Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1898, p. 7

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'dftlKiedwiih PERIOD'S OF PAIN. it twilight, love, When fades the last faint gleam of sun- , Sset's glow, In Fancy's boat, O'er Mem'ry's sea, my thought? a sail­ ing go. # Love guides the helm; Then swiftly sails my boat acrbss the tide Of weary years, And soon, as in a dream, I'm by your side. Stand the Heat Menstruation, the balance wheel of woman's life, is also the bane of exist­ ence to many because it means a time of great suffering. While no woman is entirely free from periodical pain, it does not seem to have male regula-I medical sci- ence. It relieves the condition that pro­ duces so much discomfort and robs men- struation of its terrors. Here is proof: DEAR MBS. PINKHAM:*--flow can 1 thank you enough for what you have done for me ? When I wrote to you I was suffering untold pain at time of menstruation; was nervous, liad head­ ache all the time, no appetite, that tired feeling, and did not care for anything. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, one of Blood Purifier, two boxes of Liver Pills, and to-day I am a well person. I would like to have those who suffer know that I am one of th$> many who have been cured of female complaints by your wonderful medicine and advice. --Miss JENNIE R. MILES. Leon, Wis. If you are suffering in this way, write as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for the advice which she offers free of charg-e to all women. Human Nature. "There's a good deal of human na­ ture in a puppy," remarked the philoso­ pher, calmly watching Fido tearing his best hat to pieces. "Almost as destruct­ ive as one of my little nephews." Mrs. Bouncer--Why, professor, don't you see he's got your hat!, The Professor--Thunder! so he has. I thought it was one of the boarders' hats. Take that, you whelp!--Boston Transcript. Is Health Worth Ten Cents? JS([an suffers many mysterious ailments from unknown causes, and nine-tenths of them have their origin in the digestive canal somewhere. It does any person good to clean out this canal occasionally in a rational way, provided it is not done in a violent^ manner. The proper cleans­ ing and disinfecting preparation is Cas- carets Candy Cathartic, which are very gentle, but at the same time thoroughly effective. A 10c box will purify the whole system and in most, cases remove the cause of ill health. When "feeling bad" take Cascarets. They will do you good, and can do you no harm. In HiB View. "Paw, what are the 'natural re­ sources' of the country?" "Jays, my son, j<iys,' aiiswcrcu IIIG bunco man.--Indianapolis Journal. Have You a Son, Brother, Husband or lover in the army or navy? Mail him to-day a 25c package of Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. All who march, walk or stand need: it. It cures aching, tired, sore, swollen, sweat­ ing feet, and makes hot, tight or new shoes easy. Feet can't blister, get sore or callous where Allen's Foot-Ease is used. 10,000 testimonials. All druggists and shoe stores sell it, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, L'e Roy, N. Y. Life is a short day; but it is a work­ ing day. Activity may lead to evil, but Inactivity cannot be too good.--Hannah More. There Is a Clans of PcopVo Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, {hat takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without dis­ tress, and but few can tell it from cof­ fee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15c. and 25c. per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. Lively Time for Doctors. "Well, this affair with Spain has re­ vived one branch of business, anyway." "How's that?" "About every other man you meet is under the doctor's care." A Noted Youni* Ladies' Academy. The eighty-seventh session of St. Mary's Academy, Noitre Dame, Indiana, opens Sept. 5th iu&t. But few educa­ tional institutions in our land can show so time-honored and successful a career »s falls to the credit of this noited young ladies' academy. Equipped with all the appliances for imparting a thor­ ough education along the moral, ptoysi- sical and intellectual lines, this school attracts pupils from every State in the U nion as well as from foreign lands. The delightful location on an eminence overlooking the far-famed St. Joseph River insures to the pupils the vigor of healthy surroundings, while at the same time the calm seclusion serves as an inviting inspiration to study. Partic­ ulars may be obtained from the Direc­ tress of the Academy, Notre Dame P. O., Indiana. Within the past month the first iron bridge erected in the State of Ohio has been removed. This bridge was over Salt creek on the Central Ohio division of the' Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, in Muskin­ gum County, and was built in 1851. It was a single span, 71 feet in length, and "was" known as a "Bollman deck truss bridge with plate girders.".. Bollman was at that time chief engineer of construction of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Codfish from Alaska. Alaska furnished last season as part of its quota to the world's necessities about 4,500,000 pounds of codfish, or 40 per cent', more than in 1S96. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. .Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays ave dan­ gerous. / Be a whole man at everything; whole ma,n at study, in work, in play.--Joseph Gurney. I see your face As years ago it beamed upon my own; Those limpid eyes, Whose lovelit smiles were once for me alone. We never did; but we have seen tfce clothing at this time of the year so covered with dandruff that it looked as if it had been out in a regular«snow- storm. No'needof this snowstorm. As the summer sun would melt the falling snow so will CUKES WHERE ALCEESIrf/HfcS Best Cough 8yrup. Tastes Good, in time. »Sold by druggists. wasHMnsnBEi I feel your hand So gently smooth the stray locks; from my brow; Methinks I hear You say, "The past is all the present now." Oh, let me dream, The while in mem'ry's castle that I dwell, Love, hold my hand, I dread to waken, lest I break the spell. * * * * * ' * * I hear a crash. My fragile bark, the seething wares ! close o'er, 'Twas but the wreck « Of that bright dream upon Reality's shore. ' --Utica Globe. QUAKEB, DETECTIYE. FREE for a few months to all users of the celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flatlroo Brand). To induce you to try this brand of starch,so that yen may find out for yourself that all claims for its superiority and econ­ omy are true, the makers have had prepared, at great expense, a series of four WE were five passengers in' all; two ladies on the bade seat, a middle-age^geii'tle^' man and a Quaker on and myself on the front. The two ladies might have been mother and daughter, aunt and niece, governess and charge, or might have sustained any other relationship which makes it proper for two ladies to travel together unattended. The middle-aged gentleman was sprightly and talkattive. He soon struck up an acquaintance with the la­ dies, toward whom, in his zeal to do, he rather overdid, the agreeable--bow­ ing, smiling, and chattering over his shoulders in a manner suggestive, at his time of life, of a "crick" in the neck. He was evidently a gay Lothario. The Quaker wore the uniform of his sect, and confined his speech, as many a parliamentarian would save his cred­ it by doing, to simple "yeas" and "nays." As for myself, I make it an invariable rule of the road to be mere­ ly a looker-on and listener. Toward evening I was arSused from one of those reveries into which a young man, without either being a poet or a lover, will sometimes fall, by the abrupt query from the talkative gen­ tleman : "Are you armed, sir?" "I am not," I answered, astonished, no doubt visibly, at the question. "I au^ sorry to hear "it," he replied; "for before reaching out stopping-place it will be several hours in the night, and Ave must pass over a portion.of the road on which more than one robbliry is reported to have be^n.cpi^imitted. The ladies turned pale, but the stran­ ger did his best to reassure them. v "Not that I think that there is the slightest danger at present," he re­ sumed; "only when one is responsible for the safety of ladies, you know, such a thing as a pistol in reach would materially add to one's confidence. Your principles, my friend," address­ ing the Quaker, "I presume, are as much opposed to carrying as to using carnal weapons?" "Yea," was the response. "Have the villains murdered any of their victims?" the elder lady nervous­ ly inquired. "Or have they contented themselves with--with plundering them?" added the younger, in a timorous voice. ^'Decidedly the latter," the amiable gentleman hastened to give assurance; "and as we are none of us prepared to offer resistance in case of attack, noth­ ing worse than robbery can befall us." Then, after blaming his thoughtless­ ness in having unnecessarily introduced a disagreeable subject, the gentleman quite excelled himself in efforts to raise the spirits of the company, and succeeded so well by the time night set in that all had quite forgotten, or only remembered their fears to laugh at them. Our genial companion fairly talked himself hoarse. Perceiving which, he took from his pocket a package of newly invented "cough candy," and af­ ter passing it first to the ladies he help­ ed himself to the balance, and tossed the paper out of the window. He was in the midst of high enco­ miums on the new nostrum, more than half the efficacy of which, he insisted, depended on its being taken by suc­ tion, when a shrill whistle was heard, and immediately the coach stopped, while two faces,. hideously blackeued, presented themselves, one at each win­ dow. "Sorry to trouble you," said the man on the right, acknowledging with a bow, two ladylike screams from the back seat; "but 'business is business,' and ours will soon be over if things go smoothly." "Of course; gentlemen, you will spare, as far as may be consistent with your disagreeable duty, the feelings of these ladies?" appealed the polite pas­ senger, in his blandest manner. "Oh,.certainly; they shall be first at­ tended to, and shall not be required to leave their places of submit to a search, unless their conduct renders it neces- sa ry. "And now, ladies," continued the robber, the barrel of his pistol gleam­ ing in the light of the coach lamp, "be so good as$to pass out your purses, watches, and such • other trinkets as may be accessible without much trou­ ble." < The ladies came down handsomely, and were no further molested. < One by ont^l|he rest of us were com­ pelled to get out, the middle-aged gen­ tleman's turn coming first. He sub­ mitted with a winning grace, and was robbed likcca,, Chesterfield. My own affair, like the sum I lost, was scarcely wor|h mentioning. The Quaker's turn came next. He quietly handed Over nis°pocketbook and watch, and when asked if he had any other valuables, said "Nay." A Quaker's word is good even among thieves, so, after a hasty "good-night," therobber thrust his pistol into his pock- it, and with his two companions, one fctKT INVEN^ : QUIRES HO COOKtNC melt these flakes of dandruff In the scalp. It goes further than this: it prevents their formation. It has still other properties: it will restore color to gray hair "in just ten times out of every ten cases. And it does even mora; it feeds and nourishes the robts. of the hair. Thin hair becomes thick hair; and short hair be­ comes long hair. We have a book on the Hair *nd Scalp. It is yours, for the asking. If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the use of the Vigor, write the doctor about it. Probably there is some difficulty with your gen­ eral system which may bo easily re­ moved. Address, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. ^VKACTUMO Ml ĵ .c.hl[binge:r broS'c? GAME PLAQUES exact reproductions of the $iotooo originals by Muville, which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below. These Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern eVer before gave away such valuable presents to its customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only in the manner specified. The subjects are: American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant, English Quail, English Snipe. The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life. Each Plaque is bordered with a band of gold. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Clnsyle*, Letter*, Science, Law, Civil, Mechanical ana Electrical Engineering. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Ecclesiastical students at special rates. Kooms Free, Junior or Senior Year, Collegiate Courses. St. Edward's lluil, for boys under 13. The 108th Term will open September 6th, 1898. Catalogues sent Eree on application to KEV. A. MORRI8SEY, C. S. C., President. ELASTIC STARCH How To Got Them has been the standard for 35 years. TWENTY-TWO MILLION packages of this brand were sold last year. That's how good it is. ASK YOUR DEALER to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starc-te? Accept no substitute. All purchasers of three 10 cent or six Scent packages of Elastic Starch {Flat Iron Brand), are entitled to re­ ceive from their grocer one of these beautiful Game Plaques free. The plaques will not be sent by mail. They can be obtained only from your grocer. Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. Do not delay. This offer St. Mary's Academy Under Direction of the Sisters of the Holy Cross. Lane's Family Mcdicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Ac%s gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. Do not eat very acid fruit with fari­ naceous food unless you have a very good digestion. I know that my life wafe saved by Piso'a Cure for Consumption.--John A. Miller, Au Sable, Mich., April 21, 1895. FITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness after first dayM use of l)r. Kline's Great Nerve Re­ storer. .Send for Fit EE 83.00 trial bottle a ad treatise. D&, B. H. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. YOU" WII_L REALIZE THAT "Th LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN V LY," IF YOU USE (One mile west of Notre Dame University.) 87tli Session Opens Sent. 5th, 1898. Preparatory, Academic and Advanced Courses. Collegiate Decrees conferred. Every advantage in Music, Art and Lan­ guages. Location unsurpassed. Grounds extensive. For catalogue apply to-Directroas of the Academy, BT. MARY'S ACADEMY. Notre Dame P. O.. Indiana. Established 1780. Chocolate r& celebrated for more ^ r& than a century as a <gi Wfcj delicious, nutritious, '3' a n ^ flesh-forming ^ beverage, has our <g> ( S > H w e l l - k n o w n ^ £> M M a Yellow Label Ml ;|eMr on the front of every Ik El i III E* package, and our ^ | &|| trade-mark,"LaBelle <3» 'fUro.Jllk la Chocolatiere,"onthe & fo NONE pTHER GENUINE. '|i» MADE ONLY BY ^ g WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., g § Dorchester, Mass. ^ COMMODORE W. 8. SCHLEY. THE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY. OWNS A RARE COIN One of the Three 1S04 Dollars Pos­ sessed by a St, Joseph, Mo., Man. L. E. Altwein, of St. Joseph, Mo., is now the happy possessor of an "1804" si'ver dollar. The value of this rare coin, only three of which are known to be in exis/ence, is $1,000. Mr. Alt­ wein secured it from an Illinois man, with whom/ he has been negotiating for a long time. It will be a valuable addition to liis collection, which is con­ sidered one of the best in the United States. The history which attaches to the dollars coined in 1S04 is peculiarly interesting. Out of the 7,000 whiteli camfc out of the United States mint all but a few disappeared in a lump. In the year 179S the. United States lveiit to war with Algiers. The differ­ ences were finally settled by the Uni­ ted States agreeing to pay $800,000 for /the liberation of American seamen who had been imprisoned, and $23,000 for the promise of Algiers to leave Ameri­ can merchantmen alone. In 1801 war broke out between Tripoli and the Uni­ ted States. In 1804, this last war be­ ing then still in progress, the United States frigate Philadelphia was seized off the-coast of Tripoli. On board this vessel was a sum. of money aggregat­ ing. $23,000, destined for Algiers, in payment of a portion of the war indem­ nity. The night after the Philadelphia was seized Commodores Prebble and Morris sailed into the harbor, with sixty "men, on board their vessels, and recaptured the frigate. The $23,000, which included nearly all of the 7,000 1804 dollars, had, "however, been taken from the vessel. The sum was never recovered and the silver is probably still lying in some marbled Moorish castle, carefully guarded atnong the heirlooms of some semicivilized orient­ al potentate.--Kansas City Journal. Half the people work too much, while the other hialf don't work enouch. /"VVER 200 views of Battleships, Gunboats, Monitors, Torpedo ^Boats, Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Cruisers, Rams, Dynamite Cruisers, and other war craft, besides portraits of prominent Arm}' and Navy Officers, including a complete description of the construction, speed and armament of each boat, together with large, authentic colored maps of the East and West Indies, by the aid of which the reader can not only form an accurate esti­ mate of our naval strength, but follow, the movements of the contending fleets. The work includes over twenty views of the Maine, taken before the disaster in Havana harbor, showing portraits of the officers and crew, and supplemented by photo­ graphs taken after, the explosion, depicting the divers at their work, and other incidents in connection with this sad and mem­ orable event. A souvenir to treasure after the war is over. Re­ mit in silver or by money order. PRICE 25 CENTS, POSTPAID. Address CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION No. 93 South Jefferson St., Chicago, III. •( •'After . I was induced to try CA8CA- RET8, I will never be without them in the house. My livir'was in a very bad shape, and my head ached and I had stomach trouble. Now, since tak­ ing Cascarets, I feel fine. My wlfei has aieo used them with beneficial results for sour stomach." Jos. KKEHLINU, 11)21 Congress St., St. Lools, Ha MAP MAP WEST INDIES IPPINES Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Bterliag Remedy Cnpmjr, Chicago, Montreal, Kew York. S18 Sold and guaranteed by all drug­ gists to CITRE Tobacco Habit. Of all kinds for sale at lowest market prices. Newspaper outfits a specialty. For estimated anrt^ull particulars address ^vCHiCAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, 87 SJ. 91 A i)3 8. Jefferson St.. CHICAGO. CURE YOURSELF! Use Big tf for unnatural liecharges, inflammations, rritations oj^- ulcerations mucous membranes. PaiuieBB, and not astrin­ gent or poisonous. Sold by Dracffisfa, or sent in plain wrapper, fey express, prepaid, for |J .00, or 3 liottlns, $2.75. Circular seat on request. /CDI /In 1 »• / Guar* I not u> « [PrerenU 1 ITHEEYANS \CINCINW \ c. e Hall's Catarrh Cure. Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents. Wliat we are is mucli more to us than what we do.--George Herbert. Why is blue grass Invariably green? , Winslow'S SOOTHIKO BTBUP for Chlldm teething: softens the gums, reauoe« inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottl*. Fl writing, to* (ion you sa' kTENTS, CLAIMS. »R R IS, WASHINGTON. D.C. miner TS. 8. Pension Bureau. Vindicating claims, atty. liaoa COMMODORK 3. C. WATMS. ADMIRAL GEO. W. DEWEY,

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