn Richmond 200 00 II.W Mead to same, undv X same 100 0 A. B McConneil to Geo McOonnell, Its 1 and 2 blk 10 R It adn Richmond . . . 100 00 G Purdy to same pt It 1 Reeders adn to Richmond 600 CO A Dunham to O Dunham pt seX sec 5 and ne& sw& sec 5Coral. . . . 10 00 F James to J Murphy s^ sej^ se^ sec 29 s.5tf neJi sec 32 Seneea l 00 J.ewls Auringer to T Artherton la in' sec 13 vilof Oarey GOO 00 T Artherton to L Auringer Its 4 and 5 blk "Z Baldwins 2d adn Cary 200 00 John Oramor to J Lake w^ eX nw frl % and pt swif sec 6 Alden . . . 1400 00 Ole L*uriston and w to J Collen se& ne X sec 1U swif nwJi sec 20 Dorr . . . . 4400 00 Grace Ohase et al per mas to A Lati­ mer et al It in Vil of Huntley 840 00 Mary Lord and h to to Wm Lackland 8Wj4' and sw X se& seo 36 itiley ;>000 00 John Galer and W tc Wm Stephan, 11.6a in seo s Hichmond GSOO 00 EOJewHtand w to IJ Dormont It 21 blk 13 Iiobartadn Woodstock 1 00 J Dermont to Christian Jensen, same.. 50 0; 3 K Bartholomew to C Pates ee% ne% eX Be% sec 36 Riley ; sw# and b% nwij sec 31 Coral . 9540 00 A Crlssey et al to S K Bartholomew all right in pt e>tf sw,^ see 30 Coral and e% sc& bcM neV Bee 36 Riley.. . . . . . 1 00 Helen Baker to J Howell undv X sy n& se& sec lOt-cvsec 10 no^ nejtf sec 15 Greenwood 1 OP H Schroeder to i ^chroedor nwjtf, sX « n^.nSaneij se& sec 16. e% nejf seo 17 Greenwood .. .12000 00 Barbara Van^lyke to Barb'ra Schreiner pt of blk 1'2 McHenry J 500 00 Mary Perry and h to H Joies It 7 blk 1, It 2 blk 3 Mead's 4th adn Hebron 1200 00 Leon Amiok et al to Elgin Banking Co Its 1,14,15.16, blk 5 Park adn Marengo.. 1 00 \ O Matthew6an<l w to same, Its 4,6, 7, 12,13, 17,18, blk5, Park adn Marengo 1' 00 Earnest Lawrence and w to J H Moore pt ne% sec36 Oliemung 84C0 00 Julia Harrison to 0 H Talbot pt Its -1 aod 2 blk 1 Spencer,s 1st adn to Marengo 3000 00 Betsey Graves to J H Connelly 10a In sec 10 Soneea J200 00 J Landon and w to J Young It In blk 1, Bleckman'sadn Harvard 1250 00 O G Mead to F Opfergelt It in blk 3 Ful­ ler & Wheats adn Woodstock 350 00 F J achroeder and w to same, samel 1 00 FO Schroeder to »" Arp It 3 blK 8 R R adn Richmonc 500 00 Where he will keep on hind at all times fresh baked 1 Cigar and Wheat, Graham and Eye Bread CAKES, PIES, ETC. THE OLD SELLABLE IN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Tobacco Dealers We have a superb line finished and made up as finely as home made, with an up-to-date style and cut seen only in garments planned by skilled designers. OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. BUSINESS CARDS With a practical experience in the business I am confldent l can please all who will favor me with their patronage. O. H. GILLMORE, TTORNEY. Piobate work a specialty, . Office in Kendal block, W oodstock, 111. Spring Capes and Jackets, MADE TO ORDER. The patronage 0? the public is respectft solicited. JOHN HAUPKISCH, McHenry, Feb. 15, 1893. ' KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNBYS AT, LAW, LOO Washington . Street, CHICAGO. ILL. * Reproductions of New York, Paris and London styles that add the finishing touch of feminine livliness to the artistic dress of any lady. , I PERRY ft OWES, Banker*. FRANK L. SHEPARD, lOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 80--132 ' Clark St., Chicago. WONDERFUL MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, bujji and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex ohange, and does a Gtineral Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner ana? upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to out customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Meal Estate and < ther first class security. Special attention given to co- lections , INSURANCE In first Class Companies at tht Lowest Rates. Yours Retvectfuty . PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public The Htaduun Line of Cotssts TTOBNEY, Solicitor, and | Counselor, . Oolleotloneia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS We continue this season without doubt the most perfect fitting on the market. The effect of the finest suit is often spoiled by an ill-fitting corset. We have an expert Lidy demonstrator and fitter iu charge of this department. !No extra, charge for fitting. FUANK R. JACRMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNBELOB AT LAW. Prompt an 1 careful attention to all mat tersleftinmy hands, Money to loan, Offloe in Hoy Block, Wtoaatock, 111. Telephone-- office. 55, residence, 59. 35yl Our Millinery Experts O. H. TIGERS, M, D- IHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Ills. Office at Residence. Have spent weeks in the market* taking advantage of all Millinery Displays, perfecting themselves in Milliuery Art, and come to Elgin with a stock ot Trimmed Hals, deft copies of imported models, pro­ ductions of their own ingenious skill, and everything in this line that the market affords. JOS, L. ABT, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 is called tho PERSPICCTOSCOPE, not only fives the "solid view," but the true perspec­ tive. * r IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Call and see me. I have a very fino stock of Light and Heavy SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS This is no doubt the most brilliant discovery in this line ot optics since Prof. Wheatstone's time, 70 years a>ro. The inventor ot the Per- Bbectoscope began investigations and opera- tions or. the theory of obtaining a perfect per­ spective from two reflected images of a'slntrle picture. The Perspectoscop« is a binocular Instrument which uses in its construction two ground glass lenses and two mirrors of oerfect r»/lectin - surface, and is constructed on scicntific principals just discovered bv its Inventor, Its use is the same as the orlinary stereo- scope, but;*vith the following differences and advantages: 1st As above noted, i t gives a true perspec­ tive, As you look at a picture through the Perspect-iscopt you behold a scene, in every reeptct precisely like the one compassed by tho camera which took the picture. 2nd A Perspsctoscope requires but a single picture and that of any size The numerous Kodak pictures and other ph-tographs to be found in almost any home, and which would be useless with a stereoscope, are already adapted vouse with the Perspectoscope. 3d. In viewing the pictures with the Per­ spectoscope tho eyes assume the natural position, as they look forward in parallel l ines; there is, therofore. no pain attending the effort, as in the stereoscope, w„hi£h requires the beholder to cross the vision at a point which, to some eyes, is unbearable. Everybody that is interested in the Kodak, will want a Perspectoscope. Anybody possessing views taken by a cam­ era or other photographic instrument will want a Per9peetoscope. We guarantee the article ;to be exactly as we describe it , and if you Iflnd i t in anywise different, you can return it within 30aays and the money will be refunded. It is Cie- p. We sell It to purchasers direct or through an agent, fort2.00, free of express or othe r rhfirges, Full particulars In regard to the instrument or its sale will be sent free on application. Drafts, money orders, etc., should bo made payable to the o-der of Henry H.Hill. Uemittances in currency will be ;at sender's risk. The manufacturers lexpect to sell several million of these things, and a good agent would do well to write them for agents terms, Shows a line ol men's, ladies' and children's Shoes that aro triumphs ot shoemakers'shill. 1 lie stock was made expressly to our order, we encorporating into every shoe all tho advantages, all the good points in every shoe that came to our notice, discarding all objectionable features making ohr f-pring stock as near perfect as is possible for shoe knowledge and skill to make it. Our bpring orders on Shoes were placed early last winter when factories were idle and manufacturers were begging for orders The result is that our stock was purchased 25 per cent less than it would be possible to duplicate it at present. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Olooks, Watches and Jew-airy always ou hand. Special attention Iveii to repairing fine watohee. Give me oall. JOHN P- SMITH. Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. W. A. CRISTY, Justice ol the Peace. WEST MoHESBT, ILL. Special Attention paid to Colleotftme. In Men's Furnishings, I>o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. We show all the new things in Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cutis, Neck ties, etc. Can save you 20 to 25 per cent in this department. Marriage Licenses. H. C. MEAD» Justice oj the Peace and General in- surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WB8T MCHENBY, III. Frederick Colbowl Helen Meyer C W Lambkey Freda Neiman Jake Meschlnger.. Celia Craney John Abram Mary Spates A'gonquin Algonquin . . . .Capron . . .Dunham Gary Cary . Michigan Woodstock WOODSTOCK. Next horse sale April 13. Dance at the Armory on Monday even­ ing, April 11. Dr. Mclntyre at the City Hall April 1. Don, t fail to hear him. Riser's Uncle Tom's Capin Company at the City Hall Friday evening. Frank Flood was a visitor at Elgin on Saturday. Henry Herman spent Sunday with his family at Elgin. W. H. Young was in Chicago last Saturday. Frank W. Streets went to Chicago last Monday on business. .T.G.Lewis was down from Harvard last Monday on business. Geo. W. Field and wife spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Mrs F. Short spent Snnday with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago. Miss Flora Snyder is visiting with her sisters in Chicago for a few weeks. L. G. Wilcox, of Belvidere, was here on business on Friday of last week. Dr. C. M. Johnson, of Harvard, was here on professional business last Monday. Henry George left on Saturday for Lanark, HI./ where he has secured a good position. H. G. Hakes, Sr., spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs, Henry Herman, at Elgin. C. F. Elsworth and wife, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sundtiy with rela­ tives and friends here and Seneca- Mat Carpenter, who has been employed in G^.^ii's jewelery store the past two flH fit on Saturdav for Cincinna­ ti, OfiKUft he will make his future boin^^MB ThM Mich's dance at the Armory And in a Workmanike Manner. Yours Respectfully, GUS CARLSON W. P. ST. GLAIR, Justiceot the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance, NUNDA, III* Never was so choice, so dainty, or colors so pretty. New Novelties in Our Ait Department Pretty Silks and Drapery Materials lor Curtains, Throw Tidies: Sola Pillows, etc. They all add an air of refinement to any home. McHenry, 111., Feb. 1. 1898, Probate Business Kstate J.Hogan. Report; „Estato Elston Hunt. Claim of Dufleld, Johnson & Co dismissed. "N Estate O Buck Claim of E DSliurtleff for $038,09 allowed. Eetate Chas Hill. Final report, Estato J Burhman. Report. Chas Puchy. minor of Anna and AlbeitSuchy deceased. Edtate J Oowen. Petition to probate will. Estate C Dillcy. Final report. Estate J Hogan. Proof of heirship; petition to pay money to J W Darcy. ' Estate C Thompson, Petition to probate will, > Estate Hsnnah Merrick. Inventory and appraisement bill filed. Estate EsteDa Bingham, Petition to pro­ bate will. Estate Sarah Francisco. Petition to sell per- sonal property. Estate Jamss Hogan, Exception to admin, istrator 's report. NEW HOTEL A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an x Chronometers. X Full Assortment of Goods in his line. A N D Boarding House Water Street. McHenry. ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed my new building I am now prepared to take Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo­ dations, and at West Side JL.Ivery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. «T. HANLY , Prop'r, WEST McHENRY, ILE. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates- Parties taken t> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, nd we shall spare no pains to please our cus omers at all times, Give us a call, E. J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1896. Spring: colors in Paints. If your house needs redecorating you cannot afford to purchase elsewhere. Every department is at its best. Assortments are complete. Our uiany departments are overflowing with new things. New Umbrellas. Spring Hosiery, pretty Embroideries and Laces, new, novel Veilings, fancy Riobons. An almost endless assortment ol articles needed for spring wear and«decoration. 324 Dearborn St., Chicago "I Was Weak Nervoas uad Bnn Down „ I want to testify to the good Brown'8 Cure has done me. I was weak, nervous and run down in vitality when I com­ menced taking it; it has done everything for me and now I am a new being. A number of my friends also speak with gratitude of the good your medicine has done them--it is indeed a grand remedy. Yours.gratefully, Mrs. L. V. Craig, 907. Mass. Ave , Iudinnapolis, lnd. Such is the testimony of thousands concerning Brown's Cure, a Perfect Fam­ ily Medicine, the best remedy known for the liver, kidneys and bowels, a positive cure for dyspepsia4 and all stomach troubles, sick headache, nervousness, constipation and loss of sleep. If you suffer, try thiB gi eatremedy and find health and haimjijtfdMAald by Julia A. Ot the Celebrated .REASONABLE RATES.! United StatesfaiJIIai Apcy W. H. COWLIN, DOUGLAS <;• SHOES, My Rooms are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire'Proof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me wjth their patronage. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1897, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Prosecutes all classes and kinds of claims against the United Stites for ex-soldiers, their wives, dependent relatives, or heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old anl re­ jected claims, All communications promptly answered It postage stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H? COWLISSg Office at residence Madison St., Woodstock, Telephone No. 28. The most stylish and desirable Shoe on the market just received GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, ELGIN, ILL. SIMON STOFFEt'S West McHenry; .taiTailhad

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