h; • ";n: , _• ' - * " t .* 4 /. T \ ' - - v . ^ ' "'•• ' * ^ • Council Room, May 15, 19S6. A special meeting of top C: Ooancil was held Friday evening, May 16> 1936, after officially siocprs » the -Sewage Disposal Plant. Mayor Doherty presided. Aldermen present Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, J us ten, Over ton, Kreutzer. Absent: none. Alderman Overton offered the following Resolution and movefl -ifci acceptance. v BE IT RESOLVED:- ; That the Sewage Treatment • riant known as Docket No. 8155, . Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works be accepted as final completed iff" accord- Since with the plans and specifications as constructed under the Contract between the City of McHenry and the GJellefald Con* ion Co. • i 5|r; and Mrs. John Blomgren were inspecting callers « call- Friday. Merle Dowell "Was a busi e| at Ridgefield Saturday. Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday at the home of his brothers in Chicago. Earl Converse spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Celia Dowel! and daughters spent Saturday evening at Wouistock. H. C. Gilkerson and Roman Wag- Washington Wash., May 27 -- Racing against time to close the shutters and catch the train usually results in the tardy discovery that many important chores were left undone. Congress is in the ner of Grayslake were recent eallere same fix the lawmakers are conaatt tthhee hhoommee ooff Mrr.. aanndd Mrrss.. HHaarrrrvy cern€d that ln speeding departure Matthews. Mr. Powis of W&ukegan was a business caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren Monday. . • rondb/K^er. Upon c.H' Mrs. Etta Converse is visiting at t th« Aldermen «» follows^ Buss,!verse. Mr. and Mr*, JjwlCon- j ^ ^ the „iHcjsm ^ ^ they will wake up during the. heat of the campaign to find that many doors and windows were left unlatched. Consequently , many last minute measures which slide through will probably , . : j Mr.- and Mrs. A. W Foes and--6urt in Cut^n grain case of the Seupol ^gt[ Mi V iW 0t^^Y a^ draftSmanShiP ' - |Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daughMotion by Ferwerda, SecondedI bbyv ^r' spent Sunday evening at Khe h<>m6 ^ ^ an<J ^ Wm; present ; Ferwerda, aye; Fmind, aye; - 5n«t^n «VA- Krwi^er. ave; Overton. . -- - - • -- slip-shod .draftsmanship of statutes. The Senate expects night sessions for the balance of the time as a R,,7c fh.t committee ine home Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Foss. !*®4ns cleaning up the favored Buss that the purchasing ccmmitte Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse soent,ltelv,s on ^ slate- Evening meetings be authonz»d to purchase ft. pump and ^ pri<iay at the home of'with compulsory attendance have a hose and necessary equipment for ® ^ latter1® mother Mrs Philena Da-! w,y of irritating the solons. ^ There is: some talk of decfcrin* a an h Kreutzw seconded bv 1 -A hftby dftughter wis born to Mr. > recess for a month to permit attendrw7w- An"tn nHimirn Mrvtion carried • a"d Mrs* Clinton Rftven last Sunday ance at the nominating conventions pvertop, to adjourn. Motion e^ned. ^.^ ' | of the major political parties. RathBfwO\ iADRDn fO\pF RRERVVIIEPWW TTOO MMFE.EFTT *n<^ Mrs. H; 1a Brooks called er than return to their official duties l#n ^ McHenry ^ Wedn<^ in jujy when ^ presence fa ^ ed at home along the firing line, Sena tors and Representatives are willing to work all night. Veteran leaders are not inclined to authorize night debate because tempers rubbed to the raw by physical and mental fatigue provoke bitter and enduring animosities. Voting conducted -under high- The board of review will meet at . Woodstock June 3. ,J. G. Stevens of i \1 . ... _ Richmond will be the chairman, Geo. . ***- ^y Dowdl were H. Stewart of Harvard h« been ftP- '^V"*8 aU,er8 ** ^ Zttnch Ust pointed as the Democratic member _ „ , , , ^ and Foy Mentch of Cary is the third •Ro",n Do^ll who .s employed, at member. Work will continue through . 0 Mr*. , Fr*n* > tRe summer wjfc the bowdjiMring tax assessment complaints. I evening at the home of his parents. Our automobile insurance is written on the broadest forms. Well even "tow you in" for $3.00 per -year. Phone 43. Earl R. Walsh. better than a crazy-quilt design. The betting today is to the effect that with the revenue and relief meas- T« KJbp a Secret ' Tliree may keep a secret If W« of (ton are ti&d. TMC Mrs. Ray Dowell . and niece, Miss pressure conditions evolves nothing Alice Dowell were business callers at Woodstock last Wednesday. eir , Ray Dowell and daughter, Dolores,,-- 1-tf'were busine8s callera »t McHenry on ares out of the way, other important | Saturday. j projects will be abandoned. Unless Melvin Kniggie, Pete, Harry and, there is considerable horse-trading in Merle Dowell attended the WLS show the numerous conferences between the at Algonquin last Friday evening. I Senate and House within the next Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dewell andj^«w days, the quibbling will be fatal daughter spent Sunday at the home; to at least three important measures, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris near Interested parties aie working might ^heat*^ Sun. Matinee, 3:15 Continuous Week Days, 7^20 -- 9:20 DST FRIDAY MAY 29 'YELLOW DUST" -- DECORATION DAY -- SATURDAY Lionel Barry more -- -- Maureen CSullivan "THE VOICE OF BUGLE ANN" Also--"March of Time," Latest Issue--Musical, "Somewhere in Dreamland." i Woodstock Sunday. '! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and ; daughters were callers at Elgin . Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and children attended the Fox Lake-Void frame at Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, Mrs. (Harry Matthews and Mrs. Elmer Esj ping attended Advanced Officer's Night at McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., j Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell and j two children of Wauconda spent Sun- | day evening at the home of the formi'ers' father. and main to prevent the beaching of the Copeland food and drug bill, the Robinson-Patman anti-chain store plan and the substitute for .the invftlidated Guffey coal act. There is a growing recognition of inevitable trends. No matter what legislative schemes are lost in the shuffle prior to adjournment, it seems clear that the Congress which meets next January will have far more vital problems to solve than were laid on the steps at this session. ' Private industry will probably be accorded more opportunities to offer practical plans --,t o meet the unemployment iissssuuee bDee - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelock and *ore the Federal government stumbles SUNDAY AND MONDAY MAY 31 -- JUNE 1 , Freddie Bartholomew in "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" Also--Mickey Mouse. "Stars oi Tomorrow." World News Events ^ Matinee, 3:15 Continuous -.•-.-Prices Change at 5:30 ' TUESDAY - - ' ' : Bruce Cabot -- Ana Sothern "DON'T GAMBLE WITH LOVE" Also--Three Stooges. "Anita ii. The Pantry"--"All Star"--Mid- Night Blunders WED. - THURS. - FRJ. J U N E 3 - 4 - 5 MONNE QUINTUPLE!** "THE COUNTRY DOCTOR" Also--The May Flower World News Events .son, Junior, of Elmwood Park were | callers Saturday evening at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. Elmer | Esping and Mrs. John Blomgren atj tended a 7:30 luncheon and bridge party at the Iron Lantern restaurant at Wauconda Monday evening. This was the final party of the Fortnightly Club. j Mrs. John Blomgren and Mrs. Harry Matthews entertained the members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Federated church of Wauconda at the home I of Mrs. Blomgren, last Thursday, i Thirty-one . members attended and I sewing and visiting was the past time of the evening, with the serving of ; delicious refreshments. into the picture to the invftlidation of the Guffey Coal Act is expected to stimulate the participation of labor unions in political matters with the prospect of a labor party recruited from liberals in the Republican and Democratic camps. Labor organizations bound prominently in the formulation of any economic policy. Among the anticipated developments is lishment of standards of ^a living wage to maintain the purchasing pow er of the workers. The campaign battles will tend to revive public interest in budget balancing and a check of expenditure of public funds. Partisan arguments about waste and payroll-padding will have a tendency to center' attention of budgetary matters. The keynoters and platform-drafters are already tuning up for the oratorical outbursts at the Cleveland and Philadelphia pow-wows. Speeches in preparation at| Democratic head- I quarters are designed to prevent the idea that the New Deal is on trial [and challenge their opponents to present more workable solutions for pressing issues. The G.O.P. theme song writers are digging up material to show extravagance, waste and wholesale instances of Democratic ineptitude and ti» futility of experiments. Racial and sectional differences will not be neglected. Campaign strategy of the Democrats will not be materially changed at the cdnvention although tactics may be slightly switched to meet the plafcwhich crop out from the Republican meeting. On the other hand, the successful candidate at Cleveland will undoubtedly install his own staff and clean out the present high-command. The inflationary group in Congress which Juu^ssed Jheir colleagues for months are not taking their defeat smilingly. With no little regard for party labels, these militant legislators are doing their best to drive a wedge between the city and country by raising the class discrimination cry at the hustings. The life of a candidate is further complicated by the insistence of tne Townsend pension lobby which^is now inspired to lift political a revenge motive. With heels like barking dogs, the experiences of a candidate during the next few months is something which cannot be envied by the rank and file. , - t •' •„ '.1' - * VT-- -- ~ ' ~ • .'V ' 'V ' » - • . For Bradley Bathing Suits *» women, boys and girls. The unseen value in Bradley gar- * ments costs no more than ordinary' - Flacks, CouJettes, Polo Shirts 'ajamas with robes to match 'V; .:v-' lir ; -V- " " - .NEW Wash Pants for SeersTMdcor to fine ribbed Piqno. Also Sises as smaU » 8 far boys. NEW V fa pretty shadM and whit© to match say NEW Collar arid Cuff -Sets Tha* really make a million o^t of an old dress. V NEW Bradley Summer Knit and Coate. NEW Hose Shades Are in -- Suntan and Ocre shades are in tfaei lead. Store will be open Friday evening and closed all day Saturday Too many times people are unprepared for sudden illness or unexpected ^accidents. A good accident and health policy will protect your income and pay your bills. We have them. Phone 43. Earl R. Walsh. HISTORICAL SKETCHES Short historical sketches of early days in McHenry will be printed each week until the Centennial celebration. Send in your contributions now. Your Old Reliable Store McHenry celebrate after birthday on July 30, 31 and Aug. 1. motor oil SPORTS DRES3 XL „ s WOODSTOCK FRIDAY SPECIAL MAY 29 - Harry Richtnan "THE MUSIC GOES ROUND" Also--Special Attractions and No. 1 "ADVENTURES OP FLASH GORDON" SATURDAY (Memorial Special) "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" -- F. Bartholomew -- • • ;-r Dolores Barry more -- Also Special Attractions. SUNDAY -- MONDAY THE DIONNE QUINTUPLET? "THE COUNTRY DOCTOR" With Jean. Hershoh • June Lang 15c TUESDAY ONLY 15c Ami Sothern -- Bruce Cabot "DON'T GAMBLE WITH LOVE w Also--Added Attractions WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Wallace Beery Barbara Stanwyck "THE MESSAGE TO GARCIA" SOON "Things To Come" "Captain January" AFTER 10 DAYS' TRIAL, IF YOU DON'T SAY IT'S THE FINEST MOTOR OIL YOU'VE EVER USED ... WE'LL REFILL YOUR CRANKCASE WITH ANY OIL YOU NAME. ' '-'A;;- V. It Is sale to say that sporting events are Increasing in popularity among smartly garbed j'oung ladies. This young lady is shown wearing a sports dress of battleship gray with a light gray diagonal plaid. The blouse textures a shirred back with the collar, forming an ascot in front. Exhibit Rare laMcts An exhibition of rare butterflies, beetles and other Insects Is held at Frankfort, Germany, each year, and is attended by collector! from all parts of the world. • Meet your friends at the Centennial and Home-coming in McHenry on July 31, Aug. 1 and 2. ES, SIR! We foot the bill if you don't get a thrill from Indestructible Veedol Motor Oil. Never before in all your life have you seen an oil like this. So good you can instantly feel the lift it gives your ' motor. So good that your motor develops a power, speed and smoothness it has ||ever had before. But that's what we say. It's what yoil tay that counts! And you don't have to wait six months or even six weeks to form your verdict Veedol is willing to stand or fall on a 10-day trial in your motor... a trial in which you don't gamble a penny. Either you gladly announce that Veedol is "the winner and new champion" or we'll foot the bill! Read our Make-Good offer! a HH, T. W. O. O.. * • • INDESTRUCTIBLE VEEDOL'S Make-Good OFFER Have any Veedol dealer drain and refill your crankcase with the correct grade of Veedol Motor Oil. Ask him to give you a correctly filled out and signed sale* slip. Keep that slip. Drive your car 10 days. And then, if you don't gladly say Veedol is the finest motor oil you've ever used... we'll make good. Simply mail your salee slip to the TIDE WATER OIL COMPANY, PHILCADE BLDG., TULSA, OKLA. ..with a request for a crankcase filling of any oil you choose. We will promptly fill your crankcase with that oil, without it coating you a penny. tni oovi orm mmt junb ao, tm VEEDOL V MOTOR OIL. MADE 100% FROM PENNSYLVANIA'S COSTLIEST CRUDE •• SUhJtl'Jx uil CO., Distributor *chenry ^ xt o * »«0Ul«MUUI SUPERIOR SERVICE STATION *>• N. VAPLSON, Agent H one 266 McHenry BROADWAY BARBECUE y- JOE HOLLY SERVICE STATION PIERSON GARAGE R**rwood BUECHERT SERVICE STATION STEWARTS GARAGE Richmond SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES TRIANGLE GARAGE. Fox L*k*