Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1936, p. 8

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" PLAN CARD PARTY\ Members of St. Clara's Courts Lady Foresters, are completing plans for a card party in St.- Mary's church hall Friday evening. - NATIONAL UNION MEETING The National Union for Social Justice yfill hold its next meeting; Tuesday evening, May 19, at the K. C. Hall... Everybody, invited. " ' JELLY PARTY TONIGHT .'The Legion Auxiliary will meet'to- night: in Legion hall at 7:30 p> m. ^ ' V After the short meeting there will be %ill meet next Tuesday .evemng.^l-, - c^d p^rty>, to whlch admission will W1 " be a glass, .of Jelly. > This -jelly will go to the ex-soldiei-s at the Elgin State hospital. ^ -[A: , •.> ' v •.'>>' lowing the meeting there ^eird party' to which the public is •'jb ' BIRTHDAY PARTY ' ^ Miss Ethel Granger entertained a SUNSHINE CLUB ENTERTAIN^ , Members of the Sunshine club met Jarty of friends Tuesday evjem^ in ftt the home of Mrs. yincent Martin |*onor of her twe-n y- , l s.. .. t f>-l on Wednesday afternoon of last week Games were played and ^ ^bcious ^ the regu]ar fortnightly session. popper served. Two tables of five hundred were VVTPPTU\<5 CI UR lPlay and prizes were wort by Mrs. ENTERTAINS ^LUB Robert Knox and Mrs. John Molidor. Mrs. Peter Freund of Johnsburg was hosteps to members of her card club at the home of her sister, Mrs. J, J. Miller Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Jacob Miller, Mrs. Agnes Marshall, Mrs. J. W. Freund and Mrs. H, J. Schaffer. The J", Graduation exercises for the rural school in "the McHenry district will be held May 22. ' At this time an operetta will be given, directed by Irving Horn, music instructor. About 250 pupils enrolled in rural schools of the county will receive eighth grade promotion certificates during the next four weeks. The first exercises will be. held at Franklinville school on May 19 and the last program will be on June 4 at Harvard. Mrs. E. C. Coe, co,unty superintendent, will present the diplomas at each program. The Ring wood school is now among the rural schools in the county where typewriting is being successfully taught. Frances Muzzy the * ihstructoih - '• ' . RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Clements Wirfs have mloved from the home of Mrs. Metirer jat Woodlawn Park to the Mrs. Anna Brooks house on Pearl street. Arthur Meyers, - who lived in the Brooks house, has moved upstairs in the Jacob Justen building. 85TH BIRTHDAY OBSERVED ON MOTHER'S DAY (Continued from front page) next meeting will be with Mrs. Geo, Freund. V';/' :S-\ r'; ;v'V ••;] EASTERN STAR CARD PARTY Members of McHenry chatper, O. E. S.» sponsored a public card party Friday evening, when eight tables ! were in play. , Prizes in bridge were I won by Mrs. Robert Thompson, C. F. [ Pich, and Mrs. Henry Vogel, while in five hundred prizes went to Mrs. ALTAR AN'D ROSARY SODALITY Arline Pearson, Clinton Martin and The Altar and Rosary sodality of | Marguerite Johnson. Lunch was ;6t. Patrick's church will hold a card; served by the committee, the chair- . party in the church hall Sunday even- man being Mrs. George H. Johnson, ing, May 17. The committee members are Messrs. and Mesdames Ray McGee. E. R. Sutton, Richard Flem- Hank Wightman waitin'g for passengers and taking the mail to' the, postoffice. \ The ftrst Old, Settlers' meeting, that Mrs. Bassett remembers was on Sept. 8, 1860. ' v>. The Bassetts, too, were old settlers here, Wilbur's father, Rev. J. E. Bassett, coming here in 1854 from Willoughby, Ohio. Mrs. Bassett is in good health, although she can no* longer see to do the fine sewing and knitting of "iter younger days. She enjoys her friends and her fafnily and looks forward to meeting many of the old Timers at the Homecoming celebration this summer. Although Mrs. Bassett cannot personally write for the Old Timers' Club we ard enrolling her as a member of the'club for the above information given us. Welcome, Old Timer. The Henning family has moved from Mrs. Theresa Culver's house on Waukegan street to the house known as the Clover Dryer on the same street,. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld have moved from Chicago to the Everett Hunter house, east of the river. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE TO BE GIVEN HERE Plans are being made for an illustrated lecture to be given at the Methodist church in- the near future. Dr. L. E. Fuller, head of the Old Testament department at Garrett Biblical school, Evanston, will give talk on the Nortl Woods, which he will illustrate with /noving pictures taken by himself while on a vacation trip in the wood# jwith his son. There will be no ad* mission charge, but an offering be taken to meet expenses. Watch the date to be announced later. MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR CARL PATZKE MOTHERS CLUB Members and guests of the Mothers ing, A. J. Wirtz and Thos. A. Bolger. 'ffclub met at Legion hall Friday after- Members will receive Holy Com-[noon, with Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. EDunion in a body at 8 o'clock mass tE. E. Bassett, Mrs'. George Kramer, Sunday morning."On Monday evening Mrs. Lillian Cox and Mrs. Howard "the regular monthly business meeting Wattles as hostesses*. will be held in the church hall. j Miss May Justen, teacher of Home • i Economics at the high school, was the HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE [guest speaker, giving an interesting Honoring Miss Catherine Walsh, [talk to those present. A program was the lady teachers of the grade and' given,- consisting of a violin solo by jbigh school enjoyed a dinner at the Curtis Newman, readings by Miriam Word has been received from Commander Frank E. Richardson, of Logan Avondale Post, No. 2978, V. F. W. by Commander Ed Conway of the local Legion Post that the members of the Chicago Post and their Auxiliary will journey from Chicago to McHenry on Sunday afternoon, May 24, to hold memorial services at the grave of Comrade Carl Patzke. They plan to arrive in McHenry about 2:30 p. m., and hold the services at 3 o'clock, arriving by special bus, Sayler, and a piano solo by Marjory!with about forty members present. Duker. Members of McHenry Post are invit- The June meeting will be held atjed to participate by meeting at Lethe home of Mrs. Albert Vales, after gion Hall and going to the cemetery. I which the meetings will adjourn for -- ant/ winning /onto as fna smoothest E/GffT in tiho work/ V.;* i *' CURV New peaks of performance, economy and distinction . in the new Pontiac Eight : Evergreens in Dundee Tuesday eyen- : ; 'lag. A delicious chicken dinner was served at 7, o'clock, with the tables colorful and attractive, with bou- Cfuets of spring flowers and- nut cups the months of July and August. *nd favors in spring colors. i Miss Walsh, who will be a„ June I EASTERN STAR •fcride, was presented with a pleasing ( Mrs. Minnie Martin presided at the Jfift and a social hour was enjoyed, 'meeting of McHenry chapter, O. E.1 iS., Monday evening, at .which ballot- , FAMILY REUNION ' • | ing was the feature of the evening's A family reunion was held at the, business. home of Mrs. M. J. Freund, Mother's' Preceding the meeting a practice • "Day, which ilso observed the event the first communion of little Kathsrine Garesch, granddaughter of Mrs. WHAT DO you look for ia as eight? THE GREATEST POSSIBLE SMOOTHNESS! What's behind the fame of the r. 2 Eight? Jf'a a miracle of smoothness! Put these two facts together and you 11 know what eight to buy. You'll pick a Pontiac. Because Pontiac's smoothness is built-in smoothness. The powerful Pontiac engine has no vibration point at any speed! YouH have to go to twice as many cylinders to match that land of; performance! -Just as you must climb the price scale to approach Pontiac's overall quality. Every Pontiac feature is the finest money can buy! Moreover, under official supervision, this big car averaged 22 miles per gallon!' These facts will be enough for the motor-wise. If you want the greatest, smoothest eight you 11 buy a Pontiac! wLiittth poruJte Mno mtitc Pe)o.n tSilae/, eMtyi cphl.a, tbee gglian* am ti t$a6n15d atortd tohmn SDier Lanuxde $ 7S3ix0 efonrdth E* iEghigt.h t SUtuanbdjeacrtdto gerhomupn M Of Monthly oaymente to auit your puree on the General motore InetaUment ; Motor* IVus. , • •cottioriN extra. Mr. Patzke was a charter member of Logan Avondale Post and the first comrade to pass to the Great Beyond since its institution. Front Street W«et McHenry R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES . Illinois ENTER PONTIAC'S NATIONAL ECONOMY CONTEST-FREE CARS-164 CASH PRIZES iv Freund. Those present were Mr. and .... Mrs. George Freund and family, Mr. ^ „ . and Mrs. George Weber and family, -/ • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and session convened at 7 o'clock. Plans are being made for Advanced Officers' night on Saturday, May 23, when Mrs. Henry Vogol will act as worthy matron and the other line officers will advance a station. Lisle Bassett. associate patron, has 'family of Spring Grove and Mr. and!been invited to act as sentinel at Mrs. Paul Garesch and family, who j Sorosis chapter, Grayslake, May 22. "live with Mrs. Freund. CARD PARTY Seiven tables were in play at the card party sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church at Legion hall Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Hess was chairman of the committee 'in charge of arrangements. • Bridge awards were given to Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs. Walter Conway and prizes in five hundred went to Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Mrs. Vincent Martin The date for Advanced Officers' nigh* at Nunda chapter, Crjsstal Lake, has been changed from June 5 to June 19. Mrs. Henry Vogel will serve as Adah at that time. Mrs. Vogel filled the office of Ruth at Barrington on Monday evening of last week. She was accompanied by Frances Vycit'al, Anna Anderson, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. James Perkins and Mrs. George Kramer. ON THIS "MAKE GOOD-OFFER Among the Sick Out-of-town guests were Mr-s. Wal- ****** ter Conway, Mrs. John Conway, Mrs. Wm. J. Welch went to St. Anthony's Charles Kuppe and Mrs, George. Wil- hospital, Chicago, Monday for treatliams of Woodstock. ment. His daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, took him to the hospital. Miss Etta Rosenberger is reeover- MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM The Mother's Day program given by members of the Epworth League ing from injuries received in an autoat the M. E. church Sunday evening | mobile accident Saturday. Two was most successful and"enjoyed j stitches were taken in a cut in her by th© attendance of"'mother* ^nd , hand and she received brnises. friends present. '" I Mrs. IT Passfield is ill at her home A two act play, "Janey," was giv- near Volo. en, with musical numbers and songs, j Harry Morris* pro at the McHenry and each mother was presented with Country club, is ill this week, a pretty blossoming plant. The pro- Mrs. John S. Freuhd is ill with gram gave evidence of considerable • sciatic rheumatism. time and effort in its preparation and j J. J. Frett, who recently returned the work of the young people was from a trip to Hot Springs, Ark., was much enjoyed and appreciated. seized with a heart attack Tuesday The League is composed of about morning. Mrs. E. F. Kelter is caring thirty young people, who are inter-Jfor him. ested in its work and meetings. Peter Niesen has been undergoing -- * treatment at St. Therese's hospital, C. D.^ OF A. ELEiCT Waukegan. * Mrs. Elizab'eth Schoewer was elect- j _ Miss Kate McLaughlin, who has ed Grand Regent of the Court Joyce been confined to bed with a heart ail- Kilmer, C. D. of A. to succeed Mrs. ment, is much improved. Marie Schiessle, at the • annual elec-j Miss ^Alma Schmitt underwent an tion of officers held in K. C. hall on operation for appendicitis at St, Thursday evening. Other officers elected were: Nettie Fleming--Vice Grand Regent Mary Kinney--Lecturer. Carrie Justen--Prophetess. ,^ Ella Buss--Historian. Tlllie Stoffel--Financial Secretary. Marian Wegener--Treasurer, Marie Vales--Monitor. Anna Sutton--Sentinel. . Marie Schiessle--drganist. . Msgr. Nix--Chaplain. Installation of officers will take place Friday evening, May 22, in K. C. hall. Members of St. James Court of Belvidere will be guests and Mrs. Estelle McGill of Belvidere, district deputy* is also expected to be; pres- FAMILY REUNION Mother's Day was the occasion for a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye, when their children and their friends and their little grandson spent the day with them. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Hitzeman and little son and Therese's hospital, Waukegan, last week. : She expects to -return home this week. Mrs. Joe N. Miller is somewhat improved from her recent illness, but is yet only able to get about the house a little. Her friends are wishing for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Bridget Costello, sister of Mrs. Jack Walsh of this city, underwent an operation Wednesday morning at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. Mrs. Walsh is spending today With Mrs. Costello. We write Comprehensive Automobile Policies. The broadest coverage ever offered. For instance, your plate glass is covered without additional cost KARL R. WALSH. Phone 43 46-tf Now Rcqoirnuab Qlrls in Germany now most pass examinations in cowsheds to prove they are able to clean them properly and do other duties there before they are admitted to university or entitled to a Job. /i WE DON'T ask you to believe a thing... or risk a VEEDOL'S Make Good OFFER Have any Veedol dealer drain and refill your crankcase with the correct grade off Veedol Motor Oil. Ask him to give you a correctly filled out and signed aales slip. Keep that slip. Drive your car 10 days. And then, if you don't gladly say Veedol is the finest motor oii you've ever used, we'll make good. Simply mail your sales slip to the TIDE WATER OIL COMPANY, PLIILCADE BLDG., TULSA, OKLA...with a request for a crankcase filling of any oil you choose. We will promptly fill your cranki with that ©U, without it costing you a penny. jwiiso, i»se penny! If Veedol. Motor Oil can't prove its case. . . prove it in your car and prove it fast ... we make good. . Here is one motor oil that aims to win you not in months but in just 10 days. Not by claims, but by proof. Not by vague promises, but by the actual lift that you can feel in your motor's performance. Indestructible Veedol is made from the world's costliest crude oil by the world's largest. refiner of Pennsylvania's lubricants. That's why it can well afford to make this daring offer. Get your crankcase filled with Veedol. Drive your car 10 full days. And then, if you don't call Veedol "Jthe world's finest motor oil"... name the oil you think is better and we'll fill your crankcase with it and gladly pay the bill. VEEDOL V MOTOR OIL MADE 100* FROM PENNSYLVANIA'S COSTLIEST CRUDE Coptt**M IBM T W.O.G*. SUPERIOR OIL CO., Distributor C. N. CARLSON, Agent McHENRY SUPERIOR S/ERVICE STATION ' Phone 256 McHenry BROADWAY BARBECUE JOE HOLLY SERVICE STATION PIERSON GARAGE, RIN^OOD BUECHERT (SERVICE STATION STEWART'S GARAGE, Richmond SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALESTRIANGLE GARAGE, Fox ^ <:

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