Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 14

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V ' "-VfPAGE a A ^*4V > > • . County Treturarer'e Seport for Month i .-*£ Of A>r>it< 1936 ,t'7* «»• •.,.->-.-*, RECEIPTS S{>'•?£ Balance on hand, Aug. l, 1935 $77,219.89 £••:.••. •-.•"•ICounty Home, Supervisors 676.24 Sheriff's Flees Advanced 43.25' petty Cash Account, refunded,... 2.00 'Unclaimed Witness Fees ....'.„ 495.95 •^V. P. Allen, Supt. Co. Home ...:.. 423-94 personal Property Back Taxes ... 60.59 • -Insurance, Highway Fund 9.95 .. . / .State's - Attorney .:..... 100.0U Marh inery Rental J.i 11.20 / (County Officers' Fees .........i~...-,,;„,l,Q04.U4 ..'Commission, 111.-Bell'Tel. Co. .47 . Blind Relief, State .1,518.60 Motor Fuel Tax 754.95 • ' - ! * . Inheritance Taxes "...185,23 • •. .' " Countv, partial paymeht from ,/ ; . 19 34 taxes •.«.......,.-.20.003,-10 » 'Non-High, partial payment /rom _j.'v • 19?4 taXes 9S2.70 "-foisputed taxes : . ;134.4'5 ' ^ « ' Total Receipts fw Mtrnth 26,141.6* '* ' ' •, Grand rot&l'RecelW's ^ EXPENDITURES ' 0 >> "County Orders , .,.$12^:45vl 6 , Highway. OMers ' V"^iWotor. Fuel Tax, Orders 641.21 '??"*»• •"•"^•/";i5ounty. Orders- •7,ot>„ ; jOradicat-ion T. B. in Cattle PFPT'n'elaimed Witness 'F.eeS'•'.I 2,F>0 VvApalaries, Treasurer's Office 425.00 . Salaries, Collector's Othee 259.50 v Total Expenditures a...:-.......:.... .1.9T3-i(i.!s 1 Balance on hand. Aug.-.31, 1935 84^220.81 Grand Total .'.I; 1103,561.05, The above and foregoing report is: true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. * LESTER EDINGER, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before Die this 9th day of September. 1935. (Seal) R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. 4", The Purchasing Committee made the following report, which1; on motion of. Cupr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer 4n(|' the roll being called was . declared : unanimously adopted, to-wlt: September lo, 1935, ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Purchasing to whom was referred the matter of a new metal counter for the office of the County Clerk, giving your Committee full -power to act, would beg leave to report that they advertised for bids and let the contract to the U.entson Manufacture . .ing Company of Aurora for the contract . price of Nine hundre<J Dollars ($900) including a vault truck to be used by the County Clerk, treasurer and Board . Of Review. Your Committee would further report that delivery was made and the counter installed on August 15th, 1935. And . that said counter and vault truck meets .V- with their approval, and that they- Would recommend at this time that pay-, inent be made for same. On the matter of the improvements In the County Court Room referred to your Committee we beg leave-to report that wekpurchased forty one (41) seats that have been installed and are now in •'Use in the County Court Room. Andi that vour-Committee has yet to „pur-; Chase" some ottfer equipment , in regard , to said matterA Your Committee authorized the County Clerk to purchase two small wall desk : •helves which are now installed in his . Office in connection with the metal counter. • , On the question of typewriters for County Officers referred to your Committee on an agreement between the Woodstock Typewriter Company and the Committee on Purchasing f«r the year J932, it was agreed that the County "would receive xree service on all ma-- ;y-Chines provided that they would tra^e In the old machines at the end of a certain length of time. Your Committee Under the verbal agreement authorized the purchase of four (4) new typewriters for the net price of Four HUB- . dredSeventy Six Dollars and , Fifty •' 'Cents. ($476.50). Your Committee would recommend that the question of some new equip- • • ' jnent in the form of roller shelves and : instrument shelves to be installed in the "County Clerk's vault be referred to them, and also for "the moving of the •steel center cabinet from the old vault " • into the new part. Your Committee'has nothing to report at this time with re-gard to the - new desks in the County Treasurer's ofliee . referred to them but have received pro- -i_l_posals on two sections of roller shelves and some instrument boxes for the ' Treasurer's vault but have taken no action on same. Your Committee would further report that they advertised for bids on stoker • coal to be used at the Court House and Jail. " All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. H. ACKMAN S. H. FREUND IX M. WRIGHT ' report on the matters before them: Your Committee met for the purpose of approving applications received within the last year, and being informed of an amendment to the Blind Act by the State Legislature becoming affective August E. F. Baccus1 .......v.,. United Chemical CO. '. A. W, Wagner '.:...^...., Home Oil Co ..i. Ludwlg Wilson 32.43 40.78 20.90 29.3 7 July 1st, excluding anyone from the The Bentson Mtg Co.' • '• <»-"<> benefit who owned or had an interest ! 'Shf. per diem, fees, 'serv..--*••" ' in whereby their interest would be more ' Frank Smith' ...: 2.50 than Twenty-five hundred Jinllars j Vernon Stewart 2.50 ($2500) in assessed \*aluation, decided Sup. Sells. Off. Exp.-^-- ;- tliat- it would l/e necessary to call in | Hammond & Stephens Co. 15.00 each applicant and have them make j Woodstock Journal . 1.60 proof «s to income and property hold- j Security lOnvelope Co. 13.39 ings under said act. Shff. Feedi-ng Prisoners--: The County Clerk was then in- | Western I'll. Gas & El. Co, v...,- 6.63 structed to notify each new applicant | Brey'S Bakery ...... 31.96 to be and appear before the Commit- ' Marinda Bates 2..00 tee, on September 7th at ten o'clock .V. j Ki'kmaji Ice Cdr'..:'™;.^^;^u^ii^>i'^V-"10.#0 M. ^nd make the proof required. After E. (J: & COir ....::.^,.;..U^^:..:;.64.50 Hebron Hrd. Co., mdse. .... * ' " Pingrl Koch 70.27 H. M. _ H. C. Patrick, mdse Carlton S. Robb, mdse. and r«nt ....100.96 -- -- - 60.00 25.68 6.00 : 10.U0 24.86 I son, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Hem- were audited and paid as follows: A. M. Usborne, burial .. Fred Dunker. mdse A. & P. Tea Co., mdse. Royal Blue, mdse. Burton-- John Lay, mdse N. M. Weber Est. by ChaS. Freund, mdse. ^ -- Hebron-- Hebron Cash Grocery, mdse. .. Hebron Lbr. Co., mdse. W. M. Merry, mdse. A. L. Johnson, milk F. C. Buchte, mdse. ....... E. P. Schaefer & Eon, mdse 10. W. Wright, Coal - Ifarrison's Store, mdse. 1 thoiougli invtistigati'on tij- your Comthe foljoWilig were ainsroved: ' ; ' -- <;harles Collins* » n Clareme .1 - Smith ' ^ TAnrelia ' liibiach ' ,Albert - JaobS Vi S ; "Eljzabevh 'l^rown • „, .,•» : ' 5 ; Mihnie Oh!"i< h - '.V , , i • Gertrude' W. WL, Daha. ' " :J E; 'A. Senger , ,v. ]Z • , ~ "Ben Johnson " • ' , •.Wiiinifred Yortrh^S" '* 0 ** * • . We .further rc-pci.rt that, the* jippfo'jVriatiop heretofore made 'for relietvof bl.ind persons was. exhausted on the ' 1 st . day of '.July A, -i>". 1935. We there/ore recommend'-' that- the sum ,of Three * Hundred Sixiy'-five" - ($36.5;<)0) : Dollars . payable quarterly,commencing, July 1, A. - I). 1935 and payable October. 1-st, 'A. D. 1935: J a n ua ry • 1st, "A. D. 19 3 fi; A pri 1 1 s-t, A. D. 1936: and July 1st, A. 1). 1 936, be'appropriated and pai'd for-th'e followtK. g persons, under the statute, tu-wit; No. 1 Eil en-"Boyle. No. 2 Jacobi S. l)i<'ks<Of v',-;;;" . No. 3 Alfred Dunham No. 4 Walter J. Freund: No.«5 John Fry No. 6 Minnie Grabbert . • No. 7 Elsie Harmsen No. 8 Jay S. Johnson, No. 9 Fred Reed v..-. No. 10 William A. Schoeh. No. 11 -Vandalyn C. Senit No. 1-2 Jacob Terpstra • No. 13 ., Frank Tlievenot . '... -h, No.. 14 Edward Toles ' " No. 15 Adelbert H. Willoughby We further report that the rieW flpplicatioris approved by your Committee as above set forth were regularly examined by the examiner of the blind and he reported that they were blind and also it is the opinion of your committee that the said applicants are entitled to the benefit's under the Blind Pension Act. And that your Committee would recommend that' their applications be granted. And that there be appropriated and paid to them the sum of Three hundred and sixty-five Dollars ($365.00) per vea'r for each -applicant, payable quarterly, making a total of Four thousand fifteen Dollars? ($4,Hl5.00). Your Committee would there/ore recommend that Eight thousand four hundred Dollars ($8400) 1 *• included in the Annual. Appropriat ion. ordinance and Budget for the Relief of Blind and that Four thousand Dollars ($4oo0) be inr eluded in'the Annual Tax Levy -for the current year. r- ' All of which is respectfully submitted. • FRANK MAY ' H. M. Tl'RN'KR • C. M. PALMER ; •A. B. XtcCoNNELL J. E. HARRISON The Building Committee made the following report, which, on motion of Supr, Wright and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell, and the roll being called waa de.clared unanimously adppted, • to-wit: ... ' • • , • September 10th, 1935. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: " Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the addition to the -County Clerk's vAult, would beg leave to report that the work 'is nearing completion and that ih connection with the contract and the improvement in general it was necessary for your Committee to authorize other improvements in and around the building, including repairing of sidewalk, changing of drains and putting in double window in the Sheriff's Residence to give more light in the kitchen where the Cooking is done for the prisoners. During the construction of the. building a change was made by your Committee and approved by the Architect in the contract in' the location of the ' xunway from the second floor of the jail to the Circuit Court Room which change was a little additional expense to the County but was very much needed. Also that part of the County Clerk's vault had a nineteen foot ceiling and your committee felt that a balcony could "be put into the vault with very little additional expense and ordered contractors to do same. Also your Committee ordered a coating of tar put on the roof of the garage and the jail and a coatof paint on the eaves and ridge of the .Sheriff's residency. In regard to trie improvement in the County Court Room yourCommittee had all of the old furniture torn out and the C#unty Court's Bench remodeled <anil elevations put in the back end of-the Court Room for seats to be placed thereon. Also your Committee under the instructions of the Honorable Board advertised for bids on the redecorating of the'County Court Room', and let tincontract to David Rattray, the low bidder for the price of $85,110, and the worl: has been completed satisfactorily 'to your Committee. Your Committee would further report that they have advanced to the contractor, Mr. Henry G. Johansen, on the addition to th6 County Clerk's vault, three paymetns of $500 each totaling $1500.00, and would request nt> this timfe that the Courity Clerk be instructed to draw a-n order on the. County Treasurer under the contract for the balance due and including the extra work referred to by yo-ur Committee in this report upon the order and authorization of your Committee.. . All of which is respectfully submitted 8. H. FRKl'Mi , ». H. M. Tl'RNEU N. B. CLAWS( >N L. A. STOCK WELL - E. C. HUGHES Tim Hurley, repairs- G, H. Jail !--. 9 00 •'Shf. Dpty. : jAlbin Kuppe .- 44.00 "Ch;it;ies Stewart- 4.00 .WiUiam Girling l.J24;00 Richard „'FarrelI 8.00 JSlmtr Frane ke . v - 7- * ^.G'<f(>rge Nelson 1.....". 12.00 Howard Freeman 4.00 Howard Freeman, shf„ bailiff .;..\,<;. ;12.00 Clyde ^liner, shf. dpty ' , 4'.o# riyde Miner,' shf. bailiff 4.00 -D:i\ id Rattray, C. -H. jai.L repairs':85.00 Charlies 1 Kuppv, .C'. lJ..:jaii- repairs . 5.33 S. Rtv '2 Sec. : 7 '51.33 S. A.rRt. 8-A Sec. ..... 85iS7 S. A. KV.-13-13-A Stjcv 4- 63.25 S, A. 20 Sec". ,5-1 C. L.'Tryon,' CoV'H"wy"c'l^n!t.'-"*~-l'54-»7' Bd. of. Review-- \' ' Paul Rosenthal C:..;.^....;v......>ii.*..i..-,..:.B16.00 Foy L. Alentch a..;i..C^«iiii'.r -:"-316^00 E. J. Gerry .. 1.............50K.00 Glenna Houshol'dei* .., 1..i;-- .....-. 192.<>0 Virginia Stiller Ti.-.l....... 130.50 William Earl ;..;:...130.50 Woodstock Type. Co.,.C. H. sup. .•...4-76.50 D. I?. Nichols, C. H. jail repairs ;... 62.-00 Shf. per diem, fees, serv.-- • •Henry A. N"ulle .... 44.15 Or.a S. Nulle 4.00 Henry A. Nulle, shf. per diem fees and*1 sal 100.00 1'hilip E. Bierdeman, shf.-dpty. ....I'OO.OO Ora S. Nulle, shf. feed. pris. ........1OO.0O Vestie Muldoon, C. H. jail sal. ....108.00 Russell Allen, Sts. Atty. Asst. . ..750.00 •Daisy V. Moore, Sup. Schs. Asst. "and Clerk Hire, July and Aug. 227.50 City of-Woodstock, Ct. Hse. Jail Lt. and Water 85.47 Sup. Sal. Mil.-- •:/i, .' L. A. Stockwell .....:........L.;..-....v.. ,. 37.75 D. M; Wright . .78.90 C. M; Palmer . ...a,.'. .i'5.35 F. E. Beck I:........;..;, 25.80 N. B. Clawson ; 81.70 E. c. Hughes ...., 9.00 E. F. Kuecker . ........1......'..::..;..'..;....:... 24.20 Chas. H. Ackman '70.2 8 Joseph Hemmer ........... . 31.20 V. I-:. Brown 71.70 J. 1'". Harrison 23.50 .... 10.T4 .... S.00 .... 24.27 .... 11.23 .... i.60 .... JTlO 5.39 44.63 21.00 21.13 . 1.10 13.80 H.. M. Turner J. G. Stevens Frank May ... S. H. Freund A. H. Hale . John J. Filip . A. B. McConnell ..... ati.oo 43.fio 17.80 ..... '21.00 37.20 38.50 13.20 All of Which is respectfully AQiHaiitted,. li. A. STOCKWELL : H. M. Tl'RN'ER J. G. STEVENS » - S. H. KRKl'Nl) JOHN J. FILIP Committee on Relief of'Blind prethe following report, whic-h, on motion of Supr. Kuecker. and duly sec onded bv Supr. Hale and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopt ed. to-wit: September 10, Aj D. 1935 Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: >ur Committee on Belief of Blind Supr. Brown of Dorr "Township-addressed the Board and stated -that Gardner A. Knapp who prior to this, year w-as Superintendent of the Mc- Henrv County Home . for a period of twentv-one years, died this morning. And that he would move, at this time that the Resolution's Committee be instructed to present a resolution to this Board of „ sympathy.. Said' motion was, dul\ seconded by Supr. Wright and declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and on motion of Supr. Wright and duly . seconded by Supr. Hale and carried, thesame were referred to the proper committees for a report. And the Board adourned to 1:30 o'clock P. ,M. for committee work. ... 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment and on rofl call the same members' were present, constituting a full board. • The Chairman announced that there were representatives of the T. E. P. c. ind the American Legion present at the meeting for the purpose of trying to ascertain what should be done with and for the Soma family. After some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by ^upr. Kuecker that the. care and welfare of the^Soma family be referred, to Mrs. Marsh" and Mrs, Whitworth representing the I. E. R: C. and Mr. Hoesley and Mr. McCauley, representing the American Legion and that the Chair 'Appoint a committee of five Suprs. to meet with the said representatives and enter into a " written agreement with regard to said family and that all concerned abide by said agreement. Motion declared carried. . The Chairman appointed to act as such committee, Suprs. Harrison, Hale, Brown. Turner and Beck. Wayne Colahan, Chairman of the Mc- Henry County National Re-Emplovmeht Service, and Mr. .Olson, Manager of the Local Offices, appeared before the Board and outlined in detail their "Vork for he past year and also fl'lfed a report with each Supr. shoWing th4 number of registrations, placements, expense and tc. and. made a request for an approbation of Forty-Dollars *a r^onth t > cover incidental expenses of the locals office an increase of fifteen dollars a mTuith' oyer last year. Mr. Colahan then nswered several questions put to them by the members of the Board with retard to (TWA and PWA projects. After which a general disucssion was had n said matters. It was then moved by. -upr. Stockwell and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the Labor Committee f the Board of Supervisors meet with Mr. Olson, itt*his. office for the purpose t registering unemployed for projects on the twentieth of September, and that notice he given through the press of the County. Motion declared carried. It was decided by rthe members presnt to defer action on the request of the Ile-employme-nt Ollice for an appropriation until the return of the Special Committee appointed in the Soma matter. ' ' The Committee on Claims, Lalror Fees and Supplies made the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Ackman and lulv seconded by Supr. Palmer and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted. to-wlt: <• ' September 10th, A. T>. 1,935. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen' of tin- Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor. Fees and •ivitmlie's Claims would beg leave to. report that they have- examined all claims presented to them, and recommend t'v pavment of the following, and that the clerk'be. directed to issue orders 011 the County Treasurer to .the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, sis follows, wit: P, F. 'Petti-bone & Co,, Cb. Treas. prtg. •* •••• .:.u.:.|43.64 Frank Tlntrnber Co.-- . >r ., v C. Clk. prtg and sup. i!4.48 Co. Clk. tax blks etc'." 53.43 Treas. off. sup. 14.54 Burdette Smith Co.; Judcy. Libry. fund i:20,00 G. L. Tryon, Co. Surveyor (cemetr* rv plats) 17,52 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. JH. and jail tel. Co; ....^ 46.20 111. Bell Tel. Co:, C. H.: and jail tel. shf. - 1470 P.. O. Anilrew "Co..- C. H. jail coal 50.85 Harvard Herald, Co. Treas., prtg. .10.00 Harvard Herald, 'Supr. prtg. 1.7« Richmond. Gazette, Siipr- prtg. .... 1.80 Woodstock D. Sentinel-- .' ^upr. Prtg. V. '"•o. f'lk. prtg and sup .,,^..1..,.,-*.. . So. Tr<-as. prtg David Carlson- Roofing Co., C. H, jail rettairs ; Dr. F. Thomas Brand, Commis. t? C. Russie. F. Bejeck. Mason. 15.00 Dr. .Frank \V. Hetree'd. Commis. C. Russie, F. Be.ieck, E, Mason 15.00 Shff. Jail Sup,.do,-- ' D. B. Nichols .......: ..... .. Thome & Son . • v^'m.-Lehman & Son .. .-. * 4.3" Universal Laliratories sv,iiLi4,'22.86 The Committee on Claim, County Poo^T made the following report which, on motion Of Supr. Kuecker, and duly seconded by Supr, Hale and the roll being called,. unanimously adopted, .to-wit: . , ' 'f Sept. 10th,'A. P: 1935 Mr. 6h!tirman• and Gentlemen . of the Roafd of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the seVera.l amounts allowed, mb follows, to-wit: . Dependent Children--• . , " Chicago Ind. Home for Child., Dependt. children ....:..,....$400.00 T. B. and Pauper'-- . Algonquin, Old Peoples Rest* Home, Etta Hibbard -65.00 Ottawa Sanatorium--; Richmond, Albert .InnCo 82.51 Algonquin, Amelia- Ivibisch .]81.52 Greenwood, Glenn Harwood ;1.84.54 Nunila, Esther Nelson 81.70 Zace Sanatorium, Harry Han3en^„_lQ.00 Paupfers-- - . Ja"i.-s P. McCauley, rent 20.00 Riley--• . ; . - .'••.. Charles En«le, mi'lk ......-v......... 3.10 Ernest Wolf, reiit-^.. 5.00 . Dunham-- - Geo. I. Walker, mdse, ; 5.37 Strain Bros., rridse. ...,...1........:...::.,...4.77 Chemung--- • . .... Strain Bros., mdse. ,12.00 111. Northern I'til, light 2.64 West. Unit, Gas El. Co,, gas ;... . 7.08 Geo. I. Walker, mdse.. ..*'22.31 A. & P. Walw '1 Wis., mdse 6.00 Hoge & Baud- t.dse. 22.84 D. Hereley & > • , mdse, 4.S3 Schutt & Cei 1. ambulance 20.00 Bernice Sherrna :, board .' 1..-. *46.00 Chas. Campah' lli, rent ... ... 10.00 William Zell, rent ... 10.00 J. C. -Bates, rent .Jv..;^..^....... 10.00 Mrs. Frieda Deithloff,;: refit --. 12.00 The Fair. mdse. .6.41 Mrs, H. Lakashe, rent ........ 9.00 Lillian Colton Allen, rent ..... .. 7.00 Mrs. Tom Jacobs, care -38.4 5 Strain Bros., mdse. 40.25 Henry Koltz & Sons, mdse. 38.22 Lush Vermilya & Co., mdse. , ..,.^85.99 Alden--• RiiTt'i-inv- Brns,, gas G. Nigh, gas .: ....| 1.60 7.96 8.00 50.00 77.35 Turner, board Richmond-- » C Chas. Wolff (Rich), mdse. 20.58 W. L. Speaker (Rich), md««;-.v-'.... 25.19 Mrs; Harry Turner, board 31.00 Dr. J. F. Harris, serv. 22.50 McHe.nry*-- Thomas P. Bolger, mdse. 15..07, Peter J. Schaefer, mdse. 1I.S6 Arth Smith, mdse. 14.94 liegner Market & Groc., -mdse.. ..~ 10,78 L. E. Hawley, mdse. S9.15 Claire B. Gregory, serv'. 10.00 ' Nunda-- ; • A. H, Hale, rent, light, gas 40.73 O. W. Hart, mdse. .^....7...,......,.:.. 12.93 A. $ P. Stor« (McHenry), .... - 6.50 Ger'trufle BrunkhorSt," rent 12.00 H. W. Giteseke 15.00 Ed. C. Buhrow .-... !...: ..........v.... 22.00 . All of which is respectfully submitted. IX M. WRIGHT . M. M. TURNER - OTAS. H. ACKMAN,. A. H. HALE v / - FRANK MAY The question of how the Clerk should draw the orders for Poor CIa!lms was brought to the attention of the Board and after some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and dulyseconded by Supr. Hemmer that all Poor Claims for each township be drawn to the Suprs. in one check. And that he be given a list of claims and amounts and turn over said amounts to claimants. Motion declared carried. Supr. Hughes brought up the question of rents for poor families.- After some discussion, it was decided that said matter be left up to each individual Supervisor. The Chairman announced that the special committee appointed in regard to the care and welfare of the Soma family were now present and called'for some action with regard to the request of the National Re-employment service for an appropriation. Mr. Olson was again called upon to explain different phases of their work. Several Suprs. voiced their opinion against the taxpayers of McHenry County paying for said' service and after some discussion it was regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the request of the National Re-employment service be tabled until the next meeting. And the roll being called, iSuprs. Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, "Ackman, Harrison, Turner and May, voted- aye. 1 Suprs. Stockwell, Hughes, Kuecker, Hemmer, Brown, Stevens, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Supr. McConnell voted haye. Motion declared m>t carried. It was then moved by Supr. Hemmer and duly seconded by Supr. Brown that an appropriation not to exceed Forty dollars a month be made to the National Re-employment service for the ensuing year. And the roll being called. Sunrs. Stockwell, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Hemmer, Brown, Stevens, Alay, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Supr. McConnell voted aye. Suprs. Wright, Palmer, Ackman, Harrison and Turner voted naye. Motion declared carried. The Committee on Finance made the following report, to-wit: I . . .. Hebron Cash Grocery, mdse. Schut t & Cerny, funeral Dorothy Bopp,. serv. Grafton-- Wm. Rasch, milk...... 1-. 4.34 John G. Henson, serv. 20.00 Verna Church, rent - 6.00 Chas. Meyer,, rent , :: 8.O0 W. L. Farley,"mdse. (.* *15.00 ,. Dorr--- .' Pin gel ft'Koch. mdse. 15.21 Eckert & Bending, mdse. 26.68 W. H. Torgeson ,mdse 9.95 A. & P.-Store (Cass St.) mdse. .... 3.12 Greenwood-- ; ' J.' E. Harrison, Ottawa San 12.00 J. E. Harrison, mdse. 25.46 Nunda-- •' National Tea Co., mds-ftt ...:, 22.00 Paul Bvihrow, rent .. 8.00 (\ V. Colby, rent -- 15.00 J.'-,. IV Crabtree, rent 12.00- F .W. Kr-uger. rent 7.93 Peter Nelson, rent : 1 5 00 I'eter Schaefer, mdse. 10.00 \. X- P. Co., t.-y Phil jH^Ui mdse. 19.50 F. J. Nichols, board . . . 25.00 Mrs. H. B. Wilcox, rent 10.00 Chas. A. Mason, rent- 12 "0 Mrs. G. H. Arps, board 15.00 H. F. Senile, rent . 1 H. W. Colby, rent ..... I'.,- 15.00 I'hil Huffman'.'rent .. :.. .. f "0 Cliffton Win gate, rent 15.00 • Vlgomiuih--- John D. Dianis Sr-'Son; mdse. ........ 20.00 Emil VodanslA- Est., mdse. 36.on Dr. J. C. Sculley, serv. '- 12.01 E. Vinicky, mdse 54.00 'VeWiek" ** Wahlen, mdse^ - 25.0" O. W. Hart, mdse. .,-*30.00 Kerns gr Dianis. mdse. -•• 10 00 James Kos. mdse 19.66 National Tea 'Co., mdUe^.W. 15.00 Dr. J. C, Sculley, serv., .........35.70 .tflhn J. Filip. rent J,,. 10.00 Aneta Hansen, milk ? '.•tiens'nv- Bros., mdse; .... 1;>.oo j. P. Jaster, mdse I.......;:............ 40:00 Diercks Lumber Co.. coal*', 1.63 Joseph Smida. md«?. 16.00 \. Marek, tndse. ............v.,--;.. 22.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen- Of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the County Tax Levy for the year 1935, would beg leave to submit the fbllowing report on the' matters before thPm: That we have "ftscertained the several items of necessary expenditures for the County as nearly as possible and recommend that the sum of One hundred forty-eight thousand Three hundred forty Dollars ($148,340.00) for Generai County purposes, and the sum of Forty thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for County Highway Tax, Maintenance State and State Aid Roads, making a total of One hundred eighty-eight thousand three hundred fcfrty Dollars ($188,340.00) be appropriated and levied as County Tax on all taxable property of said County and State aforesaid for the year A. D. 1935, and that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to extend said amount on all taxable property in the County, in accordance with ttoe report for the following purposes, to-wit: • Salary, Co. Supt. of Highways $2,285.00 Travelling expenses, County Supt. of Highways 715.00 Salary, County Judge 3,240.00 County Services, Sheriff ." 3,500.00 County Services, County Clerk- 3,000.00 County Services, Circuit Clerk 1,500.00 County Services, Treasurer ....;. 1,000.00 Compensation,-County Supt. of Schools 1,400.00 Off. Exp., Co. Supt. of Schools 600.00 Supplies, County Officers -.1,000.00 Stationery, County Officer#"»,,.."l,000.00 Postage, County Officers 1,000.00 Express, County Officers 1,000.00 Per Diem, Board of Review 1,800.00 Clerk Hire, Board of Review. .... 900.00 Mileage and per Diem, JUrqrs 4,000.00 Coroner's and Coroner's Jury * Fees at inquests 500.00 Fees for birth and death reports 300.00 Salary Probation Officer, County Court 1,100.00 Salary Probation Officer. Circuit Court 900.00 Belief of County Paupers ,.63,000.00 Salaries, Co. Home and Farm.... 5,000.00 Care of Inmates, County Farm and Farm 2,000.00 Fuel, County Home and Farm. .. 1,000.00 Liirht and Power, County Home and Farm 1,000.00 Bogardus Fund, relief Ex-Soldiers Sailors and Marines 5,000.00 Relief of Blind 4.000.00 Mothers' Penslftns ..........14,000.00 Fuel, Court House firid Jail 1,000.00 Light and Water, Court House and Jail 1,000.00 Repairs of Court House and Jail 1,000.00 T,ei>nirs of Co.' Home and Farm 1,000.00 Janitor Service 1,400.00 Supplies, Court House 500.00 Supplies, County Jail 500.00 Hilary, Cooking for pris. 1,200.00 Salary, Deputy Sheriffs 1.800.00 ' iverv for Sheriff .....vL.... 1,200.00 County aid in building bridges 500.00 Furniture Court House and Jail 500.00 Law Books. Circuit, and County Court Libraries 1,000.00 Per Diein, Board of Supervisors 1,040.00 Special Committee Work, Board of Supervisors 2,500.00 Mileage, Board of Supervisors 500.00 of T. B. in Cattle 3,oo0.oo Payment of Rlgh.t of Way 500.00 General Fund. , 2,500.00 mer, Brown, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, Section I May, Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Section 3 ..... Supr. McConnell voted aye. Naye none. Motion dealared unanimously carried. The following reports of the County Superintendent of Schools were pre- Sections 7.' 10' J." sented gnd read which, on motion of Section 8 Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Su'pr. Stevens, were unanimously adopted, towit: Section .-J Section 4 : Sections 5; if _.!• Section 9 Section 11 ........ Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section »6, 18! Section 17 .... 100.09 70.00 160.51 ....: '80.79 8.", 0.40 328.98 171.30 79.35 82.23 75.00 23.50 67.50 180:83 135.72 129.02 Mpoit of Institute road for Tear Ending June 30, 1935 To the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, McHenry County,' 111. I, Ethel C. Coe, County Superintendent j -- i of Schools of McHenry County, respect- Total . $3,461.74 fully present the following report of all | The State Division of Highways remoneys received and expenditures made, quests that a State Aid extension resofrom the Institute Fund of this office: } lution be passed, covering a street that RECEIPTS leads east out, of Spring Groyev Illinois, 4-70 26,»U 83.86 35.00 ...-'57.5ft '.-..f . 1.77 iLabratories Court House Sup.-r " Standard Mfg: 0o.v:^e.. a beg leave to sUbini.t the following Nation Re-emp.loyn)|«ht', July Rosenthal Lbr. & FUel Co., COa:i ...r 9 96 '>r. It. D. Brown, serv. Margaret McGarrv, reftt- Mrs. Josenh vieck. rent, V Frank E. Bohl. rent \ Si P. • Store, mdse. - Edw. C. Ruhrow. mdse, " ii-sek's Dept. Store, ntdse. John Pfeiffer, rent Coral-- :•;. W. C. Nulle, mdse. Henry Lusz,' milk H. B. Benjamin & Co;, mdse. • J'!ire""o-- A. M. Wallace, rent Warren Jordan, rent . . ^'liurtl'-ff Co., rent . John Ranch, rent . . ... . ... John Benton, care Aug. Ueber, dinners transients ' ' 3o8t. 9n0n Harry Easton, rent ...• A. II. Kunda, rent' ....;..f:. 5.00 10.00 . 5.00 10.00 . 10.00 5.00 ..".L 12.00 ...... 5.00 45.55 4.34 ...... 6.49 . . . . . 10.00 . . . 1 0 . 0 0 :...... 10.00 ...... 10.00 25.00 2.45 8.00 10.50 Total $148,340.00 County Highway Tax Maintenance State and State Aid Roads ... 40,000.00 Total amount to be raised ...$188.340.00 All of'which is respectfully submitted. JOSEPH HEMMER, Chairman. E. C. HUGHES JOHN J. FILIP N". B. CLAWSON V. .E. BROWN .Bal. on hand July 1, 1934 .•.......,--1860.20 ] and we recommend that the "same . be Received for year ending • j passed. , , 1 June 20, 1935 .;..v...425.00 We have received ahd turned over to ; --- ! the County Treasurer for the road fund Total Receipts' ....,.-..--.;.-...."....^F77;5.20 j from the State Department of Finance, DISBURSEMENT? ; ' for refund of Motor Fuel Tax on gaso- Orde'r • No.-- .' .' »' • • J line used ip tractors, claim- 175-1 Lois Waechter• .....,:..i..i:sC...,.v.j|i00.00 ! No. B--120749 ., $218.65 176, Ruth A. Mead 10,00 ( Your .Commjttee. estimates tha,t theri- 177, Marina Phillitis 25.00 | will be necessary for; th'e -care of the 178, Irving Horn 5.00 : McHenry C<*jnty Patrol. .Sy^teqi 179, A. Hollarbush -"5.00 180, Ethel C. Coe,- Supt. exp. Of, ins't 25,00 181, Ruth A. MeSd 15 (10 182, Lois' Waechter;.:..,....;..,l00,<>0 183, Ruth A: Mead ......--,15.00 184, Marie Kingsley ".1 lO.OO 185, Gertrude Coarson 1...' 10.00 186, Marina Phillips fi'O.OO 186, Mrs. Laura H. Lund# 12.50 187, Ruth A. Mead -15.00 188, Adeline Saunders : l0.00 189, Cora B. Manaton 15.00 190, W. M- Welch Mfg. C®. ........ ,1.15 191, Lois Waechter .................i, ;40.00 192, Roland.... McCannon10.00 193, Marina Phillips ,90.00 194, Ruth A. Mead 15.00 Total Disbursements $618.65 Balance-on hand June 30, 1935 156.55 Total $775.20 Respectfully submitted, : ETHEL C. COE, Co. Supt. of Schools. Xeport of Distributive FnnA Tear Ending' June 30, 1935 To the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, 111. I. Ethel C. Coe, County Superintendent of Schools of McHenry County respectfully present the following report of all moneys received and distribution made of the Distributive Fund of this office: RECEIPTS Rec'd from Edward J. Barrett, State Auditor-- 1 Distributive "Fund to Elementary Schools $40,223.22 Diversion of Gas Tax to Elementary Schools ...............24,255.49 Diversion ^of Gas Tax to v High Schools ..11,893.14 Distributive Fund Back Tfcx - of 1930 * ......* 725.97 Distributive Fund Back ^Tax of 1931 ' 8,643.61 Distributive Fund Back Tax , of 1932 - 1,586.95 Total Receipts .....$82,328.38 DISBURSEMENTS - Twp. Treas.-- r Grant Anthony,-Twp. 43 R. 5 E. $2,194.34 L. W. Ackman, T 44, R 5 E 6,532.98 C. A. Phillips, T 4*, R 5 E , 3,014.03 F. R. Phelps, T 46, R 5 E 9.138.4 8 H. J. Miller, T 43, R 6 E 3,033.58 Nellie Silliman, T 44, R 6 E . ..2,496.13 D. H. Desmond, T 45, R 6 E 1,971.81 F. S. Smith, T 46. R 6 E 2,951.14 T. R. Ferris ,T 43. R 7 E ............4,363.50 G. E. Still, T 44, R 7 E 13.41111 Nellie Baldwin, T 45, R 7 E 2,176.49 J. W. Smith. T 46. R 7 E 4,079.21 L. E. Mentch, T 43, R 8 E 4,011.00 Fav McKenzie, T 44, R 8 E 11,077.30 S. W. Brown, T 45, R I E 4,821.22 F. B. McConnell. T 46. R 8 E ....3,309.81 W. A. Gottschalk, T 43 R 9 E ... 2,022.17 J. F. Carr, T 44, R 9 E 332.86 A. H. Franzen, T 45. R 9 E 561.46 Ben H. Watts, T 46, R 9 E 829.77 Total Disbursements .... .$82,328.38 Respectfullv submitted, ETHEL C. COE, County Supt. of Schools. Tt was thereupon regularly njOVed by Supr Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the report of the Committee on Finance be approved, and the Annual Tax Levy be adopted by this Board and the roll being called Suprs. CTtockweH. Wright, Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes?, Kuecker, Ackman. Hemmer, Brown, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May. Freund, Hale, Filip and Asst. Supr. McConnell voted ave. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented the certificates of the various highway commissioners of the County of the amounts necessary to be raised by taxation for the construction. maintenance, and repairs of roads and bridges in the various Townships. After the reading of the certificates it was moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the said certificates be approved bv this Board. And the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, rainier. Beck, Claw- The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison, and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairitfan and Gent'e^en of: the Board of Supervisors, McHenry -County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them; That we met after the close of the Countv Board meeting, on the 13th day of August 1935 and drew an order in favor of the First State Bank of Harvard, Illinois, in the sum of six hundred dollars, $600.00^ for the Barber, Green loader and placed-said check in the hands of the Chairman of the Committee. to be turned over to the bank after delivery of machine. The machine has now been delivered to the County of McHenry and said order paid to the said First State Bank of Harvard, Illinois. Your Committee met on the 31st day of August at Woodstock, Illinois on the matter of Works Progress Administration projects. The matter was discussed and it was decided to meet again on the 5th day of September and interview those in charge of the matters at Waukegan, Illinois, which is the headquarters for this territory. Your Committee again met at Woodstock. Illinois, on the 5th day of September, 1935, and then went to Waukegan and discussed the matter with the officials in charge. We found that the Government was requesting projects on which to put men, that ar eon relief, to work. That the Government would pav about two-thirds (2-3) of the cost, which might include some materials, and the sponsor one-third (1-3) of• the cost of of the project. That ninety per cent (90<O of the men employed on the project must be from the relief rolls and work thirty (30) hours per week and not to exceed one hundred and tlii'"- tv (130) hours per month. Forty ($40.00) dollars per month to be the pay for common labor. Projects to run ni-f\ut one vear. All projects must be signed bv September 6th, 1935, and be sent to Rockford. Illinois. Your Committee thought the County should go alonir with the Government and that it would be best to sign for some projects for th's Coontv and we did sign on behalf of McHenry County for a project to move about five thousand (5000) vards of earth on the Fox Farm road. ,\r,e and one half OVP) miles west of Woodstock, which had formerly been approved by this Board as an 1. E. R. project but not completed, and also a county wide proeram of widening existing' culverts and narrow pikes, worked out last year by the Road and Bridge Committee for consideration of the I. E. R. Commission, but on which nothing had been done. We thought this program was also before this Board before and that we would not be overstepping our authority and that the whole matter was in the nature of an emergency. The Fox Farm Road project involves about seventv-twb hundred dollars ($7200) estimate of cost wb<»h the Countv is to furnish up to $2679.50 in rental of one county truck, a team and small tools and in payment for material and labor. The County wide ,nro1ec» involves between eighteen and nineteen thousand (*18000 and $19000.) dollars of which the Countv was to pay about seven thousand dollars ($7000) nartly 'n rental of small tools and three (3) trucks, one half ( ) the cost of culvert n*ne and pnv the overseers, which we planned to be some of our road natroimen that we i»sy for part time anyway. Your Committee again met on the 7th day of September 19S5 and ordered paiil bills of a general nature, chargeable the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a "whole. Including repair and sunplies for County owned machinery and cost involved in making the stone for proposed asphalt top for Greenwood Road, known as Section 7, M. F. T. re-employment for which would come from Motor Fuel Tax Funds when said st">i» is "sed to the sum of :.$927.39 Bills chargeable to the various Sections of County Patroll System of Roads, for labor and materials at rates heretofore approved by • -this Board. Roads and purchase of ma'cb'uiery', an appropriation from'the County! "Highway Tax Fund levied in September 1 934 the -sum of $4000.00. additional until , the October meeting of this Board; , Ail af which Is'- renpeetfUltyjaii^tiK(^eilU • - A. H. HALE - .' E. F. KUECKER . »• ' ; . FRAJS'K MAY:; - ' :••' :;=- -'v -; > ' F. E. BECK ' ' * " It-'-'.^ras moved by Supr. Freund aittd d,uly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell that an appropriation of Four thousand Dollars be made from the general fund to the pauper fund' to be used for paying poor bills allowed at this meeting. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously . carried. The Special Committee on construction of a culvert in Seneca Township made the following report, which, on motion of Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Turntr and the roll being called was declared, unanimously adopted, to-wit: - • , • Your Committee to whom was 'refer-, red the matter of constructing a new culvert at the site-of the Moritz culvert on the Public Highway in Section 9, Town of Seneca, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we met at the site of- said bridge on the 8th day of May, 1935, together with the Highway Comifiissioner of said Town of Seneca, and 'decided to grant the prayer of the petition and put In a six.(6) foot diameter galvanized corrugated metal culvert pipe, -forty (40) feet long, instead of a concrete culvert.^&nd lay same in place, the Town of Seneca t0 do the filling of the approaches and secure additional right ol way. We then instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to secure bids on said culvert pipe and remoye the existing structure and install the new culvert. We met on the 13th day of August 1935, before the meeting of the Board of Supervisors, and examined the bids of said proposed culvert pipe, and found that the bid of thoAV. >.). O'Neal Company of Illinois, of Springfield, Illinois for 172 inch <1 ianuiter galvanized corrugated metal pipe ol 10 gauge thickness, 40 feet in length at $333.60 delivered to the site of said Moritz culvert, was the lowest bid received and decided t.o awarj the contract to said company. Your Committee again -met at the site of said culvert on the 30th day of August 1935 and fouhd said culvert cotiipleted and decided to accept said improvement, and we recommend that the County Clerk draw orders on the County Treasury for payment of said bills and the labor and materials involved in tearing out the old structure and installing new culvert as follows: W Q. O'Neall Co. of Illinois. . 40 lineal feet of 72 in. cul-. - vert pipe 60 Sales tax 10.01 11.10 11.10 8.14 8.70 6.29 3,70 6:29 . $343.61 Fred Mengs, Woodstock, 111, 4514 lbs. dynamite, 50 ft. fuse, 20 caps 14-84 Herman Schauer, 30 hrs. labor.... Robert Albrecht, 30 hrs. labor '.... H. A. Katzenberger, 22 hrs. labor Arthur Schauer, 10 hrs. labor .... Verne E. Kiltz, 17 hrs. labor Hurley Bailey, 10 hrs. labor Clarence Schrqeder, 17 hrs. labor Total cost .$408.77 Payment of the above will discharge McHenry County's obligation in the matter of the above improvement. AM o£»which is rsepectfully Submitted. .. . L. A. STOCKWELL-, - ' ' ' i N. B. CLAWSON CHAS. H. ACKMAN I C. L. Tryon,'County Superintendent of Highways, for McHenry County, Illinois, hereby approve the above^ materials and amounts due 'tji.e parties above named. ^ L..TRTON, Cfr. Supt. of Hwy; Leonard .^....i.oooJi C. F. Gaulke Est., per Frank M. Gaulke, Exec, and Martha Gaulke "v Parker, Executrix 4,0ft0jil# Lester Edinger, Co. jrre^fe. fee .... 111.11 State Aid Soote 8-B, 8BX 176 Woodstock I'iaijv ^entinei, Publ. .•••' : notice Hjickliunft-r, et al " Equity No. 4059 43.66 Lester Edinger, Co. Treas. fee .... 0.88 THEREFORE, be it resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount of " $5655.49 qf the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 Law be Used for the purchase of sala " right of way above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that • R. D. Woods, County Clerk, is hereby^ ' directed to certify a copy of this resos? / lutioft . to ' the Department of Public ,, Works and Buildings Division of HuStK • ;SB*y8» Springfield, Illinois,v;for It* ' firoVal for vOucht-F. •<> ' " . • .•••T .: - : > The Clerk presented reports». of' the" County,Clerk and Circuit Clerk of -fee*-. earned which\were, on motion, O'I DERE^"" V? -placed on file. " v . ': * " u\ .The Committee on Fees ami SsMrMa - :matle thfr fol,towing report which on. md- -" 'tioft of Supr: BroWlj and duly seconded-'. <-'• * : by -Supr. • Filip tind the roll being called was- de.claj'ed,; unanimously adopted, ,tpr w i t : ' • . : . - '• v * " 1 ' " . "'September i Qth, 1 9 8 & . - . , Mr. fjhsiirmtin and .Gentlemen of the ' ' .Board,Of Supervisors:; ;; ' ' . .. ;-,r. .•your 'Committee • Fees and SalarlejB. : ; - - have been informed by" the Cou'nty Clerk' that the County Court of" McHenry •. Count^jfirough a drive in the disposl- ' * ." tlon orclaims against estates in whichsome Fifteen hundred claims were dlsposed of, an'd" the recent program of the said court to close some Twelve hup* . dred estates that were over a year old, has depleted his appropriation made for clerk hire for the period ending December 1st, 1935. Your Committee feels that the action of the County Court in • , disposing of these matters is a good ' thing for the people of McHenry County and that quite a bit of additional revenue will be received and outstanding- ! . • , accounts will be collectedi We therefore recommend that the, 1 County Clerk be allowed an additional; appropriation out'of his .fees earned In the amount of Four hundred Dollars ($400,0.0) be used- for said purpose for. the period ending December 1st, 1935. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. M. TURNER C. M. PALMER ' . / B. C. HlTGHKS . ' J'- v E. F. Kl'H( KER . • JOSEPH HEMMER:. : STEVEMS." '• 1:. The Committee on Resolutions made the following report, .which on mot foil ,of Supr. Brown and duly seconded by 'Supr Wright was declar<ed unanimously adopted, to-wit: ' " . . . B e s o l n t l o ^ v ' ' - ' ' - WHEREAS, Gardner A. Knapp, a resident of McHenry County, who did so faithfully serye said county as Superintendent. of the McHenry County Home for a period of twenty-one years, departed tnis life this day, the tenth day . of September, A. D. 1935 1 . ' BE IT THEREFORE .RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of , McHenry County in Annual Session assembled • - I hat in the .passing-of-the said Gardner A. Knapp, the people-of McHenry County Ivave sustained an irreparable loss; . - That in his.passing Mcllenry County has suffered the loss of one who has labored hartl and faithful for the benefit \ of his fellow men: , BE IT Fl'RTHER RESOLVED that said Board extend to the widow and - , children of said deceased its heartfelt , sympathy and bereavement and ••«•' HE IT' ri'HTUHR RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread up^tf'V, the records of the Board and a cojpty ' - thereof forwarded to the widow of the' said Gardner A. Knapp, now deceaseq^ii-"- N. B. CLAWSON - : ' L. A, STOCKWELL -'-/ v . F. E. BECK J. E. HARRISON - • A. H. HALE : . "'•- The Committee on Eradication oif T. B. in Cattle made the following report, which, on motion of Su'pr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman was unanimously adopted, .to-wit epofrt of County Veterinarian/ n Sdpt- 1, 1934 to Sept. 1, 193> duly declared Annual Repo Office from S^i Clean Herds 1934,--. herds cat. herds cat. tors exp Sept. - 5.8 3980 17 594 Infeted Herds reac- off. Oct. 193 MoV. 274 Dec. 172 1935-- Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Total 250 184 323 281 337 259 93 12 5157 7370 3666 6734 4785 8547 7831 8782 6293 1 960 3007 15 16 14 17 23 28 29 25 20 3 5 497 6.99 514 560 831 828 97 4 674 : 591 110- 34 $17,80 31 123.1" 28' 9.93 21. 10.66 34 68 81 44 32 53 6 14 3o.n« 14.2? '52.73 1 6.95 J 6*35' 11.50 5.70 122.45 Grand Total 2651 "68112 212 6947 449 $421.50 2651 68112 2760.00 (Salaries)-. • 2863 75059 449 $31 81 ."•' Total NO. Of Herds tested , . . . 28"J3 Total NoV -of Cattle tested Total No. of Reactors found .... Total Expense -- • --- $<•'81 •;"' Average cost of testing per h«adn4-W.c Percentage of infection . . .... -...00^ v. Sept. 10, 19,i-> Your Committee would further report and recommend that there Tie appropriated the sum of Thirty Five Hundred Dollars <$3500) out of the tax levy or so much thereof as fs necessary to. continue the work of eradication of Tuberculosis in cattle from Sept. 1, 193o, tc Sent. 1. 1 936. We further recommend that the.countv continue under the present area plan of handling the eradication of tuberculosis in cattle. '..v All of whiclvis r.>soectfully submitted. E. F. KPECKER J. E. HARRISON A. B. McCONNELL . Supr. Kuecker. Cliairman «>f th<> Committee on Eradication of T. B. in cattle, stated that there had been some talk, among the meml-ers with regard to the salary of the clerk in veterinarian s office and-it seemed to be the-'opinion of some of the meml-ers Oi"t ••he w'or' •ould be done for considerably less. A general discussion was then had in regard to said matter, after which 'a * tion was made by Siipr. Hale s(*concl6c1 Supr. T'oek that saici mat ter be referred to the Comm'ttee on Eradication of T. B. in cattle for (i report. Motion declared carried. The following Resolution on State Aid Extension, Spring Grove, Illinois. ya« presented and read and on motion Supr. Brown and duly seeor 'ed bv *•'\- ind the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: :-- State Aid Extension Besolntlon State of Illinois. .Mltenry County, ss. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by th«i_Eoard of Supervisors of McHenry County-tbat' WHEREAS, the Right of Wav Committee of the Board, of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, have secured •he signatures to the following Highway dedications for the improvement of -tate Aid Route Number 8-B. 11 and It "xt MeHenrv Co\in»v. T11 i n. •; ' State Aid Ut. 11 and 11 Ext., SBI mt. 47 '^. M. Gaulke ...• .,--....5100.0. vfnreta Thomas and Norma Shuhr 400 "Ov Charles Leonard and Marie - • : ' The Committee on Mcllenry County Home made the following report, which, on motion of 'Supr. ..Wright and dull# • seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll - being called ,wf£& uanimously adopted, t o - w l t : . . . September 6, 1935. Mr. Chairman and members of the ... Board of Supervisors -of McHenry Colin-- tv, your County Home Committee, respectfuHV siib-mits the following report, for the month^of August, 1935, audited „ ' and paid Sejitember 6, 1935. :Dr.. Brand, .medicine TtMt;,-:, The Bohn Hardware Co., hardware, kitchen ware, paints, etc, 31.04» : : ' Criswold. laundry, hospital 4.50 , Elgin Cigar and Tobacco Co., tob. 2.60 Fred -Klin#, mason work 6.7.5: Arvid E. Anderson, mason work ,3.60;., J. W. North & Co.,'ace'ting sys. .... 50.00 O. W. Hart, groceries .....18.52 Mary E. King, D. I». S. dentistry.... 9.00 G:. F. Foster!ij, disinfectant,and/ flv dope • •-- 111. Bell Tel. Co., telephone .; Corn' Belt Hatcheries, feed- ........... E. F. Baccus, electrical work arid fixtures R. O. Andrew Co., feed ....... F, W'oolworth Co., kitchen utensils, etc. Frank S. Betz Co., hospital enuip. 64,fia • Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs...J. ,3.M' Bovce Bros:, gas and oil J. 25.23 C. F. Gumprecht, mach'y repairs 8.00 The Shurtleff (1<^.,- bldg. material 61.04 Breys Bakery, bread ., .... ... 54.4«,..-.- Sawyer Biscuit Co., cookies, etc 9.14 [ Public Service ' Co., electricity .... 50,24 , Albert Tessendorf, laundry gas .... 17^0: , Seward Sea Food Service, fish 8.70 ; : M. Cohn and Sons, hospital linen a"d l>.vl spreads . ...I........ 40.97 Roval Blue, groceries .13^.70 , Woodstock Wholesale Co„- tobacco 40,89 , W. P. Allen, extra help, nurse sol. 128.19 «. Frank' Dinse, threshing' 30.21- ; . (.),-! «•.-• n <;b^nuca.l...;03.; l,. mineral,......,j itock. food Xloiii^oniery Wartt & Co.. hdspitafl • „ euu'ipinent, clothihg, shoes 222.59 : v Home'Oil Co., kerosene and ' ' distillate . 30.S»^' Sanitary Plumbing and Heating ** - • Co., Pipe, N'ipples, K. Sink 63.37 Sexton & Co.,, soap and gro. 52.05 Rosenthal Lumber & Fuel Co 4.9? 9.45 76.65 27.90 27.70 . 79.29 . 53.25 . 70.00 45.00 25.00 lumber, nails, etc, L. J ess'en, painting Guy Putty, copk Arthur Wend't, h»>lp, ...;. Elva Wendt, help":WI,i|.ji^,.-.' "v; $i,«««.50" Total Brought Forward $1,666.50 \Vm.' t\- Allen and wife, salary ....150.00 1. I lorgesen, farm hand .. ..... 40.00 Mrs. V; Dougb'art, nurse --• 55.00. George : Nystrom, carpenter 102.40 $2,01.3.90 • BpTdeps Milk Check 84.08 total / . "~$ 1.929 M Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board <^f Supervisors of MyHenry Co. Ymir Cotinty- Home. Committee r'e- 'speci fully submits t he following report for th'e'month,-of August, 1 935,. Tilt- committee held their regular., monthiv meeting at' the ho«"e"Se'it. 6th ind audited the August bills drey )ril'M-s for sanie. " . The fol l<>w ing is a cohdeiised sumjnaty of the business of the home: 'V rri'anent expense. :..... ,..,..--.,,,,; $434.7# Hos-oitai ;;,.A;._;.,.'....'..;'..2.....^-..;'..,....323Ji-;.-' Iximning expense - .885.99 "lothing Tobacco M "dicine Diet iiig- - Fuel ....... $26.32 . 8.16 . 7.85 235.39 . 14.90- T.ess Net tuilk '-check ?\pense $1,937.29 ...... 84.08. ,..$1^53.21 Estimates on a hfeating plant for Jth* . .••-nanf bouse so that it can be used for a number of the able bodied male inurites were looked over ami the com. mittve decided .to .advertise for bids Oft a hot. water heating system for thehouse:.' :••".. communication from. pr. Brand wM read and is. attached hereto. ' • Respectfullv, submitted.' .-•- V A, IL HALE J. G STEVEN'S ' ' • ; HA R PI SON ' '"-'vV^E. BROWN - ' ' .• • A,' H„ McCONNELL. (Continued to Part Two) -.... .

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