Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1936, p. 5

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•'Hntms 7'"rV| > 'P v'-'V*1? "-p *«:;;;;, ; Thursday, , i 27,1996 ,. ;.* • W'l! '•.•.• wyr-f. ' THB TJcHISRY W.<TWTI»»T.#t *'/*'. -' .. .• * 8 .v. •. \. ^. ALL STARS SHUT OUT VOLO 6 TO 0 TO START SERIES drove King in with another run to give the All Stars a 2 to 0 lead. After two men were down in polo's half of the thirc^ H. Dowell drew his second pass and moved to third _ on Paddock's double. P. Dowell rolled to Bennett for the third out and a good scoring chance came to an end.. The All Stars picked up another, run in the third when Wally Smith singled, | stole second and trotted home on THURLWELLSTRIKESOUTiKings sec°nd 4 h*- * . # / 1 1 H A T T F i r e -- ! V , , m i N e a t P l a > o n S t e a l H UA11 fifto Carl Thorsell's double and n neat : "-"'j'play with plenty of action' featured - " When you win, you look like a mil- j the first half of the fourth. With Carl - lion bucks. When you lose, you look'on third and Rudinski on 1irst, as the , like three cents. k • result of a walk, a double steal was : All of which leads up to our report | attempted. Rudinski broke for second that McHenry's All Stars looked much an<j drew a throw from catcher Joe like the million bucks last Sunday as Bennett came in fast to cut off the they took the McHenry Brewers, from j throw and rifle it ..back to the piste. Volo way, into camp, 6 to 0. j Thorsell found himself in the hot-box "Spots ' Thuiiwell took C£ie of the, and after much action was tagged'out jMtching in commendable style and by King. • • efooyed air-tight support from his' Sammy Leone drove a triple into teammates. We might, say right here the right field territory to open, the - that one Mr. Harold Phannejistill was jast 0f the fourth and stayed there as r also a very fine twirler duringhis Six Arnie Anderson pushed cut & single, , . innings of toil, but was the victim 'of; Arnie went to second on % passed ball ' three infield errors. _ land botji runners moved ahead while Lineup Revised I Benett. was going out from third to 'McHenry presented a revised lineup- first. Smith was; safe when secondthat looked good in all; "depMtm'fihfctf tosertiak' PadddeV fumbled and Xftiie ,;..v Bennett{was moved to second and; came in with the fifth run of the • Arnie Anderson- took -over the short-• game, t-ert • Freund tripled, "but died HE WAS PARTICULAR stop duties. Wally Smith took cane of .first base in his UsUal" high'.class manner and Leo King was stationed at his on third when Thurjwell fanned. " The Volo boys had a couple of men on base in thfe si^th, but didn't really old familiar spot en third. Leo Freund ] threaten to spoil a shut-out for was in left field, apparently his natur-J "Spots'" until the ninth when another al spot, Sammy Leone in center and j double steal went wrong. The play Clarence Anderson in the sun field.! west much like the^one in the fourth. Joe Freund was back at his post>be- Iwhen Thorsell was run down, but hind the plate wiih the same old snap, there was no chasing this time. As and pepper we like to see. • j Rudinski dashed for second, Hironii ar°^- ^>^nnensf^' a husky jujung iraus came tearing into the plate. Joe fellow with the actions and .stuff that | again threw on a line to second and took your reporter's fancy, started on;agajn Bennett came, in to cut off the the mound for Volo, but turned the • throw. Bennett returned the ball pitching over to K&tz the last two; an(j without much to spare, Joe taglnmngs. Katz gave up a couple of, ge(j the runner for the third out of the hits, but allowed no scoring. inning and the last out of the game. Alvin "Phunny" Phannenstill led The All Stare registered their sixth off the game with a hit* but was|and ]ast run in the sixth irtni-ng when snuff edi.out on a peg from home to j Bennett singled and scbred on- Waity second. H. Dowell drew a walk, mov-] Smith's second double. ed to second on a *>assed ball, then | Five Game Series was left stianded as "Spots" whiffed j This was the first of a five game the number three and four men. series to be played between the two teams for some sort of a community championship award. From the size of the crowd and enthusiasm displayed last Sunday, it looks like some hot battles will follow. Fox Lake Returns Fox Lake returns for battle again In McHenry's half, Arnie Anderson went out from short to first. Bennett ' struck out. Smith, who had his hitting clothes on, smashed out <a double. Leo Freund rolled to short for the third out. Things looked up for Volo when Katz led off the second with a double. |next Sunday. The Fox Lake boys but Spots put his strike-out ball j seem to have special reasons for wantinto use and took care of the situation.,ing to trim McHenry and, after tak- Thurlwell drew a pass so start the ing it on the chin from the same team second for the locals, moved to third j recently t the McHenry boys certainly -on King's double and then the fun [should have reason enough to want began. Joe Freund hit a ground ball! revenge. and the whole Volo infield had Thurl well in the hot-box. After much chas ing back and forth the ball got away. The run scored and third baseman Dowell drew an error. Safhmy Leone "ZrHSAT*C Week Days, 7:20 -- 9:20 DST 10c --25c Air Conditioned FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 "I STAND CONDEMNED" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects SATURDAY "THE COUNTRY BEYOND'*- Also --Western Trail Seeing Nellie Home -- Feminine Headliner. : *- SUNDAY AND MONDAY AUGUST 30 -• 31 "SAN FRANCISCO" Also--News & Popeye the Sailor Sun. Matinee, 3:15 Continuous TUESDAY 10c --BARGAIN NITE--15c John Howard - Frances Farmer "BORDER FLIGHT" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY Gloria Stuart -- Robert Kent "THE CRIME OF DR. FORBES" The game will start at two o'clockA VOLO (McHenry Brewers) AB R H PO A E A. Phannenstill, If ..4 0> 1 2 <) 3 Dowell, ss ;.....2 0 0 2 5 2 Paddock, 2b .„.....4 0 1 3 1 1 P Qowell, 3b ............4 0 1 0 2 0 j Katz, cf .............v.„„..4 0 1 0 0 0 Thorsell, c, ................4 0 1 9 3 0 ; Hironimus, rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 i Rudinski, lb ............3 0 1 8 0 0 j H. Phannenstill, p ....2 0 0 0 0 0 B. Dowell, p .....1 0 0 0 0 0 Want you to pose for my great picture to be hung in the Town hall," said the celebrated artist to a tramp he met on the road. "Will you do it? I'll pay you well." , : - «* •' "What's it shorn?" asked the mendicant suspiciously. ' ' "It's to be called 'The Return of the Prodigal Son." You know, the story of the father who killed the fatted calf because he was so pleased his boy had come hack." The tramp shook his he;*d. "I can't do it," he replied. "But why? It's not hard,* urged the artist "No-; veal don'l agree wtih me," replied the tramp.--Stray Stories Magazine. ' UNCONSTITUTIONAL! world is growing bettei*."; "Sure thing; if Cain rind Abel were to have their trouble today, they would submit their differences to arbitration." „ • ' ' v Silent Approach A foacher of a primary grade was out of the room for a time one day. When she returned she found, that ^e children had taken advantage of her absence and were having a hilarious time. • • "I'd like to know why It Is," she remonstrated, "that you are never working when I come back into the room." "It's because you wear rubber heels,'" ventured little Jimmie. HEAR" ' ' •' V;-- \\ EARL WALSH j should have met in Johnsburjf. ^Would 1 have done much better, j -- S * I * H -- [ Had a visit with the ever-cordial i Country club pro, Leo Stilling, and picked up a bit. of golf news, j -- S *1 • H -- ^ j Carl Sthmitt was the victor ili the Just a year ago this week "Baeoyi's f Championship. Strip" bowed out,'of its old,-familiar j -- S * I » H -- % spa<je and invitfd Yours Truly to try I Pus Fetz, former Illinois State Ama hand at this column writing business '-Championship shot a 69 on the and. sport. page editi.n , g. : • . " Jjocar'.co,u rse last» Wednesday, $ ' ^ s * I • B"-- ' i, • s * 1 H v,',' AnHpmn 'i:11 Competition is now on v foif the Manon Ande,«n ctne thf^gh Steniet Cup. quarter flnalj next Sunwith the very handy name of "So I day. Hear" for ^the cplumn. Maybe she -- § * I * H • doesn't know it, but that naine has As the result.of heavy rains, the been a\great help oii occasionsv^ \ It>cal cpurse came back to life and is ' ; S *1 •)&.•>=• ; 'now in wonderful condition. The The besi of 'em all, thatlovafele c>ld col,i;se hfs been, unusually bu^y, and rascal, Will kogevs^ prot^ctedVhini^lf? ^ -^hSiiSlSSmS*:C^gi by saying, "All's I know -is "what 1'see area. • •- ' * , in the papers," v--.'- '• •-- S *1 *H -- ' j I* you tret a chance, go up to that All vi?e- know, is what we heftr--anti I?ame Spring1 Qrbye tomorrow (Fii- J , , FL"1' \ J» '•'•M * '•**.' ^ Y1 1 H" VL F". • 1C IRO/T TAS N« ' IU A we doft!t jpnnt the half of m* & n :*H We have ^njojseH .firie co-operatiop: from oUr readers, .picked oh a few, day) night A ^picked team from the | Married Men's club will hook up With j the league leaders up there. • -- S * I * R -- befen picked J?n and had a barrel ,f fan'.^ If ^ ^ bilt of the job, ' (Of ^ *!% n™" the boss it's hard work.) :p m to h°'d Thuihvell in re- , : o it »tt' .. • serve next Sunday. Heitman, the long- „ ® , ' ! geared fellow from Pi^takee Bay, will This "knock-knock" "game hasn't .start against Fox Lake. Heitman been, going long enough to give us . ; ; > An Admiration for N«rn "¥ou admired that man because of his «i>eech ?" "L "Yep," replied Farmer Corntoesel. "But you didn't agree with his opinions." "Not as a rule. But it struek me that a man that could git up before a crowd o' people an' talk such a lot o' junk at the top of his voice had real grit" ' Loyalty ' • 1^ was a loyal little fellow and wound npt permit anything said against his parents go unchallenged. One Sunday afternoon a visiting boy friend said: "Listen to your father snoring." "Dad Is not snoring," was the indignant reply. "He is dreaming about a dog and that is the dog growllnVVIndianapolis News. ' ,, •' Total 30 0 6 24 11 3 McHENRY ALL STARS AB R H P O A E A. Andersoto, ss ....„5 1 1 0 6 0 Bennett, 2b ..5 113 3 0 Smith, lb .«..*.......^...5 1 3 7 0 0 L. Freund, If :.4 0 1 2 0 0 Thurlwell, p 3 1 0 0 0 0 King, 3b 4 13 10 0 J. Freund. c .....^.......3 0 1 12 3 0 C. Anderson, tf ... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Leone, cf r.. 4 12 1. 0 0 Total 36 6 12 27 12 0 SCORE BY INNINGS" McHenry 021 201 00x--6 Volo 000 000 000--0 Base Hits--Off Thurlwell, 6; off Phannenstill, 10; off Katz, 2. Struck out by--Thurlwell, 11; Phannenstill, 6; Katz, 3. Bases on Balls--Off Thurlwell, 5; off Phannenstill, 3. Two base hits--Paddock, Katz, Thorsell, Smith, 2, King. Three base hits--L. Freund, Leone. PISTAKEE BAY BOATS AT MADISON REGATTA Worried Mother's Retort '• • A. meddlesome woman, riding ln^» train, began sneering at a young mother's awkwardness in holding a fretting baby, says London Opinion. "I declare," she snorted, "a woman ought never to have a baby until she knows how to hold it" "Not a tongue, either," calmly responded the worried young mother. much* trouble. Early training in life taught us to "Give the divil his dues," Xhat's Qur motto. Seems fair. ^ s n *H -- Last Sunday's ball game brought out a good bunch of fans and some spirited rootjng took place in the stands. • . _ s *1 *H --' . Alderman Buss was right iii the looked good a couple of weeks. ago against the same team, but the intense heat got the best of him. -- S * I * H -- From the increased attendance at games and enthusiasm shown, it looks like McHenry fans are serious about wanting a ball team. ' , -- S M '• H -- Vale Adams, in competition with Clarence Anderson, Harry Anderson, and Harry Conway, won the right Tuesday afternoon to enter the conimiddle of the argument or arguments.' Caddy Tournament sponsored by A brave man! He argued with the the Chicago Herald & Examiner. The lady fans from" Volo right up to the I four low qualifiers in this event will finish.*. | travel to New York for further eow- 1 petition. S #r*H -- Guess the girls told him a thinj^ or two about baseball and Fords. -- S *1 *H -- 7' Well, it was all in fun and eveirybody had a good time. • _ s n *H -- ; "Spots" Thurlwell shut out the Volo boys, allowing only six hits and striking out eleven men. Quite some pitcher. 'Vv.' . -- S *1 *H --" ' -- S * I * H t'-S: We hear some nice reports on McHenry's caddies, both in their ability to play golf and in their courtesy in helping others play golf. ... . -- S * I *.H -- ° Carl Thorsell reports that the Guy Bush Gassers from Chicago are coming out >o play the Volo team next Sunday. Katz and Thorsell will form the Volo battery. ' -- S * I * H -- ' Coach Reed has left Camp Minocqua, Wis., where he has been teach- The whole team looked smooth. Manager Walt Freund expected to use all of his players, but didn't dare ing horse back riding and is now at break up the "tombination when they t tending a coaches school at Bemidji, were" going good. It's often bad luck Minn. Fritz Chrisler of Princeton, in baseball. -- S * I • H -- George Larkin was suited up with the All Stars. Haven't seen George play much lately, but W« biranJ „ lu powerful enough to drive that ball a therc (< ^ b>st,ron„M NOT THAT KIND "Do you think De Beat will ever wipe out his debt?" "No, even though he Is a big sponge." AMDfRSOtTS WOOOSTOCK MILLER 225 Reasons To Enjoy the Shows Friday and Saturday FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, ONLY "HALF ANGEL" SATURDAY. AUG. 29, ONLY "THREE WISE GUYS ' SUNDAY -- MONDAY AUGUST 30 - 31 W. C. FIELDS l» '"POPPY" March of Time -- Color C&rtoon News Sunday Only -- Klemime Organlogue -- Margaret O'Brien, Guest Artist SPECIAL! Thnrsday, September 3, Only Fall Fashion Show on Stage Living Models -- Men and Ladies Sponsored by CRONIN STYLE SHOP and CONWAY^S ~ Robert. Hoff, with his boat, "Tornado." Jules Gonseth with "Lummox" and the Mueller Brothers with their speedy little craft, "Lorelei IV," represented the Pistakee Yacht Club a,t the Inland Lakes Yachting association ; annual regatta _for the - national championship at Lake Mendota, Madison, Wis., last week. With stormy weather, . plenty of wind and high waves in addition to new starts tried by the judges thfe contestants met many difficulties and only eight boats out of a fleet of f»i ty-eight entries went through without being disqualified. The young men from Pistakee Bay returned home Jat£ Saturday after an eventful week at Madison. Mutual Earnest little Johnny sat watching his mother who was busily ironing. Out of a silence came this surprising question: . y : "Mother, do you 'predate me?" "Of course, sonny. Why do you i;9k that?" "Well, I 'predate you," was his reply.-- Indianapolis News. SPRING GROVE TO CELEBRATE CENTENNIAL The community of Spring Grove and Burton Township, have selected Labor Day, September 7, as Centennial and Home Coming Day. Plans for the celebration include an interesting historical exhibit, band cencert, speeches, and an all day program of sports and games. There will be plenty of entertainment for old and young and a basket lunch at noon. On the preceding Sunday afternoon, September 6, a meeting is planned at | which descendants of pioneer famili ies will gather with their friends to i talk over old times and hear "recalled the story of early days. Those having relics or antiques which they are willing to exhibit are urged to get in touch with some member of the following committee: Mrs. •Ada Carr, Mrs. Grace Burton, Mrs. Alice Hatch McDougal, Mrs. Gertrude Burger and Miss Grace Carey. Exhibits will be carefully safeguarded. The Interview "Did you tell the janitor we'd move if he didn't sen<3 up more heat?" asked Mr. Meekton's wife. "I did. He seemed perfectly reconciled to the idea of our moving, and. in fact, went so far as to suggest a destination that would render all com plaint of deficient heat quite tinneces sary." mile. -- S *1 *Hv-- . Wally Smith has had three hits in each of the last three games. Handles himself nicely around first bas^ too. -- S *1 *H -- Ted Wieman and Everrett Dean of Indiana University are teaching there. -- S • I • H -- Answer To Last Week's Question It is a balk. However, the batter i is not to be sent to first base, and as there is no OLE OLSON RETURNS TO ROUND LAKE MAT; MEETS BOBBY BRUNS • Ole Olson, 238 pound Swedish heavy weight wrestling champion, returns •to Lake County after almost a years absence, to give young Bob Brur.s, sensational blonde adonis, one <-f the j toughest' tests' of _his entire career Friday night, August 28, in the Rfiund Lake Open-Aic Arena in. a match to the finish a? the main event of the sixth all-star program of the summer season. : /•-' : Bruns, wjuo is stiriV^hcf" ufidfer the collar" because of the. raw deal he received in his recent match-with Jim McAIillen, is out to avenge this defeat and prove that he is the rightful number one claimant to world title honors. Local mat fans are still, talking about*. > the recent 'McMiilen-Bruns match with' opinions divided as to- who the better mai> really is. , , s ^ Olson was ""the -first chOfiue local matchmaker for a" rriatch with Pa^e Five office attractions in the JEast. Ii Bruns he will be facing a tartar «a4K -3 may find the going tougher than r expects. This match will mark thi# . » pan s second meeting, as they grappl| d to a thrilling thirty-itnnute ^Ira* last sununer at Round Lake A brilliant semi-windup go that rtiay • " overshadow the great ^main event brines together that spectacular giaat tackle from the Chicago Bears, R^ ^ : Richards, and-'the former amatjeitt: - . chanlpioh of the United States, And#^.'-: Rascher, of Indiana U. Rascher, who held Fred Grobmier to a thirty mia* " ' ute draw at Round Lake last Friday, ' " is one of the most scientific rr.atmen in the sport and is, becoming one of t " the most popular athletes t# appear'. • ' ' at Round Lake. Richards, who bias* ': pd his name into local sporting his- ' ' ' tory by pinning Hans Bauer in thai record time •'£ 44 seconds and complet-' ing the season at ^ftotinjl Lake unda- >-' ••X'aft'd will furnish ^Rascher with th.o|;cbm'petiti'&'n-- he; can handle. 4. T>\vo clAssjl,: p0.1i^irAQ*.;'boul«-i •- - . . . r « r . . - - -- • - - - - - -t ^ ,... , a. . , *he progi-an-,;. with silctv.-men as Bobby >hen' McMillen flatly refusal! Pat Murphy, Phil Gruber and othens. " ' ' to meet up Avith the "blonde husky for) pitted .'.agaiti"?*-.'-'-'^©^^ bpponent^ ^-- : ^ a return sptup'. Ole is the bngi^ltir ' Tickets .a* usual will .geil- -f-'i-.SOs $1,00 ..phisi, tax;^^ and'ladies ait agaim invited' fa attend tree of charge with " and greatest exponent of the jaw ci-\, geek-cracking, Swedish face- Icck, and is one.of th greatest box- their.gentleman escorts'. 10NA BRAND CORN, SPINACH GREEN BEANS OR TOMATOES 3 ""29 CAMPBELL'S PORK & BEANS 41ca^zS 22c BY THE CASE OF 24 $125 ANN PAGE Apple Sauce EVAPORATED White Hoase __ Jvellogg's Com Flakes, M29c 4 can!' 27c S-«z. pkg. , BABY HADDOCK! Rsh Fillets 7c 2LB8.27C FULL STANDARD QUALITY TOMATOES DICED CARROTS PEAS. BEETS AND MIXED VEGETABLES 3sn2J BY THE CASE <1 <K OF 24 base to be awarded. The ball is dead because a balk is made. . -- S * I • H -- This Week's Question Pitcher is standing on the plate. Runner' on third plays off. Pitcher The Fox Lake team will be here this steps directly toward third base to Sunday. There seems to be quite a throw the ball but does not dor so, rivalry between the two teams, even simply making a motion. Is this a if it is good natured. As the famous balk? Mrs. O'Leary once said, "There'll be NOTICE On Sept. I, at Town Clerk's office in held a hot time in the old town TWIT«- t,-a1k. e~ :it, S a^llll 1 bwackk . • TmhaitW daJrnj ' ^est McHenry at ? P- ™-. wil the semi-ahnual- meeting "V knock-knock stuff is getting us, just put a few to music. -- S • I • S --: Mini lIIC s,;mi"annuai meeting oTsJown Auditors of the Townships of McHen "Knock, knock." '"Who's there?" "Howard." ; v ! "Howard who?" "Howard you like to take a Walk- _ S •' I • H -- "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" 1 "Walsh (Jim)." "Walsh who 1" ry in County of McHenry, State of niinois. » U. J. WALSH, 14 Town Clerk. Sananas, lb Cauliflower, 2 heads 25c Celery. 3 stalks Tomatoes, lb. 5c Seedless Gr&pes, 2 lbs. Pc Yukon Ginger Ale, Root Beer and Ass'd. Beverages, 4 24-oz. bot- .tles • • 25c GRANULATED SOAP Rinso 2 3 cakk 10c QUEST SIZE Ivory Soap •6?»«»25* FOR LAUNORYJ ' Ajax Soap 10**~35c TOILET SOA^ Lux . FOOD STORES One Mother-in-Law Ea*«ffh "So Tom's done gone an' married his first* wife's ^ster. Wonder what he done that for?" "Well, the boys down to the store was sayin' the main reason be did it was because be didn't want to break In a second mother-in-law."^Capper's Weekly. Modern Improvement Challenged • "The typewriter is a great invention," remarked the postmaster. "I dunno whether It Is or not," re* plied Farmer Corntossel. "I dunno whether these fellers would make their speeches near so long if they had t" sit down an' write 'em by hand. An even if they dfd they wouldn't be able to use words any bigger'n they knew how to spell." 4<Walsh me around again Rosie;" • _ S • I * H -- "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "O'Shea." • "O'Shea who?" "O'Shea can you see?" -- S • ""Knock, knock." "Who's there?" „ . V . "Jus ten-.-- Fkiodttler Want Ads brine GLENN, BIDWELL AND GREEN HERE SEPTEMBER 4TH Otis F. Glenn, candidate on the Republican ticket for United States Senator; A. J. Bidwell, Republican candidate for state auditor and Representative LeRoy Green of Rockford, are scheduled to visit McHenry on Friday, Sept. 4, at 2 p. m. They will speak at a meeting in Woodstock ; «t evening of Sept. 3. i"--',". -. . "Justen who ? " "Justen old-fashfott^ •/ _ s * i • H ' "Knock, knock." . Who's there?" "Weber." ; . j,, _ . "Weber who?" "Weber you go, whatever you do." -- is * I.* H -- "Big-hearted John" Karls went to town with the kids last week when h£ dished out treats free of all charge. Don't know what that's going to do to Johnnie's famous "overhead," but; let's leave / that problem to Doctor Wells and "Red" Winkel. They handle all those problems. V . ' . -- s * I * H -- • In last week's box score of the Mc- Henr>--Fox Lake game, somebody got an "E" in the column where "A" belongs. Looked like a! flock of errors instead of assists. Guess we had; better take the blame ourselves, ' -- S * I * H -- "Petie" Schaefer says he had two double in one game last week and the scorekeeper didn't give him credit. Maybe the shock was too great for the scorekeeper. Guess that'll hold the big bully for a while! , -- S » I * H Two of our readers have brought our attention) to the following notice that appeared in the Woodstock Sentinel recently: All Fat men who are going to Johnsburg to play ball Sunday are requested to meet at the drinking fountain on the square in Woodstock at 2 o'clock share." They KNOCKABOUT SPORTS FOR WOMEN AND ; ^ BIG GIRLS Stylish enough for dress. Sturdy enough for wear. Leather sole -- Goodyear stitched in black or brown uppers, perforated AO and stitched with H MX underlay, bringing out graceful lines. Misses' sizes .. 1 $1-79 Men's and! Boys' DRESS OXFORDS With soft pliable uppers, extra heavy stitched and strong composition out soles that will outwear two pair of good leather soles. REAL SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS :|,98 Stylish Serviceable With Loather Sole*. Goody*ar W«ita .45 LACE-TO-TOE TENNIS For Men and Boy* With quality air cooled duck ui ; tough Hve rubber eolts. Strong side stays, ankle patch and cxtn* - kaavy buro-per strip BIG GIRLS' ALL WHITE 69c . 89c Misses' and Children's STRAPS & OXFORDS In Crome I'attjnt, Gun Mt;aT iviul Soft Elk Leather. Scientiticany ccrrett eho«s at popular pricas. Strong le.ather insoles. Moisture proof double vearing out soles. Some With Oak Sole* Size* 3 to S---syt to IX 12 Vs to 2 Misses' and Children's me?AL BOOTS Soft p l i a b l e uppers, sturdy oak tanned leather soles. %• Sixes 91 121. to 2 *, GRIMSRUD sSHOES Popp's Shoe Store Full Line of Ladies' and Men's Hosiery Main St. Tel. 162 West McHenry

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