The Paper Makers. One morning in early summer, while standing beside,an old rail fence watch ing some c&ws that were cropping the grass, my attention was attracted by the peculiar Movements of a Wasp that settled on the rail beside me. The rail was covered with a light gray fuzz of woody fibre beaten up from the decay ing wood by the excessive had received from the long spring rains, and when the wasptad gathered as much of this as he could carry he slow ly flew away. Iu a short time there A Valuable New Book on the War. The war with Spain is the topic now uppermost in the minds of the people, and; as the navy is playing the most Important part in this memorable con flict, every one is anxious to follow the movements of the fleets and acquire authentic information regarding the construction, speed and armament of each vessel. The most accessible source from which to obtain a thorough knowl edge regarding American warships is "The Official Photographs of the United States Navy." This is a hand some book, with illuminated cover, containing over 200 views made by E. H. Hart, official naval photographer, together with a large colored map of the East and West Indies, showing all the Spanish possessions and by means of which the reader can locate the posi tion of each^squadron. It is impossible to enumerate the wide range of sub jects covered without naming them all, but it can be said that no feature that is of any importance is omitted. , Torpedo boats, torpedo boat destroyers, cruisers, battleships, gunboats, moni tors. rams, dynamite cruisers, dispatch vessels and other war craft are Shown, exhibiting the American navy as it ex ists to-day. A complete description of the construction, displacement, size, speed, batteries, armor, creW and cost of each boat enables the reader to form an.accurate estimate of our fight ing strength,. Included with these are photographs' of the leading Spanish uien-o'-war, also fully described. Per haps the most interesting portions of the book are views of the Maine, taken before the disaster in Havana harbor, showing the life and discipline aboard the battleship, together with portraits of the officers and crew, supplemented by photographs taken after the explo sion, depicting the divers at their work, and other incidents in connection with this sad and memorable eveut. Taken all iu all, it Is doubtful if so mutjh in the way of immense public interest and concern and so opportune in the scope covered was ever presented at such a low price. The book is sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of twenty-five cents, by Chicago Newspaper Union, 93 South Jefferson street, Chicago, 111. Spring Hair Cutting. Here's a story of old times on a big Texas cattle ranch: "The boys that came in late from five or six months' floating trip or sojourn in some iso lated camp would have their uncut locks hanging away down on their shoulders, and a staple entertainment was roping them to trim .their hairs, in all sorts of shapes, with sheep or roachlng shears. Some of them would fight like tigers and have to be roped, "thrown down, and liog-ticd before the deed could be done. One fellow that had handsome hair beefed about fear ful. He said he wasn't goiug to have no darned blacksmiths or cowpunch- ers cut his hair; he was goiug to have a barber cut it right, And when the men got it sawed off in scollops to suit them, and gave the word to turn him loose, he went and got his gun and pawed around considerable. We all had to get out our guns; and it took a lot of reasoning to get him round. But when the next outfit turned up, he was in for roping and cutting hair with the best of us." were a dozen or more of those indus trious pulp gatherers at work on the old rail, and as fast as each of them ob tained a load, away he flew in the direc tion of a clump of bushes that grew be side a small stream. My curiosity was aroused, and I de termined to find out if possible what they were doing with such a quantity of fiber, and, approaching.{the thicket cautiously, I soon discovered them at work ou a good-sized riest which liuug from the limb of a white beech sapling.' I was able to get quite near it, for wasps are. not apt to be quarrel some i f left alone, and these were too busy to take heed of anything except- their work. As fast as their loads were deposited they flew down to the brook, and, hav ing "wet their whistle," returned to the nest and settled-about beating^the fiber into a thin sheet, which was so deftly joined to the main body Of the nest that the jointure was imperceptible. There was a constant throng of workers com ing and going, the objective points be ing the nest, the old fence, and the brook, and while each addition to the structure was only the tiniest mite, yet it grew perceptibly under the united ef< forts of those little builders. If you are young you nat urally appear so. If you are old, why ap pear so? Keep young inwardly; we will look alter the out wardly. You need not worry longer about those little streaks of gray; advance agents of age. will surely restore color to gray hair; and it will also give your hair all the wealth and gloss of early life. Do not allow the falling Of ?rour hair to threaten you ongerwith baldness. Do not be annoyed with dandruff. We will send you our book on the Hair and Scalp, free upon request. Wrlta to thp Dootar. I t you do not obtain all the'bene- fits you expected from the use of the ViKor, write tho doctor about it. Probably there is some difficulty with your general system which may be easily removul. Address, OK. J. C. AVER, ' Lowell, Mass. This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who have had years of practical experience in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer dresses to their natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish. It is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, alum xir any other substance injurious to linen and can be used even for a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. Trees and Tides. A very curious theory lately revived is that the sap of a living tree ebbs and flows in soma way in sympathy with the tides of the ocean. The idea comes from Italy, where a grower of vines and other fruit trees, who is also a chemist, hat been experimenting in this direction. He says that no tree should be lopped or pruned except duriug the hours of ebb tide. He has taken four teen years to come to this conclusion, and now always acts upon it. The re sult is his trees and vines have devel oped beautiful foliage, bear splendid crops and are quite free from the at tacks of the insects which devastate surrounding- properties. The Official Photographs of The United States Navy. Simple Tests for Eggs. A fresh egg is known by the dull ap pearance of its shell; a bad egg looks glossy. Drop an egg into water; if it sinks quickly and remains at the bot tom it is probably fresh, but if it stands on end it is doubtful, and if it floats it is quite bad. The light test is applied by placing the egg in or in front of a paper tube and holding it up to a can dle. If, 011 looking through it, the yolk appears round and the white surround ing it is clear, the chances are that the egg is fresh. HOW BELIEF CAME From Cole County Democrat, Jefferson City, Missouri. • When la grippe visited this section, about seven years ago, Herman H. Evel- er, of 811 W. Main street, Jefferson City, Mo., was one of the victims, and has since been troubled with the after effects of the disease. He is a well-known contrac tor and builder, a. business requiring much mental and physical work. A year ago his health began to fail and he was obliged to discontinue work. That lie lives to-day is almost a miracle. He saj^s: "I was troubled with, shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart and a general debility. My back also pained me severely. "I tried one doctor after another and numerous remedies suggested by my friends, but without apparent benefit, and began to f*7 -- give up hope. LL '--' Then I saw " I r ) D r . W i 1 1 - ' 1 u L 1 i a m s ' P i n k \ V"* rOC&fc f jB Pills for Pale \ ^>eoPIe ex toll- VI M ed in a St. Louis paper, "--1 yjf and after in-. 1 / f-- V3*TI| ff v e s tigation 1 le deci ded to ^ give them a "A-ftCT 11 S - A Contractor's Difficulty. tiie first box I felt wonderfully relieved and was satisfied that the pills were putting me on the road to recovery. I bought two more boxes and continued taking tnem. "After taking four boxes of Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills I am restored to good health. I feel like a new man, and having the will and energy of my former days returned, I am capable of transacting my business with increased ambition. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are a wonderful medicine, and anyone that is afflicted with shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostra tion and general debility, will find that these" pills are the specific. "HERMAN H. EVELER." Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day Of May, 1S97. ADAM POUTSZONG, Notary Public. Mr. Eveler will gladly answer any in quiry regarding this if stamp is enclosed. There has just been erected in the Mount Clare shops of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Baltimore a new high pressure steam boiler for the purpose of testing locomotive boilers under steam pressure. Heretofore a locomotive had to be hauled to the outside of the shop, fire built in the firebox and steam gotten up in order to make a test, this method consuming much valuable time. Under the new arrangement all this is done while the engine is standing in the shop, a system of steam pipes having been ar ranged so that the engines 011 any track in the erecting shop- can be tested without being removed. Public Clocks. Few cities are provided with public clocks of such a size and prominent loca tion as to indicate time over metropolitan districts. But it is high time to check kid ney and bladder complaint manifested to the sufferer by inactivity of the organs. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters remedies thia, American Churches in Paris. There are four American churches in Paris: (1) St. Luke's American Episcopal Church for Latin Quarter students, which depends on (2) the American Church of the Holy Trinity, of the Avenue de l'Alma, whore Dr. Morgan holds forth; (3) Dr. Thurber's American 'Church--The Evangelical Alliance; and (4) St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. and cures dyspepsia and nervousness. Foreign Patents Ruled Oat, A decision by the United States Court of Appeals at St. Louis seems to estab lish as a principle of law the fact that a foreign manufacturer working under a foreign patent and manufacturing an article which lias also been patented in this country cannot import and sell iu this country the article so patented, the American patent giving to the Ameri can patentee the exclusive right to manufacture and sell here. Lighthouse in Two Ways. A lighthouse of bamboo has been built in Japan. It is said to have great er power of resisting the waves than any other kind of wood, and does not rot like ordinary wood. What You Cet When You Buy Medicine Is a Mat ter of Great Importance. Do you get that which has the power to eradicate from your blood all poisonous taints and thus remove the cause of dis ease? Do you buy HOOD'S Sarsaparilla and only Hood's? If you do, you may take it with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. Remember Hood's Sarsapariha Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for S3. Piso's Cure for Consumption is our only medicine for coughs and colds.--Mrs. C. Beltz, 439 8th ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8, 1895. The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it--skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.--Epicurus. How Barnum Won His Wife. Barnum was Mayor of Bridgeport and a widower. He was lonesome and his beautiful home, Waldemere, on the shore of Long Island Sound, was not much visited except by sightseers. He became interested in the beautiful daughter of John Fish, of Southport, England, a retired manufacturer, and solicited her hand in marriage. Bar num was well advanced in years and knew his fame as the prince of show men was not sufficient to win the prize. In fact, the fame might hurt his suit rather than help it, for Miss Fish great ly disliked the notoriety attached to the "greatest show on earth," and after she had married its owner, always managed to hold herself aloof from the publicity her husband loved so well. But the old showman's knowledge of the English love for celebrity led him to play a winning card. He had his photograph takeh. with Waldemere as a. background. The picture represent ed him seated in a showy landau, har nessed to four beautiful black horses, his coachman on the box and two foot men behind. Under the photograph were the words, "Lord Mayor of Bridgeport." A copy of this picture was forwarded to Miss Fish, and Bar num always thought It "did the busi ness." At all eventf, it was not long after Miss Fish received the*picture that she became his wife.. An Ancient Boycott. This notice of a boycott more than 100 years before the word was invent ed appeared in a London paper in 1735: "There being some Indian and French silks now selling by auction in this town, and two or three brewers' wives in the earl of Meath's liberty having bought a few pieces thereof, the mas ter weavers and dyers, as well as jour neymen of those corporations, give no tice* by beat of drum that they would not drink any liquor whatever brewed by the husbands of the said women, who would encourage foreign manufac ture when there are numbers of poor weavers in a starving condition in this town and all over the kingdom, for want of employment." I DO MY OWN WORK Hood's Pilis euro iudiiiestion. 25c. So Says Mrs. Mary Rochiette oi Linden, New Jersey, in this Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. " I was bothered with a flow which .'would be quite annoying at times, and at others would almost stop. me by my taking your medi cine, and have certainly been greatly benefited by its use. "LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has indeed been a friend to me. " I am now able to do my own work, thanks to your wonderful medicine. I was as near death! believe as I could be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat and my heart had almost given out. I could not have stood it one week more, I am sure. - I never thought I would be so grateful to any medicine. " I shall use my influence with any one suffering as I did, to have them use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Every woman that is puzzled about her condition should secure the sympa thetic advice of a woman who under stands. Write to Mrs, Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.. and tell her your ills. The gross earnings of the Chicago Great Western Railway for the second week of May show an increase of $10,861.3(5 over corresponding week last year. This makes the increase for the first two weeks of May $44,377.83 over last year, $11,435.04 of which increase is from passenger traf fic. The increase on the fiscal. year t\) date is $00S,401.45 over corresponding period last year. Difficulty of Crushing Steel. It is easier to crush the hardest stone kuowu than steel. Coruudum was chosen for the stone in a recent experi ment. A weight of six tons smashed the corundum, but forty-two tons were required to crush the steel. Witli a loud explosion the steel flew into powder, and sparks are said to have bored minute holes in the crushing machine. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. It is hard to personate and act a part long; for where truth is not at the bot tom nature will always be endeavoring to return, and will peep out and betray herself one time or another.--Tillotson. DR. MORGAN'S "FUT-ftKE" POWDER, A. Certain Car# far R Tired,Aching, Sv«H- iag and Ferspiriag: .ull Feet. "Fut-Afce" curat Bunions, Corns. CiiR- b'ains. Frostbites, tm- groniog Satis, and Hot, Mlnsint; Feet; also cum »ua prevents Blister*, Callous and Sore sp«£B on the feet. Price. IO Cts. at Urutigists", or mailed far six 2 c stamps. STERUNG FKaKMAOAT. SOS Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn. N. V. Strange Chinese Law. If a Chinaman dies while being tried for murder, the very fact of his dying is taken as evidence of Ills guilt. He has departed, but somebody must suffer, and his eldest son, if he has one, is sent to prison for a year. If he has no son, then his father or brother gets a flog ging. It's all in the family, and justice must be administered. Told-the Truth Once. Nuwed--According to you, I *never told you a single truth before we were married. Mrs. Xuwed--Oh, George; you weren't quite so bad as all that. Don't you re member you always used to say you were unworthy of me?--Life. is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate.' In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company-- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cat. XiOUISVILLE, Kj. NEW YORK. If. Y. An Armor-Plated Fish. Dr. A. C. ranton, of Portland, Ore., has received from a friend who is win tering on the coast of the Gulf of Mex ico the skin of a fish the like of which has never been seen there before. The scales are diamond-shaped and are of bone, the edges being as sharp as shark's teeth. In fact, the skin looks as if it was covered with sftiall shark's teeth fitted neatly together. The fish was about fifty inches in length. No fish with common scales would stand a ghost of a show in combating one of these armor-plated monsters. A month never seems BO long to a woman as when she puts down a maga zine and realizes that it wil 1 be a whole month before she cam go on with the continued story. PENSIONS e«t YHf PMHdM DOUBLE •Cv QUICKS Trite C»pt. O'FASSSLL. Fmlea. •It is- always considered a neat thing to say in an obituary notice of a man than lie idolized his-wife, and acknowl edged that she was of the greatest as sistance to him. When a woman i* askffd t'o guess the price of another weihan's bargain, she always makes It twice as big as she really thinks, for the sake of courtesy. It sometimes happens that the bride is the best man at a wedding. Hall's Catarrh Cure. Is taken internally.. Price ~3 cents. Why isn't an actor cut up when he appears in several parts? Mrs. Wlnnlow'K SOOTRINO SYRUP for Children teething: gotten* the cums reduce* inflammation, allaj-B pain, cures wind colic. 2a cents a bottle. Wanted In every town for the best sell ing war and household specialties. In- vestigax: Golden Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. e by J. A, Story, Druggist.