, >* T?, ^'* . . -~ * ' Thursday, limit IB, 1936 $ >:V *• -*•< ' / >• /*<•* - " ',/y.'• j *?• MtWMim -•;;~.' ".,v: • f~* 1 V .,!»% We write an "All Risk" policy covering motor boete. Insure your outboard against ftre, theft, falling overboard, etc. Phone 43. Earl R. Walsh. 1-tf With AVERY! RINGWOOD me Mrs. Jay Cristy entertained the "Easy Aces" at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to: Sirs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. H Stephenson. . Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to: Mrs. George Young and J*. C Pearson and B. T. Butler mond spent Sunday with Mrs. Rilla Fossr, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughters, Amy and Carol and Mrs. Henry Marlowe, attended the graduation exercises of their son, Frank, at Urbana Monday. Misses Dora Anderson and Lucille M. | Peet and Amy Harrison and Shirley Salzman attended the 4-H club tour at Urbana from Tuesday until Thursday. ' - • Miss Marion Hawley is visiting her aunt, Mrs. D._ C. Bacon at Cry^al Lake. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Northrup of The Home Circle wasentertained j Woodstock spent Sunday evening here, in the h6me of Mrs. Libbie Ladd on Mr and Mrs. Harry Steers, Mr. and Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon i Mrs. Kuves and Mr. and Mrs. Frank was served by Mrs. Ladd, Mrs. Steph- i Hawley of Chicago spent Saturday AVERY Now Makes Cylinder Teeth for > Your Combine or Thresher! AVERY Cylinder Teeth tftpoeltively goirintMd ifiint breakage fot tha life of the teeth Mad* of tbt famous AVERY Special Formula steeL Multiple-Hammered with accurate dies. Tempered by special AVERY process to harder wearing edge with tougher ahock-reaJating back. AVERY teeth are indeed the finest you can get. • For COMBINES AVERY, Oliver, I. H. C., J. L Case," John Deere, Wood Bros. • For THRESHERS AVERY, Oliver, LH.C, J. i. CAse, Wood Bros., Allis Chalmers (Rumely), Aultman ft Taylor (Russell), Keck-Gonnerman. Get your set now Be ready \vhn the season opens AVERY Guaranteed Cjfcnder T«eth improve the operational any thresher or combine. 'r -s^with AVERY 1 E. J. Sheldon jSain St. Grayslake, Illinois enson and Miss Taylor. In the afternoon, a fine program'in charge of Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs. Butler was enjoyed. The next meeting will be at the home--af Mrs. Clayton Harrison. A pot-luck dinner will be ferved. . • / Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited Friday with her mother, Mrs. Kellie Dodge. i Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, Mrs. George §hi#perd and daughter, Gladys, and son, Howard, Elly Hall, Shirley and LeRoy Neai attended the Circus in Woodstock Thursday afternoon. • , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chi cago were cailers in the home Lquis Hawley Saturday evening. evening irt the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of Crystal Lake were callers here on Saturday. c Miss Virginia Welter" and Harry Steers of Woodstock spent Sunday I in the M. L. Welter home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family of Kenosha spent Monday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. To 1 d Tales Items of Inter--t Takes Prom , Hm IHeo of th* Platwdeehe of Tear* Afi Sf-? Farm BurcaMj^«;s;!^u1ot^oreT;^^«yr<"fn. century as a means of demonstrating the worth of good breeding, proper 11 feeding and careful management. DAIRY HERD TEST TURNS LIGHT ON LOW PRODUCERS Paying 62 cents for the privilege' HANFORD AND CAREY LED NO. I of feeding, milking and caring for a pn.I.A. IN HERD PRODUCTION j cow was the experience of a number of Illinois dairy farmers last year reports John H. Brock, Farm Adviser. Among the 12,478 cows owned by i members of dairy herd improvment ' associations and on test for a 12- I month period were 224 which produc- Testing for efficient production in 19 herds in the No. 1 dairy herd improvement association disclosed the information that Hanford and Carey's herd of 28 Purebred and Grade Guernseys averaged 94<6 pounds of milk and ftpftntao&ovtt ed less than 150 pounds of butterfat 1389 Poundsoffat with all but one for the year and which therefore cost-the herd in production during their owners money. ' May. - "These low producers lacked 62 \ Association figures for May as SIXTY YEARS AGO I cents on the average of paying for turned in to the McHenry County T J Flli« nf RinirwnnH with hi® i their feed bill, to say nothing about; Farm Bureau by tester Wayne Tilton Marti&l band' naid our village a i meeting other cogts in milk produc-, was 789.6 pounds of milk and 29.3 m ^tiii^^'evenhi^ and mir tion," Brock said. "On the other pounds of fat for 535 cows on test. Citizens to some excellent music. J hand- 2*2 cbws in the group on test Puring the month 120 cows each pro- The little steamer "Grace Lippin- avera&ed more than 500 pounds cott," has been anchored near the bridge for the. past week. She is owned by Col. 0. Lippincott, and is used at his resort on Fox Lake: Rev. Peter Arvedson will hold ser- , ^ . , . vices in the Brick church on Sunday ,n determmin^ the income of dairy J»en., Through the facilities of co than 500 pounds of. duced over 40 pounds of fat. butterfat and returned an average of |139 above the cost of their feed bill. "These records demonstrate that efficiency in dairy production is perhaps the most important single factor 40 cows in the/ 19 heeds were dry at the time of making the May tests. Second highest producing herd WM the 21 Purebred and Grade Guernseys owned by M. J. Freund that averaged 811 pounds of milk and 38.5 pounds of fat. Third herd honors went to Pine Tree Dairy Farm No. 1 with 43 Purebred Holsteins and Purebred Brown Swiss with an average of 1046 pounds of milk and 36 pounds of butterfat. Ben Winn's 24 Purebred Holsteins averaged 905 pounds of milk and 35.2 pounds of fat. Leland Hegeman witlv 39 Purebred Holsteins had a May production of 974 pounds Of milk and 34. pounds of fat. Other herds producing more than an average of 31 pounds of butterfat aer owned by E. A. Thomas, W. H. Gardner and Blackman and Carey. . ' 1 Old Timers to be in McHeiiry 30, 3i, Aug. 1. : next. He will visit this village regularly every two weeks thereafter operative dairy herd improvement as- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders entertained members offr their club on Tuesday evening. Six couple were | present to enjoy the .evening which Mr. and Mrs. Davis Walkington and was spent at cards aijd prizes were son of McHenry spent Sunday with | .warded to Tom McCafTerty, Frank the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. j Sanders and Mrs. Frank May. Con- Ben Walkington. solation went to Mrs. John Lay. Re- Mrs. Hermrth Salzman and children freshments were served. spent Sunday with her parents at McHenry. Mrs. Libbie Ladd, Mrs. Cora Flandaiiy iwu wcciwa uitriciniei. J , o . 4 .... , . . i -We are glad to be able to inform ^,ai,°"8' 1'183 IIIm?19 da,r>'mft" ,n our readers that R. A. Howard is pre- ®3 counties are now keeping producparing to open, at the old stan4 of Howard and Son', a restaura. nvt ,* f. ruit i nmm ovnMJ eern d^ afHJa t hivew vhimer*d *fr nm LthA r,tt rr.r and confectionery room. store and news ers, Miss Flora Taylor and J. V. Buckland attended a birthday dinner in the Ed. Cropley home at Solon Mills Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Cora Flanders and Mrs. Libbie Ladd spent Wednesday evening in the H. C. Hughes home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Billy Dodge "of Woodstock is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hall and daughter, Elly, attended a party in the Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs., ^ _ Edith Cleveland at-Round Lake, who ivllla*e treasury. On Tuesday afternoon night watchmen Lincoln and proved and the incotne from the dairy increased." | The work of dairy herd improve-' FIFTY YEARS AGO ment associations has been sponsored. Our Police Court is now in running ,1* the extension service of the Co1 order. Two cases on Monday mornihg, that werfe run? in by the night watch- Saturday and Sunday nights, received attention and helped to replenish the THE POPULAR PLACE Cor. Green and Elm Sts, Ous Unti, Prop. ; BAR AND SODA FOUNTAIN ; ^ • Tull line of Liquors -- Bottle and Draught ^©6r We sell with small profit and qnick .turnover. * . Give Us a Call Greyhound Bus Depot tfSt. 104^E . • ; rl Miss Dorothy Behrens enjoyed » Holmes, and Marshal Wightman weeks vacation at her home the past I'chartered the city bus as a patrol n-eek from her duties at Richmond, (wagon and starting from the depot Mrs. George W. May was hostess! succeeding m hauling in four between to the members of her club on Thurs-1^ Place and the !<fk"uP- of day evening. Five hundred furnished | these were brought before Police the entertainment and prizes winners ! Ma&lstJat® Ho'mes 4 and f.ned in . a were Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Geo.; total of $27 and cost*. Police Magis- May and consolation went to Mrs Itrate Holmes is liable to become a ter- Charles Freund. Mrs. Joseph Brow.!; ror to ev.l do^f ^reabouts^ And^o^ substituted for Mrs. Nick Nett who was unable to come. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Sanders. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent at Mrs. Leon Van Every's home on Friday when a party of friends 44 The PRIZE VALUES at every prtcet" says Public Experience. And that's why we Goodyear Dealers sell the most tires --by millkmst home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nein- gathered in observance of her birthhaus at Ostend Saturday evening. j Cards and visiting were the Marshals are doing their whole duty without fear or favor. W. A. Cristy, successor to Cristy, Walker .& Co., is the name of the new firm at the pickle factory in West McHenry. ^ FORTY YEARS AGO Jos; J. Mertes, proprietor of the Oak Park hotel, Pistaqua Bay, ad- Mr. and Mrs., Frank Fay, Jr., and .furnoon's diversion and the lovely ™"«ses ^ sons of Kenosha spent Sunday after-: #war(is for hieh scores went to Mrs. ^ The McHenry Military will be present. John Heimer is painting his two noon in the Frank Fay home. Mrs. S. W Brown was a visitor at awards for high scores went to Mrs William Bowman and Mrs. Ella Siegler while consolation went to Mrs. , , • j Woodstock Saturday. I Mouy Harms. At the conclusion of pottages in this ^ne occupied Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons,'car(js a delicious lunch was served;^ J«Da"^ .,y • P Miss Mae Wiedrich and Mrs. Frankie^ the guests after which the guest Sn°Wi which much improves their ap- Stephenson attended the, circus at of honor was presented with many Pearance Woodstock Thursday. beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and family of McHenry spent Friday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. 'Chicago visited in the home of Mr. Mr and Mrs. Nick Freund were]an(j Mrs. Fred Harms this weekend. . visitors in the Lester Carr home S.t- Visitors in the Frank Wagner trickle fac^y Mr. and Mrs. LLeesstteerr CCaarrri aanndd sons,; Wagner and sons, Chicago and Mr. , tH ^7 , 2 1 bllttori in the ticket office at and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and son, an(i j^fr8 Henry Heinle and family of I , , Roy, were callers at Crystal Lake on Elkhorn, Wis. j tne aepot. • j Njck and John Wagner and Clarence Karls, Chicago, spent Sunday with home folks. Mrs. Frank Sanders, son, John, are Jacob Bonslett, dealer in agricul- »uiii.ui miu j„„„u Itural implements, received a-^car load . Mr. and Mrs. John Steinke, daugh-1 of machirn ery ,l as•t wee.k , and, a ,l o.t oft ter'. Shirle"y, and Mrs. M- ary Nu-l k- -o f 'surri.e s and, Vb uggies. Among the other improvements at A> Sunday morning. J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor spent Sunday in the George jDixon home at Eagle Lake, Wis, Rev. and Mrs. Collins attended the pending this week with her daughgraduation exercises of their grand- j ter. Mrs. A1 Westman, at Woodstock, daughter from the New Trier high j Donald Merritt of Sycamore is enschool at Wilmette Thursday evening, joyinrf a week's vacation at the home They went Wednesday and returned • 0f Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer. home Friday. Andy Straub was a guest of Miss Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston Lorena Esh on Sunday. of At the Is For example--LOOK! " »$4.45 SPEEDWAY Husky! Big! Handsome! With •11 these Goodyear Safety features: -- THE GOODYEAR MARGIN OF SAFETY with cepter-traction for quick-stopping -- THICK, TOUGH, LONG• MILfe. AGE Goodyear non-skid treads -- BLOWOUT PROTECTION IN EVERY PLY (built Wltfc * SUPERTWIST cord) Let us show you your size Walter J. Freund -- G«oid Used Tires In All Tires, Batteries, Battery CI Tire Vulcanizing, etc. -- Gasoline. Tractor and Motor Oils. ^ Pksae2*4 spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, and Mrs. C. J. Jepson attended a music recital at Algonquin Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, were visitors at Arlington Heights Sunday. Mrs. C- Anderson and Bernice Smith ntioch spent Friday afternoon at latter's home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Wurtzinger of Woodstock spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe an£ children of .McHenry spent Sunday evening in the George \ oung home. John Smith shot in the 3006 rifle match at the McHenry rifle club Sun? day. Sidney Frey of Capron won the cup. Miss Pearl- Smith sf>ent the past week with her sister at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck of Dundee spent Sunday in the Charles Peet home. Miss Lora Harrison and Alice Peet spent Friday afternoon in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake were callers in the George Harrison home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Dundee spent Sunday in the Wm. McCannon home. Miss Esther Smith is spending the week with her sister at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent Friday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck of Dundee were callers in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of Crystal Lake were callers in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and daughter, Shirley, spent Sunday in the Stephen Huff home at Spring Grove. Mrs. Louis Schroeder was * visitor at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Frank Rehorst home at Hebron. Frank Fay of Kenosha spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Jessie Schroeder was a visitor at the Brookfield Zoo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman of Chicago were callers at S. W. Brown's on Saturday evening. Miss Alice Mae Low spent the Weekend at Muskegon, Mcihigao. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family of Deerfield spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty. >. - Mr. aad Mra. Flojd Foss «f. Rieh- • ; V • . THIRTY YEARS AGO The school board has engaged the services of Mr. Beatty, of Walnut, Jll., to take charge of our public schools. A new bridge is being put in over the mill race near the Hanly Mill on the West1 side. Miss Kate F. Howe, who has taught in the prima ry department of the McHenry school* for the past eleven T , _ , , i years, has resigned her position here home of her son, Jo n an rn, an< iantj accepted a position in the May- Mrs. Byron Orvis visited in the family, Chicago, from Tuesday until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kattner, son, Arnold, John Engels and Mrs. Will Engels visited with Mrs. John Schmitt at St. Therese's hospital Wednesday evening. Martin Freund and daughter, Mrs. Annie Amann of Round Lake, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay Sunday. EQUALS THE RECORD wood. III., schools. Mrs. James Quinn is making quite extensive improvements about her property da. the east aid# of Fox riv-^ er. TWENTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward have removed to Elgin, where the former has found suitable employment. The motorcycle cops made a survey of the town last Saturday afternoon and they may pull in here at any time. Motorists, Beware! The cold and rain were responsible for the small crowd in town over the weekend. Here's ^hoping that the weather man treats us better this week. NOWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD wDl jrou find a track with oil Umm fMtaiM at such low pricos tfSW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES always equalised for qolafc, ^straight 8M" m CCtWKMRCM. rumrocTinoM rULL-1 DE LUXE CJKB with eiear-rw* • Instrument panel §m. Nowhere else in the world will yoii find trucks that will give you such great pulling power at such low prices as the new 1936 Chevrolets! Nowhere else in the world will you find trucks that are so extremely economical for allround duty! And nowhere else in the world will you find trucks with such outstanding performance, comfort and safety features as a High* Compression Valve-in-Head Engine, New Perfected flydraulic Brakes, Full-Floating Rear Axle anil new Full-Trimmed De Luxe Cab, at Chevrolet's remarkably low prices! See these trucks . . . have a thorough demonstratkm . . . and you will know that they're the right tracks for you! CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.. DETROIT, MICH. moiom nanrauuMorr piju*--monthly payments to atnr took NEW HIGHCOMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE with increased horsepower, increased torque, greater ' economy in fas and dl rULL-FLOATING REAR AXLE with barrel type wheel bepry^s on lH-toa models *360" AND UP. Litt priem of Am half-torn Hbmm at . Special equipment extra, Priem tniatea in Mu advertisement are list at Flint, Michigan, and subject to change tmthamt notice. Schwerman Chevrolet Sales CORNER I'. mchknry. lit BARGAIN S • not fab/Ootwi Tbis Mako shark, caught off the shores of Bimini. t£nglisb isle. 45 miles off Minm^ beach, by Norton Conway,- New York stock broker, equals the world's record for this type of tish. It weighs 7U8 pounds. Conway sp^ot more than one Dour ID boating' his cctcb. //'Buggy Wkip Trade Brett today the annual prorfaeMoa (rf boggy whips exceeds $300,000 and 40,* 000,000.000 pounds of snuff are used aaefeyear. 25 yd- Spool Silk CASTING LINE ffS f F E < I A L THIS WEEK % 49c Famous Dictator Line of high quality Japan silk. 20 lb. test # Tabu ler Bait Csstinf ROD 98c Good quality Jgod, with doth bag. Bote white ikey last V Meek ieiue»oble. tm ese bewl for jelly, candy, nwt«- ftecMty -- UUUly -- lew Cast. L I M I T 2 TO A C U S T O M E R . . Prices Good Until June 25 WM. H. ALTHOFF HARDWARE Main Street West McHenn True Vslue REEL 100 yd. capacity. Level winding. P I K I E M I N N O W at • --. w 98c 4l/i in. long. Natural Pikie scale finish.