/ft ffltUSIOAIi TREAT. The Badges of the Willing Workers Societynave secured the Garden City Ladies Quartette, for an entertainment, which will'be given at the City Hall, on Tuesday evening nest. This company comes highly recommended by both the public and. the press, and friom some of the best musical critics in the country and we predict for our citizens one of the richest musical treats enjoyed for many a day. It is hoped our citizens will turn out and 1111 the Hall to its ut most capacity on this occasion as we can assure them that it will be an en tertainment well worth the5.* patronagf. Remember the date, Tuesday evening n e x t , J u l y 2 6 t h . . 1 . \ . The Piano to be used on thig occasion has kindly been furnished by Milo L, Howe, of the West Side Music Store. PERSONAL. T MRS: SIMON STOFFEL was a Chicago • visitor on Thursday last. • MNS. F. K. GRANGER was visiting with friends in Elgin one day last week. WM. BONSLETT was attending to busi- ! ness in Chicago on Friday last. MRS. E. H. WALKER waa visiting at Lake Geneva and Janesville last week. FRANK PATTERSON and wife, of Chicago, visited with friends here over Sunday. CARL MEAD was visiting frith friends in Elgin a few days last week. HARRY *FAY and Wharton Kimball were Solon visitors on Sunday. WHARTON KIMB^G and Harry Ken nedy were Chicago visitors on Monday. LARRY WELSH, of Chicago, was calling on friends here the first of the week. A. B. JOHNSON spent Sunday with friends at Elgin. SIMON STOFFEL and wife were Power's Lake visitors on Sunday. - DR. DAWSON, of W auconda, waa on our streets on Tuesday. MR. PRETZ and wife, of Chicago, wer^ the guests of C. C. Colby and family on Saturday and Sunday last. ORTON GILBERT and Newell F. Colby were calling on friends at Crystal Lake on Sunday. MRS. T. F, FRIEDLEY, and children, of Lamont, are the guests of A. C. Friedley and wife in this village. MRS. A. FRIEDLEY, of Chicago, is visit ing wjth A.C. Friedley and family, in this village this week. Miss FANNIE OSBORNE, one of the teachers in our- public schools, was on our streets on Monday. E. C. PAPP, of San Jose, California, was the guest of Wm. Bonslett and wife a few days last week. W. D. WENTWORTH, of Wauconda, was attending to business here this, Wednesdny morning. MISSES MAUDE AND- DINA SHUSTKR, of Chicago, are the guests of Jacob Hetzel and wife, in this village. FRANK BUHR, of Chicago, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Andrew Miller in this village. / JOHN J. BISHOP and wife, and John Heimer, wife and children, are camping ^a£.McCollum's Lake this week. C. T. ELDIIEDGE and family, Harry, Cassie and Fred, were visiting with friends at Richmond on Sunday last. FRANK BARBIAN, of the firm of Barbian Bros., was attending to business at t^ebron on Tuesday. ^ D. T. SMILEY, who with his family is occupying his cottage at Pistaqua Bay, was on our streets on Tuesday morning. . G. XII. CHURCHILL s>UU wife, of Liberiy- ville, are the guests of R. Sherburne and family this week. PETER ADAMS and wife, of Twin Lakes, were the' guests of John Stoffel and family, in this village, on Sunday last. Miss LILLIE MCGEE has been visiting with friends at Woodstock the past week. MRS. ED. DALTON is visiting with her parents, H. C. Mead and Wife, in this village, this week. \ J. T. SORENSON, of Racine, spent Sun day with the family of L. E. Bennett, in this village. MRS. A. H. HILL and children, ol Chi cago,-have been the guests of H. E. ; Wightman and family this week. J. A. GOING and wife, of Chicago, are ] spending their vacation in this village, ( the guests of Mrs J. P. Coing. ( MRS. L. Bowen and son, of Chicago, ; are visiting friends in this village. Mr. ! Bowen is expected out the last of the 1 week. Miss MABEL and Master Merle Vasey, of Chicago, are spending vacation with ( their grand-parents. R. Waite, and wife, i in this village. j T. R. KENDELL, Myron Kendell and ] Henry Plumm, all of Aurora, were the 1 guests of J. C. Parks and wife oyer Sunday. < Miss LUCY AND THOMAS NOONAN, of 1 Notre Dame, Indiana, are spending their 1 vacation with their uncle, Ed. Noonan 1 and wife, northwest of this village. 1 L. H. OWEN atid wife, S. S. Chapell and J wife, of this village, and H. Getzelman , and wife, of Elgin, are camping at Mc- Collum's Lake this week. LAWRENCE WISNER, of Waukegan, was the guest of W. C. Anners and family on Sunday. The balance of this week he will visit with the Anners Bros., on the farm, south-west of this village. ALBERT FRETT and family, Henry Witt and family, Charles, Benjamin and Ferdi nand Frett, all of Chicago, -Were the guests of Jos. J. Frett and family on Sunday last. MRS. DR. MORRISON, of Urbana, 111., Philip Steele, of Chicago, Adolph Whea- ton and Earnest McDonald, of\ Elgin, have all been the guests of R. Sherburne ' and family the past week. MRB. W. A. CRIST V and Mrs. J. Van Slyke, attended the National Convention . of the Young Peoples Christian Union, held in Chicago last week, as delegates fiom the Universalist Church in this village. DR. W. C. BESLEY-ia at Buffalo* attend ing the National Dental Convention, held there this week. Before his return he expects to yisit, Niagara Falls, New York City and other parts of the state. He vjill be gone about two weeks. , „ ; MRS. G. W. BESLEY, MisB Mamie Besley, Mrs. Walter Bentley, Miss Libbie Wiudiate, Mrs. Law and daughter, Mrs. Emma Phillips and Bon, Mrs. F. L. Mo- Omber and children, and Mrs.-B. Gilbert, comprised a party who had a picnic at vMcCollum's Lake on Thursday last. V.. : -- THE ladies are invited to call at the store of Simon Stoffel aud get the August sheet ol Metropolitan Fashions. LADIES Shirt Waists at 50 cents on the dollar at A. P. Baer's Farmers Store. See his advertisement. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve - Cures Plle», Scald?, Bum*. . R I N G WOOD. Miss Eniraa Havens,»Of Frauklinville, spent Sunday with Miss Nora Bacon. Miss Francis Osborne visited with C.|E. Fay over Sunday. C. E. Fay and wife and James Kemer- ling and wife returned from Chicago on Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Stephen son, on July 13, a son. Miss Mattel Stevens spent part of "last week with her grandmother, near Mc Henry. Mrs. A. D welly entertained Mr. and Mrs. M. Merriman, of Me Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Chicago, on Wednesday last. Miss Kate Frisby spent Thursday at Fox Lake. The Ladies Aid Society will serve Ice Cream next Thursday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. M. Spaulding. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Will Dodge on Saturday afternoon of this week. G. A. Stevens is spending a few days in Chicago. . Heimer's Bottling Works* Having recently established a Bottle- ing works in the village of McHenry, I am now prepared to furnish, in cases of one or two dozen bottles, the choicest Beer to be found on the market, put up strictly for family use. Each bottle is supplied with a patent stopper, so that the last glass is as fresh as the first. This Beer is put up by myself and has no equal on the market and cannot be purchased of any other party. Remember this beer cannot be bought in kegs as it is put up only in bottles with the patent, air tight stopper. Every case guaranteed fresh and pure. We are sure that families once using it will have no other. For sale at the McHenry House Bottling Works. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. Hip! Hip, Hurrah! Dida't we enjoy ourselves? Well now, I ami born kicker and if things are not exaggeratively choice my big foot will protrude, but anyone that will kick at mine host Ostrander, his estimable wife and his array of first class cooks and caterers deserves to b4 transported to Spain or some hotter climate. The Nippersink Hotel is delightfully located with a clear exposure to the southwest and west zephyrs and you have your choice of river or lake with running water in front, first class fishing, hunt ing, boating or bathing, Long Distance Telephone, and a commodious house with a Piano, and in short everything to make the weary pilgrim forget the toils and concerns of life and exclaim from the heart, Eureka. This was our experience as well as the many happy guests whom we met at the Nippersink Hotel on Saturday and Sunday last. R. D. SCOTT. 'DIED ON THE RACE TRACK. A very small crowd attended the races at Antioch last Saturday. The track was in poor condition, but very good time was made. The 2:25 trot was won by Maggie E; Jim Burns, second; Rummage, third. A Chicago horse won the 2:45 trot in straight heats, Dolly Sprague, second Lizzie Borden, third; Nina V., fourth. In the last heat of the 2:25 trot Wm. Wallace, of Libertyville, the owner and driver of Jim Burns, was stricken with heart disease, dying as the horse passed under the wire the first time round. Another half-mile was completed before the body fell from the sulky. Mr. Wal lace was a veteran driver and was well known all through this section. He for merly lived at Elgin and has driven in several races on the Richmond track. W. C. O. F. St Patricia Court, No. 187, W, C. O. F. meet the First 8aturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forest Ball. MRS. MAEY COBB, Chief Ranger. CHARLOTTE MADDEN, necretary. Manufacture of Striking Watches in Very few people are aware that the manufacture of fine striking watches is quietly going on in West McHenry, 111. The watches referred to are for timing horses by pressing the button, and by pushing a slide, will ring the hour, the quarter hour or a chime, and the number of minutes after the chime. This style of watch isj_ known as a Chronograph Minute Repeater. They are of the Swiss pattern, material used is nickel, and they are u&ually sold for four hundred dollars each in gold cases. (The import duty is about one hundred dollars each). The above watch can now be seen in the rough, and are nearly half completed. Each movement will have forty jewels, and have all the improvements, not patented. Mr. W. C. Anners, watch teaser, in Besley's drug store, has now fifteen of these watches under construc tion. He is making all the small attach ments to his expensive machinery for this special work, so aB to duplicate any part at any time necessary for material. Mr. Anners makes all the cutters for the cutting of the teeth in the fine wheels. Call and see them. He can explain many points in reference to the timing qualities and the care of personal watches. We were shown through this minature plant of fine watches Monday, and the pro prietor explained all the intricate work ings of the fine made machine or lathe. The attachments .number many pieoes, several of which cost $50 a piece, and are so small they can be put in a man's pocket. It is accuracy of watch making machinery that makes it so expensive. We feel proud to know" we have a master in his line of profession here, and would advise thoBe interested enough to satisfy themselves to call on Mr. Anners and see this lot of movements in course of con struction from the raw material. RAILROADS other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless uccessful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock I1L WHEN an apple drops from a tree, it falls faster the last second than it does the first. When you put your ad in a good newspaper, the longer it has run the harder it hits. In this day of brisk competition, you must hit hard to make an impression. Every blow of a pile- driver on a pile sends it into the ground a little ways. The last blow sends it no farther than the first, but it is the last blow, and it drives it home. It could not drive it home without all the blows that went before. Every ad which ap pears in the columns of a newspaper, has the force of all previous ads behind it. The longer your ad has been running, the harder it hits each time. The first time your ad appears in the newspaper, it does not do much good as the second time. The second time is not so effective as the third time. Newspaper advertis ing pays but it must be continuous ad- vetising.--Ex. High Price Must Go The idea of paying $45 to $75 an acre for land that is improved and with only a prospect of making a living is prepos terous. The chances for selling such farms at an advance are limited. C. S. Graves, Janesville. Wis., is offering fine farming land, unimproved (see advertise ment in this paper), at such low rates and on such favorable terms that; prices will increase from year to year. This land is located within easy reach of good markets with plenty of fuel, and good water and excellent schools and is selling from $10 per acre up. Write him lor particulars. A NEGRO1 recently fgj jness: "Nfl^j fore resiswl Is hereby ty firm will 0^ firm owes \ CREAM thanks for 1 pamphlet p I Railroad, gi* their line.- | of Woodsioi men, and i ja umber,