Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1898, p. 8

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ft'NCWOOD, II-1- TQjWtO. SHOES! SH6ES! 'oar ideas: the; & CO;, Patent Attor- helr $1,800 prize Offer Ankles West McHenry, III. Ladies' Shirt Waists W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT• Articles and Notices under the above head re furnished by the Ladies ot the W, O, T U. and the editor claims no part'or creditror the •amr. ( IVWOI Ibq iHe Would Know Her. A little daughter of the tenements whose mother was done at last with the work that had killed her, was left at rtmi years old with four younger ones to mother and to nurse. And faithr- lul to her triist, she scrubbed and wash­ ed, and cooked and mended until the slender shoulders bent and the thin face grew white, and alilnost before anyone notified much, the little broken life lay waiting for release. "I haven't been able to do anything," she whispered to her favorite girl friend who lived just around the corner. "I couldn't go to day school because of the work, or to Sunday school because it took all father could spare to keep the others in clothes. When the minister came to see me he said I'd soon see Jesus, but I'm afraid I haven't redone anything good, and I won't Know any­ thing to say to Him.*' "When you see Him looking at you, you just show Him your liands." ^ And the home annals of the poor ate full of things like this; of love that can­ not show itself in words, that has noth­ ing to say for itself, but that shows in life-long work, the record of which is plain upon the marred and toil-stained hands. Light keeps rising up for us in dart places. The New York court of appeals, like the Chicago brewers, seems likely to close up wellnigh two thousand dram­ shops at one stroke. The law is that no such place shall be licensed within two hundred feet of church or schoolhouse, but provides that in cases where license had been granted before the passage of the law, they should live out their time. The liquor men then claimed that the "good will" (!) attaching to such a place had a money value, and for that reason it must go on. This the lower court al­ lowed, but the court of appeals (from which, happily, no appeal can be taken) reversed this decision and "saloons must go." RansqiVs. Perhaps you would like to help us out on an overstock of Summer Dress Goods such as Lawns, Dimities, Percales, And other warm weather goods? The value no object. Move them quick is now desirable, and 5c per yard shall be the priee from Thursday morning. ; Ladies'Brown Oxford Shoes Reduced to $1. Special reduction on " Lad's Child's and Misses'Hosiery We arrange for your benefit an U N D E R W E A R S A L E This week Saturday, July 16th, to which economical features your attention is respectfully invited. Grocery Stock Very Complete. Families wishing Ice can be accommodated by leaving orders at the store. . JOHN EVANSON. West McHenry. Illinois. S T I L L L E F T , Some of the early Spring Tools, such as Lever Spike Tooth Harrows, In wood and steel. Also Budlong Disc Harrowa, with Stub Pole and three horse Equalizer, just what you need to prepare your corn ground for planting. And as there is always a best in every­ thing" by common consent the Rock Island Corn Planter is ac­ knowledged to be^the DM You Take Scott's Emulsion through the winter? If so, we are sure it quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way. But perhaps your cough has i'come back again, or you are get­ ting a little thin and pale, i' Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right , through the summer? It will do , you as much good as when the , weather is cold. n Its persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. }•' It will cure your weak throat and heal l your inflamed lungs. It will cure every Case of consumption, when a cure is possible. ill Don't be persuaded to take something they say is just as good. . f All Druggists, 50c. and $1. £ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, N. V. B U G G I E S ! B U G G I E S ! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They a^e reliable and stylish. There are none better. ." ° * WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forgot that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, BE^TNT Best corn Planter Of All. Has more-good features than are combined in all others, an should you need a Corn Planter don't pass the Rock Island. T. J. WALSH. McHenry, April 20, 1898. THE McHENRY M1B1LES AND eBAlflTll WOBKSj J. H. MILLER, Prop. All kinds of Cemetery Work at* Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American I ' Granite a. Specialty. ! McHENRV. ILL At 50 cts. on the Dollar We have a fine assortment and are bound to close them out at once, and offer them at 50 cents on the** Dollar from former prices We do this to close them out quick to make room tor other goods, Call early and get first choice. --OUR STOCK OF- WARM WEATHER GOODS Is complete and prices will be right on them all. G A L L A N D S E E . We hav^he Staple and Fancy Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rico, Beans, Spiccs ExtractSj etc., are always in demand and we always keep a good assortment. No man can do .business without customers and friends, and we trust you will apccptf our thanks for past favors as well as what you are giving us at present, SLEEPY EYE FLOUR. As low as any good Flouv can be bought anywheret Call and sec us. are summer's greatest com­ fort. Now is the time to buy your oxford ties. Don't wait until the summer is half over before you secure the comfort of low shoes. We have just the Right Thing. All new and bright, black or tan, some with fancy vesting tops--very elegant, very durable. They'll wear you all summer and then be in good condition. Ours cost you very little. We have a lew of those Cool Summer Suits left. They are a Money-Saving and Comfort-Taking outfit for the wearer. Cool Uuderwear for Children, for old and for middle aged people, including extra sizes up to 50 inches. Cool Summer Hats, in all shades and shapes. Lap Robes and Ely Nets. We have a car ot Flour coming in tfyis week which we bought right. Will say to those wanting good bread to eat at the least cost, to get our prices on bbl. lots. Choice fresh Groceries. Tangle-Foot Fly Paper at whole­ sale prices. Yours for Trade, Wost McHenry, XII. JOHN J. MILLER, NOW IS THE West McHenry. Illinois, a. p. B&ER. For you to settle upon some plan for Spring HOflsS^Cleaning. While we are not an expert in this line we have a faint idea of "the requirements for the occasion and are anxious to do all in our power for "suffering humanity." (in the way of counsel and advice) during the trying ordeal. We would suggest you have your heating stoves taken down and cared for,\,Your cumbersome cook stove or range replaced with one of our Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, That can be moved from one spot to another by a child if desired. Then begin operations to suit yourself Remember that we have such needed articles as Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretchers, Brooms Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Rings, Tacks and Tack Hammers. Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Picture Cord. I carry a complete line of P a i n t s , O i l s , V a r n l s h g s , Stains, Brushes* Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the be^t paint in the market, guaranteed free from adulter­ ation of any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found Just one word about otherwise your money wil be#^f&nded and you reimbursed for your trouble and expense. Wo will be pleased to make estimates on your wants of anything in our line. Respectfully Yours; F. L. McOMBER. West S'de Hardware Store DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES A. FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, AND GROCERY STORE. HEIMER'S BLOCK. Opposite J. A. Story's Drug Store • MCHENRY. ILLINOIS FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Wheat, Graham and Rye Bread, Cakes, Pies etc., fresh baked every day. Also a fine line of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, ETC. The patronage of the publio is respectfully Boliclted. JOHN HAUPBISCH, McHenry, June 6 1888. Farms lor Sale! Choice Agricultural Lands In Counties in and other ftiSCOIlSill X.YON, YELLOW MEDICINE Minnooflta and other Counties In MllillDoUli, BROOKINGS, CODINGTON naWa and other Counties in 1/UnUlu Improved Farms, $16 to $25 per acre Unimproved Land, $10 per acre. TRRMR ^Proved Farms, ^ to y2 down. 4LJUBUJ Unimproved Land, one-tilth down Here is an opportunity to obtain a farm in the healthiest section of the U. S. at a very low Price and which is sure to soon increase in value. These Lands are Desirable, <D The Terms are Easy.- CO The SoU Is Rich and Fertile. J3 Of Rapid Increase in Value. OS Of Excellent Market Facilities. O Of Puro Water and no Drouths <D Of Good Boads, School* and Churches. PQ In the vicinity of neighbors and friends You can soon own a farm, raise food crops, and get as good prices as outfiernWisconsin or Northern Illinois We know you will be pleased if you Will investigate. Address, C.8. GRAVES, Janesville, Wis GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED. FISH CRY FOR IT rubbed on any bait, attracts the fish, Tbey cannot resist it. Good for all kinds of Ashing SOc per bottle by mail. Sole Importer, A, c L1EPK, 1413 Green Bay Ave., Milwaukee Wis. Write for circulars. 52 2m Wanted-An Idea Protect Write ~ thing to patent? Hoys, Washington, and list ot two hu hundred inventions wan1 The ladies should not fail to see those Bobby Waist Sets at Simon St off el'B. Fences should not be allowed to go unpainted. They cost money, and should be preserved. You don't need as expensive paint as would be put on your house. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CREOSOTE PAINT is suited to that purpose. Choice colora ahci ready to U9e. Also for barns, roofs, etc., where a good paint protection is wanted, and at moderate expense. Creosote is a disinfectant and prevents decay. Ask your dealer for it. A booklet about paint free. Send for it. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS GO. PAINT AND OOLOH MAKERS. 100 Canal Street, Cleveland. afix) Stewart Avenue, Chicaca 397 Washington Strset, New York, ai St. Antoine Street, Montreal. EI. B. RERKIN McHENKY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper Honse We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates on work. y „ 1 - E B. PERKINS. Our baby has been continually troubled with colic, and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to f?ive more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Rem­ edy. Since giving that tte'medy he has not been troubled. We* want to give you thiB testimonial as fin evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy.--G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by J. A. Story, Druggist. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. J sought long and tried many lemedids/Nbut was disappointed until I tried Syrupl'epsin I can cheerfully recommend jt to any suf­ fering from above complaints." J. A. Story,- McHenry. Dress goods, dress trimmings and lin­ ings at Stoffel's. We have the latest styles in Men's Women's and Children's P O 0 T W m i Also have a very complete line of seasonable UNDERWEAR. Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINB [OP PATKNT MEDICINES, TOILET AR'T Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions [ Carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist, Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. m* -- JULIA A, t70Y CrtFccr If estof JRitersl de JRovse, M cHmry.lU. To Say Nothing but Saw Woodw * THAT IS OurTstyles will please you and our prices should. Very Truly, Wo are not Telling you of tlie Many Bargains we are offering1 in v •' FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, eta. that we are sling at prices that have never before been touched m McHenry, even by us. '** f Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the jfcfcst for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. X., --- WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial R We guarantee first class work in every r< Call and see me before^iurchasing. JACOB J ^IcHenry, 111., Fob. 15, 1898.

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