Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1936, p. 2

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: , , y >/ >•/ . . . . . . . . RINGWOOD wm m ;*ts-? •€<••"• • -$&"•••••'] ' -J „ . - ** Thm*<(»y, 'nae 25, "' family of Solon Mills, Mrs. Viola Low | Sunday %ith her parents, Mr. and I DRAMATIC ART PUPILS V*»" f«., The Bunco club enjoyed a picnic , tt the home of Mrs. Edgar Thomas •Thursday. ; The Sewing Circle met at the home pf Mrs. Joe McCannon Friday. A jpot-luck dinner was served at noon. • The 3rd meeting of the'Ringwood Junior Dairymen of 4-H club was held •'-at the home of John and Kenneth Cristy Thursday, June 18. Plans for a card party to raise money for the . Club were completed. After the weeding refreshments were served Kind initiation of new members was . taken care of. :;,v Mrs. Cora Walters of St. Charles, Mo., and Frank Walters of New Lon- {5>i|bn, la., spent Friday in thfc Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeiShepard and . family spent Thursday and Friday in -^<fhicago.*;' • ...: . , - 5; Leonard Carlson Is enjoying a two • peeks' vacation from his duties at the ®owman Dairy Plant. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter and V;:"'-'i|»ughter, Hazel, of Kenosha, spent "Sunday in the Fr,arik fay. home.." Roy Welter spent Saturday even- ; • • ; « i i i p i n C h i c a g o . ; h , ' ' [ ,••• i : - Mr. and Mrs. Glenh Jaclcson and and children and Mr. and Mrs. 5. H. Beatty spent Sunday in the Elmer Olsen home. Mr. and MVs. Earl Colby and daughter, Dorothy, of Crystal Lake were callers in the George Shepard home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs/ Lonnie Smith and children, Mrs. William Wurtzinger and Mrs. S. W. Smith sp^nt Friday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday afternoon in the James Bell home at Lake Villa. Miss Ethel Biggers, Chicago, spent the weekend at her home here. Betty Brenner^ Norma Larson, Ruth Klintworth and Alice and Marion Peet were capping at Twin Lakes i last week. j James Simpson of-Chicago is visit- |mer. ing in the home of his brother, Ralph I Mrs. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetze of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family of Kenosha spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Northrop of Woodstock spent Sunday evening in the M. L. Welter home. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of Crystal Lake, were visitors here Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrsv William Wurtzinger of Woodstock spent Saturday and Mrs. Lonnie Smith Miss Bernice Smith, Antioch, spent Sunday night with her parents, Mr and Mrs. S. W. Smith. » „ Mrs. Viola Low, daughter, Alice, and son, Robert, Mrs. Ray Peters and) Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were visit-5 ors at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Sunday .evening with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mrs. George Young spent Friday with her mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and family of Chicago spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Frank Fay of Kenosha spent the weekend at his home here. Miss Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, have moved here for the sum- DR. F. H. SCHARFF, DENTIST Announces the opening of an office in the RIVERSIDE HOTEL, McHENRY beginning Friday, June 19. Practice Will be limited to the EXTRACTION OF TEETH, ROOFLESS PLATES, FULL PLATES and REMOVABLE BRIDGE WORK Office Hours: Friday and Saturday of each week, 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9, p. m. Sundays by appointment. Prices reasonable in keeping with the conditions of today. ALLWEATHER --a great tire on three counts | THE GOODYEAR MARGIN OF SAFETY with tough, sure-gripping center-traction tread that gives 43% longer non-skid mile- --~ age than even former Goodyears. 2 PATENTED SUPERTWIST *• CORD -- more resilient, more enduring than any other cord -- insures greater blowout resistance in every ply. 3 LOWEST COST PER MILE service with greater safety in every mile -- proved by the experience of millions. •lUciaUnd THE WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING TIRE Trade la Your Old Worn-out Tires regardless of condition, for new BLUE RIBBON GOODYEARS at the following prices: 4.50 x 21 4.75 x 19 5.00 x 19 D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters. Shirley and Marion and Jessie Schroeder were visitors at Park Ridge Wednesday. . > Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Harold Whiting • of Chicago spent Sunday in the Louis Schroeder homel ' Mra, Mayme Harrison of McHenry and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and:Mr. and Mrs. J. C Pearson were visitors at Milwaukee 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hall and daughter, Elly, and Roy Hobart spent Sunda^ at Elgin. j H. M. Stephenson is visiting relAi tives in Oelwein, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Allen of Maywood spent the weekend in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens were ; Elgin visitors Thursday everting. ! Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Miss Flora I Taylor and J. V. Buckland spent Sunjday in the W. A. Collins home *t I Beloit. T. A. Abbott and Mrs. Clark and i daughter, Letah, of Ostend were call- !ers in the J. F. McLaughlin home on I Sunday morning. j Richard Edinger of Woodstock ' spent Saturday and Sunday with Billy Dodge at the home of his grandi mother, Mrs. Nellie Dodge. | Alice Anderson and family were I Woodstock visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edinger and j family of Woodstock spent Sunday ! afternoon in the Joe McCannon homfe. I Mrs, Louis Schroeder entertained ! the Scotch Bridge Club at her home ! Wednesday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Taft and daughter, Mary Ann, Mr. Shaw and Olive Jepson, of Rockford spent Sunday in the C. J. Jepson home. • _ Mr. and Mrs. Will McCannon were visitors at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Will McCannon and Mrs. R. Simpson called on Mrs. Nick Adams at McHenry Tuesday. Ray Stephenson of Chicago calle'd in the Mrs. Frankie Stephenson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday ill the George Harrison home. /Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and family were callers at Marengo Sunday afternoon. The Boy Scouts of Division No. 1 | OP IN iSP WOOD RED CALLAHAN DSTOCK RECITAL Mies Mildred Callahan presented her students of dramatic art in a recital Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in St. Mary's auditorium, Woodstock. Three plays were given by the stud y< VOLO The Volo Cemetery 'Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Jay Vasey Wednesday, July 1, instead of July 8. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones motorents and Miss Louise Jung appeared j«d to Gage's Lake Thursday evening in a piano solo. on business.. t Miss Callahan's pupils from McHenry were included in the program as follows: The Princess And The PatUitS Polly--Roseanne Peterson. Becky--Barbara Carey. * _ Kate---Mitzi Durland. Patsy--Patricia Conway. > Jane--Johanne Durland." I>ottie--Dolores Vales. * ; Princess Judith---Patricia Oliver. ' Bopps--Peggy Conway. Ten O'Clock--Marianne Conway. Eleveif O'Clock--Jeanne Ellen Zoia. Twelve O'Clock--Kathleen Zoia. Three O'Clock--Marilyn Merwyn. Five O'Clock--James Zoia. H»e Barber Shop Man The Child's Prayer--Marianne Conway. "Sailing Time"--^ane Durlaraij;,.;""V",i j , The Made Tea Party J j Alice--Mitzi Durland. The Mad Hatter--Patricia Oliver. The March Hare--Johanne Durland. The Dormouse--Marilyn Merwin. " Naughty Pussy , The Little Elf Man--Mary Frances Zoia. "Over the Coffee Cups"--Miriam Sayler. Rhapsody, F sharp Mfrior--Louise Jung. '* . A Chinese Dream Come True The Old Witch--Peggy Conway. Butzee--Kathleen Zoia. Queen Mee Mee--Jeanne Ellen Zoia. Tee Dum--Mary Frances Zoia. Tee Dee--James Zoia. Sister Fairy--Elaine Krug. Butterfly--Mitzi Durland, Johanne Durland, Barbara Carey. SPRING GROVE Donald Grabbe of Crystal Lake spent the past week here with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, of Wauconda spent Tues* day here with Mrs. Richard Dowell. George Passfield of Chicago visited his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Wagner met with a very unfortunate accident Saturday evening when she caught her third finger in the electric grinder, cutting the finger very severly. Mrs. Jacob Wagner spent a few days the past week in Chicago at the home of. Mrs. and Mrs. H. J. Martini. ' • ' Mrs. Anna Lusk spent Monday in Chicago with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Htorton of Grayslake visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. Hurry Hironimus, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Rossduetecher and son of Chicago visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossduetscher, ^Thursday evening; Mrs. Joseph Wagner and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen attended their card Club at the home of Mrs, Mary Kooch in Libertyville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs. Sarah Fisher were Woodstock callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rossduetscher spent Friday evening at the home of Matt Rossduetscher nea»: Round Lake. • Mrs. Alex Martini and Mrs. Joseph Wagner .were Waukegan callers Monday. Mrs. Roy Passfield and family visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Dalvin, in Wauconda Sunday. Mrs. John Hutzel of Chicago visited her grandfather, John Waltpn, on Wednesday. Miss Alice McGuire - of Chicago spent Monday here with her sister, Mrs. T. Fitzpatrick entertained the members of her club on Thursday. afternoon. Auction five hundred was, ,s; Frank Henkel, Jr. played during the afternoon and priz-, es were awarded to Mrs. Ben May,, Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. William Lohmann and of Libertyville and Keefe received* consolation. A lovely lunch completed the party . Mrs. Tony Berger, son, Ernest, of Chicago, visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Behrens and family on Friday. Miss Evelyn Sanders spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Alvin-Westman at Woodstock. Preparations are being made for the annual bazaar of St. Peter's Parish to be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 25 and 26. The nuns of St. Peter's church have left for-.the convent at Milwaukee, Wis., where they will spend the summer. Guests in the Frank May home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George I held « U d,aU^t®r' D°l0re?:u ^ v"* Wonder Lake Wednesday evening. IMra' Fred Ste">' and ch,ldren' Mr' Mrs. Howard Fellows and sons, James and George and daughter, and Mrs. Raymond Thomas and son and Mr. Stelley of Chicago, Mr. and ; Mary JTe an, LTl, o,y d, andi Marjo^ry Tegt-,i Mrs. William Kattner,' Mr. and Mrs. man, JTo Uh n DR ogers, A. rnom Kowe and Arthur Kattner•,» son,• Bill•y", Mr. and Robert Ainger of Genoa City spent I ^ Ernest Kattner and childreii, Thursday'evening with Wayne Foss. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and !of Johnsburg and Ed Kattner A pic- 1 nic dinner was served on the lawn Marie Fitzpatrick and Miss Kats I Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones motored to Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pausch, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pauscli of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson of Forest Park spent Tuesday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini. Mr. and Mrs. Flint returned to their home at Freeport, Minn., Tuesday, after spending the past week here with Mrs. Anna Lusk. Jason Walton is now employed at the'home of G. A. Vasey. A large crowd attended the ball game at the Volo diamond Saturday afternoon. Lake County Farm Bureau team played DeKalb County Farm Bureau team. DeKalb County was the winners. Community Night was held at the Volo Recreational Hall Friday even ing. The evening was spent in playing five hundred, euchre, auction five hundred and«bunco. Prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Hironimus, Mr. Frank HSronimus, in five hundred; Lloyd Russell, Russell Dickson, in euchre; Carl Thorsel and Dorothy Vasey in auction five hundred and Ray Etten and Richard Steinsdoerfer in bunco. The next meeting will be Friday evening, July 18, at the Volo Recreational Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and family of West McHenry, G. A. Vasey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Iftraker. Miss Lillian Scheid of Wauconda spent Wednesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield Sunday. The Ladies Aid of the Volo Community Bible church met at the home of Mrs. Russell Magnussen Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser motored to Dixon, Illinois, Thursday. Herman Dunker and son, Robert, attended the State-Wide Day sponsored by the Tri-County Holstein club at Mooseheart Wednesday. . Mrs. Jose'ph Passfield, Mrs. (jharles Dalvin and Miss Roberta Dowell werg Waukegan callers Friday. Arthur Adams spent the weekend in Chicago with friends. Miss Zelma Russell of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrsv S J. Russell. Misses Genevieve Wright, Alice Russell, Zelma Russell, Mrs. S. J. Russell, Mrs. Walter Crook and daughter attended the birthday party of Betty Lou Mickey at Garden Prairie, Thursday. 3;'> "J ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay attended the funeral of little Ted Anderson, six-year-old son of Charles Anderson, atf^Vntioch, Monday. The was killed in an automobile accident in which his mother was injured, Sad* V urday. cemetery dues-;;;,:".-"!/^. Dues fbr the upkeep of lota ' .fa. Woodland Cemetery may be paid to Mrs. Ony Wheeler, secretary or Mrs. Lillian Sayler, treasurer. Your assistance is appreciated. 24 -inni-nnpin nnnn nn rnnn«vnr9^nnnn< m:Qt' Blackened Pots' ud Wmnm NEW AGAIN with GLO GLO, the new cotton-soft metal V wool, make* scorched pota and J'"" pacas shine like newt It gets the . '. below-surface dirt . . . QLO re- - ' ^ moves G. O. (cooked-in odors). Ask your grocer Today about the } V; FREE GIFT offer with GLO. . Vroi iui it Schaefer's Grocery and Market House Gall Optical Service In Your Own'Home Without Extra Charge This service has been found to be invaluable by those who'for various reasons find it impossible to take time for two or more visits to the doctor's office. It makes it possible for you to secure expert and efficient attention, in examining your eyes and fitting proper glasses in your own home at your own convenience, with the same latest and scientific instruments I would use in my office without extra charge. Why not call in. your eye doctor as you do your family physician ? EXAMINATION AND COMPLETE GLASSES Single Vision: $8.00 to $12.00 • Bifocals: $10.W to $15.00 18 years of experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. For Appointment Phone Chicago: Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W write to DR. M. M. RAG AN Optometric Eye Specialist 108 N. State Street, Chicago daughter, Julia, spent Sunday in the | Thomas McLaughlin home ;0c- ' Henry. . JOHNSBURG 5.25x18 5.25 x 21 ; 5.50 x 17 ~ 7 "; 6.00 x 16 ! -- : &25 X 16 _...rr'T"'ZZI'7'T"" 30 x 5--8-ply Truck .... 32x6--10-ply Truck Not the Cheapest, But the Best. $6.98 7.38 7.92 8.78 9.68 9.63 10.75 11.95 16.80 28.95 SINCLAIR STOCK SPRAY, 90^ PER GALLON Walter J. Freund Good Used Tires In All Sizes Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vuloaniring, Btc. GASOLINE, TRACTOR AND MOTOR OILS Phone 294 West McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund and Mr. and Mrs Art $tilling visited in Elkhorn Sunday. Mrs. George Nell of Effingham is spending the summer months with her son, Frank NelL Miss Annabelle Meyers of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mrs. John A. Miller entertained the five hundred club Sunday evening, prizes being awarded to Mrs. Peter Smith, Mrs. Steve*May and Mrs. Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. John Degan and daughter visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Anton Miller at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schroeder and Miss Katie Pitzen of Chicago spent Tuesday evening with John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller of Chicago spent Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. Earl Hoffine >f Genoa, Wis., Mrs. Mike Gorski of Woodstock and Mrs. Geroge Zornstorff of Spring Grve visited ^Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel. Mrs. Joe P. Michers and daughter, Mrs. John .Qegan and daughter and John Schreiner were Chicago visitors Thursday. Miss Kathrine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. John Bohnen and son of Wilmette called Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J Meyers. Mrs. George King spent Monday [with her sister, Mrs. Mike Gorski at I Woodstock ! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Joe Kattner of Spring Grove were callers here Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gerlach entertained friends from Chicago, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Challand and and everything was done for the pleasure of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Felder and daughter, Marie, of Dubuque, Iowa, are visiting relatives and friends here this week. A pleasant afternoon of cards and visiting was spent at Mrs. George W. May's home on Sunday when members of the Pleasure Seekers'met for their regular meeting. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and the lovely awards for high scores were presented to Mrs. Steve Schaefer and Mrs. Arthur Rauen. Consolation went to Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. May received a hostess prize. At the conclusion of cards a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Eldred Johnson's home near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James, Rockford were visitors in the Frank Sanders home on Sunday. Hazel Sanders returned with them to spend a week at theiu home. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Frank May motored to St. Therese's hospital in Waukegan to visit Mrs. John Schmitt who is seriously ill. On Friday, Mrs. Schmitt underwent a second operation and has improved slightly. The Young Ladies of St. Peter's Parish are sponsoring a bingo party to be held on the parish grounds, Sunday evening, June 28. Mrs. John Kattner was hostess to the members of her club on Monday evening. Three tables of five hundred were in play and prize winners were Mrs. .Frank Sanders, Mrs. Joseph Brown and Mrs. Ella Siegler, while consolation went to Mrs. Frank May. A lovely lunch of cake and coffee was served following cards. Mrs. Frank May will entertain the club next month. iffou&AiMubnoecffii£t/936lfo£u& FRIGIDAIRE METER-MISER' WITH TUB mother, Mrs. Mary Tonyan Tuesday, afternoon on her eightieth birthday She received many beautiful gifts, including a beautiful birthday cake. A nice luncheon was served by Mrs. Joe Friend. Those present were Mrs. .Stephen H. Smith, Mrs. Peter Smith, Mrs. Joe Friend, Mrs. George Lay and daughter, Thelma; Mrs. Nick family of Ringwood were callers here j Miller and daughter, Betty Lou; Mrs Wednesday evening. Mrs. George Zornstorff of Spring Grove spent Monday with.her sister, i Mrs. Jacob Thiel. I Mrs. John Young and Mrs. Joe Schmitt of Spring Grove were callers here Friday evening. - Wm. Smith was a Burlington, Wis., caller Friday evening. Mrs. Math Schaefer^ visited with her mother, Mrs. Adams,* Saturday. Mrs. Joe Friend surprised her Alex Freund and daughter, Nancy; Mrs. Herman Kreutzer, Mrs. Jimmie Guyer, Mrs. Joe Regner, daughter, Betty and son, Jimmie; Mrs. Steve King, soa, Eugene; Mrs. Ray Horick; Mrs. Jacob Miller Mrs. Martin Weber, Miss Agnes Smith, Mrs. Margaret Friend- and Mrs. Mary Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago visited Sunday at the h9U» of Mr., and Mrs. Stephen Smith. . ' . C'sl°° b avo Wr f i&X x* VkV.'.V.V.*WEPiVAV.V.VW/.V >A I 9&BBTS ALL FIVE STANDARDS JOB REFRIGERATOR RUUNO •1. LOW OPERATING COST *2. SAFE FOOD PROTECTION •3. FAST F.REEZING --MORE ICC *4. MORE USABILITY *5. FIVE-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN Lmt us demonstrate what rmnarkmblm savings they effect for you •It will lake yoa bat a few minutes to see oar demonstration of die FIVE STANDARDS. Yet these few minutes may yield you many dollars in savings Cor years to come. For the New Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser is not onlyexcejv tiooal in beauty and convenience, but also in ecpoomy and dependability. The Meter-Miser mechanism keeps cm rent cost at rock bottom, yet maintains safe food temperatures even in the hottest weather. What's more, it freezes large quantities of ice with speed, and is protected for Five Years against service expense, for only $9 included in the purchase price. This splendid performance is matched by a wider, roomier cabinet with much more shelf space in front, Full-Width Sliding Shelves, Portable Utility Shelf, Double-Range Cold Control and a host of other conveniences. Yet Frigidaire prices are lower and terms of purchase more attractive! Yoa can verify all this for yourself at our demonstration. > LIBERAL . PURCHASE I PLAN Food-Safety Indicator built right into the cabinec Yoor assurance that foods are kept •t Safecy-Zooe Temperature, below 50 degrees and above 32 degrees* *•»» PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS i f ' . ' " - II:*.. Telephone: Crystal Lake 2$o

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