Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 11

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V~ y •"* ? ' v * - ( r TyW/f ^^Jp'pT ? ^ t •> x lin ,_. „ Chicago, May 11. 1915. The Committee to Settle with the Treas- . Ufer, of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois. Gentlemen: During the course of our. examination of the accounts of H. F. Peteit, former County Treasurer and Collector of Mo- Henry County, Illinois, explanations for certain items in Mr., Peteit's records were submitted which' Involved transactions occurring during the admintitration of F. J. Hendricks, as County Treasurer and Collector. Because Ofthat fact your Committee instructed urf ; to. examine certain of Mr! Hendricks' records, and we have "done so in the following' manner:' > . •/ Th« daily cash summaries • of taxes, ' Interest and costs Collected were tabulated and® checked against the daily .records of receipts and deposits; all bank statements covering accounts of the County Collector for. the year* 1927. . 1928, 19?9 and 1930 were analyzed and V the cancelled checks examined and tabu- •, lated. The totM of the ^umijiarles Of j taxes, interest Irnd costs collected.were % then. compared with the total deposits in banks,, eliminating transfers between banks. Cancelled checks representing . distributions to various taxing .bodies r" Were examined and compared with the Collector's reports of distributions and with the Treasurer's report of receipts from taxes, commissions, interest and costs. We were unable to Tbcate complete records in every instance. However, for the years 1.927, 1928 and 1929 we Were able to reconcile the figures as shown in Mr. Hendrick's annual report to the Board of Supervisors and in his Treasurer's records to the records of tax collections There were some minor differences, undoubtedly due to missing statements, which an extensive check would probably straighten out. Recause » - of the apparent regularity of the records for those years and the comparatively Bmall amount involved, it was not deemed advisable by your Committee to examine tjiese records or the individual tax bills to anj- further extent. The collections and deposits for the year 1930 differed by an amount of $1,- 648.76, as shown by Schedule "A-l." Tn arriving at this figure we followed the procedure as previously outlined, obtaining the amount of railroad and corporation taxes collected from the Kailroad Book and the Telegraph and Telephone Book. In '.^Schedule "A-8" we have shown the distribution of the money deposited in, banks in the Collector's accounts for 1930, together with an explanation of the amount paid to the County Treasurer. It will be noted that the amount paid by check to the'County Treasurer or interest and costs collected amounted to $4,210.34, and no additional amount was paid to the Treasurer in cash on these items, since the Treasurer's records also show $4,210.34 received for interest and costs. An amount of $275.00 was also paid out of interest and cost collections to the County Clerk for tax sale certificates. On referring to Schedule "A-3" It will be noted that the interest and costs taken from the dally summaries of cash collections total ,$6,029.03, and that the interest and costs turned over to .the Cmintv Treasurer and County Clerk amounted to *4.- . 485.34, leaving a balance of $1,543.69 not disbursed from the County Collector's accounts. In other words, of the $1,648.76 undeposited receipts which the records would indicate were on hand at the close of the tax collection period, i $1,543.69 representne interest and costs ,. due the County Treasurer. As set forth in our report to vow regarding th f accounts *of Mr. rvtoit, Mr** were informed by Mr. that during . the year 1929 certain taxes, interest and Costs totaling $4,776.71 were entered in the Collector's books as paid by E. It. Hoy or by the Lake Development Company. We checked these particular Items from the tax receipts submitted by Mr. Peteit. We found them all to be marked pal^l, and upon inquiry Mr. Hendricks stated that the bills were not actually paid but were so marked in order to avoid forfeiture. He said he carried the bills as a cash item until In December,, 1929, when Mr. Hoy furnished the collateral to support a note for $2,000.00 given by Mr. Hendricks to the United State Bank of Crystal take, in consideration of which note the United' State Bank of Crystal Lake credited $2,000.00 to the account of F. J. Hendricks, County Treasurer. Mr. Hendricks further stated that the balance due on these bills were carried as , a cash item and was so transferred to Mr. Peteit at the time Mr. Peteit took Office. We were unable to locate any records showing definitely that these tax bills were carried as cash items in the Treasurer's account. However, the settlement between the County Collector and the County Treasurer in November, 1929, would indicate an amount of $5,- 185.49 in cash was turned over to the • Countv Treasurer. It is possible that U ,766.71 of this amount did not. represent actual cash but did represent the unpaid tax bills held by Mr. Hendricks. In our examination we did not Include any verification of the special a'^r sessment accounts nor of the acountsx-jSf the County Treasurer except those that pertained to transfers between the \irer because of the collection of. general taxes and the interest and costs thereon. Jleppectfully submitted, ' H. E. SNYDER & COMPANY. Certified Public Accountants. (For itemized account see County Clerk's records.) THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHEVRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IS •vvT PACK TRRRK that no settlement can be made with either Mr. Peteit or Mr. Hendricks by this Committee under the present state of- facts. There is nothing more that we can investigate nor have we ant recommendations to make. Therefore, we place this matter before the Board of Supervisors for its consideration. C. M. PALMER . A. H, HALE • 'I . ',N: B. CLAWSON „ ' 1 * , .io J}. M. W R1 OUT ' • ' 4 - ; : ~~F. .E'.-fiECK ' • After the reading of the reports of the H. R. Snyder Company the Committee to settle With the treasurer presented the following: report to-wit: Be port of Committee to Settle With Treasurer .State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss We, the undersigned committee, being the one authorized by the County Board of Supervisors as the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer and to investigate the accounts of Harry F. Peteit, both as Countv Treasurer and., Countv Collector, and the account of F. J. Hendricks, as County Treasurer and as County Collector, over the period of time indicated by the Auditor's Report hereofore submitted, . would beg leave to submit this as our Supplemental Report, to be read and considered in con- Junction with the report of H. E. Snyder & Company, Certified Public Accountants. The nature and importance of the matters under our consideration have necessarily made this investigation of fairly long duration. In the Interest of fairness to all the parties concerned, from time to time as the auditors were compiling the reports we asked Mr. Peteit on divers occasions to consult with us and the auditors for the purpose of learning the true nature of the facts. We have at all times welcomed explanations of Items of account under investigation and some explanations have been made and others are forthcoming. As our Investigation progressed Mr. Peteit did on several occasions state that he would make a tender to us for the purpose of settling accounts, but at no time has he ever fufllled his promise to do so. with the exception of the $2,- 091.55 returned on the 1 934 exceptions, as shown in the auditors' report. By way of a previous report to this Board, mention was made of the fact that parlal security had been posed by Mr. Peteit to protect the Board in such as may finally be established. This partial securitv was in the form of bank stock having a market value of aboot $2,100.00. This security is in the hands and custody of David R. Joslvn. Jr. Mr. F. J. Hendricks was called before the Committee for the purpose of making some explanation of the' shortage that appears in the vear 1930, which is indicated in the auditor's report heretofore submitted. No explanation was given excent that his books were audited at the time that -he left office, which auditor's report was accepted by the County Board of Supervisors and which report is now on file with the County Clerk of this County and that such being th^ case,,he would prefer to stand on that report. The auditor's r^pojt heretofore submitted is complete' and olaces all the facts before this Board. We. as a Committee. have endeavored at all times to be fairminded and careful in this investigation. \V> are firmly convinced Mr. Snyder .• was called -upon by" the Chairman, to explain the nature, or the' shortages '.aS outlined , in his reports. Mr. Snyder t'hon addressed the Board and explained in detail 'how arrived, at the conclusions as outlined,"in the reports and answered .sjpv>ral truest ions Put. to him hy members of the', Board pertaining to the investigation: ..'Suph (;ro*;n asked the; auditor- if Ire could give the Board the earnings of "the Treasurer;* office for .th* iksi four .years. The proper reports we're then presented ,and the • aildjjtor read'- the amounts of earnings as outlined in the reports. Supr. Brown , stated that' he had been '.informed that the Hoy tax items were still a liefi on tjie "property. Asst. Stye's Attorney. Russell Allen stated that he did not think so for "the reason that the collector's books were marked paid, and the original tax receipts delivered. Supr. Palmer, ChaiiV man of the committee to- settle with the Treasurer, addressed the Board and stated that his committee over a period of the last four months had made every effort and every concession possible to arrive at a settlement but were unable to do so, and they were now presenting the auditor's reports with their report for the consideration of the fyll Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Brown that the r&pfrrts of the Special Investigation of the accounts of Ex-Treasurers Peteit* and Hendricks be approved and the report of the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer be adopted by this Board, and that the reports of the H. E. Snvder Company above' referred, to, be submitted to the State's Attorney for immediate action, and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell. Wright. Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, .^Hemmer, Brown, Harrison. Turner. Stevens. Freund, Hale, Filip, and Asst. Stipr, Mc- Connel.1 voted aye, nay none. Motion declared carried. State's Attorney, Russell Allen, addressed the Board and stated since the very serious illness of State's Attorney. ^ . S. Lumley, it had become necessary for someone fro take care of the many problems coming before the State's Attorney, the bulk of which has fallen on his shoulders, and that he had been ably assisted by Hugh A. Deneen in this regard. Mr. Allen stated he wa« pia* to do the work but did not feel that he could-any more than pay his expenses with the salary he receives as Assistant State's Attorney, and wondered if the Board would agree to increasing his salary, to $250.00 per month. After some discussion it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Palmer and duly seconded by. Supr. Ilale that the request of the Assisstant State's .-A t torney be granted until such time as Mr. Lumley will be able to be back rin duty. Mr. Allen to take care of anv expensecreated by the assistance of Hugh Deneen. and the roll being called said motion was , decla red unanimously carried. Supr.. Brown brought up the matter of corn fnipler to be'furnished by I. E R. C. and it was regularly' moved and unanimously carried that the distribution of same be left up to the Relief Commission: Supr. Hemmer addressed the Board and outlined in detail the procedure necessary to secure said fodder. A motion was then made bv Supr Clawson and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the Board of Supervisors pay the salary of an 1. E. R. C. employee for two weeks at $15.00 per week to superintend the distribution and the roll being called said mofica was1 declared unanimously carried. Supr. Hemmer, a member of the County T E. R. C. Committee, read a report showing' the .number of cases taken care of by the commission in McHenry County. Several Supervisors stated .that if the maximum relief load was turned back to them in their, re-: spective townships that they would not be able to take enreof them at present. Several commpnications. were read ami ordered placed on file. There being n,. further business to come before this meeting, it was regularly moved, by Supr. Harrison j-nii duly seconded by Supr. Turner to adlourri. Motion carried. Thereupon' the Board adjourned. PA I'L F. Rose NTH XT,. Chairman. Attest: R. P. WOODS, Clerk. il3, Sec.' 4, MKT, maintenance . • 19.60 ; The matter of thi/e season's .work on •»«•«' v«»i - <g,.u the Motor fSiel Tax Funds discussed. 111. Hell TeL CoJ. C. H. jail t6l- CO. 5l.00 Section 5, 6 Seetions 7, 10 Sect ion 9 Section 12 . •Section '11 ----r'q Sect ion " 13 Section 14 Section 15 Sections lb, 18 ...•. Section 17 ...... Total "^^.......a....J_............$2^966.72 Tonr Committee also audited and ordered.paid out of Hhe Motor Fuel tax funds item? .as follows:..,/ " / State Aid- Route-1- * ..:^ ,' 2, Sec. 7 MFT const, labor: .....,...$649.19 2, Sec. 7, MJ'T. const, material. . 860.91 147.05 | presented to them, and recommend the 115.00 payment of the following, and that 1he 699.30 | Clerk be directed to issurf orders on the 70.0# County Treasurer to th<^ Claimants for 96.92 ! the several amounts allowed, as follbwtf. 65.00 to-wit: 48.68 p. p. Pettibone £ Co., cir elk ....$26.95 267.44 fcFrank Thornber A Co., coroner . .. 2.54 138.62 f Frank Thornber A.Co., shf off supf 5.S5 72.60 ' Frank Thornber ft Co;, co elk. prtg 154.64 • and supplies 2.15 H. C Miller, cir elk ' 80.07 Callaghan & Co.. judey llbry fun^ 5.00 Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., judcy jibry fund 7.50 World Book Co., sup sch off .exp 6#,34 I^aidlaw Bros., sup sch of exp 41.96 Hammond & Stephens Co.. sup sch' .- off exp 68.80 Rosenthal Lbr. & Fuel Co.,vC. H, Jail coal 28.72 Hidgjefield, road kno^ri "as Section 4. ] Dr> Baccus, Maeke# MFT .)hd >lso to construct the one i ^ Co, Clk. Ins. Dep mije of road along the railroad at Qrys- " taT Lake* known as Section 6, MFT. We therefore recommend that these/- two section's of road be approved -for con- It is necessary, that the program be 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. ft Jail tel. shf. 8.63 curtailed because of the necessity of-' Vestio Muldoon, co elk eleo sup. ./ 4.00 buying the right of way for State Bond I. C; Trumble, co elk elei^ sup ;..,... g.gtv Issue Route 47, but we think there j Dr., A. S. Roniberger, Frances . wilt be sufficient funds to black top the | Mackey-Co: Clk. Ins L>ep 6.00 I Dr. C. F. Baeeus. Frances MarM • . B.OO Will T. Conn. Recorder, cir ,<j)k fund ; . * J. 25.00 Woodstock D. Sentinel, Co. jClk. prtg and sup ..' . l.CO struction thjs summer. We also reCom- Woodstock D. jSentlnel, supr prtg 15.27 mend that the' State's Attorney's office | Woodstock D. Sentinel, co treas check up on the legtil proceedings for' prtg .• 20.14 the Crystal Lake road and be sure i Woodstock D. Sentinel, co hwy sup 23.00 necessary steps have been taken in the i Woodstock D. Sentinel, cir'clk-- $2.00 matter of the State Commerce Com-J Woodstock D. Sen.. C. H. sup .... 19.89 missions jurisdiction in the matter. j Woodstock D. Sen., sup schs. olt Your committee estimates that there! exp. ...; 12.24 will be necessary for the care of the Harvard Herald, supr prtg 6.40 Mcl'enrv County Patrol System of roads Woodstock Journal, supr prtg. ... -4.40 an appropriation from the County High- I Hebron Times, supr prtg ^ 1.90 way tax fundfc the sum of $4.000.oo' ad- I Hebron Times, co treas prtg 4.00 ditional until the July Meeting of this Board- All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE F. E. BECK FRANK MAT _ JOSEPH HUMMER it was thereupon regularly molred by Supr. Browri. and duly seconded by £upr. Stevens that the report of the Commit- Pfelffers Pharmacy, co treas off sup I.S7 Pfeiffers Phahrmacy. cir clk .......... .81 Pfeiffers Pharmacy, shf off sup 1.07 A. S. Wright, shf Jail sup clo - X4.69 Wilcox & Koblents, shf Jail sup clo 11.61 Dr. Geo. A. Seegmiller, shf sup clo 1.00 Dr. W. H. DeWolf, shf Jail sup clo 10.00 Thome & Son. shf Jail sup clo ....^2.65 tee on Roads and Bridges be adopted I Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., shf | by this Board, and the roll being called i _ off sup _... )7.84 was declared unanimously carried. The following resolution on Contract Construction was presented and read, which on motion of Supr. Brown, and duly seconded by Supr. Wright, and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted to-wlt: Resolution of County Board of Supervisors, McHen. PoBtal Tel. Cable Co., shf off sup Bransby Studio, shf toff sup A. W. Wagner, C. H. sup E. F. Baccus, C. H. supplies Richmond Gazette. Co Clk prtg. and sup Richmond Gasette. sup prtg ..... Henry A. Nulle-- " Shf per diem fees and serv 26 1.60 1.25, 11.66 1.60 ry County requesting approval of the ^ ^ ^ ""d serv use of money allotted to the county • i^Le?v ^hf under the provisions of ,the Motor „Fuel K,ri,' an , ~ 1,126.50 ...210.65 ... 27.SO , . - 27.14 ( Kirkman Ice Co., shf feed pris .... 10 00 Eckert & Bending, shf feed pris .. 7J .51 " 0 0 To v Tj"! W n,,',, ,, »-v m. ^ rA-Rtri a «enaing-. snr foed Dri« 71 RK.soi \ ED. by the Board of Super- Marinda Bates, sfb feed pris "" 2 visors of McHenry County, that public West Un. Gas & Elec Co shf interest demands -Jhe construction of" a feed pris _ . •ction of a public highway designated Chan. hf- dptv corner Of the northwest civde Miner shf dntv quarter of section 25, Township 44 civde Miner shf bailiff I no North. Range 7 East of the 3rd P. M. Howard Freeman shf hnillir A'nn and extending thence along Routes 13- Howard Freeman' shf dntv -inn 13A in an easterly and southerly dlrec- He^y a fT^.' 5hf 24.00 .00 00 °fHU404 more Sidn<;>- Cor8on- shf bailiff %% RESOI YFrt fui ther xat'l Reemployment, C. H sup .... 28. . (1) That the proposed Improvement 8hf •per d,em* looW^ y Maint. . 2?5??\ teen 8Prv heretofore designated shall he construct- r. L Trvon Co Hwv im ed 111 accordance with the provisions of Ora. S Nulle shf roui „w. the 'Motor Fuel Tax Law, " approved. PhHlip E Bierdemanf shf 1 March 2.5, 1929, and sliall l>e of bltumin- 1 "leroeman. shf . <tus retread surface construction, 19 ft Wide, with shoulders 6 feet wide, and Shall be designated as Section 4-1 T M P. T. <2> That there is hereby appropriated the sum of fifteen thousand Dollars j ($> from the County's allotment of Motor F\iel Tax Funds for the construction of said section; and be it g] A' Rt n Sec 11 IOO.OOH Phillip E Blerdeman. shf dpty ... lOffawr Vestie Muldoon, C H. Jail sal' 108.00 Dalstv V. Moore, sup sch asst and cl* hire 11S.7:, A. A. Crlssey, pro officer .. 76.00 City of Woodstock, C. H. Jail It and water . . ..1....... S. A. Rt 2 7 ' 8. A. Rt 13-13A Sec. j-.'-' 8. A. Rt 26 See. 10 further RESOIA'ED, that the County Clerk ls .o' a pt « hereby directed to transmit two certl ' ' • fled <opies of this resolution to the I>e- | partment of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield Illinois. .. 72.22 14*: Sfi _ 8.55 .. «1 «6 28.88 A. Pt 8 S. S. tl«7 101 S. A. Rt 20 Sec 6-1 ... 12 85 S. A. pt 2. Sec. 7 1,057.55 L. A. Stockwell, spl com work .... 48 45 ... 90.10 ...108.20 ... 21.70 D. M. Wright, spl cora work C. M. Palmer, spl com work The Committee on Licenses presented v r' ritwson^stT'com°work the following report which on motion of R; p Kuecker' snl com work Supr. Brown, and duly seconded by Supr. ^as H Ackman 8.^0^ wnrlr *7 ,fi •sdotfud to Wit'* ' 'UI"M»*»«0U»'y Joseph Hemmer spl com work . 16.6" adopted, to-wlt, V. E. Brown, spl com work 66.40 27.20 Regular June Meeting, 1935 ' • 1 11 ii? 1 r The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County met in regular1 sesis'on at the Court House In the City of Woodstock, on Mondnv. the 1 nth dav of June. A. D. 1935, at ten oVl«.ek A. M. The meeting wa« called to order by e Chairman, rnni Kojtemnai. nm the roll beina: called by the Clerk, tb following members responded to their names, to-wlt: I,. A. Stockwell. D M. Wright. C M. Palmer, F. -E. Beck. X P.. Clawson. E. C'. Hughes. E. F. Kuecker," Josenh Hemmer, Charles H. Ackman, •v'. E. Brown. John E. Harrison. H. M. Turner, J. C Stevens. Frank Mav, S. H Freund, A. II. Hale, J. J. Filip, and Assistant Supervisor, Paul F. Rosenthal constitutine- a ouorum. The records of the last preceding meeting were read and on motion approved and ordered placed on file. The semi-annual reports of the Countv Clerk. Circuit Clerk and Sheriff were presented and upon motion of Supr. Hale, and duly seconded by Supr. Wright, the same were referred to the Committee on Fees and Salaries for a rpnrvrt. ., . ' . The Committee p.n Roads and Bridges made the following report to-wlt: Jnna 7 iosk E' Harrison, spl com work \fr A " H. M. Turner, sol coin work Bo^nl^ ^Supervisors" J G S,f>vens- "P1 00m work Your Licens..(oiii m it tee to whom was grn"k referred applications for Liquor Li- ? S Hal^ censes for he year 1935. beg leave to John r pm„PL^„ report as follows: that Alcoholic Liquor p,,,.! ^niSnthal «lit wnrb Licenses have been issued to the iollowing: « C Foster, Huntley 155 Anna Jaros, p.ox 1?5. Algonquin .. .156 Chas. A. Bowers. RFD, Marengo ....167 Ahna Bogan, RFD 1. McHenry Anna Henning, RFD, McHenry ..., Anna Shoelv, Richmond Alvln H. Walters. Crystal {;Lake August I.andl, RFD, McHenry August Werikel. Ringwood Anjja Hansen, RFD. Crystal Lake Kathryn Goetz. RFD 1, Cary Axel Carlson. RFD, McHenry ... tS.oo ... 9.40 <-•: 6.20 ... 94.00 ... 29.00 ... 16 40 ... 27.60 ... 44."0 4.90 All of which is respectfully submitted. L. A. STOCKWELL J. o. sTEVENTa ; H. M. TlTv^n." JOHN' J. FILIP 8 H. FREl'VD -rkf' Mr. Chairman and . Gentlemen of the Board .of Supervisors, McHenry Countv, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the folloawln< r report on the matters before tb^m: That we met on the 22 day of May and inspected roads In the north and east part of the County. We decided to co-operate with Lake County in improving the turn in the road Jiiwf out of Soring Grove at the cn'mtriinp b<- not- ' ,] r, a prade on the/right of way dedicated for road purnfoses on a subdivision plat. We also noted several places that used to be graveled and ditched. The asphalt road at P'chmond »nd the one at McIIenry we found to be In excellent shape, no breaks having occurred. -- Vour comrriittee acaln met on the 29th dav of Mav at Woodstock, Illinois .^.nd audited and ordered naid for construction labor on Section 7 MFT out of the Motor Foe 1 Tax • Funds to the' extent of $1S5.39 and for Treasurer's fees on rie-ht of way payments of $7.07 on SBT-176 and $1.01 on Section 9 MFT- We then Inspected roads in the north and west parts of the County. The matter of grading roads with a -oad erader behind a truck with only one man does not work out satisfactory as it is necessary to tin th- grader blade so far forward that there Is no materia' carried by the blade and the helfs and depressions ar». scraped deen^r and deeper. We ordered posts and raillings placed at a narrow pike and bridre' north-west of T^urapce. also "no'ed several places ne^dinc- gravel. Yotir .Committee again met on the "th day of June 1935 af Woodsteek, Illinois. and audited, and naid bills of a neral nature, chargeable to the Mc- Henrv Copntv P-itrol Svstem of r^'ds as a whole, including insurance, s'ioolies and repairs and- overhauling Cftunty owr»d machine»-v nr<d labor on the Count*- tool hou^e buildings totaling a sum of . .. , .*744.09 Bills chargeable to the various sections >f foonty Patrol jSystem of Roa^.s for JKbor and'materia,ls at rates heretofore approved bt- this Board Were audited, and paid as.followsi • . Section 1 41 "0f> Section 2 i .77.53 Seotion 3 149.96 Section 4 • 78.00 \Ye would further report that Bottled the- 159 .160 162 ""he Committee on Claims, Oauntv made the following report which 154 on motion of Supr. Brown and duly see- Tjr, onrted by Supr. Wright, and the roll 156 being called, was declared unanimously 1G7 adopted, to-wlt: • June. <tft, following: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Keturah A. Barnard, RFD Ringwood 158 Board of Supervisors: We would further report that Dance Tour Committee on County Poor Hall Licenses for a term of one year Claims would beg leave to report that have b<*en issued to the following: they have examined all claims present- Elbridge Crawford, Chemung. ed to them, and recommend the payment Rov Fink, Alden. of the following, and that the Clerk be Frank Knell. Johnsburg. directed to issue orders on the County Total amount turned over to the Treasurer to the Claimants for the sev- Countv Treasurer, prior to this report eral amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: $5075.00. » j Ottawa Satiatorlmn-- Amount to be turned over to he Coun- T. R and Pauper ty Treasurer by the County Clerk upon the approval .of this report. $1000.00. All of which is resoectfuUy submitted. " J. O STEYEXS JOHN J. Fit.IP ^ L. A. STOCKWELL $77 37 67.28 78.95 62.24 80.90 mously carried. The Chairman appointed Suprs. Turned Hughes, and Harrison to act as such CV)mmittee. The semi-annual report of the. County Treasurer was presented, and upon motion duly made and carried, the same was referred to the Committee to settle witti the TreasuTer for a report. > The question of whether or not the Right of Way Committee should sign claim bla,nks for the payment of rightof- way was brought to the attention of the Board: and upon advice* received from the Asst. State's Attorney, Russe.ll Allen, a • motion. was duly mude and carried authorizing siiid Com.niittee to, sign the said claim blanks, • « ' . • : , ' The Committee- oh, PubMo "buildings made the following report, .'which was on motion duly made And .carried".umnimo* isly adopted, towif: • . ? To the Honorable Board ,Of Supervisors, Woodstock, IlUijfois^ v f*': < • "• I."11 Gentlemen: ; The following:; is a Iljst»:Of a'geni'ies which parficip:iti>d in" ttie Tor'hado In-.. surant-e covering on McHenry " Count? Pniperties, effective June 15;' 1935- f.,{- getber with., their rasperfls-us premiums as shown In ]ioHcies: , Earl Wash, West McHenry. 111. .,\a$2'7.00' F. A. HitchepjH Rintfwobd, lU. '..., 4 6.?n Fred P. Stahl, Harvard, 111. 6.*>.4o IX P. - Quintan. Woodstock, HI. .^84°60 Grant Xolan, Woodstock, 111. J. F. Mitchem, Harvard .. /1.03 >; 47.42 Total ... :. ..............,.;....: $S7'4^42 All policies have been delivered to Mr. R. D. Woods, County Clerk, and are on file in his office. ;S. H. TliKl'N'n- E. C. Hl'GTIES N. n. CLAWSON • L. A. STOCKWELL H. M. Tl'HNKH , The following report of the CttnimUtee on Eradication of T: B. In cattle, together with a contract for the employment of County Veterinarian for the ensuing year, was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: The T. B. .Committee consisting of Mr. E. F, Kuecker, chatrman, Mr. John E. Harrison and Mr. A. B. McConnell. met in the county Veterinarian's oflce on June 6th., and a report for the work of the month of May was read as fob lows: Clean Herds Infected Herds Vet. herds cat. herds cat. React Lang 98 230! 16 Holmes 84 2151 2 Wheeler ... .... .85 2559 Hess ...70 1770 837 8?a2 4 25 IS7 362 430 37 80 127 674 8782 Total 9456 A discussion of the report and th'< method to be used to try and determine the source of the infection on the few farms In the county which are still havinff reactors in great numbers. The Idea of establishing a laboratory diaenosis of the drinking water or other things which could possibly be the cause oT the continued reinfection on these premises and a letter wns vritten about the matter to the Illinois I'niverslty anrt the Federal laboratories to cooperate in this work. The contract of Co Veterinarian was oonsidered for renewal for the coming year, which was renewed under the same requirements and salary as the previous year: to take affect at the expi rai on of the previous contract the 1st., of July'. „ • * Meeting adjourned. E. F. Kl'ECKKR J. E. HARRISON" THIS MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT, made and entered into thv> 6th., day of June A. D. 1935. by and between E. F. Kuecker. John E. Harrison, and A. B. McConnell for and on Inhalf of the BOABD OF SUPERVISORS.^ the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, which is the party of the flrst. part and Dr. George W. Hess, party of the second part. WITNESSETH:- THAT WHEREAS. The Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, has heretofore appropriated a sum of money to be used in the suppression of tuberculosis iimony dairy cattle of the Countv. of McHenry under the direction of the said Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, the said George W. Hess Is desirous of continuing in the service of the said McHenry County as Coontv the west section line of Section 1.1 In Seneca Township," poles, wires and equipment necessary and convenient for-the transmission and distribution of electric current. SECTION 2. Said -poiesr wires and equipment shall be so placed as not to Intel fere with public travel orf said highway, and the Board reserves the powep. through its engineers, to-rsuper-. vise the erection and .maintenance of said poles', wires 'and'-equipment,, as far as' may Ije necessary "to 'protect the .public in its fre^anj safe Use. ^>f said hi-gbr way; '• ......... ' .. .-••• .; SECTl0"^f<. 3.-'.The .• perm^ssioft: h'e^e given shalb ronjiriue>for a, »f«o"<l not .••A.-'erd t.«Fe'n.t,v •_.yc'a1'**: from t he, il'a.te of tbe»passiige of- this rewlufion.' provided fbat the ciintinuatvee, and exerrise of this perni|ssloif shall' lie -subject at all times as:;1 to t)p> public/ convenience -in tKe "f • said highway as .determined and «lccla,red by 'said .Oi.vintvBo'afrf; an )- .provided- fiVrtber.. that "die sa"-i<l PtVhli'c Servjcie C,vmpariy"-<i:f l?fo^thetU IWipois will pay a'l damages to the "o.wner^i tSfthe property abii't.t ipg Upon""said' ' highways'. which.they mav-sustain by rea'sop" •of_ the placing of said',.'poles, wire»; and .eoifipni^'nt, t.h<\ sain,e'y ! to Jje.-ascertaincii, and paid-in '-the maij'ner-provided' by law in i.'.'-ii'ar cases. " ,. , " SEC'PI'ON 4. This permission shall not become effective until a Written acceptajnee thereof by said Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has been tiled with this Board. SECTION 5. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to order a change in the location of said poles or any of them at any time, to a different location in said liithwav, to conform to possible conditions that mav arise bv Service Company of Northern Illinois, its successors lessees and assigns, .reasonable notice of "the necessity for such removal and its re- 21- to <J°' ;vn<1 case said Compan> fails so to do said Board of Superreserves, the right to remox-e said poles at the expense of* said Public Service .Company of Northern Tillno's. SECTION t. That the said Public Service Comtfanv will save and k»en harmless the said McHenry Countv from any and all damages which mav reeult In any manner bv reason of the er^tion. oneration and maintenance of said transmission and distribution line to he so erected in accordance with this franchise and that the pond heretofore nW>d shull anply to this lino. *• sTt Fy th« Foard of Supervisors of the Conr.ty of McHenry SECTION 1. That per'"ission lie, ni.,| the s-iipe is hereby granted to the PiihPe Service Companv of Northern Illinois its successors, lessees and assigns to erect operate and maintain: "Ppon and along the West side of State Aid Route No 25, from a noint annroxlmntelv 500 feet smith of the north line of Section ,7 to the south line of Po„te No.. 176, all In Nunda township," po1<es. wires and fouipment' nocessarv convoplent'for the transmission, and .dlstrihntton of electric corrent SEr"TTox 2. Said poles, wires and fnmen-t shall be «^o plaeed hs not to int^rfere . with nubile travel on said lj.itrh way. snd the Posr^ reserves th-^ power through Its engineers, to supervise the erection find maintenance of said oolos. wires and enuin*nent as far as may be necessary to nrOtect the public in its free and ssfe use of said highwn y. SEOTK>N 3. The permission here e'von shall continue fo* a per(o,l not t > eveeed twenty vears from the date of the passasre of this resolution, provided that the eont inuanee and ev>»rei«e n'. • his nermission shall be subject at. nil times as to the tuibllc convenience in the use. of onM his-hwav as determined find (Wlared bv said Co"ntv B-'ar-'. and T\rov<ded further tb"t fh« »aid Sevvtee Comnanv of Northern Illinois t"H1 psv all damaees to the owners of the"pronerty abutting upon said highway. wh'ch they mav susaln bv reason of the nlicirg of said poles, wires an" ennipment. the same to be ascertained nnd paid in the manner provided by law in similar cases. ° - stcTTOX .4... This n»rmlsslon shall not become effective i»nt' 1 n W'Ute" acceptance thereof bv «aid p«b1|c SerVi,< e of Vorth«*-n Illinois , has tieo" fl'iei* with this Board. ppr"TTON 5, The Board of Supersors rpocvps the right- to order a <0.00 369*14 ^0.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. D. M. WRIC.HT A H. HALE CHAS. H ACKMAN H. M. Tt'RNER T. B. and Pauper T. B. and Pauper T. B. snd Pauper T. B. and Pauper .. 7-ace Sanatorium. T. B. and Pauper 10.60 Mrs. Tom Jacobs, T. B. and Paup. 88.42 t I McHenry Co. Emergency Relief Supr. Brown, Chairman of the Com-' T> B. and Pauper 12.00 mittee on Right of Way, addressed the Duane Ely, T. B. and Pauper 30.00 Board, and stated that due to the tre- K<1- L- Martin, T. B. and Pauper 10.00 mendoMs amount of work and litigation Claire B. OregorolT. T. B. & Paup. 60.00 Involved in the securing of the Right Regina Klein, T. B. and Pauper .... 10.00 of Way on Route 47. his Committee did OKI People's Rest Home, T. B. not have sufficient time to prepare a re- al»d Pauper . port to present at this meeting, but Chicago Tnd. Home for Child., would have a report readv for the July dependent children meeting. Supr, Brown further reported Rose Ooddard, dependt. chil. that the approximate cost of the Right fTtfnke) of Way would be about $23,847.10 and that the State Department of Highways and the Committee' would be rflldy to advertise for bids within the very near future. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hemmer and duly sec- • onded by Supr. stockwell. that the oral The Chairman $ddresaed the Board report of the Pight of Way Committee stated that Mrs Marsh of the IERC be approved, and that said Committee be "fee asked him about moving the Soma authorized to proceed In the ordinary family, and he Informed her that he manner so that the construction of thought It would be all right, and that **oute 47 will in no way be held up. And they could present their bill to the the roll being called said motion was Board of Supervisors. Said bill being declared unanimouslv carried. one or two bills on the Soma family The Chairman called upon the two laid over by the Committee on County political pirties as represented by the Poor. It was thereupon regularly movmembership of the Board, for sug- «<l by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded gestiops of electors to act as judges of by Supr. Turner that the claim of Ten eleetion fnr the ensuing year. After Dollars ($101 for rent and the claim of which said matter was referred' by mo- Twelve Dollars ($12) for moving the tion duly made and carried to the Com- Somas be allowed, aifd the County mittee on Elections for a report. Supr. Clerk be directed to issue orders on the Beck. Chairman of the Committee on County Treasurer for the same, and Flections, stated that sometime ago the the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell. question of whether or not the Orafton Beek, Clawson. Hughes Hemmer. Ackelectlon precinct should be divided into man. Brown. Harrison, Turner, Stevens, elect'en districts was referred to his May. Freund. Hale, and Filip voted sve, committee, and that upon investigation and Suprs. Wrleht, 'Palmer and Kuecker it was found by his committee that the voted naye. Motion decided carried, prpc'nct should be divided and that they Miss Mabel Hobbs. County Nurse, prewould Include in their report a recom- sented her renort for the year ending nir-^afi .n to that effect. June 1st. 1935. which report was on The Clerks presented lists of claims motion of Supr. Brown and duly seca< minst the County and on motion of onded by Supr. Filip. ordered placed on Supr. Turner and duly seconded by file. Mrs. Ethel C Coe. County Super- Supr. Harrison the same were referred intendent of Schools, and a member of to the proper committees for a report, the McHenrv County Tuberculosis Aland the Boad adjourned to 1:30 oTSlock soclation. addressed the Board snd o"t- P. M.*for committee work. lihed in detail the progress made by the 1:30 0'C£0Clt P. K. -association during the past year, and Board met' pursuant to adjournment, made a request for an appropriation of present same members, *?nap no for the period from June 1st. The Committee on Claims. Labor, 19^5 to June 1st. 1936. Supr. Ackman Fees and Supplies made the following Addressed the Board nnd stated that be j lines Veterinarian to administer the tuber-j'cbflnp-" in the' location of said no'es or cul'n tests. anv of them at a.nv time, tfl-a different This memoranda therefore witneuseth location In sa'd hiebwiv, confirm -to that it is mutually agreed by and he- j possible conditions 'hat piav ari«c, btween the parties hereto that the. party satd fublic Service Company of of the first part arrreed to employ the V/»«*the.rn '"inol«. its successors, lessees party of the second part for a term of , and assigns, reasonable notice of th^, one year from and after the first dav necessity for such removal and it« reof July, A. D. 1935, under the following ', nuest so to do. -and- in case., said Oomexurbss terms and conditions, that is to* fnrtv fall* so to do, said Board of Suiie-- •ay: I vi«ors reserves the rleht. to" remove . The party of the second part agrees ] noiet* at the expense of s-ifd r».iK'ie to perform his services to the satlsfac- | p^r-'ice r'onjpanv Of Xorthern n"no's tlon of the above mentioned committee I SI^tton' fi That the said Public representing the Board of Supervisors ' Service ("omnanv will save and k»e*i of the said McHenry County for tH'e J harmle*« the <=aid M^lTenrv Countv fro»« salary of Sixteen hundred eighty dol-| arty and all damages which mnv re-ult lars ($1680.flo) per annum, he to be gov- j in anv manner bv reason of the erecerned by the direction of the Commit- | tlon. oneration and mnntcnance of said tee representing the Board of Super- transmission and distribution l!"e to h® visors as to-.the manner in which tuber- ' so erected in accordance with this frsnculin tests are to be made, he will keep! chise and that 'he Tfond heretofore filed or cause to keep an accurate account ' shall applv to this line. with a card system of all cuttle tooted.' " by himself and by his assistants and to see that a proper annual report be furnished to the party of tbe first part. The part of the first part will Issue to the party of the second part an order for a one-twelfth of the salary above mentioned In consideration for such services at the end of each month. The party of the second part shall keep ah accurate record of all reactors, The party of the second part Is to have charge of the buying of necessary ear ta»s for branding of cattle and also all other necessary supplies to carry, on the said tests, party of the first part to pay for same. The party of the first part reserves the right to supervise and direct the services of the party of the second part so long as this contract is In force and effect and in case the services of the party of the second part are not satisfactory to the parties of the first part. and upon a report of such dissatisfaction to the Board of Supervisors in session either at a regular or special meetin- of «ald Hoard, and if s-»id r-port of dissatisfaction Is approved, this contract shall, be terminated and the services paid for proportionately up to the termination of said contract, It ---- Mnv a71 I.10il». Board of Supervisors of McHenrv Countv. Illinois: The undersigned, Illinois Northern T'ti'\fie«! Co"-.«anv, a corporation. loc-.teT at niTon, Illinois, berphy reiiuest that authority and permission be granted to It to construct maintain, and oper.\te°an electric transmission line wi'b rill neces. sarv notes., wires, and other fix'tunis an.l attachments, in, upon. and. along/ the n-iblic his'bn-avs as per nrint attache'd, thro'ii'h following territory, to-wit: Sections a^d ?4 Orafton Township. Illinois Northern I'til'tles Co.- By A. M. klch-irdson. Oper. Supt. understood that In case such report Is made, party of the second part shall have the right and opportunity to appear before the Board of Supervisors and make any explanation that he mav deem necessary, in c?«p the contingency herein mentioned shall occur. It Is further understood that the party of the second part shall furnish his own means of transportation and the upkeep of any automobile that he may use or pay for anv other expensp of relng to and from his emplovment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the'p.-yties hereto have hereunto signed their names the day and year first written above, E F vt*T.-r,trti'f» J. E. HARRISON v ' GEO. W. HESS. . ^ It was thereupon regularly moved hv Sunr. Hemmer and duly seconded by «?!,nr. Filip that said resolutions and petitions be referred o the- Poad and HrMe-e fommltteo and the state's Attorney, giving them full Wer to r><" In the Premises. The roll being called said motion was .declared unanimously eflT-r-ied. Two petitions for road Improvements in Spring r.^ov;e and .Iohnsb'"-c w"<-\ presented and read and on mot'on duly made and carried H1** sa'*'e were referred to the Road and Bridge Committee being i nnd the Superintendent of Highways for Supr. Huches brought up the question as to whether or not the Board should advertise for bids for a County Veterinarian. and after some discussion in regard»to said matter it was the opinion of the Board that it was not necessary. Whereupon it was regularly moved by j the Viilae-e Clerk transmit a renort. The following resolution f-oTT) the Village of I'nion was presented and read and on motion of. Sunr Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr, Wright was "ted and ordered " placed on file, towit: . , . WHET?E\S, State Bona Tssue Route ST. shou'd proceed in a north-eastern- d'- r»ctlon from Marengo, Illinois, to Woodsteek Illinois: and WHEREAS nn early comnletion n' this route will be a great, benefit to the tra- eiuo.r ntiblic- and • o • WHEREAS, the labor Involved will 1-e a ' great- he'n In sl'levfs^.ing 'the presen' i.«i->mnl(ivmPpf situation THEREFOPE BE IT RFSQI.VKD bv th« Board of Trustees of the ViMare of rountv of McHenrv. and State of Illinois: tjiat we-ur^e the ioim'^djate eonstruction of State Bond Issue Route *7 from Mill's Corners north through Fra nkl'n'-i'le; Illinois and into WpodstoeV. ri'lnois on couth Street BF TT FI'PTHKR RE«OLVED th^t conv Tour Committee on Elections would, : beg leave to present the following r*- - port-on the matters and things befottti them. It has been represented to your Cornmittee that the Orafton Election- Pre-, cinct has over 800 registered electors and that they have upwards of 900" registered electors in saj]j precinct and that under the statiite as now made and ' provided the Township of Grafton'-, should be. divided into an additional eie<:4 tion 'district s<» that each district w{ji contain, le^s than 80(( votes and to-wtj';' :^s " near Five HundrW 00> votes- a$, , may be. and it i,s recommended, bv vour : <?.'U'.mittee that the „' .Township 6|\- !irafton electifn -.precinct " be di vided i'rito;,' districts as,': follows, to-wlt: „ Swction .,ifne j 1two (2,1. eleven Til), and twelve- ( J2) jn Township forty-threis. - ,< J.%). range "seven ft)' East of the Third : Principal > Meridian- . b*« iti,g fUrihe'r de-*. .sx^.ibed as-ffvu^ws;. t.0-*jt; '; .n't fife' North "fest .'cdtps hef' ot' .Township :43 " North Range East.' "of; ' -the- /Wit',<vptftnc)iial.:; Merjdiin; v Th'e'n.c.e,.--Woit along the.. North line of,. sa id Township 1 jSft.J. c-hains t« the • h" VV'est. oorher of '.Section 2 Town--, shi'i'v'43 R.^nge 7 : thence South alorfg thi^- AV'^st line of said Section ;2 and Sect toil' 11-43-7. to the South West eorne" Of sjiid Section No. 11: thence East-along ' the South line of said Section No. 11 "nd Sei'tiotx 1274"3-7, 159.43 chains to the East line Of said Township: thence North along said Township line to the ' place of beginning. , - . Be known as Orafton Election District > Number Two (21 and all the remaining territory within the said Grafton Towtship be known as Election Disf-wt V Number one (1) and being more fully described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the North Pne of Township 43 North Range 7 Ea*t of the 3rd Prfnclnal Meridian 1S8 51 "*;s>ns West of the North East corner Of said Township for a place of beeinthence^^ West along said North line STOi, chains to the North West corner of said Township, hence South alone the Hest line of satd Township 479 91 tf> j^outh West corner of township, thence East along the South '•ne o' said Tbwn<=bip. which is al»6 'he county line, to the South East correr of said Township, "being also the •South West corner of T^wnshfn 43 ^'orfh Range 8: thence North along the st line of Township 43 Range 7 to th» Sooth East j corner of Section 12 of --aid Township fbetjee West along the °>ufh line of sal|jl Section 12 and SeCt'en t1 Township 4? Range 7. 159t4_S chains to th>>'^oprh W^st corner of said. _0eeti<i»i- 11; Thence North along the West line of said Section 11 and Section 2 Township 43 Rnn«re 7 to the plae« of beginning on the North line of said- Ton-nshin. ; . Vn'ir Committee on Elections would further beg leave to submit the following~ 11«t of Judees o' Election as selected by the 'wo .Political nartles rep»w» on the B\ard together with th* potiiwg places of each district, to-wit: : Plley 1 Polling Place Town Hall, Judges, l \ Stockwell. Clio Anthofl^f •in<' Wm:--Sword, >tarenp-o 1--"oiling Place City Hall, .Tudr-es, John Kitchen, Ellerv Renwidt.' ' E C R.obb. Marpne-o 2- rv.11lr.,T Pta sge: Judge* d M Wright. Harlev Deitt, O -,T. McKeown. --' r>o11lne. Qrhool - Djst. 128.Tudees C M Calmer. Loul« "eterson s'nd Rav; Brickley. r-Womuntr 1 -- Poiijmr iM^.-e, Marshal C-irnni p v * O JT, • Vlerek. w. J Herele'v and Edith Olbrich. ^ Chemcn-r 2---Polling Place, Fir-, tfti.. "<ne -TTonse: J"d"-es. F E Week Walter r Xt T..Vinson and Tohn B. Howard. Chennm"- 3---Polling Place. Black* I'hnn ft Obemuni' (Hnr^'H«yi J'FPV: .Tudres. E J. Burr, C. G. Russell, and T A. T">'o"«rTass. . • l^en--polling Pla'ce. Town Hall;" Judges R. riawson, Garrett Fitager- . at.' -r.A f r Pottlemv Rartland--Polling Pise*, o>,,,rtlefr* s-torp: .T->d"-es F C Htfhes, Henry Calnb- n and Charles M'Tray. *•' Ooneca---Poi'inf, Place. Town HaMf" Tudn-As E. F. Kuecker. Dan Kanaley amr T* M. Bean. OorA,i__p„)Ung Iflace. VlllRge Halt: Jude-es, ch°rles H. Ackman, J. "f. Brill an a f J. Miller. - Orafton 1 -- PolUnir P'lflce. V'll^Jf* Hall: Judges, Joseph Uumn,pr JatDM t and ,"W«lt*ie". Orafton 2--Foiling Place Fred Schiitt Cntfqivp., Judees Conrad Orundel. Geo. Mr^Mt and '-"-'<nk; Strubbe, ~p>o^r tPollinr Place, Room undef Coontv Clerk's office 'n C""»t Ho'if*.' .t„dvea. v E. Brown: John Hlggins and .T^jHnves, Dorr 2--'Polling Place. Police Magl*- trate's Office in tv ' Hall - .Judges" Kd. C.-rrv T ester CrtfTin"-^^ and Harrv Hobb*. Dorr 3---Polling Place. Room under rire.,lt .Cterl?'<= C^ee- T-^-es \V. Fl»h. • i* oohiroader and Pa«il McNett. n^r, l--PoiHne Place Abbott'* Shoo at R|d"efleld: Jndres Spllntwr. .. .... i]Mans and Walter Reed. r?r«ent..oo•»_Place T^wn Ha'l* . ,T. ,F Tla-rls,!*,. AWIOr HtlVkf-. *fntt Schmarje. t„.,. TT*1 '"dtre" H V Turner E A» Mead aitf - ,To*>» r» rv-*ft,iiievon. ri'eKron • ' PifVnmi'L. Tolling 'T'l-ce. '"emorlal tt.,11. .ToHe-.-s .t '•'ti'icns. John Col. , »i v. »nd 1T"<»h.. Holder. on--r>-l>W.o- Supr. Freund. and duly seconded by-: *hs t?e«oi"»lon to t1,e Department of Supr. Wright that the report of the I ""Mio Work* sod Puddings, rtjv<s4oh <n* Committee he adopted and the contract ; Highways, of the State" of Illinois, am1 approved. And the roll being called 1 a coov to the Board of S"t>ervisors c"nrs. stockwell. Wr'ght, Palmer, Beck Clawson. Kuecker Hemmer. Ackman. Brown. Harrison. Turner, Stevens. May. '•'reund Hale and FJHp voted aye. and F"pr Hughes voted naye. Motion declared carried. Two resolutions from the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois and a petition frotn the Northern 1-tilitles Company were presented to the Board eonestinir permission to construct pole •••ha County Of McHenry. State of Illinois. - . ' , ' ;' Stare of. Illinois; County of McHenry. ^"tl'-yte of I'nion. «s* , -T 'V n vnlle. Village Clerk *0- the Village of I.'niort, in the State and Countv afore«-airt' 'Tin hEPERY CERTIET that th^ above and foregoing is a correct conv of e , rvsoiot'on ed by tbe .P-'ard, r *T*,r* vc t ees of VillNire of t'nlon. ll« p . i r ' o n p ' a C e T o w n H a l l ; indw, Erank Mav, Joe Lay and AntM> \ra,'-or t «nri"e" Cr^.pt, >retrenry 1--Polling Place. Woodmwf. rroit pt p in -wood : To,lees, Clavt^*** Ha^V' • rison, Ocore-e j, vo"n<• and Wm. $»• v .'-ers 'I McHenrv ftPm. : V"H.ei"v,!_t>nllln>; PNce. Town : t-.dees Fred Nichols. Earl Walsh awf .1 (Os n r*a V, • - • McTTenr.v S--Polling PIrca. Colbv R]"<g. in , 'i,H.>nry: .Judges, S; H Freund. M. A. Conway and Oenr<r<» P. cteilen. Vun.ta i_^pnilfng P»ac« Turner Hons®, t'irr«viile: Jndees, T. W. Ames, WSi.?. Ho"sen and Paol Rodman. ? Nunda ?--Pci11ir.iT Place. Town Hall* ; T-'ds'es. Wm B. Rice. Louis Fales an# -• Fr-' nV Do^ertv vnnrtT 3Po 111n•-- Place. T. O. O. It 7' "V,».r In Crvtal Take: "Jnd-«s A. . »*,> f'a.le Paul ' J. Doherty and Kenneth >'conc"lr> 1--Rollln" P'ace. Algonouln h,ii<;t../i^ t t •*-",<p. Walter o. k.., (ieorge Laxansky. > teono"in 2--tolling Cvstal ,. -r"*..-nct« Poomo;- Judges. FrarflCroK':'^ j - FHt™r-'.' a.r<« Wm. "Mal""^'-' » a...Popie,- Pt-iep r<ary ,*«»- 1 ' R?'l • • J'idees. Harrv Suchv. Paul "^"4 Mfred Sch""«t. >lgoho--'n 4--Potl'"g ptsce. Fox *>iver TOi-vcre, Todges. F^ank a>r*iy, Charles Wellsek and George i-'-k,: , -, - * . Meonou'n.S poipn- Pl«.e» Poi'»r Po.rr," 'e niof No i '• To d res Paul Bert-, ram. Francis Pchepers. , and Claude Jacobs. • All Of "'hich .'s r»on«>otf.iiiy submitted. , F, F pwetf rn"UrHMUi -' fi. „M. WPtnHT ' s- .TT mr-va .- '•• C. Pat MER " JOSEPH HKMMBR Tt was thereupon ree-i'larly moved S-'pr, -Vckman and duly seconded by <9nnr. Brown, th.nt the "report of the Committee on Flee ion »doot»d this Roard. - And the r^'1 being called, K said motion was declared unantmc'?*ljS; ad^*->te<t. ' " Supr. Wa'e Chairman of t»»e Commit. XfeM^kprv Coontv TTv\*r»e cfa• «*d ' • v, -1 o# sSid 'nstl- ! t'.tVn me .confuse.-* as to * t- e •> . - r . d a r a n d f o r t h a t r e a s o n t h e # ® ; r o raijir* • s nr."**. t."t * * bis committee would have a two month^ :, r , . wa I f e -x* the n.**t meeting^** ^>*r>p Ha'e »lso t t^-at l' t.»v. ms.>e .a change' at the" Mc'l;'i"%'-. Cm,"!.. tTo»>^ nro^'-.r' • >.„ inmates n,l«v ststed thafk wouM like to move Son^i ,, • *>.« nMap li.llfts from the Tt-it fiOOiT . to-'t>ie .teVsnt Koif>e, Tt was rhereupojfc hv c'»nr WHi+t -""»d v seconded by K"*eHte- th*%t ' he r to •*.» I'OMRttP "M -bways in McHenrv fount)*. I Tlliniifo »t it.? V-iv "ti. meo'tiiVt-. j w tm? "ill. F!»r"" rVimm'ttee. ^iv'n report which on motion of Supr. Hale reit that the eradication of tuberculosis j Be Tt KesolVed Py the Bosrd of ! rv- tv«Ti;fovv, wvipi?f;oK' 1 hiv and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer in human beings was Just as important ; Supervisor* of the County of MoKennr I b^revto o.Ascribed In- hand and affile,i and the roll being called, was declared as eradication in cattle. And. In- his | SECTION i. That permission be »nd ! •>»» offic.ini '«»<•! c* «e«d w. unanimously a*>epted. to-wit: judgment in both cases it was money •*»«» same is v>erebv granted to the Pub- < !•>-«, »• mv o«tce In.T-nion. lUliiois.r'thls ell snent. and that he would move at ; lie Service Company of Northern 1111- ' '?th ^«v of Mnv. a d 19?* June 10th, A. D, 19>$. thie time that th„ request for. an ap- Xlr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the nronriation of |2"0i (in be granted, and Board of supervisors: that the chair appoint a committee to Your Committee on Labor, Fees and have charge of the expenditures of the Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- said appropriation. The roll being callpprt that they have examined all claims ed, said Jnotion was declared unanl- • i W. C XFLLE. Village Clerk. ee ,"vl "i>ower to act. And th» r-tl -v-eine- o-'!»ed «a'd WIS it- <tns ntmousl V ea»rr)<M| • fVe-e K^aln,-- f>o ^0 mnt» before t4|js meeting it WS* *»rur.'n rer-tila-rl'- rv Vr bv '">isrHt . to Tfeereupo*-" nois. Its snccessors. lessees and assigns,} to erect, operate and maintain: t ... "t'non and alone State Aid Route "'"he Committee oh Flections -made the . adjourn. Motion carried No. 15 from Franklinville Road.easter- following report, to-wit* Vo-r'*' sojourned.. ly approximately one 'I) m-te • to a June 10th. IMS. ° 1 P Vl'^ vospvt*' ^T Oba^rBSafc .point approximately J00 feet east of Mr. Chairman and Board of Supervisors: Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk.

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