W ??. "*y- * v \ *> ^ . Pafe Four McHENRY PLAINDEALER KJ| Thursday, July SO, IS K*r'Vr./:, THE M'HENRY PLA1NDEALER Published- every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months $2.00 : $1.00 A. H. MO&HER, Editor and Manager Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- . Telephone 197 COME OX, BILL. JOIN UP J ne following poem was .written by William Bolgfir, 7248 Rhodes avenue,; ' Chicago, after receiving a year's sub* scription to the McHenry Plaindealer, Come on, Bill, why don't you join the Old Timers'Club? A v ' "My Home-Town Paper" Thanks, a lot dear John, for this V v year's subscription, ; .ct '. The joy it brings me is beyond description. > -The thing that makes me jump and < c a p e r , . ' v Is to .scan the columns of my horte- ••.r . town paper. >' : •. '•Fifty years of "Twice.Told Tales; The place to buy y^ur ginger al^,' our favorite club for lager beer; i^Earl Walsh's column. "So I Hear," v .The "Farmer?!,Mill/' for your chickeii ' \r feed; - Tom Bolger's Race^ fojf Jhe drugs .you need.- " "*'• ' Now, they say I am a dub,; V If I don't join "Old Timers' Ch»b;'\, If 1 do. I'll sure raise cain, \ For, I'll tell sbme jokes about Hank McLain. , Now, I must stop, I've talked too long; ' . . If I don't watch out» I'll get the gong. ; ; v 1 1936 Tlys year is a milestone, \\TiW#-tiaia>5n her backward flight Bids us look backward ' : V With hearts that are light, And linger awhile ' |.By the side of the way 1 To claim your attention , t As you pass through the day. We would detain you Just a moment to say: •"V'.*C' Lew and Mattie are happy On tfiis holiday, ~ \ * ' To send you a message "That's full of good cheer With enough and to spare ; "For many a year. --Matfie S. Owen'(Okla.) OLD TIMERS ARE V LOYAL TO THELR , HOME TpWN CLUB (Continued from front page): GREETINGS FROM TEXAS f l^aymondville, Texas, July,- 1936. ' I have been thinking of writing to the Plaindealer for some time, but now I will quit thinking about it and write that which I remember of coming to McHenry (from Chicago where I was born). We came in 1884, which makes irie somewhat of an old timer. - Our family lived in Chicago" in a thickly settled part on a business street, my father being In the grocery business, but sold out and de^ cided to move to McHenry in August, 1884, just after we had celebrated my sixteenth birthday, July 31. That was also Father H. C., .Mead's birthday and we celebrated it together many times later on after I married his son, Will. " It was an adventure for us girls for we had never lived in the country and hadn't much of a yard ifi the city, the lots being 25 by 150 .arid covered almost entirely by buildings, and to have a front yard with evergreen and cherry trees, lilac and snowball bushes and a grape arbor was like living in a park to us and not even a '/&eep off the grass" sign was almost unbeliev- 'ahle. ! It certainly was fun to go through the wide rambling main housfe, so •many bedrooms, halls, an attic and a kitchen about 18 feet square with low ceiling, and a cellar, and a lar'ge roorA above t^e, parlor where neighbors toid us they used to have services in days gone by, and this was we girls' room with six windows and when it thundered and lightninged it was something terrible to us. The first night there was no sleep for us, the silence was so dense it kept us awake all night for we were u^ed to hearing traffic and Dine and Dance BOOT'S TAYERIt On Routes 20 and U. S. 12 Every Saturday Night GOOD ORCHESTRA We congratulate McHENRY it* 100th Anniversary McGee's Clothing Store Everything forfMen and Boys GREEN STREET McHENRY FOR ALL -\ ;• ~7*~ Three Happy Days, meeting old friends and relatives once more in the old town. That's going to be a thrill. We are prepared to serve the best of food to all Who may desire it. Also fountain service in connection. ...Howeyer, we are not talking business in this space this week. We just want to extend greetings and a hearty welcome to our visitors. street cars all night and street lights lit up our rooms and in McHenry it was pitch dark and only noise was the crickets chirping^ ^ Howard ha<j| ,.a meat market *east of us and Ben Gilbert's grocery across the street, Chet Stevens' store up the street, a general merchandise, Besley's" drug store, John Evanses s store, postoffice was in Stevens' store and John Miller and Ben Wright clerked for Stevens .and I recall asking John Miller the price of some artiple and .he said twelve cents or two for a quarter. It tickled me and we all laughed at tiim. The first time I .went to Pistaqua Bay there were about eight of us in a light wagon and we were going j down the hill neats Oak Park club j house, I couldn't see Vhy we would not push the team andl wagon right into the bay. the load was so ,heavy. But the driver saved usNand they all laughed at me. Guess I would feel same way now under same circumstances. I always have pleasant remembrances of tne Wentworths, Howes, Besleys, and especially, Kate Howe. Deak took a bunch of us out bobsledding and tried to scare us by going around corners real fast. I think he tried to diftnp us. X was scared enough to jump out and lucky enough,- to not get hurt, and of course, they all had i» good laugh on me. ; , Amy Owen-, Mame' Besley, Mattie Smith, Effte Gilbert, the Stevens' and the Wentworths and others stand (out in my memory as the friendly i neighbor class, and Jack Walsh with j his smile and good word for everyone. | I often wish we could have an oldi fashioned dance like we used to have ! with the bunch that assembled at the J old Parker House hall on Thanksgiving, Washington's birthday add the Fourth of July. I still can't hear good ! music without its getting in my feet, but have not been to a dance for years [because those here are not our kind. Remember the Toboggan slide at the Clover Dryer yard, all the young j folks and many older ones went to try tit. I did not enjoy it very much as .the sensation was like dropping down in an elevator too fast. We would enjoy being at the ' celebration visiting old timers and 'places but Judge Mead, (that's the 'n^me Will goes by here, most people not even knowing his first name,) is | so busy with politics, thestore and the apiaity that neither of us can get] away. We are considered Old Timers here, having lived here since 1906 and all but one year of it where we are now. Ours us the only store in the neighborhood, used to be a ranch, called Santa Margerita. Raymondville is our postoffice address, but we have a daily mail delivery by rural route, being six miles from Raymondville and fifteen from | the Gulf of Mexico, east of us, where there is wonderful fishing and a good j bathing beach. The Legionnaires | have leased part of the shore and cottages are being put up there with | bath houses and small store. People i from all over the Rio Grande Valley go there to fish, bathe and for week-! i ends and picnics, etc. I have not been j there since the storm a few years ago I washed all the buildings away, as it | did in Florida. I On Sundays the shore is,lined with nearly a thousand autos sometimes, when fish frys and such are going on. Will liked it better* when it was wild. Cotton picking is\in full swing now and we have our light plant with air and water pressure and frigidaire to look after, all of which means stay at home. Will has a lot of bees that last yeaf made us over three tons of honey and that means work for W. H. M. and his hieing almost 71 years old (he says young- makes it heavy work at times for he does all the hiv« work and j does not wear any veil, oniy a cigar in .his mouth, and stings do not affect jhim. He sometimes hires someone to 1 work in the honey house. I The last visit he made to McHenry was at his parents' golden wedding jover twenty years ago. My last was j two years ago, from October to last of ! December. I enjoyed the coUl weather ' j up there. I Stopped off in Houston to i visit our son, LeOrr. He is 47 years old. Many people tell Will he looks like Buffalo Bill and Mark Twain. He talks like Mark Twain an<^ looks and j acts like Bill Cody. I tfell him his oldtime friends would sure be surprised to see the change in him. Just received a card announcing the birth of twins by Carl Weber's wife, both girls, July 16. Will says, the farther, north you go the more prolific they are an<| if Webers want a family so quick why don't they move to Canada for awhile and have quintuplets and have it over. While up there I saw the first snow 1 had seen in twenty-eight years except a light flurry once in Texas here at the southern tip of the state. My better, or worst, half don't know I am writing this and may not approve of my having anything to say. You know, Will, -- ha, ha, ha, -- he is putting off writing again so long I thought I would try my hnad at it. If this is too long, just leave out ^ome of it. I have asked Will why he don't write again and he said, "When the rest of them run out of ink I will take another bat at it, so Frank Bennett can take a |week off." Greetings to all old friends and sorry I can't be with you. It's time to sound the gong on me. (Major Bowes). MRS. W. H. tAlicia) MEAD. FOR SALS FOR SALE--Doberman Pincher Puppies. Pedigreed. Price, $25 arid $35 each. Gerhardt Poultry Farm, Route 12, 2hi miles south of McHenry. Phone RfcHenry 617-R-l. *10 FOR SALE--100 Per Cent Insulated house trailer, at McHenry Dam. Jas. Hughes. Jr. *10 FOR SALE--All my garage tools and equipment; also Lincoln tow truck. A. E. Noonan. 10-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Gas Station in good location for tavern. Call Mrs. M. A. Sutton, 648-W-2. 10 FOR RENT--Onercar garige on Pearl street. Call McHenry 633-J-2: ..lO^tf HELP WANTED ' WANTED-^Girl for general housework. Mrs. Fred Merrlil. Phone Mc- Henry%26-J-2. - *:-.,v;;; LOST LOST--A bunch of keys, Saturday night on Green street. Finder please leave at Plaindealer office. 010 LOST--A Hamilton open-face watch late Friday night or Saturday A. 'M. Reward if returned to office of Plaindealer. Riverside Drive :*•*• McHenry Interesting Nearby News _ Alfred Hank, 44 years old, of Chicago, was taken to the Ross emergency hospital in Wauconda Sunday of last week with a fish hook in his face. The man was accidentally hooked while fishing with a friend at Slocum Lake. Hank was sitting at the rear of the boat while his companion was casting. In some unknown manner the hook suddenly struck him in the face and pierced the flesh. Miss Helen Bresselmary, i8 years old, Chicago, sustained a dislocated right arm last week Sunday, while bathing at the Woods beach in Wauconda. j • .! V. DIAMOND LAKE RINK Skating Every Night 25c Monday -- Free Ice Cream. Tuesday -- Free Pop. Wednesday -- Couple Night. One Girl and' one Boy for tile Price of One. Thursday -- Balloon Night, Prize. Friday -- Bank Night. Open Every Night. : TH£ RMPj gFo Week Days, 7:20 -- 9:20 DST Cooled and Air Conditioned ' 10c - - 25c FRIDAY (Last Day) ' Mary Boland -- Charlie Ruggles "EARLY TO BED" MISGELLAlfEOFS READY TO SERVE YOU WITH--- Coal and Coke. Call 649-R-l. H. Sompel and Son. 4-tf SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED-- Before you buy a new sewing machine, let me see your old one. I guarantee it will work just as good as a new one, no matter how old or what model. FOPP, Shoe Store, West McHenry, Phone 162. 43-tf. GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year rbund route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. . 2-tf FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of crippled, and Dead Horses and Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE Woodstock Phone 1645-W-2, and reverse^ harges^^^^^ Dr. Stanley Przygocki, owner of a summer cottage in Spencer Highlands, Wduconda, spent Sunday of last week with some friends at Delavan Lake, iWs. While there the genial "Doc." went out for a little fishing and returned shortly with^a fine 8%-pound wall-eyed pike. PINK HARRISON'S mmm '• The Playground of Pistakee Bay : * . ,,v Good Food and Drinks of all Kinds ' Fishing and Tourist Cabins -- Boats - Bait Chicken or Baked Ham Plate Lunch 50c ' DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT g THROUGHOUT THE SEASON Music By Barbara Horick's Orchestra LONE MAPLE TAVERN A. H. WATSON, Prop. ; East Side of RiVfer, South of State Brid&e : > SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 1 «/2 FRIED CHICK Elf. Corned Beef and Baked Ham---1 -- Sandwiches Always Ready "You Know Al" • SATURDAY "PRIDE OF THE MARINES" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY AND MONDAY AUGUST 2 -- 3 WARNER BAXTER in "ROBIN HOOD OF EL DORADO " ALSO--Mickey Mouse • World News Events Sun. Matinee, 3:15 Continuous TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY A U G U S T 4 - - 5 ^OE E. BROWN "SONS O' GUNS" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects THURSDAY -- FRIDAY AUGUST 6 -- 7 Sylvia Sidney -- Spencer Tracy "FURY" Also--Otarley Chase Comedy World News IKJNT'MISS THIS PROGRAM! WOODSTOCK MILLER ' 'Come Where It's Really COOL" . 275 REASONS To Ehjoy The Shows " On Friday and Saturday FRIDAY. JULY 31 ONLY Margaret Sullivan, Henry Fonda "THE MOON'S OUR HOME" SATURDAY, AUG. 1 ONLY Warner Baxter and 10 Great .v. Stars in "ROBIN HOOD O* EL DORADO " SUNDAY -- MONDAY AUGUST 2 - 3 Spencer Tracy -- Sylvia Sidney The Dramatic Siensation of 1936 FURY also Musical, "Romance In the Air" -- Cartoon in Color -- Lat- ; est News. SUNDAY ONLY Klemmte at Organ - Grace Mathison. Guest Artist BIGGEST SUNDAY SHOWS IN McHENRY COUNTY TUESDAY --BARGAIN NITE "BOULDER DAM" W EDN ESD A Y--THU RSD A Y AUGUST 5 -6 Joe E. Brown •• Joan Blondell "SOfcfS O' GUNS" to Mid-Slimmer Sale All Spring and Summer Dresses to be sold at cost. A good selection in all sizes. i • '• •: i '• Also closing out all other summer items such as, bags, bathing suits, Slacks, etc. Sale Starts Friday, July it Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois I •m ' ERICKSON'S Friday and Saturday, July 31 and Aug. 1 To Commemorate McHenry's One Hundredth Anniversary, We Are Offering Many Unusual Values. We Urge You To Take Full Advantage Of This Buying Opportunity. "V, DRY GOODS WHITE WOOL SERGE --Beautiful soft material for skirts and suits per yard $1,29; LINEN -- Bleached butcher's linen yard wide, per yard LACEyard One lot of lace insertion, per SILKS --Flat crepe and wash silk. Regular $1.00 value, per yjd. . .. 49^ RAYON -- Orchid Rayon for slips and underwear, 50c quality, per yd. 29,^ CAMBRIC yard . White cambic lining per CAMP Coil's -- Folding steel camp --cots, each $1^9- BLANKETS--A number of good reclaimed wool camp Blankets, priced each at 97tf WINDOW SHADES -- Heavy dark green paper. Stick on your old roll' ers, each 36 in. by 6 feet BROOMS -- 5-sewed parlor Brooms A special value, each 29^ A better quality, each .. 39^ SHOES --Men's Work Chords. A $2.75 value, per pair $1.69 CHILDREN'S STRAPS -- Oxfords and shoes. Sixes up to 11, per pair $1.29 & 89^ SHOE DRESSING --For brown, natural linen color and black satin. 29c bottle, now ..... .._ lie SHOE LACES-- Wide oxford laces per pair lc SPOT REMOVER -- For Shoes and fabrics. Will not stain or burn. 25c •value ..•• 1GC TALCUM POWDER -- Palmolive and Reigers, 25c cans, each ..... 9 c* TOILET WATER bottle :r;: Reiger's, 75c GLASS BUTTER DISHES--Covered dish for one pound brick, each 9 c > : • .• : : GLASS JUGS--y2 gal. size, each GLASS VINEGAR CgUETS --With glass stopper, each 9c TOILET FAPES - 1000 sheets in roll 4.. 4 roils 19^ DRAIN KING -- Opens sluggish sink drains in a hurry, per can . 16c FLOUR -- McHenry Flour Company's "Early Riser/' Made from choice McHenry county spring wheat, 24% pound bag 77c 49 pound bag ;. $ 1.53 VINEGARQuart bottle Pint bottle white Vinegar, 90 6c LINCO -- Bleaches, deoderixep and disinfects, Quart bottle 1\£ Bottle Deposit -5c PHONE 1S4 WEST McHENRY i ..