Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1936, p. 4

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Faf» Your ns MdnontT hjjtobai* ^ , f • ?v*r * » #* * ^ r *•"- * , : i \jT ^ ^ ^ Xir^* *\ *~ j- & if t 'Thursday, June 2$, 1938 THE M'HENRY PLAJNDEAJLER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under jUm act of May 8, 1879. Year ;... ----- Six Months .....; .....-...$2.00 $1.00 A. H. MO&HER, Editor aad Manager Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- -- .-- -- Telephone 197 /•' FREUND MOTOR SALES TO NEW LOCATION y\> The B. H. Freund Motor Sales will move July 1 to a new location, the George Stilling building. Elm Street, near Riverside Drive, occupying the west half • of the large modern garage. An office and show-room is being made at the entrance pn Route 20, This sales agency has been occupying quarters "in the Adams and Freund building on Pearl street, but more room became necessary, hence •the decision to move to Elm street. Mr. Freund states that he will "continue to handle'LaFay .te, Nash^and Packard cars. The Packard age is new in this locality arid already several, sales have been made. With • v , these three cars a large range of " prices can be had as the LaFayette runs from $595 to $700; the Nash from $665 tcP*$990 and the Packard from $990 to $3,500, all prices f. o. b. The proprietor entered the automobile sales business, about two and onehalf years ago and reports very satisfactory resu.'ts. In the new place he will have room to store ibout forty cars, at a reasonable charge. Winter storage customers will be provided, with steam heat at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. The garage is 50 xl05 feet in size, plus shop room. Up-to-date equipment fr - servicing cars will be installed and a competent mechanic on duty at all times, the same as rendered, in the past. §8/ FARM FOSTER HOMES SOUGHT FOR BOYS The State School for Boys at St. Charles, 111., is interested in obtaining well qualified farm foster homes in which, it wishes to plac^e several of its wards, who range in ages from 10 -14 years. These boys have demonstrated by their excellent conduct at the school their worthiness for outside home placement. In most instances these boys are. homeless and would greatly appreciate | the benefits of a ^ood home. " - _ - We are especially interested14#"'sering homes of middle aged folks whose children are usually grown-up. It is only natural that folks of this type would haft? a tendency to be more tolerant of the short-comings usually found in the care of most normal boys. If interested, please, write to Mr. W. J. Harmon, Mftnagering Officer, State School for Boys, St. Charles. 111. Our field worker will be pleased to call on you to further explain our foster home plan which includes the payment of adequate board, etc., to meet; ji boy's needs. : , --" E. B. PANKRATZ; ' (.1 Field Worker. Field Home Saved From Auction Sale The beautiful home of Mrs. Eugene Field, elghty vear-old widow of'the famous poet, at Heafford Junction, Wis., has been saved from sale under a foreclosure judgment by payment of a $2,000 mortgage. The money was raised "by members of Phi Delta Theta, Field's fraternity when he was In college. The Field estate, which Is on Crystal like, Is Valued at $65,000. The residence Is • h o w n a b o v e / . " . ' • „ / ' / , \Mut FOR SALE FOR SALE--Used ice boxes. Carey Electric Shop. Phone 251? McHenry. 1-tf FOR SALE--Seed buckwheat, $1.45 per 100. McHenry Flour Mills. 4-3 FOR SALE Harry Morris' Master-6 Buick Coupe, i with rumble seat. Spot light and heater; good rubber. Overhauled' this spring. Bargain. Price $100. Terms. Good buy to turn in on new calf* 'Chester Gopdwin.. Phone 854, McHenry. 5 FOR SALE--Four lots and Barbecue Stand on Route 20 at Lily Lake. Price, $1,600. J. D. Lodtz. Phone McHenry, 104-M. "'S Took Her Hair but Not Her Head CAXNING DEMONSTRATION AT HIGH SCHOOL, JULY 11 McHenry unit of the Home Bureau will sponsor a canning demonstration at the High School on Thursday, July 2, in charge of Mrs- Helen B. Zoller of the ed cational department of Ball Brothers Company. Mrs. Zoller is a Home Economics graduate of Miami University of Miami, Ohio, where she specialized in Vocational Home Economics. She has also done special work in foods at Ball State Teachers College at Mvncie Ind. / Mrs. Zoller's baking won reknown early in her <.^"perience of applying her academic training. She began supply in p a few customers with custom- made cakes and ift two years she was getting orders from many cities. • \ NOTICE! , If you have not secured your McHenry vehicle license for 1936, you are delinquent. Dog licenses are due pnd payable since May 1, also billiard and pool and bowling alley licenses. Secure same from Peter Neiss, city clerk. 5-fp-2 Did Not Vote for Pmidrali .. North Carolina took no part In two Presidential elections, the first term of George Washington as President of the United States and of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederate state*. 'Aa Ancient Port Durazso, a port of the youthful kingdom of Albania, was foubded as Epidamnus at the end of the Seventh century, B. C. Quarrels over Its ownership led to the Peloponneslan war of 431 B. C. It changed hands many times until the kingdom of Albania was created In 1913. Mrs. Robert S. Piatt, wife of Professor Piatt of the Geography department of tne University of Chicago, submits with a laugh to demands of Aguarana Indians for a lock of hair. The Indians are natives of Peru, inhabiting the eastern foothills of the Andes near the headwaters of the Amazon. In days agone they took the heads of visitors to their laDds. * / v ' - " WILL PAY CASH FOR HEAVILY WOODED TRACT OF LAND A party is interested in buying for cash a 10- or 15-acre tract of land, heavily wooded, rolling ground, off the beaten path, and preferably near a stream or lake. It must be within throe or four hours' drive from Chicago. This party wants to develop a. vacation retreat, build several log cabins and create a week-end vacation spot for himself and friends. The piece of land he is seeking is probably not being used, and must be secluded and out of the wajf; Write, giving full particulars withally available photografrhfvof tfc country. Add r e s s y o u r l e t t e r t o i: ^ ALBERT FRANK GUENTHBR LAW* Inc. , '-.V.; '• * ' \ 4 y • "L • " - Advertising | | r One La Salle Street, (f>iaag<» V. mm TWO-PIECE FROCK mmm ,y«t. s- YANKEES GOT HIM PUPPIES FOR SALE--Last of registered litter of Scotties. Finest blood lines. Priced reasonably. We are not in business, but merely wisK to place Our pups" in good homes. McHenry 656-R-2. *5-3 FOR SALE CHEAP--Dining room set, gas range, ice box, Victrola and records. Jos. Hofer, Woodlawn Park, Sunday, June 28. Tel. 662-J-2.' .; ;/5 FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of' crippled, and Dead Horses and Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE Woodstock Phone 1645-W-2, and reverse charges. 5-tf Among the Sick FOR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE--Peter Stadtfield blacksmith shop and garage at Volo, 111. For information call Lake •Villa 101. *2-3 FOR RENT--Modern house and 2 car garage in block across the street from both schools. P. J. Cleary, McHenry, 111. *5-3 , Henry Geary of Wauconda is seriously ill from a bad heart attack, which he sufferers Thursday night. Wm. (J. Walsh, one of McHenry's Old Timers and former justice of the peace, is seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Glen Robinson, Woodstock. ? Donald Granger is recovering from an operation for appendicitis at St Therese's hospital, Waukegan. Art Johnson, an. employe in Overton's garage, is confined to his home with an injured foot. Mrs. John S. Freund is somewhat improved from a painful illness of sciatic rheumatism. . „ Mrs. John P. Weber is ill at her home on Riverside Drive. Mrs. Nick Adams is ill at her home on Court street. Rita Martin was taken to St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, last evening. " }•' • ^ :•;> : Chas. Herdrich of McHenry is on crutches with an injured knee. Mrs. John Schmitt underwent a Second operation at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegah, last Friday. Her condition is reported favorable at this time. She has been a patient at the hospital for the past eight weeks. McHENRY VOCALIST MAKING • • GALLAHERS VISITING HERE HELP WANTED WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Good Cook, Neat, Pleasant and Willing. George D. Gaw, McHenry. Phone Pistakee 177. 4-tf WANTED SITUATION WANTED--Gardener and landscaper, 12 years' experience on private estates and conservatory. Geo. Then, Box 348, McHenry. 2-3 WANTED--Girl for General Housework. No Children. Phone 629-W-2. ' *5 GIRL WANTED--For Housework. Stay nights. Call McHienry 261. 5 This Is the first picture to be made of Francis Kelleher, nineteen, after he had Joined the New York Yankees. When Kelleher, a sophomore at St. Mary's college, California, was signed by the Yankees, Coach Slip Madigan of the Gaels protested tOi Judge Keneeaw Landis, czar of baseball, claiming the Yanks had violated professional baseball's unwritten law. Landis, however, upheld the Yanks' ac^uUiUoa of Kelleher. FARM WANTED--By Private Party. Ten to thirty acres within fifty miles of Chicago; house and barn. Must be suitable for chickens. Reasonable. Write R. Nunamaker, 7356 Parkhurst Ave., Chicago. *5 LOST LOST--Milk route book, green, mark ed "Crystal Lake Route," Glen Brewer, Driver. Lost between McHenry and Gerhardt Poultry Farm, Wednesday afternoon. Reward 'for return. Dale Thomas. Phone McHenry 27. 5 • Mr. and Mrs. H&rry Gallaher 'of New York City are visiting with friends in McHenry. The Gallaher family will be remembered by Old Timers, although they left here many years ago to move to New York City. Harry, who married a charming girl from Amityville, L. I., where they own their own home, has his father, Wm. F. Galaher, with him and sees other members of his family frequently, with the exception of his sister, Zue, Mrs. Greenberg, who is at Orlando, Fla. His older sister, Bel Wooster, and her daughter have just returned to New York from Paris and his two brothers, Houston and Bill, are in New York City. That's all the family accounted for, with the exception of a little newcomer, Blythe, Harry's little 5%-year-old daughter, who remained at home with her two grandfathers and a friend. . Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher expect to •leave this week for Milwaukee for a days' visit before starting their homeward journey. Warren Jones, nephew of Mr. an®®/ M r s . C . W . G o o d e l l o f M c H e n r y , i s t ; making rapid progress in vocal mu-f * v sic and showing..marked improvements; under Prof. Mark I. Oster, internationally known opera star and author-- ity on vocal music, who became a* resident at Shailmar, McHenry, lastjj-, summer. Master Warren, who has t^ken les- ' sons for a year only, was the) soloist- • at the Father's Day services at thfl#.^>i Methodist church Sunday morning!?/, when he sang the Doxology, the!- prayer response and beautifully rend-. . ered "Thank God For a Garden," by\. « Theresa Del Riego. This song which- ; is dedicated to fathers, Warren dedi- /•*' cated to his own father. It is unusual to see a child so young" " making such rapid progress in voice; • culture and in addition to his natural --/ talent his success has been due t<*»'" the instruction of Prof. Oster, whor- V| takes a great interest in his pupils/' People of McHenry are, indeed, fortunate in having this opportunity foi§/i: instructions in vocal music,,and any«§Jv£; one interested in/singing should avail-: themselves of this opportunity, . self ;' dom found in a small town. % Mr. Oster has had a distinguished;. career in operatic centers of thcr1". ? world. He has sung the leading bari- " * tone roles in all the great opera houses of Europe and America, ancfupon his return to America, after his successes abroad, he came to Chicago where he sang with thf Chicago Civic Opera company and at Ravinia . / Park. ; He also appeared in all of the pro-. ductions of the admirers of German art and has an unrivalled reputation as an oratorio singer. He has a studio at 915 Kimball hall, 306 So. Wabash avenuie, Chicago/ . where he coaches students for opera« radio and concert stage. Mr. Oster has opened a branch studio at his home at Shalimar where,, at greatly reduced prices, he is giving lessons to those who wish to improve their voice. / / • - RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP Miss Ruth Reihansperger has re- . ceived a scholarship to Rockford college. Miss Ruth, who* is the daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, graduated from the McHenry High School this. June. //Many "Qne-Man Jobs" Dt man dat thinks 'bout his self . all de time," said Uncle *Bben, "aln* glneter git much friendly help. Be'g * liable to find at'last dat he has made~r~ life strictly a one-man Job." JOHNSBURG TAVERN Joe B. Hettermann, Prop. Fish Fry Every Friday Throughout Season. CHICKEN PLATE DINNER EVERY SATURDAY Free Dancing on our New Dance Floor Saturday Nights GOOD ORCHESTRA MUSIC MISCELLANEOUS I WILL PAY *4.0U to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be •bio to walk. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. 19-tf Special Values for Friday -- Saturday wd Monday June 26 -- 27 and 29. BUTTER -- Finest 92 to 93 Score Sweet Cream Butter -- Two 1-lb. rolls for . 65^ HAMS -- Kerber's Fancy Picnic Ham*, 5 to * lb. average weight -- per lb. . BACON -- Kerber'a Best Quality Breakfast Bacon per lb. FRANKFURTS -- Kerber's Finest-- per lb. ./ CORN FLAKES -- Kellogg's, large sijfc--per pkg. 10£ PUFFED WHEAT --per pkg. •. J: /; - PRUNES --Fancy "Santa Clara" Prunes, large size - 40 to 50 - 3 lbs. for COFFEE --" Chase, and Sanborn's" Dated Coffee 2 lbs. for... :... ..x..... ,45^ BANANAS --- Fancy Pluftip ^hlit H). 5 • ; f. '• BROOMS -- 5 Sewed Parlor Brooms -- eachi J. X9^ Black and white vith red patent leather. This two-piece print frook has a white gilet of tucked net and pique. The belt and bag are red; and the off-the-face hat Is black and white pique. The International Boundary The international boundary between tbe United States and Canada passes practically through the center of *11 of the Great Lakes except Lake Michigan. It is entirely within the United States. - SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED-- Before you buy a new sewing machine, let me see your old one. I guarantee it will work just as good as a new one, no matter how old or what model. POPP, Shoe Store, West McHenry, Phone 162. 43-tf. GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf PINK HARRISON'S The Playground of Pistakee Bay Good Food and Drinks of all Kinds Fishing and Tourist Cabins -- Boats - Bait Chicken or Baked Ham Plate Lunch 50c DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT THROUGHOUT THE SEASON Music By Barbara Horick's Orchestra READY TO SERVE YOU WITH-- Coal and Coke, CiJI, Jf4^,-JR-1. H. Sompel and Son. 4-tf Scenes and Persons in the Current News TOILET PAPER --1000 Sheet Tissui. ir 4 rolls PAPER NAPKINS -- 80 in Package - White or Assorted Colors -- per pkg. CLEANSER -- "Sunbrite" Cleanser--2 cans for 19tf 9^ ~:-AHARVEST HATS -- Men's Harvest Hats - §5o and 75c values. Your choice -- each ...; 49<£ SHOES -- Men's Black Work Oxfords. Leather soles. $2.75 Value -- per pair Men's Work Shoes - Black Elk Uppers - Composition Soles -- per pair $1.98 RAZOR BLADES --Fit Gillette Razors -- 25 for 3L9c EGGS -- Market Your Eggs at Erickson's Store. Pay a Premium for Fancy Wlhite Eggs. We J THE LILY LAKE CASINO Announces a New Floor Show Starting Saturday, June 27th Three Shows Nightly FREE bANCING -- No Covers Minimum Chiu-ge G. Ax LIPFERT, Prop. THE POPULAR PLACE Cor. Green and Elm Sts. Gus Unti, Prop. BAR AND SODA FOUNTAIN McHenry Ice Cream Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, New York and/ Maple Nut at 20c a pint. Compare our prices. Why pay . more? Greyhound Bus Depot Tel. 104-R V ^Police clearing a &trt?etlft Jaffa, Palestine, of riotous Arabs during the antl Jewish disturbances. ,2--Presidential palace at Managua, Nicaragua, in which President Sacasa was besieged by revolting troops of the national SU&rd- 81 . j| Scott M. Loft in, foi'nier president of Apierlcan Aar association, appointed United States senator from Florida to nl o u t t h e u n e x p i r e d J e r m o f t h e , l a t e P a r k T r a m m e l l . • > . , / / / ' ° Dissolution of Partnership Floyd Reed and Raymond V. Powers announce that they --have dissolved partnership in the business known as MIDWAY TAVERN VOLO, ILL. Mr. Reed having purchased the interest of Mr. Powers on Jnne 19, and' will continue to operate the business. The " same good drinks, food and service are promised, v

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