Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1898, p. 4

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THE COUNTY TREASURER. The campaign for count j officers closes this week. The interest of McHenry cen­ ters in the matter of County Treasurer, and thus far about the only argument advanced against the nomination of James B. Perry (and this can hardly be called an argument) is that Mr. Axtell is entitled to the place because he lives in Chemung, and while that town casts the largest Republican vote of any town in the county, it haB no county officer. Now the ex \ct facts are that in the past rhemung has had more than her just share of county positions. As near as we can remember Cheever was States Attor­ ney, A. W. Young Superintendent of Schools and also States Attorney, Mr. Madger Circuit Clerk and Sheriff, Asad Udell Sheriff eight years, four of which he was a resident of Harvard, Wakeman Representative, H. S. Williams was a member of the State Board of Equaliza­ tion for twelve years, and they have also hatl Coroner and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. And then again R.. J Beck, who by the way lives really in Harvard, but just over the line in the town of Dunham, so as to be able to hold office in that town, being, so he is re­ ported as saying, the only man they have capable of making a good Super­ visor, who now holds the very desirable position of B. B. B. and C. C. C. at the ^tate House, in Springfield. And then, too, Harvard has M. F. Walsh, L. H. D., and she might have had the County Treasurership for the past four years had she "toted fair." And after all this Chemung makes the baby plea that the has no county office, and because McHenry happens just now to have the State Senator she has no further rights which Harvard is bound to respect. Mr. Williams held the office of member of the State Board of Equali­ zation for years, an office better far than that of State Senator, and if these same wire pullers na<ued above could have had their way would have been holding it still, but at the same time they were not bashful about asking at each County Convention for anything in sight. As we said once before, good politics, fair play and long established custom all will be served by the nomination, at the coming County Convention, o! James B p6rry, of McHenry, for the office of Treasurer. He has proved himself amply qualified for the position, is an ardent and enthusiastic Republican, and under the circumstances we believe he is the choice of a large majority of the Repub­ lican voters of the county. Thercfoie we ask the delegates to assemble at Woodstock on Monday next to think this matter carefully over and cast their votes for County Treasurer for JAMES B. PERRY. And then our friend Walsh maj have a chance to renew his Republican­ ism, provided the Democrats do not nominate a personal friend. (?) Advice to J TOFF EL ) ( O W E N * WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1898, J, VAN Sf^YKE, Editor. There are three great reme­ dies that everjr person with weak lungs, or with consump­ tion itself, should understand. These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages; and many of those more advanced. It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? Fresh air, proper food and REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, STH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Tiie Republicans of the counties composing tlio Eighth'congressional district of the state of Illinois are requested to send delegates to a convention to be held at the Opera House In the city of Aurora. Kane County, state of Illi­ nois, Wedneeday, the (4th) fourth day of May, 1898, at 11 o'clock A. m.. for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for repre­ sentative in Congress. * The several counties in the district will be entitled to delegates as follows: Kane ..eKalb W McHenry-- -- ij Grundy "* ,! DuPage. Kendall •••• • 7 Total number of delegates......... ...... 109 H . T . ROCKWELL Kane Co., • O ITRANK Rows, McHenry Co., X; CHAS, A BISHOP, DfKalb 0JM J. E TURPIN, Kendall Co., '•{ FRAS'K CLAKK, Grundy Co T. s. ROGERS, Dupaire Co , Congressional Committee. Dated this J2cl day of March, 189S. Stylish Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings. ^irwhi.r Percailes, Prints, Domestics, Ladies' Waists and Gapes, ' -n Collarettes, Children's Cloaks, Notions, Corsets, Embroidery, E*c. f ine and serviceable Clothing for Easter, for men, boys, and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct newest styles. STANDARD FOOTWEAR Invnarrow, medium and comforta­ ble lasts. Sizes and prices right. Selection extensive. (SUCCESSORS TO TERRY & OWEN.) I of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- i phosphites. Be afraid of | draughts but not of fresh air. | Eat nutritious food and drink t plenty of milk. Do not forget | that Scott's Emulsion is the X oldest, the most thoroughly • tested and the highest en- I dorsed of all remedies for | weak throats, weak lungs and i consumption in all its stages. i , 50c. and $i.oo; all druggists. • SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. We maintain the standard of excellence in Pure Food which has been ours since we went into the Grocery business. Absolute purity and low prices make us grow rapidly. ; Once. We will quote you prices that will gladden the hearts of our patrons, with a collection of goods that fairly sets the store abloom. Our specials will be found in the following : Dress Goods, Clothing, Hosiery, Wash Goods, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Domestic,?, etc. R E P U B L I C A N C O U N T Y C O N V E N T I O N The Republican voters of McHenry county are requested to send delegate? to the Republican county convention, to be held at the court house, in the city of Woodstock, Monday, April 25, 1898. at 3. p. M., for the purpose of selectine thirteen (13) delegates to represent said county in the state convention to bf- held at Springfield, 111., June 14, 1898 ; also seventeen (17) delegates to repre Bent said county in the congressional convention to be held at Aurora, 111., May 4,1898 ;also twenty (20) delegates to represent said county in the senato­ rial convention to be held at Woodstock, June 4, 1898; also for the purpose oi placing in nomination candidates for the following county offices: County judge, county clerk, county treasurer, sheriff, and" county superintendent of schools, and for the purpose of trans­ acting such other business as may prop­ erly come before the convention. The several towns of the county are entitled to the following representation : Riley 8 Hebron 16 Marengo 27 Richmond 1"> Dunham 8 Burton , 3 Chemung 33 McHenry 17 Alden 9 Nunda..... 11 Hartland 4 Barreville 6 Seneca 11 Algonquin 12 Coral 11 Crystal Lake.. 7 Grafton 10 Cary 8 DOIT 30 Greenwood 8 Total....,254 It is recommended by the committee that the various towns hold their cau­ cuses on Saturday, April 23,1898. By order of the McHenry County Re publican Central Committee. L. T. HOY. Chairman. • H. C. MEAD, Secretary. GOOD NEWS 70 CLOSE BUYIBS. E. RICHARDSON, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Of all kinds and correct styles. Fancy Shirts, Stylish Collars and Guffs, etc. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps. Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. VOLO, ILL.. Is receiving every week new goods for the spring and summer trade, consisting of GROCERIES, Drugs, Paints and Oils, Flour, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gro­ ceries etc., etc. Which he is offering to the buying public at the lowest living prices. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Fancy and King's Best Flour. Garden and Field Seeds always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. siicesr STOFFEL. West McHenrv, 111., 1898. Is our motto. The finest line of Floor Matting to be found in the county. Boots and Shoes. We carry the celebrated Selz, Schwab & Co. Shoes, the best on the market. Arbuckle Coffee 10c per pound. Bicycle Coffee 10c per pound. Call, examine our goods and learn priccs before buying. We are sure to save you money. All goods guaranteed as represented. E. RICHARDSON, Voloi Laka Co., Ill LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE STATION OWEN & CHAPELL If Answer is Not Forthcoming our Fleet will be sent to Bom­ bard Havana. Special to tbe PLAIN DEALER. By a special over the long distance Telephone we learn that the President has signed the Joint Resolution and the Ultimatum to Spain has been forwarded. IF an answer is not forthcoming our fleets will be sent to bombard Havana. Whether it is war or peace is now left with Spain. She cannot dodge the issue. McHanry Illinois N. J . IUSTEN GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE IS?" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday opened at 18c. Sales were 105 tubs on call at 18c, and 275 floor sales at 17c. Butter last week, 20c, and one year ano, 16@16%c. Sales of the week, 10,273 tubs. Home Seekera'.Cheap Excursions On May 3, 17, June 7 and 21, the North-Western Line will sell HomeSeek- ers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For ticktts and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-West- ern Railway. 42w4 Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. A. Story. Children's Jackets, all sizes and styles, at S. Stoffel's. Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desired in fine and modern designs, including Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Dining Room and Library Furniture, Besides many special pieces in all lines. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, KaT'If war with Spain is precipitated it will probably be unlike any other war in which the country has ever engaged. It will be confined almost exclusively to the navy, and will engage a Bmall army of men compared with land engagements for war, like all things of the present day will be run by machinery, and these war­ like engines will be engaged in the de­ struction of each other. This powerful means for disabling and sinking the enemy's ships are such as have nerer yet been employed in war between two countries. *' • ' GMGIN^TOR OF LOWEST PEIGES Eccentricities of Fashion The Undertaking Department, Calls for special mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before buying. v. f>. LUMLEY, ATTORKRY. Chancery Notice. 62ATK Of ILLINOIS, I McHenrv County \ Circuit Court of McHenry County, May Term. A D 1898, Stell* Oook, Jane M Hinhinond anrl 8arah Cook vs Gtorge C Dean, Ellen M Dean, John Rathburn, Jaroea C Kannedy, and 81'aB;Rathburn, and the unknown heirs or devisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, in Chanrerv. Affidavit that the residence of Georsce O Dean. Ellen E Dean, his wife, Jo^n Rath- burn. JamesO Kennedy and f»iias Rathburn, is unknown and that ihe heirs and divisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, are unkrown defendants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of sai l Circuit Court of McHenry Co, notice is hereby given to the eaid defendant*, that the com- plaintnt filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery side iher«ofon tne 19th dm of April, A D 18D8, and that a summons thereupon lSBHed out of said court against said defendants, |returnable on the 23il day of Ma^, A D 1898, asis by law required. rfow, therefore, unless you, the said Geortro O Dean, Kllen E Dean, his wife, John Rath- burn, James C Kennedy and Slias Rathburn, and the unknown heira and devisees of Abram Reynolds, dereafed shall poreoo. ally bo and appear Lefore the said (Jircuit Court of McHenry county on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden Bt tho Court House, in the city of Woodstock, In said county, O" the 23d day of May. A I> 1888. atd j>ie»d. answer or demur to the said com­ plainant's bill of complaint, th« »imo ami the matters and things thersin charged and stated wtll be taken as confessed and a decree enter­ ed against you according to the prayer said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 10th day of April, A D 1898. G B KiCHABDB.Olerk. V S LUMLBY. Complainant's solicitor. Dated April 19th, a. D 1898. To keep in perfect touch with the ecccntricitics of Fashion you must visit Theo. F Swan's Department Store, and visit it frequently, for Standard under both the trotting and pacing rules. Sired by Lakeland Abdallah, 361, by Horn- bleton'.an, 10, Dam Fanny B, a fast pacing mare by Autocrat, a ton of Geo. M. Patchen, 2:23^, George O, 2:21)$, is the sire of 11 in the list, with several more eapable of entering at any time ihey are called upon. • good many oi above are from marea of no known trotting blood Who can beat it ? I will continue to stand George O at my place in McHenrv, at IST" Those democratic members of the House who charged that President Mc- ' Kinley's message was not sufficiently ex- i plicitastoan independent government for Cuba, simply displayed their ignor­ ance of what every man who pretends to act the role of statesman should know After Representative Lentz, of Ohio, and several other democrats, had made themselves ridiculous by adopting as their own the views of the yellow journals on the meaning of the President's mes­ sage Gen. Gro svenor proceeded to show them just what long ears they possessed. He began by quoting from the Presi­ dent's message that paragraph asking Congress to authorize him to bring about peace "and to secure in the island the establishment of a stable govern­ ment, capable of maintaining order and observing its international obligations", and followed by saying: "Now, I ask any gentleman on the other side to tell me how a government on an island of any country controlled by a foreign country, as Cuba is now, can have a government capable of discharging its international obligations? What are international obligations? D.V col­ onies have international obligations? Did the President understand that there can be a colonial condition in Cuba by which there would be international obli­ gations from that Government? What int irnatiocal act does Canada do? What international act has any of the West. India Islands ever done? What repre- S3ntative of this government goes to Jamaica, Porto Rico, or any island ex­ cept those independent? The very lan­ guage of the President, as understood by every intelligent man and; men of .thought, is that the object and purpose of using force is to establish al govern­ ment with international obligations and with the power to discharge .those inter­ national obligations." N. J. JUSTEN, STYLE AND BEAUTY West M' ^onrv. 1898, Is typical of the great store. Besides the latest modes and fashion fancies, there's the all important matter of lowest prices, evident in every department. $20 TO INSURE. Payable In cash or due bill at tiixte of ser- vice or removal of mare. A colt guaranteed. L. H. OWEN, 42ml MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Of our store is bright with new spring good*. You will find here a stock which for completeness and excellence of value cannot be equaled. A Great Many are Gointc- HiB C. S. Graves, Janesville, is., is selling land to a large number of practical farm- erain this and other counties of this state at the low rate of $10 an acre (see advertisement in this paper) UnlesH you have made arrangements to buy land of him you had better write for par- ticu'ars^at once as the prices are low and the terms easy. - All kinds of Garden and Field seeds from reliable growers only. Timothy, Clover, Corn, etc. at 8. Stoffel's. If you want stylish stuffs for Gowns we have them. If you want good goods as cheap as anyone can sell them, then come here. BUGGIES 1 BUGGIES! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Vi hy take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you tho best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs! for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, A bouquet of spring beauties. Our array of loveliness you see nowhere else but here. You'll want these dainty Organdies and Dimities bye and bye. They are fresh now. They will be no cheaper then. Buy now, the ptettiest styles will soon begone. Dimities, Mulls, Organdies, Pique and Madias Lawns, -India Linens. French Ginghams, Batiste. The happiest blending of style with economy in every department. THE McHENRY liiBLi Ann §T CfEAOTTl 111 WOlKlj-^. BHfa J. H. MILLER, Prop. THEO, P. SWAJV. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE E L G I N , J S All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American j UaUEUDV „ . Granite a Specialty* } "ICHfcrlnvj ILL J. WALSH McHenry, April 20, 1898

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