Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1936, p. 6

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m M: " * f • »V "T'.:t C ^x. * ** -nv; \~\\r*. *••*:! ' ' t}'i: .'•r-n-i-'M-"-'#->••>.-v;5^--"*.- • *, •• '- ' "' «m- •> • . ' , * * * ' >Ml • THE McHENRY PLAUTDEALKR a«n«g V-*:,•-. Thursday, July 30, 1930 fe/* GREETINGS • to our visitors On the anniversary of McHenry's 100th birthday. Thelen Pich Millinery Green Street * - ' ^ LILY LAKE League was held Tuesday afternoon at the Jewel Tower. Prizes were awarded to Mis. Rich, bridge; in bunco to Mrs. Rabkin, L. Gannon, R. Vucerich, Mis. Maizel, A. Borden, M. BudiJ, Mrs. Drumel and Pearl Roski. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser and daughter, Lois, are leaving Aug. 1, to'Joe J. Freund, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Steve May> and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H., Adams were Racine, Wis., callers Saturday. Buddy and Elmer Meyers, Gerald go on a trip to Yellowstone Park, •M,r. and Mrs. John Kelly and family, Mrs. G. Anderson and Mrs. E. Dosch have returned to Lily Lake after spending a week in Cherokee, Iowa, Klmex- « where they vigited their sister, Mrs, i Hettermann, Francis Schrmtt, Billy C. Statos. It is the first time in thir-I and Junior Gerlach spent Friday at ty-two years thai the four sisters! Riverview Park in Chicago.. have been together. Miss Marie King is spending her The Lily Lake Property Ownfers As- vacation with her aunt and. uncle, Mr. sociation will hold a dance next Sat- 'and Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock. XOO Years Old 'That's a ripe old age. Tbut our town bears that distinctly ' this weekend, and hundreds and probably thousands of people will be here to help celebrate the birthday. We are ' pleased to join in the festivities and say "Welcome/* v Carey Electric Shop Green Street McHenry sino. Everyone is welcome. " j tended thtf Spring_Grove picnic Sun- Mr. and Mrs. C. Bloom of Chicago day. _ ° spent a few days at their cottage at • Miss Pearl Freund of Crystal Lake Lily Lake: was a caller here Sunday afternoon. , j Mrs. M. Lenzen and family, Grays- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Rich- Hanson and baby. 'Mr. and Mrs. lackey, Mrs. Wil- mond were caller,s here Saturday even- - Henry L. Cowlin, Attorney -* \ STATE OF ILLINOIS, • McHenry Cbunty, ss. To Philip Huffman, Mamie Wilcox, _ Unknown heirs of Chas. Huffman, Emory Huffman, Mahitable Scherf, Imogene Simmons, Alice Irwin, Florence Neville, Unknown heirs of Hul- Sey?o^^hi'ca^^^iuTthe"^^!-."^*y'?• ,at_*h? Lily Lake,Ca'] Mr' and Mrs' John P* Schaefer at end at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Tysler and son, George, and Mrs. C. Winter were Round Lake visitors Friday.. Mr., and Mrs daughter jpf Chicago spent the week- jjamS) Berglund, all of Chicago, ] , j end' at their cottage. {visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- St. John's parish t>f-Johnsburg will Christine Wegener and friend, Esth- j ggp^ £>a]y Sunday. j hold their annual carnival and chicken Court of McHenry County, Illinois, er Pictor of Chicago, spent the week-j j^r an(j jjrs< Gorney of Chicago dinner on August 8 and 9. J-for the probate of the will of William end at the home cf her parents, Mr.Jspent ^ weekend at their cottage. | Mr. and M^s. Jacob Justen of Wau- j B. Huffman, deceased, and that the and Mi's. Geo. J.. Wegener. . | Several friends surprised Mrs. H. kegan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | hearing of said will has been set by A surprise party was held Saturday i Wiliest" Suhda-y, the occasion being her Joe P. Miller. • • jsaid. Court for the Seventh day of evening at Lilv talse on Mrs. HarrV [birthday. Games and a lovely lunch ; Mrs. John E. Freund and^Mrs; John September A- D., 1936, at the hour of L MilWr; ,the occasion being her birth-Uas served-and enjoyed by alb > | Oeffling- spent Sunday m the home of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the dav. Games, singing,'dancing wasl " Mr. and Mrs. Carroll "of Chicaj?o Mi». and Mrs. Arthur Adams, : j Court House iri 'Woodstock in said at their cottage at Joe^ Schmitt of Beloit, Wis.* was a . County, when and where you can ap- Wm. M. Carroll, Attonyejr Woodstock, Illinois ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Frank Herdrich, Deceased. The undersigned, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank Herdrich, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will a . TT . 1 appear before the County Court o f , da Huffman Fitzsimmons, Unknown McH Count at the Court HougeJ heirs of Julia A Huffman Butler, in Woodstock> on the 7th da of s Unknown heirs of Laura Huffman, ttmber> A D 1936 at whjch time ^ Bryant Jennie L. K. Wnght, Elton j persons havi claims ingt said T. Huffman Lauren Huffman, 1 Estate are notified and reqUested to ore Palmer, Sylvia Maxon, EarlIT. J attend for the of having the Bryant and George H Bryant Un-lgame adjusted. A11 persons indebted Known heirs of Campbell, heirs at to.said Estate are Rested to make' law and legatees, so far as kjiown, " of William B. Huffman, deceased, late of McHenry County, Illinois. You are hereby notified that application has been made to the county immediate' payment to the undersigned. Dated this 20th day of July, A. D. 1 9 3 6 . ' ' y " CORA I. HERDRICH, Administratis. 9-3 'ti joyed .mests by were alL About twenty-five spent the weeke present, about midnight, Lily«Lake. n^ " | ggjigr hej?e Wednesday. a lovely luncn Deing-servea wnicn m-| Helen Forney of Chicago is spend- | Mr. and Mrs. Earl tidied two ,hug^ birthday cakes. KnP- ® few weeks ait tfieir cottage -at '*&&>-Wis.,, Mr. and Mis. M. ors 1 an At the time OF this writing Frank [ Lily Lake. , Stojnsdoei'fer is very: ill, Last Thursday afternoon" V he.; Suffered a stroke. His friends hope to see him. Up and around very soon.' . ' ' •• Mis. H. Sadler of Wonder Lake vis farnily of Woodstock visited in the Mrs. H. I*. Gannon of Chicago is home of Mr. and. Mrs. Joe,P. Miller: , spending a few w^eks at the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith spent Wed- Mrs. L: Gannon., >- j nesday with Mr. and ^rs. Ray Horick Mr. and Mrs. Wrubleuski and son at Woodstock. . have returned to Lily Lake after va- ^ few friends surprise r. an< pear, if you see fit, and show cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitted to probate. /•< .Jl. D. WOOD^, v • ' "County Cl«»rk. July ^3, 1936." - . . : 10-3 .. i- fVl l._ • -f w Icatroning in Mosinee, Wis., and tjie Mrs. King -oh .tlfeir twenty-fifth anni n ! pvpni'n^ i Dells and also Naplrville where they versary, Monday evening. Cards were Dosch Thursday evening. , . . t / visited friends i played with prizes awarded to Mts. Mr. and Mrs. J.Kelly left Lily Lake Lojs and ^arcella Macheroux of Steve May, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs a few d&ys at the home Peter F. Freund; They also presented v ^ m ^ i^uis tiiiu a Wednesday to return to their home in cj1j(tag0 spent New York, but th«y will stop^at Dear- of Mr and Mrs George Then vvher^ Mrs. C. Anderson them with a nice gift. Lunch was Mr. and Mrs. John Cusick, Mrs. C. served. NASH INVITES YOU TO SHARE IN ITS mmmrrmzt born,1 Mich vv lives. . . , rv : v _ v •. Marinier, M. Cusick, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. Peter F. Fieund and daugh Mr. an4 Mrs. C. 0; Swanson , and DePuye and famiIy> Mr. and Mrs. Art ters were Woodstock callers Saturday. : O l s o n a n d f a m i l y , . a l l o f C h i c a g o , v i s - 1 M r . a n d L e o j J l U e r a i ^ t h e p a i - ited the home of Mx\ and Mrs. Fred en^5 a IQ-pound baby , V' 01 •^J)osch Sunday. j July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison tof Chicago ( Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin Spent Sunday at Lily Lake. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. * Harry L. Miller is spending a week and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff. at his cottage at Lily Lake. . | 'j|r> and Mrs. Adam Bildner were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Macheroux, Mr. Spring Grove callers Sunday. : " and Mrs. C. F. Keihl, all of Chicago, Miss Annabel Meyers spent Wed- Visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, nesday afternoon with ^Mrs. A- W. Then over the weekend. Geister at Woodstock. (iues's a' the home of Mr. and Mi a. j and M Joh„ Botfr moto»ed t» \\ I'ubleuski Sunday •were Mrs. Gilmar- Di mon(1 Lake Friday,: ^ tin and daughter, Natalie, Mrs. Nenw . •••••.• and FIRE HAZARD GREAT . IN DRY SEASON es, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nemes, Mr Mrs. Ed Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Moroco, Mr. and Mrs. Buckletta, Mr. end* Mrs, Frankenhouser, -and M. Frankenhousr ei- -- ' .... !. The leaves on many of the trees m Myrna Bacon spent Friday at the McHenry present a dead, burno-V aphome tif her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W; p^ranc£ as though seared by lire, as Bacon of Grayslake. a result of the severe drouth and ex- ; Visitors in. the home of Mae Budil treme hot weather of the last flyover the weekend were V.. Brady, M. | weekg: Lawns and. pastures sir- .Hubbell, Mrs Robinson and son, Wil-! browh and garderts are drying up a liant, Mr. and Mrs., Ted Budil baby, all of Chicago.' and JGHNSBURG Payments as low as $25 A MONTH. Trade-in value of vour present car usually sufficient to cover 'ow down-payment # To win n«w customers during our 20th Anniversary Celebration, Nash offers the greatest car-buying opportunity in years! Don't fail to come in and see the beautiful'Nash and LaFayette models. Take one out and drive it. Then, compare our allowance $595 tO *995 n your present car with any other you can get! In 1936, Nash-LaFayttte sales increases are almost twice.a% targe as"those of the industry! We want you to share our success. Bring in your car during this special event and find out how'little it inU cost to drive out in a brand new Nash or LaFayette! LAFAYETTE $595 AND up, NASH '400' $665 and up. NASH AMBASSADOR 125- mch wheeloase se JI.IS with trunks,$835 to^>995. Prices f.o.b. factory. Special equipment extra. Pearl St. B. H. FREUND MOTOR SALES Tel. 185 COME! SEE ! BUI Largest selling tire in the world at any price -- standard on the new cars -- famous for its 43% LONGER NON-SKID MILEAGE Proved by G-3 Users Here in OUR TOWN See the G-3 tread-prints we've taken of tires' Still in service -- evidence that G-3 gives LONGEST WEAR, SAFEST MILEAGE, LOWEST COST Satisfaction per mile. See the GOODYEAR MARGIN OF SAFETY demonstration-- shows why G-3's tough, sure-grippinvg, Center Traction All-Weather Tread stops your car the quickest of any tires. See ihe SUPBKTWIST Cord demonstrationconvincing proof of the way this patented Goodyear feature in every ply gives you the GREATEST BLOWOUT PROTECTION. Save money safely-get tire* you can Croat-see •Mr Goodyear BLUE RIBBON VALUES tor 1936 WALTER J. FREUND Good Used Tires in All Sizes -- Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing Plume 294 GASOLINE AMD MOTOR OILS West McHenry i DOUBLE EAGLE JURWHEEL $4.95 Mrs. Sam Sktfano and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Skif^no of Chicago attended the wedding of Thurlwell and •Schaefer Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. feryan Challknd and family of Ringwood called at the ho'nv-i of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls Tuesday Miss Violet Stilling is spending her vacatiorfe with her uncle and aunt, Mr. tici Mrs. Ja'cot) Justen at Waukogan: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. Ella Olson, Mrs. Eva Hagtn and daughter. Barbara Ann, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann. Fred Adanis of DesPlaines was a; caller here one day this week. ; Miss Margie Justen, of Waukegan is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. The following- ladies motored to Lily Lake Thursday afternoon to attend a <?ard party given by St. Clara's Court. Mrs.'Wm. J. Meyers, Mrs. John M. Schmitt, Mrs.' Peter Freund, Jr., Mrs. the hot weather continues with no relief from rain. . , Young trees are being killed ami old ones injured by the drouth as shown by. the bro\vn patches of foliage and the dry leavest falling onto the laWns &s though the fall days had arrived. A large volume of water was used on gardens and lawns in McHenry until a water shortage caused a discontinuance of this practice which left np relief for the dying vegetation. The country is becoming so dry that fire is the biggest hazard and residents are urged to guard against fires which might start from cigarettes, matches or campfires of picnick erg. Several' grass fires have threatened property in the last few weeks and because everything is so dry a fire will soon get out of control* CORRECTION • •In :'hi$t.ory of early settler^ John Flusky came from Dublin, Ire., iii 1844 instead of 1884, as stated last week. NO BAND CONCERT TONIGHT The concert by the city band scheduled fcr tonight will be given Saturday' evening at 7. o'clock in the city park, instead. Everyone invited. We are proud to be one of the old-time business houses of McHenry and to join in the celebration. An invitation is herewith extended to visit, our store during the Centennial activities. We have the Prize Values at every price. Husky, big Goody ears as low as Ask to see Goodyear Speedway -- world's greatest low price tire Old Fashioned Meals While visiting our city during the Centennial you, of course, must eat. We are still serving those old-fashioned dinners; and everyone admits they are more enjoyable than the modernistic ones. This hotel wants you to make your headquarters here. We'll try to make you feel at home. Bar in connection. w * • • 7 .• ' .• * ' ' . ' ' '• " BICKLER'S McHENRY HOUSE HOUSE CALL | OPTICAL SERVICE IN YODR OWN HONE *0 EXTRA CHARGE Dr. Kagan will carefully examine your eyes and fit your glasses in your own home at your own convenience, using the latest and most scientific ir.'ethods with the same instruments he would use in his office without extra charge. Why not call in your! eye doctor as you do your family physician? Eighteen years of experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W. or Write to--r - . Dr. M. M. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EVE SI'K( IALIST 108 N. State Street, Chicago MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages ort real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either fay, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes ? Waukegan National Bank Bldg. > 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, III. ' TEL. MAJESTIC 103 f$100.00 REWARD • for the name of any man living or dead that has sold more McHenry County Real Estate than has Daa IQuinlan--that's all he does. Farms for Sale and Rent in Northern Illinois (and Southern Wisconsin. Large ones J&nd small ones. I sell farms. BAN QUINLAN ^ Woodstock, 111, ' Long distance private phones 56 . DR. B. C. HUNT VETERINARIAN Crystal Lake, Illinois Telephone 452-M West Hillside Road FIRE AUTO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH FARM LIFE Your Coffee Pol Meeds-- GLO Scour your coffee pot every day with GLO . . . and preserve that delicate, exquisite flavor of your favorite brand of coffee. 10c a package at grocery stores everywhere! Ask your grocer Today about the FREE GIFT offer with GLO. roiiuiBir Schaefer's Grocery and Market NO BOIUNG! NO RISING! 1 KyilaJtc tyOtil Ciittuinl tCaa-A /(fie newwitfi (Qi§psii ECRU CURTAIN DYE /5< Gypsy URV VtH r*l C*jr TAIN® FOR SALE AT • Wattles Drug Store Main St. McHenry, 111. P o l i s h Y o u r C a r this New Easy Way Apply Johnson's amazing new Auto Cleanet and Polish quickly, easily Simply nab creamy white liquid over surface--let dry to a fine white powder -- and nib it off. To protect the finish apply johnson'a easy-touse Auto Wax. Presenting • ReliaW^ Companion When you need insurance of bay kind Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. - - McHenry r Phone 43' VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry - , - :V-- IUiaol* Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Waba^ McHenry 7518 - 256 Telephone No. 800 " Stoffel & Reih&mperger Mnr«nce agenta for all classes if : property in the best companies. *EST McHENRY ILLINOIS S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS tND BUILDER# -- Phone 127-R . McHenry Our experience u at Your Senrice in building Your Wants A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor rrucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service Road Building feL 204-M McHenry, III whil* lh*y last--One regular size can ofjohnton's Black Touch-L:p Enamel with every purchase of Johnson" s Auto Cleaner and Polish and a regular can of Johnton's Auto Wax at the special prce of 9$c. John J. Green St. McHei re I1L Charlie's Repair Shop- Just East of Old Bridge Orer Fox River (Rear Schaefer's Tavern) RADIATORS REPAIRED * BODIES and FENDERS Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETESSL >; KENT & COMPANY \"'V AU Kinds of .INSURANCE Haeed with the most rcliabft* Companies Com In and talk it over ?Imm MeHaan I . » . / ,

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